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AOE for 71-80Follow

#1 Oct 26 2008 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone one whose played the beta, seen any good spots for AOE?

think it will still be usefull?
and Blizzard crits now!!!, so along with the nova, ice barrier break, pet, shatter, the AOE with Blizzard. or the fire/arcane blast.

what do u think?

#2 Oct 26 2008 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
I haven't gotten super far in the beta to be AoEing, but I would definitely not do it. You miss out on a ton of content and quests (that are great) to just sit there and spam blizzard.
#3 Nov 04 2008 at 9:30 AM Rating: Good
149 posts
AoE grinding has not been a "good" leveling tactic since nearly pre-TBC.
#4 Nov 11 2008 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
that depends. there are one or two good spots in BC, but mostly a solo mage just finds it more difficult to AOE farm even-level mobs. it will depend on mostly on your skill whether you'll be able to aoe profitably (i.e., faster than singles) in northrend.
#5 Nov 12 2008 at 4:42 PM Rating: Good
128 posts
I would urge you not to AoE grind if you plan on leveling anytime soon. The amount of people going after the same enemies you are will make it impossible to gather enough to AoE down. Im not beta so I cant say that is 100% true, but that would be my guess.
#6 Nov 17 2008 at 4:48 AM Rating: Decent
2,801 posts
It takes about 1600 mobs to level. Unless you can do that faster than you can grind quests, I'd go with grinding quests.
#7 Nov 17 2008 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
I used AOE levelling pre-BC on my mage from 30-60. I found some good place to aoe in borean tundra but not sure aoe worth it now. with 20k xp per quest you will need a real good spot for aoe to follow the quester, maybe i'll take a try in the next day but there's too much player in the good aoe spot for now.
#8 Nov 17 2008 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
There are LOTS of spots to aoe grind in Northrend, I don't care how many players are around. I still quest, though, and it's probably faster. Not to mention that I'm enjoying the "uneasy truce" and would likely get myself into a lot of pvp fights if I aoe grinded everywhere. lol.
#9 Nov 17 2008 at 1:44 PM Rating: Good
Trilliandent wrote:
There are LOTS of spots to aoe grind in Northrend, I don't care how many players are around. I still quest, though, and it's probably faster. Not to mention that I'm enjoying the "uneasy truce" and would likely get myself into a lot of pvp fights if I aoe grinded everywhere. lol.

There are some good potential spots, but many are a bit too spaced out to make it worthwhile (8+ mobs) most I have gotten is around 6 and that is pretty rare (especially to all be melee).
#10 Nov 18 2008 at 5:24 AM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
A few good spots

70-73 - There is 4 little ditches around Galakdrond's Rest in Dragonblight. You can pull 8 mobs, melee scourge, and theres usually a caster in the group but I don't find him too bad. Takes a little practice getting all 8 not to evade on you, but its a good spot to work on your fast roundup technique. The respawn times are absolutely incredible, you really only need to work with 2 of these 4 ditches and you can go for hours on end. Past about ~72-73 I'd move on to better spots for more XP/hour though. It kind of stinks being limitted to pulls of 8 mobs, but the respawn time makes it worth it.

71-74 - Scarlet camp, north of Naxxramus in Dragonblight. Great spot, absolutely amazing. Pulling groups of 12-15 is quite possible here. There are 5 camps, with a few pats on the road that you want to drag into a 12 pull. Spend about an hour here, you learn the rotations. Can get a little packed at times =( Still my favorite spot I found so far, I held a steady 430k XP/hour all the way from 74-75 (about 3.5 hours to level, no rest XP).

72-76 - The Suntouched Pillar in Sholazar Basin. I did a bit of grinding here at 73 (mobs were 75-76) and it worked out well since I have good +hit and plenty of damage. Rounded up less mobs, can't pull 12-15 like you can at Scarlet camp, but since they were giving more XP it sort of balanced out. At 73 I was getting about 1200xp/kill non rested, and pulling 8 each time. Less competition too, I'll keep this as a backup spot. Got my heavy frostweave bandage book here :P

I need to find zones past ~76-78. I talked to a few mages on the o-boards about AoE grinding and they mentioned a few places in Ice Crown I'll check out.

I like all the BOE greens and frostweave I get while AoE grinding. So if anyone knows other good spots (melee mobs, packed tight, fast respawns), preferably 76+ let me know :P

Regarding the new talents, love em. Shattered barrier, chilled to the bone, my blizzard is snaring for 85% and it crits now. 2 blizzards drops a group of even level mobs in my gear, love it so much.

Edited, Nov 19th 2008 6:25am by mikelolol
#11 Nov 18 2008 at 6:26 AM Rating: Decent
Hmm, thanks for that. I'm going to respec tonite for leveling since I haven't done that yet (duh), and I think I'll try some of those spots. I have a couple of friends who've been nudging me to go aoe grinding with them, so that should be fun for a while since I'm burned out on quest helper's ugly text and trying to figure out where everything is. New content is exciting, but it's kind of hard on my head for long periods of time. :)

I am only lvl 72, so I dunno any areas that you'd like, but I have gotten quite a bit of meats from all the rhinos outside of Warsong Hold. You can't get tons of mobs at once, but it's not too bad if you just want meat and a lot of groups of mobs together. Most of the places kind of run together in my head, though, since I quest kind of haphazardly.

I'm pretty rusty at it, since I haven't really done it a whole lot since I was first excited about it, so, like you said, it definitely keeps me on my toes, and I've had my share of wipes. :) I'll probably go back and forth from doing that and questing, but I don't keep very good track of xp/hour or anything like that. :)

Thanks again, and good luck on your way to 80. Let us know of any other spots you see, and if you don't mind linking the aoe thread on the o-board here, I'd like to see it. I guess I could go look for it myself, tho. :)
#12 Nov 18 2008 at 5:25 PM Rating: Default
Hmm, thanks for that. I'm going to respec tonite for leveling since I haven't done that yet (duh), and I think I'll try some of those spots. I have a couple of friends who've been nudging me to go aoe grinding with them, so that should be fun for a while since I'm burned out on quest helper's ugly text and trying to figure out where everything is. New content is exciting, but it's kind of hard on my head for long periods of time. :)

I will be doing the same, next weekend I'm respecing frosty, maybe Ill through some questing in there but Ima lazy AOE mage and running around doing quests?... not for me, Ill most likely go back and do it on my DK anyway.

If I find anything new Ill add it here.

Edited, Nov 18th 2008 8:27pm by shotguned
#13 Nov 19 2008 at 3:25 AM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
This is the general build I start with (requires 69) ->

Then I add points where I see fit. It works nicely for soloing or AoE grinding. Sometimes even when questing you see opportunities for a little AoE. The way I see it, if you can round up 5-6 mobs and kill them in 2 blizzards it was worth the effort. Any added mobs are just a bonus.
#14 Nov 19 2008 at 6:00 AM Rating: Decent
I tryed yesterday to aoe in the scarlet camp it work very well but found that it not worth it without rest xp. Ifound that questing and doing aoe will questing is a lot better then just one or the other

the spec i use to aoe is and its need 61 points in frost don't place point into frosbite if you plan to aoe a lot that will gice you some problem when it proc. the other point place them like you want
#15 Nov 19 2008 at 6:03 AM Rating: Good
Actually, frostbite is amazing now for blizzard because it can crit. So frostbite + fingers of frost + imp blizzard (at least one point for the previous two to proc) + shatter = amazing.
#16 Nov 19 2008 at 6:15 AM Rating: Decent
Yopu're right on that does it work well when soloing? can you keep mobs together until they die?
#17 Nov 19 2008 at 7:05 AM Rating: Excellent
1,180 posts
I'm not aoe grinding, but there have been a few occasions when I've aoed stuff down (mainly the animal packs that wander around). So far I've tended to find that one blizzard and a cone of cold/AE is enough to finish the mobs off. Frostbite seems to proc a lot off Blizzard, so so far my mob packs (only 5-6 at a time though) have stayed fairly close together.

This was on packs of things 2-3 levels lower than me and my mage is fairly well geared (1150 dmg, 15% crit, 90 hit and 120 haste) so I'm not sure what impact frostbite would have if you needed to do the old 2x Blizzard on the mobs to kill them.

I'm not aoe grinding for several reasons,

1. Competition for mobs is quite high at the moment meaning a) less chance of finding spots to farm, b) more chance of annoying other players and c) more chance of respawns messing up pulls.

2. I want to explore the new areas and questlines, which aoeing doesn't let you do (as the whole point is finding a nice spot and not moving from there).

3. I'm concerned about all the rep you'll miss out on from not questing.
#18 Nov 19 2008 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
on the other side at the moment you hit 80 by aoe. You go back to do the quest and make a BIG amount of gold and rep

Edited, Nov 19th 2008 10:51am by fenwickquallim
#19 Nov 19 2008 at 9:13 AM Rating: Good
fenwickquallim wrote:
on the other side at the moment you hit 80 by aoe. You go back to do the quest and make a BIG amount of gold and rep

Edited, Nov 19th 2008 10:51am by fenwickquallim

which can be good and bad as you will (assumably) have less people to run the things with and group for those small group quests (where even at 80 some of the 3+ quests will still kill you).

and for your question about does it keep them in place well, my method:

frost barrier -> mount -> gather -> nova -> two hops or a blink -> Blizzard -> tons of crits/frostbite/fof procs = more crits = all at sub 10% by the time they even get out of the first blizzard. A second blizzard covering the area just adjacent to that spot normally does it.

Edited, Nov 19th 2008 12:15pm by Anobix
#20 Nov 19 2008 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
frost barrier -> mount -> gather -> nova -> two hops or a blink -> Blizzard -> tons of crits/frostbite/fof procs = more crits = all at sub 10% by the time they even get out of the first blizzard. A second blizzard covering the area just adjacent to that spot normally does it.


I decided against AoE to 80, I was strongly considering it, but honestly the spots are too camped.

If I played only during extreme off peak hours, when nobodies around, I would probably do it. But most of my playtime is during normal hours, and when the spots are packed it really kills your XP/hour. Even a single person grinding in the scarlet camp slows you down big time.

I was having fun though, and I'll quest for a while and see what happens. I'm keeping improved blizzard and frost channeling until at least level 80 when I might respec for PVP. If I'm questing and I see nice packs of mobs I can AoE to finish the quest faster I'll do it.

85% snare on blizzard fully talented is insane.
#21 Nov 25 2008 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
I aoe grinded 76-80 to save quests for cash only. The absolute best place I have found for 76-79 is in Sholazar Basin The Venture co. has a base maybe 400 yards north of the flight path at Nessingwary's. In that camp there are about 50 mobs all melee and u can easily get 10-15 per pull 3 pulls clear the whole camp. 45k exp 10 minutes time 2-4 stacks of frostweave cloth. I was making roughly 250-350k per hour there. for 79-80 I copied off a video I saw the exp gain from this was phenomenal 79-80 was my fastest level of all only 5 hours. this is the best grinding spot in the game period
#22 Nov 25 2008 at 11:10 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
- The daily grind! You may have heard about some mages choosing to mindlessly and repetitively kill monsters - often several at a time - in order to practice their spellcasting. While this is a legitimate and often effective method to become more powerful, over extended periods of time, it will rot your brain.
#23 Nov 27 2008 at 10:12 AM Rating: Default
plz post any other spots that u have found for your fellow mages.
maybe some good videos of Utube that show good places to grind.

I found south of hearthglen, below the cliff.
#24 Dec 01 2008 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
Just for fun i tried to aoe the first pull in Utgarde. I have to say that its hard but can be done. I can't do it pull after pull because i use my mana gem, ice block and elemental CD each pull . The first 2 mobs are easy FN with elemental Blizzard 2-3 times FN again with elemental, 2-3 blizzard and mobs are allmost dead. The other pull are harder a bit because you have to use LOS and iceblock to gather the mobs, and if they have time to hit you when you get out of IB you're allmost dead because they hit for 2000+ each strike... 8000xp each rest at 73
#25 Dec 02 2008 at 3:19 AM Rating: Decent
I find it easier to pull with Blizzard, especially in close quarters. They're gonna be slow and damaged by the time they get to me, and then I still have my frost nova, then blizz again, instead of blowing coldsnap, which I might use in a very short time from then on something else.

But I can't see myself trying to aoe instance trash to lvl up. Maybe I'm just claustrophobic. :)

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 5:19am by Trilliandent
#26 Dec 03 2008 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
713 posts
I haven't really started quested on my mage yet but I have started skilling up skinning on her. Best spot? Howling Fjord, east of the explorers league camp. There are herds of beasts that roam there and its possible to pick up two groups of them (as well as a couple of those single mobs that ram each other) in one pull. Nice spot to make some money with aoeing as a skinner at 70.
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