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Riptide sucksFollow

#1 Oct 26 2008 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
So I was on my mage doing Kara this morning and we had a resto sham in the group without riptide. Having my own resto sham in T4/ZA gear WITH riptide I asked him why he didn't get it. He told me it's a worthless spell and he can get much more healing out of that one point.

I've been gear'd up with on my sham.. so runs from Kara to TK have been with T6/Sunwell gear'd players. Needless to say, I didn't need to be at my best for most of the runs. I was, however, 2nd or 3rd in heals with a average of 1800-2k HPS on the AoE heavy 25 man raids and I keep up with my resto druid friend in ZA that's in T5/T6 (duel heal, duel tank ZA).

A'm I missing somthing here about riptide not being worht it? Being able to toss a 2k insta heal with a HoT on a target while keeping up heals on a tank, as well as the chain heal buff from it, to me is great.
#2 Oct 26 2008 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
There are only THREE uses for Riptide.

1. Casting while on the move. It's our only instant (outisde of NS)
2. Emergency heal when NS is down. It isn't much... but it CAN buy that 1 second for another heal to land from someone else.
3. Kind of a pre-emptive HoT/Big Heal. Usually, I'm not tank healing as a shaman. If there is a lull in raid healing, I'll throw Riptide on the tank. It kinda sits there and has a hot on him... eases the main tank healers jobs slightly. Then if he gets hit hard there is a chance I can Chain Heal off of him for a BIG heal.

Even in mobile fights, Riptide only accounts for around 10% of my healing. With the changes to Earth shield, it normally accounts for almost 10% too. Earthliving probably makes up 4-8% (depending on the fight). LHW gets up to about 10% normally max... though on fights where chain heal normally doesn't jump, LHW is better and can get up to about 35%.

The MAJORITY of the time, 2 chain heals is better than riptide > chain heal. More mana efficient, more HPS, etc etc. Riptide is really kind of cruddy. I have it anyways because of Case #1. Mobility. On a fight like Kil'jaeden, riptide is VERY nice. You are moving a lot and not being able to cast on the move can and will kill you.

Edit: In 3.0.3, I think they are upping the front end and HoT portion of Riptide. I think it'll be a bit more worthwhile come Tuesday.

Edited, Oct 26th 2008 3:12pm by Jiade
#3 Oct 26 2008 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
I understand that riptide isn't somthing that has alot of uses (although on fights like HH i can just put ES on the tank with a riptide from time to time then just DPS the boss with everyone else). I just don't see where that extra point can be put to have so much more effect.
#4 Oct 26 2008 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
This is probably THE BEST Raid Heal spec for shamans.

Chain heal Spam Spec

If you don't plan on casting LHW and HW (which they do add up to less than 30% of our healing on the VAST majority of fights), then this build is probably far more effective.

You get:

-10% mana regen from INT.
-Earth Shield.
-Improved Chain heal.
-Blessing of Eternals for more Earthliving Procs.
-Improved Fire Nova (2 second aoe stun)
-10% reduction in fire/frost/nature damage taken

You give up:

-riptide (which isn't beneficial AT ALL for raid healing)
-Tidal Waves (which if you cast chain heal primarily isn't a big loss)
-Stuff from Enhancement tree (5% crit, improved shields, 10% INT)

There are lots of other ways to spec than the cookie cutter. It is VERY rare that chain heal accounts for less than 80% of my healing. So, all the talent points to improve the other 20% are somewhat wasted. The 20 points in single target heals aren't as effective as the TWO points in improved chain heal. It all comes down to what's most effective for you. I personally like Riptide at the moment and can't see actually going for the 10% intellect mana regen. But there's definitely merit in other builds.

PS: For those interested, this will probably REALLY be my build at 80 (assuming things stay the same). Ultimate Most Awesome Build ever. Ancestral Awakening is accounting for ~1% of people's healing at 80 (and 70) who actually spec into it. VERY MUCH NOT WORTH THREE POINTS. The points in Nature's Guardian could be swapped around some depending, but I love the talent. It saved me very very often pre 3.0. But the points could go to healing way for patchwerk (naxx fight) or improved water shield if you really like refreshing water shield every 25 seconds -.-

Edited, Oct 26th 2008 5:30pm by Jiade
#5 Oct 26 2008 at 8:39 PM Rating: Excellent
1,094 posts
I'm really not agreeing with this'n here thread.

I'm not going to touch the other talents. Mainly Ancestral Awakening, for this is a Riptide thread.

I find Riptide great, I don't see how that one point could be spent better. Burst of heal, for it is instant, plus a HoT. In Heroics I just use ES + Riptide and the tank doesn't need heals. And if that just doesn't keep up, Healing Stream will pick up the slack most of the time. If he/she is still going down, occasional actual heal.

In PvP, running from anything, or flag-carrying, instant burst plus an HoT, once again, don't see a flaw.

My spec, for those who want/need to see it, or want an insight into how I think. I like it because of the +25% ES heals.
#6 Oct 26 2008 at 9:28 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
In PvP, running from anything, or flag-carrying, instant burst plus an HoT, once again, don't see a flaw.

No argument there, but the point is for PVE (specifically raid settings), riptide is VERY situational. No one can argue that. In a raid setting, you don't even need earth shield. You don't need any heal but chain heal. I mean, it's better sometimes to cast other heals, but the MAJORITY of the time, chain heal is your heal of choice and the right heal for the job.

Compare the mana costs of your heals and you find chain heal will heal the most AND cost the least mana (for the amount healed). Riptide is THE MOST expensive heal for the amount healed especially considering the hot disappears if you chain heal off of the target. It also doesn't get any benefit from talents (for +healing) except from purification. That's it. LHW and HW both get improved through talents, but riptide has less improvement.

Chain Heal x2 will do more healing than riptide > chain heal. Lesser Healing Wave is the same "cast time" as riptide because riptide causes a 1.5s global cooldown and lesser healing wave has a 1.5s cast time. LHW heals for more (off the front) by a lot and unless the sad hot from riptide ticks for full duration it isn't as efficient.
#7 Oct 27 2008 at 6:02 AM Rating: Good
1,094 posts
It is very situational, I agree, but a lot of Jiade's points are in a pure, raid-healing situation. For Heroics it's great, even with the bad heals:mana ratio.

And no ES in raids? That's crazy talk. Shaman's should rotate ES casts on the tank.
#8 Oct 27 2008 at 8:32 AM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
And no ES in raids? That's crazy talk. Shaman's should rotate ES casts on the tank.

Depends what level of progression. 10 man raids sure, ES is fantastic. T4 level content, ES is great. T5... ES is ok. T6 and ES is a waste of time. Sunwell plateau, the GCD of casting ES will get your raid killed. As you progress, ES becomes MORE AND MORE terrible. It takes time away from your healing assignment (the raid) and overheals what the main tank healers are covering. The lower the level of the raid the more it is useful because you are backing up healers that aren't as capable of doing their jobs. At higher raid levels, you HAVE to rely on them to do their job because you will be letting people die to cover them.

I'm elemental at the moment, or I'd say to armory me. I TAKE riptide and ES. They definitely have uses and with the improvements to ES, it can actually account for a small chunk of my healing as can riptide on mobile fights (Felmyst and Kil'jaeden), but riptide is still bad on a fight like Twins where you HAVE TO CHAIN SPAM CHAIN HEAL. The amount of incoming raid damage is so incredibly insane that one GCD for a weak spell means people die.
#9 Nov 03 2008 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
Riptide is actually one of the best talents going in my OP. Personally, I can see the light of what is to come. One word - HASTE. Shamans heals prior to riptide were all long casts or bad on mana cost. A large amount of haste could correct that problem, but considering it very likely that haste wont be terribly abundant until we hit 80, you will need a quick heal to keep your tank up while your dropping a HW or CH.

If your like me as a resto sham, who LOVES healing the occasional 5 man and raiding, this talent save you on having to stack the haste to the point of insanity to keep up with heals.

Of course, this is only my opinion, but every resto shaman should use riptide as much as possible, and use chain heal on top of it for maximum mana effiency. Using anything other unless your tank is the only person taking damage just seems crazy to me.

For me, riptide is vital for buying me a few more seconds to get off a chain heal and saving my group. I think people are just let down with the initial number it produces.

Its something like 2400 + a hot for me...
But when that first chain heal hits, it will crit up to 7500! Then you add in 2 more jumps. Shamans are looking pretty good for healing 5 mans, 10 mans, and 25 mans. I know I will be able to keep my tank up with the assistance of riptide and I cant wait for the new challenging content to come.

/welcome to all melee dps, there will be plenty of chain heals for all. :)
#10 Nov 03 2008 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
A large amount of haste could correct that problem, but considering it very likely that haste wont be terribly abundant until we hit 80, you will need a quick heal to keep your tank up while your dropping a HW or CH.

The issue is if your tank is taking so much damage that you NEED an instant heal to keep them from dying (ie the tank is getting hit REALLY HARD) then riptide is just going to delay their death BY ONE hit or not at all.

Its something like 2400 + a hot for me...

No. It isn't. I'm wearing mostly BT/SWP gear and my riptide hits for 1600 with crits MAYBE reaching 2400. Now, this is before the new upcoming Riptide buff we'll be seeing. Maybe it won't suck as bad as it does now, but that's wishful thinking. The real issue is that riptide scales VERY poorly with gear.

The lower level of the instance (and thus the worse your gear) the better riptide performs relatively. As people have more health and take more damage, riptide is going to scale worse and worse to where it is only "worthwhile" for the 25% bonus to chain heal. The problem here is that it is more mana efficient AND OVERALL HIGHER HEALING OUTPUT to simply cast two chain heals.

every resto shaman should use riptide as much as possible, and use chain heal on top of it for maximum mana effiency.

Riptide + chain heal costs MORE than Chain heal + Chain heal AND the former heals for less than the latter. THIS is why riptide is very gimmicky. It isn't terrible, but it is by no means a "spam every 6 seconds" ability. Does it have uses? yes. Is it an overall good ability? I vote no, but it depends on the situation. Most of the situations where it is good is just because it fills the gap in shamans abilities, but it does so poorly. "They need a hot, they need an instant... let's give them both but since it is one spell we have to make it suck on both accounts."
#11 Nov 03 2008 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
2,634 posts
A large amount of haste could correct that problem, but considering it very likely that haste wont be terribly abundant until we hit 80, you will need a quick heal to keep your tank up while your dropping a HW or CH.

The issue is if your tank is taking so much damage that you NEED an instant heal to keep them from dying (ie the tank is getting hit REALLY HARD) then riptide is just going to delay their death BY ONE hit or not at all.

Well thats not how I was seeing it - I was thinking since we need to watch our mana effiency, we will be waiting longer and longer to cast a heal in fear of overhealing and wasting mana. I can see where your coming from saying that if the tank is getting hit to hard were all gonna die anyways, but thats not what I was getting at.

Its something like 2400 + a hot for me...

No. It isn't. I'm wearing mostly BT/SWP gear and my riptide hits for 1600 with crits MAYBE reaching 2400. Now, this is before the new upcoming Riptide buff we'll be seeing. Maybe it won't suck as bad as it does now, but that's wishful thinking. The real issue is that riptide scales VERY poorly with gear.

Now I im almost positive that mine hit for 1700 regular and 2200-2400 crit. I could be wrong on that number, but I know for a fact I have had crits of 2400+. My crit is much higher than it used to be now, so It seems I get more over 2000 than under anymore.

Edit: I made this post seem like crit makes your heals bigger, I know it only makes your chance to crit higher. I think I wanted to say - I see more crits anymore, so I see more in the 2200-2400 range rather than 1600-1700.

every resto shaman should use riptide as much as possible, and use chain heal on top of it for maximum mana effiency.

Riptide + chain heal costs MORE than Chain heal + Chain heal AND the former heals for less than the latter. THIS is why riptide is very gimmicky. It isn't terrible, but it is by no means a "spam every 6 seconds" ability. Does it have uses? yes. Is it an overall good ability? I vote no, but it depends on the situation. Most of the situations where it is good is just because it fills the gap in shamans abilities, but it does so poorly. "They need a hot, they need an instant... let's give them both but since it is one spell we have to make it suck on both accounts."

I think I said that wrong - What I ment they should be using it as much as possible with a chain heal connected to increase mana effiency, if that is what your tank requires. Not that we should be using it every 6 seconds.

I guess from what you say, you dont enjoy riptide. I dont know, Im getting more enjoyment than ever now that I have it as a part of my healing rotation. Im very happy with it, its a life saver. Maybe my numbers were off some, but In the end, I dont think any shamans should pass up riptide for any reason. Its overall vital for shaman healers in my OP.

Edited, Nov 3rd 2008 3:19pm by lauisifer
#12 Nov 03 2008 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
I think I said that wrong - What I ment they should be using it as much as possible with a chain heal connected to increase mana effiency,

>.> It's LESS mana efficient. Chain Heal x2 costs less mana AND heals more. Riptide is the most mana INEFFICIENT heal we have (even including the "bonus" to chain heal).

I agree it is a nice tool to have, but it isn't like an oven or microwave, it's more like a ronco food dehydrator. :/

Edited, Nov 3rd 2008 3:22pm by Jiade
#13 Nov 03 2008 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
2,634 posts
>.> It's LESS mana efficient. Chain Heal x2 costs less mana AND heals more. Riptide is the most mana INEFFICIENT heal we have (even including the "bonus" to chain heal).

I agree it is a nice tool to have, but it isn't like an oven or microwave, it's more like a ronco food dehydrator. :/

Maybe Im crunching the numbers wrong. Im heading to elitist jerks webby.
#14 Nov 03 2008 at 1:19 PM Rating: Good
2,634 posts
The people who are supporting it with numbers are showing that its slightly better than 2xChain heal if you give the riptide 3 seconds to tick before the chain heal hits.

The math they have shows basically riptide+chain heal is better if you have a tank taking large damage and everyone else taking splash damage.

chain healx2 is better if tank/melee dps is taking around equal damage.

Neither is technically better, because we cant guarantee jumps on CH or overheal caused by riptide. So really It all gets down to what type of fight we have and what type of healing you perfer.

I guess were both right and wrong at the same time. LOL. If you want a link to the posts I was looking at...

But I was gathering all of that information from a number of posts around that page... So Of course it doesnt really help you to look at the link.
#15 Nov 03 2008 at 1:46 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
The people who are supporting it with numbers are showing that its slightly better than 2xChain heal if you give the riptide 3 seconds to tick before the chain heal hits.

Yes, but that means you CAN'T cast chain heal on the tank just for the sake of maximizing riptide's efficiency. I just don't see why they didn't change riptide to avoid this. There are so many ways to improve the efficiency without going OP.

1. The HoT would allow chain heal to be buffed but without consuming the HoT. Now, they could keep the bonus the same or decrease it to a 10% bonus instead or something to balance it out, but this would at least allow riptide to be efficient without having to "hold back" on heals.

2. Have the bonus to chain heal be a buff given to the caster for the next chain heal. This would allow the same mechanic but without consuming the HoT.

3. Have it work more like swiftmend so that the remaining HoT "surges" when chain heal is cast on the target.

This isn't even considering all of the OTHER cool effects they could do such as guaranteed earthliving from riptide or spreading the HoT down chain heal. Causing single target heals to literally splash off the target if the HoT is applied or any other number of interesting cool effects. Instead we got an instant, poor scaling, regrowth that loses the hot for a mediocre bonus thus making the original heal less mana efficient.

From your own link:

Also don't forget that you can CH off the Riptide effect after 3 ticks for no loss of healing, and after 4 ticks you've gain an extra 500 heal.

3 ticks = 9 seconds. So... yes, if you cast chain heal once every 9 seconds, then Riptide > chain heal IS better but when are also concerned about hpm and hps chain heal x2 is better.

This backs up my anecdotal evidence on Kil'Jaeden where my spell selection of pure CH spam with Riptide on every available cooldown has proved far superior to the other shaman experimenting with LHW and HW with Tidal Waves.

His evidence is the single fight that is THE ABSOLUTE WORST for chain heal. LHW spam > CH on this fight. Of course Riptide + chain heal is phenomenal... you riptide on people that have a dot (thereby countering the dot), then use mana efficient and boosted chain heal once the dot on them has done enough damage to warrant casting again. It's also a HIGHLY mobile fight thereby boosting its effectiveness. I'd still argue Riptide + LHW is better for that fight simply because of hps since hpm isn't an issue on the fight thanks to the dragons.
#16 Nov 03 2008 at 2:11 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
1373 healing Spell Power
Level 70

LHW: 420 mana avg: 2600 heal
CH: 477 mana avg: 3850 heal
Riptide: 505 mana avg: 1600 heal + 415 heal ticks

We'll assume no spell haste to simplify math. Riptide is "instant" but incurs a 1.5s GCD thus it is the same lock out time as LHW. Just for Riptide to be AS EFFECTIVE in pure healing as LHW, you have to allow Riptide to land and tick twice to be just under LHW (3 ticks to do slightly more healing). Let's keep in mind Riptide also costs 85 more mana (20% more). To be as mana efficient you'd also have to heal 20% more (or 520 more) so at least a 4th tick ... so instant + 12s of hot for it to equal the efficiency of LHW.

CH + 25% (from riptide): 4812 heal

For simplicity at first, we'll assume chain heal doesn't jump.

CHx2 = 954 mana avg: 7700 heal
Riptide + CH = 982 mana avg: 6412 (without a hot)

So, to do the same healing you have to allow the hot to heal the difference or another 1288 healing (roughly 3 ticks). This lines up with what was said in the forum on elitist jerks. Keep in mind this doesn't even account for the fact that you ALSO spent more mana to achieve this and have to wait 9 seconds to get efficiency.

Now, let's look if chain heal jumps... since that's USUALLY why you cast chain heal.

CH: 477 mana avg: 3850 heal
CH + 25% (from riptide): 4812 heal

CH (3 jumps): 3850 + 1925 + 963 = 6738 healing total
CH + 25% rip (3 jumps): 4812 + 2406 + 1203 = 8421 healing total

Now it looks like riptide is sexier, but we haven't actually factored riptide in yet... nor the fact we need to compare it for chain heal x2.

CHx2 (3 jumps)= 6738 x2 = 13476 healing total (5s casting total) 2695 hps
Riptide + CH (3 jumps) = 8421 + 1600 = 10,021 healing total (4s casting total) 2505 hps

The difference is 3455 healing... which if riptide heals for 415 per tick, that would be a grand total of 8 ticks or 24 seconds... well lol riptide's hot doesn't last that long. CH x2 is CHEAPER than Riptide + CH. Chain heal x2 is also higher HPS since each chain heal cast has the potential to jump to 2 additional targets. Obviously, chain heal is much lower hps when it doesn't jump but the potential hps from CH is better than burst hps from riptide/CH especially factoring in hpm.

Edited, Nov 3rd 2008 5:12pm by Jiade
#17 Nov 04 2008 at 5:59 AM Rating: Good
2,634 posts
After reading the patch notes - Thank god they buffed riptide!

Riptide: The initial heal amount has been increased on ranks 3 and 4 and periodic healing has been increased on all ranks.
#18 Nov 04 2008 at 6:47 AM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
it's dumb.... rank 3 and 4 is after 70. So ... expect it to still suck today.
#19 Nov 04 2008 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
it's dumb.... rank 3 and 4 is after 70. So ... expect it to still suck today.

The initial heal was only buffed for 3 and 4. However, the HoT portion was buffed for all ranks.
#20 Nov 04 2008 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
However, the HoT portion was buffed for all ranks.

From 665 to 885 over time for Rank 2

The coefficient remained the same so you're looking at 50 more healing per tick (or less). lol Not exactly going to make anyone go OOOOOooooooo.
#21 Nov 09 2008 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
Now that riptide makes the next three LHW/HW faster cast, it seems VERY worth using.

1 Cast Riptide on anyone taking damage
2 Heal the tank with amazingly fast HW
3 Chain heal whoever you riptide'd for the chain heal bonus

this seems like this would be the best "rotation" but i have no numbers to back it up
#22 Nov 09 2008 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
Now that riptide makes the next three LHW/HW faster cast, it seems VERY worth using.

Just a correction, it only makes TWO faster (not 3). You got this effect from Chain Heal before anyways. The issue with Chain heal was that you had to wait 0.4s for the buff to get on you, thereby negating the haste buff. With Riptide you have to wait for the GCD (since it is instant) which makes tidal waves less dumb.
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