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#1 Oct 20 2008 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
1,395 posts
Ok, here I want some intelligent discussions about spec vs. spec and pet vs. pet.

As a senior player I know the 'best' in both cases often really only are a simplification to help us get on with our lives here on the forum.

First off: I've played BM quite a lot lately, and I like it. I've heard that BM is still more or less superior to other specs, hence my first question: Am I missing out on anything too good with this spec? I'm quite new to the patch so I have some concerns about, for instance, Animal Handler vs. Invigoration, missing out on Longevity, and Imp. Aspects and Beast Mastery really being worth it.

Any input on these questions are greatly appreciated. Also, Spirit Bond looks just as **** to me now as pre-patch, its only buff being MAYBE in arenas... can anyone confirm this?

If you think you have a better build, or another suggestion for a tree for me to spec in, please post arguments.

Moving on, we have pets. There are a lot of best pets, although not as many as everyone of them, I'd say at least. When I soloed I used to prefer Owls for their high damage and AoE tankage ability with Screech, not to mention the versatility with being able to switch from AoE threat/mitigation mode (Screech) to Max dmg mode (Claw). Now they're not what they used to for soloing though, and the only time I'll ever use one in the future will be for PvP.

Now, what I absolutely loved about them, and what I'll continue to look for in solo:ing pets, is the AoE threat. Looking over the pets really quickly, it seems to me that with new improved (reduced) CD it's the gorilla that is the king of AoE threat. Anyone care to contradict or confirm this?

I might post back about other pet roles and specs, but it's just this spec and the gorilla I'm interested in for the moment.

Any input is very welcome!

#2 Oct 20 2008 at 7:57 AM Rating: Good
626 posts
Utarius wrote:
Now, what I absolutely loved about them, and what I'll continue to look for in solo:ing pets, is the AoE threat. Looking over the pets really quickly, it seems to me that with new improved (reduced) CD it's the gorilla that is the king of AoE threat. Anyone care to contradict or confirm this?

I can confirm this, I've been running a lot with a gorilla since the patch, and I'm really loving it, Thunderstomp is godly.
#3 Oct 20 2008 at 8:02 AM Rating: Good
830 posts
I just tamed a Dragonhawk last night and he seems to hold plenty of aggro from multiple targets. Didn't do as much damage as Morris does, but the fire breath seems to hold several targets on him. I decided to name him "NeedsMentos".

I guess a gorilla might be better, I haven't heard one way or the other though. It might depend whether you want stun or damage on the AOE attack.

I don't think anyone can even begin to lock down a solid 'best' spec yet. We are in a gray area where we can't level up from 70 and if you go the full 51 in a spec, you can't split heavily into a second tree. I'm seeing a lot of builds that stop short of max spec's, mine included. I like the spec I'm using but so far, it's the only one I've used and it's a TLAR spec so I can't even begin to argue any direction.

I'd love to go full 51 BM or MM but I think I'd miss out on too much at my wimpy level 70.
#4 Oct 20 2008 at 8:03 AM Rating: Decent
Whew, first off. Exotics are useless for raiding now. Not the exotic pets them selves, but the talent. it hurts you too much to make use of it. I am too lazy to build my spec again, so i will link my armory, spec is there. Ok Armory is jacked up, here is my spec

I have given this spec to a few other hunters and they all saw dps improvements. I can get over 3k single target dps witht his spec. I am not changeing it until the x pac.

Sprit bond is a little nicer, it increases healing you and your pet recieve. Not super, but since we no longer need anumal handler it is nice to have. Pet hit now imites hunters hit. If we are capped so is the pet.

Careful aim, aspect mastery all boost your AP, whats not to like. i went from ~1920 to ~2300 unbuffed.

The best aoe threat pet is a gorilla, followed by a bear. Bears can tank three, gorillas can tank 300.

Dps pets are currently Cats, and scorpids. I have not tested a scorpid, but my cat gets ~700 dps in raids.

*edit* Some points are swapable, Conra strikes, Longevity to Mortal shots. i think in the end it would equal out. i like BW every minute though. With invigorate and cobra strikes, mana is rarely an issue. Raiding i have yet to dip below half on a boss fight.

Edited, Oct 20th 2008 12:10pm by rinkkel
#5REDACTED, Posted: Oct 20 2008 at 8:26 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) My corehound broke 500 dps!!!!!
#6 Oct 20 2008 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
830 posts

I'd be curious to see if your dps increases if you drop Kindred Spirits and Spirit Bond and switched into full Mortal Shots and Aimed (which has the useful healing debuff).

I'm not sure a +12% pet dmg increase is worth the loss of damage you get from Crits and the utility of Aimed. I could be wrong since your pet is at 700 dps level. A loss of 12% is 84 dps so your crits would have to make that up. Thus my curiousity.

Spirit Bond doesn't add dmg and I or my pet havent' come close to dying yet and my dragonhawk is only lvl 67. So, I'm kinda with Utarius in that Spirit Bond doesn't seem necessary, but that's with the caveat that I haven't faced anything that can kill me quickly!

I know Aethien is only going 10 deep into MM so I'm not saying that it's not possible to have great dps with his or your build, yours could be better than mine, but I tried to take ANYTHING that upped dps, concentrating on mine first and the pets second, maybe that is a mistaken thought. I know you seriously out gear me but I'm just curious as to the interplay between Kindred vs. Mortal Shots.

I don't have the haste others do so I don't think Steady is giving me the same bonus that others have and thus Aimed is working well for me, it may be a downer on someone who's faster.


Given what I wrote above, I'm thinking that perhaps gear makes the builds more 'twitchy'. One build that does great with certain gear might be inefficient with other gear setups.

It might be a good idea for us to keep an eye on our stats and how the builds work with them... just a thought though.

Again guys, not picking, just tossing ideas on the table and like Utarius suggests, maybe we can hammer out some answers.
#7 Oct 20 2008 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
1,395 posts
rinkkel, ****** Superhero wrote:
since we no longer need anumal handler it is nice to have. Pet hit now imites hunters hit. If we are capped so is the pet.

Thank you for that! That'll help me a lot with getting more talents I wanted :)

rinkkel, ****** Superhero wrote:
Careful aim, aspect mastery all boost your AP, whats not to like. i went from ~1920 to ~2300 unbuffed.

Is an AP boost based on your int better than a scaling 8% extra damage to your pet? My gear isn't the best, but even so I havn't even got 200 int..
#8 Oct 20 2008 at 10:38 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
I'm using Rinkkel's spec right now, and I can't imagine it being much better. =D

Spirit Bond doesn't sound useful, but given what my pet has been doing lately--he managed to tank Prince in Kara last night for nearly a full minute when someone accidentally DI'd the tank, and when 3/5ths of our Headless Horseman group went down in the first 30 seconds or so, me and the 67 holy pally were able to survive and take him down. (Does that count as two-manning him or three-manning?) I don't think I'll ever spec out of it, it's really just too useful for me to have, both soloing and in emergencies.

He's a Wind Serpent, and neither he nor I is specced for pet tanking, so you can see how I'd be impressed with his performance.

As for shot rotation--I'm still just spamming autoshot, because whenever I stop to use arcane shot I feel like it takes to long to get back into the rhythm and so usually I just don't bother with anything else. I'd imagine it would be similar with aimed shot, and since I do not pvp its usefulness would be limited.
#9 Oct 20 2008 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
1,395 posts
sloshot wrote:
I'm not sure a +12% pet dmg increase is worth the loss of damage you get from Crits and the utility of Aimed. I could be wrong since your pet is at 700 dps level. A loss of 12% is 84 dps so your crits would have to make that up. Thus my curiousity.

While Mortal Shots is a good talent, it only increases the dmg from your crits by 15% (maxed out). While I've made a build to get both of them, if I had to choose I'd prolly pick inceasing the pet's dmg. The reason for this is crit rates are low in the gear progression I'm talking about (prolly around 20-25%).

I realize your crits scale better with your gear than your pet does though. In any case I managed to get both talents :P
#10 Oct 20 2008 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
Much of the talents now are soo gear based. There is no cookie cutter spec. However, the same basic spec can be swapped around to create what you would want. I have good gear, a good amount of int, so i went for maxing careful aim. Plus, Careful aim means that any int buffs you have boosts your AP. I was over 3k during fights in BT. Between mage buffs, Warriro shout, Elixers, Felhound buff. It really adds up.

As for the 2 Spirit bond points, it was that or more health overall. I like the regen and the healing recieved bonus more than 2% more health.

I know Aethien is only going 10 deep into MM so I'm not saying that it's not possible to have great dps with his or your build, yours could be better than mine, but I tried to take ANYTHING that upped dps, concentrating on mine first and the pets second, maybe that is a mistaken thought. I know you seriously out gear me but I'm just curious as to the interplay between Kindred vs. Mortal Shots.

Aethien is a great hunter and he contributes a lot to these forums. That said, he and i disagree a little in our specs. Pets are doing insanely more dps than they where in BC. 1 point in GftT should be a given. In BT with just the one point my pet was at the perfect focus level.

As i have said a few times though, i love the new talents. Hunters are forced to be creative and actually think about what will suit them best. For me and my gear level, my spec is the best i have tested. 3235 dps on Netherspite, 2700 plus on first 5 BT bosses. 1907 overall in BT. Pet was over 700 for the raid. It doesnt get much better than that.
#11 Oct 26 2008 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
1,395 posts
Ok, now for the tricky question:

Which DPS pet is the best?

I've been over this a lot, and I've settled on Devilsaur. Cats and Raptors both have similar 'racial' abilities. Before all multiplyers they do a maximum of 50 dmg. The Devilsaurs' ability does 57 pre-multiplyer.

Again, I've thought a lot about this, and so I thought "Maybe it's better to have a DoT-based abilities, due to partial ressists (ie. block for melee attacks)". Well, yeah... and no. I looked at Recount for my last heroic, and Rake had been dodged once. That's it, never parried, never blocked.

Can anyone confirm that Devilsaurs are slightly better for DPS, even if it's only theorycrafting, like mine?
#12 Oct 26 2008 at 6:19 AM Rating: Good
The point you "waste" in exotics is what kills devilsaurs now. That point really needs to go into GftT. Which pet is the highest dps is really a futile question at level 70. Your devilsaur will do good damage but will be focus starved. So in the end you will end up doing less dps than me with my cat, or scorpid because my pet will always have plenty of focus for its abilities.

As for raptors, it looked like they where going to be at the top, but since scorpid poison scales again (mine does 875+ with 5 stacks) and since they gave cats rake, those pets pull ahead. However without that GftT the scorpid will not be able to do poison AND claw, hurting it. And my cat will miss rake and sometimes claw becaus it simply cant keep up enough focus.

Now at 80, we will have to reevaluate this.
#13 Oct 26 2008 at 6:49 AM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
Utarius wrote:
I looked at Recount for my last heroic, and Rake had been dodged once. That's it, never parried, never blocked.
Pets typically attack from the back and thus should never be parried or blocked.

the point about GftT is absolutely correct. You won't see the dps with an exotic because you can't get it. However, if you want an exotic, you might want to play with one, just to get it to 70, so you don't start off with a pet 5 levels lower then you.

A point about mortal shots, it increases crit damage by 30% not 15%, but that is in the end a 15% increase to dps overall. sort of an important distinction. 300AP from careful aim vs 9% dps for that, so I'd say MS is better then careful aim. (remember personal dps, without pet) it's probably relatively close, I don't think most hunters would reach 300 intellect.

My spec would be something like this Cobra strikes, longevity and invigoration are pretty much up in the air right now. Do what you think feels better. You're still 70 so it doesn't matter anyway.

Edited, Oct 26th 2008 9:50am by Xsarus
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#14 Oct 26 2008 at 3:26 PM Rating: Good
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But, just to plays devils advocate here, wouldn't the extra 4 pet points be able to counter the focus cost a pet uses and thus equal or exceed GftT?

I don't have the stats of how much GftT adds in an 'average' fight versus the cost savings pet talents could counter with, so I'm tossing the idea out in case someone wants to test it out.

I don't think 70's should worry about being 51 point BM at the moment. I think we lose too much elsewhere by trying for it, not just GftT.
#15 Oct 26 2008 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
Well, all we lose by going 51 BM is GftT. That is the most important talent for us to reach in the MM tree. And throwing more talent points at our pets doesnt alleviate the cost of said talents.
#16 Oct 26 2008 at 9:29 PM Rating: Decent
*sniffles* I love these forums. >< So much info.....brain can't take it all. Just want you all to know how much help you have been to me. Though how annoying I am is something I'm working on. My hunter is my main and always will be. We are just awsome. I was in Blades Egde yesterday and someone pointed out a houndmaster elite. I was like pshhhhh easy as pie. There are a few that have killed me. The ones that require a 5 man team. I'm going after a gorilla today and going to spec my pet for a raid tomorrow on Kara. My very first raid ever.

I will post here afterwards with details. Probably stuff you've all heard before. But as for me and stripes. He's my main pet. Devilsaurs in my opinion suck. That is the only exotic I've ever tamed and hated right off the bat. My cat went up against a devilsaur. We were the same level. My cat won. I was happy. Thanks everyone for being our light in the darkest tunnels of wow. :D
#17 Oct 29 2008 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
1,395 posts
Sir Xsarus wrote:
Utarius wrote:
I looked at Recount for my last heroic, and Rake had been dodged once. That's it, never parried, never blocked.
Pets typically attack from the back and thus should never be parried or blocked.

I know this, but I haven't seen pets change in mid-fight. So, if the tank suddenly desides to rotate the mob, you'd get blocks.

It was just an idea I had to prove wrong to see if you might benefit more from an unblockable bleed effect. I don't kling to it, but I want you to understand why I looked it up.

Sir Xsarus wrote:
the point about GftT is absolutely correct. You won't see the dps with an exotic because you can't get it. However, if you want an exotic, you might want to play with one, just to get it to 70, so you don't start off with a pet 5 levels lower then you.

I hadn't stopped to think about GftT... I recall it being amazing, but I thought I lost too much with not getting Kindred Spirits. Looking at it now, GftT looks worth the lost 4% pet dmg.

On the leveling point: I disagree. I went to Un Goro and tamed a Devilosaur. I also tamed a Gorilla there, for grinding and the likes. The Gorilla is 70 now, and the Devilosaur is either 69 or 70. It's not even remotly hard to level pets anymore. I was just grinding Marks of Sargeras for my main, to get exalted with Aldor, eventually my Gorilla turned 70. Then I just switched pet.

I can almost always find something I need to grind. If you just use your pet to do it you'll level it up without even noticing it.

Sir Xsarus wrote:
A point about mortal shots, it increases crit damage by 30% not 15%, but that is in the end a 15% increase to dps overall. sort of an important distinction.

Eh? I'm not sure you got what I mean, and I'm not sure you're right (or rather: I'm not sure I know what you mean...)

Look closer at the tooltip for Mortal Shots:
Mortal Shots wrote:
Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your ranged abilities by 6/12/18/24/30%

What you need to look at here is the word 'bonus'. Misses are 0% damage. Hits are 100% damage. Crits have a 100% damage bouns, which will land this at 200% if added with hit. Now, if you increase that damage with 30% you'll have your crits do 230% damage. Since counting hits as 100% is rather messy for calculations and other pratcical reasons, you want it from another perspective: 230 / 2 = 115. (ie. Mortal Shots increases your critical strike BONUS with 30%, but your critical strikes with merely 15%)

Sir Xsarus wrote:
300AP from careful aim vs 9% dps for that, so I'd say MS is better then careful aim. (remember personal dps, without pet) it's probably relatively close, I don't think most hunters would reach 300 intellect.

Increasing your critical strikes with 15%, and (in my case) having a crit rate of around 20%, I'd raise my crit rate from 20% to 23% (basically, even though +crit dmg isn't extra crit it's comparable in the end since it equates to the same dmg increase). That's an increase of 3% of your total dmg, not 9%. Correct me if I'm wrong btw! I reach around 100 +int... and I don't feel it's worth to build my whole gear around ONE of my talents, so to me this talent isn't of much use.

Sir Xsarus wrote:
My spec would be something like this Cobra strikes, longevity and invigoration are pretty much up in the air right now. Do what you think feels better. You're still 70 so it doesn't matter anyway.

About your build: There are some points that I don't understand why you picked. Looking back at all the wonderful input in this thread (Thanks guys!) my build will probably look a bit like this.

I'd take Invigoration over Longevity any day of the week, simply because (unlike GftT) you'll ALWAYS be below 100% mana in a normal fight in raids today. So to ensure that all crits give you 1% mana is a lot better than an extra 12 sec less on BW CD. If you can manage just a little while longer without having to gimp your dmg with AotV, it's worth it. Your CD on BW and other DPS CD's cool inbetween fights anyhow.

Also, I don't really see the point for you picking Spirit Bond, unless maybe you PvP much.. But then again, as you say, you should spec what feels best for you.

What I'm not sure about is if my pet will be Focus capped if I put two point in GftT. If I get two subsequent crits, he'll get a boost of 100 focus. I have a hard time believing not even one focus point will be lost in that transaction. However, it should be a major increase to the pet's DPS since it'll be able to focus dump pretty much all the time. Can anyone confirm or contradict this, or just shed some light!

Thanks a lot for all the input guys! You might not notice I appreciate it, but I do. I'm terribly lost after the patch, though I'm getting back on track again.. slow and steady!

Edit: About builds at 80, I think I'd go for this if I'd go full BM. Don't really know about an MM/BM or SV/BM mix, or any mix for that matter. I'd have to look closer into those trees.

Edited, Oct 29th 2008 11:03pm by Utarius
#18 Oct 29 2008 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
Utarius wrote:
Sir Xsarus wrote:
the point about GftT is absolutely correct. You won't see the dps with an exotic because you can't get it. However, if you want an exotic, you might want to play with one, just to get it to 70, so you don't start off with a pet 5 levels lower then you.

I hadn't stopped to think about GftT... I recall it being amazing, but I thought I lost too much with not getting Kindred Spirits. Looking at it now, GftT looks worth the lost 4% pet dmg.

On the leveling point: I disagree. I went to Un Goro and tamed a Devilosaur. I also tamed a Gorilla there, for grinding and the likes. The Gorilla is 70 now, and the Devilosaur is either 69 or 70. It's not even remotly hard to level pets anymore. I was just grinding Marks of Sargeras for my main, to get exalted with Aldor, eventually my Gorilla turned 70. Then I just switched pet.

I can almost always find something I need to grind. If you just use your pet to do it you'll level it up without even noticing it.
Yeah, my point was that it would be easier to start leveling to 80 with a 70 pet, rather then leveling and having your pet catch up.

Utarius wrote:
Look closer at the tooltip for Mortal Shots:
Mortal Shots wrote:
Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your ranged abilities by 6/12/18/24/30%

What you need to look at here is the word 'bonus'. Misses are 0% damage. Hits are 100% damage. Crits have a 100% damage bouns, which will land this at 200% if added with hit. Now, if you increase that damage with 30% you'll have your crits do 230% damage. Since counting hits as 100% is rather messy for calculations and other pratcical reasons, you want it from another perspective: 230 / 2 = 115. (ie. Mortal Shots increases your critical strike BONUS with 30%, but your critical strikes with merely 15%)
Yeah, I was thinking backwards about MS.
Here's probably the best way to look at it.

person A does 100 shots at A damage. With 30% crit he does 70 shots at A and 30 shots at 2A which means he does A(70+60) = 130A

if you add in MS, then he does 70 shots at A and 60 shots at 2.3A this equals A(70+30*2.3) = A(70+69) = 139A. So in this case he would increase his damage by around 7%

more math.

damage per shot = A

shot number = 100

crit% = X

A((100-X) + 2AX) = 100A - XA + 2AX = A(100- X + 2X)
A((100-X) + 2.3A (X) = 100A - XA + 2.3AX = A(100-X-2.3X)

divide = A(100-X-2.3X)/A(100-X-2X) = (1.3(X+76.9231))/(x+100) which is 1.069 at 30% crit. Well, you see what happens when I start with the math. So at 30% crit, MS is worth ~7% dps.

Utarius wrote:
About your build: There are some points that I don't understand why you picked. Looking back at all the wonderful input in this thread (Thanks guys!) my build will probably look a bit like this.

I'd take Invigoration over Longevity any day of the week, simply because (unlike GftT) you'll ALWAYS be below 100% mana in a normal fight in raids today. So to ensure that all crits give you 1% mana is a lot better than an extra 12 sec less on BW CD. If you can manage just a little while longer without having to gimp your dmg with AotV, it's worth it. Your CD on BW and other DPS CD's cool inbetween fights anyhow.

Also, I don't really see the point for you picking Spirit Bond, unless maybe you PvP much.. But then again, as you say, you should spec what feels best for you.

What I'm not sure about is if my pet will be Focus capped if I put two point in GftT. If I get two subsequent crits, he'll get a boost of 100 focus. I have a hard time believing not even one focus point will be lost in that transaction. However, it should be a major increase to the pet's DPS since it'll be able to focus dump pretty much all the time. Can anyone confirm or contradict this, or just shed some light!

Thanks a lot for all the input guys! You might not notice I appreciate it, but I do. I'm terribly lost after the patch, though I'm getting back on track again.. slow and steady!

Edit: About builds at 80, I think I'd go for this if I'd go full BM. Don't really know about an MM/BM or SV/BM mix, or any mix for that matter. I'd have to look closer into those trees.

Invigoration I didn't take this because according to people who have been raiding it's not needed. So if it's not needed, and doesn't add dps, then dps adding talents are prioritized. Also if you're thinking about leveling, then dps is much much more important then mana. you can just swap into viper for a fight if you need mana.

Spirit bond was picked up because it improves healing now, and there isn't much else to pick from in all honestly. You might be better off maxing out endurance.

GFtTYou'll probably be fine with just one point, as long as your crit is decent.

Edited, Oct 29th 2008 4:56pm by Xsarus
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#19 Oct 29 2008 at 2:04 PM Rating: Good
1,395 posts
Sir Xsarus wrote:
Yeah, I was thinking backwards about MS.
Here's probably the best way to look at it.

person A does 100 shots at A damage. With 30% crit he does 70 shots at A and 30 shots at 2A which means he does A(70+60) = 130A

if you add in MS, then he does 70 shots at A and 60 shots at 2.3A this equals A(70+30*2.3) = A(70+69) = 139A. So in this case he would increase his damage by around 7%

more math.

damage per shot = A

shot number = 100

crit% = X

A((100-X) + 2AX) = 100A - XA + 2AX = A(100- X + 2X)
A((100-X) + 2.3A (X) = 100A - XA + 2.3AX = A(100-X-2.3X)

divide = A(100-X-2.3X)/A(100-X-2X) = (1.3(X+76.9231))/(x+100) which is 1.069 at 30% crit. Well, you see what happens when I start with the math. So at 30% crit, MS is worth ~7% dps.

More later.

Edited, Oct 29th 2008 4:35pm by Xsarus

I don't like to refer to crits as two normal hits. This confuses things, at least it confueses me.

I'd simply look at it like this:

Say that your average dmg is 500. You do 500 with 100 shots. My crit rate is 20%, so I'll use that. 80 shots are 500 dmg, 20 are 1 000 dmg.

[80 * 500 = 40 000]

[20 * 1 000 = 20 000]

The easiest way to look at it from my point of view is to simply take 20 000 times 1.15:

[20 000 * 1.15 = 23 000]

So, you'll go from 60 000 to 63 000. That's a 5% increase.

So, I was wrong about 3%, I was lazy and didn't do enough maths. Can't see a flaw with this though, and I'm sure I'd get your results if I did your numbers, but this is according to me an easier way of looking at it.
#20 Oct 29 2008 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
I in NO WAY take any credit for this. However, EJ is a very good forum and they know way more than i do. They theory craft and test way more than i do. The info they have is gold.

Link to the BM forum group. I took the same spec they are calling somewhat cookie cutter and i am using the macro he mentions as well. The Beastial Wrath, KC, Trinket macro is awesome! Lots of good stuff here. Anyone who want to learn more about the class should visit EJ.
#21 Oct 29 2008 at 4:34 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
Yeah, using my formula generates exactly 1.05

That's why I didn't actually use any numbers, they were all variables. I did that because this talent becomes way better the more crit you have. The reason I used 100 is because of 100% being everything. I could have just as easily used one and made the percentages .3 instead of 30. I don't quite understand your comment about two shots, but it worked out so whatever :)

EJ forums is a fantastic resource, although the threads get way to long, and if they don't have a summary post at the top become less and less useful. I find I spend more time at tka something then the EJ forums. Both places that hunters should be following anyway.

interesting side note:

40% - 8.6%
50% - 10%
100% - 15% <- this is what I was referring to. My quick head math just applied the % to all the damage, rather then the damage affected by your current crit rate.

Edited, Oct 30th 2008 12:41am by Xsarus
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#22 Oct 30 2008 at 7:21 AM Rating: Good
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Guys, wouldn't it be easier to keep % math in % lingo?

Percents are nice, easy to work with, simple.

100% = 1
200% = 2
230% = 2.3

Simple, elegant numbers. No need for shot counts or division by 2...

In fact, if done right, couldn't we boil everything down to a percetage?

I mean 'white damage' is basically "100%" or "1" isn't it? Every talent, skill, crit, hit rate, etc. is just a % modifier to the "1", I think.

I'm not a math genius but I seem to recall just about everything can be reduced to percentage equivalents. I could be entirely wrong here though. It just seems simpler to me to remain in percentage speak.

The reason I ask for this is most theorycraft ends up talking 'dps' (Damage per second, or Damage over Time) which is a highly variable number under the best of circumstances. I get significant inconsistency even over a hundred shots. However, I know roughly what my dps is over a longer set of combats and such. If I knew what % increase a given talent provided, then I could figure that into my current dps and know what boost it would approximately give me. I'm not sure if I'm making sense to myself here, but if you get my drift, give me a nod and let me know if I'm nuts or not.
#23 Oct 30 2008 at 8:48 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
That's what I did. Only I used

100% = 100

no difference :)
01001001 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 00100000 01000011 01000001 01001011 01000101
You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
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#24 Oct 31 2008 at 5:36 AM Rating: Good
1,395 posts
Ok, we've established that even though Devils are the highest dmg pets they're not worth the Beast Mastery talent point. So, I've been looking closer into other pets, non-exotic that is, (anything to optimize my DPS..) and if I compare cats and raptors.. their abilities are identical, although Raptors have a change to increase their AP. Probably an attempt to compensate for cats having Prowl.

My question is, though, does anyone use Prowl? I very rarely do, in raids that is. Even if I did, wouldn't +AP > +dmg to first strike? I can't think of anycase where it wouldn't be. Although 50% is a lot, it's only for one hit, whereas the +AP could benefit maybe 10 hits (not impossible if Frenzy is up).

They have the same damage multiplyer besides that, and identical talent trees. Basically my question is, in terms of theorycraft, is Raptor > Cat? It looks so to me, anyone want to share an opinion?

--- EDIT ---

Nevermind, I didn't see Savage Rend had a 1 min CD. Back to the drawing board!

--- EDIT 2 ---

So, Scorpids. They scale much more with AP than Cats do, due to their poison. How much AP do you need for them to be better? Anyone know an estimate or something of the likes?

Edited, Oct 31st 2008 3:42pm by Utarius
#25 Oct 31 2008 at 8:54 AM Rating: Good
830 posts
But 100% isn't 100, it's 1, at least that's what my grade school teachers taught me.

If you do 300 points of 'white' damage. 100% (as 100) x 300 = 30,000, which is NOT true. 100% (as 1) x 300 = 300 IS true. Therefore, 230% (as 2.3) x 300 = 690. If you want to eliminate the white damage out of 230% you need to subtract 100%, not divide by two. However, it would have more meaning if you actually give some real white damage number and then multiply the bonus and subtract out the white damage afterward. Say that same 300. So take 690 and subtract 300 and you get 390. If you want to remove the crit damage, pull out another 300. Then you get MS adding 90 pts of damage to a 300 white damage crit. Easily comparable to other damage bonus talents and skills.

All I'm saying is that when working with percentages, it's easier on me reading math equations done in a standard manner. I have a hard enough time following the calculations as it is. Sorry if I'm being a pain in the *****

My personal preference would be to do away with dps calculations altogether and stay with straight single shot percentage calcuations. I understand how the damage over time calculations came into prominence but in essence they tell you very little until you actually need to factor in combat length, and given the randomness of the game, dps doesn't always play out correctly.

The time stuff, generally, doesn't mod damage at the same time, just firing rate or a booster over a given length of time and that's nothing more than a factorable percentage of time over an arbitrary time cycle (boost + cooldown), so even that could be reduced to a simple damage percentage addition to the base damage bonus percentage.

If I could influence the way damage was done in theorycraft; damage would be expressed as: (minwhitedmg or maxwhitedmg) x damage bonus percentage = final mindmg or final maxdmg. Those numbers should be fully proveable in the game against target dummies (now that we have them). Of course each shot would be different but when calculated and tested, it should work out that we could optimize shot cycles with just that information.

I don't know, maybe I'll bite the bullet and go through and figure this out and put it into a spreadsheet or .NET app for ease of use... I don't have enough game time as is and my wife will kill me if I start diving into this... LOL! Sorry guys, don't mean to upset the traditionalists here. Again, trying to approach things differently, see if anything sticks.
#26 Oct 31 2008 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
1,395 posts
sloshot wrote:
If you want to eliminate the white damage out of 230% you need to subtract 100%, not divide by two.

I wasn't trying to eliminate the white damage, I was trying to calculate the total increase. I'll take this as simple as I possibly can.

You have 100% dmg non-crit.

Crits give 100% damage BONUS.

MS increases that BONUS by 30%.

Basically, you're adding 30% onto 200%.

So, you don't increase your crits with 30%. If you want to know how much you actually increase the crits you'll have to revalue to 100%, since 30% of 200% isn't 30% (quite simple)

So, you just do this:

230%, or rather, 2.3/2 = 1.15. You increase your crits with 15%, but the BONUS with 30.

I can't explain this more simple and logical than this.
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