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Why are you making a death knight?Follow

#27 Nov 13 2008 at 5:05 AM Rating: Decent
Im making a death knight because they sound awesome. And the lore behind them is good (from what ive read so far) As for DPS, farming/tanking, i think farming may be a waste of the talents available to them. Im just gonna go for dps, oh, and exact revenge on any ally pala i see because i loath them so :P
#28 Nov 13 2008 at 7:34 AM Rating: Good
1,945 posts
I'm making one just because. I don't even know if I'll really get into the class. I think I'll be a Frost Mage with plate though. I don't want to tank, that's for sure.
#29 Nov 14 2008 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
After playing since release, playing a new class is very refreshing.

Completely new playing styles and strategies - how can I not want to play one ^^

Plus - they are cool, dark and powerfully versatile.

I will DPS and Tank, I love tanking.

The more I learn about them, the more I beleive they could really make it as decent tanks.
#30 Nov 14 2008 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
54 posts
I made a Death Knight because it's a fully armored class and fully armored classes are usually my favorites. I like to have lots of HP and be able to take hits. If I can cast spells then it's even more perfect. Death Knights start at level 55, not level 1 and that of course is a huge plus since it won't take me forever to hit Northrend and I've already begun Burning Crusade. The runic system is also a nice change from the mana or rage system.

Of course, like every other class starting out, I have no professions. Now I'm taking my time leveling up my professions in Azeroth before I do too much in Hellfire. Blizzard was nice enough to start Death Knights out with 270 first aid though :)

#31 Nov 14 2008 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
redbarronthesecond wrote:
most people on RP servers think RPers are the most stupid ppl in game....tbh most are, some can manage to RP and be great at PvE but unfortunately are hopeless at PVP.

So, what you are attempting to say is that PvP people are those who are pathetic (that's worse than hopeless) at role playing, and due to envy enjoy putting down the reason for the server in the first place (like you)? Wonderfully inventive logic. On the other hand, I know that PvPers have a big case of willy envy to start with, so perhaps it's not so inventive at that.
#32 Nov 15 2008 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
skribs wrote:

1) For what role are you making your DK?

Fun. And RPing purposes. (perhaps i will try to hit 80 without ever joining the alliance)


2) For what reason are you making your DK?


"I want to be...the very best,
like none ever was...
to beat them is my real test,
to train is my cause...
I will travel across the land,
searching far and wide...
with my blades to understand,
the power that's inside..."
#33 Nov 15 2008 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
1. DPS.

2. I needed a DPS alt to farm mats and dailies since my main is a healer. I very much liked the Deathknight concept and lore, and though I have to admit I'm not particularly crazy about the playstyle thus far, you really can't beat the fact that a DK saves me 55 levels of work.
#34 Nov 15 2008 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
"I want to be...the very best,
like none ever was...
to beat them is my real test,
to train is my cause...
I will travel across the land,
searching far and wide...
with my blades to understand,
the power that's inside..."

Death Knight fun!
Gotta level uh-huuuuup

I somewhat revised my reasons. I think I'll really enjoy roleplaying a DK. Who knows, I might level him a bit if I've the time and willpower.
#35 Nov 15 2008 at 6:32 PM Rating: Default
So, what you are attempting to say is that PvP people are those who are pathetic (that's worse than hop...

ZZZzzzz...Im sorry what?, i missed that.
#36 Nov 15 2008 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
I wanted to try the Death Knight and now that I have one he will become my farmer. They are just so much fun, Death Grip is fantastic and after killing a horde toon I can turn him into a Ghoul.
#37 Nov 16 2008 at 12:46 PM Rating: Good
redbarronthesecond wrote:
So, what you are attempting to say is that PvP people are those who are pathetic (that's worse than hop...

ZZZzzzz...Im sorry what?, i missed that.

Then go back and read it again, if your single neuron allows you to do that. Sorry if you went AFK in the middle of a flame-war, but BGs probably trained you that way.
#38 Nov 16 2008 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
I made a DK because I have one of every class already.
#39 Nov 19 2008 at 2:03 AM Rating: Default
flame war? I see no flame war just a pissed RPer who doesnt like that fact that his type are the bottom of the barrel.

who cant pvp so he says its crap.

Edited, Nov 19th 2008 5:04am by redbarronthesecond
#40 Nov 19 2008 at 2:48 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
ohmikeghod wrote:
I don't see why pink-haired female gnomes would annoy RPers. All types of characters got turned into Death Knights by the Lich King, and that includes female gnomes. Sorry, but I see you as an intolerant @#%^.

Oh, the irony.

And at the same time, a complete lack of a sense of humour. A guy makes a harmless and light-hearted comment about annoying RPers and to you, this warrants a pair of personal insults.

Mike seriously, you lambast 'PvPers' on the grounds of being (and I quote) "bloodthirsty savages" and "neanderthals", presumably referring to the trait in both of heedless, unthinking aggression in the gameworld.

Please explain to me how your own behaviour on these forums is in any contrast to this; you leap to attack, inflame and insult people faster than anyone on the class boards with one or two possible exceptions. Seriously, learn to take a joke, if everyone was wound up as tight as you there'd be no joy in discussing or playing any game at all.

redbaronthesecond wrote:
flame war? I see no flame war just a pissed RPer who doesnt like that fact that his type are the bottom of the barrel.

More ironic musings here. Don't feed the trolls, Red.
#41 Nov 19 2008 at 3:21 AM Rating: Good
574 posts
Rolled a DK to experience the game content. I liked the part when I needed to kill civilians for a DK quest. The npcs will run and scream at your mere presence, they will even tremble and beg for their lives. To top it off, you don't just hear 1 or 2 npc voices. There are sound effects of mass hysteria and screaming.

I have plans to tank with my DK in the future, after my main hits 80 and raiding schedules has settled in my guild.
#42 Nov 19 2008 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
Since making one, I've honestly fallen for the class. I have never been a tank, so this worries me. Because there are no instances being run in outland, unless you want a party of full DK's, so trying to tank with a group of them, is pointless. So I will head to Northrend eventually, and I don't want to tank there for fear of not having the experience of tanking. I may just play the class, just to play the class, and stick with my priest for instance grinding, since I know what to do in that position.
#43 Nov 19 2008 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
In all honesty, you should avoid planning on/trying to tank with your DK as much as humanly possible. It's painfully obvious that Blizzard designed this class primarily to DPS, with the ability to tank being thrown in almost as an afterthought. (I mean, level 65 before we get our taunt? Seriously, Blizzard?) Their mechanic and abilities as a whole are awkward and incredibly unforgiving when used to tank; they have almost zero ways to react and/or recover if things go wrong.

Unless their tanking aspect gets a makeover, I would be very surprised to see any guilds running with a DK tank in their raids once the novelty wears off and people start getting down to serious business.

That having been said, do try to learn how to tank at least enough to make it through a five-man if there's nothing else searching; just don't plan on making a career out of it.
#44 Nov 19 2008 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
redbarronthesecond wrote:
flame war? I see no flame war just a pissed PvPer who doesnt like that fact that his type are the bottom of the barrel.

who cant RP so he says its crap.

Fixed that for you...
#45 Nov 19 2008 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
422 posts
I made a DK for the change of pace. I really like the fact that it uses a new mechanic, which is quite a bit different from my other toons. I decided to go Unholy because the style is so much different from anything else that I've played before. Blood just seemed too much like an Arms Warrior/Ret Pally.

So far I'm having a ton of fun with it.
#46 Nov 19 2008 at 2:37 PM Rating: Default
im not a PVPer im a PvE'er, who PVP's.

I mean it's not your fault you kind doesnt belong, mike....well actually in some way it probably is.

grow a pair, put down your offhand bouquet of flowers and step outside Darnasus and see the world.
#47 Nov 19 2008 at 3:18 PM Rating: Good
307 posts
1) Role - Blacksmith or Engineer, not sure which yet. I don't have toons with either one, so it will be one or the other. If I play him extensively, he'll be a tank, but he'll be 3rd or 4th on my priority list.

2) Reason - Because I could.
#48 Nov 20 2008 at 2:19 AM Rating: Decent
500 posts
Sinstralis wrote:

As for myself, Im rolling a DK because Blizzard seem to develop a grudge against any class I roll to 70, so it's basically my last shot at rolling a fun, competetive DPS class. Plus I just love the look of the class and the graphics, the mechanics are limiting but fun, and Blizzard have a vested interest in having the class succeed in that they're thematically linked to the entire expansion. Nobody would forgive them for a Hero class that sucked.

Edited, Oct 31st 2008 1:21pm by Sinstralis


Not necessarily because of any class grudge ... but a definite yes on them not letting a hero class fall to the wayside.

(Also - My slate skinned, blue eyed orc female is so damn ugly that I've fallen completely in love with playing her.)
#49 Nov 20 2008 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
redbarronthesecond wrote:
im not a PVPer im a PvE'er, who PVP's.

Not quite. You put yourself forward as a PvE'er, who PVP's on an RP server while putting down RPers. That is, one who doesn't know how to RP, one who is lousy at RP, one who is jealous of those who can RP, and therefore one who must take cheap shots at what he cannot either fathom or do (much less do well). I suggest that you grow a pair and move your bony tail over to a server that welcomes your unwholesome ilk.
#50 Nov 20 2008 at 2:32 PM Rating: Default
I don't put down (many)RPers I like them they are funny to watch, watching them pretend to get married to other pixels, watching them pretend to rob SW bank, talk crap in secluded parts of darnasus.

RP servers are one of the best places to make money, the stupid idiots pay way over the top for everthing. I take advantage of the poor guys.

theres jsut the few who dont understand that even on an RP server there will be PVP and PVE and there will be people who laugh at the RPers(that will be most ppl).

"Thou shall leave thy to do thou bidding aganst the evils of the nasty PVPers, we shall slay them and drench our body in their blood, rawr and stuff, we are RPers we are the rulers of the world"

Hey mum please 5 more minutes.

WTS trollnip: feed the trolls 5g a pop. Bargain to listen to mike drivvel on about how crap everyone but he is, 5g thats just 5g.
WARNING: troll may get enraged and start spewing random gibberish, you are advised to ignore it and laugh.

Edited, Nov 20th 2008 5:34pm by redbarronthesecond
#51 Nov 20 2008 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
947 posts
In all honesty, you should avoid planning on/trying to tank with your DK as much as humanly possible. It's painfully obvious that Blizzard designed this class primarily to DPS, with the ability to tank being thrown in almost as an afterthought.

I agree to this at low gear levels; it isnt possible for a DK to just 'tank an instance' because as you point out, the basis of the class is something like a hybrid between an Arms Warrior and a Warlock, neither of which are tank-oriented. A DK with mostly greens and blues will get torn to shreds by even the easiest of bosses currently.


At higher gear levels, DKs do begin to gain a truly impressive avoidance stat, mitigation is lower by about 5-10% so healers have to stay sharp but Frost Presence mostly helps out. On beta I've seen DKs tank Heroics which are pretty damn difficult, although every single one of them was Frost. The other advantage being comparatively large tank DPS and good front-loading, that 2H essentially puts a DK ahead of the other tanks in DPS.

That said, they dearly need to finish fine-tuning particularly on the actual 'tank' abilities. Dark Command on such a cooldown is frankly stupid and smacks of a Warrior dev looking out for his own, the threat on DnD needs to be buffed A LOT and I'd really like to see some reactive damage component attached to Unbreakable Armor and Bone Shield, as well as something like Mocking Blow to peel a boss off some stupid DPSer.

Other than that, cool bananas.

On the RP topic, I have to say wandering around an RP server can be a funny experience. The guys who invent new scenarios and go rob banks, explore in teams and 'make maps', go fishing and talk in-character, I have to say I actually like. They are playing a different game to me and that's fine, and some of them are really creative storytellers and I applaud their origninality. Then there are the insecure types who are there because they really want to forget their real life and be "Lythithrien Nightsilverbladewhisper, Scion of the Thrice-Damned House of yadayada zzzzz..." and I find those people a bit hard to get along with. I recall being reported for 'immersion breaking' by one of these types for asking (verbatim) "Where is the bank?", which I would probably say even if I was a Night Elf Druid.

Signs of the Over-Immersed RPer:
1) ******* exactly the same way other WoWkids do (loot/nodes/raidslots) but makes up RP reasons for doing so
2) Seems to bear genuine, grinding hatred for the players who occupy the opposite faction
3) Seems to bear genuine, grinding hatred for players who chose a certain class/spec (usually Warlocks, but whichever class is currently OP) and makes up RP reasons for doing so


4) Cybers (or attempts to cyber) with sexy lvl4 Night Elves in Darnassus, probably created for this purpose and almost certainly played by a balding gas engineer from Croydon called Reg.
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