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#27 Oct 28 2008 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
the nerfs to ret where needed. even PvE side. (although the nerf to JotW is alittle much, i expect it to get a bump up to 20% base)

for instance. i ran kara with my guild 2 weeks ago. i was 23% of the total DPS . . .

i pulled over 1900 DPS on Illhoof, but, thats a AOE fight with demons and ret has alot of AOE now, so maybe thats a bad example. however . .
i then pulled over 1800 DPS on Shade, which, even though is a undead, was still Single target fight. so lets look at Nether Spite, No Blue beam . . .
i did +1700 DPS on Nether Spite with no blue beam, non undead/demon, single target boss fight.

at first i was kinda sad at these nerfs, but now that i think about it. i like to be recognized for my skill and knowledge, and not the speed of my face roll.

Edited, Oct 28th 2008 12:36pm by RuenBahamut
#28 Oct 28 2008 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
ArtemisEnteri wrote:
It should be giving 590 mana back, but it doesn't. Most of the tooltips on talents and spells are actually showing greater than actual values for mana and health return. Based on testing for example:

Seal of Light. Tooltip says 748 health, i'm getting 308 per hit instead.

Judgement of Light: Tooltip says 481, i get 205 health back per proc.

They haven't updating any of the tooltips for abilities they hotfixed (Divine Storm still says it does holy damage) so I'd assume that's a holdover from the initial SoL/JoL nerf, about a day after the patch went live.
#29 Oct 29 2008 at 2:11 AM Rating: Default
3,896 posts
I don't understand. These changes are so big. I thought Blizzard tested stuff out before they changed it? Having to nerf things this bad makes it look like they didn't test anything at all.

#30 Oct 29 2008 at 3:15 AM Rating: Default
my ret pally just dinged 70 a week ago....

today i went into bg's with terroks quil and the warchiefs mantle.. and some greens and blues..

not one epic.. and not even a pvp trinket...

i then proceeded to go on a 20 and 0 killing streak.. ran the flag back 3 times without dying and got iron man.. and did the most damage in the bg..

at one point in the fight i ran across a season 3 shadow priest... i stuned with repentance.. he trinketed.. i then hammered him... he instantly fired his fart cloud...

i actually did around 5k damage to him when he was dispersed at 90% less damage taken...

at about 1 second of dispersion left i fired my bubble.. then when he came out before he even knew it i had him dead... my seal of command crit him for 4k..

this is fun.. but i must admit... even the recent changes to ret have not come close to fixing how overpowered this class is.

Edited, Oct 29th 2008 7:16am by Freefire

Edited, Oct 29th 2008 7:17am by Freefire
#31 Oct 29 2008 at 4:06 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
graspee wrote:
I don't understand. These changes are so big. I thought Blizzard tested stuff out before they changed it? Having to nerf things this bad makes it look like they didn't test anything at all.

We're all wondering o.O

You think of the crap people were seeing in BGs on patch day, and it really makes you wonder if the testers on the PTR do any testing.
#32 Oct 29 2008 at 5:43 AM Rating: Good
170 posts
It does seem a bit bizarre and does question what they did when they tested it especially considering the major beating we have taken and are going to take with the nerfbat.

I did a quick bit of working out to try to quantify the effects of the nerfs. I understand that it will be a 25% drop (Plummet!) in dps. (notwithstanding the Mana nerf).

Unbuffed my tooltip dps is 294.5

Buffed with the normal buffs which are Might(improved ofc), Ret Aura and an adamantite sharpening stone the tooltip dps is 330 dps.

Not using trinkets or wings or +Str food or anything as they are variable whereas the above buffs are always on.

My unbuffed dps is 89% of my normal buffed dps - 294.5 / 330 = 89%

If they intend to cut it by the proposed 25% then unbuffed will be 294.5 - 25% = 220.8

Normal buffed will be 330 - 25% = 247.5

To put it in perspective my (normal) buffed dps pre 3.0 was 305 so from my understanding of it we will be worse than pre 3.0.

#33 Oct 29 2008 at 8:27 AM Rating: Good
zepoodle wrote:
graspee wrote:
I don't understand. These changes are so big. I thought Blizzard tested stuff out before they changed it? Having to nerf things this bad makes it look like they didn't test anything at all.

We're all wondering o.O

You think of the crap people were seeing in BGs on patch day, and it really makes you wonder if the testers on the PTR do any testing.

from what i understand it was 10 time worse on the PTR, so i believe they actually did test alot. Ret was just THAT broken.

i mean, 17k judgments anyone?
#34 Oct 29 2008 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
170 posts
Just did a couple of AB bg's for a laugh.

I fail to see how ret is OP, tbh huntards and warriors are quite frankly NUTS.

Mages are.......special, really special but at least when (if) you get close to them (and they dont iceblock/blink) you can mash em!

Also rogues can still stunkill you but it takes 5 seconds now as opposed to 8.

I know that some elements of ret damage are a bit ott and do need some revision but when looking at in context it does not seem too bad and I think that the proposed nerfs will damage ret massively.

A large element of it, I believe, comes from people so used to most pallies being free HK's and now that pallies can fight back they run to their mummies like little girls.

Pallies NEED burst, its all they have, because with the damage that everyone else does plus the ease pallies can be kited if we dont hit hard, fast then its over.

To re-iterate to any potential would be flamers I know that there needs to be some tuning in damage but I think that the further proposed changes will consign pallies to the bin (again). The change to RV appears rough, 40% damage is ok, but will it stack, will it overwrite? if the latter then it is unlikely to do much in the way of damage as it will be overwritten by the following crit (as us pallies crit often)

Already in trade (guild recruitment) guilds are wanting more members for WoTLK but stating no ret pallies.

edit: Changes SB to AB for Arathi Basin

Edited, Oct 29th 2008 6:08pm by SamwiseTheBrave
#35 Oct 29 2008 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
blizzard makes an effert to make sure that talents dont get worse with gear.

if the DOT doesnt stack, then that would fall into that catagory. if for some reason it doesnt stack, expect a fix or a change.
#36 Oct 30 2008 at 4:19 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
That's weird, cause on my realm I've been seeing numerous guilds looking to add Ret Palys to their lineup for Wrath content.

As to the OP thing: yea, I could definitely see it. I pretty much only did any real PvP with my Enhancement Shaman. I'd go after Ret Palys, even ones with obviously superior gear, cause they were so laughable. If they got lucky with a SoC crit + Crusader Strike crit, yea they could beat me, but if not, it was generally no contest: and my PvP gear isn't even all that great (2 pieces Merc, Glad. weapons, around 350-375 resil).

Since the patch though they're as bad as a Rogue. I would find myself from full to dead in the space of 1 Hammer of Justice. Occasionally I'd get my Shamanistic Rage off before being stunned, and I'd STILL get squashed like a bug.

On the flip side, playing as a Ret: my Paladin has one piece of PvP gear, a ring, so that's like 22 resil. The rest of my Ret gear is heroic/kara stuff, a couple are even blues, nothing constituting uber in any way, shape, or form. I did some PvP pre-patch as Ret, and I never went anywhere by myself for the simple fact I could not kill anything 1 on 1 (except another Ret Paly). I got lucky one time with SoC/white crit/Crusader Strike crit all back to back, and more or less "1 shot" a Rogue, but that's about it.

Specced Ret post patch to see what all the fuss was about, same gear as before, and OMG! I could actually kill stuff! By myself!! Not to mention I could live longer than before as well with DS and instant FoL. Getting the G.N.E.R.D Rage achievement was a piece of cake. I think it took 4 candies to get all 50 kills in a WSG match.

Tried back on my Shaman ... I used 4 candies and got 8 kills.

It sucks that Ret had to get nerfed back down, but seriously, Ret's still far better off then before 3.0.2. Now, they could go too far on the nerfs, and if so I would hope they bring Ret back up, but nerfing Ret back down a bit was definitely needed from everything I have seen thus far.
#37 Oct 30 2008 at 4:28 AM Rating: Good
648 posts
SamwiseTheBrave wrote:
It does seem a bit bizarre and does question what they did when they tested it especially considering the major beating we have taken and are going to take with the nerfbat.

I did a quick bit of working out to try to quantify the effects of the nerfs. I understand that it will be a 25% drop (Plummet!) in dps. (notwithstanding the Mana nerf).

Unbuffed my tooltip dps is 294.5

Buffed with the normal buffs which are Might(improved ofc), Ret Aura and an adamantite sharpening stone the tooltip dps is 330 dps.

Not using trinkets or wings or +Str food or anything as they are variable whereas the above buffs are always on.

My unbuffed dps is 89% of my normal buffed dps - 294.5 / 330 = 89%

If they intend to cut it by the proposed 25% then unbuffed will be 294.5 - 25% = 220.8

Normal buffed will be 330 - 25% = 247.5

To put it in perspective my (normal) buffed dps pre 3.0 was 305 so from my understanding of it we will be worse than pre 3.0.

I don't follow your logic at all... they're not doing anything to your white damage dps. except at 80 on raid bosses in particular where their armor will be increased by 10%. this won't even be a 10% nerf though. as ret we'll only notice it a little.

the nerf going on now is 20% to our judgements and seal only. the 2 crit damage nerfs are both supoosed to have a positive or no effect. the change to all damage is really a positive sustaned dps buff while being a burst nerf. the DoT may be a small nerf depending on how it's implemented, but its intended to be a sustained dps buff, not a nerf.

all in all if you continue using SoC or SoV/SoCor you will notice aprx. 6% overall damage reduction. this is based on SoC/Judgement being roughly 30% of your total damage. if you use SoB/SotM you'll notice about a 4% drop overall. with the crit damage changed to all damage I think you'll only see about 5% reduction with SoC and about 3% with SotM/B overall. my numbers may be off, but this is what it seems like it will be for me. also the DoT is supposed to happen in such a way that its a buff. if it does then your bursts will have effectively been reduced substantially, but sustained dps will actually be right around where it was before the nerfs. they want to being us down a little in dps though so they probably won't make the DoT that much of a buff.

either way the dps you see on your character sheet is only showing you your weapon dps modified by AP, both of which will be completely unaffected by these changes. AP is actually getting a 1AP buff from Blessing of Might... won't likely notice it on your character sheet, though lol... it just means your BoM won't be overwritten by battleshout unless their BS is improved and you don't have imp BoM. but in that case you'd want theirs anyway.

#38 Oct 30 2008 at 6:13 PM Rating: Good
170 posts

Fair enough, I just tried to do a quick working out based on what I sort of knew. I am being made redundant on 30th Oct (and others too :() and have been focusing on getting a new job so my understanding of the changes are not as good as they normally are.

Got a new job today though \o/ and I start on the 10th Nov and it is much better :) I can keep my house, car, etc (and keep playing wow)

Incidentally has anyone experienced the new RV yet?
#39 Oct 30 2008 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
947 posts
Tool, I know that is the theory, but the current implementation of Righteous Vengeance is frustrating. A crit bonus that was applied immediately is now applied over 8 seconds and doesnt stack, meaning you get less benefit from the actual crit.

If it was 4 seconds I could live with it, 6 seconds wuold be ok, as it is it's just a bit poor.

It has a longer duration (and therefore less effectiveness) than either Ignite or Deep Wounds, is a much more difficult to obtain talent and unlike those talents (which are basically 'supplementary' DPS) it is replacing a primary DPS talent. I actually don't like claiming that the sky is falling in, but I cant come up with a single theorycraft scenario where the new RV comes close to the old one in sustained DPS unless you drop all crit gear and focus entirely on AP.

EDIT: Horribly rough statistical approximation follows
It's easy; if the DoT procs only on Divine Storm and Judgements like the old one, it'll be alright I guess, because per 8sec DoT (at 30% crit) you will have a 91% (58% judge + 33% DS) chance to proc a DoT, and therefore approximately (statnerds suppress your burning vigor please) a 19% chance to get two crits in one rotation with those two attacks alone. I get that it's a rough number, but the full statistical treatment doesnt deviate much and this isnt EJ.

Since the two cooldowns are asynchronous and precess by 2sec every rotation, the overwriting should occur (over a long fight) at an even spread between 0% and 100% of the DoT duration, for an average of 40-50% effective reduction. Applied against the previous number, we arrive at a 8.5-9.5% reduction in overall talent effectiveness due to overwrites, although in reality this number is higher as Judgement (weaker) will overwrite DS (stronger) a lot more often than the other way around, but modelling that statistically is a *****.

This will also get significantly worse as you increase in crit%, and every raidbuff you get will also reduce the effectiveness of the talent. In an endgame raid at 70 I've seen Retadins with 40% crit before no problem, which would give us the depressing figure of -15% effectiveness. If they reduced the duration to 6sec this problem would be cut in half, as the number of 6sec windows occupied by DS AND Judgements is a lot smaller.

What's ironic is that if they hadnt nerfed Judgements it would be around the same damage as the old talent setup as they intended. Post Seal nerf it does quite a bit less, as the Judge overwrites are so poor.

If they make it stack up like Deep Wounds does (applying old damage to new ticks) I'll be completely happy. Oh and unlike Deep Wounds / Ignite, not only does it scale backwards with crit it also doesnt scale with Haste at all.

Edited, Oct 30th 2008 11:40pm by Sinstralis
#40 Oct 31 2008 at 5:01 AM Rating: Decent
648 posts
hmm, thanks for that math sinstralis. looks good. I don't have time to do the math myself right now, your numbers look pretty solid. honestly, even at 15% reduced effectiveness due to overwriting it'll about break even (current 25% -> 40%-15%=25%). the only problem will be judgements being weaker than they were. but that nerf is somawhat independent from the RV change. if they'd make it stack that'd be a definite improvement, though.

and as far as haste affecting it, haste never affected the previous RV either.

and grats on the new job samwise.

#41 Oct 31 2008 at 11:46 AM Rating: Good
I'll be ok with the new talent as long as it sets people on fire. I want to see flames coming from them as long as the DoT is ticking.
#42 Oct 31 2008 at 5:00 PM Rating: Good
947 posts
You're a very disturbed young man.

Dont get a pet.
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