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Talent build for catFollow

#1 Oct 28 2008 at 5:25 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
I'm away from wow for quite a while. Was playing warhammer, but I'm willing to play a bit of wow again. The problem is, with all the changes in talents and agility and what not, I dont know which build I should use to my ol' cat budy. Can you guys help me out?

Thx a lot.
#2 Oct 28 2008 at 7:48 PM Rating: Excellent
817 posts
Should we assume "cat" to mean you want a build focused purely on PvE DPS?

Edited, Oct 28th 2008 9:34pm by JeeBar
#3 Oct 29 2008 at 12:06 AM Rating: Good
maybe soemthing like this

can move some points around to pick up king of jungle if you want or max out some of the partial done tallents.
#4 Oct 29 2008 at 1:05 AM Rating: Excellent
817 posts
Wow, that's extremely close to what I was trying to recommend earlier, punkspider. I just couldn't get my selections to "stick" with the linky url, and gave up.

The picks were virtually identical, in fact, as the only things I had any different were:
  • OoC instead of Berserk
  • Tier 1 of resto was 2/2 Imp MotW and 3/5 Furor instead of full Furor. My logic was that you won't need that instant as-you-shift energy in a pure dps role since you're mostly cruising around in cat form anyway, while at least the improved mark boosts your stats a (very) little bit.
  • I'd sacrificed one point of Rend & Tear and one point of Infected Wounds to get two points of King of the Jungle for that energy-in-a-pinch that comes with Tiger's Fury. Just an idea.

Oh hey I'm not as dumb as I was a couple hours ago, and got my version of the build to work. Big woop since it's virtually the same, I know. : )

Edited, Oct 29th 2008 2:06am by JeeBar
#5 Oct 29 2008 at 4:08 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
Here is the build I'm using

I find that the combination of FB and Tiger Fury as a finiher has increased my DPS alot. I used this for solo and raiding. It's probably not the best for PvP though.

#6 Oct 29 2008 at 4:27 AM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
JeeBar wrote:
Should we assume "cat" to mean you want a build focused purely on PvE DPS?

Edited, Oct 28th 2008 9:34pm by JeeBar

Yeah, sorry for not being that specific, but yes, pve feral dps.
And thanks for the replys. Some questions, though.
1 - Why infected wounds? In wich way would this help my dps? The way I see it, its a PvP talent, no? IMHO, 3 on Survival of the Fittest would be better than Infected Wounds, or am I wrong?
2 - And is there any way to do a compare between OoC and Berserk? I know that Berserk has a 3 min CD, but does the dps done in this 3 minutes compensate those OoC procs? Or OoC is still better?
3 - Isnt King of the jungle any good? I mean, using Tiger Fury to increase dps and getting 60 energy back when I'm energy seens pretty good for me.
4 - Since its all about dps, Improved Leader of the Pack does not seen fit to me. Even on early days of tBC I rarely picked it up. I think I'm gonna pass it too.
5 - Between King of the Jungle and Improved Mangle, wich one would be better to pick? Does anyone has some sort of calculation on that? I mean, one would give me 60 energy back and increase my dps for a while. The other, will make mangle cheaper, but mangle its not my main atack, more a secundary being shred the main one.
6 - I picked Survival Instinct for an "oh ****" button and because I really didnt had to put anymore. Same for Feral Swiftness, had more points in early tiers than where to put.

I ended with this:
Maybe put 2 on King of the Jungle and 2 on Improved Mangle could be better, but without calculations...I dunno.
I know is almost the same, but I think that my dps should be increased with those talents.

Another question, though. What about my "rotation"? Before, was pretty much mangle+ "n" shreds+rip and so on. The way I see now, I have to squeeze tiger fury between and maybe rake? Perhaps Ferocious Bite is any good now too? And what about stats points? Should I change my enchants from agility to strength now? And put mongoose on weapon? Too many things changed, oh well...

ps. Jeebar, about the full furor, you are forgetting power shift. At least, when I was raiding and doing heroics, I used power shift quite many times. Helped to never be energy starving.
#7 Oct 29 2008 at 5:35 AM Rating: Good
377 posts
Power shifting doesn't work anymore. Essentially it just tracks how much energy you should have, and with 5/5 you get that much instead of extra.
#8 Oct 29 2008 at 7:28 AM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Ieatrocks wrote:
Power shifting doesn't work anymore. Essentially it just tracks how much energy you should have, and with 5/5 you get that much instead of extra.

Really? Oh, that really sucks...So that means that, if I had 10 energy when I went to caster form, I will stick with those 10 energy when I shift back? Is that it?

Edited, Oct 29th 2008 12:38pm by Brisin
#9 Oct 29 2008 at 9:28 AM Rating: Excellent
817 posts
Brisin wrote:
Ieatrocks wrote:
Power shifting doesn't work anymore. Essentially it just tracks how much energy you should have, and with 5/5 you get that much instead of extra.

Really? Oh, that really sucks...So that means that, if I had 10 energy when I went to caster form, I will stick with those 10 energy when I shift back? Is that it?

Energy regenerates while you're in caster form. And Furor lets you "keep" that energy you've built up while in caster form, instead of wiping it when you shift into cat. So as long as you're in caster form for however long it takes to tick to full, you get however much energy your chosen amount of furor "saves" for you. All it really does is preserve powershifting.

#10 Oct 29 2008 at 9:44 AM Rating: Excellent
817 posts
Brisin wrote:
Yeah, sorry for not being that specific, but yes, pve feral dps.
And thanks for the replys. Some questions, though.

You're clearly more expert than I am, but I'll throw my thoughts around for fun. : )

Brisin wrote:
1 - Why infected wounds? In wich way would this help my dps? The way I see it, its a PvP talent, no? IMHO, 3 on Survival of the Fittest would be better than Infected Wounds, or am I wrong?

The movemement speed debuff is good for PvP, the mob attack speed reduction debuff is nice for your tank in PvE. You're right though, doesn't do much for your personal DPS in PvE. My recommendation included 2/3 SotF so clearly I agree that's valuable.

Brisin wrote:
2 - And is there any way to do a compare between OoC and Berserk? I know that Berserk has a 3 min CD, but does the dps done in this 3 minutes compensate those OoC procs? Or OoC is still better?
OoC vs. Berserk came up a lot right as the patch hit and consensus was that OoC was better. I think the elitist jerks did some math. I think OoC is better for sustained DPS because it procs on a fairly regular basis, while Berserk lets you time some massive burst damage for when it's needed, as it lets you virtually spam shred which is neat.

Brisin wrote:
3 - Isnt King of the jungle any good? I mean, using Tiger Fury to increase dps and getting 60 energy back when I'm energy seens pretty good for me.

Yeah, I finagled 2/3 KotJ into my recommended build even though I myself haven't used it in a build yet. Seems critical for a DPS build.

Brisin wrote:
4 - Since its all about dps, Improved Leader of the Pack does not seen fit to me. Even on early days of tBC I rarely picked it up. I think I'm gonna pass it too.

Good point. I grab it as a matter of course because I solo and tank more than I DPS.

Brisin wrote:
5 - Between King of the Jungle and Improved Mangle, wich one would be better to pick? Does anyone has some sort of calculation on that? I mean, one would give me 60 energy back and increase my dps for a while. The other, will make mangle cheaper, but mangle its not my main atack, more a secundary being shred the main one.

Another good point, I wasn't considering that Mangle won't really be part of a pure PvE DPS rotation anymore now that the Shred damage buff comes from bleeding instead of Mangle.

Brisin wrote:
6 - I picked Survival Instinct for an "oh sh*t" button and because I really didnt had to put anymore. Same for Feral Swiftness, had more points in early tiers than where to put.
I'd argue that Feral Swiftness is key to instance DPS now that it works indoors, since it lets you switch and chase mobs more quickly. Survival Instinct, yeah, I pretty much always take that but I figured it was because I PvP a fair bit.

Brisin wrote:
Another question, though. What about my "rotation"? Before, was pretty much mangle+ "n" shreds+rip and so on. The way I see now, I have to squeeze tiger fury between and maybe rake? Perhaps Ferocious Bite is any good now too? And what about stats points? Should I change my enchants from agility to strength now? And put mongoose on weapon? Too many things changed, oh well...

Since Shred now gets a damage boost from bleeding instead of the old mangle debuff, the game is doing whatever it takes to keep them bleeding for as long as possible. Pounce helps with it's long duration, and Rake now has a real reason for being. Then there's a Rip glyph that extends its duration for 4 seconds which is huge on that front.
#11 Oct 29 2008 at 5:44 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
So powershift is pretty much unusable now. That really sucks. 'Though there is tiger fury now...hmm, I will have to test a new macro then, changing powershift to use Tiger...20 seconds should be enough, I think.

Jeebar, thx for your input, as always. 4 things I have to point and ask.

1 - I still dont know what I should use now. Should I change my enchants, gems and what not? Should I focus on str and not more on agi? What about hit, did it changed? If so, I need more or less hit now?

2 - Wich atacks cause bleed now? If possible, separate the list in druid atacks and no-druids atacks, please. Would help a lot.

3 - I saw some place that there's an atack from warriors that overlaps the druid bleed debuff. Is that true? If so, is there any other one I should know?

4 - What about entangle roots? Since its usable indoor now, is it even considered as CC for heroics? Quite a while I dont do heroics, but I'm willing to do some to test my dps out.

Thanks a lot the inputs. You guys are really helpfull.
#12 Oct 29 2008 at 8:13 PM Rating: Excellent
817 posts
1) Agility/Reenchant/Regem? I've heard hints of a change to agility, but haven't seen anything documented (I've looked) and my AP and crit are doing just fine so I'm leaving well enough alone. Haven't heard anything that would affect the hit cap.

2) Bleed attacks? In cat form, Rake is a special attack that causes direct damage plus 9 seconds of bleed, Rip is a combo-point finisher that causes bleed damage over 12 seconds, and Pounce is an opener that incapicates them and has them bleeding for 18 seconds. Then in bear form Lacerate causes direct damage and 15 seconds of bleed. Rogues have an opener called Garrote that works like Pounce and a closer Rupture that's like Rip. Warriors have one bleed DoT attack caled Rend, and a talent called Deep Wounds that makes crits cause bleeding.

3) Warrior Bleed Debuff? I think Rend & Tear boosts Shred damage no matter who it was that set the enemy bleeding, so a warrior's rend or deep wounds proc, or either of the rogue attacks, would "overlap" our own bleed effect for the sake of the debuff.

4) Roots as CC? I haven't used roots for CC other than pulling with it, which it's pretty sweet for, but from what I understand balance and resto druids with more ready access to the spell do use it for CC'ing melee mobs just fine.
#13 Oct 30 2008 at 1:58 AM Rating: Good
Energy regenerates while you're in caster form. And Furor lets you "keep" that energy you've built up while in caster form, instead of wiping it when you shift into cat. So as long as you're in caster form for however long it takes to tick to full, you get however much energy your chosen amount of furor "saves" for you. All it really does is preserve powershifting.

just to make sure thats clear cause i got alittle confused. you keep ticking your energy say while you toss out some heals to a raid memeber in a pinch or group. well if you would have regenerated 80 energy in that time but you only have 3 points into the tallent you would only get 60 energy back. i havent dpsed since the patch but i personaly put 4-5 just cause i like raiding and need to use my Brez and depending on class i'll innervate them and heal them up so i can be out of cat form for alittle bit or i may help heal while getting that person up since i wont need the mana again for awhile.

i thought ooc wasnt really needed cause of how the energy and criting is happening or are we running out of energy alot. sorry like i said havent gone kitty since patch.

4) Roots as CC? I haven't used roots for CC other than pulling with it, which it's pretty sweet for, but from what I understand balance and resto druids with more ready access to the spell do use it for CC'ing melee mobs just fine.

yep i try to use it all the time i can as boomkin. i've been working on ccing 3 mobs some what in ramps. doing a root the melee hybernate a dog and cyclone one of the casters. so far it hasnt worked the best but was fun trying. if i could set two focuses and have macro to use on focus 1 and focus 2 it would work but too much clicking to try three to do any damage. not to mention the fact cyclone sucks due to them becomeing immune.
#14 Oct 30 2008 at 2:16 AM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Thanks, thanks and many more thanks. You guys answered most of my initial doubts. Really, thanks a lot.
Rate ups all around.
#15 Oct 30 2008 at 8:11 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts

"Effects which increase Bleed damage also increase Shred damage."

Mangle - Cat

"...and causes the target to take 30% additional damage from bleed effects for 12 seconds."

Mangle still buffs Shred, although if you have the Mangle glyph, you only have to use mangle every 18 seconds. 3/3 Improved Mangle reduces the energy cost by 6, which should save you ~20 energy / minute. Without the Glyph of Mangle, you're using mangle every 12-15 sec (depending on your rotation), for a max savings of 30 energy.

Compare that to 1/3 King of the Jungle, which gives you 40 energy every minute (20 energy / use, 30 sec CD). Another way to look at KotJ is that it's the new powershift. Every 30 seconds, you can get up to 60 energy back.

The damage buff to Shred from actual bleeds (instead of effects that increase bleed damage, like Mangle and Arms Warrior's Trauma) is from Rend and Tear. Arms Warriors proc a 6 sec bleed on crit with Rend and Tear, all Warriors have Rend, Rogues may be using a DPS cycle that includes Rupture, Bears will be using Lacerate, and cats will be using Rip. If your raid is lacking in bleed effects, I can see our DPS cycle starting with Mangle > Rake > Shred...

I haven't come up with a hybrid spec for 70 that I'm happy with yet, but right now I think 0/50/11 seems to be the best option. 5 points in NS/MS for 4% threat or 4% crit doesn't seem worth it.

Maybe something like this at level 80, although I'm not 100% happy with it either. There are too many really really good talents for tanking and DPS for me to have a true 50/50 hybrid I'm happy with. Slant it as either mostly tanking with DPS capability for single tank fights, or mostly DPS with occasional tanking on trash, and it gets a little easier.

Not that I'm complaining, I like that we can chose to excel at either tanking or DPS, instead of usually being second banana to Muti Rogues and Prot warriors.
#16 Oct 30 2008 at 8:53 AM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Thanks for the insights and some maths Astarin. As I thought KotJ is the new powershift. I tested it yesterday on Kara and it does the job its supposed, even better than powershift did, IMHO.

For a true hybrid, I would go with something like this:

Although it doesn't have Master Shapeshifter I think the other talents can compensate it (no, I dont have any actual calculation, since I'm not level 80 yet, nor on beta).
And you will have some points to switch around.
Like Infected Wounds, that I picked for heroics and that kind of thing, but once you are done with heroics or have a reliable group, you probably wont need it(I dont know if the atack speed is really usefull or not on raids, would have to test and see).
2/3 KotJ is good for this build, you wont need 3/3 since you are an hybrid and not a true dps nor a true tank. Same reason I picked 3/3 Imp. Mangle, since you will be tanking, and .5 GCD on mangle for a bear is a lot.
I dont think Brutal Impact is needed in any way, since this isnt a pvp build. You can go without it, same for Imp. LotP. Although its a great talent for a bear to have, imho, you have better ways to spent those talents points.
#17 Oct 30 2008 at 11:13 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Brutal Impact is nice for the interrupt on a shorter CD not the stun. Blizz has said the interrupt should work even if the stun wont.

I would have gone 2/3 in PI and IW but that is just splitting hairs. PI only affects cat form now, the tree you are using doesn't reflect that FYI. Which is why I like the 2/3 for each as IW counts as a disease so should work on bosses IIRC.

Not having ILotP seems like a needed cut for a hybrid tank/DPS spec. I love that talent but that is what healers are for right.

Nice call on the 2/2 IMotW and 3/5 Furor, I am doing that right now. :) I think at least 1 point in IMotW will be standard for most feral druids except die hard tanking only folks.

The only thing that could easily change in that tree would be an extra point taken from SotF. Would be only if tank gear had the defense too make up for it from shared items. I would never enchant or gem to be uncrittable but if I had it anyway... Would most likely stick the point in BI for the lower CD on my interrupt.

Here is most likely my bear spec at 80 . Maybe swinging 1 or 2 points from IMotW back into Furor. I miss Intensity all ready.

All cat would be more like this .


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#18 Oct 30 2008 at 5:01 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Didnt knew that "PI only affects cat form now". Good to know though, thanks.

About the all cat thing, I would only not use LotP. I dunno, its a great talent to level and quest, but once you are done with it...maybe it's good for pvp too, to some degree like all dps arena team or some BGs, not really sure on that though.
#19 Oct 30 2008 at 5:19 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
You are right in that ILotP isn't needed for cat DPS. But I had no other solid place to put the points and it is a nice buff and takes some stress off the healers. I feel they get the biggest bang for the buck as all the other talents are more bear or PvP oriented.

If pressed I could say put them in Nurturing Instincts (better pinch heals), Primal Tenacity (fear time reduction), Feral Instincts (for bear AoE damage) or finishing filling out IMotW and Furor.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#20 Oct 30 2008 at 7:36 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Btw, I just made you guru, gratz ;)
#21 Nov 04 2008 at 6:15 PM Rating: Default
So which is better for leveling. Cat or bear form. Druids level 24. Points have been reset. I am here reading every post I can. Still confused lol. I've stopped playing my 70 hunter tell expac comes out. Want to get my druid up a bit. I had a leveling build before the patch.

I crumpled it and threw it away lol. My main thing is I love cat form. Only thing is I don't have much yet to really do any serious damage as cat. Is there a set build on pve soloing that I could use tell at least outlands. From there I can decide rather I want to stay feral or go resto. Thanks for all who reply. :D
#22 Nov 04 2008 at 6:54 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
Souliken wrote:
So which is better for leveling. Cat or bear form.

The question is kinda odd because you use both forms, depending on the situation. Generally speaking, I'd say cat form contributes more to solo leveling. You can tear through mobs without the downtime of having to drink, you get from place to place 30% faster thanks to Feral Swiftness, and you can stealth past trash to get to quest objectives if you choose.

Bear form also helps with leveling, though, as you can take out groups of mobs, or take out higher level mobs than you could in cat form, albeit more slowly. Then you could say bear from accelerates leveling because we're usually more in demand as tanks for instance groups than DPS.

Souliken wrote:
Is there a set build on pve soloing that I could use tell at least outlands.

I don't really know what that means...your build changes every level when you add a new talent. We also have the oddity that most people advocate going 11 into resto early for Omen of Clarity, then respeccing to full feral at 50 when you can get Mangle.

Just for fun, guessing at what you're looking for with that question, and with very little thought put into this, my feral build at 24 would probably look like this. Then maybe something like this at 40. Then this at 50 to get mangle ASAP. Then this at 61. (broke the even number there to get OoC)

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