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Which Pet are you folks rolling with now?Follow

#27 Oct 21 2008 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I use a scorpid for raiding, and a gorilla for farming. Gorilla + Volley + Explosive Shot + TNT + Lock and Load = crazy silly AoE farming.

(I keep hearing about BM being the best DPS spec, but I haven't noticed much difference between myself and my BM-spec guild bretheren on the post-raid Recount meters where if I'm not top dog, I'm top three - but that's a topic for another thread.)

#28 Oct 23 2008 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
Not saying this is the best, worst, what the DPS is, but I just got a silithid and it is AWESOME. It has changed my PvP fortunes around. BW and it's special ability, Venom Web Spray, are amazing against rogues and mages. VWS immobilizes things for 4 secs + nature damage, I match that with intimidate and I can freeze a rogue or mage enough to get away and tear them down. And I am not geared great at all, but my kills and deaths have all gone the correct directions. There may be other advantages to other pets, but I love this ones perks. I named him Scubasteve
#29 Oct 23 2008 at 8:12 PM Rating: Default
At level 40 I tamed King Bangalash in Stranglegnome Vale(yes I said Stranglegnome). Anyways. I love my cat. Just don't have him specced right now tell I can figure one out for the 50/11/0 build i'm using. I keep hearing about gorillas. Are they really that great of a farming pet. I just gotta know lol Any idea were to get a really good one. I may want to try it out. I'm a farmaholic. Love killing clefthoofs for there thich leather. 50g for a stack of 10 on my server. put up 5 stacks and for me they all sell the same day while I mine. Just wanna try another pet. Been cats since level 10. No use for exotics. Don't want one and probably never will. :D
#30 Oct 24 2008 at 2:18 AM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
Souliken wrote:
Just don't have him specced right now tell I can figure one out for the 50/11/0 build i'm using.

... You do realize that it's only 10 silver to respec pets, right? It doesn't matter if you have something like this on it until you take a few seconds to realize what are the strongest talents. You go out to any humanoid mob in Outland, kill it, and you have enough money to respec your pet.
#31 Oct 24 2008 at 5:31 AM Rating: Decent
385 posts
Seriously, with 5 stable slots you can pretty much get one pet for every function...

I am curious however about the BM "Mr.Fancy Pants" pet taming skill... I'm guessing I can spec that and go tame a dino then respec after and still keep the new "it" pet...Would this be a correct assumption?
#32 Oct 24 2008 at 6:36 AM Rating: Decent
I am curious however about the BM "Mr.Fancy Pants" pet taming skill... I'm guessing I can spec that and go tame a dino then respec after and still keep the new "it" pet...Would this be a correct assumption?

Yes, it will be sent to your stable until you spec back into exotic.
#33 Oct 24 2008 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
Recently switched over to a wolf, it's having a hard time keeping aggro off of me right now though(SV Orc hunter) might stop using the focus dump so it can growl when it comes off of CD(i've had him use his howl just beofre growl came off CD way too many times). Not too worried though cause i can easily melee most mobs.
#34 Oct 24 2008 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
32 posts
Core hound for me.

Lava breath is a great skill. They're also one of the coolest looking exotics in the game, in my opinion.
#35 Oct 24 2008 at 12:55 PM Rating: Good
797 posts
Get a boar! <oink>
Wait, that needs to change to . . .

Get a gorilla! <ook>
#36 Oct 25 2008 at 2:13 AM Rating: Decent
For pre patch i used a boar bm specced, now with patch have picked up a moth from netherstorm. he gets an added heal i mainly toddle around on my own or do odd parties with friends, where dps heal meters etc are not used as is more a lets see if we can do this than omgad i did so much damage i knocked the hands of the clock in stormwind bragging that often goes with dps meters.

cute little moth also has a dive then intimadate then I disengage then whackity whack in pvp.
Which ever pet you choose you have to learn what they and you can and cant do. my eyes are always bigger than my abilities, but its a game and worse that happens is repair bills.
#37REDACTED, Posted: Oct 25 2008 at 6:22 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Anyone tell me were I can find a good gorilla. Wanna try it out for farming. Thinking of using my cat strictly for raiding.
#38 Oct 25 2008 at 7:08 PM Rating: Good
Are you freaking serious? Any gorilla is a good gorilla, any gorilla you tame is going to end up being level 65 with the exact same skill. You have been getting rated down here for long enough to have heard of petopia. Look there.
#39 Oct 25 2008 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
Swisherer wrote:
They're also one of the coolest looking exotics in the game, in my opinion.

Yeah, but until Blizzard gets a clue and fixes the F$%#ing ground shake, 80% of the population will resent you.
#40REDACTED, Posted: Oct 25 2008 at 11:36 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Wow it was one question. Jesus. Forget I even asked. And YES I WAS freaking serious....
#41 Oct 26 2008 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
807 posts
I'm liking my Core Hound a lot so far. Sophie (named her after an old dog I had)was the Kurken, and really ramps up the aggro ,doing some damn fine damage. I get a lot of comments on how pretty she is along with the 'where did you get that pet from?'.

That Phoenix skill is awesome too, really surprises a lot of people in BG's I think when she pops back up again real quick.

I am interested in trying out a gorilla, just haven't gotten around to it yet, what with all the globe trotting I'm doing on all the achievement stuff.
#42 Oct 26 2008 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
Carrion bird.

Specifically, a Dire Raven named EdgrAllenPwn.

Standard Ferocity DPS pet, and an AP debuff to aid in how everyone AoEs down everything right now.
#43REDACTED, Posted: Oct 26 2008 at 10:20 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ok I think i'm ready to go. Just need you all to check one thing for me. My pet spec. I have respecced and am currently using rinkkels. Here is my pets link
#44 Oct 27 2008 at 1:06 AM Rating: Good
1,519 posts
I went out to STV to grab a gorilla to name Rosie (as in Rosie O'donnell), just as a joke. Then I decided to do the gorilladin thing and I am absolutely in love. I'm a mage in mail with my own personal tank that won't leave me when he gets bored.

I'm almost considering making myself a certificate of ownership and renaming Rosie "PallyPocket"

-Tame Gorilla
-Run through a pack of aggressive mobs

And is it just my imagination, or does Volley not use any ammo? I started farming with 2800 arrows, and when I was done a few hours later, I was still in the 2700 range.

Edited, Oct 27th 2008 6:29am by ProjectMidnight
#45 Oct 29 2008 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
My pet findings: (Spec 51/10/0)

Core Hound (specimen - The Kurken, renamed Hades)
Advantages: Looks cool when standing still, Lava Breath is good
Disadvantages: Animations are somewhat limited or simply look crap on this scaled down tamed version, ground shake
Status: Still stabled

Devilsaur (Specimen - white one from Un'Goro, still unnamed)
Advantages: great fight animations, blood drips from mouth after Monstrous Bite, Monstrous Bite is awesome
Disadvantage: Limited selection meaning you see loads of pets the same as yours, the ground pound is a little excessive considering how small they are now, plus I see my Hunter as a stealthy sort, so the Devilsaur is a bad fit aesthetically.
Status: Released

Silithid (Specimens - rare tan spawn in 1k needles, and blue one from Tanaris renamed Yautja)
Advantages: Venom Web Spray is is the best exotic skill I've seen yet! great fun to play with
Disadvantages: Limited animation, it does the twitchy thing too much, lack of personality
Status: Released (may possibly get another one)

Wasp (Specimen - Blacksting, renamed Dart
Advantages: Sting is very good in both PvE and PvP
Disadvantages: Kinda boring to look at, same problem as Silithid re: personality
Status: Released

Chimera (Specimen - Green one from BEM. Gave up on Nuramoc)
Advantages: Very strong special attack, looks quite good when fighting
Disadvantages: Wings continually clip through the player when standing still, not evough variety meaning everyone either has the same one I had, or a lucky few with nuramoc.
Status: Released

Moth (Specimen - Green glowy one from Terrokar, renamed Acherontia)
Advantages: Good special when it's up, the one I had particularly had a quirk where it kept the green glow after taming making it stand out among the others who all picked the blue one, not a particularly popular pet so you don't see many.
Disadvantages: Reason it's not popular is because it's a moth! Cooldown on special is quite long, I really wanted to like this pet but I can't seriously have one on my Troll, it just doesnt feel right. Maybe if I was a Night Elf.
Status: Stabled

Cat (Specimens - Ghost Saber renamed Zhora, Humar renamed Midnight)
Advantages: Looks cool, good fighting animations, prowl is now a bonus toy rather than a gimped special, rake is actually pretty good
Disadvantages: Why didnt they pick a better model for the Ghost Saber? I like the translucency but hate that cross eyed face most cats have, cats are pretty common
Status: Zhora released, Midnight promoted to main pet.

Conclusion: Cat FTW! It's only really unusual for me as I've never had a cat as my main in all my time as a Hunter, as I mentioned earlier, I hate the skin on most and couldnt be bothered to level the ones I did like, so I abused the pet autolevelling system. I realise black lions will be 10 a penny once more Hunters see the new one in Northrend, but it doesn't particularly bother me currently. I have a pet I like to see standing beside my Hunter and he's effective DPS. I will probably grab an eagle once I can though as I've always wanted one.
#46 Oct 30 2008 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
I'd love to hear what Specs (generally speaking) your using along with what pet, as some pets likely work better for BM's then for MM's and vice versa.
#47 Oct 31 2008 at 4:00 AM Rating: Decent
76 posts
I have tried a few out so far, and it really comes down to what you do with your character I guess. I use my hunter to fill time when my wife is off playing lineage2 or I get off work too late, so my hunter is mostly just for questing/farming. Anyways, I tried a moth, didn't care for it, the heal skill was rarely used for me, and like someone else said, it just didn't feel right. I had a cat for ages, they are a staple for hunter pets, and always a good choice. I tried a gorilla and still have it stabled, great pet for tanking if specced right, wicked thing for running lowbies through instances and farming...same goes for the bear, but to a lesser extent. I tried a chimera, great special skill, looks cool, super damage, but the stutter steps at range while it was trying to use its' frostbreath got old very quick(my core hound suffers from the same thing which is sad because i am one of the few hordies on my server who took the trouble to get The Kurken).
All in all, my favorite has been the chimera, but the stutter step bug is killing me, and the gorilla. If the bear could attack more targets with the special, then I would roll with a bear, but the gorilla just makes more sense to me.
#48 Nov 01 2008 at 6:55 AM Rating: Default
I use a spider that can cast a net in the BG's. Its great for netting the flag carrier in Warsong or stopping someone trying to run past ya in AV or AB. When exp'ing I use a cat from winterspring. I also have a dino but it seams that he can't keep aggro as well as my cat with same lvl of growl.

68 MM Hunter
#49 Nov 01 2008 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
500 posts
Gorilla for AOE and rep grinding, and eventually leveling. With volley, this has been a hell of a lot of fun.

Still have Humar and will never get rid of him.

I like the Nether Ray's sleek appearance (and my matching mount). Seems to work ok interrupting casters. I'm not displeased.

I tried, but can't stand the larger pets (corehounds, devilsaurs, chimeras). Most likely will tame a rhino but really hope they lose the ground stomping that larger pets have. I'd be happy if we could have a choice to downsize some of these.

Biggest disappointment has been my boar.
#50 Nov 02 2008 at 3:12 AM Rating: Default
Ok I am a full spec BM (minus 3 points) and so far in my career I have used a few pets and this is my 2 cents on them

Cat - Was a great all around pet used it till I was 50th (pre-patch, havent tried one out since)

Turtle - I loved this little guy, took hits and kept on going (Again pre-patch)

Reaver - Loved this little guy to death, the stun ability made me fall in love with them (pre-patch)

Devilsaur - ZOMG! I love this pet, I wont ever get rid of fluffy EVER! I dont know what everyone keeps talking about for focus starved... When raiding he is a DPS monster, and if I throw BW on him he does more dmg then me fully buffed... And even when running around just goofing around in dungeons I can have him be the lead tank and he works, between me and him I even have crowd control covered. Love this guy to death

Chimera - I hated this pet with a passion so hard I used him for 3 fights, abandoned him and pulled my reaver back out till I could get something else...

Core Hound - Non-aggro keeping POS... You may have different feelings then me... But I felt so bad for abandoning my devilsaur so I could get him... (Long story about not stopping by a stable as we got closer to Azuremyst) I hated this pet just about as much as the chimera...

I tamed a few others just to see thier abilites but never used them in combat so I cant give any say on them, but the sithus did look pretty cool (Un'goro versions) But thats my two cents and Fluffy is staying my main pet for a very long while.
#51 Nov 02 2008 at 9:49 AM Rating: Excellent
I know for one thing if they keep the wolves in Ramps tameable when wrath goes live im definitly getting one to go with my black war wolf so when i mount up it just looks like i jumped on my pet Smiley: grin.

Edited, Nov 2nd 2008 1:01pm by Gutler
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