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And here are the Ret changesFollow

#77 Oct 23 2008 at 11:23 PM Rating: Decent
SomnusSleeper wrote:
Seeing as how the discussion was referring to ret OPness in PvP I would hope you were. I'm glad you ignored the majority of the posts in this thread to come up with something as stupid as your next comment :

No, the thread is referring to changes to the paladin class, specifically the ret talent build. There's more to the game than PvP, and if you scream too hard about a class/spec being too OP in PvP, their PvE performance suffers.


JotW isn't a survival tool. It's mana regen. You can have a million mana to burn and if you don't use it for anything, you're dead. What you use it for is the survival tool. TAoW is nice. It's not game breaking, but it's nice.

That's incredibly asinine of you to say, last I checked Guadion and the rest of the posters have an IQ of over 30. I think they realize that classes with a mana bar need to use said mana to cast spells. As for Replenishment, I'm surprised that you don't think 3.75% of your max mana in addition to the other 33% of your base mana granted by the talent is "not all that significant". More to the point, TAoW is an incredibly strong talent in terms of PvP. An instant cast heal for ~2k? If you don't think that a damage spec casting that every 2 judgement crits isn't game breaking I'd like to smoke whatever it is that you are.

3.75% is trivial. It's also trivial to people in your group. 33% of base mana can be significant, but you'll still go OOM if you're using everything in your ******* for a prolonged period of time. Especially if you're tossing out spot heals/cleansing/etc.

The point, since you seem to have missed it, is that ret paladins without JotW are horribly mana inefficient. That's why, pre 3.0.2, leveling a ret pally meant putting 21 points into that you could actually heal between fights without having to sit and drink after every two encounters. The purpose wasn't to promote combat rotations or recommended was to illustrate the lackluster mana management that is at the core of a ret paladin and to illustrate why JotW is not only balanced, but necessary. At 70, my JotW returns just shy of 1k mana every 8 seconds. Within that span of time, I can burn upwards of 1500 mana. More if I'm fighting groups of demons/undead. With a mana pool hovering around the 4-4.5k mark, you can see how the mana return from JotW is not going to prolong a standard combat rotation indefinately, and the focus right now is on boosting classes through PvE content, not tweaking them for "balanced" PvP play.

In addition, the classes are "balanced" around expansion content. They're "balanced" around the idea of PvP at level 80. It would be a waste of development time for Blizzard to try and tweak balance for 70 PvP when it's all going to be obsolete in less than a month. Anyone screaming that they need to be balanced for level 70 PvP needs to give their head a shake. Arena season 4 is over. Maintaining a rating at this point is more or less moot, since the S3/4 gear people would pick up with it will be obsolete come Season 5. Whether it's a ret pally or a pair of mages bursting you down in a BG, you're still going to die...a lot.

I'm in favor of the changes to ret that have been made and are pending. While it's fun as hell to obliterate mobs while doing dailies before my Judgement cooldown is up, it's not necessary. From a PvE standpoint, I have no problem with ret damage being spread out instead of so much of it coming up front.

What I haven't got much use for is the QQ crew working themselves into a frothing rage over the preliminary performance of classes that have been adjusted with the expansion in mind. Level 70 in Northrend is going to be rather simple for most people heading into the expansion, but from what I'm hearing out of beta, the difficulty is ramped up rather quickly and the 'OP' performance of the classes now will put them on an adequate footing in latter WotLK content, but by no means breezing through the way everyone is cruising through TBC now. When enough people are at 80 and have the extra 10 talents spent in "utility" trees, then Blizzard can take a serious look at who is doing what and what results they are getting by doing so. At that point, balance will become a reasonable objective. Right now, it's fruitless for Blizzard to try for balance, it's pointless for players to expect it, and moronic to QQ over.


Ya, I'm the guy who stopped telling you to be such a victim in the shaman forums QQing about shaman in PvP. Not content with that, apparently you've branched out to QQ here.

Carry on.

QQ moar.

I had originally planned on making this post less personal but the QQ comment was both obnoxious and unnecessary. Much as I often disagree with what Gaudion says, in this case he is right on and treating him in a condescending and often belligerent manner will get this discussion nowhere.

Have you read Gaudion's posts? He's next in line for the crown of the obnoxious, condescending kingdom of QQdale, and he's ******** about something that will have absolutely no purpose or meaning come Nov. 13th. The only thing worse than ******** about something that's not important is ******** about something that hasn't even happened yet, so I'm giving him a little credit that he's not going to QQ about what he thinks is going to happen at level 80.

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 12:26am by AureliusSir
#78 Oct 23 2008 at 11:36 PM Rating: Excellent
3,909 posts
Look, the major fear of the newly-endowed ret paladins on this board is that complaints from the PvP sector will result in a nerf to their PvE competency. A nerf to JotW would do exactly that. I really don't think that's what ret needs at the moment. What it needs is for its burst damage to be scaled back so that it's not so one-sided in PvP, and Blizzard is doing exactly this, and I've got no issue with that.

Gaudion's making some decent points regarding AoW and some silly ones (I think) regarding JotW. In particular, even mentioning LoH in a PvP context is kinda silly - it's not available in arena, which is where PvP balance is most important. Suggesting that we can bubble twice in an arena match is really stretching it. There's not enough time to do that unless both sides have healers, in which event the paladin wouldn't even be healing himself. He'd be bubbling to avoid CC.

Complaining about our "infinite mana" misses the point. JotW is not as ridiculous as Gaud's making it out to be, especially when you consider that our gear isn't itemised for a large mana pool or mana regen. I really don't even see it being significant in PvP - all it does is put us on par with the other DPS classes in terms of sustained DPS.

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 3:38am by zepoodle
#79 Oct 24 2008 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
109 posts
Edit: that goes for you too Gaudion

Have you even read my posts before rating them down? The fact is that you are arguing against many of the forum's predominant ret posters (particularly Tommyguns) who probably know far more about the class than you do. As for 3.75% mana being insignificant, in a 6 minute raid fight (PvE mana is the issue right?) thats 4 x 6 x 3.75 or 90. If you think that having almost your entire mana pool refunded to you in a fight is insignificant in PvE I'd again like to figure out what class you're playing exactly.

#80 Oct 24 2008 at 4:50 AM Rating: Good
648 posts
SomnusSleeper wrote:
Edit: that goes for you too Gaudion

Have you even read my posts before rating them down? The fact is that you are arguing against many of the forum's predominant ret posters (particularly Tommyguns) who probably know far more about the class than you do. As for 3.75% mana being insignificant, in a 6 minute raid fight (PvE mana is the issue right?) thats 4 x 6 x 3.75 or 90. If you think that having almost your entire mana pool refunded to you in a fight is insignificant in PvE I'd again like to figure out what class you're playing exactly.

ok, first off i'm retarded and got confused reading these forus on my phone. my reply to the argument between gaud and friends is in the post on noone likes us now. and replace tsarducci with aurelius ad whoever else here is opposed to gaud... sorry. I got a new phone yesterday so hopefully this confusion won't happen again. I won't repeat it so if you want to know my position you can read it there....

as to the JotW issue... I addressed it a little in y other post, but to answer you here... 90% of our mana over 6 mins is insignificant. we use our full mana bar every 25-35 seconds... look at the mana cost on your tooltip and add it up. wait... you're not a pally are you. um, I don't have exact numbers but off the top of my head I think my seal is 12% of my mana. over 6 mins I cast that 3 times. most of the rest of my spells are between 9-15% of my mana pool (max mana= base mana for a ret pally). just assuming 9% and assuming I had cast my seal right as combat started i'd be oom in 10 casts (100%-12%= 88%; 9%*10=90%) 10 global cooldowns = 15 seconds. I realize ability cooldowns prevents it from being quite this fast, but even if you assume we miss hitting a few spells here and there we will definitely have used up 10 casts within 30 seconds... soo... 90% of my mana = about 25 seconds of slow dps for a ret pally? take away JotW mana return and that means ret pallies (who's abilities cost more now than before the batch because of JotW) will be oom and not even able to judge to keep up replenishment for everyone else or dps enough to warrant having them in any raid... thanks but no thanks.

and just a note, replenishment isn't meant to be a buff for us. its too weak to be effective. it's purely something we offer to the classes that stack int...

another note. take a typical caster (healer or dps) and look at how much mp5 they have... at 70 I hear soo many (other than holy pallies) say they have 250+. yesterday our mage was bragging about having over 400 Mp5 buffed... take the base of 250 MP5 though and how much mana do you get without needing to use mana to get it... hmm, 250*12*6=18,000 mana in those 6 seconds.... what does an unbuffed ret pally get? 0*12*6=0... so do we need an ability to regen mana? yes. hence JotW. stop QQing about JotW. everything ret costs more because they know we have it.

you may have some vaalid points that I agreed with in my other post, but this is not one of them. I won't tell you if 200% max mana returned over 6 mins is good enough for a mage... don't tell me that 90% is good for a class with only about 4000 mana total...

I will tell you that blinking away from me is a nuisance... I can see how it affects me as a non-mage. feel free to bring up vaid points like how its tough to survive a ret pallies initial 6-8k damage in those first 6 seconds when you didn't blink out of his hammer.

by the way, if mage is the wrong class I am sorry. I didn't really bother to look at what class you were just was obvious you were't a pally.

oh, and play nice on my forums kids... no more name calling. argue points. its why we're here. if people were worried about their anatomy being twisted unnaturally they'd go to a doctor not video game forums...

#81 Oct 24 2008 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
hey, i pretty much solo'd Netherspite last night. wanna see? godmode
#82 Oct 24 2008 at 4:58 AM Rating: Decent
I don’t know if ret palies need change or not but all I can say is that I dueled a lvl 29 ret pali yesterday I’m lvl 36 pali prot with all blues. He owned me in 3 seconds that is ridicules.

Another factor that I believe to be a problem is that I hear people wanting to have DPS like that of Mage or Rogue but I believe that sometimes people forget that we wear mail armor and PLATE after lvl 40. my point is that we cant have the AC of a warrior and the DMG burst of a mage. That is way to OP in my opinion if you want DPS change your class.

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 9:26am by ryuenza
#83 Oct 24 2008 at 6:00 AM Rating: Good
648 posts
ryuenza wrote:
I don’t know if ret palies need change or not but all I can say is that I dueled a lvl 29 ret pali yesterday I’m lvl 36 pali prot with all blues. He owned me in 3 seconds that is ridicules.

Another factor that I believe to be a problem is that I hear people wanting to have DPS like that of Mage or Rogue but I believe that sometimes people forget that we wear mail armor and PLATE after lvl 40. my point is that we cant have the AC of a warrior and the DMG burst of a mage. That is way to OP in my opinion if you want DPS change your class.

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 9:26am by ryuenza

ty for your opinion... thankfully blizz doesn't agree with you. get to max lvl, join a raid and tell me why you'd bring a plate dps if he can't keep up with the mage in dps... now that buffs don't stack, we bring nothing unique... wait you might be a pvp'er... when you duel a mage how much does your mail/plate armor mitigate his fireballs, etc? pretty sure my plate armor reduces it by somewhere in the neighborhood of 0%. oops. so a mage/pally duel would be really fair if they can kite us, their spells aren't mitigated and to top it off we catch up and slap them on the hand with the tiny dps our plate armor should warrant, right? sure sounds fair to me.

I don't think anyone here was saying ret should do less dps than other dps classes. that's an outdated argument. even gaud was only saying our burst damage+survivability is too much. I understand him to be argueing more that we should be less survivable not that we should do less overall dps.

at 36 duelling a twink 29 ret pally you WILL get your backside handed to you... ret has always been very strong in pvp at 29, 39, and 49. only past that has it equalized a bit. at 70 you have to pop all your cooldowns to have a chance at 3 second kills... its really not like you can kill over and over and over at 3 seconds per kill... i'm not saying doing it once with cooldowns is necessarly balanced, but as a kitable class its not as OP as people make it out to be....

anyway, save yourself some embarrassment and don't use outdated arguments like 'utility' class or wearing plate armor... my gf rogue has better survival in leather gear without abilities just based on dodge from stacking agility... all classes have different ways of dealing with damage. ours is just the brute force way.
#84 Oct 24 2008 at 6:46 AM Rating: Decent
just cause i'm new to all of this i'd really like to know what QQ stands for exactly ^^".

thank you.
#85 Oct 24 2008 at 7:13 AM Rating: Excellent
648 posts
dayvancowboy wrote:
just cause i'm new to all of this i'd really like to know what QQ stands for exactly ^^".

thank you.

QQ = Cry/whine, etc...
#86 Oct 24 2008 at 7:19 AM Rating: Good
3,909 posts
ryuenza wrote:
I don’t know if ret palies need change or not but all I can say is that I dueled a lvl 29 ret pali yesterday I’m lvl 36 pali prot with all blues. He owned me in 3 seconds that is ridicules.

Another factor that I believe to be a problem is that I hear people wanting to have DPS like that of Mage or Rogue but I believe that sometimes people forget that we wear mail armor and PLATE after lvl 40. my point is that we cant have the AC of a warrior and the DMG burst of a mage. That is way to OP in my opinion if you want DPS change your class.

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 9:26am by ryuenza

Couple things.

1. In PvP, classes are balanced for the level cap. Saying "such and such happened to me at level XX, therefore class Y is overpowered" is entirely flawed. Not to mention, at level 29, the ret pally is about twenty points into his tree. He hasn't even picked up any of the abilities that were introduced in the patch which have caused all this fuss.
2. You're saying that because we wear plate, we should deal less damage than other classes. In raids, the optimum situation for any DPS is "not currently being hit by something." AC is mostly irrelevant. In fact, rogues are more survivable than fury warriors in a raid situation, simply because rogues can benefit from evasion and cloak of shadows. In PvP, AC is entirely bypassed by all magic effects, which is why in broad terms warriors and paladins have always been weak to ranged caster classes, who can simply kite them and wear them down, and strong against lightly-armoured melee such as rogues.

Now, a lot of people are going to take your sentiments here in a more hostile fashion, because frankly, you're presenting a very idiotic view. You're essentially saying that by virtue of their high armour, which is irrelevant in raids and often bypassed in PvP, warriors and paladins shouldn't be able to DPS competitively. Perhaps hunters and shamans are long overdue a DPS nerf to put them permanently below rogues, considering that they wear mail. And maybe rogues themselves should just accept that mages and warlocks will always do more damage than them because they're wearing cloth.

While we're at it, we can remove the existing class list, replace it with "tank", "healer" and "DPS", and force people to roll one character in each function then level to 70 with no option of changing should the need or desire arise. Or we can not do that, because it's very stupid, and you're not going to get any sympathy from the posters here regarding it.

Remember: long ago, before BC, paladin tanks were just as unfeasible as paladin DPS. When paladins announced that they were tired of one entire talent tree being mostly pointless, there were people who told them that they had indeed rolled a healing class, and had better heal or reroll a warrior. Those people were idiots. We'd appreciate it if you would learn from their example.

Edit: The reason QQ means cry/whinge is because it's supposed to resemble two eyes tearing up. I never saw the resemblance myself.

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 11:21am by zepoodle
#87 Oct 24 2008 at 7:32 AM Rating: Default
SomnusSleeper wrote:
Edit: that goes for you too Gaudion

Have you even read my posts before rating them down? The fact is that you are arguing against many of the forum's predominant ret posters (particularly Tommyguns) who probably know far more about the class than you do. As for 3.75% mana being insignificant, in a 6 minute raid fight (PvE mana is the issue right?) thats 4 x 6 x 3.75 or 90. If you think that having almost your entire mana pool refunded to you in a fight is insignificant in PvE I'd again like to figure out what class you're playing exactly.

1) Don't ***** about your karma, and don't assume you know who is impacting your karma.

2) It doesn't matter how much mana is being refunded if you're going OOM. That's the point, but from your approach/perspective I'm assuming you lack the raid experience to know that it doesn't matter if you're getting mana back...if you're using it faster than it's being returned, you're going to go OOM. With the one pot restriction in fights, you're going to need a return over time of some sort to keep going or mana issues alone will begin to restrict your dps. Since WotLK raids are still being tweaked, it's impossible to say what kind of mana issues are going to pop up and consequently, it's impossible to say that the return over time of JotW is too much. I can tell you straight up that I can easily start to get low mana warnings in PvE fights already.

Please don't talk like ret paladins are the only class/spec that get mana returns. Any class that uses mana has some form of mana return right now, so unless you're going to do a cross-class comparison, it's sort of a futile argument. Do the math. How many mana pots could you chug in 6 minutes? Now that you'll only be able to use one, and that one use would best be used judiciously instead of as soon as you can use it without wasting part of the benefit, does it not make sense that the entire group would benefit from a small return over time?

So you're arguing the benefits of a trivial personal increase over time in PvP, and overlooking all of the components that come into play in PvE...are you trying to present a rational argument here, or are you just typing the first thing that comes to mind and hoping it's not too easy to poke holes in it?

And frankly, I don't particularly care who the most experienced posters are when they're using their understanding of previous game mechanics to assess how current changes are going to affect future performance. That's the whole point. There's absolutely no benefit to complaining about our performance when we've been adjusted for content that the vast majority of us don't even have access to. Wait and see.
#88 Oct 24 2008 at 10:14 AM Rating: Excellent
808 posts
toolofjesus wrote:
dayvancowboy wrote:
just cause i'm new to all of this i'd really like to know what QQ stands for exactly ^^".

thank you.

QQ = Cry/whine, etc...

I believe QQ is supposed to be one of those Japanese-style emoticons, where you should picture two big round eyes each shedding a tear, for the same meaning TT and T.T are also common. QQ has a special place in our hearts (or at least mine) because in Warcraft (and I think Starcraft too), the command Alt+QQ would instantly disconnect you from the game, which is what many an immature twunt would do to get out of an online match that they played especially poorly in....

So now you know, and knowing is half the battle
#89 Oct 24 2008 at 2:57 PM Rating: Good
I personally can live with the ret pallys shields, LoH and other abilities. It is still the burst damage that is crazy. In AV last night I tried my full PvP gear (350 resil or so) or full tanking gear (halfway through Hyjal & BT) and repeatedly got smashed in under 5 seconds by ret pallys. I don't think I saw a ret pally die unless he had 3 people on him.

As a feral druid from pre-BC who is used to being underpowered (pre-BC PvP & PvE and BC in PvP) and as also having a 70 ret alt myself I hope you guys don't get nuked into oblivion, but there is definitely still some balancing that needs to be done. In every BG last night it was all ret-pallys in the top of the charts.

Enjoy it while it lasts (like I did my early BC bear before nerfs) but things ARE going to change.

Edit: BTW - this was all in Bear form. I don't know how geared these ret pallys all were, but with it being FotM and so many Pallys having respecced, I find it hard to believe they could ALL have been T6/S4.

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 11:48pm by RareBeast
#90 Oct 24 2008 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
I can tell you straight up that I can easily start to get low mana warnings in PvE fights already.

what is your dmg rotation. i need to know. im gonna make another thread and list the mana values of a human pally. i will let you pick your own rotation. we will do this from a solo standpoint(no raid buffs, no spiritual attunement, no outside replenishment).

i will wager that you cannot burn through the mana return from JotW before the CD is ready for another application. this is assuming a valid(doesnt even have to be ideal) dmg rotation.
#91 Oct 24 2008 at 7:05 PM Rating: Good
27 posts
My problem with Ret Pallies is not their damage. It's their infinite mana and their instant FoL's and other survival tools in addition to their damage.

Gaudion - you hit the nail on the head.

Pallies in pvp have traditionally occupied a niche, where they get everyone targeted on them, and then bubble. This posed a quandary to their opponents because pallies nonetheless did enough dps they couldn't be ignored. It was reasonable - pallies were specialists at survivability and tactical disruption, and/or exceptionally rugged healers. But with the current patch, that same class is cranking out serious dps and even better survivability.

I recognize that ret pallies needed a minor boost in pve. But now in pvp they have the best of both worlds: survivability *and* burst dps. Since you have to kill a pally three times in a row, you need triple dps just to have a 50/50 chance. Oh, and they can run faster, stun at range, shrug off slowing effects...

Tsarducci - 3 of us were pounding away on a pally and I swear to you he bubbled over and over like I've never seen pre-patch. I din't time exactly how long it lasted but it certainly felt like three minutes. The only reason we 3 survived (and barely) is that the pally frequently switched targets for no good reason, allowing us to heal up.
#92 Oct 24 2008 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
tommyguns wrote:
I can tell you straight up that I can easily start to get low mana warnings in PvE fights already.

what is your dmg rotation. i need to know. im gonna make another thread and list the mana values of a human pally. i will let you pick your own rotation. we will do this from a solo standpoint(no raid buffs, no spiritual attunement, no outside replenishment).

Regardless of gear/spec, Paladins are still utility classes. Maybe it comes from so much time playing a feral druid, but if a clutch heal needs to be made, I make it. If all you're doing is spamming a standard attack rotation, mana isn't likely to be an issue. If you're pushing the envelope and playing a more versatile role, mana can certainly become an issue.
#93 Oct 24 2008 at 7:52 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
brodarus wrote:
Pallies in pvp have traditionally occupied a niche, where they get everyone targeted on them, and then bubble. This posed a quandary to their opponents because pallies nonetheless did enough dps they couldn't be ignored. It was reasonable - pallies were specialists at survivability and tactical disruption, and/or exceptionally rugged healers. But with the current patch, that same class is cranking out serious dps and even better survivability.

Did you even play a ret pally pre-patch? The only way I ever even got a kill in was because people were ignoring me.

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 11:54pm by zepoodle
#94 Oct 24 2008 at 11:15 PM Rating: Default
291 posts
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
#95 Oct 25 2008 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
AnotherSquirrel wrote:
I have to agree with Gaudion here even though I don't pvp much. Just from a PvE perspective. I can solo an elite with 90k health that is hitting me for 800-1k at a time. I can't think of another class that can do that without kiting.

Feral Druid. I've killed Durn the Hungerer by myself twice now.
#96 Oct 25 2008 at 11:10 AM Rating: Default
2,396 posts
A lot of you guys really need to stop and look at your own posts for a second. Seriously. Just look at them. The following statement has been a common theme in almost every argument directed at myself and others in favor of Ret not changing from its current state:

"It doesn't matter if we have amazing survival tools and it doesn't matter that you might potentially have to kill us several times and it doesn't matter if we have infinite mana because we will kill you in a matter of seconds before any of those things come into play."

Do you even understand what you're saying? Being so powerful that you don't even need your survival tools is not synonomous with not having them or a lack of usefulness. The real elephant in this room is how so many of your minds are able to equate that statement with overall balance and equality. I can't even begin to comprehend it.

AureliusSir wrote:
Regardless of gear/spec, Paladins are still utility classes. Maybe it comes from so much time playing a feral druid, but if a clutch heal needs to be made, I make it. If all you're doing is spamming a standard attack rotation, mana isn't likely to be an issue. If you're pushing the envelope and playing a more versatile role, mana can certainly become an issue.

Not anymore. Ret Paladins used to be like a begger at a banquet: they had to disguise themselves as a waiter to get in while everyone else was eating their fancy feast. The whole term "utility class" was a political maneuver to allow classes like Ret Pallies and DPS Shaman and other classes into raids back when their DPS was horrible and threat gen was too high. Or Shadow Priests after T5. There are plenty of examples. The point is, "utility class" was not a positive label.

Times have changed. Protection is better and encounters are being tuned not to favor Warriors tanks in the expansion. Holy really doesn't need a mention here since they have always been a will always be the best single-target healer in the game, but I think someone like you needs to be reminded of that. Retribution is no longer a "utility class". They bring replenishment, some extra crit chance, sure, but the reason they're attractive now is that they provide high damage. Their "utility" is just the icing on the cake, which is exactly the way it should be for a DPS class.

If you're in a raid, you're there to do damage, and as much as it may go against your Paladin creedo, looking to add "clutch heals" instead of focusing 110% on your DPS is not only a discredit to yourself, it's less beneficial to the raid as a whole. You're there to do damage. So do it and leave the healing to the healers.
#97 Oct 25 2008 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
Ret get kited and killed by every class.

Ret get kited and killed by every class unless it's a surprise.

this has been buggin me and i didnt want to reply to it but: you need to ween yourself off off of bubble. you just spent alot of time outlining how to duel Ret vs others. then you claim this is BG strategy. bubble should be a) used offensively or b) used to cap/return flag or get/hold a node.

use some friggin cleanse and heals once in a while too. i had a hunter(Tellana-Coilfang) try to kite me. i FoL'd til she was oom, while mana regening off her pet. i did an S3 lock(Wildane-Zang) while he waited for me outside a hut, no bubble, just heals and cleanse while i took out pet then lock.
#98 Oct 25 2008 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Gaudion wrote:
If you're in a raid, you're there to do damage, and as much as it may go against your Paladin creedo, looking to add "clutch heals" instead of focusing 110% on your DPS is not only a discredit to yourself, it's less beneficial to the raid as a whole. You're there to do damage. So do it and leave the healing to the healers.

This line's retarded. On the one hand, you're taking issue with the powerful, instant-cast heals we have available on a semi-regular basis, and at the same time you're telling us that we should totally ignore their potential and focus on doing damage?

Maybe you should read around, Gaud. Or ask some actual retadins what they think their job in a group should be. Why would Blizzard give us powerful off-healing tools if they simultaneously expect us to do nothing but DPS?
#99 Oct 25 2008 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
291 posts
this has been buggin me and i didnt want to reply to it but: you need to ween yourself off off of bubble. you just spent alot of time outlining how to duel Ret vs others. then you claim this is BG strategy. bubble should be a) used offensively or b) used to cap/return flag or get/hold a node.

I am not saying that's how I fight, but in general this is how normally it goes. of course every ret has their style but in general i think that's probably how it comes out. and you can't cap flags with bubble.

use some friggin cleanse and heals once in a while too. i had a hunter(Tellana-Coilfang) try to kite me. i FoL'd til she was oom, while mana regening off her pet. i did an S3 lock(Wildane-Zang) while he waited for me outside a hut, no bubble, just heals and cleanse while i took out pet then lock.

is this before patch or after patch? cause before patch, most ret would not live on hunter and lock of same gear as them. felhunter's silence and lock's fear and death coil vs ret's one trinket 5min/2min and 1 hr bubble. and it depends on what type of lock ret is playing against. vs aff. lock, cleanse can cost u your life. vs. sl/sl lock, a tad hard to kill. I personally use repentenance and sleep lock and nail felhunter, then stun lock and continue with felhunter, then use gnomish trinket to turn him into chicken when he cast fear. and nail him with bubble after. but if bubble is down and so is my 5min chicken trinket, i don't win on same gear lock. after patch still goes the same way, but at least with bubble on, ret can kill lock with burst dmg. honestly speaking, without bubble and loh, have you been able to kill a lock same gear as you? even if you have, is it 50-50? i am sure the odds are in lock's favor unless lock is stupid.

now for hunter, bm hunter pop out their talent so immune to our stun and repentance. between their ice trap, pet and arcane shot, we get no chance unless you see him first and get in close range, even then a good hunter always get distance between us and himself. now different spec hunter also works the same way except u can stun, but u get silenced or scatter shot. without bubble, we don't last, even with bubble, arcane shot takes bubble away. pre patch, same gear hunter, you can't outheal yourself against their mana. post patch difference story, but if he sees you first from his range, odds are he will get you. odds of most ret winning same gear hunter pre patch less than 50-50.

pre-patch: i am not saying we r bad, but i am saying without cooldown we r very bad. you don't see other classes have to rely on their cooldown like we do.
all i am saying is finally after patch, we are equal with other class, so why the need to nerf us more?
#100 Oct 25 2008 at 10:28 PM Rating: Good
Gaudion wrote:
A lot of you guys really need to stop and look at your own posts for a second. Seriously. Just look at them. The following statement has been a common theme in almost every argument directed at myself and others in favor of Ret not changing from its current state:

I don't really see anyone arguing that the recent and upcoming nerfs to ret opener burst damage are uncalled for. You're listing all these options ret paladins have to survive and ignoring what everyone else has.

"It doesn't matter if we have amazing survival tools and it doesn't matter that you might potentially have to kill us several times and it doesn't matter if we have infinite mana because we will kill you in a matter of seconds before any of those things come into play."

Do the math, please...this is getting ridiculous. JotW returns enough mana to sustain a combat rotation. Throw in heals and the mana depletion starts to become a factor. In PvP, you very rarely get to settle in with a prolonged combat're always adjusting on the fly and using abilities as the opportunity presents itself, not necessarily mashing the same sequence of keys until you win or you lose.

Do you even understand what you're saying? Being so powerful that you don't even need your survival tools is not synonomous with not having them or a lack of usefulness. The real elephant in this room is how so many of your minds are able to equate that statement with overall balance and equality. I can't even begin to comprehend it.

Actually, if you read my last post, I pointed out to you how fantastically ludicrous it is to ***** about balance right now. For most of us, level 80 is still 6-8 weeks away...minimum. Blizzard isn't going to try to balance classes around 70 at this stage of the game. They're dealing with glaring omissions and bugs and that is all.

Times have changed. Protection is better and encounters are being tuned not to favor Warriors tanks in the expansion. Holy really doesn't need a mention here since they have always been a will always be the best single-target healer in the game, but I think someone like you needs to be reminded of that. Retribution is no longer a "utility class". They bring replenishment, some extra crit chance, sure, but the reason they're attractive now is that they provide high damage. Their "utility" is just the icing on the cake, which is exactly the way it should be for a DPS class.

Your PvE ignorance is showing. I know people in the first they were concerned because their T5/badge gear made early Northrend dungeons a cakewalk. They've had a hard time finding gear upgrades. Moving into the more advanced dungeons (77+), they're finding things to be a fair bit more challenging. Well geared and competent healers are struggling to keep up.

Never...ever...under any you pigeonhole a hybrid class into one role. They will have a primary role, and the good ones will leverage everything they can to pull a group through a situation gone awry. Ret is a utility class, and it's defined by their spellbook, not your ignorant opinions. If all they're needed for in a given encounter is dps, they'll do fine. If they need to step back from time to time to cleanse/heal, they can do that too...and still put up reasonable dps in between.

I'd hate to think you're the kind of guy who would rather eat a wipe than have know...think and respond rather than just mashing a specific rotation. Cat form feral druids are putting up respectable numbers now...would you ***** if they broke off from a boss fight to toss a rebirth on your healer? No? Then why would you say that ret's utility counts for nothing?

If you're in a raid, you're there to do damage, and as much as it may go against your Paladin creedo, looking to add "clutch heals" instead of focusing 110% on your DPS is not only a discredit to yourself, it's less beneficial to the raid as a whole. You're there to do damage. So do it and leave the healing to the healers.

You aren't looking to add're watching for situations where tossing a heal could make a difference between a win and a wipe. There's a difference. You've demonstrated a certain narrow mindedness in the past, so I'm not surprised that the idea of watching more than a narrow segment of your role in a group might be a bit overwhelming to you.
#101 Oct 25 2008 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
291 posts
If you're in a raid, you're there to do damage, and as much as it may go against your Paladin creedo, looking to add "clutch heals" instead of focusing 110% on your DPS is not only a discredit to yourself, it's less beneficial to the raid as a whole. You're there to do damage. So do it and leave the healing to the healers.

I got to go with Aurelius on this one. This statement goes against the good common sense of raiding in general for any dmg dealer class who can heal. As a ret on raid, I sometimes see myself tossing a heal on myself especially if I am in danger zone on health and so is the tank, healers' priority is tank first. Not to mention Raid, I have helped out healers on heroics with healing when situation calls for it. As a druid, there has been time where I pop from my cat form and do tranquality and innervate healer, sometimes even put a hot before going back catform. You can't just focus on dps, if situation calls for it, you need to help with heals a tad. In fact there has even been time where I have to shift out of bear tanking form during tanking to do a rebirth for a potion or self hot quick. As long as you got the timing good, it's all good. In raid, one dead person = a loss of dps for the raid. I have played a lot of raids, I have played as holy/ret/prot on pally, combat sword on rogue, and resto/moonkin/feral on druid. I tanked as bear and I also tanked as moonkin up to kara including all heroics except crypt. Been to every raid, except sunwell. Sadly, we only do sunwell trash mobs. And in all of my raid experiences, I have seen a few dps helping out with heals when need to. After raid is not about who get the best dps/heal, it's about finishing it successfully without wipes or one-two most wipes due to mishaps.
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