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#1 Nov 04 2008 at 6:16 AM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Dont know if you guys have seen this yet but here you go
Patch 3.0.3
- Removed “A Mask for All Occasions” as criteria for the “Hallowed
Be thy Name” meta achievement.
- Replenishment: Players below level 50 can now benefit from this
- Resilience: The damage reduction component of resilience has been
increased from 2 times the critical strike chance reduction to 2.2
times the critical strike chance reduction. In addition, the maximum
damage reduction to a critical strike from resilience has been
increased from 30% to 33%.

- Blood Fury: No longer triggers global cooldown.
- Shadowmeld: The cooldown will now start on use instead of on break.

- Druid talents points have been refunded. Players will need to visit
a class trainer to relearn spells and abilities.
- The Swift Flight Form is now available on the trainer at level 71,
requiring 300 riding skill, and Flight Form learned.
- Bash: The interrupt from this ability will now work on targets that
are immune to the stun.
- Berserk: Now clears the cooldown on Mangle Bear.
- Earth and Moon and Moonfury (Balance) reduced from 5 ranks each to 3
ranks each.
- Eclipse: Buff duration extended to 15 sec and bonuses doubled. The
cooldown has been increased to 40 seconds.
- Growl: Cooldown changed to 8 sec.
- Insect Swarm: Tooltip corrected to indicate it does not affect hit
chance with spells.
- Moonkin: Only single target spell critical strikes can trigger the
mana gain from this talent.
- Nature’s Swiftness: This ability will no longer give chances to
trigger Omen of Clarity.
- Omen of Clarity: Will no longer be triggered by the Honorless Target
buff gained when entering the world.
- Survival Instincts will no longer be on the Global Cooldown.
- Swiftmend: now benefits correctly from Genesis talent.
- Tiger’s Fury: Ranks 5 and 6 have had their damage bonus decreased.

- Aimed Shot: Added to Barrage and Improved Barrage talent.
- Animal Handler: Now increases your pet’s expertise by 5/10. (No
longer increases the pet’s chance to hit.)
- Aspects now have a shared cooldown category of 1 sec and no longer
have a start cooldown.
- Aspect of the Dragonhawk: New aspect added that combines the benefit
of Aspect of the Monkey and Aspect of the Hawk, available at level
75 and 80.
- Aspect of the Monkey: The Dodge chance has been increased from 8% to
- Aspect of the Viper: The per attack mana regeneration has been
reduced by 50% but this ability now generates 4% of maximum mana
every 3 sec. In addition, the per attack regeneration now also works
on melee attacks.
- Disengage now fails if you’re rooted and is no longer on the global
cooldown.Cooldown reduced to 25 seconds and no longer requires a
target, though the hunter has to be in combat.
- Hunter vs. Wild: The attack power bonus from this talent now applies
properly to Hunter pets. In addition, the bonus attack power will
now be recalculated properly from equipping items.
- Improved Aspect of the Hawk: This talent no longer causes incorrect
mana costs when interacting with the Rapid Recuperation and Improved
Steady Shot talents.
- Mana cost of Disengage has been lowered to 5% of base mana, down from
- Pets
Rake (Cat), Scorpid Poison (Scorpid): Lowered damage of all ranks.
Stampede (Rhino): Lowered the knockback to 10 yards.
Raised the damage of exotic attacks: Spirit Strike, Lava Breath,
Froststorm Breath, Acid Spit, and Stampede.
Lowered the cost of pet specials from 25 to 20.
- Thrill of the Hunt: The mana gained from using this talent with
Explosive Shot is now 1/3 of the normal amount per critical strike
(but gets 3 opportunities per cast.)
- T.N.T.: Explosive Shot can now only trigger this talent when it is
initially fired.
- Windfury Totem and Improved Icy Talons no longer affect ranged haste.

- Arcane Potency: The additional crit bonus is now consumed immediately
on cast of a travel time spell, so it is no longer possible to make
two spells benefit from one charge. (Ex. Fireball followed by
- Blast Wave: no longer receives double the intended critical strike
bonus from Combustion.
- Burnout: Now consumes extra mana as intended when Living Bomb gets
a critical strike.
- Brain Freeze: Now only frost spells that can chill can trigger the
mana gain from this talent.
- Cold as Ice: No longer reduces the cooldown on Deep Freeze.
- Deep Freeze: Now consumes a charge of Fingers of Frost when used.
- Focus Magic: Now works properly when mages with this talent use the
ability on each other.
- Frostfire Bolt: The periodic damage effect from Rank 2 of this spell
now benefits from spell power gains.
- Living Bomb: Mana cost reduced to be the same as Arcane Explosion. It
no longer causes the caster to stand up when the final explosion
occurs and it is now possible for each mage to have Living Bomb
active on a target.
- Master of Elements: Now works with Living Bomb.
- Molten Fury: This talent no longer prevents Ice Lance ranks 2 and 3
from dealing triple damage against frozen targets.
- Reduced the mana cost of Fireball, Frostbolt, Frostfire Bolt, Arcane
Blast, Arcane Missiles, and Arcane Explosion.
- Torment the Weak: Now works correctly when the Mage also knows the
Molten Fury Talent.

- Art of War: No longer increases critical strike damage on Judgements,
Crusader Strike, and Divine Storm, instead increases all damage done
by those abilities by a smaller amount.
- The Avenger’s Shield bounce distance has been reduced to 10 yards
(from 15).
- The epic ground mount is now available on the trainer at level 61,
requiring 150 riding skill, and the non-epic mount learned.
- Blessing of Might: Rank 8 points increased slightly to prevent from
being overwritten by Battle Shout 8 that has a shorter duration (also
applies to Greater Blessing of Might 3.)
- Blessing of Sanctuary: It is no longer possible to have both Blessing
of Sanctuary and Greater Blessing of Sanctuary active on a target at
the same time.
- Crusade: No longer applies damage bonus twice to critical strikes.
- Divine Plea: This spell’s duration is no longer affected by haste.
- Divine Purpose: Rank 1 of this ability will now correctly determine
its chance of remove stun.
- Enlightened Judgments now increases range by 15/30 (was 10/20).
- Eye for an Eye: No longer breaks crowd control effects.
- Hammer of Justice: The interrupt from this ability will also be
redirected when the stun is redirected. In addition, the interrupt
will now work on targets immune to stun.
- Hammer of the Righteous: Tooltip corrected to indicate it does 4
times weapon dps instead of 3.
- Hammer of Wrath: Now can’t be used until the target is below 20%
- Infusion of Light (Holy) now affects Flash of Light too, reducing its
cast time down to zero and can be used while moving.
- Judgements: The debuffs from Judgement of Light, Judgement of Wisdom,
and Judgement of Justice will no longer be applied if the Judgement
spell itself misses.
- Judgements of the Pure: Haste increased to 3/6/9/12/15%.
- Judgements of the Wise: Mana gained reduced from 33% to 15% of base
- Judgement of Wisdom: Mana gained reduced to 1% of maximum mana and
proc frequency cut by 50%.
- Repentance PvP duration reduced to 6 sec.
- Righteous Defense cooldown has been lowered to 8 sec (was 15 sec).
- Righteous Vengeance: No longer increases critical strike damage on
Judgements and Divine Storm, instead applies a DoT effect similar to
Deep Wounds.
- Seal of the Martyr: Tooltip for Judgement damage was incorrect and
has been fixed.
- Sheath of Light: Now correctly benefits Judgements of Command, Blood,
and The Martyr.
- Shield of the Templar now also reduces all damage taken by 1/2/3%.

- Binding Heal: Now only consumes one charge of Holy Concentration per
- Borrowed Time: Charge no longer consumed by spells with a base cast
time that is instant.
- Devouring Plague: The bonus coefficient has been increased to be on
par with other DoT spells. Base damage on ranks 7,8,and 9 decreased
to partially compensate for better scaling.
- Divine Providence: This talent now also reduces the cooldown of your
Prayer of Mending spell by 6/12/18/24/30%. With 5 points applied, it
takes Prayer of Mending’s cooldown from 10 sec to 7 sec.
- Divine Spirit: Now can be refreshed properly on self after logging in
and out or zoning. (Also applies to Prayer of Spirit.)
- Guardian Spirit: A target may now have only one Guardian Spirit
- Healing Focus: Now works properly with Penance.
- Improved Divine Spirit: No longer improves Divine Spirit after
untalenting sometimes.
- Inner Focus: Now works properly with Mind Flay, Mind Sear, and
- Prayer of Spirit: Will no longer stack with other raid spell power
- Shadowform: Devouring Plague, Shadow Word:Pain, and Vampiric Touch
cast in Shadowform deal increased damage percentage equal to the
player’s chance to get a spell crit on their target.
- Shadow Word:Death: The self-damage from this spell can no longer be
reflected or redirected.
- Vampiric Touch: The Spell power coefficient has been doubled and no
longer triggers Replenishment when other priests cast Mind Blast.

- Combat Potency: Now only works with auto attacks (no more Shiv.)
- Fan of Knives changed to be castable with no targets, further
improved the visual affect and it no longer plays an impact on the
caster.Now benefits correctly from the Find Weakness talent.Cooldown
reduced to 10 sec.
- Killing Spree: Instead of making the rogue untargetable, now causes
all players to lose targeting on the rogue and the rogue to be
unstoppable during its duration.
- Riposte: Duration of this effect no longer reduced by other effects
that reduce disarm duration.
- Shadow Dance: The cooldowns on Sap, Garrotte, Ambush, Cheap Shot,
Premeditation, Pickpocket, and Disarm Trap are no longer increased
while this ability is activated.

- Bloodthirst: Percentage of damage from attack power raised from 45%
to 50%.
- Flurry: Now grants the proper number of charges when it triggers.
- Improved Fire Nova Totem: Increases the damage done by your Fire Nova
Totem by 10/20% and your Fire Nova totem has a 50/100% chance to stun
all targets damaged by your Fire nova Totem for 2 sec.
- Lava Burst: The base damage has been increased by approx. 10%.
- Maelstrom Weapon: Tooltips corrected to correctly describe the chance
for this talent to be triggered.
- Riptide: The initial heal amount has been increased on ranks 3 and 4
and periodic healing has been increased on all ranks.
- Stormstrike: Other shamans can no longer consume charges of your
Stormstrike, and each shaman can have their own stormstrike on the
- Storm Reach is now called “Elemental Reach” and now includes Lava
- Thunderstorm: Mana gain has been increased to 8%.
- Tidal Mastery: Now correctly applies its critical strike bonus to
Earth Shield.
- Tidal Waves will now also proc with Riptide.

- The epic ground mount is now available on the trainer at level 61,
requiring 150 riding skill, and the non-epic mount learned.
- Demonic Sacrifice: The buffs from this ability will now be retained
properly when logging out or zoning.
- Demonic Empowerment: This talent no longer gives excessive threat to
the Warlock’s Voidwalker and is no longer on the global cooldown.
- Demonic Tactics: Increased the critical strike bonus for both the
Warlock and pet.
- Destructive Reach: Now properly reduces threat on Chaos Bolt and
- Drain Soul: Rank 6 now properly deals additional damage to targets
below 25% health.
- Emberstorm: Increased the fire damage bonus.
- Haunt: The cooldown has been changed to 8 sec, and refreshing the
Haunt will trigger the heal from the existing Haunt.This ability will
no longer heal for incorrect amounts or fail to heal when the Haunt
damage was the killing blow.
- Inferno: The Infernal is now useable indoors and the tooltip has
been updated.
- Master Demonologist (Felhunter) will now also reduce damage taken by
- Ritual of Doom: Now works correctly even when the Warlock already has
a pet (dismissed the existing pet.)
- Shadowflame: Damaged increased approx. 75%. Coefficients unchanged.
- Shadow Embrace: Now works on ranks 1-4 and stacks properly with
multiple applications.
- Shadow Mastery: Increased the shadow damage bonus.
- Soul Link (Demonology): Increased from 15% to 20%.

- Armored to the Teeth: Grants only attack power(as intended) and
recalculates the bonus immediately upon learning any rank of the
- Bladestorm: Now breaks all snares and roots on the warrior when
- Bloodthirst: Cooldown reduced to 5 sec. Percentage of damage from
attack power raised from 45% to 50%.
- Deep Wounds: Now works properly with Heroic Throw.
- Heroic Throw: No longer gains increased damage from the warrior’s
- Improved Rend changed to 10/20%.
- Rampage: Can now be triggered by off-hand Whirlwind damage.
- Rend: Damage has been adjusted to be less base and more weapon based.
- Rend: Ranks 9 and 10 now do 35% more damage when the target is above
75% health instead of 4 times damage when the target is enraged.
Sudden Death: Now has 3/6/9% chance on hit instead of 10/20/30%
chance on crit.
- Titan’s Grip: Changed to 5% penalty.
- Vigilance: Now properly transfers threat generated by heals.

- The level requirements required to train gathering skills have been
- Alchemy
Reduced the effect of Elixir of Mongoose and Elixir of Major Agility.
- Inscription
Glyph of Crusader Strike: Now reduces mana cost by 20% instead of
increase damage on stunned and incapacitated targets.
Glyph of Flame Shock: Now extends duration by 6 sec and prevents
Flame Shock from being consumed by Lava Burst.
Glyph of Lava: Glyph of Earth Elemental removed and replaced with
this glyph. This glyph increases coefficient on Lava Burst by 0.1.
Glyph of Mind Flay: Now sets snare to 10% instead of removing it.
Glyph of Rejuvenation: Now works correctly when the target is not
Glyph of Shiv: Replaced with Glyph of Vigor, which increases maximum
energy by an additional 10 for those with the Vigor talent.
Glyph of Shadow: Glyph of Mind Soothe removed and replaced with this
glyph. This glyph increases spell power by 10% of spirit for 10 sec
after critting while in Shadowform.
Glyph of Shadow Word: Pain: Increases damage done by Mind Flay when
SW:P is present by 10%.
Glyph of Sinister Strike: Chance increased to 50%.
Glyph of Souls no longer removes soul shard cost. It instead reduces
the mana cost of your Ritual of Souls spell by 70%.
Glyph of Spirit of Redemption: Tooltip corrected to 4 sec. extra when
the glyph triggers.
Glyph of Strength of Earth: Replaced with Glyph of Lava Lash, which
increases the bonus from having Flametongue Weapon by 10%.
Glyph of Trueshot Aura: Now increases Aimed Shot crit chance instead
of increasing attack power bonus.
Glyph of Totem of Wrath: Replaced with Glyph of Elemental Mastery,
which decreases the cooldown on Elemental Mastery by 30 sec.

User Interface
- For additional notes on Lua and XML changes please visit the UI &
Macros Forum

- The war against spelling errors continues: many items have had typos
removed or their functionality clarified.
- The item quality on several quest rewards was incorrect and has been
- The phoenix summoned by Ashes of Al’ar has had his flame trails
- Guardian’s Band of Subjugation now correctly grants universal
- Girdle of the Warrior Magi now has a socket bonus.
- Some one-hand spell power weapons are now main hand only.
- Heart of the Dragon should now provide a consistent amount of Ranged
Attack Power.
- Loatheb’s Shadow should now provide a consistent amount of Ranged
Attack Power.
- Spirit-World Glass now correctly has a cooldown.
- Discerning Eye of the Beast procs should now be more obvious.
- Focusing Lenses now have a cooldown.
- The Horseman’s Reins should again function in Dalaran.
- Haute Club Membership Card no longer prompts players to open it.
- The buff granted by Frenzyheart Insignia of Fury now has a correct
- Harness of Carnal Instinct no longer has bonus armor.
- Boots of the Protector have been brought in line with protection
paladin itemization changes.
- A tooltip error in the Glyph of Sprint has been corrected.
- Grilled Sculpin now correctly grants Ranged Attack Power.
- Libram of Souls Redeemed should now only affect Holy Light.
- Legacy items that had both melee and spell critical strike rating
have been integrated to the unified rating.
- Held in hand books created by Inscription are now Bind on Equip
rather than Bind on Pickup.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that was affecting terrain rendering on GeForce 3 and
4 Ti cards. Those that added the command Set fixedfunction 1 to their file should remove it to avoid a decrease in performance.
- Glyph of Rupture: The tooltip has been corrected.
- Druid: Omen of Clarity now has a reduced chance to be triggered by
- Hunter: Ferocious Inspiration will now apply raid-wide, as intended.
- Hunter Pets
Sonic Blast (Bat): Will no longer ignore LoS.
Bad Attitude (Croc): Will no longer ignore the Longevity buff.
Thunderstomp (Gorilla): Will no longer have a physical coefficient
instead of a magical one.
Gore (Bore): Fixed an issue where a wrong value was being applied.
Savage Rend: Corrected typos in the tooltip.
- Mage: Burning Determination will now work properly.
- Mage: Living Bomb’s “explosion effect” will now be properly
- Paladin: Judgement of Wisdom: Fixed a bug allowing one copy on target
per paladin.
- Paladin: Judgement of Light: Fixed a bug allowing one copy on target
per paladin.
- Priest: Holy Reach (Rank 2) will now increase the radius of Divine
Hymn properly.
- Priest: Inner Focus will now properly increase the critical strike
chance of the talent Penance.
- Rogue: Deadly Poison Rank 8 will now do less damage than Rank 9.
- Shaman: Totem of Wrath tooltip updated to reflect that it affects all
crit chance and indicate that it increases Spell Power (instead of
just damage).
Experts, what are youre thoughts on the hunter stuff?
#2 Nov 04 2008 at 6:32 AM Rating: Good
Exotic pets buffed, Cats nerfed. Is 51 point BM suddenly more attractive?
#3 Nov 04 2008 at 6:42 AM Rating: Good
NorthAI the Hand wrote:
Exotic pets buffed, Cats nerfed. Is 51 point BM suddenly more attractive?

Perhaps from lvl 71 onwards ;)

Currently I believe focus starved exotics will still be worse than a cat with enough focus.
#4 Nov 04 2008 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
807 posts
/cry, my favourite potion, elixir of major agility, was nerfed.
#5 Nov 04 2008 at 8:41 AM Rating: Good
377 posts
- Heart of the Dragon should now provide a consistent amount of Ranged
Attack Power.

#6 Nov 04 2008 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
830 posts
I think 51BM in the low 70's is less about the exotic buff and more about what you lose to get to there.

It might become more viable after 73 when you have those extra points to toss into it. Then again, you have to look at what the other specs might be able to pull off with the same points...

9 days folks...
#7 Nov 04 2008 at 9:02 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
Thunderstomp (Gorilla): Will no longer have a physical coefficient
instead of a magical one.

This sounds interesting--I haven't done much with my gorilla yet though, so I have no idea whether this particular change is good, bad, or indifferent. Anyone with a bit more knowledge of how things work want to explain to me?

(Yes, I realize I should just understand all this stuff, but I am not good at figuring out that kind of thing. Me hunter. Me shoot stuff good. Kitty!)
#8 Nov 04 2008 at 10:03 AM Rating: Good
1,047 posts
isyris wrote:
Thunderstomp (Gorilla): Will no longer have a physical coefficient
instead of a magical one.

This sounds interesting--I haven't done much with my gorilla yet though, so I have no idea whether this particular change is good, bad, or indifferent. Anyone with a bit more knowledge of how things work want to explain to me?

(Yes, I realize I should just understand all this stuff, but I am not good at figuring out that kind of thing. Me hunter. Me shoot stuff good. Kitty!)

Your pets get some spellpower based off your RAP - can't remember exact numbers and can't log in atm obviously, but I believe it comes out to a little bit of a nerf to Thunderstomp (depending on what values they use for the coefficient and whatnot).

Also, I plan on starting off 51/10/0 for Northrend if nothing else just so that I don't have to switch pets midstream (have my eye on a worm for leveling). The 4 extra pet skill points for Tenacity skill goodness (so much cool stuff there like Last Stand and Intervene) are appealing for leveling as well.
#9 Nov 04 2008 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
500 posts
Theophastus wrote:
isyris wrote:
Thunderstomp (Gorilla): Will no longer have a physical coefficient
instead of a magical one.

This sounds interesting--I haven't done much with my gorilla yet though, so I have no idea whether this particular change is good, bad, or indifferent. Anyone with a bit more knowledge of how things work want to explain to me?

(Yes, I realize I should just understand all this stuff, but I am not good at figuring out that kind of thing. Me hunter. Me shoot stuff good. Kitty!)

Your pets get some spellpower based off your RAP - can't remember exact numbers and can't log in atm obviously, but I believe it comes out to a little bit of a nerf to Thunderstomp (depending on what values they use for the coefficient and whatnot).

Also, I plan on starting off 51/10/0 for Northrend if nothing else just so that I don't have to switch pets midstream (have my eye on a worm for leveling). The 4 extra pet skill points for Tenacity skill goodness (so much cool stuff there like Last Stand and Intervene) are appealing for leveling as well.

I certainly hope it's not a huge nerf. I have no idea about values and coefficients. I don't have a head for it so I generally come here to be informed by those who are able to do the math.

If it is a nerf I'd be a bit ticked. The pet is situation in itself .. not going to be in any raids, or pvp for that matter. It's just a damn fun pet to have and if they've taken away that fun factor I will be pissed.
#10 Nov 04 2008 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
Aspect of the Dragonhawk: New aspect added that combines the benefit
of Aspect of the Monkey and Aspect of the Hawk, available at level
75 and 80.

This seems interesting and odd to me at the same time. So essentially we get a buff to our RAP as well as better dodge abilities?
#11 Nov 04 2008 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
colarbear wrote:

- Aimed Shot: Added to Barrage and Improved Barrage talent.
- Animal Handler: Now increases your pet’s expertise by 5/10. (No
longer increases the pet’s chance to hit.)
- Aspects now have a shared cooldown category of 1 sec and no longer
have a start cooldown.
- Aspect of the Dragonhawk: New aspect added that combines the benefit
of Aspect of the Monkey and Aspect of the Hawk, available at level
75 and 80.
- Aspect of the Monkey: The Dodge chance has been increased from 8% to
- Aspect of the Viper: The per attack mana regeneration has been
reduced by 50% but this ability now generates 4% of maximum mana
every 3 sec. In addition, the per attack regeneration now also works
on melee attacks.
- Disengage now fails if you’re rooted and is no longer on the global
cooldown.Cooldown reduced to 25 seconds and no longer requires a
target, though the hunter has to be in combat.
- Hunter vs. Wild: The attack power bonus from this talent now applies
properly to Hunter pets. In addition, the bonus attack power will
now be recalculated properly from equipping items.
- Improved Aspect of the Hawk: This talent no longer causes incorrect
mana costs when interacting with the Rapid Recuperation and Improved
Steady Shot talents.
- Mana cost of Disengage has been lowered to 5% of base mana, down from
- Pets
Rake (Cat), Scorpid Poison (Scorpid): Lowered damage of all ranks.
Stampede (Rhino): Lowered the knockback to 10 yards.
Raised the damage of exotic attacks: Spirit Strike, Lava Breath,
Froststorm Breath, Acid Spit, and Stampede.
Lowered the cost of pet specials from 25 to 20.
- Thrill of the Hunt: The mana gained from using this talent with
Explosive Shot is now 1/3 of the normal amount per critical strike
(but gets 3 opportunities per cast.)
- T.N.T.: Explosive Shot can now only trigger this talent when it is
initially fired.
- Windfury Totem and Improved Icy Talons no longer affect ranged haste.

- Judgement of Wisdom: Mana gained reduced to 1% of maximum mana and
proc frequency cut by 50%.

- Alchemy
Reduced the effect of Elixir of Mongoose and Elixir of Major Agility.

- Inscription
Glyph of Trueshot Aura: Now increases Aimed Shot crit chance instead
of increasing attack power bonus.

Bug Fixes
- Hunter: Ferocious Inspiration will now apply raid-wide, as intended.
- Hunter Pets
Sonic Blast (Bat): Will no longer ignore LoS.
Bad Attitude (Croc): Will no longer ignore the Longevity buff.
Thunderstomp (Gorilla): Will no longer have a physical coefficient
instead of a magical one.
Gore (Bore): Fixed an issue where a wrong value was being applied.
Savage Rend: Corrected typos in the tooltip.

There's JUST the stuff that effects hunters.

I'm happy about FI being raid-wide as it should be.
Not sure about the changes to Gorillas. My gut feeling is that thunderstomp will be nerfed. Hopefully, it will still be a viable playstyle.
Aspect of the Viper sucks.
Judgement of Wisdom was needed, but hopefully isn't overboard.
Glyph of Trueshot aura is like... "Wha...?"
#12 Nov 04 2008 at 3:29 PM Rating: Default
So what? All of a sudden were back to being the low classes on the totem poll. >.>
#13 Nov 04 2008 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
wildsimian wrote:
Theophastus wrote:
isyris wrote:
Thunderstomp (Gorilla): Will no longer have a physical coefficient
instead of a magical one.

This sounds interesting--I haven't done much with my gorilla yet though, so I have no idea whether this particular change is good, bad, or indifferent. Anyone with a bit more knowledge of how things work want to explain to me?

(Yes, I realize I should just understand all this stuff, but I am not good at figuring out that kind of thing. Me hunter. Me shoot stuff good. Kitty!)

Your pets get some spellpower based off your RAP - can't remember exact numbers and can't log in atm obviously, but I believe it comes out to a little bit of a nerf to Thunderstomp (depending on what values they use for the coefficient and whatnot).

Also, I plan on starting off 51/10/0 for Northrend if nothing else just so that I don't have to switch pets midstream (have my eye on a worm for leveling). The 4 extra pet skill points for Tenacity skill goodness (so much cool stuff there like Last Stand and Intervene) are appealing for leveling as well.

I certainly hope it's not a huge nerf. I have no idea about values and coefficients. I don't have a head for it so I generally come here to be informed by those who are able to do the math.

If it is a nerf I'd be a bit ticked. The pet is situation in itself .. not going to be in any raids, or pvp for that matter. It's just a damn fun pet to have and if they've taken away that fun factor I will be pissed.

My experience so far with Thunderstomp is that the crits are lower and it doesn't hold aggro as much. At the same time, it's still quite effective but you need to be a little more careful so the mobs won't kick your a.. if you volley too much or too fast. Try with 4 mobs or less so if you ***** up, you'll have no problem surviving.
#14 Nov 04 2008 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
Souliken wrote:
So what? All of a sudden were back to being the low classes on the totem poll. >.>

LAWL. If you're not still top DPS, then you're doing it wrong.

As for Gorillas, meh. I'll second that they aren't holding aggro as well. It's a little sad. However, they are still viable for AoE tanking, you just have to be a little more patient.

I also decided to go back to BM. With the change to Animal Handler, BM got a buff. With the change to Windfury, MM got nerfed.
#15 Nov 04 2008 at 9:17 PM Rating: Default
With the Damage reduction to Cats rake, will they still be the top dps, non-exotic pet?
#16 Nov 04 2008 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
I do still see cats being top dps. Exotics will still be far to focus starved. Not to mention the only exotic that could keep up in dps didnt get buffed.

My cats dps in teh kara we just ran was almost 100dps lower than normal. Was still over 650, but no where near the 835 i have seen for a the raid.

My current thoughts are as to still use a cat as my raid pet. My Hunter leader and i where still #1 and #2 dps for the raid and each boss. But, our thinking is, if our cats are diong that much less dps. Would it not be more beneficial for us to bring in pets that buff the raid?

Such as, my class leader has a wasp leveled to 70. Should he bring that instead for the armor reduction, and should I bring my 70 wolf for the furious howl. Which by the way will be up 100% of each fight. That is 610 armor reduction and 130 AP to the raid. Combine that with the new Ferocious Inspriation and we can really buff up our raid team.
#17 Nov 04 2008 at 9:40 PM Rating: Default
Yeah i was also thinking of getting out my wolf or wasp for raiding for the buff they give. I already give the raid Trueshot aura, furious howl would just be gravy :P
#18 Nov 04 2008 at 10:22 PM Rating: Good
1,047 posts
rinkkel, ****** Superhero wrote:
I do still see cats being top dps. Exotics will still be far to focus starved. Not to mention the only exotic that could keep up in dps didnt get buffed.

My cats dps in teh kara we just ran was almost 100dps lower than normal. Was still over 650, but no where near the 835 i have seen for a the raid.

My current thoughts are as to still use a cat as my raid pet. My Hunter leader and i where still #1 and #2 dps for the raid and each boss. But, our thinking is, if our cats are diong that much less dps. Would it not be more beneficial for us to bring in pets that buff the raid?

Such as, my class leader has a wasp leveled to 70. Should he bring that instead for the armor reduction, and should I bring my 70 wolf for the furious howl. Which by the way will be up 100% of each fight. That is 610 armor reduction and 130 AP to the raid. Combine that with the new Ferocious Inspriation and we can really buff up our raid team.

Unfortunately, Furious Howl doesn't stack with Battleshout or Might (and I think most raids and even 5-mans have a pally or war). Wasp's special doesn't stack with Faerie Fire (which Ferals tend to be pretty good about keeping up) or CoReck. So you can only buff the raid so much and it depends on composition.
#19 Nov 05 2008 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
Wow, thank you for pointing that out. I was afraid that would be the case i just hadn't looked into it yet. Thanks again.
#20 Nov 05 2008 at 8:44 AM Rating: Good
377 posts
To add to that if you have a feral tank there's really no worries. The new FFF pretty much destroys it's competition for threat from what I've seen. Granted my bear isn't the best geared so at later levels of progression that may not be as true.

Seriously though, what the hell is Heart of the Dragon? I don't see it on here or WoWhead.
#21 Nov 05 2008 at 8:52 AM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
I do still see cats being top dps. Exotics will still be far to focus starved. Not to mention the only exotic that could keep up in dps didnt get buffed.

I agree with this to a point, on longer fights, focus will be an issue for pets without GftT. But since the patch, even raid encounters are significantly shorter. I've been using a Chimaera with 2/2 in Owl's Focus and Bestial Discipline. Sadly exotics don't seem to show up on WWS yet (unless it was a glitch in this particular raid) but I didn't notice much of a focus issue, although admittedly, my cat had focus to burn at all times back when I specced into GftT.

Owl's Focus seems to me to go quite a long way to reducing the need for GftT. Before the exotic patch, I used GftT as my sole method of gaining focus and ignored BD completely.

Once I gain a couple levels, I intend to drop both BD and OF in favour of GftT, but until then, I feel those skills are an adequate crutch unless you absolutely need your 100% A-Game, and for a lot of Hunters, that won't be until you hit 80 and start progression raiding again.

Anyway, my point (I do have one!) I acknowledge that there will be some DPS loss to make up for GftT, but is it still significant with a Cunning pet with full OF given that a lot of exotic skills have been buffed by 20%, which is no small beer?

Edited, Nov 5th 2008 11:53am by Rasen
#22 Nov 05 2008 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
Do some dummy testing. Just use your pet, no shooting and see if a cat, or exotic is higher. You can even afk and do other stuff while your pet beats away at it. I am not speccd into exotics and i dont feel like wasting 100g to do a test.

One of you that already are though can easily grab a 70 cat and with yoru current 70 exotic, can test out whos base dps is higher. That can give us a base and we can go from there to see if GftT really will win out.

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