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Why are you making a death knight?Follow

#1 Oct 26 2008 at 9:09 PM Rating: Good
2,717 posts
Simple questions really.

1) For what role are you making your DK?
(Tank, DPS, farming, world PvP/ganking, mass PvP, arenas)
2) For what reason are you making your DK?
(To have another alt, to have a unique character, because you like the playstyle/concept, etc)

I'm making a DK as a main because I like the playstyle (and I think since it will be new, at first people might not know quite how to fight it), mainly for the purpose of PvP.

Edited, Oct 26th 2008 10:12pm by skribs
#2 Oct 26 2008 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
210 posts
Probably going to have my DK be a tank....still kind of wary about tanking without a shield even with the various damage reducing talents...odd. Might go as a dps though just to lvl, not totally sure. I'm making my DK simply for kicks and giggles, plus I'm intrigued by the lore
#3 Oct 27 2008 at 5:53 AM Rating: Excellent
skribs wrote:
1) For what role are you making your DK?

Role playing, mostly. The background story from the point the DK became a death knight (even the WHY) until the DK freed itself and became a knight of the Ebon Blade instead is pretty cut and dried. What went on before is still open, and very playable. There is a chance to play a completely different personality with a knight of the Ebon Blade. Once they are free, they aren't death knights any longer - and I refuse to call them that. Death Knights are creatures enslaved by the Lich King. Knights of the Ebon Sword are those that aren't, but used to be.

2) For what reason are you making your DK?

see above.
#4 Oct 27 2008 at 7:07 AM Rating: Good
23 posts

1) For what role are you making your DK?
(Tank, DPS, farming, world PvP/ganking, mass PvP, arenas)
2) For what reason are you making your DK?
(To have another alt, to have a unique character, because you like the playstyle/concept, etc)

1) I plan to do mostly what I do now, arena, bg, solo/farm, tank instances.

2) I've been playing sl/sl lock since my lock was cabable of something resembling SL/SL. The DK to me seems similar, but with 10x the AC. Also, the group I tend to do anything with is in desperate need of a tank. My now affliction lock is our current tank. We also need a good AE tank. Dk fits all those roles for me.
#5 Oct 27 2008 at 9:08 AM Rating: Good
1.) dps or off-tank, I have no desire to be my guild's main tank
2.) change of pace
#6 Oct 27 2008 at 11:28 AM Rating: Excellent
626 posts
1) For what role are you making your DK?

I'll definetly make him a dps-spec, maybe using him as my farmbot. The latter remains to be seen, I haven't made up my mind yet about who is gonna be my main.

2) For what reason are you making your DK?

For one I really love them starting at 55, since I really don't like levelling in Azeroth all that much. Besides, they do look like a lot of fun, but the fact that they start at 55 give them an edge over levelling other classes, I suppose.
#7 Oct 28 2008 at 4:24 AM Rating: Good
170 posts
1) Prob a dps farm/fun/solo bot.

2) Coz pallies are being 'Nerfed to the ground baby' (GC, Lead Class Designer, Blizzard)
#8 Oct 28 2008 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
77 posts
1) I'll be playing the role of tank, but I'm willing to go dps if needed in my guild. Arenas too.

2)I had a Dark Knight in FFXI, and I've always been drawn to Dark/evil knights. So I'm going back at it again, RP factor I guess.
#9 Oct 28 2008 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
The one thing that I missed from Everquest was my ShadowKnight.
So being able to remake him in Wow, and actually have him tank will be pretty cool.
Will probably stay Unholy and enjoy the NecroKnight playstyle again.

Edited, Oct 28th 2008 9:10pm by Lokarien
#10 Oct 29 2008 at 12:34 AM Rating: Excellent
678 posts
I've been my guild's MT for the past few months, so IF I make a DK it will be because ... Tauren DKs look awesome. In fact all my toons would be taurens if there was a broader selection of classes to them. Yay Tauren Priest, that'd be cool.

Anyhow, what with me lvling alts for the past month, the reason why I would roll a (Tauren) DK would be so I could have another toon, and not have to go to STV again. Awesome place to quest I guess, but I just never really liked it.
#11 Oct 30 2008 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
I want to play mostly DPS and maybe an off tank. I'm not thrilled with the idea of tanking but I'm not opposed to trying it.

I'm making a Death Knight after watching the 10 Days of Knight series on WoWhead. It just looks like a lot of fun and I want to give it a try.
#12 Oct 30 2008 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts
1. I am gonna go dps spec / undead

2. The class as a whole looks fun and I kinda want to be a fist weapon wielding undead spec death knight
#13 Oct 31 2008 at 8:56 AM Rating: Excellent
947 posts
Ohmikeghod wrote:
Once they are free, they aren't death knights any longer - and I refuse to call them that. Death Knights are creatures enslaved by the Lich King. Knights of the Ebon Sword are those that aren't, but used to be.

I can see it now...
[.4 LookingForGroup] [Spazzmasta] LF1M TANK Utgard LAST SPOT!!!1 
To [Spazzmasta]: Frost KotES, 27% Parry LFG 
Whisper from [Spazzmasta]: huh? 
To [Spazzmasta]: Frost KotES, 27% Parry LFG 
Whisper from [Spazzmasta]: are u tank??? 
To [Spazzmasta]: ...thats what I said, Knight of the Ebon Sword,  
Frost Spec 
Whisper from [Spazzmasta]: u mean DK? 
Whisper from [Spazzmasta]: r u TANK??/? 
To [Spazzmasta]: No, Knight of the Ebon Sword 
Whisper from [Spazzmasta]: sry we need tank 
To [Spazzmasta]: I am a tank! I am a Knight of the Ebon Blade, I  
have cast off the shackles of the Lich King and fight to my own  
mysterious purpose 
Whisper from [Spazzmasta]: wtf u talking about 
Whisper from [Spazzmasta]: r u a girl irl? <3 
Whisper from [Spazzmasta]: lets see them hooterz

I swear this will happen.

As for myself, Im rolling a DK because Blizzard seem to develop a grudge against any class I roll to 70, so it's basically my last shot at rolling a fun, competetive DPS class. Plus I just love the look of the class and the graphics, the mechanics are limiting but fun, and Blizzard have a vested interest in having the class succeed in that they're thematically linked to the entire expansion. Nobody would forgive them for a Hero class that sucked.

Edited, Oct 31st 2008 1:21pm by Sinstralis
#14 Nov 01 2008 at 7:00 AM Rating: Good
Sinstralis wrote:
I can see it now...
[.4 LookingForGroup] [Spazzmasta] LF1M TANK Utgard LAST SPOT!!!1 
To [Spazzmasta]: Frost KotES, 27% Parry LFG 
Whisper from [Spazzmasta]: huh? 
To [Spazzmasta]: Frost KotES, 27% Parry LFG 
Whisper from [Spazzmasta]: are u tank??? 
To [Spazzmasta]: ...thats what I said, Knight of the Ebon Sword,  
Frost Spec 
Whisper from [Spazzmasta]: u mean DK? 
Whisper from [Spazzmasta]: r u TANK??/? 
To [Spazzmasta]: No, Knight of the Ebon Sword 
Whisper from [Spazzmasta]: sry we need tank 
To [Spazzmasta]: I am a tank! I am a Knight of the Ebon Blade, I  
have cast off the shackles of the Lich King and fight to my own  
mysterious purpose 
Whisper from [Spazzmasta]: wtf u talking about 
Whisper from [Spazzmasta]: r u a girl irl? <3 
Whisper from [Spazzmasta]: lets see them hooterz

I swear this will happen.

Yes, but I'll be doing this on an RP server, so I think I can safely put the Spazzmastas of real life on /ignore. I really don't want to hang around people who refuse to role-play on an RP server.

Edited, Nov 1st 2008 8:07am by ohmikeghod
#15 Nov 03 2008 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
1. Tank
2. Because it's new and I can skip all the crap (lvl 1-60) where no one is actually playing. My other alts are either 70 or slowly drowning in unused old-world content.
#16 Nov 03 2008 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
I'll be making one to try out the playstyle.

I wouldn't mind tank or dps. I have a toon for every role. Depending on how the playstyle is will decide which role I take on a DK but also if I continue playing one or not.
#17 Nov 06 2008 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
I've played each class, all to 40+, and a couple 70's mixed a few 60+'s. Death Knight will be no different. Not to mentioned It's story/starting area quests I hear are a sight to behold, and I am interested highly on doing it.
#18 Nov 07 2008 at 2:08 AM Rating: Decent
For me rolling a DK will hopefully be a new and refreshing style of play, I have 1 of each class at lv 70 on horde side and have been slowly getting bored, have done most things ingame except arena (not really into pvp) and raid wise upto ZA (small guild limits raids we can go on).

Will be making this toon a dps/ot spec as my warrior is prot spec and I really have no desire to make another tank but I guess that is subject to change depending on guild/server requirments.

I also class my retri pala as my main and really enjoy playing him but we can only take so much of the big'ol nerf bat and so im hoping the DK will be a similar kind of play style with a different twist to it.

He will also be a scriber cant wait for low lv herb farming lol bring it on.
#19 Nov 09 2008 at 4:49 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Making the DK because it's a quick way to change faction and server(type) without having to start from scratch.
#20 Nov 09 2008 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
1) Annoy Rpers by having a pink bunched female gnome called sprinkles
2) ^See above^


Yes, but I'll be doing this on an RP server, so I think I can safely put the Spazzmastas of real life on /ignore. I really don't want to hang around people who refuse to role-play on an RP server.

So most of the server will be on your ignore list?
#21 Nov 09 2008 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
1) For what role are you making your DK?

Well, none really, since...

2) For what reason are you making your DK?

I just want to understand how they work, play, and what their pro's and cons are. I want to be know what I'm up against when I face a DK in PvP.
#22 Nov 12 2008 at 6:11 AM Rating: Good
1) Ultimately tank at 80, I already have a tanking Paladin, that I'm enjoying a lot. I also have 2 DPSers, a Rogue and a Warlock (amazingly, I'm not really into PvP, hehe). I will switch my Paladin to healing at level 78 or so, letting the death knight tank. This way I'll have a healer, a tank and 2 DPS to fill any role I want.

2) Three reasons:
- I really want to see the different mechanics, mana usage, energy usage, and even rage usage are now old news to me, since I do have a warrior (albeit at low levels).
- I want to see Runes and Runic Power in play, as well as getting another tank to free my Paladin for healing.
- I want a high level Enchanter/Scribe, and I don't want to change any of my 3 70s' professions, and all my other alts are too low level and not interesting enough for me to level up. Starting at 55 is a great boon for me.
#23 Nov 12 2008 at 7:10 AM Rating: Decent
redbarronthesecond wrote:
1) Annoy Rpers by having a pink bunched female gnome called sprinkles
2) ^See above^

I don't see why pink-haired female gnomes would annoy RPers. All types of characters got turned into Death Knights by the Lich King, and that includes female gnomes. Sorry, but I see you as an intolerant *******.
redbarronthesecond wrote:
Yes, but I'll be doing this on an RP server, so I think I can safely put the Spazzmastas of real life on /ignore. I really don't want to hang around people who refuse to role-play on an RP server.

So most of the server will be on your ignore list?

I seriously don't believe that most of the server REFUSES to RP. That duty belongs to intolerant ********.
#24 Nov 12 2008 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
Wow. A person gets a little bent out of shape because of some playful ribbing. Said person then states that he will disassociate himself from all people who don't play the game the way he does. Said person then resorts to personal insults.

Finally, said person calls another "intolerant".


No animosity here. Just a little confusion.

Edited, Nov 12th 2008 12:29pm by AdamBigge
#25REDACTED, Posted: Nov 12 2008 at 6:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Adam comes in with a flying right hook!!
#26 Nov 12 2008 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
I'm going to level a DK because well its a new class. Will offer something different then the other classes. If I don't like it. I'll just continue leveling my feral druid. :D
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