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Protadin Sword post 3.0Follow

#1 Oct 18 2008 at 11:23 AM Rating: Good
So with the new changes to the paladin, I realize that we have different mechanics for tanking. In the past, I tanked with a spell damage weapon like Gladiator's Salvation. This was my healing mace, but it turned into a good option for tanking after the patch since the spell damage was significantly increased (equal to the Gladiator's Gavel.

This afternoon, the Horseman's Blade dropped for me. I enchanted it with Potency (+20 strength) mostly because I knew the enchant and had the mats lying around.

So my question is, with the new changes is a higher DPS sword like the horseman's blade better than a low dps, high spell damage mace? (I realize there are much better options out there, but those 2 weapons are the ones I have to work with at the moment.)

My second question is there a better enchant other than potency?

Thanks folks!


Edited, Oct 18th 2008 3:15pm by NCspaz
#2 Oct 18 2008 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
1. yes
2. potency or mongoose are both good

I'm trying to get that sword as well, AFK between runs and the things not dropping for me ~_~
#3 Oct 18 2008 at 3:54 PM Rating: Good
Thanks Mike. I think I'll keep using it.
#4 Oct 18 2008 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
A real dps wpn(mace or sword if you're human) is vastly superior to spell power wpns now. However, a 2.7spd wpn seems very slow, especially for stacking SoV quickly. Potency is probably the best threat enchant atm, and will definitely be once we get SotR since str increases our block value. Mongoose is decent, 2% haste, 4ish% crit and 6ish% dodge every proc helps avoidance and threat. If you don't want to spend much deathfrost seems to be decent atm as well, as its proccing off of SoV ticks and can proc multiple targets with HotR.
#5 Oct 19 2008 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Just to be sure: Do we not need a spell damage weapon anymore because of the talent that gives us spellpower equal to 30% of our stamina?
#6 Oct 19 2008 at 11:02 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
That, Hammer of the Righteous is based on weapon DPS, and most of your abilities scale on AP as well as SD.

I'm keeping my spell power weapon for now, though. I won't be finding a DPS weapon better than 245 spell power unless I pug a T5+ raid.
#7 Oct 21 2008 at 4:52 AM Rating: Decent
I'm also keeping my spell damage weapon, since we still gain more threat with holy damage compared to white damage. And numbers will have to be ran to figure out were a pally should be at with spell damage, I'm around 650 now after patch, but if i were to switch out swords would drop down to below 450.

It would be nice to see pallies running around with that HUGE Axe sword or mace, but were still pally tanks (not warriors).
#8 Oct 21 2008 at 5:50 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
In a different thread someone commented that weapon speed will not be nearly as big a factor anymore. One thing I noticed recently is with my mana.

I have Hammer of Judgement, but like the OP, I recently picked up the Horseman's Blade (no other takers, so figured why not). I have enjoyed the higher damage from Hammer of the Righteous as well as my bigger white hits, and haven't noticed a huge drop or gain in threat overall (though I admit more testing needs to be done).

Fighting the Horseman and using my Hammer I was never oom at all. I could keep every ability on CD and my mana wouldn't drop below 75% or so, using SoV/JoW. Same group, and after I got the Horseman's Blade, I decided to put that on and try it out. I couldn't keep my mana up above 50% even changing to SoW/JoW.

Yes I know, the Horseman's Blade is not a tank weapon, but it shows the importance of still having something more on the fast side. Probably 2 sec will be the best speed to shoot for. I will be using my Hammer until an actual tank weapon comes into my possession, and you can be sure I'll be looking out for something more on the faster side :)
#9 Oct 21 2008 at 6:09 AM Rating: Decent
Well, i am using The sun Eater with + spell dmg enchant (wll replace it). So far, love it, and i am keeping good hate. Went to SSC yeretrday and i was able to keep agro without troubles at all. Even got agrp more than MT on boss fight.

About the enchant, would be potency the best to use? what about Salvagery or Executioner?
#10 Oct 21 2008 at 7:20 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
Mongoose or Potency would be the best tank sword enchant. Savagery is 2H only, and Executioner would only help your normal melee attack damage, the least important part of your threat.
#11 Oct 22 2008 at 6:42 AM Rating: Decent
I was under the impression that executioner's armor ignorance caused more threat? This was based on a convo I had with a few top tanks on my server, but they could be wrong. In this case the executioner was on Mallet of the Tides if that helps.
#12 Oct 22 2008 at 7:02 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
It seems to me that the IDEAL Pally tanking sword would have ALL of the following attributes:

Reasonable speed (<2.5 for sure)
GOOD dps value (much higher than 41.3)
Defense/Avoidance Stats

Spell damage would be nice as well, but not absolutely necessary. Hammer of Righteousness does 3x weapon damage as HOLY damage and has a short cooldown, so you can use it all of the time to keep threat up. As far as enchants, I could see Paladins choosing to use a Spellpower Enchant on their weapon still for increased threat without having to rely on a proc though.

I am still using my spellpower weapon with spellpower enchant for now, but I will be looking for a sword or mace more like what I described above when WOTLK comes out. It will be interesting to see what is available. With my feeble 41.3 DPS weapon right now, my Hammer of Righteousness still hits 3 targets for 450-550 damage each, and I have seen it crit targets for over 1000, so I don't consider that too bad in my mostly-Kara gear.

Edit: Last night for fun I switched to The Horseman's Blade for the Black Stalker fight at the end of H UB, but it was mostly for fun and just so I could watch the pumpkin soldiers attack the Black Stalker. We didn't reset the recount meter before the fight, so I do not know if I did a ton more damage compared to my usual tanking sword, but watching the pumpkins punk on the Black Stalker was worth it.

Edited, Oct 22nd 2008 11:05am by jeromesimina
#13 Oct 22 2008 at 7:32 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
I was under the impression that executioner's armor ignorance caused more threat?

For warriors and druids, yes. Paladins, though, have only one attack that armor effects, and that's our normal melee attacks. Even with a high DPS weapon, that's still our lowest threat ability.

Everything else is Holy damage, which ignores 100% armor already.
#14 Oct 24 2008 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
257 posts
I'm using Heartless with Potency on it over my old Amani Punisher and it works like a charm. Stacks Seal of Corruption well enough, as well.
#15 Oct 24 2008 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good
648 posts
prot pallies definitely want to get a regular physical dps tanking weapon rather than a spell damage weapon. honestly, I think a slower weapon might even be a little better. with blessing of sanctuary and judgement of wisdom there should be no real mana problems this way. SoV will still stack fairly quickly. and a slower weapon will be much better for Hammer of the Righteous. the extra up front damage from hammer of the righteous with a slower weapon should more than make up for a few extra seconds to stack SoV.

potency in my opinion is the best enchant for a prot pally for pure threat. the only real draw to mongoose for me is the dodge from agil. the biggest difference between potency and spellpower is that potency will at the very least provide the same amount of threat + some shield block for mitigation. it ALSO scales with kings and trueshot aura. to be even more threat even just on our holy spells
#16 Oct 24 2008 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
I think a slower weapon might even be a little better. with blessing of sanctuary and judgement of wisdom there should be no real mana problems this way. SoV will still stack fairly quickly. and a slower weapon will be much better for Hammer of the Righteous. the extra up front damage from hammer of the righteous with a slower weapon should more than make up for a few extra seconds to stack SoV.

Unless the tooltip is incorrect(and i know it is incorrect in that it says 3x wpn dps, but is really 4x), HotR does 4x mh wpn dps not wpn dam. So a fast wpn is still preferable, but really doesn't matter much. You want the highest dps wpn with the most threat or most avoidance stats you can find. Preferably one of each, potency on the threat wpn, mongoose or potency on the avoidance one. Currently using the fastest, highest dps sword available to pallys in the game(blade of savagery). Seeing HotR hits for 1k(crits for 2k) in my threat set.

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 6:33pm by mahlerite
#17 Oct 24 2008 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
Woot, I just got heartless last night. Hits like a truck and I love it. Tanked heroic mech with an 8/8 T6 warlock and practically doubled his threat the whole instance.

Fighting the Horseman and using my Hammer I was never oom at all. I could keep every ability on CD and my mana wouldn't drop below 75% or so, using SoV/JoW. Same group, and after I got the Horseman's Blade, I decided to put that on and try it out. I couldn't keep my mana up above 50% even changing to SoW/JoW.

Yes I know, the Horseman's Blade is not a tank weapon, but it shows the importance of still having something more on the fast side. Probably 2 sec will be the best speed to shoot for. I will be using my Hammer until an actual tank weapon comes into my possession, and you can be sure I'll be looking out for something more on the faster side :)

Horsemen hits like a pillow, so you're right that you can manage your own mana better with a fast weapon, but in any real instance where you're actually taking decent sized hits, mana is completely a non issue.
#18 Oct 24 2008 at 6:19 PM Rating: Good
648 posts
hmm, I think you're right actually. i'd forgotten that it was 4x weapon dps not weapon damage. in that case you're right that you'd just want the highest dps weapon you can get... ty for the correction.
#19 Oct 24 2008 at 10:08 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
mikelolol wrote:
Yes I know, the Horseman's Blade is not a tank weapon, but it shows the importance of still having something more on the fast side. Probably 2 sec will be the best speed to shoot for. I will be using my Hammer until an actual tank weapon comes into my possession, and you can be sure I'll be looking out for something more on the faster side :)

Horsemen hits like a pillow, so you're right that you can manage your own mana better with a fast weapon, but in any real instance where you're actually taking decent sized hits, mana is completely a non issue.

I think you missed part of that. Under the exact same circumstances using my Hammer of Judgement I was never longing for mana. Simply swapping my weapon I couldn't keep enough mana. Remember, we no longer have to take hits to get mana back because of the way Blessing of Sanctuary works. I was avoiding so many attacks I could have done that fight without a healer present at all, and that's a lot of mana returned from dodge/parry/blocked attacks.

With such a huge difference in weapon speed though I was getting very minimal return from my Judgement of Wisdom.

Also take into account whether or not you have Reckoning. If you have Reckoning, a 2.7 speed weapon isn't going to get the full benefit, while a 2.0 should.

I think probably the safest bet would be just to look at the weapon DPS, as pointed out, and go from there. There's no point to making sure you have a slow/fast (whatever it is you're looking for) weapon if it's going to be hitting softer and give you lesser stats.
#20 Oct 29 2008 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
Maulgak wrote:
mikelolol wrote:
Yes I know, the Horseman's Blade is not a tank weapon, but it shows the importance of still having something more on the fast side. Probably 2 sec will be the best speed to shoot for. I will be using my Hammer until an actual tank weapon comes into my possession, and you can be sure I'll be looking out for something more on the faster side :)

Horsemen hits like a pillow, so you're right that you can manage your own mana better with a fast weapon, but in any real instance where you're actually taking decent sized hits, mana is completely a non issue.

I think you missed part of that. Under the exact same circumstances using my Hammer of Judgement I was never longing for mana. Simply swapping my weapon I couldn't keep enough mana. Remember, we no longer have to take hits to get mana back because of the way Blessing of Sanctuary works. I was avoiding so many attacks I could have done that fight without a healer present at all, and that's a lot of mana returned from dodge/parry/blocked attacks.

With such a huge difference in weapon speed though I was getting very minimal return from my Judgement of Wisdom.

Also take into account whether or not you have Reckoning. If you have Reckoning, a 2.7 speed weapon isn't going to get the full benefit, while a 2.0 should.

I think probably the safest bet would be just to look at the weapon DPS, as pointed out, and go from there. There's no point to making sure you have a slow/fast (whatever it is you're looking for) weapon if it's going to be hitting softer and give you lesser stats.

An old post, but still relevant:

Essentially, Reckoning works just as well with any weapon speed of 2.0 or greater.

Edit: Finally dug up the post i was looking for, here:;mid=122357847039801803;page=1;howmany=50#m1223881074127364146 Since the patch i've been using the Merc. Slicer with Potency, and it's been working great. Great threat generation and nice damage for solo questing/dailies, the best of both worlds ;)

Edited, Oct 29th 2008 1:32pm by ThePizzaKing
#21 Oct 29 2008 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent

For the first time in a yeah, I actually specced for reckoning. AD is a total waste right now. Id would rather try to do more dps as a tank.
#22 Oct 29 2008 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
I still don't quite get the high DPS weapon thing.

Hammer of the Righteous does more damage based on your weapon's tooltip DPS. Everything else works with spell power.

200 spell power gives Consecration nearly 25 more DPS, which is then 47.5 TPS just from RF. Using a 90 DPS weapon over that 41 DPS weapon is an extra 200 damage every 6 seconds, which is 63 TPS just from RF.

But that 90 DPS warrior tank weapon probably has stam, defense, hit, expertise. It doesn't buff the damage from Consecration, Avenger's Shield, Holy Shield, Seal of Vengeance/Corruption, Hammer of Wrath, Exorcism or Holy Wrath. It doesn't help anything but HotR.

I need to see some math...

Edited, Oct 29th 2008 3:00pm by Ehcks
#23 Oct 29 2008 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
Ehcks wrote:
It doesn't buff the damage from Consecration, Avenger's Shield, Holy Shield, Seal of Vengeance/Corruption, Hammer of Wrath, Exorcism or Holy Wrath. It doesn't help anything but HotR.

I need to see some math...

Abilities now scale with SP and AP equally* and cumulatively. For example, look at the formula in the Consecration tooltip here:

Post patch, using the Merc. Slicer, i have more SP from Touched by the Light than i had with my old SP weapon. It doesn't end there though, i also now have higher weapon dps for HotR, more AP, more hit, more crit, and better white damage. Also, switching to Potency (20 Str = 40 AP) instead of Spell Power (40 SP) for my weapon enchant gives me the same threat boost PLUS Block Value which will boost Shield of Righteousness later, and of course mitigate damage.

Also, from the 2nd link in my previous post: shows that the Merc. Slicer is the #4 TPS weapon on the chart. This is from the Maintankadin site's analysis of existing lv70 weapons.

*- Seals/Judgments that have SP and AP coefficients are skewed SLIGHTLY in favor of SP. For example, SoR gets 0.028 * AP + 0.055 * SP(Holy).

Edit: Tiny clarification on seals/judgments.

Edited, Oct 29th 2008 4:11pm by ThePizzaKing
#24 Oct 29 2008 at 12:22 PM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
That graph can't be right.

How can three weapons be listed as better than S2, and none of them are S3 or S4?

Edit: I mean, sure, who's gonna gear up a prot paladin with arena points? But if you're gonna make a graph that shows the best of all other available TPS weapons, you might as well do those too. S3 and S4 Slicer and Gavel.. Especially the gavel, since you could be getting that for holy.

Edited, Oct 29th 2008 4:28pm by Ehcks
#25 Oct 29 2008 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
Honestly, i don't remember what the inclusion criteria were for the chart. Regardless, i chose the slicer because it was easily obtainable in a short time, the specific item isn't the question. The point is that the mechanics have changed, and while SP weapons are still a valid choice, there are other options now if you so choose.
#26 Oct 29 2008 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
62 posts
I have a sun eater with Mongoose on it. I just recently hit 70 and I am still working on getting gear. I been asking around and my suneater beats out a spell power weapon by atleast 200+ none crits/ HoTR can be used every 6 secs. I have had little to no problems holding hate. I use judgements and seals to add alittle extra help here and there, but its not needed. and the nice thing about HotR is it is holy damage. 200+ more spell power might add 25 more dps to Conc. but when your doing 200+ more holy damage every 6 secs it beats out 25 more dps = 150 over 6 secs . And that is if HoTR doesnt Crit. I Have seen it Crit often, then again I have seen it get deflected also.

a faster damaging weapon helps with using seals though for mana,health, or holy dps.

Hope this helps.
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