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And here are the Ret changesFollow

#52 Oct 21 2008 at 3:48 PM Rating: Good
does this seem like a buff to anyone else? they would need to drop the bonus.
if 20%:
old -> CS 1000 reg, 2400 crit(~30% chance)
new -> CS 1200 reg, 2400 crit(~30% chance)

i think its going to look more like this, where they drop the bonus during a crit.

CS 1200 reg, but 2000 crit
#53 Oct 21 2008 at 5:16 PM Rating: Excellent
109 posts
Now you say its not burst damage that bothers you, but durability. I again say that this is now exactly the same as resto druid, disc priest, holy pally, and potentially several other builds. a geared resto druid pre patch could outlast anything, and isn't likely to go oom post patch, either. Why is it a problem to you that ret pallies are now the same as any number of other specs?

The last I checked resto druids weren't bursting people down in the space of a Hammer of Justice. The problem isn't that ret pallies can outlast other classes it is that they can outlast and outburst almost any other class particularly because they have nigh infinite mana. Bursting someone down as a healing spec is both mana intensive and inefficient because it's not what the spec is designed for. Retribution, as the damage spec for paladins, should not give them the ability to outlast geared healers and burst down any class that cannot kite (or, if they can kite, be seconds away from death).

Edited, Oct 21st 2008 10:05pm by SomnusSleeper
#54 Oct 21 2008 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Tsarducci wrote:
OK, you did overstate, you even admitted it after you claimed you didn't. No one is going to fight any singly other character for three minutes, you would normally have to "kill" a ret pally twice in a single fight, not four times. You claimed four times, which is flat out false, the limit is three if he has LoH off cooldown, and again, thats once per bg and as you point out not at all in arena.

For the second time, I did not overstate. Some people clearly just lack vision.

Let's assume, for argument's sake, that you encounter a Ret Pally in world PvP. You burn him down once, he uses his bubble. You burn him again. He then has LoH to tide him over until Forebearance wears off. You burn him again. Then he can use BoP. You burn him again. That would make four times, assuming, at that point, and at all points in between cooldowns, he is not healing himself outright. Assuming something could stay alive long enough to beat on the Paladin for that sequence of events, yes, it is completely plausible. As I've already clearly stated, however, that series of events is also highly unlikely to the point of nonexistence due to the fact that the Ret Pally will have killed you several times over, which is why you won't ever see it.

Now you say its not burst damage that bothers you, but durability. I again say that this is now exactly the same as resto druid, disc priest, holy pally, and potentially several other builds. a geared resto druid pre patch could outlast anything, and isn't likely to go oom post patch, either. Why is it a problem to you that ret pallies are now the same as any number of other specs?

Some people lack vision, and some people... well, I guess some people just have their head up their rear. My problem, which you were clever enough to completely overlook, is that Disc Priests, Resto Druids, and notable others don't burst like an Arms Warrior with Windfury. When a class can hit that hard and is capable of sustaining itself with unlimited--not just efficient, but unlimited--resources, then, yes, I have a problem.

Again, their damage is fine by me. Ret has gotten the short end of the stick over the last three and a half years and I am one of the last people that is going to tell you that it's not about time they start being taken seriously as a DPS spec. It's Judgements of the Wise + The Art of War that is making them OP in my book.
#55 Oct 21 2008 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
It's Judgements of the Wise + The Art of War that is making them OP in my book.

precisely why they nerfed Repentence.
#56 Oct 22 2008 at 8:08 AM Rating: Good
370 posts

1) With the current round of nerfs, ret pallies CANNOT burst you to the ground in the space of one HoJ (unless you are drastically undergeared compared to them), their DPS HAS BEEN SMOOTHED OUT.
2) NO one on one duel between 2 players will last three minutes, so give up on the gotta killem four times argument. You keep going "yess huh! four times" then point out it will never practically happen because the fight won't last three minutes, and that LoH is only an issue in world PvP, and then too only the first time.
3) Back off the personal attacks. I strongly disagree with your assessment, and have said why. Responding by telling me I have my head up my *** doesn't support your argument. It actually turns out the position of my head relative to the other parts of my body doesn't really affect Paladin burst damage, go figure.

Now, you've changed the focus of your argument again.

It's Judgements of the Wise + The Art of War that is making them OP in my book.

This is a perfectly valid criticsim of current pally mechanics. Except, in my experience, other classes aren't running out of mana post patch, either.
#57 Oct 22 2008 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Tsarducci wrote:

1) With the current round of nerfs, ret pallies CANNOT burst you to the ground in the space of one HoJ (unless you are drastically undergeared compared to them), their DPS HAS BEEN SMOOTHED OUT.

Please point out to me where I said anything about Ret Pallies bursting people down over the space of one HoJ.

2) NO one on one duel between 2 players will last three minutes, so give up on the gotta killem four times argument. You keep going "yess huh! four times" then point out it will never practically happen because the fight won't last three minutes, and that LoH is only an issue in world PvP, and then too only the first time.

I have to wonder at this point... Are you even reading my posts? Or are you just picking out four or five words and running with them?

I said several times that no duel is going to last that long because the Ret Pally will have done enough damage to kill his opponent several times over in that space. What I said was that even if an opponent could survive long enough to drag out a fight with a Ret Paladin that long, he still wouldn't have a chance of winning because of the Ret Paladin's survival tools, which may include but does not necessitate cooldowns, are such that he can sustain himself indefinitely if he so chooses to focus on self-preservation and you're not a class capable of intensive short-term burst (like an Arcane Mage).

As for duels in general... two-minute-plus duels are not even remotely an impossibility, it just depends on the classes involved. If it's two bursting classes, yeah, the chances of it running over 60 seconds are probably slim to none. However, I frequently took part in duels in excess of two minutes on my Resto Shaman, and I've seen plenty of duels take that long, even between DPS classes.

Now, you've changed the focus of your argument again.

It's Judgements of the Wise + The Art of War that is making them OP in my book.

This is why I asserted that certain parts of your anatomy may, in fact, be connected to certain others via unnatural means. I did not change the focus of my argument. This was the entire point of my argument from square one. SomnusSleeper got it right off the bat. As did tommyguns. You should consult those two for clarification before responding to my posts further.
#58 Oct 22 2008 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Gaudion wrote:
Let's assume, for argument's sake, that you encounter a Ret Pally in world PvP. You burn him down once, he uses his bubble. You burn him again. He then has LoH to tide him over until Forebearance wears off. You burn him again. Then he can use BoP. You burn him again. That would make four times, assuming, at that point, and at all points in between cooldowns, he is not healing himself outright. Assuming something could stay alive long enough to beat on the Paladin for that sequence of events, yes, it is completely plausible. As I've already clearly stated, however, that series of events is also highly unlikely to the point of nonexistence due to the fact that the Ret Pally will have killed you several times over, which is why you won't ever see it.

Gaud, since when the *********** was world PvP a correct measure of anything? Get a partner. Lock him down. Burn him down. Your ret problem is dealt with.
#59 Oct 22 2008 at 3:33 PM Rating: Default
2,396 posts

This would be a lot more progressive if some of you could stop misconstruing my posts. I'll at least take some of the blame for it at this point as I should have just dismissed it entirely the first time Tsarducci latched onto it instead of defending the point, however irrelevent it was.

Let's try this again. I'll go slowly, so try to follow along.

My problem with Ret Paladins as they stand currently is that they sport entirely too much damage for a class with the survival tools available to them and the ability to heal themselves. Even in the most restricted circumstances, the arena, you have to kill them at least twice (DS), and possibly a third time if you lack a means to deal with BoP. In addition to possible "extra lives" granted by cooldowns, the class also has the ability to heal itself effectively (instant FoL from TAoW) and with efficiency surpassing that of even the most efficient healer (JotW; it's hard to get any more efficient than infinite). That is my problem with Ret Paladins.

Now, there are two ways to deal with this (ignoring for a moment the third option, which is Blizzard's completely misguided attempt at balance): you can either nerf their damage or nerf their survivability. Let it be noted that I personally believe their damage should be allowed to remain where it is or relatively close to it because I believe the spec deserves to be viable as a DPS spec both in PvE and in PvP. However, TAoW and JotW are completely unnecessary, and honestly, completely uncalled for. I believe the spec could easily do without the instant 33% mana return from JotW and the instant FoL's from TAoW. Nerfing their survival would not hurt them at all in PvE and would make them balanced in PvP the world over.


zepoodle wrote:
Gaud, since when the @#%^ was world PvP a correct measure of anything? Get a partner. Lock him down. Burn him down. Your ret problem is dealt with.

The fact that you can kill a Ret Pally in a two-on-one situation with the help of another class doesn't make it balanced anymore than losing to a Ret Pally that blows all of its cooldowns in world PvP makes it imbalanced. In fact, I'd argue it to be even less so since, lest we forget, the Ret Pally also has a partner in 2v2 that you have to deal with.

Now sit the !@#$ down you insignificant upstart.
#60 Oct 22 2008 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
Gaud, since when the @#%^ was world PvP a correct measure of anything? Get a partner. Lock him down. Burn him down. Your ret problem is dealt with.

the elitists will tell you that 2v2 2200+ is the true test of pvp. likewise, tier6 content is the pve gauge. F that!

if i see an S3 Arms warrior grieving lowbies in SS, he'll have a fun time corpse running in lieu of his healer. or maybe i like to see how effective i can be in an unbalanced BG. or maybe i just like to duel.

perhaps i like to solo Fel Reavers. maybe 5-man Kara's are my flavor. now with the acheivement system there is a whole new aspect of the game besides just flat progression. we'll call it "Crazy Vanilla WoW", WoW with a twist of pve flavor.

so, ya, world pvp is a correct measure of something.
#61 Oct 22 2008 at 8:47 PM Rating: Good
Gaudion wrote:

This would be a lot more progressive if some of you could stop misconstruing my posts. I'll at least take some of the blame for it at this point as I should have just dismissed it entirely the first time Tsarducci latched onto it instead of defending the point, however irrelevent it was.

Let's try this again. I'll go slowly, so try to follow along.

My problem with Ret Paladins as they stand currently is that they sport entirely too much damage for a class with the survival tools available to them and the ability to heal themselves. Even in the most restricted circumstances, the arena, you have to kill them at least twice (DS), and possibly a third time if you lack a means to deal with BoP. In addition to possible "extra lives" granted by cooldowns, the class also has the ability to heal itself effectively (instant FoL from TAoW) and with efficiency surpassing that of even the most efficient healer (JotW; it's hard to get any more efficient than infinite). That is my problem with Ret Paladins.

JotW is hardly infinite mana. It's a lot, but it's hardly infinite, and if you're proccing Art of War on a regular basis, you're blowing most of the mana return from JotW on Flash Heals.

Face it...the only time you'll be happy is if you wind up the flavor-of-the-month OP PvP class. Until then, you'll find something to kvetch about. My GM/RL is quick to point out that he enjoyed his moment in the spotlight as a warlock in PvP pre-3.0.2 and now it's time to pass the torch. There will always be a class that stands out as OP. Ret paladin opener burst damage is being toned down. Mages and hunters have already learned how to kite us...and we're very easy to kite. All of our cooldowns are miserably long compared to any other class. We have to make what we've got count up front because once our cooldowns are blown, we're waiting a lifetime (PvP wise) for them to come back up again. HoJ and Repentance are both on one minute cooldowns. Each of our nya-nya you can't kill me abilities are on very long cooldowns. Force a ret pally to blow their cooldowns while you keep your distance and you've won.

That's the strategy. I know, however, that you aren't interested in strategy. Your response will likely be along the lines of why that strategy won't work for <this, that, the other class>. Or, "Why that strategy won't work for me."


You can't win them all, and there will always be that one class that 7 or 8 other classes will dread seeing in a BG/Arena. Right now, it's ret Pallies. Come season 5, it could be mages. Season 6 could be the season of the enhancement shaman. Season 7 could be dominated by vanity pets. If you're looking for absolute balance, you'll never find it. If you're looking for every other class to never represent more than a token challenge to you, you're basically just wishing you're the one OP class everyone else is QQing about.

So just reroll or get over it, ya?

Edited, Oct 22nd 2008 9:47pm by AureliusSir
#62 Oct 22 2008 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
456 posts
I've been following the "debate" and I decided to rate as I saw fit. Even though I didn't agree with Gaudion, he posted a fairly well thought out post with valid concerns. Then he wrote
Now sit the !@#$ down you insignificant upstart.
which frankly doesn't belong. There have been no personal attacks against you, other than saying someone's own experiences have flat contradicted yours. Your reaction in and of itself deserved the rate down. Not the content of your post.

But I will chime in and say that ret survivability isn't nearly as great as it could or even should be. People imagine us wading into a group of enemies, plowing though them and healing ourselves with divine storm and art of war. But the reality is that a 2k heal from doing 1,000 damage to TEN enemies at once with DS, then poping an instant flash of light for (with my personal 2.5k AP buffed) around 1800 damage, isn't nearly enough to keep us up for what some classes hit for. Granted, that's more than a warrior can heal himself for, but it should not compare us to any healing specced class.

We are powerful, but we still have the rock to our scissors. Hunters are my favorite prey to sneak up on. But a good hunter, or if they see you coming, will lock you down completely and will kill you without a scratch. The only way out is to bubble, since if they silence you're done. We have no other way to get out of movement slowing effects, other than trinket and bubble. Mages can do the same, especially if they put up junk debuffs that you have to dispel through to get to frost nova. Rogues are very 50-50, depending on their stuns and crits. Hell, even bladestorm from warriors can rip us apart. I could go through an entire list of classes and specs, but I won't.

Being able to survive against a single opponent for 3 minutes in patch 3.0 is ludicrous. I don't care how much you kite and stagger stuns and repentance, you will either go oom from holy lights (meaning you need to keep all mana from judgement of the wise instead of burn it on damage) or the battle will be over 20 seconds after you hit bubble. With our burst damage, its usually over in our favor after 12 seconds of being immune to CC.
#63 Oct 22 2008 at 11:20 PM Rating: Default
2,396 posts
Good Christ. What the hell is up your ***, AureliusSir? Is this what CapJack, Bodh, tommy, and the other Paladin veterans have to deal with here on a daily basis now? I sincerely feel sorry for them if you're any kind of representation of their peers.

Zeynothix wrote:
But I will chime in and say that ret survivability isn't nearly as great as it could or even should be. People imagine us wading into a group of enemies, plowing though them and healing ourselves with divine storm and art of war. But the reality is that a 2k heal from doing 1,000 damage to TEN enemies at once with DS, then poping an instant flash of light for (with my personal 2.5k AP buffed) around 1800 damage, isn't nearly enough to keep us up for what some classes hit for. Granted, that's more than a warrior can heal himself for, but it should not compare us to any healing specced class.

If you want to talk raw magnitude, then no, Ret Pally healing can't compare to, say, a Disc Priest or a Resto Druid. But even a Resto Druid (widely recognized as the most mana-efficient healer in the game) operates on a finite mana pool. And instant FoL's? That's utility on par with Holy Shock and Riptide, talented spells in healing trees.

We have no other way to get out of movement slowing effects, other than trinket and bubble.

Did patch 3.0.2 disable BoF (HoF now) and Cleanse?

Mages can do the same, especially if they put up junk debuffs that you have to dispel through to get to frost nova.

Junk debuffs? Um... like what? Winter's Chill? Uh... Arcane Mages can put Slow on you, but that's hardly "junk". You want that off of you ASAP. I don't know. This is honestly the first time I've ever heard someone claim a Mage was over-debuffing them.

Rogues are very 50-50, depending on their stuns and crits. Hell, even bladestorm from warriors can rip us apart. I could go through an entire list of classes and specs, but I won't.

No, please, that's alright. You can stop there. If you are consistently losing to Rogues or Warriors post 3.0.2 then I don't think I need to hear any more from you.

Being able to survive against a single opponent for 3 minutes in patch 3.0 is ludicrous. I don't care how much you kite and stagger stuns and repentance, you will either go oom from holy lights (meaning you need to keep all mana from judgement of the wise instead of burn it on damage) or the battle will be over 20 seconds after you hit bubble. With our burst damage, its usually over in our favor after 12 seconds of being immune to CC.

Post 3.0.2 I would definitely agree with most of that. The pendulum has moved strongly in the favor of DPS and made it hard to keep a target alive through even one opponent, much less two or more in a BG or arena match. The only point I really have to disagree on is the "going OOM from Holy Lights" part. I really have yet to see a Ret Paladin go OOM after 3.0.2 even when being Viper Stung and/or Mana Burned. Their mana longevity with JotW is such that they can OOM any opponent incapable of burning them down in a well-timed matter of seconds.

However, that is not the point, and you are now the third person to completely miss it. (Congratulations, by the way.) If an opponent could survive your damage for, as you offer up, longer than 12 seconds... they still wouldn't have a chance against you because of your survival tools. You can react to that however you want. Say I'm overracting like Tsarducci. Play the victim and make false assumptions like AureliusSir. Or you could do... whatever it is zepoodle is doing. I dunno, I'm completely lost on that one. But to suggest that Ret is not OP at the moment... that's just being belligerent. If a class can out-burst you and outlast the majority of specs/classes out there... there is definitely a problem.
#64 Oct 23 2008 at 12:38 AM Rating: Excellent
326 posts
I have to agree with Gaudion here even though I don't pvp much. Just from a PvE perspective. I can solo an elite with 90k health that is hitting me for 800-1k at a time. I can't think of another class that can do that without kiting. And this takes less than a minute... 1800 dps + infinite mana + instant heals + Bubble + ...

Ret pallies survivability is to high for their current dps.
#65 Oct 23 2008 at 3:18 AM Rating: Excellent
3,909 posts
Gaudion wrote:

Now sit the !@#$ down you insignificant upstart.

Well, ****, Gaud. I was kind of planning to respond to you properly, as people do when they have issues to debate over, *********** man. You've just convinced me that arguing with you would be a total waste of time. I can tell you one thing, I really, really, really never want to come up against you in a game of chicken, because you sound like a guy who'd cut off his own cock to prove he was right.

I guess that means you win?

Edited, Oct 23rd 2008 7:20am by zepoodle
#66 Oct 23 2008 at 5:09 AM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
We are powerful, but we still have the rock to our scissors. Hunters are my favorite prey to sneak up on. But a good hunter, or if they see you coming, will lock you down completely and will kill you without a scratch. The only way out is to bubble, since if they silence you're done. We have no other way to get out of movement slowing effects, other than trinket and bubble. Mages can do the same, especially if they put up junk debuffs that you have to dispel through to get to frost nova. Rogues are very 50-50, depending on their stuns and crits. Hell, even bladestorm from warriors can rip us apart. I could go through an entire list of classes and specs, but I won't.

the rock, paper, scissor analogy is so old and never was accurate. i'd appreciate it if people would stop using it as 'a point'. rock NEVER beats paper, yet pallies often beat warlocks and sometimes lose.

the only class before the patch i could not kill 1 on 1 consistantly was good frost mages. the same holds true now.
#67 Oct 23 2008 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
Gaudion wrote:
Post 3.0.2 I would definitely agree with most of that. The pendulum has moved strongly in the favor of DPS and made it hard to keep a target alive through even one opponent, much less two or more in a BG or arena match. The only point I really have to disagree on is the "going OOM from Holy Lights" part. I really have yet to see a Ret Paladin go OOM after 3.0.2 even when being Viper Stung and/or Mana Burned. Their mana longevity with JotW is such that they can OOM any opponent incapable of burning them down in a well-timed matter of seconds.

Do you understand how JotW works? I don't think you do.

You're talking hypotheticals like a ret pally can go on forever with all of their tools and tricks. You're talking extended fights against a spec/class with "unlimited" mana, and nothing could be farther from the case.

Paladins, as a base class, are not the least bit mana efficient. Holy Paladins get mana reduction and mana returns in their tree. Protection Paladins count on Spiritual Attunement while tanking to keep them from going OOM. Ret, without JotW, would have nothing. JotW, btw, only procs when you judge...which can only happen once every 8 seconds (max)...and returns a percentage of your base mana, which obviously doesn't scale.

Thats why, pre-3.0.2, ret paladins often had 21 points in the Holy tree...without it, they'd be stopping to drink on a very frequent basis. Now, those same talents aren't available if a ret pally wants the fun goodies that are found at the bottom of the ret tree, so they get JotW instead. It allows them to itemize for dps instead of mana, which is more keeping with the nature of the class.

The only rational argument you could present is that ret pallies have too much up-front damage, which has been acknowledged by Blizzard and is being addressed. In terms of survivability, Ret paladins have no more now than they did pre-3.0.2. They've always had bubbles, BoF, etc. The only difference is that now, paladins are speccing ret like crazy to try out the zomfguber that they've heard about, which makes them more noticeable. Pre-3.0.2, they were lolret. Things have changed.

Now, you're being the most abrasive, obnoxious person in this thread but it seems the first thing you do is complain about how everyone else is being so mean to you. Tone it down a bit and present a rational argument please. Your arguments are not consistant with the facts. Get those straight and then come back and see if you have something new to add.
#68REDACTED, Posted: Oct 23 2008 at 10:34 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) AureliusSir... your name looks awefully familiar... Weren't you run completely off the Shaman boards like six months ago after making a complete tool of yourself in just a single thread?
#69 Oct 23 2008 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
Gaudion wrote:
AureliusSir... your name looks awefully familiar... Weren't you run completely off the Shaman boards like six months ago after making a complete tool of yourself in just a single thread?

AureliusSir wrote:
Paladins, as a base class, are not the least bit mana efficient. Holy Paladins get mana reduction and mana returns in their tree. Protection Paladins count on Spiritual Attunement while tanking to keep them from going OOM.

Ret Paladins Judge every six seconds after talents.

That's funny, because I've got 2 points in Improved Judgements and the tooltip on all three of my Judgements reads 8 seconds. Not only that, but if I judge and then Crusader strike right after, they both come off cooldown at about the same time (6 seconds cooldown on Crusader Strike + 1.5 sec GCD between Judge -> Crusader).

Maybe the tooltip is wrong.

Thats why, pre-3.0.2, ret paladins often had 21 points in the Holy tree...without it, they'd be stopping to drink on a very frequent basis. Now, those same talents aren't available if a ret pally wants the fun goodies that are found at the bottom of the ret tree, so they get JotW instead. It allows them to itemize for dps instead of mana, which is more keeping with the nature of the class.

Lol... What? Did you look at single Ret Tree pre-3.0.2? All the PvP Retadins were 0/18/43 for 3/3 Imp. HoJ in Prot. All of them. And, uh... 21 points in Holy would have meant no Crusader Strike for both PvP and PvE. So... no, actually, I do not think that was "often" the case.

Did I say ret paladins in PvP? No? Did I say all ret paladins in all scenarios? No? Then why are you throwing the limited example of PvP at me to prove me "wrong"? Read the paladin sticky...21 points in holy was recommended straight up to 70. That in of itself is a prime example of how horribly inefficient ret paladins are/were with mana, and is an example of why we needed something.

The Replenishment buff that accompanies JotW? Not all that significant, lemme tell ya. As part of a 25 man raid with all the other classes that proc raid-wide mana regen on a small scale, it could add up. As a benefit to a solo individual or even a small group, it's weak to say the least.

In terms of survivability, Ret paladins have no more now than they did pre-3.0.2. They've always had bubbles, BoF, etc. The only difference is that now, paladins are speccing ret like crazy to try out the zomfguber that they've heard about, which makes them more noticeable. Pre-3.0.2, they were lolret. Things have changed.

You're either completely inept or you're in denial. Or you're a very, very bad liar. JotW + TAoW are amazing survival tools that have, in addition to Ret's new damage, turned them into easily one of if not the most survivable DPS spec in the game in addition to having the burst to rival an Arms Warrior almost overnight. Yeah. Things have changed. But it doesn't mean that it's for the better. No class in this game should have been as under-equipped to handle the tasks at hand as Ret has for several years, but it's not any better for the game as a whole that they're hilariously overpowered either.

JotW isn't a survival tool. It's mana regen. You can have a million mana to burn and if you don't use it for anything, you're dead. What you use it for is the survival tool. TAoW is nice. It's not game breaking, but it's nice.

Now, you're being the most abrasive, obnoxious person in this thread but it seems the first thing you do is complain about how everyone else is being so mean to you. Tone it down a bit and present a rational argument please. Your arguments are not consistant with the facts. Get those straight and then come back and see if you have something new to add.

Yeah... I definitely remember you. So this is where you ended up, huh?

Paladins, you have my sympathy.

Ya, I'm the guy who stopped telling you to be such a victim in the shaman forums QQing about shaman in PvP. Not content with that, apparently you've branched out to QQ here.

Carry on.

QQ moar.

Edited, Oct 23rd 2008 2:45pm by AureliusSir
#70 Oct 23 2008 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
109 posts
Did I say ret paladins in PvP? No? Did I say all ret paladins in all scenarios? No? Then why are you throwing the limited example of PvP at me to prove me "wrong"? Read the paladin sticky...21 points in holy was recommended straight up to 70. That in of itself is a prime example of how horribly inefficient ret paladins are/were with mana, and is an example of why we needed something.
The Replenishment buff that accompanies JotW? Not all that significant, lemme tell ya. As part of a 25 man raid with all the other classes that proc raid-wide mana regen on a small scale, it could add up. As a benefit to a solo individual or even a small group, it's weak to say the least.

Seeing as how the discussion was referring to ret OPness in PvP I would hope you were. I'm glad you ignored the majority of the posts in this thread to come up with something as stupid as your next comment :


JotW isn't a survival tool. It's mana regen. You can have a million mana to burn and if you don't use it for anything, you're dead. What you use it for is the survival tool. TAoW is nice. It's not game breaking, but it's nice.

That's incredibly asinine of you to say, last I checked Guadion and the rest of the posters have an IQ of over 30. I think they realize that classes with a mana bar need to use said mana to cast spells. As for Replenishment, I'm surprised that you don't think 3.75% of your max mana in addition to the other 33% of your base mana granted by the talent is "not all that significant". More to the point, TAoW is an incredibly strong talent in terms of PvP. An instant cast heal for ~2k? If you don't think that a damage spec casting that every 2 judgement crits isn't game breaking I'd like to smoke whatever it is that you are.


Ya, I'm the guy who stopped telling you to be such a victim in the shaman forums QQing about shaman in PvP. Not content with that, apparently you've branched out to QQ here.

Carry on.

QQ moar.

I had originally planned on making this post less personal but the QQ comment was both obnoxious and unnecessary. Much as I often disagree with what Gaudion says, in this case he is right on and treating him in a condescending and often belligerent manner will get this discussion nowhere.

Edit: that goes for you too Gaudion

Edited, Oct 23rd 2008 6:50pm by SomnusSleeper
#71 Oct 23 2008 at 2:43 PM Rating: Default
dont let them get to you Gaudion, all the band waggons are showing up and have to make a name for themselves by pissing in everyones cheerios.
#72 Oct 23 2008 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Aw... Come on, Somnus. Belligerent and condescending is kind of my thing. =/
#73 Oct 23 2008 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
109 posts
Well..... maybe just a little bit :)
#74 Oct 23 2008 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
That's funny, because I've got 2 points in Improved Judgements and the tooltip on all three of my Judgements reads 8 seconds. Not only that, but if I judge and then Crusader strike right after, they both come off cooldown at about the same time (6 seconds cooldown on Crusader Strike + 1.5 sec GCD between Judge -> Crusader).

Maybe the tooltip is wrong.

[quoted only for reference]
this whole thread is loading up with misinformation and poor examples. STOP IT!

first off, i can show you at least 10 pally tooltips that are WRONG. judgement is 10s/8s talented...tooltip is fine.

secondly, judge -> DS -> CS should be your rotation. but judge + CS i would assume is just your example.

thirdly, imp judgement is not recommended for everyone(like it was pre-patch)

Paladins, as a base class, are not the least bit mana efficient. Holy Paladins get mana reduction and mana returns in their tree. Protection Paladins count on Spiritual Attunement while tanking to keep them from going OOM. Ret, without JotW, would have nothing. JotW, btw, only procs when you judge...which can only happen once every 8 seconds (max)...and returns a percentage of your base mana, which obviously doesn't scale.

[quoted for argument]
you are speaking without experience. i just solo'd Strat for the achievement. 0(Zero) downtime! not a pot, not a drink. i burned through live and undead in about 30 mins. i dont have imp judgement(10s). i used everything(judge, DS, CS, Wrath, Exor, HoJ, HoW, FoL and occational Conc). mana for lack of a better term was infinite.

furthermore, i dont drink in BGs. i open with JoL or JoJ which gives me about 1k mana and 17/s. thats enough for a full rotation of DS, CS, FoL, HoJ and some to spare maybe for AW or HoW before next judgement is ready. i sometimes stun someone at low health and wait for the judgement CD so i can re-mana, rdy for the next fight. i would call that near infinite. did i mention i outhealed an S2 Elem Shammy's dmg in a duel before he went fully oom? ya, they also have 3 interupts and purge. i had near full health and mana with no bubble needed.
FWIW: 0.25% mana/sec is 17% of my mana regen w/o JoWisdom.

Read the paladin sticky...21 points in holy was recommended straight up to 70. That in of itself is a prime example of how horribly inefficient ret paladins are/were with mana, and is an example of why we needed something.

if this is true ToJ is fired. 5pts in Holy only(pre-patch). with JotC and mana pot rotation i could outlast anyone in raid(cept mages or tap happy locks). JoW just made it easier. but anyway, this was pre-patch...goodbye.

Lol... What? Did you look at single Ret Tree pre-3.0.2? All the PvP Retadins were 0/18/43 for 3/3 Imp. HoJ in Prot. All of them. And, uh... 21 points in Holy would have meant no Crusader Strike for both PvP and PvE. So... no, actually, I do not think that was "often" the case.

not all. i was 5/0/46 usually. but i only made it to 1690 rating. i sometimes did some pts in Precision for raid/pvp.

i need to say that AureliusSir comes across as an inexperienced Ret pally. i have disagreed with Gaudion in the past on many issues(half of our post count are prob from each other) but, his points on this issue are almost spot on. G, have fun lol.
#75 Oct 23 2008 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Yeah, not sure how I got the wrong numbers on Judgements. I even looked it up to double-check before I posted. Guess I either got some bad numbers or I looked at them too quick.


Either way, it doesn't change any part of my argument.

tommyguns wrote:
Lol... What? Did you look at single Ret Tree pre-3.0.2? All the PvP Retadins were 0/18/43 for 3/3 Imp. HoJ in Prot. All of them. And, uh... 21 points in Holy would have meant no Crusader Strike for both PvP and PvE. So... no, actually, I do not think that was "often" the case.

not all. i was 5/0/46 usually. but i only made it to 1690 rating. i sometimes did some pts in Precision for raid/pvp.

Let it never be said that you weren't known for marching to the beat of your own drum, tommy.

i need to say that AureliusSir comes across as an inexperienced Ret pally. i have disagreed with Gaudion in the past on many issues(half of our post count are prob from each other) but, his points on this issue are almost spot on. G, have fun lol.

I honestly don't understand where this backlash is coming from. From what I gather, the Ret Pallies in this thread (and everywhere else) don't want their damage to be reduced. And I completely, 100% support that. I said as much earlier. But you can't have your cake and eat it too. Ret Pallies are way too resilliant for the damage they can put out right now.

From what I'm gathering, there are several people in this thread unsatisfied with just being viable. You want to be overpowered.
#76 Oct 23 2008 at 10:16 PM Rating: Good
3,909 posts
The problem with JotW is that if you nerf it too hard you'll impact on ret's performance in raids. I really can't see how it overpowers ret in PvP at all. For one, my usual 2v2 lasts around a minute, I don't get enough time to run out of mana or bubble twice. If you ask me it's fine. The way it stands now, you can still be burned down by a disc priest, but you won't run out of mana halfway through a boss fight.

Points I'm not settled on are Hammer of Wrath (which needs to go back to 20%) and Sanctified Wrath is frankly unnecessary. It almost guarantees 3-4k HoW crits. I can't see why that talent is even there; it's not vital like JotW is.

I'm conflicted regarding Art of War. It's very powerful, but it's difficult to nerf. You'd have to either leave it as it is or remove it entirely, because no ret pally is going to stop moving to interrupt his swing timer and open himself to a spell lock. All I can say is that if a ret paladin is spamming FoL every time he gets a crit, he will run out of mana, JotW or no.

I think divine shield's survivability is being exaggerated, here. Paladins have always, always been able to bubble/heal. There's no basis for complaining about it now. It's easy to deal with. You burn the pally into bubbling, switch targets after he bubbles, and start again once the ten seconds are up. If you've got a priest you just dispel it. He gets ten seconds of invulnerability every five minutes, it's not inherently overpowered.

Resilient also has one L.

Edit: I'm not sure Aurelius even plays a ret pally. He rarely posts here.

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 2:17am by zepoodle
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