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Maelstrom WeaponFollow

#1 Oct 21 2008 at 8:32 AM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
What's up with Maelstrom Weapon?

Is it just me, or is it not proccing properly? I've noticed that both hits on a stormstrike proc Maelstrom, so I know it's not a hidden cooldown.

Is it only proccing on melee crits, or is there only a certain number of PPM you can get?

What's up with it? Is anybody else noticing this or am I just crazy?
#2 Oct 21 2008 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
From my understanding last I heard it is indeed a PPM, which is based off of the damage you deal with your weapon.

But like what you seem to describe, I have had a SS-WF combo go off, and go from having no Maelstrom stacked to a full 5 stack.

So, in any case I am really happy with the way it is now, since it has pretty much given Ehanc. spec another spell to cast along with their shocks, SS, and LL.

Edited, Oct 21st 2008 1:11pm by Arsil
#3 Oct 21 2008 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
256 posts
I too have noticed that Maelstrom weapon is not working as it is described. One is the fact that when the patch came out the talent read something like: 100% chance on damage with melee weapon to get a 20% spell cast reduction stacks 5 times, on the first talent (if this has been fixed I have not heard about it).
That is just a typo, easily fixed, not a big deal, but I am NOT getting a 100% chance with weapon damage, I am getting more like 33-50%. I even tried 1 weapon instead of DWing to keep easier track and I've also tried a 2 handed weapon.

Not game breaking things by any means but I would hope that they fix this one way or another, preferably so that I get my 100% chance, rather then the 33-50% that I am getting now.
If it's a PPM then why would it read a 100% chance? I think if it were a PPM then it wouldn't have the % in the description.

I also hope that they fix the Windfury description, what does $s1 mean?
#4 Oct 22 2008 at 6:17 AM Rating: Good
Right now maelstrom weapon works as a ppm type mechanic. The value has been reported as about 10ppm. We actually currently see much higher rates due to instant attacks and windfury attacks.
#5 Oct 22 2008 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
To elaborate a little, the PPM system is designed to give abilities/talents/whathaveyou the chance to proc based on weapon speed so that the proc rate remains fairly constant regardless of the speed of your weapon. So you should see a lower proc rate with ~2.60 speed one-handers than with a ~3.60 speed two-hander. That's the theory, anyways.

TheJadeMonkey is right about the effects on the mechanic.
#6 Oct 23 2008 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
120 posts
I am loving Mealstrom Weapon. I have mainly been using it as an offensive weapon. Throwing out instant lightning bolts and burning things down that much quicker. I hadn't really looked at its defensive nature priot to last night. I ended up pugging the Headless Horseman last night and the gruop I was in had a pally for a tank. The pally was having a hard time keeping aggro, so the group just decided to have me tank as an enhancement shaman! As I was continuing to DW for the DPS the priest had a few rough spots, mainly when the little pumpkins came out and attacked her. At those times I was finding that I had an Instant Healing Wave available to me through Mealstrom Weapon. We ended up wiping only once. It was great!
#7 Oct 28 2008 at 9:13 AM Rating: Good
387 posts
I reckon with Maelstrom Weapon talented, using only your white hits (no offensive mana) and healing spells through maelstrom, while having water shield up, you can solo a LOT of things...

Got to love that talent.
#8 Oct 28 2008 at 5:29 PM Rating: Good
38 posts
It seems that MSW only procs off say 20% of white hits. Ive seen a SS w/ WF proc put up all 5 procs instantly, but other times it takes 3-4 hits to find a charge.

i generally make sure ive got 5 MSW charges built up towards the end of a fight, its a good last resort, if they are out of range or running away while shocks on CD.

<3 MSW
#9 Oct 29 2008 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
So is a slow main hand and fast off hand better for PVP. so that we proc MSW on our white off hand damage?
#10 Oct 30 2008 at 6:01 AM Rating: Decent
So is a slow main hand and fast off hand better for PVP. so that we proc MSW on our white off hand damage?

If you're looking to maximize your chances for getting a MSW proc, you're going to want to go slow off-hand. The reasoning is as follows:

MSW is a PPM (proc per minute) mechanic. If one had a weapon with a 1sec swing time, on average one could expect a proc every 6 swings. If that weapon had a 2 second swing time, on average one would then expect a proc every 3 swings. Over the course of a minute of constant auto attacking in both cases, you would get 10 procs with either weapon. However, stormstrike and lavalash can also proc MSW. Looking at the above examples of a 1sec and 2sec swing time, the 1sec weapon would have about a 16.7% chance per swing to have a proc, but the 2sec swing time weapon would have a 33.3% chance per swing to have a proc. The higher chance per swing, combined with instant attacks (SS and LL) means more procs on average with a slow offhand due to the higher chance per swing.

As for which is better for PVP, well, the general consensus is still slow/slow all other things being equal, but fast offhands are much better than they were before.
#11 Oct 30 2008 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
TheJadeMonkey wrote:
As for which is better for PVP, well, the general consensus is still slow/slow all other things being equal, but fast offhands are much better than they were before.

I don't follow. After everything that's been laid out in this thread, some of it by you in the very same post including that statement, how do you come to the conclusion that fast off-hands are better than they were before? With a lower SS cooldown, MSW, and Lava Lash, whether you go WF/WF or WF/FT I'd have to argue that slow/slow is even more prominent than it used to be.
#12 Oct 30 2008 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
ya I think Slow/slow on paper still wins with MSW slow will help you get more MSW procs off (when considering STorm Strike, Lava Lash, and windfury). Lava Lash Should hit harder with slower weapon (unless damage is normalized) if this is the case then even if you decide to use FT in off hand slow would still be preferred.
#13 Oct 30 2008 at 11:59 AM Rating: Default
They are more viable than before because FT has become a viable offhand imbue, whereas before it was not viable. Since FT responds very well to decreased swing time, a faster weapon is better now than it was before FT became viable.

Additionally, considering the differing GCD priorities in pvp vs pve, the amount of "lost" procs caused by using a fast OH over a slow one will be small, since SS and LL will probably not be used immediatly after them coming off of cooldown (LL moreso than SS).

The net result would be that slow/slow appears to be better on paper, but slow/fast is an option that will likely perform nearly as well all other things being equal.

Edited, Oct 30th 2008 5:06pm by TheJadeMonkey
#14 Oct 30 2008 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
I think if a shaman wants to take advantage of Lava Lash and Maelstrom Weapon they will continue to use a slow off hand even if they use FT, Lava Lash wont do much damage with a fast off hand and with a slower Off hand you have a higher chance to get maelstrom weapon to proc with Lava Lash and Storm Strike attacks. PPM always work better with slower weapons (while with auto attacks makes no difference) but when you throw in extra attacks it is extra chances to PPM. Although if Lava Lash damage is normalized in damage and MSW doesn't offer enough damage then a faster off hand, then you may be right jademonkey.
#15 Oct 30 2008 at 10:39 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
No offense, but I don't think you quite understand what you're talking about.

Let's start with this:

Lava Lash
You charge your off-hand weapon with lava, instantly dealing 100% off-hand Weapon damage. Damage is increased by 25% if your off-hand weapon is enchanted with Flametongue.

As you can clearly see, Lava Lash is based entirely on the weapon damage of your off-hand weapon. So having a fast off-hand is going to guarantee you weaker Lava Lashes in addition to weaker Stormstrikes. And if you're not going to focus on Lava Lash's damage, what's the point of putting FT on your off-hand weapon at all? WF/WF is going to be more DPS than WF/FT regardless of weapon speed even with the spell damage bonus taken into account.

TheJadeMonkey wrote:
Additionally, considering the differing GCD priorities in pvp vs pve, the amount of "lost" procs caused by using a fast OH over a slow one will be small, since SS and LL will probably not be used immediatly after them coming off of cooldown (LL moreso than SS).

Um... I'm honestly not quite sure what you're trying to say here. What procs are being lost and where? WF? FT?

It sounds like you're trying to go back to the whole "proc-stealing" myth. By all means, correct me if I misunderstood. That having been said, the entire slow/slow vs. slow/fast argument was born out of the issue of managing your WF procs and attempting to force as many WF procs off the stronger main-hand as possible. But if you have FT on your off-hand this becomes a complete non-issue. If your main-hand is the only weapon that can proc WF then there's literally nothing to manage.

My other thought was that maybe you were trying to address jousting with the reference to PvP in there, but that would still favor slow/slow.

MSW, SS, LL, WF... As far as I can see there is literally zero reason to ever have a fast off-hand. Quite literally every mechanic at the Enhancement Shaman's disposal favors slow/slow over slow/fast in every situation at all times regardless of which imbues you decide to roll with.
#16 Oct 31 2008 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
/sigh, a simple statement that a fast OH is better than before (or maybe you would understand better if I said "not as bad as before") and it necessitates a 15 min response... Ok, here we go.

There will only be a difference between average the number of MSW procs observed over a period of time if instant attacks with the OH are used. In this case, we have two options to increase the average observed MSW procs through using a slower OH: LL and SS. However, the theoretical maximum average MSW proc gain caused by using a slow OH over a fast OH will never be observed in a real life situation due to GCD constraints, imperfect "time on target", or differing instantaneous priorities depending on the fight(eg. spell interrupts, purge, tremor, grounding, MSW stack spell cast, feral spirits, heroism, earth bind, poison/disease cleanse, etc). LL particularly will be very low on the priority list of actions to use, so the damage difference between a fast and slow weapon as a result of LL will be small and mostly negligible. The point also still remains that FT imbue scales well with decreased swing speeds, so the damage difference between a fast and slow OH will be narrowed even more.

These factors combine to make a fast OH more feasible (or less bad) now than it was in the entirety of TBC. Now, do you quite understand what I'm talking about?

*edit for spelling*

Edited, Oct 31st 2008 12:13pm by TheJadeMonkey
#17 Oct 31 2008 at 8:21 AM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
I think the idea of a fast-offhand is interesting, but so far, the numbers I've seen still point to slow. From what I've read so far recommends the following spell rotation (by priority of which is off cooldown:

1. Lightning Bolt (5/5 Maelstrom)
2. StormStrike
3. Earth Shock
4. Lavalash

I've read that Flameshock is now dead and no longer a part of the enhancement shaman rotation. I do like to keep chain heal handy for fights with a lot of AoE damage...instant chain heal can be a life-saver. Elitist Jerks is looking into the FT on off-hand, but has so far kept with the dual-WF which means two slow weapons.


Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#18 Oct 31 2008 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
164 posts
Nobody has mentioned this yet, so I figured I might as well.

The sole reason that a fast OH could ever be preferable is that FT scales significantly better the faster the swing speed. This is because while the base damage of FT is scalar, the bonus damage from Spell Power is a flat 10% independent of weapon speed. I have no idea on the math of it, but there is a point where the added damage from FT will outstrip the loss of damage on Lava Lash and Stomestrike.

That being said, WF/WF slow/slow is still easily the best setup (at least currently) for all intents and purposes.
#19 Oct 31 2008 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
At least until the FT glyph and Elemental Fury are both easily available.
#20 Oct 31 2008 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
TheJadeMonkey wrote:
/sigh, a simple statement that a fast OH is better than before (or maybe you would understand better if I said "not as bad as before") and it necessitates a 15 min response...

Well, I mean, you're putting it out there that a fast off-hand is somehow a good idea. Which I don't agree with. And someone who didn't know their way around the spec or weapons for it might come here and read that information. So yeah, it did necessitate a response. However, much in the same manner that I'm not sure how you decided my post was a "15 minute response", I'm just not seeing how you're arriving at the conclusion that a fast off-hand is "better than before".

There will only be a difference between average the number of MSW procs observed over a period of time if instant attacks with the OH are used. In this case, we have two options to increase the average observed MSW procs through using a slower OH: LL and SS. However, the theoretical maximum average MSW proc gain caused by using a slow OH over a fast OH will never be observed in a real life situation due to GCD constraints, imperfect "time on target", or differing instantaneous priorities depending on the fight(eg. spell interrupts, purge, tremor, grounding, MSW stack spell cast, feral spirits, heroism, earth bind, poison/disease cleanse, etc). LL particularly will be very low on the priority list of actions to use, so the damage difference between a fast and slow weapon as a result of LL will be small and mostly negligible. The point also still remains that FT imbue scales well with decreased swing speeds, so the damage difference between a fast and slow OH will be narrowed even more.

These factors combine to make a fast OH more feasible (or less bad) now than it was in the entirety of TBC. Now, do you quite understand what I'm talking about?

I think maybe where we're not seeing eye-to-eye here is the net value of a fast off-hand. If you want to make the statement that a fast off-hand with Flametongue is better than it used to be, then yeah, I would agree based on the increased value of Flametongue and Lava Lash. However, better than bad doesn't necessarily mean good. A fast off-hand still sucks. You're giving up damage in literally every facet off Enhancement Shaman DPS for off-hand auto-attacks. You're arguing that a fast off-hand with FT will yield more DPS than a slow off-hand with FT, and I'm saying that the point is completely irrelevent when you're still lowering your total net DPS. You're essentially robbing Peter to pay Paul and losing your own money in the transaction.

Now, as far as GCD constraints goes, that should never be an issue in PvE, especially with five-minute totem timers. In PvP, assuming you were also somehow too constrained to fit in Lava Lash (which I am honestly not seeing myself nor hearing from other Enhancers), then why would you even have a fast off-hand with Flametongue in the first place? Slow WF/slow WF would be far more beneficial in that case. The same is true for PvE. If you're not going to mess with Lava Lash then you're still better off going with slow WF/slow WF.
#21 Oct 31 2008 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
I never said that it was optimum; I clearly stated that it was better than before, or as you say "better than it used to be" (which is a direct contradiction of your line earlier in the post by the way). Also, the 15 min response refered to my time, not yours.

But please clarify, what is your definition of "sucks"? 2% less dps? 5% less? 10%? I think a statement along the lines of "feasable, but not optimal" is a better description.

And there are certainly GCD constraints even in PVE. It is conceivable that one could have a full MSW stack at the same time as the SS, LL, and Shock cooldowns are all off cooldown. The crazy RNG from MSW completly changes the way we play and intruduces an incredible amount of complexity to our cycles. We're going to be hitting a lot more buttons than just a twisting macro and a shock macro this time around, and it will be a lot more dynamic, exciting, and difficult to be a good enhancement shammy.

Finally, what type of PVP are you referencing when you say you haven't run into any GCD problems? 2v2 is a lot less hectic than a 3v3 or 5v5 and hence requires a lot less management on the shamans part, so if one were to focus on that experience it would not necessarily be indicative of the larger picture. Totem management and refreshing, instant cast melee abilities, interupts, potential instant/near instant cast heals, purging, heroism calls, offhand/shield weapon swaps, and refreshing elemental shields make me think there's a lot to do in basically every available GCD.
#22 Oct 31 2008 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
Your posts are becoming increasingly harder to understand.

TheJadeMonkey wrote:
But please clarify, what is your definition of "sucks"? 2% less dps? 5% less? 10%? I think a statement along the lines of "feasable, but not optimal" is a better description.

What's your definition of optimal? Or feasible? Fast off-hands are baseline feasible, but what, pray tell, is the point if know it's going to yield a decrease in DPS? As I said, better than bad doesn't necessarily mean good.

If a fast off-hand always yields at least 1% less total DPS then it sucks. Any deliberate choice which directly results in a lower amount of DPS "sucks" in my book. Why would you do it? Aesthetics? If something is aesthetically pleasing to you, by all means, go for it, but make sure you're capable of distinguishing what you like from what is effective.

And there are certainly GCD constraints even in PVE. It is conceivable that one could have a full MSW stack at the same time as the SS, LL, and Shock cooldowns are all off cooldown. The crazy RNG from MSW completly changes the way we play and intruduces an incredible amount of complexity to our cycles. We're going to be hitting a lot more buttons than just a twisting macro and a shock macro this time around, and it will be a lot more dynamic, exciting, and difficult to be a good enhancement shammy.

So your argument is that one should gaurantee themselves a lower amount of DPS in order to better accommodate MSW which works on the RNG and hope that makes up the difference and/or yields a DPS increase? That makes no sense whatsoever. Again, if you're facing GCD constraints as such that you feel the need to shed an attack from your rotation, Lava Lash seems like the obvious choice to me if MSW is up enough to consistently fill a rotation. And if that's the case, why are you even using FT on your off-hand instead of WF?

The other option would be to keep Lava Lash in with FT on to accomodate it, in which case a slower weapon is going to do you more good.

Finally, what type of PVP are you referencing when you say you haven't run into any GCD problems? 2v2 is a lot less hectic than a 3v3 or 5v5 and hence requires a lot less management on the shamans part, so if one were to focus on that experience it would not necessarily be indicative of the larger picture. Totem management and refreshing, instant cast melee abilities, interupts, potential instant/near instant cast heals, purging, heroism calls, offhand/shield weapon swaps, and refreshing elemental shields make me think there's a lot to do in basically every available GCD.

There's plenty to do in PvP; no one's arguing against that. But to suggest that you're going to be so busy that you're never going to be able to find a GCD to attack is assinine, especially when that's the entire point of your spec. If that's the case, we might as well assume SS, shocks, and MSW casts are out as well. Trust me; there is time and there is most definitely a place for Lava Lash in PvP. It's on-demand, armor-bypassing burst damage. You want that. Especially since MSW is typically better saved for heals the smaller the scale of PvP gets and, quite honestly, unless you're beating on a plate-wearer that's getting healed, you're unlikely to see more than a single full stack of MSW before a fight will be over.
#23 Oct 31 2008 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
I don't even know where to begin with this post. You really like arguing with people who say the same thing as you, dont you?

In one sentence you say
I'm just not seeing how you're arriving at the conclusion that a fast off-hand is "better than before".

Then two sentences later you say
If you want to make the statement that a fast off-hand with Flametongue is better than it used to be, then yeah, I would agree

Was that not my exact same argument when I said
the general consensus is still slow/slow all other things being equal, but fast offhands are much better than they were before.

As to the definitions of optimal and feasible, use the standard dictionary definitions.

Please explain the jump in logic that took you from
And there are certainly GCD constraints even in PVE. It is conceivable that one could have a full MSW stack at the same time as the SS, LL, and Shock cooldowns are all off cooldown. The crazy RNG from MSW completly changes the way we play and intruduces an incredible amount of complexity to our cycles. We're going to be hitting a lot more buttons than just a twisting macro and a shock macro this time around, and it will be a lot more dynamic, exciting, and difficult to be a good enhancement shammy.


So your argument is that one should gaurantee themselves a lower amount of DPS in order to better accommodate MSW which works on the RNG and hope that makes up the difference and/or yields a DPS increase? That makes no sense whatsoever. Again, if you're facing GCD constraints as such that you feel the need to shed an attack from your rotation, Lava Lash seems like the obvious choice to me if MSW is up enough to consistently fill a rotation. And if that's the case, why are you even using FT on your off-hand instead of WF?

Also, where do you get the idea that I was suggesting that we'll nevernever find a GCD to attack? There is a lot to do, as you agree, and as I stated earlier instantaneous fight priorities will dictate when you have the chance to use LL. The places where LL will be the best use of that GCD will be limited however, meaning that it will not be used every 6 seconds.

I'm done wasting my time here, explaining how we're saying the same friggin thing yet again.
#24 Oct 31 2008 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
As I said, your posts grew increasingly difficult to understand. It sounded to me like you were saying that fast off-hands had become good enough to the point that they could warrant use over a slow off-hand if one so desired and see either no change in net DPS or a small DPS increase.

If that's not the case, then I agree, we're done arguing. I guess I'm just not used to people making completely superfluous statements and then clawing tooth and nail to defend them. Usually when people do that they have a point to make.

Edited, Nov 1st 2008 5:59am by Gaudion
#25 Nov 02 2008 at 12:30 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
I love me too.

No, seriously though... I take responsibility for the misunderstanding if that's what it is we were having. I was just under the impression that TheJadeMonkey was trying to make a point for fast off-handers with FT being an equal-to-or-superior choice than the other speed/imbue options available. The numbers on EJ don't back that up, and neither did my personal tests nor what I've been seeing/hearing on my server, which is why I made a point to protest it.
#26 Nov 02 2008 at 12:58 AM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
I love you Gaudion, you're such a prick and so much fun to argue/debate with.
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