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My take on arcane PVPFollow

#1 Oct 29 2008 at 10:01 PM Rating: Decent
I can see the OPness of arcane right now. Did 487k damage, 32 KBs, 87HKs, and 2 deaths in AV a few days ago. But I also see people learning to deal with us. Our instant damage has been buffed up alot, but our squishiness hasn't. Once people learn that we need to be dealt with quickly then I don't think they'll be having as much of a issue. I feel it's as it should be.

I've done probably around 50 BGs as arcane (in S3/S4 btw) and dueled every class and spec I could think of. The two classes that I could see having the biggest issue now are locks and shams. Locks can only complain becuase they can't walk all over us anymore, and that's somthing they'll have to get used too. Shams lost the biggest, and probably only advantage they had, earth shock. They can no longer stop every other cast we do and that's really seeming to **** them off.

Warriors were always pretty easy but I find are actually a bit harder now. You can't get away with letting them get close to you as much as you used to. No more R1 frostbolt and /dance.

Ret is the same as warriors at the moment, if you can keep away from them it's cake, but let them come in 2 or 3 times and your done. Slow is your friend. I've seen rets run into a group of 2 or 3 people without fear, then run away from me. But after the next patch they'll be bubble-hearthers again I'm sure.

Rogues really arent much of a change for me. They were always a close fight as frost, always going down to the wire. Now we just have another spec to PVP with. Still about 50/50 for me. But they have cheat death, not cheat arcane barrage, which apperently hits harder then death.

The burst and slow really helps against druids, they can still hump poles but can't get away nearly as easy as they used to with slow. They are yet to see my trink/AP/PoM/fireball hitting them in the face though. Once they learn that 100% HP is good and 50% HP is death then they'll be back to their pole humping days. (although they are kind of a decent 2s partner now)

Shams went from a pre-3.0, frost spec, 30 sec fight to a post-3.0, arcane spec, 15 sec fight. They sucked at PVP then and they suck now (not dissing on the shams, my main is one so I do feel the pain)

Spriests are hard to come by in PVP gear on my server so I've really only faced them in BGs. But as far as I can tell I don't blow them up any harder and faster then I did as frost.

Fighting hunters is still a DPS war to see who can kill the other first. I guess a little eaiser now since I don't have to cast much save for arcane blast, but no pushback on that. It's like I have IV all the time now... but they have a pet, so ***** em.

Locks are fun now for a few reasons. First is I have WotF, trink, and IB. Second becuase they all speced into felguard. And third because their new shapeshift toy doesn't do crap for them against spells. But I hear they do better against rogues... so good for them.
#2 Nov 01 2008 at 4:35 AM Rating: Decent
Even though I haven't been playing much lately, I fully agree with you. Now we actually have a chance to verse classes that could just walk over us. Also, I was just wondering what you meant with your sig

If make a post about how to kill somthing as a mage then I'm figuring you have the right spec, 1k+ spellpower, 400+res, and 10K+ HP. If you don't then my answer changes to simply "143.4"

I get the first bit, but whats the '143.4' supposed to mean :P?

Edited, Nov 1st 2008 8:36am by Seguris
#3 Nov 01 2008 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,945 posts
I'v been thinking about arcane lately, more than I usually have. It's hard to abandon fire, but it can be fun to try new things.
#4 Nov 01 2008 at 10:09 AM Rating: Default
I get the first bit, but whats the '143.4' supposed to mean :P?

Nothing really lol. Just the first random number to pop into my head.
#5 Nov 01 2008 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
Well bad thing now is that they're "heavily" considering nerfing slow in PvP. They're gonna make the duration 10 seconds.
#6 Nov 01 2008 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
It might seem OP'd right now but at 80 it looks like were back to being **** and seems that frost would be more of a viable spec to play in PvP. There's a whole lot more discusions about it on the wow official site forums.
#7 Nov 03 2008 at 3:41 AM Rating: Good
170 posts
Mages are next in line for the nerfbat, Boomkin are as well as both types burst damage far exceed anything a pally could do.

I just hope that they are not as rampant with your nerfs as they have been with Pallies, there have been about 28 nerfs in 2 weeks. :(

Mages do need nerfing, but not to the ground and below like pallies
#8 Nov 03 2008 at 8:15 AM Rating: Default
Once again for you pallys that are waiting for everyone else to get nerfed, bliz is still saying that mages are working as intended. No nerfs are planned unless you want to call lowering the cast time of arcane blast a nerf (meaning that the dmg will be lowered a bit as well)
#9 Nov 03 2008 at 9:08 AM Rating: Good
170 posts
Once again for you pallys that are waiting for everyone else to get nerfed, bliz is still saying that mages are working as intended

They said that about pallies!!! don't tempt fate mate!!!

I'd like my mage to at least get to 70 before any nerfs!
#10 Nov 03 2008 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
People keep thinking that pallys are getting all the nerfs due to how much damage they put out. While some of the nerfs will lower their burst DPS some, most of the nerfs are addressing mana issues, not DPS.

Instead of just reading the "Ret is OP I die fast" threads then going to the "Ret iz gettins da nerfz" threads, try and actually go read what the blues are saying and what the nerfs are. It's the fact that a pally can go around killing things for hours without the mana bar moving is why the nerfs are incomming, not that they can 2 shot locks in greens.

The day that mages can spam arcane blast for 10 min straight is the day you'll have to worry about nerfs.

Furthermore, as has been stated many times, arcane doesn't scale at 80 like it does as 70. It's still pretty good and way better then it was pre patch, but it balances out alot.
#11 Nov 03 2008 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
What DarkHybrid said, besides frost geting nerfed (which was totally unesecary), arcane will stay the way it is and even if they nerf it they'd just have to unerf it at 80 or no one would touch it.
#12 Nov 03 2008 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
Mage QQ is so sweet, your spec is OP and you know it, like Paladin were (His burst is to strong! QUICK! NERF HIS MANA REGEN /facepalm). Considering the way Ret gear will be at 80 (zero int), and 10% mana regen as well as needing to cleanse spam as well as FoL and standard offenses and reseals.

Ret is designed around 80 yet they balance it at 70, we still got blindside hotfixes instead of any sort of discussion threads for our nerfs.

I honestly never got why mages were such PvP QQers, wah wah I only have the second strongest 3v3! Only one of the absoulute best 2s (RM), I only have one of the most popular 5s!

I am glad I am leveling a mage, it's going to be alot easier than Ret.

(That being said I respect the good Mages like Shivan, Noone, Vurnture, etc.)
#13 Nov 03 2008 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
Mage QQ is so sweet, your spec is OP and you know it, like Paladin were (His burst is to strong! QUICK! NERF HIS MANA REGEN /facepalm). Considering the way Ret gear will be at 80 (zero int), and 10% mana regen as well as needing to cleanse spam as well as FoL and standard offenses and reseals.

I'm not seeing alot of mage QQ. I'm seeing alot of pally QQ about mages (your post comes to mind), but mages don't really seem to be QQing all that much.

Also, as a Retadin, you should know that when blizz did their tests to check out rets, the did them at lvl 80. They have stated, many times I might add, that they are not using lvl 70 numbers to balance them out.

And Noone kicks ***.
#14 Nov 03 2008 at 5:30 PM Rating: Default
4,717 posts
DarkHybridX wrote:
Mage QQ is so sweet, your spec is OP and you know it, like Paladin were (His burst is to strong! QUICK! NERF HIS MANA REGEN /facepalm). Considering the way Ret gear will be at 80 (zero int), and 10% mana regen as well as needing to cleanse spam as well as FoL and standard offenses and reseals.

I'm not seeing alot of mage QQ. I'm seeing alot of pally QQ about mages (your post comes to mind), but mages don't really seem to be QQing all that much.

Also, as a Retadin, you should know that when blizz did their tests to check out rets, the did them at lvl 80. They have stated, many times I might add, that they are not using lvl 70 numbers to balance them out.

And Noone kicks ***.

Right, that's why we got hotfixes now. Because we are at eighty? Nerf our insane burst, keep our survivability.

You aren't seeing mage QQ? The Oboards are a mess of "WE MIGHT GET NERFED OMG QUIT WOW"

I don't QQ that I can't beat Mages, I QQ that my mana regen got nerfed to balls with no natrual int to help me out, I QQ that they nerfed my CC, my burst is still OP as hell, but they refuse to actually fix that - so people keep ******** about Rets until they nerf the burst and we become useless again. (Cleanse 6%) Crusader Strike 8% Divine Storm 12% Judgement 5% HoF 6% FoL 7%

This isn't a complete list of course, missing things like rep or HoJ as well as BoP, DS, etc. The point is our mana is broken at 80 in any form of PvP Enviroment.
Also, no more wings at all like usual. Gee, it's going to be swell to be a paladin.

(Please keep in mind that if we dip below 5% mana (about 2 mana burns) we have no way to regen besides drink).

#15 Nov 03 2008 at 10:41 PM Rating: Decent
794 posts
There is a blue regarding changing mana drain and mana burn to reducing fixed percentages of mana instead of flat amounts. This way it will not seem like the spell is particularly useful against classes/specs with smaller mana pools.

I got a shaman alt and I go throw his mana pretty quickly. Only thing preventing OOM is watershield and prudent uses of Shamananistic rage. I personally can see how devastating mana burn will be on him. As far as PvE goes, mana management will be required and one cannot really just keep spamming all their spells as ret now with the 15% base mana return from replenishment.
#16 Nov 04 2008 at 9:57 AM Rating: Default
Rets being able to roll though mobs or people without the mana bar moving was OP, plain and simple. If you guys now have to drink after killing 2 or 3 things then that's perfect imo. If you have to burn all your mana killing one... then that's a problem.

I didn't find rets OP other then the mana issue. I love their burst (and I don't even have a pally above lvl 38). It was cool to see such a neat class be able to dps and pvp.

Also, any changes made now are made for level 80. WotLK isn't that far away.
#17 Nov 04 2008 at 1:24 PM Rating: Default
4,717 posts
DarkHybridX wrote:
Rets being able to roll though mobs or people without the mana bar moving was OP, plain and simple. If you guys now have to drink after killing 2 or 3 things then that's perfect imo. If you have to burn all your mana killing one... then that's a problem.

I didn't find rets OP other then the mana issue. I love their burst (and I don't even have a pally above lvl 38). It was cool to see such a neat class be able to dps and pvp.

Also, any changes made now are made for level 80. WotLK isn't that far away.

What was OP is that any other class beside another paladin was just way to easy, if they didn't have their trinket or I survived 50 seconds, they would lose.

Even with the mana issue I can still faceroll other players, I do veiw myself as a better than most Ret, but not Faceroll anybody without Brutal Gladiator beside their name good.

The problem is in any real fight that drags on, I lose, I will lose, that's the problem with why we didn't work with a healer other than Disc (and even that is so Battlegroup specific that it's just insulting) in 2s.

I need mana to survive a 3-5 minute arena, and oh lawdy if i get CC'd when I need to judge, or I happen to fight a priest/warlock/hunter.

The burst solves this problem akwardly, the issue is still there, no one lives long enough to notice it.

(Can you link to the MB change? Not doubting you, but I'd like to see the numbers)
#18 Nov 04 2008 at 11:49 PM Rating: Decent
794 posts
GC post

GC said that it would make more sense this way. Also said something about a change so that Warlocks can have the option back. Compared to Viper Sting, Warlock drain mana is sad.... add in the fact that its harder to apply too.

In all fairness, a nerf on the mana regen will reign in the ret spec rather effectively. It really makes no sense to be able to move from kill to kill and be able to spam everything that does not have a middle length CD. I was watching a fren of mine grind some scourge and he pulls a whole bunch, hits concecrate and divine storm. I see the 2k crits float out and I just freaking want to flip. There was no danger of him dying to being mobbed and there he was smashing zombie face. We had a good laugh over me "flipping" and he just said its just for one month, we will be normal soon....

Its still nice to know that if I tag along a Paladin while on my enh Shaman, anything that we hit together is probably going to croak in a matter of seconds. ho-hum.
#19 Nov 06 2008 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
Downraters, your anger fuels me.

Anyway - I don't see whats OP about a melee class having an infinite amount of energy to use, Rogues, Warriors, Ench (to a lesser extent), Feral all have their boundless supply of smashface-juice. Mages, Locks, and other casters either have powerful regen or a good regen tool (Evocation could use a buff I think, make it heal without the Glyph) as well as a rather large amount of basemana.

The absoulute biggest problem is cleanse, that is a spell we have to use so often thats it's scary, any given Arena I can use cleanse 20x+ times, Not using anything but Cleanse and Judgement and I'd still be chugging along,

hell go to or some other Ret source, reduce our burst, give us back CC and buffed mana regen (25%~, rather than 33%).

#20 Nov 06 2008 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
794 posts
Lord Justdistaint wrote:
Downraters, your anger fuels me.

Anyway - I don't see whats OP about a melee class having an infinite amount of energy to use, Rogues, Warriors, Ench (to a lesser extent), Feral all have their boundless supply of smashface-juice. Mages, Locks, and other casters either have powerful regen or a good regen tool (Evocation could use a buff I think, make it heal without the Glyph) as well as a rather large amount of basemana.

The absoulute biggest problem is cleanse, that is a spell we have to use so often thats it's scary, any given Arena I can use cleanse 20x+ times, Not using anything but Cleanse and Judgement and I'd still be chugging along,

hell go to or some other Ret source, reduce our burst, give us back CC and buffed mana regen (25%~, rather than 33%).

Skill resource pools, pros and cons

Energy - Rogue/Hunter pets
Starts with full bar. Maximum amount will only increase with talent for Rogues and regens at a constant rate. Adrenalin Rush as powerful as it was once is a tool that needs to be well managed or the Rogue ends up wasting extra ticks of energy. It also goes empty very quickly, when I played a Rogue I plan my rotation so that I will have enough energy to use when I need it. I never played one with a feedback system but 100 energy can be gone after using 4 skills. Its faster with backstab.

Rage - Bear/Warrior
Starts empty, can only ever be 100 maximum. Fills up by doing dps, depletes when trying to dps and depletes when idle. Infinite? yes, dps Warriors constantly talk about needing to rage-dump and asking for another button to press. Warriors in particular can be said to be balanced on the fact that execute uses up all their rage at one go for big damage.

Mana - Enh Shaman/Paladin
Starts full, pool size can be extended. Regen fluctuates. We can go in on a target, unload everything and think about it after the fact that the target is dead. If I manage my use of mana diligently, I can go on forever without having to think about stopping while soloing. Paladins can run in, stun+wings, unload damage, bubble n heal if hurt.

On a sidenote, I had a grudge match going with this retpaladin on IQD. One-on-one I could pull it close with my enh Shaman. I could inevitably kill him but get really hurt. His friends would swoop in and kill me off in seconds but its much more balanced than when even one-on-one was futile. I still expect to get rolled if I am not ready for a fight.
#21 Nov 09 2008 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
Arcane pvp has been fun.

Of course I'll spec back to frost for the grind, but I will miss these few days where my mage felt like a queen in pvp.
#22 Nov 10 2008 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
wildsimian wrote:
Arcane pvp has been fun.

Of course I'll spec back to frost for the grind, but I will miss these few days where my mage felt like a queen in pvp.

#23 Nov 10 2008 at 9:40 AM Rating: Good
I specced arcane this weekend for KJ and for some PvP. When I was with a group I got almost all of the killing blows with a simple slow -> abarr -> fireblast and throwing in AM when missile barrage procced was great.
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