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The Future of Warrior in WotLKFollow

#1 Oct 17 2008 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
So everybodys bee Oooing and Ahhing at the new talents avd everything is well and good. However a couple friends and I were discussing how we feel warrior really got the short end of the stick.

For instance. PvE Tanking. Prot Pallys have generally been prefered over warrior for tanking groups of monsters. With the anticipation change warriors lose a large ammount of defense. Druids who dont rely on mostly defense while tanking could now be considered equal too if not prefered over warrior for boss tanking.

PvP. Bladestorm is all well and good. But while a fun toy it is not a cure all. Several of my warrior frends were dropped from their arena teams due to the Aimed Shot change. Were warriors always just a MS bot in arenas? Did we really offer nothing else?

PvE DPS. Once again Arms is great however it has never been out sustained dps build. Our 51 point fury talent is nigh useless. So for sustained DPS were looking at the same specs we have been using (albeit a few tweaks). I have not heard of anything excellent from the warriors I have spoken with about Arms PvE DPS but if the past is any indication I doubt it will be groundshaking.

Yes we may have gained a much improved leveling build in Prot after level 40ish. But is the future of warrior looking grim on the endgame front? I hope I am wrong. Warrior is my favorite class and I want it to fourish. But while we may have been buffed with 51-point talents do you think other classes may have been buffed more. Please reassure me!
#2 Oct 17 2008 at 12:55 PM Rating: Good
I'm not too sure what to say about this...I will say that the protection tree is pretty ******* OP atm, not complaining or anything, but damn I can kill **** fast now and WITH A SHIELD!

Now, forgive me as I enjoy this beer.

P.S. It's Friday!!!!!!!!!
#3 Oct 17 2008 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
prot is awesome in pve. it still needs a lot of babysitting from other classes in pvp however. youre even weaker as an unsupported prot in pvp than you are as an unsupported arms.

havent tried fury yet, and have no desire too given the current state of TG.
#4 Oct 17 2008 at 1:25 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm not too sure what to say about this...I will say that the protection tree is pretty @#%^ing OP atm, not complaining or anything, but damn I can kill sh*t fast now and WITH A SHIELD!

Thats the thing we gained some firepower in the tree. But was it worth the cost of some defensive traits? Thats what I'm not sure.
#5 Oct 17 2008 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
I am wondering how the other tanking classes are stacking up in terms of threat generation. Prot warriors now seem to have slightly less mitigation than before, but vastly increased threat generation.

Can the new bears and prot pallies keep up with our threat generation? If so, then I don't see where our niche is supposed to be. Though admittedly it just got alot funner to own mobs while grinding dailies.
#6 Oct 17 2008 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent
I don't understand where you guys are getting all this def nerf stuff from, sure, you had to add a few gems and some different enchants, boohoo, we still own and we actually have awesome mitigation. Im in mostly badge gear, Badge body, legs (Shield block one not the 150badge ones) wrist and such and IM sitting on 70% total D/B/P UNBUFFED with 495 rating and 16kish HP.

1: Bosses no longer crush unless they are 4 lvls above you, therefore getting the 103 D/B/P ratio is now mute.

2: Our actuall avoidance/mitigation is actually a lot higher now than it was, previously we needed shield block (Unless your ubergeared) to even come close to 70% D/B/P. Now its almost a non-issue.

3: Druids got nerfed, their armor was dropped in bear form, still making us more wanted.

4: WE HAVE A FREAKING CONE STUN THAT CAN CRIT FOR OVER 1K! Oh don't forget the other 3 stuns we have...

I honestly don't see where you think we got the short end. Earlier today, just for ***** and giggles I decided to solo Reg UB to see if I could do it, granted, I couldn't down Ghaz (Nature DMG FTL...) But I solo'd all the way to him, including downing Hungarfen with 50%, yes, 50% HP left over. If yall dont think we are getting shafted, you really need to look harder into warriors, understand the trees and know the proper specs. If you are concerrned as a prot warrior, spec 5/5/51, no mit problems, no avoidance problems, and excellent DPS/threat gen and surviveability.

Fury though, IMO is kinda lame atm. least now it is really brutal, who cares about bladestorm, thats has it functions, but not for PVP, its all about Sudden Death, no slam interrupting your swing and lots of other goodies. Bladestorm really is pointless other than for, atm, large groups and stuff like kara where there are quite a few AoE pulls.
#7 Oct 18 2008 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
I agree with Trogdor. Some of the people who are QQing about prot haven't really taken the time to look at the new talents and some of the revamped older ones.

Sure you don't get Defense Rating (anticipation) anymore but that was **** to begin with if you think about it. It barely gave you anything anyway (.5% of D/B/P was ****, or w/e the % really was). The dodge is hawt though imo. I saw alot of people with over 500 Def Rating because they took the points into Anticipation, now you get a better stat from it and can still be at the cap for def rating.

There are alot of nice things in the prot tree that make me want to get my tank gear out and slap it back on just for giggles.

The Arms tree is ok, and I'm not really interested in the Fury tree, it just looks like the same **** different day type stuff, minus a few of the lower tier goodies.
#8 Oct 20 2008 at 1:02 AM Rating: Decent

Tanking has been improved tremendously is my humble opinion...

With new ablilities aquired every mob that hits us get hit too :)) so an initial aggro is gained at start of every battle
before we even throw a demo shout... thats more free time for us warrs(+gamplay) to figure out what to throw next.
Slam the primary ( hehe it will probably crit) and he ll stick on you like glue whatever dps throw at him ,throw a TC ,use the mouseover macro with devastates(bind on sigle button) on secondary and 3rd targed ( fourth ?) and again a shield slam on primary.. (you dont have to swich targets with mouseover)You cant possibly loose aggro- Unless y got an Ele shammy who likes to cast Chain lighting on on mobs- or any other stupid dps class who likes to aoe.. let him die a couple of times ( hehe)

As for Druids ? Our Main tank is a Full epic Expirienced druid and guess what? I have to hold back in order not get aggro from him :)) Well if thats not an improvement , then.. what is ?

As for 'Main tank' title... its a bit confusing since warriors still are best on 1-1 fights ( Curator: come to mummy) -So druid-pally : 'Go kill some adds , or play with dolls or .. i dont know.. smoke a ciggar... leave boss fights plz - youll get hurt dear although you migh have 2000 health more/druid than me,say 18.000 hp ,we ll still keep healers bored to death..

Keep in mind though that gearing IS important. If dps is overgeared(in relation to y) then you might loose aggro for a couple of secs... not more( hehe) -you can still use Aggro all button ( dont remember the spell name)

Oh! is that naughty Warlock/mage/whatever steals your aggro ? No problems cast on him you ' Protective gaze?.. something' buff ... and he can sleep during fights ( heheh)

PvP : I dont know -havent tested yet : I dueled a shammy-Ele and we were like 2 wins - 2 loses...( but he sucked -as I did lol) I m expecting somebody to post a worth getting pvp protection build...

I also like the fact that when i grind low level caves for mining now i dont attack targets .. they hit me ,they got hit back .. eventually they ll die , it s fun!! ( +gameplay)

As for loosing defensive stats?? I believe every warr has somewhere in bank acouple of items with + def rating as gearing is a bit of architect building. You get new boots? Dont throw away your old ones!!They might get handy if you get a better loot in head , shield... So save items (If you spend 100g on new boots for gems+enchant:18stamina you cant just sell them cause y got better ones ,they worth 5-6g in vendors anyway). I have 2 bags of good tanking gear and use it according to new loot content (and boss fight)0 every week!! ( I dont have t4). Thats what I do to keep balance between Defence Rating/Expertise/hit/Stamina/SBV/Dodge
Keep also in mind that we got MORE %Dodge wich is AWESOME for tanking...

Conclusion : If you play as your suppose to play ,using macros,and accepting the fact that wer gear depended (I can rock in SP and Underdog but I suck in Ramparts e.g -get more gear for Ramps) we will own the tanking REALM.
Druids I dont think they got buffed - or at least our 'main tank' didnt.
All the content above is not theory ... its tested and its a fact ( from a noob like me !!)

#9 Oct 20 2008 at 7:26 AM Rating: Default
i see what you are asking. and i do understand the problem.. we dont have a niche as the absolutely best main tank anymore, but have been made alot more all-round. but this counts for all the tanks, and was blizards intention so no group/raid will be dependent on having a specific class for tanking any event. basicly they made us all more alike.
for better or worse this is the situation and its not a specific nurf to warriors

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