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A few Enhancement questions...Follow

#1 Oct 24 2008 at 8:45 AM Rating: Good
55 posts
I haven't had the chance to get online since the patch due to my account being frozen. I will be online this weekend for the first time in a month or so.
I've been looking at the talents, new spells, etc.
I'm thinking about taking this build:
(I am most intrerested in PvE. Very little PvP.)

How much did your dps increase/decrease with the new itemization?

And lastly, what should I be doing as far as my spell rotation to maximize dps? (I've been browsing through the elitistjerks forums, but it seems to technical for me.)

Thanks for the help.
#2 Oct 24 2008 at 9:20 AM Rating: Good
I'm no expert so I will speak purely based on my own expierence. I am enhance..

Pre-patch I was 1352 attack power. Then after the patch I re-did my talent tree and without ANY other modifications I went straight to 1485 attack power. I was quite pleased. So far I have only purchased two major glyphs ( i cant find any minors that are worth while ). I purchased the windfury glph (add 40% more AP to windfury procs) and the flame shock glyph (add extra 3 seconds to flame shock).

I can't tell you the e x a c t damage number increase from all of this, but its definetly a noticable increase from doing nothing other than re-doing your talent tree and spending a couple gold on glyphs.

As far as rotation I go (and i will prolly be told I'm wrong...but this works best for me)

Stormstrike - Flameshock - Lavalash - Stormstrike - Earthshock

edit : spellign = P
edit : AP > damage

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 5:34pm by downandgoing
#3 Oct 24 2008 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
I went from 820dps to ~1000dps with the patch. Also, I think the windfury glyph does 40% more AP, not damage (thought 40% more damage would be awesome).

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#4 Oct 24 2008 at 1:32 PM Rating: Default
Also, I think the windfury glyph does 40% more AP, not damage (thought 40% more damage would be awesome).

Lol.. i wish it was 40% more damage too! I just noticed the goof i made.. = P
#5 Oct 25 2008 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
It's a fairly solid build. 1 change I would recommend, and only because you said your focus would be PvE rather than PvP. Lose the 3 points in Elemental Devastation and fill out Enhancing Totems and Imp WF Totem. If you ALWAYS have another shammy along who will be dropping these then disregard this advice and just move the 2 points from ET to IWFT.
#6 Oct 28 2008 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
55 posts

Well... Finally got a chance to play a few days.
I still haven't re-enchanted or re-gemmed my gear, but my AP went from about 1600 to over 2100!
As far as the build, I think I will drop the Elemental Devistation. I crit a lot with spells now, but I also crit a LOT with melee. I don't need the extra chance to crit from those talents. I realize I can get that with the extra Agility from Enhancing Totems. So, a minor re-spec is in order.

Now... A few more questions...
I have Potency (+20 Strength) on my weapons. I was thinking of Mongoose for both. +120 Agility (+120 AP) procs would be nice! However, Greater Agility (+20 Agi) would be constant damage. Major Intellect (+30 Int) would also be more AP from talents, as well as more mana. So... +240 AP/Agi procs, +40 AP/Agi constant, or +60 AP/more mana constant (considering both weapons)?

I'll be replacing Subtlety on my Cloak with Greater Agility (+12 Agi). Tanks generate enough threat now that I can get a bit more Agi/AP.

Gloves. Superior Agility (+15 Agi) or Assault (+26 AP)? I'm thinking Agility.

Bracers. Stats (+4), Intellect (+12 Int), or Assault (+24 AP)? Stats are nice, but more mana and AP would be better. But, would it be better than a straight +24 AP? Considering my luck, and the fact that it seems that I always end up healing in a pinch, I'm thinking Intellect. At least it wouldn't be a wasted stat since I'll get +12 AP from it as well...

I took Windfury, Ghost Wolf (+2% health generation while in Ghost Wolf), Water Shield (+30% more mana generation while active), and Water Walking. I know I'll be keeping Windfury and Water Shield. The others were just to have them because I felt like trying a few things out.

Anywayz... Sorry for the long post. Please comment. Thanks.


Edited, Oct 28th 2008 10:31am by Maulurom

Edited, Oct 28th 2008 10:33am by Maulurom
#7 Oct 28 2008 at 6:52 AM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
I took the windfury and flameshock glyphs...don't have any minors yet as they are still pricey on my server.

edit: now i'm reading that flameshock is dead for the new patch so I might reconsider it.

Edited, Oct 28th 2008 11:27am by Ailitardif

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#8 Oct 29 2008 at 11:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
I personally went for WF, frostshock, water walking and ghost wolf glyphs. Haven't decided on my third minor yet.
#9 Nov 01 2008 at 5:36 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Is Flametongue Weapon worth it with Lava Lash, or should I continue using Windfury on both weapons?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#10 Nov 01 2008 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
1,121 posts
WF should still be better for the time being, wf also provides more chances to proc maelstrom. Lava lash still provides an attack every 6 seconds.
#11 Nov 03 2008 at 4:40 PM Rating: Default
This build is pretty much the cookie cutter for raiding/pve right now, there are a few tweaks that could up personal dps (static charge) but then other factors come into play like mana, raid buffs, etc, depends on your focus and how many enh shammy's ya raid with, but this is the core:

Hit is the most important stat now, gotta max out your spell hit to 164 (food buff for 20, 144 needed, also if draenei) after that is reached (hit enchant for gloves, replace gems) swap the rest for agility or whatevers needed for your meta. While this is hard to realize at first, i actually swapped out bt gear for some za stuff and kara rings so I could get my hit up, while this did make my ap go down from the initial increase from the changes from the patch, this did translate to a increase in dps, just saying ya got more ap doesn't mean much if your missing 50% of your casts

wf mainhand/ft off is putting out higher dps for most

For spell roatations, step one, take flame shock off your tool bar, step two, use ss, lava rush, and earthshock whenever they are up (no order) and lightninig bolt or chain lightning whenever maelstrom is 5/5

edited to fix link and to make a bit clearer for some.
Edited, Nov 4th 2008 1:17am by Kulligan

Edited, Nov 4th 2008 1:32am by Kulligan
#12 Nov 03 2008 at 4:49 PM Rating: Default
Flametongue not only adds the fire dps to your melee attacks but also ups your spell dmg +124, with the changes now so much more of our dps is coming from spells and casts ft is providing more dps for most people. Sure everyone's set up is different, after reading ej, I downloaded enhsim, on the sim I put out around 60 more dps with ft, on a timed dummy beating I put out almost 100 more dps with ft than wf, the key is ya gotta remember to use the spells (earthshock, and cl or lb) whenever they are up, if your lazy, miss them, just want to stand and swing, or don't care, yea, use windfury on the oh, it will give ya more dps. You gotta have the shockandawe addon to keep track of maelstrom if thats the route ya want to go.
#13 Nov 03 2008 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
Are you seriously advocating taking Imp GW instead of Imp WF totem for a raid build? And Static Shock... just lol.
#14 Nov 03 2008 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
If FT is yielding more damage this really makes me want to reactivate my account and test this, FT would provide higher damage on your Lava Lash and Spells, but WF would provide more MSW procs (with a slower weapon it should provide a lot more procs).

Do you use slow weapon with FT or a fast weapon with FT, faster would mean higher auto attack dmg dps but lower damage on Lava Lash and Storm Strike as well as less extra procs from Lava Lash and Storm Strike.
#15 Nov 03 2008 at 10:28 PM Rating: Default
Sorry, forgot to link the build before I pasted link, so I had just posted the same build as the op, fixed now...

And, as for static shock, I don't run it since we don't run 2 enh, but yes, it is possible to get a higher dps build using static shock, you give up your raid buffs, but if your guild runs two enh shammy's then one can spec into it with no worry's. Is there some part of that you don't understand? Static shock + improved orbs = chance for extra damage with every hit, and if another shammy is specced into improved totems what are you missing out on in a raid? Seems pretty simple to me... just lol
#16 Nov 03 2008 at 11:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
That build is much more like it, but Static Shock is still a complete and utter waste of time since you should be using watershield instead of LS. It's a PvP talent, and not even really good for that. Those 2 points would be better spent almost anywhere else.
#17 Nov 04 2008 at 6:08 AM Rating: Default
When the patch first hit I ran out of mana all the time, pvp, farming, testing, etc, I thought enh was at its end for raiding and ready to reroll but then in my first raid after 3.02 I changed my mind. I never, ever, fall below 50% mana, just doesn't happen, with raid buffs, spriests, and retadins, etc, and I'm casting every chance I get with earth shock and chain lightning. While most of us will never benefit from the orb/static build, it is a higher dps build under the right situations (two enh shammys in end game raiding basically), without a doubt is not for everyone, but is not a utter waist if you meet those requirements, there isn't a better place for the points again, if and only if you are raiding with two enh shammy's.
#18 Nov 04 2008 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
If you can guarantee that every single run you ever do will be with another enhancement shammy then maybe... actually no. The points would be better spent in Convection or Call of Flame or even Totemic Focus. You can't even take all three points out of ET anyway because you need one there to unlock the 4th Tier.

And the fact is you can't be sure you'll always have that other shammy there because behind that shammy is a real person with a real life (I acknowledge that this is arguable) who may not be able to make a run at any given moment. Not to mention heroics and 10 mans where you will probably be the only enhancement shammy.

I'm glad you like Static Shock, really I am, but don't advocate that others should take it. It's a lackluster talent with a negligible chance to proc negligible damage.
#19 Nov 04 2008 at 9:51 PM Rating: Default
Dude, are you just trolling or what, everything you are arguing about has been discussed in other posts, this will be my last one in this thread, if ya feel the need to keep arguing about moot points and feel important, have at it. I guess I could spell out how this talent works but I figured most would be able to understand it.

First, I never "advocated" for the op to take static shock, I simply stated what I thought to be the cookie-cutter build (the linked build), mentioned there were other builds that could yield higher dps but were not for everyone, at which point you went on this tangent about "static shock" and how it sucks.

Second, are you in a raiding guild? Why in the world are you talking about rl stuff, etc., I think we all understand how rl works, if you were to spec this way, I'd think you were pretty sure you would have a 2nd enh shammy raiding, and if they didn’t show one night, go respec before the raid, not that big a deal...

Third, you can't take the points out of et? If your not 5/5 ak you fail at enh. Call of flame? Let’s see, no lava burst as enh, and +5% dmg on fire totems, yea ok, convection or totemic focus, who has mana issues? Not I. There are no better talents to take if you’re dropping your totem buffs than imp shields and static shock.

No one is arguing that anyone should take static shock over enh totems, etc, I just mentioned that it is a build, if you’re comparing talent to talent, sure the others look better on paper, but you’re missing what this is about. What I linked above is a great raiding build that I would recommend to most, for pvp, leveling, etc, I would change several things around.

Lastly, you are missing the point, go read EJ some more, run enhsim, do some testing on your own, who knows, alot of shammy's are running a static shock build for max personal dps when they are raiding with two enh's shammy's, I'm not talking about 5mans, 10 mans, the static deal is for end game raiding only, under the right circumstances, and yields the highest dps, your inability to understand how the talent works and how it could benefit in the right situation is sad, and the argument your making is just misguided and irrelevant, really, go do some more research.

#20 Nov 04 2008 at 11:14 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
I agreed with the build you linked as a cookie cutter, no argument there.

My comments about Static Shock were not a tangent, YOU mentioned it as an alternative point spend, I disagreed with you.

My only comment about RL was that the other shammy you are relying on may not be there because of it.

As far as taking the points out of ET I specifically said to get to the 4th tier, 5/5 AK, 5/5 TS, 3/3 EW and 1/1 SF... oh look, you are one point short of getting to the next tier so you NEED at least one point somewhere. It's not rocket science.

I understand that we are talking about a raid build, but many of us do other things too and don't want to respec every time we run a heroic.

Like I said if you like it great, but don't recommend it.
#21 Nov 05 2008 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
So I changed my mind, one last post

Here's the build idea, ya gotta spec into improved orbs to take full advatage of static:

and I never reccomended static shock over anything, simply listed it as another option, once you see me post "I reccomend static shock over xyz" then you can bust my chops over it. Guess I should put for anyone reading this thread, do not spec into the build in this post, it is just an example...
#22 Nov 05 2008 at 6:02 AM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
Third, you can't take the points out of et? If your not 5/5 ak you fail at enh. Call of flame? Let’s see, no lava burst as enh, and +5% dmg on fire totems, yea ok, convection or totemic focus, who has mana issues? Not I. There are no better talents to take if you’re dropping your totem buffs than imp shields and static shock.

5/5 AK or you fail? lol?
Base Build

In my opinion this is the base build. It is finished at 68 which means there are two points left at 70. Those 2 points COULD go to AK and fill it up or to Imp GW. Most people would probably take Imp GW for mobility on fights like Felmyst or for pvp or just convenience. Yes, having an extra 4% intellect would increase your AP and SP, but not as much at 70 as at 80.

Base 80 Build with Imp Fire Nova

Now, Imp Fire Nova isn't necessary, but it IS nice for aoe packs. A nice 2s stun to all targets in range + the aoe damage is useful. There's 1 point left which could go into elemental focus or 1 point in Imp GW (though since it still isn't instant is it worth it). Enhancement isn't going to be casting Lava Burst since it no longer functions with Maelstrom Weapon, so call of flame is rather useless. The only thing that may be worth getting that I totally ignored is Reverberation, but I feel with Lava Lash cooldown, Stormstrike cooldown, and Maelstrom weapon procs... you're going to be starved for GCD's to even cast extra shocks.
#23 Nov 05 2008 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
Jiade, is there a reason you have taken 2/2 Imp SS but only 2/3 DW Spec, or is it just an oopsie? :-)
#24 Nov 05 2008 at 7:07 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
just a whoopsie LOL DW specialization should be maxed
#25 Nov 05 2008 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
Well at least we know where the last point goes in your 80 build.
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