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Epic more quest!Follow

#1 Oct 23 2008 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
I was reading the PTR 3.0.3 patch notes when my eye fell on this particular line:

* Art of War: No longer increases critical strike damage on Judgements, Crusader Strike, and Divine Storm, instead increases all damage done by those abilities by a smaller amount.
* The Avenger’s Shield bounce distance has been reduced to 10 yards (from 15).
* The epic ground mount is now available on the trainer at level 61, requiring 150 riding skill, and the non-epic mount learned.
* Blessing of Might: Rank 8 points increased slightly to prevent from being overwritten by BattleShout 8 that has a shorter duration (also applies to Greater Blessing of Might 3.)
* Blessing of Sanctuary: It is no longer possible to have both Blessing of Sanctuary and Greater Blessing of Sanctuary active on a target at the same time.
* Crusade: No longer applies damage bonus twice to critical strikes.
* Divine Plea: This spell’s duration is no longer affected by haste.
* Divine Purpose: Rank 1 of this ability will now correctly determine its chance of remove stun.
* Enlightened Judgments now increases range by 15/30 (was 10/20).
* Eye for an Eye: No longer breaks crowd control effects.
* Hammer of Justice: The interrupt from this ability will also be redirected when the stun is redirected. In addition, the interrupt will now work on targets immune to stun.
* Hammer of the Righteous: Tooltip corrected to indicate it does 4 times weapon dps instead of 3.
* Infusion of Light (Holy) now affects Flash of Light too, reducing its cast time down to zero and can be used while moving.
* Judgements: The debuffs from Judgement of Light, Judgement of Wisdom, and Judgement of Justice will no longer be applied if the Judgement spell itself misses.
* Judgements of the Pure: Haste increased to 3/6/9/12/15%.
* Repentance PvP duration reduced to 6 sec.
* Righteous Defense cooldown has been lowered to 8 sec (was 15 sec).
* Righteous Vengeance: No longer increases critical strike damage on Judgements and Divine Storm, instead applies a DoT effect similar to Deep Wounds.
* Seal of the Martyr: Tooltip for Judgement damage was incorrect and has been fixed.
* Sheath of Light: Now correctly benefits Judgements of Command, Blood, and The Martyr.
* Shield of the Templar now also reduces all damage taken by 1/2/3%.

I think this change sucks ,I spent quite some time and moeny on that quest and i think the mount is something you need to earn,not get at the trainer
#2 Oct 23 2008 at 3:13 AM Rating: Decent
Too bad I already did the quest... But I do think this is a good change. The questline was a pain in the @$$. Some of the items were hard to get on AH because no one ever ran Strat (on a low pop server). I don't think a free mount makes much of a difference, you still have to pay for training so you're not cutting costs by much.

I see this as a good change. Not like getting the mount meant you were a good player to begin with.

Curious...did they give warlocks the same out?
#3 Oct 23 2008 at 4:31 AM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
Curious...did they give warlocks the same out?

Yes. There is a huge discussion on the main forum on this too.
#4 Oct 23 2008 at 5:39 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
I don't like this change. With the quest, no it didn't mean you were a good player, but it did show that you worked hard for something that was unique to your class. I really liked the quest chain, and I even enjoyed going back with other Paladins to help them get their mounts.

The Charger isn't a necessary spell like Holy Light, Judgement(s), or Blessings, but it is a cosmetic upgrade so to speak. I don't think it should be just given to all Paladins, but it should remain like the new achievements that give cosmetic rewards: something you earn.

This change is nothing more then Blizzard pandering to the masses who QQ about how "hard" it is to obtain one of the coolest mounts in game.
#5 Oct 23 2008 at 10:16 PM Rating: Excellent
678 posts
Don't like the change at all ... I mean if you can't get a group when you reach lvl 60 do get the normal mount and solo the damn instances when you get to 70 ...
#6 Oct 29 2008 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
I think this is so wrong, It also goes for the epic druid flight form, I believe but at level 71. I worked hard to get my mount and didn't take the easy way out by buying it from a trainer. In my opinion, it is more of an accomplishment that you took the time to do the quest line and worked for it. In any case, the only people who will be happy about this, I think, are the ones who were too lazy to do it in the first place and low level paladins.
I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A bird will fall frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself. D.H Lawrence

Edited, Oct 30th 2008 9:34am by ravenjm
#7 Oct 30 2008 at 5:39 AM Rating: Good
229 posts
I don't like this change. With the quest, no it didn't mean you were a good player, but it did show that you worked hard for something that was unique to your class *<snip>* This change is nothing more then Blizzard pandering to the masses who QQ about how "hard" it is to obtain one of the coolest mounts in game.

^^ This.

Earning (emphasis on *earning*) your Charger was a rite of passage for a Paladin. Having it handed to you on a silver platter is a joke. It just goes to prove, beyond doubt, that Blizzrd don't care about the original "challenge" of the game, where cool stuff, including epics, were earned.

Bring on a "vanilla" server, I say. I'd reroll in a heartbeat.
#8 Oct 30 2008 at 6:22 AM Rating: Excellent
1,634 posts
I don't like this change. With the quest, no it didn't mean you were a good player, but it did show that you worked hard for something that was unique to your class *<snip>* This change is nothing more then Blizzard pandering to the masses who QQ about how "hard" it is to obtain one of the coolest mounts in game.

^^ This.

Earning (emphasis on *earning*) your Charger was a rite of passage for a Paladin. Having it handed to you on a silver platter is a joke. It just goes to prove, beyond doubt, that Blizzrd don't care about the original "challenge" of the game, where cool stuff, including epics, were earned.

Bring on a "vanilla" server, I say. I'd reroll in a heartbeat.

Disagree - I'm not a great player and I've never claimed to be one. The problem with getting this mount is that it requires you to run through several dead instances. You either need to OP the instance (get a couple of 70s) or you need to waste a lot of your guild members time. (Or just pay other peopel to run you through.) Back in Vanilla WoW, this was a challenge, now it's just an unfortunate irritation.

Getting access to the instance (that quest where you make a key) and travel time, etc - just make this a massive annoyance. Back when all players were lvl 59-60 and the quests were a challenge - ok - then you earned it. However, having 4 lvl 70 buddies walk in and destroy everything in sight isn't a challenge - it's a waste of time. I don't know of anyone who did this quest legit. (i.e. who ran through the instances and collected the stuff with sub-60 geared players.)

I didn't get my mount until 70. I tried to get a group on my server (Lame server) but it didn't happen. Eventually, I hit 70. No PUGs from 60 - 70 (About 7 weeks - I played my paly very casually). Eventually you can't be in the /LFG channel for the instances you need. At that point it's a matter of getting lucky and catching a /LFG Scholm (or other)...

When I was finally a 70 tank, capable of probably soloing the whole thing easily, I got a 63 paly healer and a 62 paly tank (he actually payed to spec to Ret just because the chance of getting the quest done was actually worth it...)

It was an unneeded annoyance that's been corrected. 2 or 3 years ago it was a challenge to complete the quest - now - It's really just a challenge to get a group.

#9 Oct 30 2008 at 6:46 AM Rating: Decent
I'm not to keen on the change, my pali was almost 63 when I finaly got the mount, and after all the gold spent and hard work in completing the quest line I was proud of my acomplishment in all the hard work and think it was a just reward. class exclusive mounts should be erned not handed to you.
#10 Oct 30 2008 at 7:23 AM Rating: Good
I have six lvl 70's, with most of them epic gears.

I've tried this quest (at level 65), when I finally got around to it. Walock has same stupid quests. If wasting many ppl's time running the dead instance is an accomplishment, I guess you accoomplished alot. ^^

Bizzard should've replaced these stupid quests with new challenging ones. They're just too happy to make so much money, they have to enjoy their success. ^^

#11 Oct 30 2008 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
333 posts
Alot of arguments from both sides. I choose that yea, you should have to do the quest chain and get the mount. WoW seems to be getting easier and easier...(welfare epics much?) I guess blizzard is just getting lazier. Why remove a questchain thats been there for how many years now? Ok, its a pain to get a group for a dead instance, congrats u get a mount only paladins can get for doing so. Buying the 60% mount is understandable, thats like giving your son a bike....but hes gotta work for a car.

oh and i say if blizz lets players buy their 100% mount they cant get their wings. Do quest get mount and u can train for wings at 70. Buy mount and u get slapped.

Edited, Oct 30th 2008 4:31pm by Nightslayerquez
#12 Oct 31 2008 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
2,188 posts
Maulgak wrote:
I don't like this change. With the quest, no it didn't mean you were a good player, but it did show that you worked hard for something that was unique to your class. I really liked the quest chain, and I even enjoyed going back with other Paladins to help them get their mounts.

The Charger isn't a necessary spell like Holy Light, Judgement(s), or Blessings, but it is a cosmetic upgrade so to speak. I don't think it should be just given to all Paladins, but it should remain like the new achievements that give cosmetic rewards: something you earn.

Christhina wrote:
Earning (emphasis on *earning*) your Charger was a rite of passage for a Paladin. Having it handed to you on a silver platter is a joke.

I couldn't agree more.

Borsuk wrote:
It was an unneeded annoyance that's been corrected. 2 or 3 years ago it was a challenge to complete the quest - now - It's really just a challenge to get a group.

You are missing the point. Having the class mount meant you did something to earn it, now it means . . . well, nothing. To say it was an unneeded annoyance because it was a challenge, even if just a challenge to get a group, misses the point of having it in the game. It represents an achievement. And getting a group is not that tough, ask in trade and a half dozen pallies will respond to help.

Show me a Paladin on a regular mount and I'll show you someone with no ambition or motivation.

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#13 Nov 04 2008 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
Just want to throw something in the mix here, now that the patch has gone live...

The trainer is currently reading the following requirements:
Character Level 61
Summon "Warhorse" Mount (non-epic mount)
Expert Riding Skill (Expert)


My pally is up to lvl 65, and I have the non-epic pally mount... I purchased Riding 150, and I used my AV marks to buy a Stormpike Battle Charger (a 100% speed mount)... I am unable to train the Charger at the trainer as of this very moment. This is because it's set to require Expert Riding Skill, aka flight riding skill... I have a GM ticket open, and I'll update when I get more information, but I thought people would like to know the current situation. Please post here if you're having trouble, too...
#14 Nov 04 2008 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
12,975 posts
I never gave a crap about the mount itself. Blood Knight Tabard is amazingly awesome, though. I don't use my Charger (And never have, I've had a Kodo since 60, and now I have a Talbuk at 70.) but I still wear my tabard pretty much constantly.
#15 Nov 04 2008 at 10:24 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
You Blood Knights and your Tabards ...

I'm still jealous ... More so since I'm 5 away from the Tabard achievement >.<
#16 Nov 05 2008 at 7:08 AM Rating: Default
135 posts
I can see some people taking the easy way out and wait the extra level but in so doing from what I understand you need to buy the riding instead of getting it free like you do from the quest line. I suspect it's same for Warlocks.

As for the epic flight form quest, well a druid wanting to skip that quest line would be missing out on some gear. Damn just noticed The Charm of Swift Flight was changed to a mana reduction instead of flight speed increased. Also from the quest you get an item on your key ring to summon the Raven Lord boss in Heroic Sethekk Halls, and Idol of the Raven Goddess.

Likewise Blood knights get a tabard but they don't have the long quest Druids do. Alliance paladins like blood elves do get a bunch of reputation for their side.

#17 Nov 05 2008 at 8:12 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
cynyck wrote:
You are missing the point. Having the class mount meant you did something to earn it, now it means . . . well, nothing. To say it was an unneeded annoyance because it was a challenge, even if just a challenge to get a group, misses the point of having it in the game. It represents an achievement. And getting a group is not that tough, ask in trade and a half dozen pallies will respond to help.

Show me a Paladin on a regular mount and I'll show you someone with no ambition or motivation.

Because getting a 70 or 2 to run you through level 60 content is hard, amirite? It would be even less meaningful a few weeks after the 13th when you could get a level 80 to run you through.

The story behind the quests is really nice, but with TBC, the quest went from challenging to aggrivating. No one goes to Dire Maul, the gear is easily replaced with the OL greens you can buy off the AH. Exp ramps up when you get to HFP, so DM's not good for leveling either. And I would hate to have to find 3 or 4 people with LC rep a year into the expansion so I could finish the last leg of druid Swift FF.
#18 Nov 05 2008 at 11:27 AM Rating: Default
As an update to my previous post:
Blizzard is aware of the problem and working to correct it.

To all the people on here complaining about it being available from the trainers... All the other posters are correct. In TODAY'S WORLD OF WARCRAFT, unless you are on a brand new server, nobody is running these dead instances, so it's almost impossible and a giant waste of time.

On the other hand...
Nobody runs the instances required for Verigan's Fist, either... You either need to have a 70 help you out, or you pass on that weapon. Perhaps this really is the best way for Blizzard to handle situations. I bought a Stormpike Battle Charger as my epic mount because I did not want to bother with the Charger quest series. One day, I'm sure I'd go back with a couple friends to get the Charger, and perhaps it's best if the quest and mount are left to those who want to put in that effort. Sure, it's not the original method of obtaining the mount, but I think it still works...
#19 Nov 05 2008 at 12:42 PM Rating: Excellent
1,599 posts
Nobody runs the instances required for Verigan's Fist, either...

It can be solo'd when you hit lvl 20 (when it's still useful). If you need a lvl 70 to help you out, then you are doing something terribly wrong. Most people don't get it because they are too lazy to run to all the corners of the planet to get the items needed. I don't think instance groups apply here.

As for soloing your Charger quest at lvl 60...that would be interesting to see. I'd almost start another Paladin to try it. :)
#20 Nov 05 2008 at 12:52 PM Rating: Default
its a good thing and bad thing at the same time imo, people that are in guilds that actually help people could spend less money then what they will have to now, and knock it out in a day or two, but people that arent in guilds that help others can now just buy it

i liked doing all the running for items and the instances
#21 Nov 05 2008 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
I went through the effort of getting it the old fashioned way, right before they went and changed it. Being a miner I managed to get the thorium and arcane crystals without much trouble and had it transmuted free thanks to my guild's alchemist. I then tossed an arcane tome over to the guild's herbalist and got the tears. The runecloth collects itself and the holy water was easy enough when I ran in with a 70 hunter and 70 druid to grab it real quick. Enriched mana biscuits were then the easy part. Grabbed the same Stratholme group and took care of the tree. I was lucky enough to get the diamond from prospecting some thorium and eventually gave in and got the pristine black diamond from the AH. With all that taken care of I managed to get a 70 lock and 70 pally in the guild to help my previous group complete the final part.

If you managed to find a guild that cared or had some friends willing to set aside some time then this quest ends up being no problem and is nowhere near as bad as it was pre-BC. Took longer to get all the arcanite than it did to do everything else. If you looked and figured out all that was required for the quest then its no problem to knock it out in well under a day if you have help. I actually feel like I should just keep my paladin at 60 just to prove that I went through the effort of the quest and didn't take the easy way out that Blizzard now provides.
#22 Nov 06 2008 at 5:06 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
I see a lot of people (not just on this forum) trying to make the argument about how "hard" the quest is to accomplish. Posts like (and sorry to single you out, it just fits my point perfectly):

Because getting a 70 or 2 to run you through level 60 content is hard, amirite?

It's not about the difficulty of the quest, it's about putting forth the effort to get something that is unique to your class. Every class in the game has the right to buy an epic mount, but only 2 have a unique mount that, until this change, required effort on your part to earn. Now that's being taken away. There is nothing special about these mounts anymore if they can just be bought off the trainer like any other spell.

Sure, it's difficult to get groups for those low level instances nowadays, but people keep talking about it like it's literally impossible, which is total BS. If anything it may actually start to get slightly easier again with people wanting to run these places for their dungeonmaster achievements, Strat specifically for Baron's mount with its buffed droprate, things of that nature.

Heck, Verigan's Fist keeps getting mentioned too. How about they just let all Paladins go buy it from the Paladin trainer when they hit 20, since you know, it's so hard to get groups for those instances now.

Edited, Nov 6th 2008 5:08am by Maulgak
#23 Nov 06 2008 at 7:06 AM Rating: Default
1,634 posts
People argue that the quest-line still proves effort, but it's not what Blizzard intended. Yes, the epic mount quest takes time if you are lvl 70. You have to travel, collect the mats, etc. But it's no longer a challenge.

If the challenge is finding/paying for a few OP players to help you get through the instances - it's no longer working as intended. The challenge was taking a group of lvl 60 players, fighting through 'at-level' mobs and travelling through tough instances.

Now, people grab a few guildies or offer 50/100 G and twenty minutes later they've completed some of the hardest parts of the quest. (meaning - the instance parts.)

The Vegren's Fist (Spell) thing - I skipped it and recommend anyone who's trying to experience content to skip it too. You CAN get it, but there are so few people at that lvl that it will take forever to get the groups (Or you could just P.Run it). It's a great weapon, but not worth wasting a week looking for a group.

Getting a great weapon/mount through a P.Run is not the intention of Blizzard. They intended to challenge people, but they realize now that no one is challenged by having a lvl 70 pally in Raid gear AOE grind through the undead in Schol/Strath. The argument is mostly coming from people who feel 'wronged' that they had to do all the work. Guess what - You earned it and it was fun to do. There was challenge and excitement in beating the mobs, collecting the mats... Now, it's just a huge pain in the *** to find groups. (It took me till 70 to even find a group) Heck - you can't even look for a group in the /lfg channel after a while. That's not what blizzard indended.

Do they intend to have an achievement "Spent 2 Weeks /LFG" ~ Congratulations, you have achieved nothing in two weeks, but you've asked for a group in /2 and /4 channel 2000 times in 2 weeks!

#24 Nov 06 2008 at 7:06 AM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
People argue that the quest-line still proves effort, but it's not what Blizzard intended. Yes, the epic mount quest takes time if you are lvl 70. You have to travel, collect the mats, etc. But it's no longer a challenge.

If the challenge is finding/paying for a few OP players to help you get through the instances - it's no longer working as intended. The challenge was taking a group of lvl 60 players, fighting through 'at-level' mobs and travelling through tough instances.

Now, people grab a few guildies or offer 50/100 G and twenty minutes later they've completed some of the hardest parts of the quest. (meaning - the instance parts.)

The Vegren's Fist (Spell) thing - I skipped it and recommend anyone who's trying to experience content to skip it too. You CAN get it, but there are so few people at that lvl that it will take forever to get the groups (Or you could just P.Run it). It's a great weapon, but not worth wasting a week looking for a group.

Getting a great weapon/mount through a P.Run is not the intention of Blizzard. They intended to challenge people, but they realize now that no one is challenged by having a lvl 70 pally in Raid gear AOE grind through the undead in Schol/Strath. The argument is mostly coming from people who feel 'wronged' that they had to do all the work. Guess what - You earned it and it was fun to do. There was challenge and excitement in beating the mobs, collecting the mats... Now, it's just a huge pain in the *** to find groups. (It took me till 70 to even find a group) Heck - you can't even look for a group in the /lfg channel after a while. (Literally - at a few lvls above an instance - it no longer appears as an option to /LFG) That's not what blizzard indended.

Do they intend to have an achievement "Spent 2 Weeks /LFG" ~ Congratulations, you have achieved nothing in two weeks, but you've asked for a group in /2 and /4 channel 2000 times in 2 weeks!

Edited, Nov 6th 2008 11:42am by Borsuk
#25 Nov 09 2008 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
I've just had the skill up to get the charger from the pally trainer. I was in the middle of the quest chain to get the "proper" pally charger but wonder if it's worth carrying on - I've done the Strath part and was going to DM next. Is the charger exactly the same in both cases? I'll still probably finish the chain for my own satisfaction though.
#26 Nov 11 2008 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you Blizzard i am all for this move,yes i have done the quest for my blood elf pally and dig my charger and tabbard more then almost any items i have achieved.That being said,it was a hell of a time trying to get people even guildies to go into the old instances on behalf of a new guild member. I understand allies have it far worse,my guild probably would not have bothered if the quest was more complicated. This gives the solo player with limited time or social resource the chance to get the class defining mount on there own.
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