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#1 Oct 27 2008 at 1:05 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
mmo-champion wrote:
Feral * Tiger's Fury (Rank 6) now increases damage done by 80 (down from 131). Rank 5 now increases damage done by 60. (Down from 77)

Balance * Moonkin Form mana regeneration doesn't affect AOE spells anymore. (Source )

Just an FYI for you all.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#2 Oct 27 2008 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
304 posts
Lame I liked that I could get mana out of an AoE every once in a while... was there even a reason for this nerf?
#3 Oct 27 2008 at 2:51 AM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
probably fear of a moonkin being able to aoe endlessly under the appropriate circumstances. large number of mobs, some raid buffs (mana regens) added in, that kind of thing. then youd have an aoe class that beat all the others bar-none; doesnt go oom, strong aoe, and high armor all rolled into one.
#4 Oct 27 2008 at 3:36 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Well I can understand that Moonkin nerf to a point. Under the right circumstances, I could regen most if not all of my mana back from a hurricane. This sounds like the Axe instead of the razor though.

I mean Hurricane is still a high mana cost spell.
Why can't we have a limit on mana regen? Say once every 2-3 secs? That would work into our wrath/starfire rotation pretty much anyway.
Or maybe put a limit on how many % you can get in a certain time.

I know this seems like more work for Blizzard, but Grrrrrr. They made the game, gimme a break. There was a reason they called them OOMkin...I'd rather not go back to that.
#5 Oct 27 2008 at 3:47 AM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
Galenmoon wrote:
Well I can understand that Moonkin nerf to a point. Under the right circumstances, I could regen most if not all of my mana back from a hurricane. This sounds like the Axe instead of the razor though.

I mean Hurricane is still a high mana cost spell.
Why can't we have a limit on mana regen? Say once every 2-3 secs? That would work into our wrath/starfire rotation pretty much anyway.
Or maybe put a limit on how many % you can get in a certain time.

I know this seems like more work for Blizzard, but Grrrrrr. They made the game, gimme a break. There was a reason they called them OOMkin...I'd rather not go back to that.

It's just so that groups of Puller/Healer/Boomkin don't just grind to death everything in existance. I was doing this at the scourge invasion points and it was rediculous. I'm all for boosting Moonkins (been one since pr-BC), but it did feel a little over the top.

Hell, I'm just glad that Hurricane can crit! Add in the potential that dots could very well crit in the future (Anyone heard if hots could too?) crits galore!

Edited, Oct 27th 2008 11:49am by Micros
#6 Oct 27 2008 at 3:58 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Yeah, I'm not saying it's not OP. That much mana regen is crazy, but I would still like to see some regen off it. I mean getting 2-4% total mana regen on a spell that is still pretty expensive would be nice. :P

Obviously will have to test it and see how much it hurts once it goes live.

I don't mind getting hit with the nerf bat from time to time, I just don't want them to crush us.
#7 Oct 27 2008 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
think of it like this galen; do other aoe classes have mana regen capabilities like that? warlock and mage? as far as im aware, they dont. for the sake of balance, you cant have a class thats head and shoulders above the rest, or else why be/bring anything but that class? in terms of aoe, a moonkin druid would outclass mages and locks, and the "best" way to get to 80 or making money would likely be hooking up with a moonkin and helping him/her aoe farm/level (or, in our case, speccing moonkin and aoe farming/leveling).

and no, its not similar to the way mages aoe farm or level; that requires as much downtime drinking/eating as it does actual aoeing. the difference here is that a moonkin could potentially go on forever given enough targets.
#8 Oct 27 2008 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
Prot warrior/feral druid + boomkin + lots of mobs = 0 downtime AoE grinding.
#9 Oct 27 2008 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
814 posts
You can also look at it like this. Blizzard max rank(rank 9) does around 3.5k(8 sec.) base damage and uses 74% of the mage's base mana. Hurricane max rank(rank 5) does around 4.5k(10 sec.) base damage AND increases the time between enemy melee/range attacks while costing 81% mana. (This is using the level 80 spells) Blizzard does about 438 per tick while Hurricane does 450.

So our AoE does a little more damage, comes with a built in debuff, and costs more mana. The only thing Blizzard has over Hurricane is the slightly less mana cost; but if you add the fact that Hurricane can crit coupled with the moonkin change, then the mana gained back overshadows Blizzard's smaller mana cost by a lot. From what I hear you can pretty much gain back all the mana you used to cast the spell in the first place. So pretty much Hurricane can be used over and over while Blizzard cannot, and if thats the case why even bring a mage at all (Who btw are supposed to be the leaders in AoE DPS).

Heres the two spells if you want to see it yourself.



Edited, Oct 27th 2008 9:33pm by Setai
#10 Oct 27 2008 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,239 posts
Who btw are supposed to be traditionally the leaders in AoE DPS

#11 Oct 27 2008 at 2:12 PM Rating: Good
355 posts
Blizzard can now crit, and it also provides a debuff (slows when talented, and is a better debuff for soloing, imo). Btw, your hurricane link is wrong, it says 100 yard range, does 451 damage, and is instant, instead of channeled. It also could be important to note that blizzard is 8 seconds, whereas hurricane is 10 seconds.

Edited, Oct 27th 2008 6:13pm by anonymosity
#12 Oct 27 2008 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
814 posts
Blizzard can now crit, and it also provides a debuff (slows when talented, and is a better debuff for soloing, imo).

Yea, I know Blizzard can crit also. It was for the sake of careful wording that I decided to just say "Hurricane can crit". I also knew that blizzard gets a debuff when talented, but its not as good as Hurricane's in a group environement plus, well, you need talent points for it

It also could be important to note that blizzard is 8 seconds, whereas hurricane is 10 seconds.

Very important actually. I'll make sure to fix that.

Btw, your hurricane link is wrong, it says 100 yard range, does 451 damage, and is instant, instead of channeled.

Yea somethings wrong with Alla's spell list. I was using theirs so people could just mouse over it and see the spell details, but I guess I will have to use links to wowhead. Oh, and last I checked Starfall isnt there either. Think I should PM an Admin about that.

Edited, Oct 27th 2008 9:26pm by Setai
#13 Oct 27 2008 at 7:17 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
the bottom line is, this change brings druids down to the level of the other classes who possess channeled aoe. it has no effect on single target damage, meaning the only time a boomkin would be an oomkin is when any other aoe-using class would normally have been a oom.

in short, the nerf is isnt a nerf when it comes to what matters.
#14 Oct 27 2008 at 7:53 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
The aoekin part is not a nerf. The mana regen was to much on that spell from all accounts.

I am more concerned with the Tigers Fury nerf as cat form DPS scaled poorly to great degree in tBC and I would be sad if that happened again. It being to a hard integral number shouldn't be that bad scaling wise.

Overall, I am happy with the way the expansion is shaping up. Can't wait to get to Northrend. :)

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#15 Oct 28 2008 at 9:36 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Don't get me wrong, I didn't say it wasn't justified. I was just saying that something like a 2-3 sec internal cooldown would be nice so we still get something :P

Oh and I know mages don't get any kind of regen/ continuous AOE capability, but just for the sake of clarification....

A warlock with felpuppy sac'd or a healer can AOE for eternity with Life tap :P
#16 Oct 28 2008 at 2:04 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
A warlock with felpuppy sac'd or a healer can AOE for eternity with Life tap :P

true, after a fashion. a moonkin with a healer can aoe non-stop as mana (currently) is no object. a warlock cant aoe non-stop, as theyll either have to wait for the felpuppy mana regen to tick back their mana, or use a number of GCD's (and therefore time) life tapping.

a druid with hurricane doesnt do that; theres a good chance a druid will go on endlessly in terms of mana regen, never having to spare more time than it takes to use an innervate, and definetely not waiting multiple GCD's + heal time, or having to sit out for several seconds waiting for mana to tick back. when youre talking aoe packs in a raid group, then the time thats saved from constant tapping, drinking, adds up to a pretty significant amount. youre talking anywhere from ten to thirty minutes shaved off of an average raid, depending on the circumstances. when you figure youll be doing said raid at least once a week every week for several weeks at a stretch, saving a total of 5-20 hours in time makes a BIG difference. big enough that it caused blizzard to say "lets nip this in the bud before it gets real bad".

thats my take on it anyway, that and the true equality perspective.
#17 Oct 28 2008 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
i think its a good nerf i felt over powered in mt h. doing kaz i ran just about out of mana on the gargoyles just to go hurrican the next wave of mobs and be full mana. Also they are giveing us 4 more points to use in our tallent tree so we can pretty much get what we want in bal and still have enough to pick up ooc and the mana regen from resto. That alone will be nice. for aoe pulls spec into imp MF get your crit/free spell then hit your hurrican.

Sorry bad speller, don't really care get use to it. : )
#18 Oct 29 2008 at 12:30 AM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
anonymosity wrote:
Blizzard can now crit, and it also provides a debuff (slows when talented, and is a better debuff for soloing, imo).

Hurricane can do that too :D
#19 Oct 29 2008 at 2:43 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
IMO: The hurricane change sucks, but god it was way too overpowered. The only time in Hyjal I was going oom was on the dude who just rapes your mana and even then there wasn't anything a pot/innervate/bangle of endless blessing couldnt solve.

The one thing I do think though would to have it on some sort of internal CD of sorts for aoe attacks. Someone said something about 2-3 seconds and that would be perfect. It goes off enough times to refund enough mana so it doesn't run you oom in about 40 seconds, give or take how fast you're aoe'ing down mobs.
#20 Oct 29 2008 at 2:50 PM Rating: Good
428 posts
Perhaps I've just been incredibly lucky, but I can't recall a post-patch Hurricane that didn't proc OoC. Mana isn't much of an issue when the 'cane is free. Has anyone else experienced this?

edit: or maybe you Boomkins don't spec for OoC? I'm resto, so I didn't even consider that.

Edited, Oct 29th 2008 6:55pm by AynLoD
#21 Oct 29 2008 at 4:33 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
At the moment most boomkins are some variation of the 56/0/5 build. The five in resto is always 5/5 furor.
#22 Oct 29 2008 at 5:13 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
ok, so, at 80 itll be a pretty reasonable assumption to say that most, if not all raiding boomkins will be grabbing OoC. everyone on this board knows the value of OoC, especially now that it procs off of any effect, not just melee attacks.

hence, i think we can reasonably assume that blizzard removed the mana return from aoe as a preparation for level 80. better they do it now than during any actual "real" raiding done in the xpac.
#23 Oct 29 2008 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
yeah quor i was thinking the same thing. better now than later and when we can go into resto and pick up ooc then it will be a huge upgrade. figure spec into moonfire hit a moonfire and crit get a free hurricane just cost ya a GC for the moon fire.
#24 Oct 29 2008 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Blizzard is cleaning up the balance tree as well, consolidating talents down from 5 to 3. Earth and Moon and Vengeance I believe are two of them being downsized in the next patch. So, having more talents available pre wotlk will happen. No, the 4 points you will get back won't be enough to get you OOC w/o spec'ing rather sparingly in balance but it will be enough to push talents into things that I believe are utterly necessary. IE: Imp IS for the crit to SF from MF.

But otherwise yes, I do believe having OOC proc off of hurricane causing your next one to be free will be possible.

And Quor, if a boomkin at 80 didn't have OOC... Well, that's just plain sad.
#25 Oct 30 2008 at 12:15 AM Rating: Good
I'm not concerned about the effect on Hurricane really. What I'm worried about is the effect on Starfall. The only real use I've found for it is as a faster Innervate. The damage is low, the radius is WAY too big to use for anything but AoE grinding trivial enemies... Without the mana regen aspect of it, I doubt I'll be speccing for it ever again.
#26 Oct 30 2008 at 1:47 AM Rating: Default
yeah i've ran into a few problems with starfall about only time i use it is sure aoe spots like my h. the mobs in ramps where you go up the winding ramp and there are like 5 casters with 1 non caster. sometimes i'll toss out on bosses just for ***** and grins to up some damage since it's instant cast.
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