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most efficient way to lvl a warriorFollow

#27 Oct 29 2008 at 2:36 PM Rating: Good
84 posts
The warrior that "dies really fast and doesn't do much damage" is also saying that he doesn't think gear is that important before end-game....

Yeah but he's also a stupid scrub that doesn't know how to play.

I can level a warrior faster than you without touching a single instance until at least 50. And dying less than you.

I wasn't calling you a stupid scrub.

Sorry lol, i was assuming you were refering to me because when you were responding to Grollog he was talking about me as being
The warrior that "dies really fast and doesn't do much damage" is also saying that he doesn't think gear is that important before end-game..
so sry i lashed out :P
#28 Oct 30 2008 at 1:15 AM Rating: Good

Sad truth about leveling.....(truth that i HATE)

If you want to level fast. Dont run any instances.Stay DPS (arms-furry).Spend little time in Internet to find good green items to upgrade.Quest all the time.Before the begining of a quest ask if anyone around is interested in it as well. Pick a gatherig profession as well.Accept invites only if group is ready and your the last to be invited.If group is almost ready ask polite to be invited in group later...Instances you participate should be very close to your hunt area ,refuse to go to instances in unexplored areas y dont know.Keep in mind that groups are disbanded as easily as they can be formed. Dont do any favors. Dont help anybody with any quest you dont intend to do at that moment.Dont give money to anyone.

Keep in mind though that warriors excell at tanking and dps.So later on when y grow 70 or 80 you ll be either dps or tank.
When you get to 70-80 the quests you do will provide y nothing but money and not xp.So at that point either y choose the ARENA-PvP way of the dps warrior either you change to prot and you do tons of instances. Either way .. its fun.

How pathetic....
#29 Oct 30 2008 at 4:56 AM Rating: Good
1,395 posts
Woah... lots of misinformation in this thread.

First off: Mental, get your **** together. I don't care how fast you think you can level a warrior, you need to start thinking outside your little box. All I can say about most of the stuff you say here is: You're wrong. Let's take it from the top, shall we?

Mental wrote:
Too bad you're wrong. If your goal is simply to reach end level the quickest way possible then grouping for instances is a waste of time. It's nice for when you want to break up the tedium of leveling. But I wouldn't touch anything before ZF and even ZF sucks.

If it's your first toon I would recommend grouping more than average. You'll learn a lot better that way for end game. Just solo while having the lfg on. If it's not I would just solo all the way to 50 or 60 and maybe do ZF and ST.

Pro's with instancing:
- You'll get gear that'll last you 10-20 levels, stuff you'll never even come close to get by quest rewards.
- You'll get a very decent xp/h, so you're not missing out on a lot.
- You WILL get experience to tank at level 70, at least if you don't say ***** it' and give up just because everyone is attacking different targets. I'd take this as a challenge, and there's rarely anyone who can pull a mob off me even in the earliest instances.
Con's with instancing:
- You're not guaranteed success, since the groups success isn't only determined by you. You'll need at least a good healer to pull you through an instance where the DPS:ers are noobs.
- Xp/h is slightly less than questing even with a good group. Can be quite dreadful with bad groups.
- You might run and get no drops. If this is the case you'd be better off if you'd spent your time questing.

These are some basic things I can think of on the top of my head.

Mental wrote:
Up-to-date armor and weapons can make a difference. Instances don't offer good enough upgrades in the lower levels to make it worth the time.

They WILL make a difference. And there's plenty of really nice gear to get out there. I'd write you a list, but if you've got half a brain and skim through atlas you'll see which ones will last and which ones will not.

You come to this tread with an arrogant attitude that you know everything. This might work on the new guys here, but it doesn't take long for the rest of us to recognize you're just wind bagging.

Your smug comments aren't a testament of skill and knowledge, but merely ignorance. If you're so good, and can level stuff soooo fast, let's hear what you really KNOW, instead of just seeing you contradict almost everyone who posts here without any REAL arguments to prove your opinion.

I know from leveling a warrior very very recently, that instance gear WILL last you a hell of a long time. I got some rare plate boots of the Bear in Ulda. I enchanted them with +stam, and they've lasted me all the way to outlands, or rather the blue boots that drop in ramps.

I recall using the +9 stam boots from WC up until my mid 30's, where greens started to catch up. Never got the belt from WC, but that would've lasted me up to at least level 30 as well. I believe I had the Helm from RFK for 10 levels, until I got Herod's helm. I used several SM items until I started doing BRD.

I'm not saying leveling this warrior went very fast, since I'd desided long ago to ONLY do instances with him. That's not a good option if you want to levels as fast as possible, but to completely exclude instances is rather stupid. You'll most likely get items you don't get near of seeing in regular Q rewards.
#30 Oct 30 2008 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Utarius wrote:
Woah... lots of misinformation in this thread.

First off: Mental, get your sh*t together. I don't care how fast you think you can level a warrior, you need to start thinking outside your little box. All I can say about most of the stuff you say here is: You're wrong. Let's take it from the top, shall we?

Mental wrote:
Too bad you're wrong. If your goal is simply to reach end level the quickest way possible then grouping for instances is a waste of time. It's nice for when you want to break up the tedium of leveling. But I wouldn't touch anything before ZF and even ZF sucks.

If it's your first toon I would recommend grouping more than average. You'll learn a lot better that way for end game. Just solo while having the lfg on. If it's not I would just solo all the way to 50 or 60 and maybe do ZF and ST.

Pro's with instancing:
- You'll get gear that'll last you 10-20 levels, stuff you'll never even come close to get by quest rewards.
- You'll get a very decent xp/h, so you're not missing out on a lot.
- You WILL get experience to tank at level 70, at least if you don't say '@#%^ it' and give up just because everyone is attacking different targets. I'd take this as a challenge, and there's rarely anyone who can pull a mob off me even in the earliest instances.
Con's with instancing:
- You're not guaranteed success, since the groups success isn't only determined by you. You'll need at least a good healer to pull you through an instance where the DPS:ers are noobs.
- Xp/h is slightly less than questing even with a good group. Can be quite dreadful with bad groups.
- You might run and get no drops. If this is the case you'd be better off if you'd spent your time questing.

These are some basic things I can think of on the top of my head.

Mental wrote:
Up-to-date armor and weapons can make a difference. Instances don't offer good enough upgrades in the lower levels to make it worth the time.

They WILL make a difference. And there's plenty of really nice gear to get out there. I'd write you a list, but if you've got half a brain and skim through atlas you'll see which ones will last and which ones will not.

You come to this tread with an arrogant attitude that you know everything. This might work on the new guys here, but it doesn't take long for the rest of us to recognize you're just wind bagging.

Your smug comments aren't a testament of skill and knowledge, but merely ignorance. If you're so good, and can level stuff soooo fast, let's hear what you really KNOW, instead of just seeing you contradict almost everyone who posts here without any REAL arguments to prove your opinion.

I know from leveling a warrior very very recently, that instance gear WILL last you a hell of a long time. I got some rare plate boots of the Bear in Ulda. I enchanted them with +stam, and they've lasted me all the way to outlands, or rather the blue boots that drop in ramps.

I recall using the +9 stam boots from WC up until my mid 30's, where greens started to catch up. Never got the belt from WC, but that would've lasted me up to at least level 30 as well. I believe I had the Helm from RFK for 10 levels, until I got Herod's helm. I used several SM items until I started doing BRD.

I'm not saying leveling this warrior went very fast, since I'd desided long ago to ONLY do instances with him. That's not a good option if you want to levels as fast as possible, but to completely exclude instances is rather stupid. You'll most likely get items you don't get near of seeing in regular Q rewards.

That's nice.

I never said instance gear doesn't make a difference. It most definitely does.

Listen I've leveled at least 10 toons to 60-70. I've done everything from dps to heals to tank. I've quested, grouped, raided, soloed, instanced. I've played almost every single class. I've pretty much done it all. I always get told that I level damn fast. No I'm not the fastest. I haven't broken any records. I don't use any leveling guides. I haven't used any gimmicks such as, RAF, dotting mobs and leaving instance, etc. What I do any average player without any friends or help could do. I'm efficient. I've tried out various things. Arrogant? Maybe. But I know what I'm talking about. I don't care if anyone takes my advice or not.

If the question is what gear is best to obtain the answer is instances. If the question is what is the most efficient leveling then the answer is questing. Guess what the OP asked about? They didn't ask about weapons or gear. They asked about efficient leveling.

Efficiency is about time. Time is the biggest factor that affects efficiency in leveling. Guess what your average pug does? It wastes your time. Waiting for summons, repairs, ports, buffs, afks, bios, wipes, etc. If you have a group of friends or guildies you're leveling up with then I would absolutely run every instance. But even still it can drop your efficiency.

Your instance gear isn't as valuable as the time it normally takes to obtain it. I could have several levels gained. Yes you might use that gear for 10 levels. But would you trade that precious blue in exchange for 2-3 levels and use a green instead? Maybe.

I answered the OP's question. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not true. And if I'm wrong then prove it. How? By leveling a toon with the highest efficiency. Pick a race/class and level to reach. Then post your /played time. If I'm wrong I'll shut up. Until then you can kiss my efficient ***.

#31 Oct 30 2008 at 3:07 PM Rating: Good
84 posts
is it possible to rate someone? i just wanted to kinda thank for those that helped
#32 Oct 30 2008 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,395 posts
I have no idea how fast you level, but I'll take you on. If you've ever leveled a hunter, PM me the /played.

What I disagreed about was your arrogant attitude, and the fact that you condemn instances for 100% leveling. I've leveled several warriors, and I can say that even as a skilled player it's much harder to stay alive if you've got leveling greens than if you've got anything from semi-outdated to completely up-to-date blues from instances.

I have a really hard time taking you seriously, since you often lack facts and you're sometimes selfcontradictory.

Mental wrote:
If the question is what gear is best to obtain the answer is instances. If the question is what is the most efficient leveling then the answer is questing. Guess what the OP asked about? They didn't ask about weapons or gear. They asked about efficient leveling.

OP wrote:
i just dont know what my gear should look like, what weapons i should be using, or which stance/moves i should be focusing on.

There you go.

Just look up the facts, and loose the attitude. You see 'efficient leveling' in the headline and you interpret that how you like. You're very much wrong if you think you've automatically adressed all questions by writing your own rapidly concieved point of view.

Also, you talk about gear and efficiency like they're two completely different things. I've got some news for you that you should've learned by the time you leveled your first warrior to 60: They're not.

The warrior is one of, if not THE, most gear dependant class out there. To say that efficient leveling of a warrior is not bothering about gear is plain stupid.

Mental wrote:
I answered the OP's question. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not true.

No, you didn't answer the OP's question(s). You made your own quick assumptions and went from there. My problem isn't that I don't like it, it's that I don't think it's true.

Again: Stop the smug act, it'll only hurt your credability.

#33 Oct 30 2008 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
1,395 posts
drewbeeone wrote:
is it possible to rate someone? i just wanted to kinda thank for those that helped

You have to be scholar or higher to rate someone. So, sadly, you can't do so for the time being.
#34 Oct 31 2008 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Utarius wrote:
I have no idea how fast you level, but I'll take you on. If you've ever leveled a hunter, PM me the /played.

Showing my hunter's /played wouldn't be any use. I've been 70 for a while and done other things on her.

What I meant by the challenge was for you to roll the same class and I wouldn't touch an instance while you would do every one that had an upgrade and obtain the upgrade before moving on.
#35 Oct 31 2008 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,395 posts
MentalFrog wrote:
What I meant by the challenge was for you to roll the same class and I wouldn't touch an instance while you would do every one that had an upgrade and obtain the upgrade before moving on.

We're in the warrior forum, I think getting upgrades is important for warriors, since they're gear dependant. This doesn't hold true with hunters, since they can have which-ever-gear and still pwn mobs' face.

MentalFrog wrote:
Showing my hunter's /played wouldn't be any use. I've been 70 for a while and done other things on her.

Christ.. If you didn't know, there's also a thing called 'Time played on this level'. Just take that figure and subtract from the total you get from /played.

From what skill and knowledge you show in this thread I have no doubt I can outlevel you in /played. Such ****-measuring contests aren't of any real use though, and I was only ever interested in your hunter's /played since I consider myself to have leveled a hunter quite fast recently, while doing some key-instances.

My advise to you: Loose the attitude if you can't back it up. It might work in the OOT forums where you don't have to really know anything, but here you get burnt bad if you're an ***. Not that you're worried about your karma or anything, but here there's another sort of karma. It's one where you don't ever listen to people who are always wrong.

Edited, Oct 31st 2008 11:50pm by Utarius
#36 Oct 31 2008 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Utarius wrote:
MentalFrog wrote:
What I meant by the challenge was for you to roll the same class and I wouldn't touch an instance while you would do every one that had an upgrade and obtain the upgrade before moving on.

We're in the warrior forum, I think getting upgrades is important for warriors, since they're gear dependant. This doesn't hold true with hunters, since they can have which-ever-gear and still pwn mobs' face.

MentalFrog wrote:
Showing my hunter's /played wouldn't be any use. I've been 70 for a while and done other things on her.

Christ.. If you didn't know, there's also a thing called 'Time played on this level'. Just take that figure and subtract from the total you get from /played.

From what skill and knowledge you show in this thread I have no doubt I can outlevel you in /played. Such ****-measuring contests aren't of any real use though, and I was only ever interested in your hunter's /played since I consider myself to have leveled a hunter quite fast recently, while doing some key-instances.

My advise to you: Loose the attitude if you can't back it up. It might work in the OOT forums where you don't have to really know anything, but here you get burnt bad if you're an ***. Not that you're worried about your karma or anything, but here there's another sort of karma. It's one where you don't ever listen to people who are always wrong.

Edited, Oct 31st 2008 11:50pm by Utarius

The point of the challenge is to prove that doing instances makes you level faster. This isn't an epeen contest like you think it is. My point is to prove that skipping instances at the earlier levels is better than doing them.

I'm sure you leveling your hunter faster than me is going to prove it, dubmass.
#37 Oct 31 2008 at 5:48 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Perhaps you're right, but don't underestimate the power of organising on the go Mental. I'm not talking about countless RFC runs. If possible, you can even get friends to join in (as a boost or not). Just make sure you've got a party at the ready while questing, get summoned, tackle the place, grab your new leet sword, hearthstone, and continue questing.

#38 Oct 31 2008 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
I ran sfk like 2 times yesterday. Got some pretty good exp but got a better shield and the rare 2h sword :D. So i'm good for at least 10-15 levels if I enchant it or not. Questing. I've quested enough to know what quests will give what exp and rather they are worth doing or not. I usually keep myself in LFG for instances. Especially as a war seeing as some blues will make leveling a bit easier. :D Plus I just like running instances. Its fun. Questing gets boring at times. Especially when you've already done it on a previous toon. All in all instancing has its strengths and weaknesses, its ups and downs.
#39 Oct 31 2008 at 6:11 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Mental wrote:
If you have a group of friends or guildies you're leveling up with then I would absolutely run every instance. But even still it can drop your efficiency.

That about sums up instancing in Azeroth. Waste of time unless it is a run through or with people you know to be good. I mean all other 4 people not just 1 or 2. The random suckitude of PuGs makes instance leveling before Outland worthless.

Outland instances give way more xp and are not long maze-like constructs. They also give good gear. I instanced much of my way from 60-70 in Outland, granted was a druid but still I dinged 70 half way through Nagrand. Got easily 3-4 levels of xp in instances.

The other factor that make Azeroth instances suck is that they don't give you rep like Outland instances do. That adds a level of incentive as you need rep for various gears and to unlock heroics.

ZF is often done as it is in my opinion a lot of fun. It is in a level appropriate zone unlike many other Azeroth instances, as they are scattered around with minimal rhyme or reason. It is also not excessively long compared to other pre-Outland instances. For example, BRD takes 3 weeks to run with 25 level 70s decked out in epics. Not really but that place is a maze and takes a long time to run.

Instances are fun and they do give gear. Warriors are more gear intensive class. But skipping instances is generally the fastest way to level. Unless it is a good group that is highly focused. Which is rare.

With the expac coming I expect only a few of the Outland instances to be run while leveling. I think Ramps, SP and MT might still see some use. Many of the other will be the new ST. Especially, the TK ones as you need flight to get in and you can go Northrend by then.

This will happen for the same reason as Azeroth dungeons aren't run. PuGs ******* around, failing apart, time limits breaking up groups and scrubs that can't play for beans. Those reasons are the main reasons why questing is the faster route to the level cap.

Of course, in Northrend the situation will be as Outland was. The instances will be hubbed and shortish. They will grant useful rep via the tabard system and new lewtz. Instances will be more viable then but in Azeroth and soon Outland, they slow the process down.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#40 Nov 01 2008 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Utarius, I find it funny that you would pick a hunter for the challenge when they're the fastest levelers. You would think a warrior that's as gear dependent as you claim would level much quicker running instances than one skipping them all. Or perhaps you know I'm right and instead would rather level the quickest class possible and ignore what I've been saying in this thread all along.

#41 Nov 01 2008 at 6:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,395 posts
MentalFrog wrote:
Utarius, I find it funny that you would pick a hunter for the challenge when they're the fastest levelers. You would think a warrior that's as gear dependent as you claim would level much quicker running instances than one skipping them all. Or perhaps you know I'm right and instead would rather level the quickest class possible and ignore what I've been saying in this thread all along.


I find it funny that you persist on beating a dead horse. The reason I suggested hunter, you would've seen if you'd bothered to read what others write, was that I recently leveled one to 70. I'm not going to discuss this with you further since it won't bring anything useful to this thread. I don't ignore what you say here, although I would very much like to say you ignore what I say. I don't think you're right.. You have your opinion, I have mine, we both think the other one's opinion is wrong.. nothing much to do about it.

Just do us all a favor to spare use some headache: Next time you think you know something, shut the hell up and run back to the OOT boards.
#42 Nov 01 2008 at 7:20 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
You have your opinion, I have mine, we both think the other one's opinion is wrong.. nothing much to do about it.

Without trying to pour gasoline over the fire; this isn't really something you can form an 'opinion' on. It can be scientifically proven that one way of playing is more time efficient than another. It's just that nobody's actually really bothered to fully test it.
#43 Nov 03 2008 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Mozared wrote:
You have your opinion, I have mine, we both think the other one's opinion is wrong.. nothing much to do about it.

Without trying to pour gasoline over the fire; this isn't really something you can form an 'opinion' on. It can be scientifically proven that one way of playing is more time efficient than another. It's just that nobody's actually really bothered to fully test it.

Which is exactly what I'm trying to do in the first place. Thanks, Moz! Smiley: grin
#44 Nov 06 2008 at 4:57 AM Rating: Default
I believe the post has hidden meanings...

'Most efficient way to level a warrior' means how am i going to level him FAST. --->MentalFrog replies to that

The post on the other hand although has the above title explains that the warrior has poor gear so...the title should be 'How my warrior is going to be efficient' in order not to die ,do more damage..etc.--->drewbeeone

I belive that both are right in different aspects of the game.
#45 Nov 06 2008 at 8:13 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
MentalFrog wrote:
Mozared wrote:
Without trying to pour gasoline over the fire; this isn't really something you can form an 'opinion' on. It can be scientifically proven that one way of playing is more time efficient than another. It's just that nobody's actually really bothered to fully test it.

Which is exactly what I'm trying to do in the first place. Thanks, Moz!

So you were going to "scientifically prove" that leveling without instancing is faster than leveling with instancing by comparing time played from 1-69 for two individual warriors played by different people?

Mental, if you disagree with Utarius, that's fine. You can both say the other is wrong ad nauseum, but don't pretend that a ****-measuring contest (comparing your two warriors time /played because you think your's is faster) is scientific.
#46 Nov 06 2008 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
tabstopper wrote:
MentalFrog wrote:
Mozared wrote:
Without trying to pour gasoline over the fire; this isn't really something you can form an 'opinion' on. It can be scientifically proven that one way of playing is more time efficient than another. It's just that nobody's actually really bothered to fully test it.

Which is exactly what I'm trying to do in the first place. Thanks, Moz!

So you were going to "scientifically prove" that leveling without instancing is faster than leveling with instancing by comparing time played from 1-69 for two individual warriors played by different people?

Mental, if you disagree with Utarius, that's fine. You can both say the other is wrong ad nauseum, but don't pretend that a Richard-measuring contest (comparing your two warriors time /played because you think your's is faster) is scientific.

Don't be stupid. I'd be more than willing to level 2 warriors; one without instances till 60 and another running every instance with the intention of going for upgrades. I'd document and keep a summary of each level. However unless I have some compensation, if I'm right, then I'm not going to bother.

It never was an epeen contest. Utarius and the common moron just took it that way. Can't say I'm surprised. Everyone is always defensive, it's natural. ***.
#47 Nov 06 2008 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Don't be stupid. I'd be more than willing to level 2 warriors

Liar, nobody likes the grind that much :P

Edit: Then again, you áre Mentalfrog.

Edited, Nov 6th 2008 7:29pm by Mozared
#48 Nov 06 2008 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Mozared wrote:
Don't be stupid. I'd be more than willing to level 2 warriors

Liar, nobody likes the grind that much :P

Edit: Then again, you áre Mentalfrog.

Edited, Nov 6th 2008 7:29pm by Mozared

I have almost 6 level 70's.
#49 Nov 06 2008 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
Lol. On my account I have 2 warriors... Don't ask me why... I just do.
#50 Nov 06 2008 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
if you want to level fury, just know that you need to stack agi/crit and AP for pre-outlands. all of the good fury dps talents are deeper in the tree so prot or arms might be better until you get closer to 40.
pre-outlands AP tends to show better results because you can just get a bloody lot of it in the 30s.
for stances, stick with battle for now. i wouldnt full time in berserker stance until 40 when you get bloodthirst + whirlwind and start picking up the improved berserker stance talents. you do lose overpower, but windfury's extra instant attack makes up for it if you have the rage to spare. I also personally picked up improved berserker rage. this talent lets you manually spike your rage to 100 (between this and bloodrage). my 70 war is currently specced fury and it takes about 2-3 minutes but i can force my rage to full and never have to stance change out of berserker now.
personally i'd pick this up and 3/5 flurry, and get those 2 extra flurry points later.

anyways, weapons are very important as a fury warrior, so always try to keep those up to date first. for soloing i reccomend mail/plate wherever possible and wouldnt suggest going with leather until you're raiding and need hit rating. i levelled as draenai so i had gift of the naaru to help my healing, but bandages are very important. bloodthirst, as silly as the .6% healing seems, actually adds up a lot. on my recount parses it made up close to 1/2 my healing, meaning it cut my downtime in 1/2 (and i never had to eat while levelling as fury).
#51 Nov 09 2008 at 8:32 AM Rating: Default
I found at low lvl the wep upgrades lasted longer than at higher lvls.

Cruel Barb/sfk shield had them post 30.

FelIron axe replaced by axe of the legion.
Axe of the legion, replaced by a 65 quest item.

I find I don't realy care how long it takes me to get to 70 and usually manage it in less than 9 days.
On my warrior i spammed ZA for Zul'Thraze from 40-50 and still raced to 70, was a 19 and 29 twink aswell so loads of playtime on him, but leveling was quick.

Never had trouble questing or soloing mobs. Soloed the mastery Q's in nagrand at 66.

Why play a char just to solo to 70, totally not what the game is about. No one NEEDS to get a char to 70 in 7 days. I found warrior was MORE fun pre 70: Not as much pressure to tank, lack of resi in pvp makes them soooooo fun, i would of liked to stay lower than 70, but when you get caught up in those last lvls it is all about getting to 70.

I loved instaning, was a good way to get to merge with other classes.

playing as a lock and having a enh shammy and a feral druid in your group is soooo different than playing as a warrior and having an enh shaman and feral druid in your group(apart from the obvious differences of one being a warrio and one being a lock xD)
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