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Sword PvP Build?Follow

#27 Oct 21 2008 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Yes, Hemo (35e) for 1 CP and damage.

Mutilate (60e) for 2 CP and damage.

This is not including the fact that mutilate is much, much higher DPE without Sinister Calling.

Learn how to do math, Zafire.
#28 Oct 21 2008 at 2:28 PM Rating: Default
4,639 posts
Yes, Hemo (35e) for 1 CP and damage.

Mutilate (60e) for 2 CP and damage.

This is not including the fact that mutilate is much, much higher DPE without Sinister Calling.

Learn how to do math, Zafire.

Hemo under Overkill is 25 energy.
Mutilate under Overkill is 50 energy.

Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
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#29 Oct 21 2008 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Zafire the Tulip wrote:
Yes, Hemo (35e) for 1 CP and damage.

Mutilate (60e) for 2 CP and damage.

This is not including the fact that mutilate is much, much higher DPE without Sinister Calling.

Learn how to do math, Zafire.

Hemo under Overkill is 25 energy.
Mutilate under Overkill is 50 energy.


Facepalming so, so very hard right now.

Mutilate DPE is still higher, ******.
#30Zafire, Posted: Oct 21 2008 at 2:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I said it was better for damage. You need to learn to read entire posts.
#31 Oct 21 2008 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Do you know what DPE is?

It's Damage Per Energy.
#32 Oct 21 2008 at 2:49 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Theo's right. Hemo is effectively 35 energy for 1 combo point. Mutilate is 60 for 2, aka 30 for 1. Hemo under overkill = 25 energy per combo point. So is muti under overkill. Combine that with the higher DPE and the fact that you've got other options when you need a quick strike/combo (I use Shiv, but perhaps SS would be better) and the matter is pretty much settled.

The idea of the spec is nice, but some things strike even me as pointless. I recently specced out of Vile Poisons because I found I really don't need it anymore. Not to mention I really don't think 6% increased poison chance gives you bang for your bucks... I'd pick Remorseless over that, tbh.

Sticking with an OHP build made purely for an opening burst, I'd probably go with something like this... And cry about the loss of 5/5 Relentless. Alternatively you could simply continue to a Mut/Prep build without prep... (This rather, but the other one's what I got). I urge you to simply give it a try. Missing prep hurts, but that's about it. Focused Attacks gives you loads of bang for your bucks, and so does Mutilate. Apperantly especially with off-hand spec. It plays pretty much the same, but it does the job better.
#33 Oct 21 2008 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
4,639 posts
This is what a person in muti would do for pure damage

Cheap Shot - 50 energy (2 CP)
Mutilate - 50 energy (2 or 3 CP. 3 if it crits. 2 if one hit misses and one hit crits. or 2 if both hits land but no crit)
Evis - 25 energy with 4 or 5 CP (If you choose to muti at 4 CP you're wasting CP's)
Muti - (2 or 3 CP)

Total: 175 energy needed to do 1 CS, 2 mutilates, 1 evis under Overkill. Leaving you with 2 or 3 CP and no energy to muti again. It's possible in 6 seconds. (180 energy available in 6 seconds, 205 with RS). Even with RS, still leaves you stranded on energy for 3 more seconds until you can muti again.

If you muti after 3 seconds, that's 3 mutilates, 1 evis, 1KS in 9 seconds. That leaves someone out of stun for 5 seconds. Plus, after the 3rd muti, you'd be COMPLETELY sapped on energy, and you'd have 5 CP. With no energy.

This is what my build does

Cheap Shot - 30 energy (3 CP)
Hemo - 25 energy (1CP)
Hemo - 25 Energy (1CP)
Evis - 25 energy
Hemo - 25 energy (1cp)
Hemo - 25 energy (1cp)
Hemo - 25 energy (1cp)

That is

180 energy to do: One Cheap Shot, five hemo's, one evis in 6~ seconds leaving me with 3 CP. That's assuming 60% RS doesn't proc, or a hemo crit doesn't proc Seal Fate.

It's not really any different. I can hemo more then I can muti simply because Cheap Shot costs 20 less energy due to Dirty Tricks.

41/5/15 also kills your Elusiveness, so that's 3 minute vanishes and 1min 30sec CoS.

And no prep.

I am thinking about trying this out:

I really like Imp. Poisons.


I'm not saying Muti isn't better for damage. It REALLY is. But you give up a lot of tools, mainly Dirty Tricks and Elusiveness for a not-so-large increase in damage.

I like swords anyways.

Edited, Oct 21st 2008 7:44pm by Zafire
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
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#34 Oct 21 2008 at 3:54 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Cheap Shot - 50 energy (2 CP)
Mutilate - 50 energy (2 or 3 CP. 3 if it crits. 2 if one hit misses and one hit crits. or 2 if both hits land but no crit)
Evis - 25 energy with 4 or 5 CP (If you choose to muti at 4 CP you're wasting CP's)
Muti - (2 or 3 CP)

I'm not even sure if that's possible. I haven't got the maths on it (I hate maths in fact, I'll leave that to Theo), but I really can't remember ever having a Mutilate on which 1 hit crit and the other didn't.

If you muti after 3 seconds, that's 3 mutilates, 1 evis, 1KS in 9 seconds. That leaves someone out of stun for 5 seconds. Plus, after the 3rd muti, you'd be COMPLETELY sapped on energy, and you'd have 5 CP. With no energy.

Focussed Attacks. It's actually not uncommon for me to have gained 6 to 10 energy out of it by this time.

180 energy to do: One Cheap Shot, five hemo's, one evis in 6~ seconds leaving me with 3 CP. That's assuming 60% RS doesn't proc, or a hemo crit doesn't proc Seal Fate.

How much do your Hemo's hit/crit for? On cloth? On plate?

41/5/15 also kills your Elusiveness, so that's 3 minute vanishes and 1min 30sec CoS.

That is one of the three reasons why I picked the spec with Serrated and Elusiveness over the one with Dual Wield spec. Dual Wield spec would be better for pure burst, however.
#35 Oct 21 2008 at 4:08 PM Rating: Default
4,639 posts
How much do your Hemo's hit/crit for? On cloth? On plate?

On plate? 700-900~ crits. I've seen a few 1k's on paladins.

On Mail? 900-1300~ I see 1200 a lot on hunters

On rogues/druids out of bear/boomkin form? 1k-1.4kish

On Cloth? 1300-1700~. Yes i've seen a 1.7k crit hemo on a warlock. Usually around 1.4k-1.5k

Focussed Attacks. It's actually not uncommon for me to have gained 6 to 10 energy out of it by this time.

Good point, didn't take that into account. I'm gonna respec for full RS now and try the build I posted above. That will give me a lot more breathing room.


That is one of the three reasons why I picked the spec with Serrated and Elusiveness over the one with Dual Wield spec. Dual Wield spec would be better for pure burst, however.

Not speccing DW would lower your offhand muti hit by 25%, that would be a big ouch, wouldn't it?

That is one of the three reasons why I picked the spec with Serrated and Elusiveness over the one with Dual Wield spec. Dual Wield spec would be better for pure burst, however.

Still lose out on 3 point CS's, 30 energy CS's, and Prep.

Remember though, my gear isn't too good. I just hit 70 3 weeks ago.
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
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#36 Oct 21 2008 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
616 posts
Zafire the Tulip wrote:

I'm not saying Muti isn't better for damage. It REALLY is. But you give up a lot of tools, mainly Dirty Tricks and Elusiveness for a not-so-large increase in damage.

This build (with Elusiveness) is pretty much THE Mutilate build. Taking anything else doesn't make much sense. I don't understand which horrible Mut specs that you're seeing without it.

Edited, Oct 21st 2008 5:12pm by ACEJester
#37 Oct 21 2008 at 4:25 PM Rating: Default
4,639 posts
This build (with Elusiveness) is pretty much THE Mutilate build. Taking anything else doesn't make much sense. I don't understand which horrible Mut specs that you're seeing without it.

Still lacks Dirty Tricks, Initiative, and prep. Opening with 20 energy cheaper CS's that are 1 combo point richer really adds a lot of potential to your assault.

I don't think the two builds are that different for damage in PVP. (My sword spec vrs mut)
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

#38 Oct 21 2008 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
128 posts
I introduced the 41/5/15 build (to this particular thread, not as my brainchild; not trying to take credit where it is not due) and I definitely had elusiveness in mind, so that was not an issue.

I like to see people thinking outside the box, thats what Zaf has done and it is always necessary for discovering new and improved techniques. However, due to the responses on this forum (or the drinks ive had during happy hour) I would say most people are going away from the dubbed "Overkill Prep" combo.

All I can say is try both in arena and in BG, whichever you enjoy most, and see what happens.

P.S. Muti even without Prep is so effective against druids (1700 bracket rogue/rogue because its my brother, so im not UBAR LEET, but I wouldn't say I am very sh*tty either). With 50% proc on crip poison effectively and adding an escape artist (yea yea gnome QQ but humans aren't UBER FTW anymore=P) and that muti DPS they dont do so hot=)

Now, what to do about those damn ret paladins when im caught out of stealth, or even in it sometimes!

Edited, Oct 21st 2008 10:01pm by Zisikpus
#39 Oct 21 2008 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Zafire the Tulip wrote:
I don't think the two builds are that different for damage in PVP. (My sword spec vrs mut)

There's a huge difference. MYteddy has worse gear than you and would get 1400 crits on me with 397 resil on with each hand (that's 2800 in case you didn't realize that).

Mutilate does a LOT more damage than hemo. Hemo is pretty much the worst DPE ability rogues have until you talent it further in the sub tree.

It's why tri-spec doesn't work.
#40 Oct 21 2008 at 7:33 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
You can't become a "good player" if you don't raid unless you do BG's and get good gear from honor to become a good player.

I couldn't disagree more with this point. Gear does not make you a good player. Gear enhances good players, but it doesn't make 'em. I've been smoked by weaker-geared players and destroyed better-geared ones (I'm mediocre at PvP, at best). Gear helps, but that's it.

Also, given the same time commitment I think (and please someone correct me if I'm wrong here) that you can score enough arena points to get, say, an off-hand as you can with honor points to get a lesser quality off-hand. To clarify: Given 2 players of average skill, one does arena 5 hours a week, the other does BGs 5 hours a week. I think they would both earn enough of their respective points to get their PvP off-hand weapon at very close to the same time. The only difference is that the arena-point weapon has much better stats than the honor-point one. Again, someone please correct me if this view is in error.

Not trying to start any fires here, just pointing out some what I feel are important details.
#41 Oct 21 2008 at 7:47 PM Rating: Default
4,639 posts
There's a huge difference. MYteddy has worse gear than you and would get 1400 crits on me with 397 resil on with each hand (that's 2800 in case you didn't realize that).

Mutilate does a LOT more damage than hemo. Hemo is pretty much the worst DPE ability rogues have until you talent it further in the sub tree.

It's why tri-spec doesn't work.

Hemo and Muti cost the same energy under Overkill, and I can open with a CS that costs 20 energy less and adds one combo point more. My spec allows you to use swords, and go deep into the utility tree of Subtlety. It may not be as much damage as Mutilate spec's, but it grants more combo points and it saves 20 energy, and also allows Prep.

If you want to use swords in BG's, use this. If you want to use daggers, go muti. If you care about damage over everything, go muti. It DOES do about as much damage simply because I can hemo more then you can muti (5 hemo's vrs 2 muti's) in a short period of time. This allows for 2 4-5 combo point evis's in 6-7~ seconds. I'll leave it at that, unless anyone else wants to continue.

Edited, Oct 21st 2008 11:49pm by Zafire
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

#42 Oct 21 2008 at 8:45 PM Rating: Default
A simple way to end this debate is to put that simply a spec in a battleground is merely either for experimentation or for fun, for example I've seen a couple of rogues with brutal shoulders who are Premed/Seal Fate in BG's just because they find it more fun.

I don't believe that Zafire is trying to convince us all that his spec is superior to mutilate for arenas or PvE, but simply that he prefers it in BG's as it is either fun to play as or, from his perception, "better"
#43 Oct 21 2008 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
616 posts
This post is about VARP, which really started this whole thing.

Zafire the Tulip wrote:

You talk about the SS glyph. It has a 40% chance to give another combo point with a critical hit. Well, my Seal Fate gives my hemo's a 100% chance to give an extra combo point.

You're right in that the SS Glyph is not as good as SF, but it doesn't have to be, it's just a extra bonus.

Zafire the Tulip wrote:

25% extra energy regeneration using 40 point SS's and 35 energy evis's and 40 point CS's, isn't going to give you as much energy conservation as 25 energy hemo's, 30 energy cheap shots, and 25 energy evis's. Adrenaline Rush has a 5 minute recast, Overkill is whenever the @#%^ I cheap shot someone.

This is a close one. From 100 (or 110, 120 depending on your gear/spec) you will get more bang for your buck out of your energy, but once you get down to 0, you're at the mercy of your energy regen. Now, Vit and Overkill are almost equal in their effectiveness here: You don't need as much energy for abilites with Overkill, but your energy regens faster with Vit. So we can call this part about a tie (With Overkill slightly on top over a long period of time, but BG battles seldomly last that long).

Zafire the Tulip wrote:

I have Lethality. 30% more crit damage. You got jack crap.

Hey, you also have IE and Ruthlessness (Why you take Improved Poisons over anything else at all is beyond me). But even with all this you don't beat AR, Sword Spec, Aggression, Dual Wield and Blade Twisting (not counting the mobility from Improved Sprint).

The top 20 rogues don't choose this spec to be cool, it simply works better all around than anything else out right now.

#44Zafire, Posted: Oct 21 2008 at 9:44 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If you read any of this post, you would see that the OP was talking about battle grounds. Like me and the OP, we are just doing BG's to get our gear. It's over 200k honor to get everything you need, and that does take a while. Plus theres extra offhand weapons to get, you probably want the mainhand dagger/sword too, etc. You're looking at 300k+ honor. That's a lot of BGin'.
#45Zafire, Posted: Oct 21 2008 at 10:00 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I absolutely agree with you. I was doing Skirmishes today in arena with my build, just to mess around (it's Skirmishes, why the hell not?), and I was taking out S4 Rogues without too much problem. Having max HS's really helps, since most Rogues aren't using it anymore. And NE's get Elusiveness. Joy.
#46 Oct 21 2008 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
I'm honestly done with this thread. Zafire is obviously too stupid and enamored with his build to see logic, reason, and math pointed out to him.

I've tried the build. It's fun. It does decent up front damage, much like a weaker mutilate.

But it sucks if you seriously consider it for anything. Mutilate is better than it for BGs. VARP is better than it for arena.

End of story; I'm done replying to Zafire. I'll continue to rate down every retarded post he makes, but I won't reply. He's obviously not doing the math.
#47 Oct 22 2008 at 1:49 AM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
You cant go Mut if you only have swords though.
Wich is what the OP was talking about.

So, in his case I'd say go VARP and definately get a team to play arena with, because although you may be weaker in BG's, you'll also be gathering better gear in arena.

Oh, and damage in BG's is not important, killing blows/HK's is.
I'd much rather go 10-1 and end up low on damage than top damage and go 1-10.
#48 Oct 22 2008 at 5:20 AM Rating: Decent
It's not that overkill prep is a bad build for battlegrounds or duels (if you don't have daggers), if that's your thing, it's more that Zafire's version isn't the best version of that build. There are some really stupid point decisions, like imp poisons and not maxing out relentless.
#49 Oct 22 2008 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Alright, few random replies coming up.

Not speccing DW would lower your offhand muti hit by 25%, that would be a big ouch, wouldn't it?

It is. The main reason I've left it out is because all off-hand spec gives me is extra damage. The spec I have now is basically what I get a level 80 minus 10 points. I want to get used to the 'feeling' of my new build; as it is now, level 80 will be exactly the same except for the fact that I'll have openers on stealthers, I have a little more room to breathe thanks to 30 energy CS's, and I'll have prep back. Were I to drop my points in Serrated and Elusiveness for Dual Wield spec, my current playstyle would differ even more from my level 80 one.

This build (with Elusiveness) is pretty much THE Mutilate build. Taking anything else doesn't make much sense. I don't understand which horrible Mut specs that you're seeing without it.

Disagree. Having tried both, I honestly see no reason to pick Vile Poisons over imp Evis or imp EA anymore. Or even Blood Spatter. Rather than using Instant poison you can just as well roll with Wounding/Mind-Numbing and spend the 3 points somewhere else. And things like Find Weakness and imp Kidney Shot are debatable.

I like to see people thinking outside the box, thats what Zaf has done and it is always necessary for discovering new and improved techniques. However, due to the responses on this forum (or the drinks ive had during happy hour) I would say most people are going away from the dubbed "Overkill Prep" combo.

Very true... I suppose I've build myself a reputation of building outside the box specs here already (Or as Theo would say, making retarded specs), but even I think stuff could and should be changed in Zafire's build. The 'pre-patch version' of Overkill/Prep would actually be Seal Fate/Premed, I reckon, and that's what I've been running with the past 2 months. I'm really positive that playing less poison reliant (and taking out Imp van Vile Poisons) would make the spec better. Zafire states he goes purely for the 6-second burst, but it's actually a combination of 6-sec burst and survivability/mobility. Else the spec wouldn't include talents like imp sap and prep. In this light, I really think dropping Imp and Vile poisons for other stuff gives you so much more on longevity that the small decrease of 6-sec burst damage is worth it.
#50 Oct 22 2008 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
4,639 posts
I'm really positive that playing less poison reliant (and taking out Imp van Vile Poisons) would make the spec better

Well, what else can you spec?

3 in Improved Evis
3 in Ruthlessness
1 in Vigor
5 in Lethality

That's 17 talent points. That leaves you with:

Remorseless Attacks
Blood Splatter
Improved Expose Armor
Puncturing Wounds
Vile Poisons
Imp. Poisons

To spend 3 talents on. Imp EA isn't a good idea, because you should be using evis when you get 5 combo points. Blood Splatter isn't good, because you should be opening with Cheap Shot for 3 combo points and using evis, not rupture or garrote. Puncturing Wounds doesn't do anything for you, and Remorseless Attacks isn't effective in ANYTHING outside grinding.

That leaves Vile or Imp. Poisons. The only thing that will add damage is Imp. Poisons. You could always do vile over Imp. Poisons, but if you choose vile you'd have to put 2 combo points into Imp. KS or Quick Recovery, neither which help a 6-second burst build (with swords). So I just chose 5 imp. poisons.

I was also considering this:

Gives 10% damage for 6 sec's. 2% more damage then my current build, more increased stealth, plus adds 4% attack. But I lose Deadly Brew, and my second evis wouldn't have the % damage increase unless I vanish'd.

So, in his case I'd say go VARP and definately get a team to play arena with, because although you may be weaker in BG's, you'll also be gathering better gear in arena.

Well what are you supposed to do when your 2v2 partner isn't on? Or he's doing something else? do BG's. And VARP isn't good for BG's. It's really, really not. Maybe if you get someone that's on all the time and likes to arena a lot, I suppose. But again - Being at the mercy of your partner isn't exactly something you can rely on. The average player isn't like the average player on allakhazam.

This build (with Elusiveness) is pretty much THE Mutilate build. Taking anything else doesn't make much sense. I don't understand which horrible Mut specs that you're seeing without it.

That still wouldn't do too good. My build has more surviablity through Heightened Senses, faster mobility through Camouflage, Dirty Tricks, and Initiative. A Rogue with my build would roll the floor with someone of that Mut build, simply because you're restricted to one vanish, and you are at a disadvantage for the first hit. Theo also agree's that:

I've tried the build. It's fun. It does decent up front damage, much like a weaker mutilate.

It's like a weaker mut with more tools, mobility, and survivability then a regular mut build. I agree, VARP is better for arena and mut is better for BG's. Overkill prep is STILL the most viable sword build as it stands for BG's, and it does decently in arena. At least, it does better then Mut in arena.

I really don't see how this build is "retarded", because it's very effective in any situation PvP. A hybrid sword spec, I guess.

Edited, Oct 22nd 2008 5:04pm by Zafire
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

#51 Oct 22 2008 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
To spend 3 talents on. Imp EA isn't a good idea, because you should be using evis when you get 5 combo points. Blood Splatter isn't good, because you should be opening with Cheap Shot for 3 combo points and using evis, not rupture or garrote. Puncturing Wounds doesn't do anything for you, and Remorseless Attacks isn't effective in ANYTHING outside grinding.

That leaves Vile or Imp. Poisons. The only thing that will add damage is Imp. Poisons. You could always do vile over Imp. Poisons, but if you choose vile you'd have to put 2 combo points into Imp. KS or Quick Recovery, neither which help a 6-second burst build (with swords). So I just chose 5 imp. poisons.

Seriously, aside from Puncturing Wounds, ANYTHING adds more DPS then 6% poison proc chance. Especially on other rogues, you wÃll occassionaly be using rupture. 6-sec burst is nice, but you can't play ALL 6-sec. Imp EA allows you to start off a fight with a 5 point EA and a reasonable amount of energy left, which will ocassionaly be good as well. And Remorseless... is actually a lot more effective in the BG's now than it used to be. I've had killing streaks of more than 2 players pretty much every BG I've joined so far. Remorseless would've given me about 60% crit chance on my next mutilate... Which in is an extra combo point as well.

I was also considering this:

That'd be a fairly nice mut/prep build (without prep). Just PLEASE, get rid of Vile Poisons already =P. It took me about 3 BG's to figure out why it now sucks. Instead, I got 20% evis damage combined with the +10% evis crit chance glyph. And damn, that's been profitable. I've had a 3.8K evis on a feral druid, and aside of when I'm fighting plate, 3K evisses have become standard.
Looking at your comments on the spec I think you posted the wrong link, though.
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