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Level 80 builds.Follow

#1 Oct 21 2008 at 1:28 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Enough discussing about lvl 70 builds, it's only for a month anyway.
I want to see lvl 80 builds!

For now, I'm guessing/hoping on:

BM: 50/21/0
Because I think readiness will top whatever extra dmg an exotic pet will do.
And the 4 bonus petpoints really cant be used for much useful stuff anymore at lvl 80.
30% or more uptime on BW is pretty sweet too ^^

MM: 0/53/18 or with barrage
Chimera/poison/TSA build... really speaks for itself I think...
barrage will depend on wether or not youcan afford to use multi's as MM.

SV: 0/20/51
Hunting party/explosive shot/poisons.
Pretty straightforward.

Hybrid: 0/40/31 or with barrage
TSA/boosted stats, +13% crit, 19% agi... jummy!
barrage deal same as above.

50/21/0 BM.
Rather close to the PvE build, but honestly... 30+% uptime on BW, 10% running speed.. it's just cool.
0/51/20 MM
Chimera, drain... and as much survivability as I could gather.

That's all I could come up with at the moment, so discuss!
#2 Oct 21 2008 at 6:14 AM Rating: Good
377 posts
I'd have to disagree with your marks builds, though I could easily be proven wrong. I just can't see LnL being worth, essentially, 11 points.

These are what I would do.
With Barrage

Without Barrage

Both are actually 7/56/7+1 builds.

Your hybrid build is actually very close to what I'm playing currently (obviously +10 talents). Gives big numbers. ^^

Edit: This is what I'm running with right now I believe.

Edited, Oct 21st 2008 1:41pm by Ieatrocks
#3 Oct 21 2008 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
210 posts
my question would be why put 2 points into improved revive pet instead of thick hide? (BM spec)
#4 Oct 21 2008 at 9:02 AM Rating: Good
377 posts
Because Thick Hide is useless for raiding since if anything hits your pet directly he's dead anyway. Imp. Revive is just the best option in case you ***** up and let your pet die to aoe damage or (s)he eats an accidental cleave on the way to the boss or whatever.

It's just filler points, but it's the best option.
#5 Oct 21 2008 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
210 posts
ahh gotcha, thx
#6 Oct 21 2008 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
830 posts
Well, if you are using a ferocity pet in Raids with Heart of the Phoenix, those '***** ups' are dealt with automatically, so if they are just 'fill points' then IMO, I'd go with the Thick Hide. It might keep your pet from dying to that heafty physical attack and give you/your healers the chance to fix the issue before the pet dies. If you are going with a multitude of pets, the Improved Revive makes more sense to me.

Having said that, armor is worthless against magic attacks (spells) so I guess being 'fill points' it doesn't matter one way or the other. Whatever blows your skirt...
#7 Oct 21 2008 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
I have heard, wish i knew where, that Exotic pets where going to be buffed to do more damage. If this is true then i can see that point being useful. I would also like to know how a devilsaur will perform at level 80. With that in mind i would go with something like this

However i have 4 points leftover. I have no clue where to use them. the points i have in the later BM talents all fully suffice for what they are intended for. Do i put three in Hunters mark, to help the raid out. Along with my glyph that could be a signifigant raid buff. Or, do i go with efficiency, or Imp Track (kinda useless now) I really am not sure what to do with the last 4 points.

*edit* What and how would readiness up your dps as BM? The only cooldown i see useful would be rapid fire. BW will already be on almost a 1min cooldown. Please tell me if i am missing something else big. Also as BM i am not currently using any stings in my rotations. Unless they buff those at level 80 i dont plan on changeing that. Our mana efficiency is through the roof so efficiency is also a lot less useful as BM. It is kind of nice to have extra points laying around!

Edited, Oct 21st 2008 8:43pm by rinkkel
#8 Oct 21 2008 at 8:22 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
You really want two points in invigoration.
BM: 50/21/0
Because I think readiness will top whatever extra dmg an exotic pet will do.
And the 4 bonus petpoints really cant be used for much useful stuff anymore at lvl 80.
30% or more uptime on BW is pretty sweet too ^^
it's not just the exotic pets though, there are other talents you're passing up.

I see BM specs going two ways. One is 55/16/0 and the other is the 50/21/0

The comparison is really between longevity and readiness. The point about desyncing TBW and trinkets is valid, however longevity also decreases pet CD's for all abilities, which could end up being significant and readiness would desync them anyway. At this point you get the 51 pt talent just because the points are quite handy for pet survivability and there really isn't anything better. You also get 1 extra point in cobra strikes, which is nice, and makes invigoration better. Honestly I really really hope that this is very very close in terms of DPS. I'd love to have the option to go either way.

Of course this ignores efficiency. But by all reports it's not needed.

Edited, Oct 21st 2008 11:37pm by Xsarus
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#9 Oct 22 2008 at 1:09 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Sir Xsarus wrote:
You really want two points in invigoration.
Only Invig has been proven to be worthless in raids so far.
With Spriests and retadins (and possibly SV hunters too) returning mana as well as short fights there's not much reason to take it.
So unless Blizzard will implement long bossfights, wich I seriously doubt because of blizzards ongoing fight to make WoW more casual, I dont see Invig being used much in the future.

it's not just the exotic pets though, there are other talents you're passing up.

I see BM specs going two ways. One is 55/16/0 and the other is the 50/21/0

The comparison is really between longevity and readiness. The point about desyncing TBW and trinkets is valid, however longevity also decreases pet CD's for all abilities, which could end up being significant and readiness would desync them anyway. At this point you get the 51 pt talent just because the points are quite handy for pet survivability and there really isn't anything better. You also get 1 extra point in cobra strikes, which is nice, and makes invigoration better. Honestly I really really hope that this is very very close in terms of DPS. I'd love to have the option to go either way.

Of course this ignores efficiency. But by all reports it's not needed.
First spec: 3/3 cobra strikes is wasted.
Pets get a lot of crit from themselves and talents... pets just cant use up the cobra charges, ofcourse, gear is a factor here too, the better your gear the worse cobra strikes gets.
And as said above invigoration just isnt that good.
#10 Oct 22 2008 at 2:01 AM Rating: Decent
I'll definitely go for a 50/21/0.

BW + Logevity + Readyness....
Time (s)	Ability 
0	    BW 
18	    BW Ends 
18	    Readyness 
19	    BW 
37	    BW Ends 
103	    BW 
121	    BW Ends 
198	    Readyness 
199	    BW 
283	    BW Ends 

In the first five minutes you get over a minute of BW.
Basically you're getting Big Red Kitty 25% of the time.

Edit: formatting

Edited, Oct 22nd 2008 6:02am by Kelnoen
#11 Oct 22 2008 at 4:59 AM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Sir Xsarus wrote:
You really want two points in invigoration.
Only Invig has been proven to be worthless in raids so far.
With Spriests and retadins (and possibly SV hunters too) returning mana as well as short fights there's not much reason to take it.
So unless Blizzard will implement long bossfights, wich I seriously doubt because of blizzards ongoing fight to make WoW more casual, I dont see Invig being used much in the future.
Good to know. I thought that the combination was what was keeping people on their feet for so long. I haven't had time to raid since the patch though.

His Excellency Aethien wrote:
First spec: 3/3 cobra strikes is wasted.
Pets get a lot of crit from themselves and talents... pets just cant use up the cobra charges, ofcourse, gear is a factor here too, the better your gear the worse cobra strikes gets.
And as said above invigoration just isnt that good.
Yeah, I hate the fact that cobra gets worse the better your gear is. However arczua's chart did seem to show that another point wouldn't be wasted. I'd wonder where you'd put the last point? If invigoration isn't needed and cobra strikes is as weak as you say then I'd wager on 50/21/0 being pretty amazing, with invigoration and readiness. I'll have to go take another look at that spreadsheet. (it's on tkasomething, but it might be out of date by now. I might end up making a new one)
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#12 Oct 22 2008 at 5:08 AM Rating: Excellent
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
3/3 cobra strikes is wasted.
Pets get a lot of crit from themselves and talents... pets just cant use up the cobra charges, ofcourse, gear is a factor here too, the better your gear the worse cobra strikes gets.

Actually I don't see cobra strikes as this bad. It is not a great talent, but spending points on it is not a total waste after all.
Lets take another approach to see why.
The normal crit rate of a BM pet is:
5% standard crit rate
+10% from BM talents
+ 9% from pet talents
+ x% from raid buffs and mob debuffs
So we are looking at a crit rate of 24% + pet buffs and mob debuffs. Lets assume a raid buffed pet currently gets to 30-35% crit rate (leader of the pack, mob debuffs plus stat buffs).

Since the crit rate of your pet is not bound to the hunter's gear and cobra strikes only procs from special attacks (which are bound to the GCD), the pet should be able to eat up the charges before it procs again.

But how much damage does cobra strikes give us?
I'll try to answer with data from a BT run we did yesterday.
Over all boss fights (I ignore trash fights as those mobs never are fully debuffed and vary in their level) my pet had a crite rate of 35% with normal attacks.
However special attacks (claw and rake) had a crit rate of 50% and 49%.
Here is the WWS from yesterday so that you can see the numbers I use as a reference: BT clear

Since only cobra strikes increases the critical strike chance of my pet specials I can safely assume that cobra strikes (which I have specced 2/3) increased my pets crit rate on special attacks from ~35% to ~50%.
By looking at the avg damage values of those abilities a critical claw hit gives an extra 349damage and a critical rake hit gives an extra 423damage.
Lets calculate the overall damage gain:
claw: 595 hits (of which 300 where crits). With a 35% crit rate my pet would have crit 595*0.35 = 208 times with claw. So cobra strikes gave my pet 92 critical strikes with claw which gave my pet 92 * 349 = 32k damage.
rake: 100 hits (of which 49 where crits). With a 35% crit rate 35 my pet would have crit 35 times with rake. Thus cobra strikes gave my pet 14 critical strikes with rake or 14 * 423 = 5.9k damage.

So in total cobra strikes gave my pet 38k extra damage over all boss fights. My pet did ~1m damage against those bosses, thus cobra strikes is about 4% of my pet's dps.
Me and my pet did about 3m damage in total, thus cobra strikes was responsible for a about 1.3% of my total dps.

So as a answer to how good cobra strikes is, I can say that cobra strikes seems to yield ~0.65% damage per talent point.
If a talent gives you more in terms of total dps, it is better than cobra strikes, if it yields less, it is worse than cobra strikes :)

Anyone seeing flaws in my assumptions and calculations?
#13 Oct 22 2008 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
For the SV build IMO you should take out the two points in expose weakness and the one point in Surefooted and put it into TNT for the 9% increased chance to critical strike with your explosive shot(trigger hunter party more often and trill of the hunt). The bonus chance to stun is nice as well.

For PVP I'll probably be using this 13/0/58 build. It maximized survivability IMO with more health and armor, and allows you to survive in melee combat(which is nice cause people rarelt expect a hunter's melee power to be as powerful as this build can make it.) I'm no expert on pvp though, although this would mostly be in BG's as oppossed to arena's (where i've heard hunter's are more for draining than actual DPS)
#14 Oct 22 2008 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
49 posts
Ok I get to sound like a newb doof. But what Talent calculator are you all using? Because the one on the main wow site only allows me to do builds up till 70.
#15 Oct 22 2008 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
You can use The Wowhead one, or the one on the WoW Wiki. both work
#16 Oct 22 2008 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Ahhh thanks very much.
#17 Oct 23 2008 at 11:33 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Smithfoo wrote:
For the SV build IMO you should take out the two points in expose weakness and the one point in Surefooted and put it into TNT for the 9% increased chance to critical strike with your explosive shot(trigger hunter party more often and trill of the hunt). The bonus chance to stun is nice as well.
only you wont be shooting explosive unless LnL procs because of mana though, so I'd prefer the 2 points in EW to give me a constant AP bonus.
The point in surefooted should move though.

the stun bonus is useless and pointless in PvE and PvP.

For PVP I'll probably be using this 13/0/58 build. It maximized survivability IMO with more health and armor, and allows you to survive in melee combat(which is nice cause people rarelt expect a hunter's melee power to be as powerful as this build can make it.) I'm no expert on pvp though, although this would mostly be in BG's as oppossed to arena's (where i've heard hunter's are more for draining than actual DPS)
You linked a 0/20/51 build, not a 13/0/58 build.

And no offense, but 13/0/58 is a retarded build.
I dont even need to see the exact point distribution for that.

Mulgrin wrote:
So as a answer to how good cobra strikes is, I can say that cobra strikes seems to yield ~0.65% damage per talent point.
If a talent gives you more in terms of total dps, it is better than cobra strikes, if it yields less, it is worse than cobra strikes :)

Anyone seeing flaws in my assumptions and calculations?

Cant see any flaws really, except for the way Blizzard seems to be unable to see that a 1% dps increase for our pet or for use is different from a 1% total dps increase.
And honestly, 0.65% dps per point is rather weak, that's the same as well... lethal shots and imp. tracking... stuff at the very first tier.

And I think that more uptime on BW will increase dps more (so 3/3 longevity, 1/3 CS)

Edit: just thought of this, I am curious how much of a dps increase 1 point would be, as well as 3.
I suspect that the average dps gain per point is higher when you have 1 point and lower when you have 3 due to the pet not being able to fully use all charges.

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 9:35am by Aethien
#18 Oct 24 2008 at 1:47 AM Rating: Good
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
And honestly, 0.65% dps per point is rather weak, that's the same as well... lethal shots and imp. tracking... stuff at the very first tier.

Yes, although more pet crits = more chances for proccing frenzy (which should make 3/5 points in frenzy a viable option).

His Excellency Aethien wrote:

Edit: just thought of this, I am curious how much of a dps increase 1 point would be, as well as 3.
I suspect that the average dps gain per point is higher when you have 1 point and lower when you have 3 due to the pet not being able to fully use all charges.

I don't think that the pet would not be able to eat up the charges a lot of the time. Every pet has a focus dump currently.
Every 1.5 seconds the pet will do a special attack. Thus the two charges will be eat up really fast (in 3 seconds tops).
Cobra strikes only has a 20, 40 or 60% chance to proc an a crit of a special shot. A hunter can not do more than one special shot every 1.5 seconds.
Even if two special shots crit in a row, both shots would have to proc cobra strikes for a charge to be wasted. All in all that is rather unlikely to happen very often. So yes, the first point might yield a bit more dps than the second or third talent point but the difference should not be very noticable.
#19 Oct 24 2008 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
never realized the link screwed up the actual build would be The points in BM greatly increase survivability,i just like the build because i'll be able to melee live in melee versus rogues and others(i just like owning people in melee as a hunter, catches people way offguard if they think they know what every hunter is going to do when they close in on them)

As for the EW over TNT, since it's no longer a raid wide buff i wasn't too sure about grabbing it. Hpwever with TnT using Explosive shot more often is quite viable, a 9% increased chance to trigger Thrill of the hunt( which gives back 40% of the 7%-(4% of that) base mana cost) and since we both have survival instincts it's a total of 13%(16% if killer instincts applies to this as well) base increase to critical, combine that with well geared raiders already have a high Critical strike increase at least 30% of the time your getting 40% of your mana back and giving the Mana buff from Hunting party(which if your grouped with shadow priest and ret pally's you could have your entire raid getting this buff) personally the mana buffs that you get from the SV tree should keep you from going OOM if you conisitently use explosive shot. But the lvl 80 builds are mostly theorycrafting right now anyways.
#20 Nov 13 2008 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent
255 posts
I was thinking about this as MM...

any thoughts?
#21 Nov 13 2008 at 8:35 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts

I've been having a lot of use from Barrage and Imp Barrage. Even if it's just from Aimed Shot, if Volley becomes less useful with less AoE going on.

And Aimed Shot is actually my cheapest shot.
#22 Nov 13 2008 at 6:15 PM Rating: Default
I'm definatly going with a BM: 50/21/0 only thing I'd do different then yours is put the 3 points from improved stings into efficacy. I've actaully noticed and just me personally I get more DPS by not wasting a global cool down and 10% mana off a steady shot will let you keep aspect of the hawk on longer, before switching to viper for those longer encounters. I dunno just an idea will see how everything plays out very soon. Hope we stay on top of the DMG meters!

Edited, Nov 13th 2008 9:17pm by fhfire
#23 Nov 13 2008 at 6:45 PM Rating: Good
377 posts
I was actually wondering about something like This for BM at 80 too. I would think those 7 points in Surv would outweigh readiness and efficiency. Imp tracking seems like it'd be right around 2.5-3% increase in DPS and Survival instincts about another 1%.

As with most of this speculation though it's pretty dependent on how mana looks at 80. Efficiency may be the real prize in the 50/21 build with 10% longer to have to go into viper, and less time spent in viper. It'd suck to have to go from being forced 20 deep into marks to... having to go 20 deep in marks.

Edited, Nov 13th 2008 9:45pm by Ieatrocks
#24 Nov 27 2008 at 2:22 PM Rating: Default
Just have a question on the OP. Can that be used to level from 70-80 on the BM build. OR should I go with 51 in bm so I can add the 4 extra points to my pet then respec to it at 80? Got 2 points at level 72 and don't know were to add them >< lol messing around on the wowhead and came up with this for pveing to 80:

Just looking to get to 80. Then I'll take a raiding build since well..I'll be raiding. :D
#25 Nov 27 2008 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Smithfoo wrote:
never realized the link screwed up the actual build would be The points in BM greatly increase survivability,i just like the build because i'll be able to melee live in melee versus rogues and others(i just like owning people in melee as a hunter, catches people way offguard if they think they know what every hunter is going to do when they close in on them)
See my previous comment.

fhfire wrote:
I'm definatly going with a BM: 50/21/0 only thing I'd do different then yours is put the 3 points from improved stings into efficacy. I've actaully noticed and just me personally I get more DPS by not wasting a global cool down and 10% mana off a steady shot will let you keep aspect of the hawk on longer, before switching to viper for those longer encounters. I dunno just an idea will see how everything plays out very soon. Hope we stay on top of the DMG meters![/i]
Serpent sting = +10% steadyshot dps if you have the glyph (which you should if you're a pve hunter)

And I used 50/21 to level to 80, worked perfectly fine for me.
#26 Nov 28 2008 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
881 posts
for the 50/21 PvE build, why don't you take focused aim instead of improved stings. Is it just because there is so much hit gear that you can't help but become hit capped? I was hoping to need less hit and be able to focus on more crit/agi/ap.

I'm only 72 and haven't even browsed the 80 gear yet.
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