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Comparison Elemental Shaman and Balance DruidFollow

#1 Nov 02 2008 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
I don't know what blizzard is doing anymore, from what I can see Balance Druid will be far superior then shaman at 80 in a pve build.

PvE Elemental Shaman talent build

PvE Balance Druid talent build

Whats funny is the druid balance tree has so much good in it I wish I had more points to hand out where elemental didn't really have much to offer for pve.

Druids gain all these passive abilities and affects with this kind of build for conserving mana:

Moonglow 3/3 9% mana cost reduction
Dreamstate 3/3 regenerate mana equal to 10% of intellect every five seconds
Moonkin Form 1/1 Chance on critical spell to regenerate 2% of total mana
Intensity Allows 3/3 30% of mana to continue regenerating while casting
Omen of Clarity 1/1 Chance on spell hit to make next spell free

Shamans Gain much less mana management abilities and usualy for more points

Convection 5/5 10% mana cost reduction
Elemental Focus 1/1 When you crit next 2 spell's cost reduced by 40%
Unrelenting Storm 5/5 regenerate mana equal to 10% of intellect every five seconds
Shamanistic Focus 1/1 Reduce mana cost of shock spells by 45%

Ok lets compare, druids get 1% less mana reduction for a 3 point talent compared to our 5 point talent. For mana regen while casting druids get to keep 30% of mana regen from spirit which we dont get and there 10% intellect converted to mana regen while casting is just like ours except theirs is 3/3 ours is 5/5. Moonkin Form offers a chance to regain 2% of total mana which is only a chance on crit but throw in omen of clarity and I think they beat out our Elemental Focus. We do get 45% reduction to shocks but that affects only shocks and really it needed to be this way for us to be any where near viable in expansion with our Lava Burst Flame Shock rotation.

Now if you look at the balance tree again you can also see the tree is cluttered with damage increasing talents everywhere as well as haste and caste reduction. Increase spell power by 12%, increase damage by starfire moonfire and wrath by 10%, 15% of spirit to spell power, gain 20% more spell power for star fire and 10% more for wrath... these are the passive affects, not the procs and extra abilities...

For elemental shaman we get 5% extra damage with all of our spells. an extra 6% with lava burst, 24% more damage with Lava Burst crits, and 50% more damage from flame shock dot... we do have a interesting proc from lightning overload, and a free 450ish spell power from flame tongue weapon and Totem of wrath, but it doesn't seem to me that we will scale well at all.

Lightning Bolt has got to be one of the worst scaling spells at this moment and with a lack of talents to help it scale properly I don't think elemental has a chance of comparing to others in pve dps.

Yes I know shaman is a hybrid but guess what druid is a hybrid too and it seems they will have every thing they need to produce proper damage and compare to the raw dps classes.

I will admit I don't even play right now I am on my break but I am not stupid based on what I have looked up blizzard really has no clue what they want to do with elemental shaman at this point. Just looking at the trees I can see shaman is way behind.

I really miss playing this game but it just seems to me I fell in love with the wrong class cause it at this point is just getting the shaft.

(might be a qq post whatevers)
#2 Nov 02 2008 at 6:23 PM Rating: Good
574 posts
jmfmb wrote:
I really miss playing this game but it just seems to me I fell in love with the wrong class cause it at this point is just getting the shaft.

(might be a qq post whatevers)

I think you nailed it right there. Also, in before "But shamans can heal without shifting out of chicken form?!"
#3 Nov 02 2008 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
While I completely agree that Balance Druid > Elemental Shaman at this point, I don't necessarily agree with your comparison. I agree with the ends, but not the means, if you will. Every class in this game functions differently from their most basic tools to their talents. Because of this, you really can't have mirror-image talents in trees belonging to two seperate classes. If you don't custom-tailor talents for the specs of the classes they're intended for, bad things happen to balance. This is a very gray area.

However, there are two very black-and-white issues that you can compare Balance Druids and Elemental Shaman on. One is mana management and the other is DPS. On these two issues Balance Druids are completely blowing Elemental Shaman out of the water, and that is something I can understand some QQ about.
#4 Nov 03 2008 at 1:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
yes I understand the classes should not be alike but what I am seeing is a scaling issue.

I wouldn't mind if shaman talent trees where divided by what role they should play, and what I mean is PvE or PvP.

One of the biggest problems with shaman is there is no clear line written here, if blizzard decided one dps spec was pvp and the other was pve then worked on that from there shaman would be in better standings then it is now but no clear line has been placed and instead we have 2 dps specs that apear to be slightly less on par with both.

Anyhow if blizzard wants to continue trying to allow shaman spec what they want then elemental deffinately needs a touch up, but since it seems they are wrapping up the changes in store for WotLK we probably wont see this for a bit. Another big issue to me is how buffs affect raids now and stacking of similar buffs is now eliminated, without this there is little reason to bring anything other then probably a resto and enhancement shaman to a raid and mainly just for the two bloodlusts.

Again my main reason for comparing elemental shaman with balance druid is mainly for the fact that both are hybrid type classes if one is aloud to be on par with the other dps casters and the other not it just doesn't seem right.
#5 Nov 03 2008 at 6:28 AM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
My issue when comparing Elemental to any other caster dps trees is that Elemental is THE ONLY tree that is bloated with bad talents that don't increase dps. Half of the direct dps increasing talents are for Lava Burst which is a spell that has a cooldown (and doesn't account for the majority of single target dps). There are also no talents that would cause elemental to scale with gear. Such talents would include INT to spell power, Spells gaining additional power from spell power, etc. The closest such talent is overload since it casts a second spell at half power that's mana-less (since the first nuke gains damage based on spell power, the overload scales with gear too).

For anyone who doesn't agree, I HIGHLY recommend just going and reading random magic dps trees. Mage, Warlock, balance druid, and even shadow priests all have better scaling than us now.
#6 Nov 03 2008 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
I think many raids will roll with 3 shaman for 25mans, one of each spec. The ele offers buff redundancy, more group only totems, and greater flexibility in positioning requirements. I suppose we'll find out soon enough if LvB and some of the glyph changes will be as good as the devs seem to think they are. Here's to hoping.
#7 Nov 03 2008 at 10:54 AM Rating: Default
321 posts
I don't know much about Ele shamans as I am a resto shaman, and I understand the concern with damage and mana conservation, but what about overall DPS.

I have seen many ele shamans out DPS equally geared/skilled boomkins since the patch. The Shamans cast times on LB and ChL are lower than boomkin spells are they not? I know boomkins have instant spells, but the shocks are all instant with CD that can be reduced through talents.

Blizzard cannot make every class equal or there would be no need to have classes in the first place.

Sorry but I don't see a point in QQing about something like this. If you like boomkin better, then roll one.

I am completely satisfied with my resto Shaman even though I continue to read posts about how resto is gimped because this class got this and that class got that. SO? L2PNUB. I can stay on par (if not out heal) any other healing class in my raid group. Skill > Character. If you feel you are gimped then roll something else so that you can top the DPS charts. However you will probably just cry about something else. This game is supposed to be fun. Each class brings something different to a group/raid. What's sad is when pure DPS classes (Hunters, Rogues, Mages, Locks) can't be at the top of the DPS charts. Thats all they do. They have 3 trees for DPS. Hybrids SHOULD be gimped in comparison simply because they can function in 2 - 3 roles. Druids especially since they can Tank, Heal, or Ranged/Melee DPS.

Oh well. Rate me down if you want. Just stop QQing and enjoy your class for what it is, not what you think it should be.

Edited, Nov 3rd 2008 1:58pm by compgenius
#8 Nov 03 2008 at 11:02 AM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
I have seen many ele shamans out DPS equally geared/skilled boomkins since the patch. The Shamans cast times on LB and ChL are lower than boomkin spells are they not? I know boomkins have instant spells, but the shocks are all instant with CD that can be reduced through talents.

No... no no no no. LOL It isn't even possible. Pre-3.0 our boomkin and elemental shaman did similar'ish dps. Neither really rocked any meters in SWP but they were good players and had some of the top raiding gear possible. Post-3.0... the boomkin is always top 3 dps on every fight. Always. The shaman has gone quite far down the dps ladder and is never in top 10. Nothing has changed in between except talents and fundamental mechanics. Gear/Player ability has remained the same.

Wrath is faster than LB. Starfire (the better nuke) is slightly longer but MUCH stronger (does almost 100% more damage). Their spells scale with gear better. I really don't know how you think equally geared/skilled elemental shamans are out-dpsing boomkins. I have NEVER seen that on ANYONE's parses.

And OMFG you have the worst talent build I've seen in quite a long time.

Jenix's build

1/2 Improved Chain Heal? 2/2 Improved Reincarnation, 1/2 Blessing of the Eternals, 1/1 Tidal Force.

Tidal Force is "ok" for filler or if you have junk points. 2/2 Improved Reincarnation is bad for 2 points.

1/2 Imp Chain heal? >.> The BEST use of 2 points for any resto shaman and you don't do it.
1/2 Blessing of the Eternals? @_@ 2/2 makes earthliving a 100% guarantee proc on targets at 35% health or lower along with increased spell crit (2% per point) as opposed to thundering strikes which is 1% crit per point. /boggle

Edited, Nov 3rd 2008 2:07pm by Jiade
#9 Nov 03 2008 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
947 posts
Oh well. Rate me down if you want. Just stop QQing and enjoy your class for what it is, not what you think it should be.

You may wish to check that attitude when 100% of the evidence is against you.

There is almost no way for an Elemental Shaman to approach Balance DPS, for the reasons already stated in this thread. If you have some solid math to back up your satisfaction, do let us know. If you would like to qualify your example of Ele defeating Balance post-3.0 with some specifics, that would also be nice.

Until then, please understand that some 'QQ' is entirely justified, and while I'm glad you like your character that doesnt mean eveyone else has to shut the hell up to preserve your ego.
#10 Nov 03 2008 at 11:23 AM Rating: Default
321 posts
1/2 Improved Chain Heal? 2/2 Improved Reincarnation, 1/2 Blessing of the Eternals, 1/1 Tidal Force.

Tidal Force is "ok" for filler or if you have junk points. 2/2 Improved Reincarnation is bad for 2 points.

1/2 Imp Chain heal? >.> The BEST use of 2 points for any resto shaman and you don't do it.
1/2 Blessing of the Eternals? @_@ 2/2 makes earthliving a 100% guarantee proc on targets at 35% health or lower along with increased spell crit (2% per point) as opposed to thundering strikes which is 1% crit per point. /boggle

For the record, the armory has been buggy with me ever since the patch. The 2/2 reinc is not in my talent build and I have 2/2 Imp chain heal and 2/2 Blessing of eternals.

For some reason when I log off it doesn't update. The tidal force is just as you said, a "filler," I find it useless, but for right now its fine since the expac is releasing in a week and all of our raids have stopped.

Edited, Nov 3rd 2008 2:30pm by compgenius

Edited, Nov 3rd 2008 2:37pm by compgenius
#11 Nov 03 2008 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
And no I have no evidence and you are all probably right. The point of the post was not whether ele can keep on par with balance, it was just to say if you have so many problems with your class, roll a different one.

lol Except that your post was "I'm amazing ... and beat everyone as resto." You do 10 man content... not really hard to beat one healer. You then blindly (and wrongly) say elemental shamans are beating balance boomkins all over. Then you lie in the quote above because your whole post was "everything's peachy with shaman."

PS: Armory seems to work fine for everyone else I've checked. >.> Has updated my gear and my spec (which I changed not that long ago).
#12 Nov 03 2008 at 11:40 AM Rating: Default
321 posts
Also heal SSC/TK and Hyjal. Just don't win gear.

The armory has been wonky with me. Took 2 weeks to show the correct shield.

lol, after I read that it did sound bad.

Couldn't get the edit off fast enough

Edited, Nov 3rd 2008 2:44pm by compgenius
#13 Nov 03 2008 at 11:52 AM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
Well, a good holy priest can easily pass a resto shaman since 3.0 in healing. On some fights, resto shamans will always be near the bottom in healing. Kil'jaeden, Supremus, Naj'entus all come to mind as fights where shamans don't do well because everyone has to spread out beyond the range of Chain Heal but the range of Circle of Healing and Wild Growth is larger, heals 5 people, is smart, AND is not decaying between targets.

This has little to do with this thread, but yeah... stick to topics you know. You proclaim you know little/nothing about elemental shaman or balance druids but want to say "everything is fine" and then spout nonsense that is contrary to truth. Then tell people to stop QQ'ing when you don't even know the situation.

Go play elemental and see if you wouldn't QQ seeing as how they are doing the same (or less) dps than shadow priests which developers are saying are severely underpowered all while the same devs are saying elemental is OP (even though every parse says the opposite). Go back to pushing brain heal.
#14 Nov 03 2008 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
compgenius wrote:
Blizzard cannot make every class equal or there would be no need to have classes in the first place.

Actually the ideal is for all classes to be equal, this is called balance. They just can't be the same.
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