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Voidwalker... *sigh*Follow

#1 Nov 02 2008 at 4:32 PM Rating: Default
528 posts
I just need to make sure what's happening to me recently is normal.

Quick history. I've been Afflic from the moment I could place talent points. I drain tank and use Imp as a battery. Typical spec and play style. Up till recently I haven't needed to use my pet as a shield but lately I haven't been able to tank or fear some elites so I brought the voidy.

I really did not expect it to be so terrible. I can literally cast one DoT and NOTHING else and watch my threat go from 0-79% almost instantly. I'm sure I have all my void's taunt talents turned on and he does use them but it's like he generates no threat...

I've tried throwing a couple DoTs on and hitting Soulshatter once my threat goes up but it really doesn't help. I have been able to solo stuff but I have to alternate between Siphon Life and Health Funnel for about 10 min to kill a nasty.

I know I am not Demo spec and don't expect to have the same abilities but this seems ridiculous. Anyway, thanks for any advice or to just confirm this is the way things are.


Edited, Nov 4th 2008 11:42am by Shrubbry
#2 Nov 02 2008 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
What DoTs are you leading off with? To me it sounds like you're starting with high-threat dots (UA, Haunt, Immolate) instead of letting threat build by using the lower-threat DoTs first (Siphon Life, CoA, Corruption).
#3 Nov 02 2008 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent
528 posts
Only using CoA, SL, or Corr(and never all at once). Only other spell I have to cast is funnel. Usually start ramping up a lot of threat at that point. One DoT ticking and health funnel and I'm done lol. If I don't have to keep health funneling non-stop I can make it. Just takes a long time to kill stuff.

I just tried that rock guy on top of warmaul hill in Nagrand earlier today a few times. The one you need 7 skulls to summon. I could not keep from getting threat. Stood back and cast nothing but SL and health funnel. Hit soulshatter once and still got threat a minute later. At that point nothing can get the mob off me. I try to wait it out for my Void to get threat back while popping pots and stones but no dice...

On a good note. I enslaved some demons and beat the snot out of all the other group quests I could pull him near :P
#4 Nov 03 2008 at 2:32 AM Rating: Default
423 posts
Do you have torment on auto-cast ? if not ,turn it on auto.
#5 Nov 03 2008 at 3:18 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
He already said he has it on auto.

Even if he doesnt, it's a pretty sad state of affairs when you consider how hard it is for Hunters to peel aggro off their pet. It seems without the up-front damage the Felguard gives you, the Voidwalker is a bit crap these days.

The reason being, his Taunt seems to scale abominably with spelldmg, if it even does at all.
#6 Nov 03 2008 at 5:25 AM Rating: Decent
Shrubbry wrote:
Only using CoA, SL, or Corr(and never all at once). Only other spell I have to cast is funnel. Usually start ramping up a lot of threat at that point. One DoT ticking and health funnel and I'm done lol. If I don't have to keep health funneling non-stop I can make it. Just takes a long time to kill stuff.

I just tried that rock guy on top of warmaul hill in Nagrand earlier today a few times. The one you need 7 skulls to summon. I could not keep from getting threat. Stood back and cast nothing but SL and health funnel. Hit soulshatter once and still got threat a minute later. At that point nothing can get the mob off me. I try to wait it out for my Void to get threat back while popping pots and stones but no dice...

On a good note. I enslaved some demons and beat the snot out of all the other group quests I could pull him near :P

Looks to me like the reason you drew aggro was not SL, but Health Funnel. The healing you do draws aggro, and counts just as much as damage does. Also, if you are only using a single DoT (like SL), you won't kill anything fast enough and will eventually draw aggro. The VW doesn't really rely on damage to get its aggro - it relies on it's two taunting spells. It's not a high-damage critter, period.
#7 Nov 03 2008 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
did you train your VW's taunt as you were leveling?

Wait a second, do we even need to train our demons/pets anymore (to be honest I just picked up my lock again after ~year so I may have missed something)
#8 Nov 03 2008 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
Looks to me like the reason you drew aggro was not SL, but Health Funnel.

Even so, this evidences a design flaw. A 'tank' pet should be able to hold aggro, as you say, period. A simple healing ability shouldnt cause it to lose aggro, that would be bad design.

Also, if you are only using a single DoT (like SL), you won't kill anything fast enough and will eventually draw aggro.

I'm sorry... you're saying in order to avoid pulling aggro he needs to cause more threat? A single DoT applies threat at a consistent rate, as does the Voidwalker; the VW threat rate ought to exceed the DoT rate. If it doesnt, hello bad design again. Adding DoTs shouldnt actually exceed this rate either, but if it did at least the mob would die fast enough.

My guess would be he forgot to train above Rank 1 on his VW taunts, either that or a terrible mistake has been made with our tank pet.
#9 Nov 03 2008 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
528 posts
Thanks for the responses guys. I definitely kept all of my pets, even the ones I don't use, current on skills.


I have not messed with their abilities since 3.0. I had just assumed since all their abilities were right where I left them before the patch, and are now auto-learned as they lvl from what I understand, they would all be the same. I thank you for kicking my brain into action. I will make sure my pet abilities are the highest rank available. I know on my hunter I got to mess around with my pet abilities a lot but didn't even think of it on my lock. I always have Imp out so all I worry about is my +hp.

If taunt is max lvl we will go with Sinstralis that the Void's taunt does not scale properly. It really seems silly that the taunt would be so weak that one DoT and Health Funnel overcome it.

BTW I can kill stuff one DoT at a time lol. I solo'd all the Nestingway bosses last night with Void, SL, and beating with my staff(el o el). I did cast some SB and huant right at the end though. At 10% or less to finish off. Maybe the occasional Corr but only 1 DoT at a time.

#10 Nov 03 2008 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
528 posts
Just checked. All abilities are on and highest rank(rank6-7).

I guess voidy just can't keep up :(
#11 Nov 04 2008 at 5:38 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
no clue then. I can cast corruption, SL, curse of agony without pulling off of my VW. What is your spell damage? Granted mine is only ~750ish but if your spell damage is higher then they should die soon anyway and wouldn't be that much of a problem.
#12 Nov 04 2008 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
In my trash gear, which is what I use when doing dailies, I have over 1000 Spell damage and 27% Crit. I send Voidwalker in, let him taunt, then throw Haunt and Corr, wait for a taunt then hit UA and SL. Life Tap Drain Life and maybe throw a SB if I get a Nightfall/Glyph Proc. The only time I pull aggro is if the SB crits, and sometimes I don't even then. Not too sure what your problem is, but it almost sounds like you have the taunt off auto-cast, or you VW is somehow running out of mana.
#13 Nov 04 2008 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
1,594 posts
Haunt isn't a DoT, by the way. It's direct damage, with a debuff that does almost exactly what the old ISB used to do, just with DoTs. Leading with that will cause a lot of threat.
#14 Nov 04 2008 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
Haunt isn't a DoT, by the way. It's direct damage, with a debuff that does almost exactly what the old ISB used to do, just with DoTs. Leading with that will cause a lot of threat.

My point exactly. I do lead with it, and don't pull threat unless a SB crits later, and not always then.
#15 Nov 04 2008 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
528 posts
Taunt is on for sure. I watch it go off. And I don't have huge +spell. I just hit 70 last night and am in mostly greens save for a few blue quest rewards.

Now to be clear, I'm not talking about average mobs here. Just the elites from 2-3man group quests. Regular mobs give me no trouble. If they have a chance to turn towards me they are already dead. My guess would be that the Void does such poor dps it can not compare to my DoTs and Health Funnel.

Edited, Nov 4th 2008 11:43am by Shrubbry
#16 Nov 04 2008 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
357 posts
The voidwalkers dps means nothing to his threat, 99% of his threat comes from his taunts. While I haven't used a VW while i'm affliction spec I did mess around with him as a demon spec. 3.0.3 corrects the bug, but as a demon spec the VW was doing upwards of 60,000 threat every taunt during demonic empowerment. If you timed it right it was around 200,000 threat per minute. That was the way to solo things.

3.0.3 brings down the huge threat gains from that build to something more reasonable, with luck the might have looked at his threat in other builds and raised it a bit.
#17 Dec 02 2008 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
My suggestion would be to send in the void, throw up SL or CoElements, wait a few seconds to let the voidy build threat, hit suffering, then unload with all your dots, with the high-threat spells coming last. If a mob does break off it should be when they're around 1/3 health, so at that point fear/DC and either SB or redot as they run away.

Good luck.
#18 Dec 07 2008 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
49 posts
I think i may be able to help you said you were only having trouble with the elites. Well some elites are immune to taunt (mostly the named ones) now so your voidy might have been just holding agro off damage alone.
#19 Dec 26 2008 at 5:10 PM Rating: Default
Lose the VW, get a Felguard.
#20 Dec 27 2008 at 6:10 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
***** the VW. just drain tank. heck i'm soloing onyxia every instance unlock by drain tanking her ^^ lol
#21 Jan 05 2009 at 3:15 PM Rating: Good
189 posts
Agreed, if it's just the tougher elites that you're VW is having problems with, chances are they are being resisted or are outright immune to them. Kudos to you for taking a shot at them solo, though! Good luck.
#22 Feb 03 2009 at 9:09 PM Rating: Decent
76 posts
I take it from your sig that your lock is still 70. Am I right? If so, then just wait until 80 and try that quest again. There's no need to kill Gurok at 70. If you're just looking to do that quest for the Nagrand quest achievement then you can still do it later. And if you're doing it for an item then there are better items in Northrend than anything you get from that quest. So, bottom line is, if you're having problem with something then just skip it. I for one won't think any less of you if you can't solo Gurok at 70.
#23 Feb 04 2009 at 1:45 AM Rating: Default
You might want to consider putting a few more points into him - the VW has been upgraded in the xpac beyond my wildest dreams (disclaimer, I am full demo) but even then, some of the first and second level tallents are wonderful.

Are you giving him enough time to even get agro? Try opening up with a shadowbolt or something so he's got enough time to sink his tallons in first.
#24 Feb 04 2009 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
Voidwalker is completely useless if you have a felguard. Just a suggestion.
At any rate, I notice that limit of effects I can have on a target without pulling aggro off it, is three, counting direct damage. I also noticed that when soloing, I did more damage with either SL and Corruption with Shadow Bolt, or Curse of Elements and Corruption. For some reason, Immolate and Corruption does not do as much as the latter, even with the Immomate glyph.
Aggro the target with a curse or SL, add Corruption, then voidwalker should then taunt it if you have him on defensive. Cast Shadow Bolt, by which time he should have taunted again. It will be dead by the time you pull off your voidwalker.
However, felguard produces threat WAY faster and holds it longer *hint, cough*.
#25 Feb 05 2009 at 5:56 AM Rating: Decent
rusttle wrote:
You might want to consider putting a few more points into him - the VW has been upgraded in the xpac beyond my wildest dreams (disclaimer, I am full demo) but even then, some of the first and second level tallents are wonderful.

Are you giving him enough time to even get agro? Try opening up with a shadowbolt or something so he's got enough time to sink his tallons in first.

Shadowbolt? A high aggro spell? Are you sure? Even though there is a cast time, the VW won't be able to keep aggro against a high-damage spell like that. On the other hand, I'm an afflic drain hunter and don't fool around with demo, so I have no idea whatsoever on the talents you have that reduce shadowbolt's aggro.
#26 Feb 14 2009 at 6:23 PM Rating: Good
5,444 posts
Here is what I do when fighting elites as an Affliction Warlock.

Use Curse of Weakness, it does dampen the beating your Voidwalker takes. Provided the mob is using melee and not spells anyway.

ONLY use Corruption and Siphon Life as DoTs.

Lifetap when needed, and Health Funnel to keep your VW up.

I almost never pull aggro off him, and have only needed a group for one elite so far in WotLK, which was the Bone Dragon in Dragonblight, hits way too hard to solo.

I am currently level 78 and actually soloed the Lich for the Oracles/Frenzyheart quest out in the cave in Sholazar Basin. Supposed to be a 3 man, was rather proud of pulling that one off.
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