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Hunting SoloFollow

#1 Oct 23 2008 at 2:01 PM Rating: Good
54 posts
Greetings fellow Hunters!

I have been spending my time before the release of the new xpac by exploring the various new pet talents, trying new specs and general daily grinding before we move to 80. I have read and re-read most of the threads here and there is a tremendous amount of valuable information, especially maximizing DPS.

However, I am not a raider and due to time constraints probably never will be. I play on a PvP server, do enough BG's to work toward my Glad gear, grind leather/dailies and run a few heriocs with my guild when I can.

My question and topic of discussion is regarding how to maximize your returns while grinding (either dailies or mobs for mats) SOLO. Is Max DPS what you are after when griding or is burst and speed more important? Or, is it part of the same thing and I am being a noob. Thoughts?

I have always played a BM spec. Before the patch I used Aimed Shot as an opener while the pet was charging, along with Rapid Killing, and mowed down mobs like grass. All without using BW/TBW (saved in case of an enemy sneak attack) or trinkets. Now, after switching points out of Aimed and Rapid Killing, the grind just seems slower. My normal leather grind is talbuks in Nagrand (66's and 67's?).

I am currently running as a 51/10BM spec -

Is there a possible hybrid spec that is more versatile for SOLO grinding (read faster killing) as opposed to max DPS over a long drawn out boss fight in a raid?

Curious as to your thoughts and in the mean time...

Happy Hunting!


Hulkababy - Lvl 70 Orc Hunter - Maelstrom
Kittycaticus - Lvl 70 White Tiger, Companion of Hulkababy

#2 Oct 23 2008 at 2:18 PM Rating: Excellent
Not many classes can kill stuff as fast or efficiently as a hunter in full plow mode. Spec really isnt giong to be a big deal for you if all you do is farm and grind out dailys. I would suggest cat or other ferocity pet to make this go faster. They have the talent that heals them as they do damage.

The best way is to simply send pet and auto attack. When first mobs dies, send pet after second, loot skin, kill pets target. Rinse, Repeat. I would really not worry about a rotation or anything like that for this kind of killing. Just melt faces, this does go faster if you try not to pull things off your pet. Hence letting your pet beat on somehting while you defile the corpse you just killed.

Another way is get a gorilla, or bear. Bears can aoe tank 3 things. Gorillas can aoe tank 20 things.... |This is what i use when farming leather in Nagrand. Send gorilla after Talbuk after talbuk. (use just thinderstomp) after you have about 8 of them, aoe them down, loot, skin, do it again.

For just a grind/solo play the exotic pet talent is alright. You may want to try out leaving the final BM talent and putting a point into GftT to help with pets focus while blowing things up.

This is how i grind and i can do all of QD in about 30 minutes. and farm several leather stacks in an hour or so.
#3 Oct 23 2008 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
I love the fact that Misdirection is now only a 30 second cooldown. Speeds up solo hunting so much. I usually send my pet in at a mob, cast misdirection and pull 1-2 more mobs onto my pet. I focus down my pet's target and go through the other mobs quickly. With my pet specc'ed into Bloodthirsty, I rarely have to worry about her dying.
#4REDACTED, Posted: Oct 23 2008 at 8:03 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I have waited for a post like this for a very long time. I do what the op does. I like to grind and make money. With occasional instance runs. I don't know if i'm gonna have the time to raid. As of right now I use a cat. Don't have him specced yet. I'm going to work on another toon until someone figures out some different builds. I've tried the 51/10 build. And well with no use for exotic pets I was suggested to put points else were. Just forgot to ask about a pet spec for grinding and making money. But if you want you can see the build I was told to use that I would get more out of. Here is my armory
#5 Oct 23 2008 at 9:50 PM Rating: Default
63 posts
I also only solo on my hunter. I find that by specing thick hide, as well as specing pet with armor and stm that the pet does all the tanking. I have 2/2 in mend pet to help heal my pet as I fight.

This way I never really get hit. If an add mob comes after me I set a freeze trap, that way I will have my pet tank it next.

I might not have the highest dps that I can, but my hunter kills pretty fast as is. By maxing my pets survival it keeps me alive.
#6 Oct 24 2008 at 3:03 AM Rating: Good
As a 70 hunter there is nothing farm worthy that should be giving you a rough time. Both of you seemed concerned with pet specs. A respec is 10 silver. Try some stuff out. As for not even speccing your pet yet due to waiting to see a good pet spec, that is just lazy.

If you played the class to 70 then you should know how the mechancis work. The hunter is not a difficult class. My dps pet specced for raid dps with ZERO survivabilty talents, except 1 Point in BM tree, and a point or 2 to reduce aoe effects, never comes close to dying. Even doing the netherwing dailys in the cave. And those are some of the harder hitting trash mobs.

Also, it seems people are afraid to try different things. You play the class too, test stuff out. I am seeing a lot of posts "what should i do now!" You dont need us to tell you what is best. All we have is a general clue about how things are working out. Go try things, go play to have fun. You dont need one of the regulars here to validate what you are doing is right. Start thinking for yourselves. Especially all you farmers and people who dont raid hardcore.

I am a raider, So is Mulgrin, Aethien, Midnight, Sloshot, Enigma, and several others. We can tell you how to maximize your raid output, and what is best for raids and raw damage. Until you get to the T5 and up level though, that really isnt too important. The class is meant to be fun. If you dont like a spec, or a pet, or some talent points then dont use them. |So all these posts about, what is a good grinding spec, what is a good grinding pet spec, i want to farm faster! Figure stuff out. The talents are very self explanitory. Not to mention there is a ****-ton of posts already discuccing most of the controversial talents and their uses.

Ok rant off, sorry.
#7REDACTED, Posted: Oct 24 2008 at 3:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Well maybe they need to change the forums to only . I appolagise on my behalf for asking for a general push in the right direction. Yes the class is fun. But seems all you guys talk about anymore is raiding. Well the fact is sir not everyone raids. I could care less about raiding. I don't have that much time on my hands to raid. I post here for advice and help with my class. But it seems every time someone asks for help they are looked down upon for not spending gold they don't need to spend to respec. You all are the scholars and the guru's and the sages ect. Were here asking for help. All the stickies are outdated. All the talent builds now are focused on nothing but level 80.
#8 Oct 24 2008 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good
Whoa Whoa Whoa. Easy there killer.

The point of my post was not to make fun of, or downgrade the fun side of WoW. We have a few facts to face here.

#1 Soloing/grinding is easy. It does not take a great amount of skill or knowledge of the class to do it. You can run around with a hodge-podge of specs, Aspect of the beast on and melee every mob and you will still kill and grind extremely fast.

#2 Raiding is the "End Game". So deal with it, everythign in WoW prepares people for end game. Raiding or PvP. Instances, Badge gear, Heroics, BG's, all of this prepares and gears players to be raiders/arena'ers.

#3 The simple fact is that raiding takes more skill and know-how than farming, or leveling, or grinding. An expierienced raider, who reads up on his class, gears properly, specs properly will wipe the floor with a "casual player" in every aspect of the game. That is the way wow was made. So ******* excuse me if the mojority of us here want to better out character and we focus on the final product more than the grind, or the leveling, or the farming. I could hand my wife my character and she could farm just fine having never played before.

This is not meant to bash casual players, or people who cant raid. If you take it that way then oh well, sorry. This is meant to explain why several of us here put so much emphasis on being the best. Because that "perfect" raid spec can mean the difference between a kill and a wipe. The extra 100 dps you could put out can be enough to get past that last 1% and get the boss down. Those that raid and have wiped at 1% or 0% know what i am saying. If only you could have kept your pet alive a little longer! If only you had used the right shot rotation. If only you hadnt gotten stomped by that cleave cuz you are a meleetard!

And this is why I will do more and test more to help a raider than a "casual Player". it is the part of the game that i know best. North said once that he could level a hunter from 1-70 with no spec. He is absolutely right, leveling and playing a hunter is one of the easiest thigns to do in WoW. Being top DPS in BT, Hyjal, T5, T4 content takes work and more skill than farming, or grinding. Not a better player, just a different kind of player.

So if you want a good leveling spec then make one up, ask us what we think. but dont expect me to throw together a good grinding spec. Dps doesnt really matter when the toughest thing you fight has 8k health.

#9 Oct 24 2008 at 5:51 PM Rating: Default
I appolagise if I took it the wrong way. I do wish I had more time to raid. Last night i was invited to go on a kara raid. But work in the morning cancelled that. I was upset cause I see so many 70's with gear that would make the litch king wet his trousers. Yes I want to be a damn good hunter. Yes I want to outdamage most I come in contact with. But having really no time to raid leaves me with only one option. Farm. *sigh* I remember when I first started reading here when i left ffxi to come to wow. I said to myself "I want to be a scholar on the forums and help people as much as I can". I can understand that you don't need to hold my hand to farm. But I do run instances and I know for a fact my gear isn't really up to par with most instance runners. Again I appolagise for being rude. Was not my intention. I'd love to be a monsterous raider with t5 gear or better. I even want a better bow or axe. >< sorry
#10 Oct 24 2008 at 6:02 PM Rating: Good
Dont Appoogize dude. You said nothign wrong, you did nothing wrong. It is a free forum. And as long as you enjoy WoW and enjoy your class that is all that matters. With wrath coming out a lot will be changing soon. However before it comes out keep in mind that kara is only 2 hours at the most anymore. A good guild can clear kara with only one tank in an hour or so. Even the dreaded ZA is not a big deal anymore. A lot of these 10 man raids can be pugged now with some sucess. I am not saying you will get to ZulJin in ZA but you can see some of it. Do what you can do and dont feel sorry if Real Life comes first. My raid time has been severely cut down since i got married. And you know what, i dont regret that one bit.

As long as people do a little homework and then ask for help i will continue to offer as much help as i can, with only the occasional snide remark.

#11 Oct 25 2008 at 6:05 PM Rating: Default
Ok rinkel. I've thought about it over night. I'm going to join a raiding guild. All I need for you to do is inspect me. Let me know if I could do Kara with what I'm currently wearing. I'm nervous lol. My first raid is monday. My day off. I want to impress badly. I know my gear is kinda weak. But if you could give me some helpful advice. As to speccing for kara and making my pet ready. Nervousness still seeping in ><. I was asked about 2hrs ago to go monday. These people I'm going with are some top players on my server and I just want to impress the hell out of the. Gonna have to mess with macros and shot rotations. But if you could just peak at my character. Any advice would be taken.

With aspect of the hawk on and my trinkets. My AP is about 1800. Should I respec to MM?
I'm willing to listen and learn from all raiders.
#12 Oct 25 2008 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
You are fine for kara. Nowadays all you need for kara is 1 tank, and 2 healers. Leaving room for 7 dps which helps a lot. That along with the boss nerf makes kara a very short easy 22 badges.

Just remember:
*spam steady shot, thats all
*use BW, Rapid fire, Trinket Kill Command all at the same time to make the most use out fo them.
*Growl off.
*bring enough ammo, pots, food

Hopefully a few good drops will fall for you and you will get some nice upgrades. Good luck.
#13 Oct 25 2008 at 11:39 PM Rating: Default
Thank you very much. Didn't mean to make you angry with the gorilla question. Been under the weather for 4 days now....and well my mind is all jumbled. And I'm grumpy. Sleep time. TY
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