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Sword PvP Build?Follow

#1 Oct 20 2008 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
Hi, this is my first post, regular reader, but I've not been playing WoW that long, so I'm only down with about 50% of the acronyms, so bear with me!
I've been PvPing and working on getting full epic gear since hitting 70. I've been doing ok, or, at least, I was until the patch came out!
I've got the S2 swords, and I was doing ok at 70 with Theophany's ShS spec but, as it seems that others are also experiencing, I've been getting owned since the patch came out. I've re-specced to something like 13-5-43 (tried out ShD, but couldn't suss it out so tried out my own ShS spec), and although I'm getting kills, I'm dying in seconds anytime there's more than one opponent, and when it's 1v1, I'm lucky to get the kill and survive!
I've just read about Theo's VARP spec, and I'm tempted to go for that when I log - it seems Imp Sprint is the new ShS - but I think I need some second opinions.
What would be the best sword spec for PvP that will let me go toe-to-toe with another player in battlegrounds and come away with some HP and dignity intact? In the meantime, I'm gonna try VARP with sword spec...

Much love for the Alla-K rogues! You guys have got me outta a lot of pickles!

#2 Oct 20 2008 at 10:47 AM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
I'm trying out Imp Spring/ShS in the little bit of PvP I'm doing lately, which isn't much admittedly (a few Battlegrounds and 1 world pvp raid). But it seems to be working Ok-ish, though I have not tried out the VARP spec yet for any comparison. ShS still seems to have a good amount of control and survivabilty, which I always liked about it. Just not quite as much as it had but such is the nature of change. Hope that helps, even if just a bit.
#3 Oct 20 2008 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
4,639 posts
Copied from the post below:

I just discovered you can get Overkill and Prep. This is my build i'm using now.

For the FIRST time I was #4 in DPS. Managed to kill 3 mages rezzing from graveyard at FRR today back to back. It DOES grant a lot less survivability, but the offense it gives is just amazing.

Overkill = 25 energy hemo's and 25 energy evis's
Vigor, 120 energy for me
Deadly Brew, do double instant poison and it'll add crippling too. Double instant isn't ideal, but it is pretty nice for damage. Especially with a 26% proc
Cold Blood = 4k evis's whenever you want them
Preperation cools down Cold Blood
Still get 2min vanishes and 1min CoS
Still get Malice and Lethality
2 talents in Murder and 2 in Find Weakness for 8% damage increase

My gear is pretty bad for a 70, since I hit 70 two weeks ago, but this build makes me feel awesome. I encourage you to try it.

I'm a Night Elf though, so i'm not sure if it'll work for everyone. Shadowmeld is now an instant return-to-stealth ability for me if someones attacking me from range.

No Imp. Sprint but with all the extra spike damage i'm doing, I don't really care.

Just realized Overkill makes cheap shot cost 30 energy with this build too! ^_^

I use two swords and absolutely devour nearly every class. I can kill warriors with complete ease now one on one. Mage's don't stand a chance once you get crippling on them. Once they use blink, trinket out of their frost nova/frost bolt and when you get close to them CoS. 5 seconds = dead mage.

Seriously. I was going to give up on Rogue until I used this build. Try it. You'll love it. The damage is absolutely nuts. I can burn through 10k HP from any class in 6 seconds.

It sounds bad on paper, but I really cannot express the difference this build makes. And I spent about 300+ gold respeccing when I was initially at a 15G respec cost.

With 5 people at Blacksmith, you know it's awesome when you can kill a shaman with 9k hp before anyone else even notices you.

Edited, Oct 20th 2008 5:00pm by Zafire

Edited, Oct 20th 2008 5:03pm by Zafire
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

#4 Oct 20 2008 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks Zaf, on my way to try that spec out right now, I'll let you know how I got on! Thanks for the tips!
#5 Oct 20 2008 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
You realize that Imp Poisons doesn't do **** for you, since you should be using Mind Numbing/Wound (MH/OH) with Deadly Brew?

Your build sucks, Zafire.
#6 Oct 20 2008 at 3:35 PM Rating: Default
4,639 posts
You realize that Imp Poisons doesn't do sh*t for you, since you should be using Mind Numbing/Wound (MH/OH) with Deadly Brew?

It does more damage then your utility build. Sorry man.

It's all about doing damage as quick as you can now. Welcome to 3.0
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

#7 Oct 20 2008 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Out of curiosity Zafire, is that a build you're using just for Battlegrounds or for some form of Arena, and if so what comps?

#8Zafire, Posted: Oct 20 2008 at 3:46 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Battlegrounds, I wouldn't take this to arena.
#9 Oct 20 2008 at 3:47 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Figured, thanks for clarifying.
#10 Oct 20 2008 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Zafire the Tulip wrote:
You realize that Imp Poisons doesn't do sh*t for you, since you should be using Mind Numbing/Wound (MH/OH) with Deadly Brew?

It does more damage then your utility build. Sorry man.

It's all about doing damage as quick as you can now. Welcome to 3.0

Yes, it obviously does more damage than my build when my build takes 90% of the rogue DPS talents, were yours takes all of 1-2.

You're still an idiot, and it's becoming more and more obvious every time you post.
#11 Oct 20 2008 at 4:16 PM Rating: Default
4,639 posts
Yes, it obviously does more damage than my build when my build takes 90% of the rogue DPS talents, were yours takes all of 1-2.

You're still an idiot, and it's becoming more and more obvious every time you post.

Okay, let's break this down. Since your ego is obviously bigger then your Richard.

I have 5% more crit then you. You talk about your crit SS's. You crit SS with a dagger? You suck. If you don't SS with a dagger, I have way more crit then you. Your only arguement here can be "My gear is better then yours"

You talk about the SS glyph. It has a 40% chance to give another combo point with a critical hit. Well, my Seal Fate gives my hemo's a 100% chance to give an extra combo point. You suck again.

25% extra energy regeneration using 40 point SS's and 35 energy evis's and 40 point CS's, isn't going to give you as much energy conservation as 25 energy hemo's, 30 energy cheap shots, and 25 energy evis's. Adrenaline Rush has a 5 minute recast, Overkill is whenever the @#%^ I cheap shot someone.

Cold Blood is a crit evis right when I need it. Prep also cools down Cold Blood.

I have Lethality. 30% more crit damage. You got jack crap.

Theo, VARP in BG's is not as good as my build. I am sorry. Anyone can try it and witness it for themself

Edited, Oct 20th 2008 8:09pm by Zafire
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

#12 Oct 20 2008 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Your hemo does 110% damage plus 75, you don't have 5% hit, and you don't have 50% OH damage.

My SS hits for 126.5% damage (Aggression + Blade Twisting) plus 122.

I have 5/5 Relentless Strikes. You do not.

I have AR. You do not.

I have Vitality. You do not.

You have no mobility increasing abilities. I have two Imp Sprints.

You do not have sword spec (or fist if I choose). I do.

You do not have Blade Twisting. I do.

You do not have Blade Flurry. I do.

You do not have Heightened Senses. I do.

So really, you have no idea how PvP works, nor about rogue damage. If you think Lethality does anything significant in PvP, you're an idiot.

There's a reason that mutilate only recently became a PvE spec. It's the last points in the tree that are the damage talents, not the beginning. The first 30+ points in combat are by far the highest DPS talents that a rogue can take, regardless of PvP or PvE.

That you don't understand that proves your ignorance.

BTW, my SS hits as hard as my hemos did WITH Sinister Calling and Lethality.

Congratulations, you're possibly the dumbest person on these forums.

Edit: Also, sorry to burst your bubble, but HAY, I DUNO WUT IM TALKIN BOUT LOL.

Edited, Oct 20th 2008 10:12pm by Theophany
#13 Oct 21 2008 at 12:39 AM Rating: Excellent
3,909 posts
I don't think either of your posts says much other than "I took all these talents that you don't have".
#14 Oct 21 2008 at 1:00 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Except that there are lots and lots of 2200+ rated rogues speccing VARP, none speccing his build.

#15 Oct 21 2008 at 1:35 AM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
Just test it in a spreadsheet.
I know spreadsheets arent good for testing PvP builds, but what you're talking about here is who is doing more dps anyway...>.>
#16 Oct 21 2008 at 2:38 AM Rating: Decent
4,639 posts
I have AR. You do not.

I have Vitality. You do not.

I can hemo more then you can SS in a short period of time, 4 minutes and 45 seconds out of five minutes, plus I can force a crit evis. In BG's, this is much better. I am NOT talking about arena, as i've stated. This guy asked about battle grounds. I can get 5 combo points twice against one player in under 6 seconds simply from spamming hemo/using evis when I get five points. That is something VARP can not do without AR.

This will work for anyone in BG's better then VARP would. I wasn't talking about arena, if you'd learn2read

Anyone who trys it will agree with me. But no one will because they're so stuck on your almighty rule.

Edited, Oct 21st 2008 6:45am by Zafire
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

#17 Oct 21 2008 at 4:01 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Yeah, but let's be frank. No-one cares about a BG build. Arena is where all the good players end up because it has the best rewards, so a pvp spec is first and foremost an arena spec.
#18 Oct 21 2008 at 6:53 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
It does more damage then your utility build. Sorry man.

This strikes me as a little odd. Theo states you've picked Imp Poisons and in retaliation you state you try to pick DPS only talents? Even now I'm wondering... WHY take Imp Poisons in PvP AT ALL? I take on average 2 seconds to apply Mind-numbing and Wounding (and with that Crippling) to my target, and I have 0 poison enhancing effects in my spec. Perhaps if you'd PvP as Mut with heavy poisons and Deadly Poison or such, but I can't see Imp Poisons having any other use, sorry...

This will work for anyone in BG's better then VARP would. I wasn't talking about arena, if you'd learn2read

It's funny really... While Theo is completely right, I do think your spec works better for pure BG, due to the insaneness of nowadays' burst damage.

Yeah, but let's be frank. No-one cares about a BG build. Arena is where all the good players end up because it has the best rewards, so a pvp spec is first and foremost an arena spec.

Actually, I do care. If there's somebody else on this planet who does we're already talking about 'people'. I've got for example a mage which I only play now and then, and all I've got her for is BG's (and RP). I'm really not interested in Arena, I just want the level 80 equivalent of S2 and have a blast in AB now and then.
#19 Oct 21 2008 at 9:49 AM Rating: Good
Interesting debate... I have to say, I tried out Zafire's build last night, and it was a massive improvement! First encounter that I had was a decently-geared warlock riding past me in AV - took him down and barely lost 5% of my HP! I finished 5th for damage done in that BG too, and that is the highest I've been post-patch by a significant margin! After I got used to it, I was taking down mages, priests and hunters all over the place, until Runetotem got shut down anyway...

I think I'd be crazy to not try Theo's VARP, the man knows his onions, but I think until WotLK comes out and I start acquiring some gear that can do that build justice, I'll carry on with this build. Or, at least, until I start losing again...

Thanks for the advice everyone - here and elsewhere. I recommend this build to any sword rogues that have also struggled in BGs, although respect if you want to try Theo's - I'd be interested to hear how you fared if you do!

#20 Oct 21 2008 at 10:43 AM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
Disclaimer: I haven't tried any other builds for PvP than adjusting my beloved ShS to include Imp Sprint as yet. So I'm not taking sides and don't mean to sound like a jerk or anything... but...

Anecdotes about "Didn't try X, but I tried Y and melted faces!", and other musings don't really help anyone out. That's not evidence. While I realize that hard quantitative analysis is impossible in the PvP environment, it's important to use some type of actual comparison, otherwise there can be no real debate. Just several people voicing their subjective opinions. Which is great and all, but not really objectively useful for other readers of the forum.

Maybe I'm all twisted about this not being a PvP expert or anything, but whatever talent/gear/etc that increases either A) your survivability/mobility or B) your killing ability or C) enemy control is what we should be looking for. Or at least evaluating PvP builds based on how they perform in those 3 specific areas.

From what I'm seeing, and please correct me where I'm wrong here, it seems that arena players are more generally concerned with mobility first, damage second. Whereas the BG players (at least in this thread) are trying to work out a burst-first build (or at least trying to get most your damage quickly from Overkill). Honestly, the VARP build looks like an anti-drood build to me where Zafire's looks more like it wants to be a cloth-killer (if you moved Imp Poisons to Imp EA). Maybe I'm wrong, but it looks like two builds designed to do two only slightly similar jobs.

Honestly, this whole thread is comparing apples to water bottles with little real debate imo. Would those who use the respective builds be willing to denote the advantages of their builds in the 3 areas above so that the rest of us scrubs can actually benefit from this discussion? At least that what I humbly propose: an attempt at objective analysis of these builds within the framework listed above.


/preparing for down-rate ;P
#21 Oct 21 2008 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Oh shaddap, you knew as well as any of us that that was an excellent post Therion =P

Seriously though, that's more of what I've been thinking. Theo's builds are mostly about survivability/mobility... And while they are very good specs for how WoW worked pre-patch, they don't work half as good now.

I tried some arenas of my own yesterday and got a little more insight in the situation... EVERYTHING seems to be about burst damage right now. Even in a healer/rogue comp like I played (with me being mutilate), the key to winning was bursting down 1 enemy ASAP to create a 2v1 situation. While mobility specs might do more damage in the long run, the long run doesn't exist anymore. I don't think I had a match lasting longer than 2 minutes, and that was an exception; we played against a mage/retardin and ice block/bubble greatly lengthened the fight.

It sounds stupid, but what was retarded pre-patch (think ambush build) does actually win you fights as it is now. And I've got mixed feelings about that.
#22 Oct 21 2008 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
The thing is that I've dropped 28k damage in ~15-18 secs with my build in an arena match.

Burst is what matters, and I've got that in spades.

The thing that drove so many away from HARP was that it was so energy-starved that when you didn't have AR, you basically felt like you couldn't do ****.

With the buff to Vitality and the moving of Relentless Strikes, the build doesn't lack energy at all, especially compared to almost every build but xx/xx/50(51) right now, and that's why it's so strong.
#23 Oct 21 2008 at 12:20 PM Rating: Default
4,639 posts
Yeah, but let's be frank. No-one cares about a BG build. Arena is where all the good players end up because it has the best rewards, so a pvp spec is first and foremost an arena spec.

You can't become a "good player" if you don't raid unless you do BG's and get good gear from honor to become a good player. I've been 70 for 3 weeks now and I got 55k more honor to grind before i'm done with everything. Sadly this will probably be next weekend, with work and everything.

(if you moved Imp Poisons to Imp EA)

I considered Imp EA, but if you get five combo points you need to evis or KS. I chose Improved Poisons because double Instant gives the most short term damage. Especially against plate. Yes, I even use evis against plate. Against Paladin's i'm doing 2-3k crit Evis's! I was actually pretty surprised with this. I'll be happy to show screenshots if theres any disbelief. I can actually tear down paladins from 10k hp to pretty much nothing in a few seconds if they don't bubble. Bubble = dead me.

You can actually blast through warriors with little effort now, too. This is what i've been doing.

CS -> Hemo Hemo, KS, hemo spam, Blind, Vanish, back the hell up. When it's gone they'll try to AoE you or break you from stealth. Walk up to them again, you'll have full energy now. Sap, CS, Cold Blood, Evis, Dismantle, Spam hemo, dead warrior in about 20 seconds. You can literally beat warriors with pure damage now. I took down a warrior with 13k hp in AV the other day that was gaurding SH. I almost died, but in the end I beat him. They usually trinket out of KS, so that's what blind is for. They usually wont let you smack them for 10 seconds. But still. No evasion needed. No Prep needed. Nothing.

You can feel free to disagree with me, but this is what i've been experiencing with this build for the last few days. Double Instant adds crippling from Deadly Brew too, so it's kind-of win/win. I don't really use Mind-numbing or Wound, because quite frankly nothing really last past stuns to matter. It's no longer about mobility or control: It's kill them before they can do a damn thing.

A) your survivability/mobility or B) your killing ability or C) enemy control is what we should be looking for. Or at least evaluating PvP builds based on how they perform in those 3 specific areas.

A) My build (I'll call it OPH (Overkill, Prep, Hemo) Adds Fleet Footed to mobility, which is a 15% movement increase. This can be useful for classes that like to run around and cast instant spells on you. Warlocks and mages do this a lot. Especially warlocks. Being able to catch up to them really helps. It still adds Camo/Imp. Sap/ for mobility and 1min CoS/full master of deception/2min vanishes for surviability.

B) It adds a lot to killing ability. 5% crit, 20% more evis damage, 25 energy hemo's, 25 energy evis's, Cold Blood, Lethality, 3 points in RS (60% is still more then 25 energy half the time on 5-point abilities). Preperation cools down Cold Blood if you really need two crit evis's in a short time. It adds Seal Fate, which is 2 combo points when a hemo crits. I cannot express how amazing 25 energy hemo's are. It only looks like your energy goes down 5-10 everytime you hemo. My build gives Vigor too. More max energy = longer ability spam.

Way I look at it:

5 hemo's under Overkill is 125 energy. 3 SS's regularly is 120 energy. 5 hemo's > 3 SS's.

C) It gives medicore enemy control. You have 4 ways to break from a mage.
1) Trinket
2) Cloak of Shadows
3) Vanish
4) Prep. Vanish.

The point of this build is just to kill as fast as possible, and it does the job quite well. 4 seconds worth of stun from CS is enough to take out 7-8k hp on clothies. When i'm going against a warlock or priest I typically CoS before CS is over, that way I get 9 seconds of pain.

I hope that answers your questions. I'm really trying to get people to look outside theo's box. This works REALLY well in BG's. And if you're going to be BGing for a while, I reccomend this.

Edited, Oct 21st 2008 4:16pm by Zafire
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

#24 Oct 21 2008 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
You shouldn't need a build to do well in BGs. 90% of the people in BGs are complete scrubs.

You should be doing arena while you're getting gear though (as S3 is vastly superior to S2 due to hit rating and armor pen), so speccing for arena would kinda make sense.

Like I posted in General, I have no problems going 19-4, 20-2, etc with this build with no pocket healer.


And yes, both the paladin and the priest on the other team were nubs. But that's me popping AR/BF.

Literally about 24 secs (1:36 left on BF cooldown).
#25 Oct 21 2008 at 2:07 PM Rating: Excellent
128 posts
Its been established and agreed upon by both parties here that Theo's build is superior for arena, ok so lets look at the BG aspect just to finish this up.

Theo contends that he does as much, if not more damage than Zaf, Zaf disagrees and says he has higher burst potential ect. Hard to test number parses in PvP so I wont go there, but I do have one question. It is apparent Theo has more mobility/survivability, but Zaf, if you were going for sheer damage and going that far down in the assassination tree, why not grab mutilate and have a 41/5/15 build? I had great success with that make up and was able to grab DW spec, grab mutilate and a few more assassination goodies (including focused attacks which helps a lot). I lose a few sub talents, including preparation, but if your argument is for BG supremacy, a 10 minute cool down ability does not seem very BG friendly to me.

You could take the 5 out of DW spec and fill out your sub tree if initiative and dirty tricks are that important to you, but I found the CP generation of muti doesn't need initiative.

So less survivability than having Overkill Prep? Yes...less survivability once every 10 minutes.

Just throwing this opinion up there for discussion. Thoughts?
#26 Oct 21 2008 at 2:17 PM Rating: Default
4,639 posts
Theo contends that he does as much, if not more damage than Zaf, Zaf disagrees and says he has higher burst potential ect. Hard to test number parses in PvP so I wont go there, but I do have one question. It is apparent Theo has more mobility/survivability, but Zaf, if you were going for sheer damage and going that far down in the assassination tree, why not grab mutilate and have a 41/5/15 build? I had great success with that make up and was able to grab DW spec, grab mutilate and a few more assassination goodies (including focused attacks which helps a lot). I lose a few sub talents, including preparation, but if your argument is for BG supremacy, a 10 minute cool down ability does not seem very BG friendly to me.

Mutilate is not energy friendly, even with overkill. I have tried mutilate. Two hemo's is the equivilent to one mutilate energy-wise, and hemo hits nice and hard with a sword. Basically. Two hemo's vrs 1 mutilate. You can argue that mutilate is better, which for damage it is, but when i'm struggling for energy, waiting for 60 energy (or even 45 for SS) can pretty much seal your fate. Besides, mutilate is mainhand/offhand hit, while two hemo's is mainhand/mainhand.

And preperation can also decide the outcome of a close fight. It has saved me many times and allowd me to go past my limits in a hurry. In a average BG it's usually available two to three times. Prep is a amazing. I usually use it for Vanish or Cold Blood. It's just a little extra treat that's available now and then, and it's really nice to have.

Plus, 50 energy Cheap Shot's. No thanks.

Edited, Oct 21st 2008 6:17pm by Zafire
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

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