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To the newly converted Retadins out there...Follow

#1 Oct 24 2008 at 7:31 AM Rating: Excellent
713 posts
I thought I'd quote something from the Paladin FAQ that Capjack wrote up for us quite some time ago, as I think it still applies even though Ret dps has been buffed significantly.

There is a big difference from being a retadin and a retnoob. A retnoob will join parties, at any level, and only DPS and stands there like an idiot when things go bad and everyone wipes, not offering a helping hand. A retadin can and will off-heal when necessary, can and will off-tank when necessary and will do everything they can to make sure that the party is alive and comfortable, with DPS a kind of after-thought. Off tanking is not desired after 65, a full tank really needs to handle those mobs, and cc is much more preferrable. Offtanking at that level can put unnecessary strain on the healer.

If you are not main-tanking or main-healing, this should be your priorities:
1. Off-heal/Off-tank if necessary.
2. Cleanse Poisons/Diseases/Magic effects.
3. Keep up blessings.
4. DPS mob.
Your party will appreciate it, and you can turn a party that would have wiped frequently into a no-death or near no-death run. You will probably be dpsing the majority of the time, however if either of the other opportunities come up, a well-played Retribution Paladin will be able to handle them.

I think since the patch our utility has been buffed just as much as our dps. We can now heal, buff, CC and dps effectively. In the short time since the patch I have encountered too many misguided converts that sit there and just dps.

Retnoobism is a condition that must be cleansed from the ranks. Like the Zombie disease plaguing Azeroth right now, it may take more than one attempt to cleanse the infected.

Please refer to the list above if you notice any of the following symptoms:
-your attempting to equip a weapon in your offhand
-your starting to call your Divine Storm attack: Whirlwind
-your Cleanse, FoL and Holy Light are now longer hotkeyed
-your only using LoH on yourself
-your unclear on what DI stands for
-your referring to your mana pool as a rage/energy bar

Some memorable quotes I have heard in the last week when grouping with other Rets:
-"I dont heal I'm Ret spec"
-"Why would I wan't to carry a shield for I'm Ret?"

What do you guys think?

Edit: Am I thinking oldschool Ret pally? Should we just be playing the rogue style dps now that we can go the distance (dps-wise)? Has the role of the Retribution Paladin changed with this patch?

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 3:33pm by arthoriuss
#2 Oct 24 2008 at 7:46 AM Rating: Default
1,131 posts
So far I have been lucky in the groups I have had with Ret Paladins, mainly because the ones I have grouped with have been Ret since before the Patch. They know how to be of maximum use to the party while still being at or near the top of the DPS charts.

I am certain that at some point in the future I WILL run into the Retnoobs though. Too bad most of them probably don't visit this site much. The important thing about ANY spec of Paladin is they SHOULD be providing buffs, cleansing, healing, using DI and RD, etc.

Even as a Prot, if I am near full health and I have good threat, I will throw out a FoL if I see someone in my party/raid is in trouble... it usually doesn't even mess with my normal rotation since it only takes 1.5 seconds. I most CERTAINLY have used my LoH on someone else in a party or raid when absolutely necessary, I know how to cleanse others even while I am tanking, etc.

I play with a lot of Holy Paladins, and they know enough to keep judgements up on a target and if no-ones health is an issue they will even throw in a little dps just to prevent boredom and get trash down faster.

EVERY Pally spec has better DPS ability now, and improved utility. Anyone ignoring the utility IS a Retnoob (or Holynoob or Protnoob).

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 11:46am by jeromesimina
#3 Oct 24 2008 at 8:45 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
arthoriuss wrote:
Edit: Am I thinking oldschool Ret pally? Should we just be playing the rogue style dps now that we can go the distance (dps-wise)? Has the role of the Retribution Paladin changed with this patch?

As long as all Paladins can cast healing spells, Cleanse, HoP, etc.. you will always be a Ret/Holy/Protnoob for not doing what is necessary for your group or raid to achieve success.

- Ret not tossing emergency heals when needed is fail
- any spec not Cleansing when needed is fail (Prot can get away with just themselves)
- not having a sword/board is passable, but still considered fail by me
- not knowing your spells and what they do, particularly at higher levels when you've been playing for a while (going back to DI here) is epic fail

And there's more, but I'm tired and going to bed :)
#4 Oct 24 2008 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
648 posts
arthoriuss wrote:
I thought I'd quote something from the Paladin FAQ that Capjack wrote up for us quite some time ago, as I think it still applies even though Ret dps has been buffed significantly.

There is a big difference from being a retadin and a retnoob. A retnoob will join parties, at any level, and only DPS and stands there like an idiot when things go bad and everyone wipes, not offering a helping hand. A retadin can and will off-heal when necessary, can and will off-tank when necessary and will do everything they can to make sure that the party is alive and comfortable, with DPS a kind of after-thought. Off tanking is not desired after 65, a full tank really needs to handle those mobs, and cc is much more preferrable. Offtanking at that level can put unnecessary strain on the healer.

If you are not main-tanking or main-healing, this should be your priorities:
1. Off-heal/Off-tank if necessary.
2. Cleanse Poisons/Diseases/Magic effects.
3. Keep up blessings.
4. DPS mob.
Your party will appreciate it, and you can turn a party that would have wiped frequently into a no-death or near no-death run. You will probably be dpsing the majority of the time, however if either of the other opportunities come up, a well-played Retribution Paladin will be able to handle them.

I think since the patch our utility has been buffed just as much as our dps. We can now heal, buff, CC and dps effectively. In the short time since the patch I have encountered too many misguided converts that sit there and just dps.

Retnoobism is a condition that must be cleansed from the ranks. Like the Zombie disease plaguing Azeroth right now, it may take more than one attempt to cleanse the infected.

Please refer to the list above if you notice any of the following symptoms:
-your attempting to equip a weapon in your offhand
-your starting to call your Divine Storm attack: Whirlwind
-your Cleanse, FoL and Holy Light are now longer hotkeyed
-your only using LoH on yourself
-your unclear on what DI stands for
-your referring to your mana pool as a rage/energy bar

Some memorable quotes I have heard in the last week when grouping with other Rets:
-"I dont heal I'm Ret spec"
-"Why would I wan't to carry a shield for I'm Ret?"

What do you guys think?

Edit: Am I thinking oldschool Ret pally? Should we just be playing the rogue style dps now that we can go the distance (dps-wise)? Has the role of the Retribution Paladin changed with this patch?

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 3:33pm by arthoriuss

thankyou... I hadn't thought about putting this up in a separate post, bit this as a great idea. I really wish all the recent FOTM rets would come here and read this.. i'll prolly put it in a macro now to spam to any rets I play with... lol.

and honestly, this is far from old-school thinking. this is what a pally is to me. its why I loved ret so much before. everything I loved about my ret spec has been buffed amazingly and I feel like a fat kid in a candy store... I did za last night. I used my instant FoL aalmost every time it was up. I even cast some regular heals when the healers either died or were just having a hard time... my dps suffered a little bit, but I felt more like the pally I thought I rolled than I ever have. It sickens me to see rets (especially since the patch) that won't heal, cleanse or any of the other things we can do as a ret pally. if i'd wanted to play a rogue I wouldn't have deleted it...

agan thankyou for posting this. very smart move.
#5 Oct 24 2008 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
591 posts
You know what really puts strains on healers and tanks? Bad dps. Thats why ret had such a bad rep, its dps wasn't ever up to par with pure dps classes until recently. If i'm brought into a grp to dps, thats all i do, dps and cleanse, maybe FoL myself when JoM crits, but judging light usually takes care of healing myself.

Why would I sacrifice doing 1500+dps(1800dps with a decent pally tank) and keep the mobs up longer, making my tank(s) and healer(s) work harder? If the tank(s) can't tank or the healer(s) can't heal, its most likely not my fault, but that doesn't mean I need to try and do their jobs for them.

If you want to heal, spec holy, if you want to tank, spec prot, don't think one spec can halfass do em all. Outside from having decursive and pallypower mods and knowing how to use them pve ret should be about dps and dps alone. If you find yourself having to heal and tank alot, find better grps because the other members aren't pulling their weight.

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 1:13pm by mahlerite
#6 Oct 24 2008 at 12:08 PM Rating: Excellent
648 posts
mahlerite wrote:
You know what really puts strains on healers and tanks? Bad dps. Thats why ret had such a bad rep, its dps wasn't ever up to par with pure dps classes until recently. If i'm brought into a grp to dps, thats all i do, dps and cleanse, maybe FoL myself when JoM crits, but judging light usually takes care of healing myself.

Why would I sacrifice doing 1500+dps(1800dps with a decent pally tank) and keep the mobs up longer, making my tank(s) and healer(s) work harder? If the tank(s) can't tank or the healer(s) can't heal, its most likely not my fault, but that doesn't mean I need to try and do their jobs for them.

If you want to heal, spec holy, if you want to tank, spec prot, don't think one spec can halfass do em all. Outside from having decursive and pallypower mods and knowing how to use them pve ret should be about dps and dps alone. If you find yourself having to heal and tank alot, find better grps because the other members aren't pulling their weight.

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 1:13pm by mahlerite

and here is an example of someone that should have rolled a rogue.... lol. ret has more than dps. why limit your contribution? i bring a mage for his aoe dps. does that mean he should sit back and do nothing on the single target boss? or not put down a table? or not sheep? seriously, think about what you're saying. have you looked through your spellbook lately? theres a lot there that you can do as a ret that will have only slight impact on your dps. your instant cast FoL isn't there to be an extra buff you watch blinking in your list. your spell power isn't just there to add to your dps. with everything scaling on both SP & AP they would have just boosted the AP coefficient if thats all it was there for. they don't like copying abilities. they compromised and copied that from enh shammies for a reason. no, i don't expect you to heal the entire time. but you can afford one GCD once in a while to throw out a FoL that honestly will hit about as hard as many holy pallies FoL. buffed i have 800 SP on my ret. buffed i have 1000 SP on my holy pally (about 1800 +healing pre-patch). so 800 may not be 1k, but it's not 0 like it used to be. my heals will help smooth things out at very least.

And almost all fights it's not bad dps that puts a strain on healers and tanks. it's stupid dps. pulling off the tank puts extra strain on the healers and extra work for the tanks. not moving out of aoe effects puts extra strain on the healers. not keeping up cc puts strain on healers and tanks. not watching out for cc and using DS (or consecrate or whatever other aoe you feel like mentioning) puts extra straing on healers, tanks and the poor cc'er that has to now try to recontrol that mob. ret used to have a bad rep because it's dps was low, yes. it was brought to many high end raids BECAUSE of its utility even though it's dps was lower. now a ret pally can dps and his utility is MUCH better (even if almost none of it is unique anymore). now more than ever it's the ret pally that thinks he's a rogue purely that will continue to get ret a bad name. most fights low dps only means a slightly longer fight. when i'm healing on my holy pally a slightly longer fight is MUCH prefereable to having to heal stupid dps. i'll bring a guy to a raid that does a little less dps as long as he's smart and does what his class is able. i will refuse to group with that t6 geared jerk that insists it's the tanks responsibility to hold aggro against his dps when he won't watch it. or that insists he died cause he didn't get heals even though it's because he he wasn't moving out of some fire or a void or whatever. and come group w/ me. i'll through that heal out there and still have yet to be beat in dps since the patch. some decently geared hunters have given me a run for my money, but when i can step out and heal for 15 mins in za because a healer went afk and STILL be top on the damage meter overall i don't think i'd say i'm gimping my dps that badly....

you don't sacrifice 1500 dps to throw an instant cast heal ever 16 seconds... you sacrifice maybe 50-100 dps for that global cooldown... oh, and one spec doesn't "halfass do em all". ret's cleanses are just as good as holy's. rets HoP is just as good as Prot's. Ret's heals are maybe 80% behind holy. an 80% instant cast heal on a tank that's going down because you lost one of your 2 healers is worthwhile wouldn't you think? prolly more so than the 2k damage you'd do in that GCD on the boss that's about to kill your tank and rape your party... that FoL can give your healer the time to cast that big heal and maybe be ahead enough to keep the tank alive till you can now kill the boss... play as you'd like. i can't stop you. however, don't come here talking about how ret is meant to be DPS only. look at the stinking talent tree and tell me there's nothing but dps there...

i think as a ret pally you should be smashing Judgement, CS and DS (and consecrate, exorcism, HoW, etc) every cooldown when practical. dps should be your most obvious contribution. I won't argue there. Noone might notice your Instant cast FoL. the healer might just think he got lucky and got his heal off in time. who knows. who cares. if you saved the party and killed the boss you succeeded. if you decided to hit the boss instead that GCD you might have put yourself even farther ahead of the rest of the dps. they'll say "wow you did some great dps... too bad we didn't kill that boss though, huh?" does that really make you feel successful? roll a hunter. at least then you can FD and not cost yourself a repair bill for that attitude.

and before you say that's just one situation, i could give you numerous examples where you could use your skills as a truly good ret pally to make things go smoother for your group, but i am long winded enough as it is... imagine how long my post would be if you want more than just one situational example lol...

#7 Oct 24 2008 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
And almost all fights it's not bad dps that puts a strain on healers and tanks. it's stupid dps...

Umm, yes bad raid IQ is bad raid IQ, doing a certain amount of dps doesn't necessarily make you a 'good' dpser.

ret has more than dps. why limit your contribution?

Look I'll I'm saying is that at some point to be successful in high end raiding you have to trust your tanks and healers. If you are brought in to dps that should be your focus. You are already providing plenty of raid utility without trying to assume others' roles: raid wide aura, judging wisdom or light, divine storm healing melee, judgments replenishing mana to 10 raid members, decursing and blessings. Seriously, that's already a ton of utility.

play as you'd like. i can't stop you. however, don't come here talking about how ret is meant to be DPS only. look at the stinking talent tree and tell me there's nothing but dps there...

My point isn't that you shouldn't use all of your utility, its that you shouldn't have to. If you are constantly having to heal or HoSalv/HoP the same person then someone is messing up. Can you temporarily step in and smooth it over? Maybe. Does that help in the long run(as in, does the person ******** up learn to not do whatever it was you were saving them from)? Probably not. Better to wipe until someone learns to play or replace them if they can't figure it out.

For example: if healers are having trouble with a particular encounter then a dps may need to be swapped out until healers are comfortable with that encounter, it doesn't necessarily mean you as dps should go into healer mode. If heals are needed that badly suggest to the raid leader that you spec holy to help the raid learn the encounter, etc. This is of course at the discretion of your raid leader, if asks you to heal, you heal, but in general gimpy heals + gimpy dps = fail.

If you want to apply your argument to pvp, where the utility is absolutely what separates the noobs from the real retadins, you are unequivocally correct.

and here is an example of someone that should have rolled a rogue.... lol

And yes i did roll a rogue(but you already knew that from my character profiles), but switched back to my pally about a year ago for tanking purposes:)
#8 Oct 24 2008 at 4:49 PM Rating: Excellent
2,183 posts
Where in here did anyone limit what makes a good Ret to high-end raiding??? When sh!@ hits the fan, if all you do is pick your nose and swing your axe, I'm sorry, you fail. If you throwing that emergency heal is the difference between a wipe and a recovery, and you don't, you fail. If you can Cleanse yourself but don't, putting unneeded strain on the healer, you fail.

Yes, you were brought to DPS, and the majority of the time, that's what you should be doing: just DPS. But if you are needed to do something extra, and you don't, you are a bad Ret.
#9 Oct 24 2008 at 6:54 PM Rating: Good
713 posts
and honestly, this is far from old-school thinking

By old school I mean pre patch Ret thinking. I'm by nowhere near what ToJ or Tommyguns would call oldschool Ret, having only played it full time for about a year now. Pre-patch our utility was not a bonus of ours it was part of what we brought to a raid. An expected job so to speak of. Carrying gear for situational use is something I expect a Ret paladin to be doing, whether thats just a heal sword and board or the whole shabang is up to the individual.

Yes, you were brought to DPS, and the majority of the time, that's what you should be doing: just DPS. But if you are needed to do something extra, and you don't, you are a bad Ret

I'll give you an example of this. The other day I was in a Mags Raid. It was a few different guilds getting together so that we had the numbers. We realised that we didnt have enough pure tanks or healers for the early part of the fight (the summoners). There were 4 Rets including myself, brought solely for their dps as we had 6 paladins all up (only 3 blessings now so anymore pallies than that are not going to buff the raid significantly more). Of the 4 Rets I was the only one with a heal set on me and the only one that had a sword and board. The others wouldn't even entertain the thought of tanking/offhealing leading me to believe that their new found dps buff was a good enough reason to play I-am-a-rogue-only-dpser. If I was the Raid leader I would have shown them the door.

Are you going to tell me you can't fit a sword and board somwhere into your bags? If I can fit a whole heal set (including rings and trinkets) into my bags 1 set of heal + tank sword and board isnt much at all.

Its not about being a good Retadin. Its about being a good responsible hybrid player.
#10 Oct 24 2008 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Where in here did anyone limit what makes a good Ret to high-end raiding???

I did, but merely to differentiate my opinion from ToJ. Anecdotes from 5mans/10mans i could really care less about as you could half *** heal, half *** tank and half *** dps any of them prepatch and still be fairly successful(timed event to 4th chest in za being an exception). Now they all can be done by 5/10players simultaneously face-rolling their keyboards every 3-4sec.

Its about being a good responsible hybrid player.

Agreed. I just feel that currently ret is not a hybrid spec, its a pure dps spec with amazing raid buffs. As prot and primarily an OT, i'm expected to have a healing set, resist sets, aoe threat set and MT/avoidance set every time I raid. I know about having my bag full of situational gear and i love the new divine guardian, imp devo talents, and new BoSanc, makes me feel much more useful when not actually tanking. But with ret actually holding its own and then some in the dps department, enjoy it, go nuts as more nerfs and lvl 80 balancing are coming fast.
#11 Oct 24 2008 at 8:51 PM Rating: Good
3,909 posts
I'm sorry, mahlerite, but what you're saying just isn't the right attitude. With Art of War and Hand of Salvation reformed the way they are, retadins will be expected to be even more dynamic when it comes to raid utility. It really is the difference between a faceroller and a good player. Now that ret can do high-quality DPS with much less effort, the real definition of a good player is one who knows that he's expected to Repent any adds, to cast HoS on other DPS than himself, and to throw a instant-cast FoL on the tank every time it procs. And if **** goes foul and he doesn't DI the healer, then he's wasting the ability and wasting his utility. The tank can't do it and the healer can't DI himself.

I mean, if other classes followed your advice then we'd have more players telling us "I can't afford to re-trap, I have to do DPS" or "I don't want to spam sheep, I'm here to chuck fireballs." Seriously. We play a class that has enormous potential for raid utility. Not exploiting that is like a warlock refusing to spend shards on summons. It is the opposite of working to the best of your ability.
#12 Oct 24 2008 at 10:18 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
When they make Ret similar to a Moonkin in that it limits what spells you can cast while in Ret spec, then and only then will it be ok to be a selfish Rogue wannabe and just DPS regardless of the current situation: 5 man, 10 man, or 25 man. We're not talking just pre patch raids, not just post patch content, not just PvP. In all content, level range, patch version, Ret has the ability to be so much more then pure DPS given certain conditions that will inevitably occur. Even the top guilds on each sever are going to have times when things go wrong, and Ret being part of a hybrid class is in the perfect position to help change the tide of battle when things don't go your way.

You say mahlerite
My point isn't that you shouldn't use all of your utility, its that you shouldn't have to.
and I agree: ideally a Ret shouldn't have to use their other utilities. The fact remains, and I think is what the others here as well as myself are trying to get across, that there are times when things go wrong. If you don't use what tools you have, you fail.

I was in a Heroic group with my Enhancement Shaman. We had a runner go and pull some adds, and the healer wound up pulling aggro and dieing. I could have 1) kept DPSing and hoped that we pulled through or 2) stepped back and started to heal. I chose number 2, and guess what? Instead of a wipe we recovered, rezzed the healer, and moved on.

Should I have had to use my utility? No, I shouldn't have needed to, but something went wrong. I did the responsible thing and stepped up to be more then DPS. I would expect any Ret to do the same thing in such a situation.

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 11:25pm by Maulgak
#13 Oct 25 2008 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
I'll toss emergencies heals without hesitation, but I won't explicitly agree to offheal...I don't have the mana pool for it.

I'll Cleanse if needed, no problem.

I carry a 1h weapon/shield with me at all times, just in case.

I routinely out-dps pretty much any class...although a lot of it has to do with rotation (I use one...lots of people in PUGs don't). It's sort of a cut-off-your-bawls-to-spite-your-face kind of situation. On one hand, if you keep dpsing, the mobs will die faster. On the other hand, if you just dps your party may die faster. It's sort of a situational thing and when I'm in a PUG, I make a point of not letting them pigeonhole me into a specific role outside of dps. That way, when I do break out with the clutch heal, it's a pleasant surprise and if I opt to focus on burning down a given mob instead of healing a sloppy dps, they aren't breathing down my neck with the, "wtf ur supposed 2 heal?!?!"
#14 Oct 25 2008 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
When you or your tank is dead, you can't do ANY DPS.

If the healers look like they're having some trouble keeping up the tank, I take 1.5 seconds out of my rotation (Which is probably at a break anyway where my attacks are all on CD) to throw an instant FoL at him. If it keeps up, I'll do it a few more times, or even throw my LoH at him. If he dies, I'm next on threat, and I obviously can't tank something he dies to.

It also doesn't take any extra time to put HoP or HoF, or even HoS on someone that needs it. Especially someone that keeps attacking too early. "No, rogue, you can't tank. Here, now you can't even attack for 10 seconds. Like it? No? Good." But I usually end up using Salv on myself..
#15 Oct 25 2008 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
192 posts
Everyone keeps responding to mahlerite with statements pertaining to 5-mans and the like. He made clear he was talking about higher-end raid content, where roles are more pointed and if the healers are not doing their job, you're taking a loss anyway. When you have 25 people doing something, division of roles is an important part of organization, because when you game-plan you are assigning roles to combat whatever obstacle and trusting everyone to perform their given task explicitly. You do not want hybrid in this situation - you want specialized, which is something that is no longer plaguing Ret. That's all he was saying, I think.

Obviously, in Heroics and 10-mans you're expected to bring a more dynamic play-style to the table, because there are less people filling each role. If a Ret refuses to cleanse, toss a cure, burn Lay on Hands and do whatever they can to keep the group up if the situation calls, then they're probably just a lazy player.
#16 Oct 26 2008 at 12:55 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
So in a raid, if a healer dies and the remaining healers can't keep up, the Ret shouldn't throw some heals to help out? Yea, makes sense to me.
#17 Oct 26 2008 at 2:27 AM Rating: Good
3,909 posts
You can do the exact same in a 25man. There's just generally less opportunity to do so, because it's a 25man and there is almost always someone else who can do the same task (dispel, off-heal, off-tank) and do it better, optimally. But when the situation isn't entirely optimal you should be willing to exploit every asset you have to keep the raid running, instead of just DPSing into a repair bill.

For a retadin in Wrath that's going to look like regular use of Hand of Salvation and Hand of Protection, regular FoL's through AoW procs and use of Repentance on any adds, now that it lasts a full minute. If it's possible to take Divine Guardian I would definitely expect a retadin to use that during tough spots, despite the attack speed penalty. I'm not experienced at all with the tree so if anyone here wants to point out anything, it's very welcome.
#18 Oct 26 2008 at 5:31 AM Rating: Good
170 posts
mahlerite, I can see your point however I disagree.

A retnoob has the same thinking as you do, that is that they play a spec - DPS = DPS only and is more of a rogue mentality as they cannot offer anything else( as far as I am aware)

A retpally thinks the same way as ToJ, Tommy, Me, Arthoriuss, Maulgak and others. We play a class, not a spec and will do lots of behind the scenes stuff such as cleansing/BoF/BoP/FoL and doing it all in our stride. There have been quite a few cases where a run has gone smoothly due to me.

A good ret pally will prob carry multiple sets of gear (I carry 3 sets) and will have a sword(or mace) and board set for quick swapping. Many times I have successfully gone from DPS to main healer when the healer went down, I have also jumped in the place of the tank when he folds.

Its a sort of a 'Those who can, do' thing. If you want to dps, and just dps then go for a pure dps class don't go for a pally just because you think that they are FOTM
#19 Oct 26 2008 at 3:42 PM Rating: Good
591 posts
A retpally thinks the same way as ToJ, Tommy, Me, Arthoriuss, Maulgak and others.

not sure Tommy would agree with you in this point

Tommy wrote in ret changes thread:
outside of a 5-man this doesnt really apply. in a raid, if a Ret pally's heal is required chances are it is futile. a Ret pally switching to healer may benefit if a healer goes down, but your 2k on the MT prob wont change the outcome. save that 1.5s and get to a place where you can DI.

if you start messing with HoProt and HoSalv you may be causing more harm than help. leave the aggro management to your MT, unless called for.

Its a sort of a 'Those who can, do' thing. If you want to dps, and just dps then go for a pure dps class don't go for a pally just because you think that they are FOTM

That's kind of the whole point. You can 'do' dps now. Thank you Berdysh for summarizing my point accurately. The last thing you want in a 25man raid is 6-7 'hybrids' that think they know best in every situation and start changing their roles midstream instead of waiting for the raid leader to make that call.

And Samwise, its hard to have the gear I have because i thought pallys were FOTM(been playing pally for over 2years FYI). But I am spec'ing ret every chance I get(still prot at heart, aoe tanking is just too much fun), because I know being able to put up pure dps #s won't last long. Right now ret pallys are sought after for their dps, not for their 'utillity'.

Warning anecdote follows: Had 2 ret pallys in ZA last night, myself and a lesser geared ret. He was averaging 1300dps, I was somewhere in the 1700 range. We get to zuljin without any mishaps(all 4 chests, 1-shotted everything), and I whisper the other ret to save bubble and wings for the 3rd phase. We get to the 3rd phase, both bubble+wings(i popped my za ap trinket as well), the phase took 20sec, of which the healers didn't have to heal 2 of us for 12 of those sec. By playing our 'roles' correctly we turned what is usually a pain-in-the-*** phase into easy street. Unfortunately I never got to try that prepatch because no one in their right mind would've ever invited 2 ret pallys to any group.
#20 Oct 26 2008 at 8:59 PM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
not sure Tommy would agree with you in this point

i'll chime in. pre-patch i would have agreed 100% with the OP. i even agree to this in terms of pvp. but for the revamped Ret spec i will say: keep it simple.

WotLK is not just an expansion, its a whole new way to play. they are undoing the class/spec deviation that they made in tBC. they are fixing the gearing mish-mosh that had evolved on its own. bottom line is that they are giving you a shell the play in, you just need to add your pieces.

chances are if someone places your Ret piece in a raid spot, it is for dps...and as much as you can give. you have as much utility as the next guy.

the last thing a raid needs when the MT goes down is for all the plate dps'ers to switch to sword n board and scream over Vent "I can tank him!". sure you can. but why dont you leave it to the guy that the raid invited to act as OT. or watch the battle-rez happen.

same thing applies to emergency healing. ya, you can heal. so can half of your raiders. let the raid leader figure it out. until then do what you were enlisted to do. i would rather see a wipe because we were unfortunate, than to see a wipe because a Ret pally was busy overhealing instead of taking off that last 1% of the boss' hp.

Everyone wants to be the hero, that's fine, just keep your feet on the ground Superman.
#21 Oct 28 2008 at 8:49 AM Rating: Default
1,131 posts
mahlerite wrote:
You know what really puts strains on healers and tanks? Bad dps. Thats why ret had such a bad rep, its dps wasn't ever up to par with pure dps classes until recently. If i'm brought into a grp to dps, thats all i do, dps and cleanse, maybe FoL myself when JoM crits, but judging light usually takes care of healing myself.

Why would I sacrifice doing 1500+dps(1800dps with a decent pally tank) and keep the mobs up longer, making my tank(s) and healer(s) work harder? If the tank(s) can't tank or the healer(s) can't heal, its most likely not my fault, but that doesn't mean I need to try and do their jobs for them.

If you want to heal, spec holy, if you want to tank, spec prot, don't think one spec can halfass do em all. Outside from having decursive and pallypower mods and knowing how to use them pve ret should be about dps and dps alone. If you find yourself having to heal and tank alot, find better grps because the other members aren't pulling their weight.

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 1:13pm by mahlerite

The point of this post wasn't that a Ret should be healing ALL of the time or off-tanking all of the time, or cleansing all of the time, that would be stoopid.

The point was that if the tank suddenly has an aggro issue, you can stop the squishys from getting squished. If someone badly needs a cleanse, you should notice and take care of it. If the healers are going OOM or a healer is dead, you should toss some heals. Will your DPS suffer? Sure. Will it keep everyone else alive long enough to get the boss down and prevent a WIPE, YESYESYESYESYES. THAT is the point of this whole thread. A Ret that says "I don't heal/cleanse/offtank, I am Ret Spec" is a Retnoob. You SHOULD be DPSing like a crazy person 90-95% of the time. It is what you are doing the other 5-10% of the time that makes the difference between a successful raid and a wipe. There is NO POINT in being at the top of the DPS meter in a failed raid, and there is also NO POINT in healing/cleansing/off-tanking unless it is needed. The Ret Pally needs to know situationally what to do to best help the raid, and that is where experience and ability to adapt come in. If all you want to do is DPS, you still need to roll a rogue or mage or hunter or lock. If there is a Ret Pally in my group that won't do anything but dps and a simple heal or cleanse or RD would have prevented a wipe, that Ret isn't going to be in my party anymore, I'll just go get a mage and at least get some manna biscuits. However, if everything is going smoothly, the tanks are alive and holding aggro fine, the healers are up and not oom, no one needs an extra cleanse, etc. then there will be times that Ret going 100% all-out DPS will indeed be just fine.

Edited, Oct 28th 2008 12:55pm by jeromesimina
#22 Oct 28 2008 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
My new Ret Paly is running in cloth and tanking with a sword and board...

Serious note:
Who cares what they wear. I've jumped into a mail pair of gloves when they dramatically increased my Ret stats over my current plate stats. Should a 70 be satisfied with Leather/Mail --- No. But don't give people BS over their temporary or leveling gear.

If a good blue drops and it'll carry you a few levels - take it. Don't go looking for them, but your goal is DPS... Don't needlessly cast aside good plate, but if you get a better DPS mail or a much better dps leather - go for it while leveling...

When you get to 70 you want start to really get rid of that non-plate stuff...

#23 Oct 28 2008 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
bear in mind that new players read these posts. you are melding raiding with instancing in your argument.

The point was that if the tank suddenly has an aggro issue, you can stop the squishys from getting squished.

thats the tanks job. as MT you dont want to see the boss bouncing around the raid. chances are the MT has abilities to recapture the aggro, dont confuse him and get your healers killed. save your HoP and HoSalv for yourself, unless someone asks you for it.

If someone badly needs a cleanse, you should notice and take care of it. If the healers are going OOM or a healer is dead, you should toss some heals.

if a healer is dead, you should NOT toss some heals. if in a party, become the healer. if in a raid have a backup healer already assigned, probably a ranged class with double your mana and +spell.

A Ret that says "I don't heal/cleanse/offtank, I am Ret Spec" is a Retnoob.

same as a mage saying "i dont sheep".

It is what you are doing the other 5-10% of the time that makes the difference between a successful raid and a wipe.

preparation > improvisation, for raids. stick to your job, everyone wins.

If there is a Ret Pally in my group that won't do anything but dps and a simple heal or cleanse or RD would have prevented a wipe, that Ret isn't going to be in my party anymore

party implies 5-man. if all a rogue does in a party is dps, he is a ****** rogue. same applies to every class.

if you want to speak in terms of pvp, this is where Ret needs to be adaptable and provide more support functions.
#24 Oct 29 2008 at 6:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,131 posts
I think I was mixing instancing/dungeons with raiding in my post, and yes, that could be confusing.

Reading over your post and the post from another thread by Toolofjesus today, I think that I would agree that in a 5-man or in a BG, Ret needs to be adaptable, but in a 10-man raid they should be sticking to DPS except in extreme circumstances, and in a 25-man raid they should be just going for all-out DPS since the raid has plenty of participants that should be taking care of everything else just fine.

Mana regen will now be an issue again after the most recent nerfs, which is just one more reason that the Ret will have to be strictly DPS-focused.
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