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Bad pet! -- SunwellFollow

#1 Oct 28 2008 at 4:21 AM Rating: Good
278 posts
For those of you who are hoping this is an entertaining story about how my pet caused a wipe in Sunwell, I'm sorry to dissapoint you.

Getting on with the subject at hand, has anyone noticed a lack of obidience in Sunwell? I'm not talking about the Cower bug, but instead a bug with the "attack" command. We were poking around at Brutallis last night (Tanks died at 1%, managed to burn him down. I tanked for half a second!) and my pet refused to attack. In fact, it refused to move at all. When put on follow, it would periodically "teleport" to me.

I brought this up in super secret Hunter chat, and everyone else noticed the same problem. Incidentally, our Warlocks were also having the same issue.

Now this wasn't a constant thing, a few attempts it would go in to attack, but halfway through the fight would instantly teleport back to my side.

Has anyone else noticed this bug? If so, have you figured out a way to fix it?

#2 Oct 28 2008 at 4:53 AM Rating: Good
I wasn't in my guild's Brutallis fight yesterday, but I heard Hunters say the same in our own "Hunter Chat". The pets would just stutter around behind them, and refuse to attack. Don't know what the problem is, but you are not alone.
#3 Oct 28 2008 at 7:03 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
I've had the same problem--quite a bit in BRD, and also while doing a quest chain in SMV. Don't know what causes it, but when your pet is supposed to be tanking it's a bit of a bummer.
#4 Oct 28 2008 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
797 posts
I've not been to Sunwell. However when my pet performs similar antics, its because he can't find a path to the target. I've frequently noticed this problem when the floor is broken up into chunks. Does the area of your fight have a broken floor?
#5 Oct 28 2008 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
I've noticed this as well, however I do not know what the cause is.
#6 Oct 28 2008 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
Crazy. I was in Sunwell last night, too. It was my first time seeing Brut.

So my experience is a little hard to explain, but here it goes:

-We start the fight from the ground, to the left of the platform where you first see Brutt. I was having problems with my pet there.
-My DPS group stands over near Madgrigosa. I mount up for the pull so I can get into place faster. Once I dismount over there, I have no issues. My pet attacked just fine.
-One of the hunters was assigned to stand next to me. When he mounted up to get into place, he had no problem. If he just ran to his spot, his pet wouldn't attack.
-The third hunter in my raid was stuck DPSing over on the other side of brutt. He only had to move a few yards to get into place, so his pet was still in the buggy zone, and he couldn't get it to attack once.

A raid leader from the top guild on my server was on vent listening in and giving advice to my raid leader. He happens to be a hunter, and has had the same issue. I don't know what his advice was to fix it, since when he asked me if I'm having problems, I said no.

The hunters and I talked to our raid leader, and decided that we all need to be on the furthest side, and we all need to mount before we attack. I do wonder, however, if the pet is called/spawned after Brutt is engaged if that fixes the bug. The guy who was standing in the buggy zone never even tried to mount up... probably because he didn't bother to mention the problem until after the raid.

Edited, Oct 28th 2008 5:25pm by ProjectMidnight
#7 Oct 28 2008 at 3:03 PM Rating: Default
Guess I'll post it here. Everyone last night I had my first raid. We raided Kara. I had a total blast. Missed out on a couple of upgrades for me =( the ripper axe from the new boss that will only be there for a short time. Raid lasted about 2 and a half hours. I think my pet was specced wrong for raiding lol. Died alot. But kept growl off and kept it on passive. Thanks for the tips Rinkkel. But my pet did get stuck a couple of times. Then I'd go down some stairs and poof there it would be. Bug or no bug. It was great. This is only the beginning for me. Tomorrow we do it again.

Gonna look on atlas loot and see what else drops for my hunter. I want that axe badly. Any of you got it and if so how is it. You get it enchanted? Again thanks for griping at me rinkkel. If not I'd have never started raiding. I'm off to do dailies. Poof! >.<
#8 Oct 28 2008 at 3:44 PM Rating: Good
830 posts
I've had a few times each of my pets refused to attack the target. I couldn't find any rhymn or reason for it. So, I fixed it by clicking on the target and clicking the attack icon. The 'send pet' shortcut would not work, if it did, he'd come right back to my side. Pets are a bit buggy in some ways.

Next pet issue, stopping attacking in the middle of a fight. I've had the pets come back to me a few times and I haven't called them back. I'm thinking they are responding to other classes spells, like a frost nova or something. Could be good or bad here, not sure.
#9 Oct 28 2008 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
Souliken wrote:
Guess I'll post it here. Everyone last night I had my first raid. We raided Kara. I had a total blast. Missed out on a couple of upgrades for me =( the ripper axe from the new boss that will only be there for a short time. Raid lasted about 2 and a half hours. I think my pet was specced wrong for raiding lol. Died alot. But kept growl off and kept it on passive. Thanks for the tips Rinkkel. But my pet did get stuck a couple of times. Then I'd go down some stairs and poof there it would be. Bug or no bug. It was great. This is only the beginning for me. Tomorrow we do it again.

Gonna look on atlas loot and see what else drops for my hunter. I want that axe badly. Any of you got it and if so how is it. You get it enchanted? Again thanks for griping at me rinkkel. If not I'd have never started raiding. I'm off to do dailies. Poof! >.<

What does this have to do with pets not attacking on Brutallus?
#10 Oct 28 2008 at 4:06 PM Rating: Default
I give up. I didn't want to make a new thread for the post. And in my post I experienced the same bug. Pet did attack but got stuck alot and then would just show up attacking. I could still mend pet. So I'm done posting. Thanks

Plust just wanted to post for my first raid but its not important. Pets not attacking in Brut is. Sorry if I messed up your OP

Edited, Oct 28th 2008 7:08pm by Souliken
#11 Oct 28 2008 at 4:48 PM Rating: Good
The area is super buggy around Brutallus. There are some spots from which your pet is willing to attack and there are a lot of spots where it won't attack.
Those bugs exist for at least 3 months and are a constant PITA.
Last week I could really test my DPS against brutallus (~3.3k dps) this week my pet bugged out and I had a meager 1.9k dps.

Against Felmyst the Pet does bug a lot less, but there are also areas from which the pet won't attack.
Just live with it, the instance was nerfed so hard, it should not be difficult to beat Brutallus without hunter pets.
#12 Oct 28 2008 at 9:16 PM Rating: Default
1,519 posts
Souliken wrote:
Plust just wanted to post for my first raid but its not important. Pets not attacking in Brut is. Sorry if I messed up your OP

There is a very significant reason why pets not attacking Brutallus is an important issue that hunters need to worry about.

Brutallus has 7,351,300 health and a 6 minute enrage timer, which means that a 25-man raid needs to pull over 21,000 DPS *IF* none of your DPSers die. If you have 2 tanks, 7 healers, and 16 DPSers, that means each DPSer needs to pull over 1300 DPS to just *barely* make the enrage timer with zero deaths. Since it's a potentially mobile fight (running to the healers if you get hit with the flame DoT that does a minimum of 53,200 damage), people are bound to die, and no one wants to risk the enrage timer since it's an instant wipe, the very minimum amount of DPS everyone should be doing to 1800.

If a hunter that would normally do 2500 DPS on Brutallus can't use the pet because of the terrain bug, that drops down to about 1600-1700 DPS. that's a pretty big deal.

"Pet did attack but got stuck a lot" in Karazhan isn't relevant to this conversation.
#13 Oct 28 2008 at 11:06 PM Rating: Good
500 posts
ProjectMidnight wrote:
Souliken wrote:
Plust just wanted to post for my first raid but its not important. Pets not attacking in Brut is. Sorry if I messed up your OP

There is a very significant reason why pets not attacking Brutallus is an important issue that hunters need to worry about.

Brutallus has 7,351,300 health and a 6 minute enrage timer, which means that a 25-man raid needs to pull over 21,000 DPS *IF* none of your DPSers die. If you have 2 tanks, 7 healers, and 16 DPSers, that means each DPSer needs to pull over 1300 DPS to just *barely* make the enrage timer with zero deaths. Since it's a potentially mobile fight (running to the healers if you get hit with the flame DoT that does a minimum of 53,200 damage), people are bound to die, and no one wants to risk the enrage timer since it's an instant wipe, the very minimum amount of DPS everyone should be doing to 1800.

If a hunter that would normally do 2500 DPS on Brutallus can't use the pet because of the terrain bug, that drops down to about 1600-1700 DPS. that's a pretty big deal.

"Pet did attack but got stuck a lot" in Karazhan isn't relevant to this conversation.

Neither is "I've had the same problem--quite a bit in BRD, and also while doing a quest chain in SMV. Don't know what causes it, but when your pet is supposed to be tanking it's a bit of a bummer."

But thanks for the enlightenment.
#14 Oct 29 2008 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
979 posts
The bug is not just an instance/raid thing , i have several alt Hunters and they all have had this bug at times , i put it down to usually having my pet on aggressive as when i change from aggressive to defensive or to passive it seems to clear it.

Can anyone that gets the bug try changing from whatever they have their pet set to , i.e. aggressive/defensive/passive and then back and see if it does clear it as at seems to always clear it for me ?.

I thought it was only me getting this weird bug so thanks for pointing out it was not just me.
#15 Oct 29 2008 at 2:15 AM Rating: Good
ProjectMidnight wrote:
Souliken wrote:
Plust just wanted to post for my first raid but its not important. Pets not attacking in Brut is. Sorry if I messed up your OP

There is a very significant reason why pets not attacking Brutallus is an important issue that hunters need to worry about.

Brutallus has 7,351,300 health and a 6 minute enrage timer, which means that a 25-man raid needs to pull over 21,000 DPS *IF* none of your DPSers die. If you have 2 tanks, 7 healers, and 16 DPSers, that means each DPSer needs to pull over 1300 DPS to just *barely* make the enrage timer with zero deaths. Since it's a potentially mobile fight (running to the healers if you get hit with the flame DoT that does a minimum of 53,200 damage), people are bound to die, and no one wants to risk the enrage timer since it's an instant wipe, the very minimum amount of DPS everyone should be doing to 1800.

If a hunter that would normally do 2500 DPS on Brutallus can't use the pet because of the terrain bug, that drops down to about 1600-1700 DPS. that's a pretty big deal.

"Pet did attack but got stuck a lot" in Karazhan isn't relevant to this conversation.

1.3k dps is a really really low value for any DD going to sunwell. Brut was nerfed so hard he is not very difficult anymore.
Before the nerf you needed 29k raid dps to beat the encounter which was kinda hard (but still very doable once you had optimized your raid setup).
Before the nerf you took 2 tanks, 5 or 6 healers and 17 or 18 DDs to fight brutallus. Last week we did not want to change our raid setup between bosses so we went with 8 or 9 healers and still managed to kill Brut in a little less than 4 minutes.
With the new talents and the hp nerf the dps requirements to kill Brut are rather weak. Just make sure that nobody dies and that everybody manages to run to the assigned safe spots when he has burn and you should be fine.

There are a lot terrain bugs in that area, just live with it. Those have been there since release of Sunwell. I had my pet bugging out a few times before the nerf. It sucks, you do meager DPS, but its not the end of the world (and surely Blizz will not fix this as WotLK is soon to arrive and Sunwell really is not hard anymore).
#16 Oct 29 2008 at 6:26 AM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
I've ran into the same bug elsewhere. Not in SWP, or against Brutallus, but nearly every little stone, rock, log, or leaf on the ground will cause your pet to glitch, which is annoying as hell.

I pray Blizz is looking into it, because it is really lame. I don't want to have to get a Warp Stalker (assuming their teleport lets them get out of the glitch) just to have a reliable pet that can actually attack and tank my targets.

This is lame, right along with the Cower/Prowl bugs, and they need fixed ASAP. What they should do, is buff the pet's ability to traverse terrain, let them jump off of objects, climb up things, etc better. Especially for battlefields that have lots of debris...

If your pet gets stuck in this bug, Brutallus or no, the only way of fixing it that I know of, is to do one of two things:

1). Dismiss+Call: This will reduce your pet's happiness by 50, which means your pet will do less damage. Hopefully, you've got an in-battle happiness refill.

2). Run out of rage of your pet. It will either despawn (no happiness loss), or will teleport to your side (fixing the glitch). This isn't feasible in most Raid battles, though, as few battlefields are large enough to run out of range of your pet. Not to mention, if you're doing that, you're not doing things like DPSing the raid/instance boss.

If Blizz can't fix these bugs, then they should at least give us a "Teleport to Player" button, or something. I have nearly gotten killed because of this BS where my pet gets hung up on (insert one of the 38,478,389,209 little rocks, stones, etc in the game world).
#17 Oct 30 2008 at 2:31 PM Rating: Excellent
278 posts
After weeks (well, couple days) of furious cooperation between Hunters and Warlocks, we have come up with a solution!

The fiendish way to "unstick" your pet, without desummoning it or poking it with sharp sticks is to order it to "stay" run a bit away, and then order it to "follow" you.

There also seems to be issues with keeping your pet on passive. My pet was spazzing out in BT until I put it on defensive, and it stopped spazzing.

Dislcaimer: I actually didn't discover this, I actually had no part in the discovery. It was, oh the irony, a Mage with an water elemental who told me this.
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