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More Paladin Nerfs.Follow

#27 Nov 02 2008 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Sinstralis wrote:
hen a Ret Pally pops DS + AW, clothies die in four-to-six seconds, and anything that isn't already dead by the time that combo wears off will soon after. And there is literally nothing you can do about it.

Rogues are exactly the same. My Warlock could rarely even retaliate against a Rogue, particularly with Preparation. Ret Paladins 5mins on Divine Shield is only every 5mins and is undispellable, all the cool Rogue toys have shorter cooldowns and are usually physical buffs.

There is still a difference between Ret Pallies and Rogues, which would be the DS part of this problem. Consider any situation other than a 1v1 (which everyone agrees is the Rogue's forte anyways). If a Rogue jumps someone, other classes can employ various abilities to peel the Rogue off of his target or at least disrupt his attack. With a Ret Pally, unless there is a Priest around, there is literally nothing you can do but stand by and watch the victim die. This is especially poignant in the arenas where a single kill typically decides a 2v2 or 3v3 match.

Ret has already been nerfed, Gaudion, the changes just arent live yet.

I'm aware. But the incoming changes aren't taking your burst damage away. They're just lowering it. It's still going to be high and dangerous by anyone's standards. AW + DS would still be a problem.

Edited, Nov 2nd 2008 3:31pm by Gaudion
#28 Nov 02 2008 at 2:00 PM Rating: Excellent
170 posts
Ghostcrawler 'of the Shattered Sun' creeps through the bush and spies his goal, he has done many of these expeditions recently and is getting tired. He holds back while a patrol walks nearby and when it is clear he moves forward equipping his hammer. He thinks to himself just this and the quest chain is nearly done.


Nails in Paladin Coffin 10/12

'Yeah!' says Ghostcrawler '2 more to go'. He check his map, looks across the drawn mountain ranges to a woodland section with the legend 'Here be QQ' and makes his way towards the mountains.

#29 Nov 02 2008 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,594 posts
AW + DS would still be a problem.

AW causes forbearance again. A longer duration of forbearance, with less bonus damage.

Someone is not thinking this through.
#30 Nov 02 2008 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
170 posts
I think that they are going waaaay overboard, 3.0 has only been out 2 bloody weeks and pallies have been nerfed remorselessly to the extent where it seems to indicate that Blizz are f*cking clueless.

Rogues can stunlock and kill you in 6 seconds, Mages and boomkins damage is far higher than ret pallies but nothing has been done with them.

Maybe its Blizzards way of purging the class from the list, if they make pallies really, really crap (which they are making significant progress in) then no one will play pallies and then they can remove them from the list.

I had loads of hopes for my pally in wotlk, you know actually being able to go into a 5 man without respeccing, actually be able to go to raids, having fun and killing things in pvp.

I have always enjoyed playing my pally however I have a lock and and up and coming huntard, warrior and shammy but would hate to have to retire my pally on the basis that he will be sh*t (again) for a whole expansion.

Pallies have had sooo many nerfs and have yet more to come that it is no longer funny
#31 Nov 02 2008 at 4:55 PM Rating: Good
456 posts
Paladins are a problem. The reason paladins are overpowered is because the class is designed backwards from most classes. A paladin is based almost exclusively on the WC3 model (where it is one of the best heroes), and is designed to be incredibly effective in a variety of pve roles. Mainly solo. Plate, heals, and melee damage make us very good at grinding and fighting mobs solo, better than most classes, but trying to convert that to balanced group play, and pvp, is much too difficult for blizzard to do. You just need to look at the vanilla paladin to see that. Only one talent tree was viable at endgame, but the other two were useful while leveling.

Bubble is the problem. Take away bubble and paladin becomes balanced. Except for grouping as holy, where bubble can save your group time and time again. However, blizzard doesn't want to do that because it is a class defining ability. And they keep trying to balance around it, and failing.

#32 Nov 02 2008 at 6:35 PM Rating: Excellent
1,609 posts
The Paladin hero in WC3 was terrible. I played on the EU RoC and TFT ladders (68% win rate /flex) and never saw a human army use the pally to any great effect. Seriously, it was Archmage creep grinding, or you'd harass with a MK but the Paladin was the secondary support hero.
#33 Nov 02 2008 at 6:49 PM Rating: Excellent
3,909 posts
ArtemisEnteri wrote:
The Paladin hero in WC3 was terrible. I played on the EU RoC and TFT ladders (68% win rate /flex) and never saw a human army use the pally to any great effect. Seriously, it was Archmage creep grinding, or you'd harass with a MK but the Paladin was the secondary support hero.

I never was that good at WC3 but I see what you mean. The issue was that even though your hero was invulnerable he never did any significant damage. His most useful abilities were the heals and the mass resurrection. They realised this in the expansion pack with the Shadow Hunter, because an invulnerable army is much more frightening than an invulnerable paladin with a wiffle bat.

This is somewhat telling.
#34 Nov 03 2008 at 3:30 AM Rating: Decent
456 posts
You're probably right, I never played on in WC3, just LAN and against computers. I used other races when it wasn't on random. And it didn't matter to min/max when you are already the best at the game among your friends.

That actually supports my point even more. In vanilla, paladin was only useful for the heals, just like in WC3. But the issue was that as a core class, it is already proficient at any role you put it to. By buffing a specific role (like dps) the rest of the class that supports that role remains the same, giving the buff a multiplying effect. Bubble is a base class feature, but every single player combines it with talent abilities to devastating effect. Heals are a defining feature, and make the class able to adapt more, but with high dps, or high defense, that ability to adapt pushes it over the edge to overpowered.

Paladin is balanced for pve (or soon will be). By the very abilities that define the class, it will never be balanced for pvp. They can try all they want, ret pallies will either destroy or be destroyed. Holy pallies will always be durable healers, and prot pallies will... tank vann?

It's been said again and again, don't balance for pvp, balance for pve. Or just give us a straight 10% damage nerf against other players (they are already considered different from mobs).

Edited, Nov 3rd 2008 3:32am by Zeynothix
#35 Nov 03 2008 at 6:06 AM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
It's been said again and again, don't balance for pvp, balance for pve. Or just give us a straight 10% damage nerf against other players (they are already considered different from mobs).

a)balancing for pve is easy. you give em a few buffs, a few debuffs, and dmg accordingly. thats precisely what they did for every class in WotLK. pvp is a little more complicated.

b)if you've been paying attention to the thread(or entire forum), our dmg output is not the problem. our burst dmg is what Blizzard cant figure out.

c)a 10% dmg nerf doesn't make sense any which way...from a designer's perspective, from a lore perspective, or within game mechanics.

Blizz will NOT figure this whole thing out for another 6 months, when most people are lvl 80. you cannot redesign the playsystem, include all instant attacks that deliver > autoswing dmg, increase survivability and longevity, then expect everything to work itself out.

the frontloaded burst dmg is also a problem in pve as well.
#36 Nov 03 2008 at 9:14 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
tommyguns wrote:
Blizz will NOT figure this whole thing out for another 6 months, when most people are lvl 80. you cannot redesign the playsystem, include all instant attacks that deliver > autoswing dmg, increase survivability and longevity, then expect everything to work itself out.

The same thing happened with TBC as well, as people so often forget is the case. The chances of Blizzard getting everything right on the first pass is astronomically low, so there's no point throwing a fit when they have to go back and change things. Ret Pallies are currently OP, but many fear they will be lackluster after upcoming nerfs. Arcane Mages' burst damage is borderline OP as well, but terrible for PvE. Shaman are consistently parsing pitiful DPS. Mana drains aren't scaling well at 80. There is a whole host of problems, these and many more, that Blizzard has to deal with and balance out.

Edited, Nov 3rd 2008 12:14pm by Gaudion
#37 Nov 03 2008 at 9:41 AM Rating: Good
We'll have to see what happens when the actual changes to the crit talents goes live, but right now I'm still tearing it up in raids. If they're true to their word and this doesn't drop PvE dps, I'm still a happy pally.

I've realized something looking at the WWS reports though. My damage is high because my participation is high.

Could it be that its not actually our damage ability that's superior, but our talent that reduces our threat buildup? Are mages having to constantly hold back where I do not? And honestly, I don't mind taking a hit or two, where mages may be much more careful. I can heal myself real quick, and i'm wearing plate.
#38 Nov 03 2008 at 11:16 AM Rating: Excellent
We did a full ZA clear this weekend. I was second in DPS doing about 1200-1300. Our BM hunter was just crushing doing about 1600 Oo. We are a casual guild we just do 10 mans but we have fun. :)

I had no mana issues. That's not to say that my mana was 100 percent the entire time. I had to drink after certain fights but I was going all out with DS + consecrates.

As far as PvP this weekend I would say we are already just fine. Some battles I was doing really well going 11-3 or so on KB's but I was rarely the top. In fact pallies were not dominating the top spots at all it was very mixed.

Other battles I was getting focus fired and just plain destroyed. When I first tried to bubble after AW that was a bt shocking to see forbearence back heh.

I saw one very PvP S4 geared pally destroying worlds in an Eots. But s4 geared players of any class tear up scrubs in BG's.

There was a kitty cat druid that decided he liked my blood in one match and I could almost never live past his opener if my bubble was down. He dropped me in the stereotypical 2-3 seconds.

I imagine it was his gear and skill level that made the difference.

The two top QQ's in BG chat from the whiner brigade were still against pallies and arcane mages. But most BG's warlocks, warriors, and hunters were very represented in damage and top KB's.

As long as these nerfs don't make my pally useless in PvE I will be ok with them. The DoT effects should be interesting.

Edited, Nov 3rd 2008 3:28pm by Shojindo
#39 Nov 03 2008 at 2:43 PM Rating: Good
Don't know who is stealth rating down the pally board, but its rather annoying.
#40 Nov 03 2008 at 3:26 PM Rating: Excellent
I just figured I made someone mad for saying the PvE mana nerf was not really that bad. Or maybe becuase I don't think we are all that OP in PVP since the current nerfs.

It's not worth sweating the karma trolls but sometimes they can be annoying. :D
#41REDACTED, Posted: Nov 03 2008 at 5:23 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Considering I've been rated down to default for doing nothing other than saying that Pallies are OP and the nerfs are justified, it's rather difficult for me to feel sorry for you.
#42 Nov 03 2008 at 7:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
still destroying the BGs...even against competent opponents: Epic WSG
#43 Nov 03 2008 at 8:53 PM Rating: Good
3,909 posts
Gaudion wrote:
Considering I've been rated down to default for doing nothing other than saying that Pallies are OP and the nerfs are justified, it's rather difficult for me to feel sorry for you.

I don't think that's why people are rating you down.
#44 Nov 03 2008 at 10:41 PM Rating: Excellent
Uhh ohh...I broke out my hunter tonight in BG's after not playing him for a couple a months. Mind you I was rusty as hell but it is really interesting to see this from the other side. Mostly any geared pally killed me before I could get out of a single HoJ. I can see how thats slightly frustrating for people lol.

Of course there were some other tough classes (*cough arcane mage) and everyone is bursty right now yada yada... but it was interesting seeing how a pally faceroll feels from the other side. >_<

It seems pally burst scales really extremely with gear. Sort of like warriors. Maybe the scaling is where they should look. Average pally: Not to bad, strong but you have a chance. Geared up Pally: Superman. I hope they can get this all figured out at 80. But honestly its only 2 weeks to WoTLK so it's all good either way I suppose.

And Gaudion what do you expect coming onto a class forum full of pallies on a crusade to nerf them. That kind of thing gets more support on whatever class's forums that are not the one you are complaining about. I know you like the drama though and I do give you credit for the guts to to do it to an extent.

Edited, Nov 3rd 2008 10:45pm by Shojindo
#45 Nov 04 2008 at 6:56 AM Rating: Default
2,396 posts
zepoodle wrote:
I don't think that's why people are rating you down.

Yes, it is. I've said nothing insulting or demeaning. I've not even directly addressed anyone other than Sinstralis, and I did so in a way that was neither insulting nor demeaning. I simply supported my stance with a logical argument.

Master Shojindo wrote:
And Gaudion what do you expect coming onto a class forum full of pallies on a crusade to nerf them. That kind of thing gets more support on whatever class's forums that are not the one you are complaining about. I know you like the drama though and I do give you credit for the guts to to do it to an extent.

Oh, I knew what to expect.

But it's not a crusade and it's not about drama. It's about perspective and objectivity. If you ask nine different classes if Ret is overpowered, eight will say they are. I'll give you one guess as to which one doesn't think so. It's easy for you to criticize me from your seat of power while you sit here surrounded by other Ret Paladins who want to stay overpowered, but I nani-nani-boo-boo-double-dog-dare you to go on any other class forum here and try to make your case for Ret Paladins staying un-nerfed in their current overpowered incarnation.

They will laugh you off their board.
#46 Nov 04 2008 at 8:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
i appreciate G's firm stance and unpopular view(here at least). i have voted him up a few times based on his clear points and indisputable facts on this issue. in a room full of "whoa is me" its nice to get a slap in the face.

in the area if PvE, my pally is doing DOUBLE the dmg and almost DOUBLE the survivability, from where i was less than 1 month ago. this is not an exageration. i finally completed some neglected SMV 5-man group quests...solo. Kara now feels like your running guildies through ZF.

by contrast, my frost mage pretty much breaks even on dmg since the patch, maybe a 10% increase in exchange for lesser longevity.

pally PvP is where it gets hazy. in BG, i have never felt a class that can turn the tide of a battle more: whether its defending a node 3 on 1, assisting a flag runner, or just clearing the battlefield. in this regard Ret is OP.

however, if you stroll into any competetive arena(>1500) you will see the balancing in action. classes that spec for pvp and actually take the survival and utility talents will humble even the most geared Ret pally. those hunters and druids that try to go toe-to-toe with a Ret pally will get some hurt-pie. likewise, those that exploit their classes full range of abilities will be very successful.

the put it in context: i respec'd my mage to deep arcane. Ret pallies are just laughable now. Slow, Barrage, PoM Fireball(or Fireblast), Barrage...he bubbles(as most noobs would). repeat til dead while staying out of range.

then you got shammies and their purge...grr

Edited, Nov 4th 2008 11:04am by tommyguns
#47 Nov 04 2008 at 8:16 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
I think arcane mages are pretty easy to kill, in arena at least. If one opens up on you from 41 yards in a BG somewhere, well yeah. That's gonna hurt. But you always start in melee range in arena, so they are forced on the defensive from the get go. Just bubble immediately. They are forced to completely shift to defensive mode.

The crucial thing is to knock em out of invis with DS, or failing that consecrate in the direction they were running in.
#48 Nov 04 2008 at 8:38 AM Rating: Good
Well I've been mostly quiet about all these nerfs and things, I tend not to be too reactionary, since I know that Blizzard's stance changes at the drop of a hat, and it's not worth the panic attack.

Anyway, I knew these nerfs were going to happen, it was just a matter of time. Either way, even with all of these nerfs, we are still way more powered than we were pre-patch, as Tommy pointed out. Our survivability has gone up a TON, as well as our DPS and our sustainability. Art of War, Judgement of the Wise, not needing to judge/reseal every time, our AP going towards out spell power, etc... Each one of these by themselves is a major buff to the Retribution Spec.

The way the nerfs were carried out I don't necessarily agree with, like others on here have pointed out, putting AW on forbearance makes it just like it was pre-patch: Nigh-unusable by most specs/situations since it's more preferable to have your bubble ready whenever possible. However, I am counting on Blizzard realizing this and changing it back and doing something like Ze suggested, or just make it so that AW can't be used when the Paladin currently has their Divine Shield up and vice-versa.

The problem is that a lot of Retribution Paladins got a taste of Godhood, and now that Bliz is saying "No... no wait you should be more like everyone else" they don't want to give up your godhood. Sure it was fun when it lasted, and I enjoyed destroying people and mobs as well as the rest of you, but when I can solo Mana Tombs in the gear I'm in, or Onyxia, or destroy 2 lvl 70s and still be at full health and mana after the fight, there is something wrong there.

HOWever, the splash damage the other specs are getting isn't cool. Protection and Holy were in good shape compared to the other classes, and Holy could stand for a couple more buffs, and they don't really deserve to be nerfed because of Retributions god-ness.

Also, wait until lvl 80 when we fall behind the other classes again, and they fix all the nerfs. The problem here is they were balancing for 80 pre-patch, once the patch came out they started balancing at 70 again. We'll see where we are at 3 months after the expansion. Should be interesting.
#49 Nov 04 2008 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
I think arcane mages are pretty easy to kill, in arena at least. If one opens up on you from 41 yards in a BG somewhere, well yeah. That's gonna hurt. But you always start in melee range in arena, so they are forced on the defensive from the get go. Just bubble immediately. They are forced to completely shift to defensive mode.

no disrespect, but im not talkin Scrub League arena. if you open up with "Pally is dead in 10s" aka bubble, and fail to make a kill then your team already lost.

i dont know which arena ground you are referencing. the one where i invis ontop the pillar? the one where i run pallies around the pillar? or the one where i run pallies around the tomb? Arc mages are no longer 1-pump chumps. everything is ranged instants now on almost no CD.

lets talk 1 on 1:

pally bubbles, mage ice blocks. wait. pally stuns, mage blinks. pally stuns again, mage trinks. pally is out of tricks.

my turn:
mage frost nova's, mage sheeps, mage sheeps again, mage spellsteals buffs, mage slows, mage unloads 6-8k dmg in 3s, mage spellsteals the HoF, mage slows, mage unloads remaining 4k dmg in 2 sec. the whole time frost armor is slowing the pally up and mana shield is takin the few hits. those GCDs on cleanse are a ***** aren't they?

#50 Nov 04 2008 at 9:32 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Tommyguns, class balance in PvP is not designed around 1v1.

Basic and fundamental thing I shouldn't have to explain for the 15th time.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#51 Nov 04 2008 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Yeah, it's not like me and a rogue farmed a double arcane mage team to hit 1800 last night or anything, is that what you mean by scrub league? I'm sorry you suck against mages though.
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