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Best build to level with?Follow

#1 Oct 28 2008 at 4:27 PM Rating: Default
329 posts
I'm new to leveling a Warrior. I leveled him up via my RaF since I couldn't stand playing him at low levels. But now that he is 60 I want to start leveling him again and see if

I like him. However I have looked over numerous posts regarding builds and can not find a clear explanation on what each section of the talent tree really does besides Prot.

Basically I want to know what is Arms good for and what is Fury good for? I plan on soloing till probably 63 or 64 and by than plan on knowing the class well enough to be able

to do instances without being a noob to the class. I plan on carrying gear to tank with also I just want some insight into the different trees so I don't spec into the wrong one

and not like the class due to it not being geared for my play style. Thanks.
#2 Oct 29 2008 at 1:22 PM Rating: Excellent
1,395 posts
Arms is the best now, since Slam got moved. There's hardly any 2h utility in the fury tree now, and if you go DW you loose a lot of DPS. This is for low levels, but you're gonna start at level 60? Then you can pretty much go for what ever you feel is fun. If you go Fury you need a lot of +hit gear, and I'd recommend to not spec Titan's Grip since you can only ever hope to achieve the +hit required at endgame raids.

You can even level as prot now. There was a bug just when I started playing, where Revenge was on the GCD. I thought it was intended for solo play, because it wasn't available when I was grouped. However, when I ungrouped I lost this little feat.. shame.

Bladestorm is amazing for grinding, I can tell you. Sort of an 'oh ****' button. Sweeping Strikes is also very good. I don't know what else to tell you. Might just be me being a senior warrior, but the talents look pretty straight forward to me. Please ask something more specific than "What is the best spec?". You seem to have snatched that it's highly play style related, so maybe you can tell us how you like to play?
#3 Oct 29 2008 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts
Thanks for the reply. My main is a hunter so that doesn't really help. I would say my play style is more geared towards being a feral druid or a combat rogue.I only know how

my warrior played up till about level 17 and I was having issues surviving due to not having access to a lot of abilities. I was looking into Fury because TG seems like a cool

ability but like you said since I don't have +hit to be able to use that effectively. Basically what I was interested in was a cookie cutter build for either arms or prot I

could try out until I get to know the class a little better and can respec based on my preference. Sorry about the vague question I wasn't sure what I was really looking for.

I spent about a week reading posts trying to get some insight and really didn't pick up on anything besides people talking about TG and lower level builds. Fury seems like the

kind of build I would want though. I wouldn't mind doing Prot either just I have never had any tanking experience in WoW so idk how much I would be able to adapt to that role

even in solo.

Arms: Arms Build

Prot: Prot Build

Edit: Added in my own builds so someone can give me feedback on whether they are decent or not.

Edited, Oct 29th 2008 9:06pm by RaiderElitist
#4 Oct 30 2008 at 6:30 AM Rating: Good
640 posts
That arms build is similar to what I use, except I have both points in overpower, and I have 3 in Taste for Blood. Now I just start every fight with a rend, and between MS, Overpower procs off of TfB, and Sudden Death procs, I have instant attacks at my disposal at nearly every cooldown. Now I do very little stance dancing unless I'm doing PvP, since the sudden death and taste for blood easily replace the instant attack from whirlwind. I also don't really need slam as a rage dump anymore.

Making battle stance my standard stance also makes improved intercept much less necessary, although I keep it for PvP.
#5 Oct 30 2008 at 8:56 AM Rating: Excellent
19,369 posts
Since you're at level 60 I would probably play whichever spec you're planning on playing in groups. If you're going to tank I'd level as prot. If you're going to dps I'd go arms or fury. By doing this you'll become more familiar with your abilities and what you'll use in a group.

Even before the patch leveling as prot after 60 isn't that bad at all.

If you haven't tanked before I would recommend trying it out. You might find that you like it a lot more than dps.

As for arms or fury I prefer arms. This is mainly because dw over 2h feels too much like my rogue. I like the variety and 2handers usually look pretty cool.
#6 Oct 30 2008 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
329 posts
Well I do kind of wanna try my hand at tanking so I think I will probably level prot since what Mental said makes sense about playing the role to get to know it. All I'm

wondering now is the Prot build I posted there good? Not many 3.0 talent builds around that I can find so just wanna make sure I'm not wasting points in stuff I don't need or

not putting points in vital talents.
#7REDACTED, Posted: Oct 30 2008 at 1:21 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I think if you would have lvl'd him from 1-60/70, you wouldn't have alot of these questions, but I think you took the easy way out, and others are more gracious to help you than I.
#8 Oct 30 2008 at 3:12 PM Rating: Good
329 posts
PigeonMan wrote:
I think if you would have lvl'd him from 1-60/70, you wouldn't have alot of these questions, but I think you took the easy way out, and others are more gracious to help you than I.

If you can't help yourself, neither can I.

How was this even a constructive post? All I was really asking for was advice on builds and what each tree is mainly geared towards. If I hadn't done what I did I would be

level 17 asking the exact same questions and it would be ok but since I took the route a lot of people took I'm the bad guy? Asking for people to check out builds I made and

getting their opinions on them is something other people do too. It's not like I'm asking someone to hold my hand and level my toon for me I just wanted some general advice.
#9 Oct 30 2008 at 4:15 PM Rating: Excellent
1,395 posts
Some feedback on your builds:

- ARMS -

You've picked some talents I'd see as avoid-talents. I'll tell you which:

- Iron Will: You'll want this is you PvP a lot, but if you don't this is much better placed in Tactical Mastery. TM will let you switch to Berzer Stance for WW and fear breaks as well as to Def Stance for Spell Reflect without loosing too much rage.
- Deep Wounds: This isn't as much damage as it used to be, but it's ok to spec as a filler to get to higher tiers. I know you'd want this for procing Blood Frenzy, but since I'm about to advise you to get Taste for Blood you'll have Rend up anyway. Deep Wounds is better than Rend ofc, so maybe not as much as an 'avoid' talent than a 'think closely' talent.
- Mace spec: If you use a mace.. sure, but Poleaxe is a much more versatile spec.
- Imp. Intercept: Again, a PvP talent. If you PvP a lot, get it.. if you don't, you might want to consider something else.
- Trauma: I don't consider this a good talent since your bleed effects do very limitied damage, and won't do much better even with this. It is however an accepted filler, if you have a lot of bleed effects.
- Imp. MS: Too many points for too small an increase. Your main ability should be Slam anyhow, since it now sustains your swing timer.

An arms build I'd recommend to you would look something like this.
You might think I'm selfcontradictory to spec one additional not-needed point in Trauma, but it's since there isn't much better stuff in the fury tree.

- PROT -

First off, this is a leveling build, so I'll have to rethink how I usually plan my prot builds.

- Last Stand: It's an 'oh ****' button, but I doubt you'll be using it much, all the less in leveling.
- Toughness: For leveling.. not really as useful as if you'd have Armored to the Teeth.
- Imp. Disarm: According to me, points much better spent in Imp. Revenge.
- Imp. Disciplines: How often do you use these CD's? I don't use them nearly enough to need 1 min less CD, so I'd put this in Gag Order, simply because of the Shield Slam buff.

If I were to spec prot for leveling, I'd go with this. This is much different from an endgame raid build, in which you'd max your +dodge instead of +armour and your +parry instead of +crit. However, different purpose..

Maybe this will shed some light on what you're trying to achieve. I theorycraft a lot around builds, and try the ones I find most interesting out myself. Any build-directed questions I'm happy to answer.
#10 Oct 30 2008 at 8:18 PM Rating: Default
Utarius has helped me with my warrior. Because of you I'm trying arms and am currently only level 21 but I kill very quickly. Question on that build you showed me. Imp rend. Is that basicly to get to other tears cause I don't use it very much at all. Heroic strike a barely use cause when I crit on a mob they die almost instantly. Only thing I'm thinking about now is did I make the toon for the wrong faction. I do battlegrounds with my hunter. The horde owns the alliance most of the time. >< I get killed by warriors so fast its not even funny lol. Just whirlwind around me and bam i drop in one to 2 hits. Anyways I was just wanting to ask about that build you showed me. :D And for the info on iron will being pvp. I thought so. Thanks again utarius. You are the man.
#11 Oct 31 2008 at 3:42 AM Rating: Excellent
1,395 posts
Souliken wrote:
Utarius has helped me with my warrior. Because of you I'm trying arms and am currently only level 21 but I kill very quickly. Question on that build you showed me. Imp rend. Is that basicly to get to other tears cause I don't use it very much at all. Heroic strike a barely use cause when I crit on a mob they die almost instantly. Only thing I'm thinking about now is did I make the toon for the wrong faction. I do battlegrounds with my hunter. The horde owns the alliance most of the time. >< I get killed by warriors so fast its not even funny lol. Just whirlwind around me and bam i drop in one to 2 hits. Anyways I was just wanting to ask about that build you showed me. :D And for the info on iron will being pvp. I thought so. Thanks again utarius. You are the man.

Was this in another thread? I can't remember it to boot, but if it was an arms build it shouldn't be far from the one I linked here. I can help you with the first tier though:
You pick Imp. Rend as a filler. This isn't good for two reasons.
1. You're increasing the damage of a really bad ability, that you say yourself that you don't use much. (this is basically throwing talent points away, this should be avoided).
2. You're neglecting more useful talents in this tier.

The talent I'm talking about is Deflection. At low levels, more than ever, I find Survivability is an issue. You get killed really quick. To avoid this, getting 5% extra chance to dodge (or rather, parry) an attack completely is a very good option.

I'm not sure what point you were making about Heroic Strike.. but my view on it is this:
Heroic Strike is good up until level 24, where you get Execute. At level 30, when you get Slam, its use is completely neglectable. Wasting 3 points in an ability you'll only use your first 30 levels = Bad. Go Deflection!
#12 Oct 31 2008 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
329 posts
Thanks for the answers to my questions Utarius. That is exactly what I was looking for to help me let me know what parts of my builds were bad choices. Just so you know im not

a complete idiot though I only put points in mace spec to fill it in. Forgot to mention that thats why I did that. Also I did realize Imp. Disciplines was a waste of points.

When I was toying around with trying another prot build I decided against it but it was still in my old build. Thank you all for the help and hopefully this gets me on the way

to being able to be a better warrior.
#13 Nov 01 2008 at 1:28 AM Rating: Default
It wasn't you Utarius. It was someone else. I have respecced though to the build you posted above. Working out fine so far. Hate being low level with barely any abilities at my disposal. *sigh* Hopefully get some soon.
#14 Nov 12 2008 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
A few people here are saying when leveling arms, slam is used a lot. I thought slam was only good when you had improved slam and used it in rotations for raiding. I have a 54 warrior, and have not played him in months. I am now quite clueless as to how to level him, i figured just use mortal strike whenever it was up and use overpower when able and if i had aoe situations to pop into zerker stance and whirlwind and cleave and sweeping strikes, and when i got it blade storm to use that too. I have not run into any aoe situations, but killing level 50-52 mobs (green to me) is killing me after 2-3 fights, or i am very low on health. So i guess what i am asking is, when you are arms, how do you solo level and if the situation arises take on multiple mobs?


Don't ask about the gloves....

Edited, Nov 12th 2008 2:29pm by knightofury
#15 Nov 12 2008 at 7:57 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
knightofury wrote:
A few people here are saying when leveling arms, slam is used a lot. I thought slam was only good when you had improved slam and used it in rotations for raiding.

Improved Slam is now in the Arms tree, and Slam no longer resets your swing timer. You can do the math for yourself, but Slam is a lot more efficient in terms of damage per rage than Mortal Strike, and I'd personally pick up Improved Slam before Improved Mortal Strike (for PVE).
#16 Nov 13 2008 at 6:05 AM Rating: Default
you sure about slam not resetting swing timer?

i havnt noticed this yet, my swing still takes forever if i miss time a slam.
#17 Nov 13 2008 at 7:47 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Patch 3.0.2 Notes wrote:
  • Slam now suspends the weapon swing timer rather than resetting it.

  • Pretty sure.
    #18 Nov 13 2008 at 7:51 AM Rating: Default
    so its not that te swing is resetting, jsut not swinging for the cast time of the slam?

    Edited, Nov 13th 2008 10:51am by redbarronthesecond
    #19 Nov 13 2008 at 8:39 AM Rating: Good
    1,331 posts
    while casting slam, your swing is delayed for the channel. It does not interrupt your swing time, thus making it function exactly like you hit slam in the old days as if you had perfect coordination and 0 lag. That's the function of slam now.
    #20 Nov 13 2008 at 8:47 AM Rating: Good
    1,622 posts
    Pretty much. It's just a pause now, it doesn't reset your swing timer.
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