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Holy Boomkin DPS!Follow

#1 Oct 19 2008 at 3:41 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
So I've been either Feral or Resto my entire drood existence, with the exception of one day I was bored and went boomkin in my resto gear to do a heroic Slave Pens.

Since the patch and the spellpower consolidation, plus the upgrades to the (still bloated) Balance tree, I went boomkin.

I put on my Resto gear, ran a couple heroics, got a few pieces I actually consider boomkin gear and I've been running anywhere from 700-1200dps.

Hurricane is INCREDIBLE. I end up getting more mana back during the spell than I spent. And with the changes to warrior's Thunderclap and Drood's swipe, I can use it on almost every larger pull.

I Picked up Glyph of Moonfire and Glyph of Starfire and I've been rocking away with that.

Spell rotation hasn't seemed to change from before though. I open with Starfire, popping a Moonfire just as it lands, then if it's trash I wrath spam, if it's a boss or trash with enough HP to make it work it, (Trash in TK) I spam Starfire(which because of glyphs keeps my uber powered Moonfire refreshed constantly).

I regemmed some last night and tweeked the spec which I'm still testing, but I was rocking only about 15% crit in boomkin and still putting out that dps with about 1050 spell damage. After regemming I was at about 18% crit with about the same spell damage.

I just simply can't believe the difference in DPS this new spec is doing. I was in T4/badge/Kara/ZA gear on my drood when he was feral and was only rocking in the neighborhood of 700 dps on my dailies. (Granted I didn't dps him in any raids so he could be competitive on the dps)

I would link my armory, but it's all jenked up since the patch and still has me in my feral gear/spec.

#2 Oct 19 2008 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent
I have been waiting for this kind of post for a few days now. Like many I have a decent set of healing gear T4+ stuff, and I have been wondering with the spell power change could I DPS well as a Boomkin.

I know your armory is fubar but if someone has a good PVE Boomkin build they could post it would be greatly appericiated. I'm dying to try but with such a huge tree I'm not sure what is the best path down.

#3 Oct 19 2008 at 6:29 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
most things are insane now, possible exception of fury warriors. as arms im having a blast vs anything with a pet, because sweeping strikes + reck + bladestorm means **** dies FAST. aoe damage in instances is full of win too.

as for the druid....its nice being able to heal in tree and be pretty resilient. im a healer at heart, but i think ill try boomkin soon, just cause typhoon looks fun.
#4 Oct 19 2008 at 6:35 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
I probably would get even better dps with some more +crit gear, but with 1k spell damage I'm still tearing it up. Plus there are so many + crit talents in the tree to make up for my lack.

Here is roughly what I'm running with right now. Galenmoon

I'm testing Eclipse right now as you can see, but I really haven't been happy with it because I don't like having to change my spell rotation based off a proc when I know what works good regardless. It does have a sweet little eclipsed moon that pops up over your head when it procs.

I used starfall first and it's awesome extra fire and forget dps on boss fights, but unless you're clearing a whole room and there is no CC, it is horrible for trash. 30 yard range is HUUUUUGE. You'll pull half of the attunement trash if you use it there.

Hurricane is beautiful.

I looked at going far enough in resto to get Intensity, but I really haven't seen any problems with mana due to the 2% return from crits.

This is what I think I'm going to switch to next. Galenmoon

Starfall, Improved IS and Treants for those boss fights will equal huge numbers.

I am probably going to end up staying balance to level to 80 and switching to feral whenever I feel like tanking.

BTW: typhoon is fun, but if someone typhoon'd mobs that I was tanking I'd be pissed. Fun for PVP though :P

Edited, Oct 19th 2008 10:28am by Galenmoon
#5 Oct 19 2008 at 7:01 AM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
Galenmoon wrote:

BTW: typhoon is fun, but if someone typhoon'd mobs that I was tanking I'd be pissed. Fun for PVP though :P

It's brilliant fun for PvP. I always wanted to do it and today finally managed to typhoon someone off the Lumber Mill cliff in AB ^^
#6 Oct 19 2008 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
i agree, from being a boomkin since day 1 this imporvement is HUGE. With 4 piece t6, swapping gems from haste to crit (i know haste is supposed to be best, but i just aoe everything now except bosses) i have seen enormous dps boost in trash and bosses. my starfire crit is up to about 40something% raid buffed, and the damage increase from earth and moon makes me giggle in glee.

also like previously said, the mana back from a hurricane on a ton of mobs is insane. in hyjal last night it seemed like my mana bar never moved, not to mention by the end of the night i was on top of overall damage by a couple million. they seem to be nerfing ret pallies a little bit, lets hope they dont find out our dirty little secret. :D

my question is: have any end game boomkins used eclipse? i didnt pick it up because i thought it would be way to mana intensive due to spamming both wrath and sf on fights like council. from what ive seen so far mana is not an issue at all, so it may just be worth it.
#7 Oct 19 2008 at 9:22 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
I haven't used Eclipse at all, and I dont plan too. I dont want to allocate points in unnecessary place when I could be using them for the raid as well as myself.

I've been using the glyph of IS and MF and those two tic for about 450-500 and 600-750. I did hyjal as well the other night and I can say the same thing my mana never dropped at all. The best part was when I finished with 1800 dps and top damage by far, the best part was I didnt even talent the extra 30% for hurricane damage. I have it now and I'm waiting for our return to hyjal for some sexy t6 drops.
#8 Oct 20 2008 at 4:45 AM Rating: Decent
143 posts
At 70 I respec'ed to resto and then with the patch I went Boomkin as I couldn't do any solo play resto style. I figured I had a piece or two of resto gear that would work Boomkin. I've since picked up a couple of honor pieces to get out of some greens.

I have a fire mage friend that brags a lot about his 2200-2700 crits... when I respec'ed and told him about my ~3700 SF crit and ~2200 Wraith crit he quickly shut up. :) Currently my spellpower is only about 580 (probably buffed), so you can see I am pretty under geared. We've now leveled a few more 70s in the guild and are in need of a healer, so I may go back, but man I like the Boomkin damage.

having rolled all three trees I can say Druids FTW!

Curious what some of you that are geared are putting out Crit-wise? Also is spirit not that important for balance? I don't see it on most gear I would think we would want... or am I not looking at the right gear?

Edited, Oct 20th 2008 8:49am by SumDuud
#9 Oct 20 2008 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,239 posts
I'm decently gared(1050SP, 21%crit w/ aura). My SF crits hit for anywhere between 5200-6800 and can reach over 7k when I trinket up. I don't really use Wrath much, so I couldn't tell you what those hit for.

Spirit is important, especially with the new mechanics that add a fraction of a boomkin's spirit to SP. More mana regen + SP = Win.
#10 Oct 20 2008 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
SumDuud wrote:
Curious what some of you that are geared are putting out Crit-wise? Also is spirit not that important for balance? I don't see it on most gear I would think we would want... or am I not looking at the right gear?

The gear we have now isn't very spirit heavy because with the exception of Tree form, there was very little that had any real use for it. Though the expac is buffing spirit, making it more common on gear, there's Imp Moonkin Form which adds 5/10/15% of our spirit to spell damage.
#11 Oct 21 2008 at 9:06 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Raid buffed, with procs and trinks I can crit SF for about 8500.
#12 Oct 21 2008 at 9:27 AM Rating: Good
66 posts
Raid buffed, with procs and trinks I can crit SF for about 8500.

agreed i crit about the same with procs like eternal sage, nexus horn, trinkets..

the most beautiful thing in the world besides a nicely rounded set of boobies is seeing a 25-30k crit from either the blue beam on netherspite or when deaden (spelling?) is on ROS.
#13 Oct 21 2008 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
so what is the standard spec for boomkin for ya'll. i've been feral so long i havent played around with boomkin much i did right after the patch but went back to feral for tanking. i know atm my boomkin gear is only like 880SP 17% crit and hit caped with tallents. i tryed something like but all i did was some dailies. My SF was only criting for little over 4k wich it did before the patch. I'm gonna respec after the patch i think to boomkin.
#14 Oct 22 2008 at 6:10 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Unbuffed in Boomkin form I have 1008 Spell power, 17.78% crit and 64 hit. Since most of my gear was resto when I started and I'm slowly picking up more crit/hit gear, what is the spell hit cap for Boomkin if Balance of Power in talents for the extra 4% to hit?

I know my 64 hit rating gives me 5.07% to hit, with the talent that is 9.07%

I've always run feral previously and never dealt with caster hit rating. Hook me up! :P

BTW: I'm critting for 6-7.5k on average and running at between 975-1300 dps depending on the mob makeup of the run. Cleared ZA last night in just under 2 hours, with 3/4 timers. I was 3rd in overall damage (was first before Zul'jin. Damn eagle phase!) with 1068dps.
#15 Oct 22 2008 at 6:12 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts

i am not saying my spec is best by any means, because i still havent had the chance to mess with eclipse yet, but if you check my spec, its in the sig at the bottom, you will see that i put all 61 points into balance. the dps boost from them is AMAZING plus the extra damage from 5/5 in earth and moon is great for you AND all the other casters.

i see that you delved into the resto tree, it looks like to get some mana back and increase your mana overall. i'm not sure if mana is an issue for you, but for me it hasnt been an issue at all. all through BT even into our first 2 kills in SW last night. The only time i had any sort of problem was on brutallus, but i just innervated myself and all was good. (its been awhile since ive even had to do that)

anyway check it out tell me what you think, if anyone else has any suggestions lemme know im always open to new ideas.
#16 Oct 22 2008 at 6:15 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
what is the spell hit cap for Boomkin if Balance of Power in talents for the extra 4% to hit?

first off, sorry for the double post, i saw this post right after i posted my previous reply.

anyway the hit cap for us with balance of power is 152, i usually run around 148+ and do just fine. but with the new imp FF affecting spell hit instead of melee/ranged we are able to go well below it and still be ok on bosses. I still stay around there though because i honestly forget about imp FF sometimes becuase i am not used to using it yet.
#17 Oct 22 2008 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
@ damokian

yeah i did one sorta like yours. but i only went into rest for the 5% int in moonkin form. I also havent played around with eclips. I know i toped the meter up till 3rd boss in MT. H. untill i had to leave for work. i did za with some good running peeps and i was second on damage the first time we ran then i beat the other guy the next time we went wich was today. Over all in za at the end i was at alittle over 1.1k dps i think it was. we was pretty much aoeing everything. yeah found out after raiding some mana isnt an issue like it was, but i still have to work on gear alot trying to beat out others for casting gear in ZA but non is droping lol.
#18 Oct 26 2008 at 6:00 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Just to comment on the spell hit stats a little.

I have 97 spell hit now and 2/2 Balance of Power.

Last night I ran ZA again and I checked my recount at the end of the night.

I did not miss a single time with close to 200 Wraths. Wow lol!

I missed 8 times with just over 200 Starfires. Again..Wow!

I'm not sure if it's a glitch from them combining melee hit rating and spell hit rating, but I'm missing much less, and was even when I started in full resto gear with no hit rating, than I had ever though I would.

Anyone else noticing this?
#19 Oct 26 2008 at 1:54 PM Rating: Good
Don't forget that against level 70-71 mobs, with balance of power, you need zero +hit. Against level 72 mobs, you only need 13 +hit to be cappped.

From that info, I would imagine you only used Starfire against bosses and all 8 misses occurred against bosses. Your % miss versus the bosses will be the important stat.

Info on spell hit caps against various level mobs is here

#20 Oct 26 2008 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
Galenmoon wrote:
Just to comment on the spell hit stats a little.

I have 97 spell hit now and 2/2 Balance of Power.

Last night I ran ZA again and I checked my recount at the end of the night.

I did not miss a single time with close to 200 Wraths. Wow lol!

I missed 8 times with just over 200 Starfires. Again..Wow!

I'm not sure if it's a glitch from them combining melee hit rating and spell hit rating, but I'm missing much less, and was even when I started in full resto gear with no hit rating, than I had ever though I would.

Anyone else noticing this?

Maybe hit rating was retuned to Level 80?
#21 Oct 26 2008 at 4:00 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
Ya know, I'm glad you brought that up Rare, I hadn't even thought of it. All my misses would have had to come from bosses. So over 6 bosses, I missed on roughly 4% of my starfires. I guess it could be worse. :P
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