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my feral dps just owned a 70...Follow

#1 Oct 24 2008 at 7:11 AM Rating: Default
84 posts
apparently feral is OP because i just took down a 70 tank druid, and humiliated a hunter, along with a warrior friend of mine and so on. instant 1k mangles and 2-3k ferocious bites...and my gear is green and bits of blues. you guys think that they are actually OP or did i just gear him right(considering my lvl)? if so do you think we will get nerfed in next patch?

oh yeah and know that some of my gear has hit rating, but i dont care i like not missing those instacrits :)

#2 Oct 24 2008 at 8:01 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
drewbeeone wrote:
apparently feral is OP because i just took down a 70 tank druid, and humiliated a hunter, along with a warrior friend of mine and so on. instant 1k mangles and 2-3k ferocious bites...and my gear is green and bits of blues. you guys think that they are actually OP or did i just gear him right(considering my lvl)? if so do you think we will get nerfed in next patch?

oh yeah and know that some of my gear has hit rating, but i dont care i like not missing those instacrits :)

Go fight a Ret Pally, and then turn to the guys crying "Druids are OP!" and join in a chorus of "nerf pallies!" :-P

No, I don't think Druid DPS is OP at all right now; I'd put it comfortably in the mid-range. We definitely got a nice buff, and are for sure ahead of shamans and s.priests, but I think other classes experiences nice boosts too. OP? Hardly. But keep in mind, it's all balanced for 80, so wonky situations will arise.
#3 Oct 24 2008 at 8:18 AM Rating: Excellent
817 posts
Sorry, I don't get your logic. You're suggesting that feral druids may be OP because a level 66 (per armory) feral druid took down a level 70...feral druid?

OK you technically said "tank druid" but dps and tank aren't quite separate trees yet. You must just mean they had more tank-centric talents than you do which I guess would mean you think you have a more dps-focused build (which I would disagree with based on no Naturalist and no Omen of Clarity). Or that they stayed in bear form for the whole fight, lol, which would be dumb. Regardless, I'd guess that most DPS- and Tank-focused feral druids have 80% of the same talents (just a guess, don't count or quote me on that, I'm making a point...) so you beating a level 70 despite the huge level difference (and everybody knows 69 to 70 is the biggest jump of all as it opens up a whole WORLD of purple gear) indicates that you rule and they suck. Simple as that, in my book.

You mentioned humiliating a hunter too, but then said it was "with your warrior friend and so on" and I don't know what that means. Just says to me there's other factors in the fight. If you're "humiliating" ANY level 70 toon at level 66 then either you are OP, or your opponent needs to L2P.

I will say that I feel like I've been doing better in PvP action since the patch, though, so do think the changes have benefitted us ferals in that regard. The new talents gave us improved burstiness, control, and survivability. Yay for us, but I don't think anybody considers feral druids anything near OP in 1:1 PvP.

P.S. By the way, I don't think I'm the only fellow feral that would shake their head at a few things in your spec, namely 0/5 Furor and 5/5 Feral Aggression coupled with 0/5 Ferocity. Frankly such build "decisions" make me doubt your ability to look at a spec and decide that a given feral druid, for example, is a "tank druid." I'm just sayin.

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 9:20am by JeeBar
#4 Oct 24 2008 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good
229 posts
Kinda harsh Sage Jeebar but points well made none the less. also "bear" in mind that PvP id 60-70% player and a lot less gear/class dependent... well it is IMHO (then again I suck PvP lol)
#5 Oct 24 2008 at 1:20 PM Rating: Default
4,639 posts
Compared to Rogue

Considering the only way a rogue can hit over 1k on a normal Combo Point ability is if he crits, and 3k is out of the question unless an evis or envenom crit.

Tiger/cat druids get 60% perma movement speed, which rogue can only get 70% for 15 seconds. Druids can pop bleed effects, and movement impairing effects, and can also stun for a pretty long time. They can shapeshift whenever they want, pop instant-heals and heal 10k in about 5 seconds. They can stealth, they can move faster in stealth.

In general, yeah, i'd say Druid is OP.
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

#6 Oct 24 2008 at 1:54 PM Rating: Excellent
817 posts
Zafire the Tulip wrote:
Compared to Rogue

Tiger/cat druids get 60% perma movement speed, which rogue can only get 70% for 15 seconds. Druids can pop bleed effects, and movement impairing effects, and can also stun for a pretty long time. They can shapeshift whenever they want, pop instant-heals and heal 10k in about 5 seconds. They can stealth, they can move faster in stealth.

In general, yeah, i'd say Druid is OP.

You paint a purdy picture, but I personally think your description exaggerates our awesomeness.

Resto's don't have the speed boosts you mention because that relies on Feral Swiftness talent and having four pieces of the feral version of our PvPurples. (and by the way it's only 49%, not 60%) That said, yeah it's awesome.

Feral's don't have nearly the awesomeness of healing you describe. As feral the only instant heals I have are my weaksauce HoTs that don't do squat in the face of bursty damage. And anytime I'm out of form popping them I'm unable to do what it is I'm there to do. And it takes me at least two 4-second Healing Touches, with one of them a crit, to heal myself for 10k. Hell maybe three! And in PvP you never have time to get a healing touch off in combat.

I don't know about our ability to "stun for a pretty long time" either, especially compared to rogue. I guess if you count Pounce, Maim, Bash, Roots, and Cyclone we have a number of tricks up our sleeve. But one requires cat + stealth, one requires cat + 4-5 combo points to make it last, one requires bear + rage and only lasts a short time, and the last two require caster form.

Don't get me wrong, it's the only class for, versatile, capable...just not quite as OP as you make it sound.
#7 Oct 24 2008 at 2:06 PM Rating: Excellent
817 posts
Sloniah wrote:
Kinda harsh Sage Jeebar but points well made none the less.

LOL, this isn't the first post of mine that's generated that kinda response -- I think maybe need to go over to roll a rogue so I can go over their famously nasty forum and vent my sarcasm and nastiness so i can be a fulltime carebear in here. : )

Really, though? I can't believe I got a "harsh" about a response in which I said with no sarcasm at all the the original poster "rules" and is "overpowered." I was actually just trying to answer his question. Thanks for at least pointing out that I made some points, lol.

Sloniah wrote:
also "bear" in mind that PvP id 60-70% player and a lot less gear/class dependent... well it is IMHO (then again I suck PvP lol)

It's been my experience that resilience makes a HUGE difference in PvP. Now that I'm pushing 300 I live a gazillion times longer than I used to. Note that the OP has zero resilience and should be easy prey for any level 70 toon. So to reiterate or maybe more clearly state my point: Something was imbalanced or "not right" about that fight in which a 66 druid pwned a 70.

Seacrest out.
#8 Oct 24 2008 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Maybe the person he was fighting went AFK?

He does have a lot of +hit for a level 66. Me thinks he stacks it for some reason.

JeeBar, I have seen you be meaner before and the OP's talents are odd for any sort of cohesive feral spec.

The poor lad should be doing something more like this at level 66 since he seems to be gearing more bear side. Gives him some stuff for leveling as he isn't capped yet and might not be for a while. If he did cap and have time to run at 70 for a while I would recommend a respec then but meh that is just my 2c.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#9 Oct 24 2008 at 2:29 PM Rating: Good
I'll join the RetPally chorus!

In AV I tried full PvP gear (350 or so resil) and full tanking gear (halfway through Hyjal & BT) both in bear form and several times got smashed by ret pallys 1v1 in under 5 seconds. I hit mangle and don't get a chance for a 2nd mangle :(

Just crazy/ridiculous. Other times it took them longer to kill me but I don't think I ever saw a ret pally killed with less than 3 players attacking them. Just crazy!

#10 Oct 24 2008 at 7:22 PM Rating: Default
84 posts
Sorry, I don't get your logic. You're suggesting that feral druids may be OP because a level 66 (per armory) feral druid took down a level 70...feral druid?
yeah i can see your point, what i was getting at is that he is
from a dps druid by having different gear,talents,and form(obviously), going back to the subject of feral dps is OP

OK you technically said "tank druid"
well usually when you tank as a druid, your in bear form no? so bad

I guess would mean you think you have a more dps-focused build (which I would disagree with based on no Naturalist and no Omen of Clarity).
i chose not to have those simply because i though that having the others would be more beneficial to me (some of it is personal preference). i dont think that necessarily makes it a non dps build.

Regardless, I'd guess that most DPS- and Tank-focused feral druids have 80% of the same talents (just a guess, don't count or quote me on that, I'm making a point...)

not that i wanted to quote you or anything haha, but there are a few talents that are geared towards bear form. (Ferocity,Thick Hide, Natural Reaction,Primal Tenacity). of course we have the same talents, but those is what makes us different. right?

so you beating a level 70 despite the huge level difference (and everybody knows 69 to 70 is the biggest jump of all as it opens up a whole WORLD of purple gear) inYou mentioned humiliating a hunter too, but then said it was "with your warrior friend and so on" and I don't know what that means.dicates that you rule and they suck. Simple as that, in my book
haha thanks :P

You mentioned humiliating a hunter too, but then said it was "with your warrior friend and so on" and I don't know what that means.
yeah i apologize again, i meant that i beat my friend who is a warrior. and i just said so on because ive dueled other classes and have had the same effect(besides fury warriors UGH)

By the way, I don't think I'm the only fellow feral that would shake their head at a few things in your spec, namely 0/5 Furor and 5/5 Feral Aggression coupled with 0/5 Ferocity.
i personally dont think that furor is all that necessary because i stealth before i start a fight and wait for my energy. if i ever need to get that extra boost of energy, i just pop tigers fury. of course i got feral agression, and i just dont really think that ferocity is all to important, because if you do enough damage you wont need to do as many moves.hence you dont need as much energy

theres my defence, and i rest my case HAHA
#11 Oct 24 2008 at 7:31 PM Rating: Default
84 posts
The poor lad should be doing something more like this at level 66 since he seems to be gearing more bear side. Gives him some stuff for leveling as he isn't capped yet and might not be for a while. If he did cap and have time to run at 70 for a while I would recommend a respec then but meh that is just my 2c.
dude lol the one that you posted had 3/3 Natural Reaction....why would i pick that trying to be dps???or am i missing something?
#12 Oct 24 2008 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
dude lol the one that you posted had 3/3 Natural Reaction....why would i pick that trying to be dps???or am i missing something?

yeah if you read

The poor lad should be doing something more like this at level 66 since he seems to be gearing more bear side.

but hey thats just what i read.
#13 Oct 25 2008 at 12:44 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Umm... We are trying to help. Sloniah scolded JeeBar for being slightly mean as that is not the way of the druid fourms. You are being confrontational for no reason, which for a new comer is not a good idea.

Your attitude sucks, much like your spec. You seemed unsure why people said as much. Well I will tell you.

Lets start with what you should have at level 66. I am assuming judging from your gear that you mainly solo play as the armory tells when gear is from instances and you only have one such piece. This matters for DPS as solo and instance DPS differ in how they work. Level 66 DPS spec for a mainly solo play feral.

Ferocity(5/5): Makes your primary attack, Mangle, cheaper. This will enable faster combo point generation. Which leads to faster kills.

Furor (4/5): Enables you to have energy as soon as you switch into cat form. Only 4/5 due to the new energy mechanic. The other point goes into Imp Mark to make you buff stronger. More so because the 5th point is less effective than the other 4 and it can be spent else where to better effect.

Naturalist (5/5): Gives you 10% more damage. That is a huge increase for the amount of points spent. You take it and go for it as soon as you get Mangle.

Omen of Clarity : This talent is a far greater increase in DPS than Berserk for a DPS build. If you don't believe me go to they do math. They are not as nice as us but if you doubt me try find the reference or post there and ask.

The wasted points. These are points that just don't help DPS that much at all compared to points spent elsewhere.

Imp Mangle: The points can have a greater impact on personal DPS elsewhere. The effect is far stronger for bears. The energy cost reduction is weak considering how deep in the tree it is.

Feral Aggression, SotF, RnT, Berserk. Its isn't so much any one of these just that the combo of all of them doesn't let you take the DPS gold in the resto tree. Plus many of them are more instance DPS or bear oriented. As they relate to Maul and Shred rotations.

The spec I listed gives you the increases from 3 points in Feral Aggression; as I assuming you love dumping big energy into Ferocious Bite. Which is a DPS loser unless it kills the mobs outright and there are no more mobs to kill before all that energy regenerates. Which is why the points in Rend and Tear are not very well spent. Especially if you are not using Shred all time in an instance DPS rotation.

Seriously, your spec is seeming like it wants to be a level 80 DPS spec but is missing points and a definite rotation plan. You are guessing and trying to figure things out. That is good. But mechanics are immutable. Ferocious Bite is a DPS loser when done with over 35 energy if I recall in any serious rotation and feral DPS rotations will be complex at a high level with the addition of Savage Roar at level 75.

Ferocious Bite has good burst. That combined with the resilience nerf is why you are winning duels. Duels are not a good measure of DPS. If you are trying to PvP then again your spec is weird. You want Primal Tenacity and Natural Shapeshifter for a serious PvP build. A PvP build would be more based on keeping up bleeds and burst with good survivability. This is what I would do for a level 70 generic PvP build . PvP is not my game so I could be off on that one.

Yes, druids tank as bear form. They also have different specs than cat druids. With some differences in gear selection as well. Ferocity as previously stated is for all feral specs. Primal Tenacity is a PvP oriented talent, more so now that the tree is bigger with less extra points to spend on electives. Other points where made in other parts of this post.

But hey that's just my opinion.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#14 Oct 25 2008 at 1:40 AM Rating: Decent
what he said. find my rate up button some how horse and you can use it for your self on that one. hmm wonder if my user options or something is why it dont show up on forms
#15 Oct 25 2008 at 9:37 AM Rating: Default
84 posts
dude lol the one that you posted had 3/3 Natural Reaction....why would i pick that trying to be dps???or am i missing something?

yeah if you read

The poor lad should be doing something more like this at level 66 since he seems to be gearing more bear side.

but hey thats just what i read.

in all seriousness i dont understand how natural reaction is for dps...i dont use bear form at all, and as far as i know im not gearing bear side, im not trying to be offensive, im just trying to understand your point of view
#16 Oct 25 2008 at 9:46 AM Rating: Default
84 posts
umm i wasnt being offensive and saying your "attitude sucks" like you are to me, i was having a legitimate viewpoint. i personally dont think that anything i said was rude.if you think that anything i said was wrong you can refute my statements with respect.

Ferocity(5/5): Makes your primary attack, Mangle, cheaper. This will enable faster combo point generation. Which leads to faster kills.
It was a personal decision to do that, im not saying that it was a good idea not to have it, i just dont. i agree it helps

Furor (4/5): Enables you to have energy as soon as you switch into cat form. Only 4/5 due to the new energy mechanic. The other point goes into Imp Mark to make you buff stronger. More so because the 5th point is less effective than the other 4 and it can be spent else where to better effect.
like i said before, i stealth before i attack something,and i have full energy when i start the battle. i kill things fast enough that i dont have to come out of cat form for any reason at all. i just dont find it usefull.(which would explain why i havent gotten into the resto branch). However i do agree that imp mark would help, i just havent gotten to it yet.

Naturalist (5/5): Gives you 10% more damage. That is a huge increase for the amount of points spent. You take it and go for it as soon as you get Mangle.
your right,it is a good talent to have. i just havent done it

The spec I listed gives you the increases from 3 points in Feral Aggression; as I assuming you love dumping big energy into Ferocious Bite. Which is a DPS loser unless it kills the mobs outright and there are no more mobs to kill before all that energy regenerates.
they do die then and there, my battles only last about 10 seconds.

but i will definately give it some thought, maybe respec a couple times to try what you said, and then based on what i think i will respec.
thanks for a responding

Edited, Oct 25th 2008 1:58pm by drewbeeone
#17 Oct 26 2008 at 5:47 AM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
drewbeeone wrote:
umm i wasnt being offensive and saying your "attitude sucks" like you are to me, i was having a legitimate viewpoint. i personally dont think that anything i said was rude.if you think that anything i said was wrong you can refute my statements with respect.

Look man, this is in general a pretty nice place to come get answers. You weren't asking, you were bragging and that rubs people the wrong way. Especially when experienced people look at your gear/spec and know that five things were possible in your pvp escapade.

1. Player was AFK.
2. Player was in horrible gear
3. Player is very unskillful.
4. You mean Dueling which is the most horrible possible version of PVP.
4. Combination of the above.

I don't know how to make that sound less harsh than it does, so if it upsets you, sorry.

drewbeeone wrote:

Ferocity(5/5): Makes your primary attack, Mangle, cheaper. This will enable faster combo point generation. Which leads to faster kills.
It was a personal decision to do that, im not saying that it was a good idea not to have it, i just dont. i agree it helps

Personal decision vs tried, tested and true fact means that people are going to tell you that you need to do this. Your personal decision to not do it means either you don't care about being better or you already think you're the best you can be. Either way you are/were wrong.

drewbeeone wrote:

Furor (4/5): Enables you to have energy as soon as you switch into cat form. Only 4/5 due to the new energy mechanic. The other point goes into Imp Mark to make you buff stronger. More so because the 5th point is less effective than the other 4 and it can be spent else where to better effect.
like i said before, i stealth before i attack something,and i have full energy when i start the battle. i kill things fast enough that i dont have to come out of cat form for any reason at all. i just dont find it usefull.(which would explain why i havent gotten into the resto branch). However i do agree that imp mark would help, i just havent gotten to it yet.

This really comes into play with that whole dueling thing. Dueling is a horrible version of PVP. Real PVP comes into play when you're defending/attacking a node, carrying a flag, hauling **** across a map and get knocked off your ride. That's when Furor is king. You aren't always going to be stealthed and have an opportunity to get the jump on your enemies.

drewbeeone wrote:

The spec I listed gives you the increases from 3 points in Feral Aggression; as I assuming you love dumping big energy into Ferocious Bite. Which is a DPS loser unless it kills the mobs outright and there are no more mobs to kill before all that energy regenerates.
they do die then and there, my battles only last about 10 seconds.

Again, if you are killing people with FB in less than 10 seconds, then they are in HORRIBLE gear. I can't say anything else. I could do the math, but a S3 rogue took a good 45 seconds to kill me in AV a few days after patch when I was still feral and in my dps gear. I just don't see a 66 with decent gear nuking a 70 in decent (70)! gear in 10 seconds. Just doesn't happen.

drewbeeone wrote:

but i will definately give it some thought, maybe respec a couple times to try what you said, and then based on what i think i will respec.
thanks for a responding

Good call on the respec. I see you've done some work since this last post. The people are here to help you. If you don't want help or can't take constructive criticism, don't bother boasting on our forum.
#18 Oct 26 2008 at 5:56 PM Rating: Default
84 posts
Galenmoon, i think i kind of mislead you a little bit, im not focusing on pvp although i was saying that i beat people in duels. so some of your information doesnt really apply to me. maybe you could give me some info that has to do with lvling. thanks
#19 Oct 27 2008 at 3:27 AM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
Well, you didn't mislead anyone. But I'll let you take that step back into humility.

If you had come here for leveling advice, you would have done it at 36, not 66. Now that we've shown you a better way to do things, hopefully that WILL give you the advantage in not only pvp, but also pve and maximizing your dps in cat form.

We can only give you the tools to succeed, you have to actually put the effort into using them. Telling us "it's my discretion, I don't THINK that makes it a non dps spec" is fine. You're right, it is your choice and your enjoyment at stake. We can only give you advice. But don't forget :P right is right.

I mangle spammed mobs unless they were 3 levels above me or higher. Just pull with FFF and spam mangle. It's much more time efficient than, stealth, pounce, Mangle, Shred, mangle....

Now that second part is what I do if they are 3 levels or higher above me. That way I don't take much damage and get a good chunk out of the way before they have a chance to hit me.

If you plan on doing any end game raiding with this toon, then please, come back and ask why it's energy inefficient to use FB more than on the last mob of a pull.

Edited: spaaaaling failure!

Edited, Oct 27th 2008 7:29am by Galenmoon
#20 Oct 27 2008 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts
when you said "ill let you take that step back into humility" i thought you were being rude lmao i looked it up...and im geussing you werent :P

but anyways yeah i was just saying lvling since im not 70 yet and by the time i am im gonna be lvling to 80. so yeah i got a while left. no raiding anytime soon thats for sure! and now that you mentioned it i think i am just gonna start ff and mangling cuz i do a lot with that alone lol especially since i got my new staff yesterday that gave me like 300 more ap :)
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