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And here are the Ret changesFollow

#27 Oct 16 2008 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
That's odd.

Well, I've only been using my Divine Storm on level 60-63 mobs. Went through Ramps and Furnace with a team consisting of (drumroll): Four Paladins and a Warrior. Perhaps I should try a duel against a Warrior to see the difference.

Here's my Armory profile, if it matters.

Ps. Libram of Saints Departed seems to be borked. I checked the combat log and the scrolling combat text, but neither reported any healing done by the libram. It should've healed a bit on each Judgement.

Edited, Oct 17th 2008 3:27am by Mazra
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#28 Oct 16 2008 at 5:46 PM Rating: Good
530 posts
Is your dam log saying that DS is doing holy damage?
#29 Oct 16 2008 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
the nerfs have hit(yes DS says physical).

there is no difference! except a loss of 100 sustained dps on training dummy!(wtf) you still 3-shot all enemies(4-shot druids).

the 1st round of nerfs is typical Blizzard style. THEY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE DOING!(when it comes to pallies) it will be an endless trial n error until 2011. they knew forever that the seal system was a joke and only decided to implement a new one before a major xpac.

they pieced together a rather fair and efficient judgement system but included about 10 other major overhauls to the class with it. then they relied on a handful of Beta testers to relearn a new playstyle and tweaked based on that.

Blizz failed in making the class viable(OP is not viable), the Beta testers failed in providing any guidence, and now we are forced to have to relearn to play Ret pally after every future patch.

if you dont think Ret will scale to 80, you are reading to many flawed posts. with the spell/AP stat merge Ret will be silly with 4k AP(1300 spell), 45% crit, 20k HP and endless mana. we dont need +haste, +hit, +spell. just lots of

edit: sorry, guide - e + ance = guidance

Edited, Oct 16th 2008 11:32pm by tommyguns
#30 Oct 16 2008 at 9:13 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
Actually Tommyguns, you're wrong. Beta testers COULDN'T provide any guidance, because they didn't know what they were supposed to be doing, dmg wise. There were so many pally bugs, that their dmg was completely insane, like DS critting for 16k dmg at lvl 73 insane. There were dmg modifier bugs and stuff which made it impossible for pallies to report anything other than "can't test anything due to bugs". Thats why the guys at EJ haven't been able to come up with the best rotation using rawr, cause stuff is still bugged. Thats also why we didn't get fixed before the changes went live. They weren't sure if our dmg was a result of the bugs. They removed the bugs before the patch went live, but didn't have time for testing before the patch.

Also, to Mikelolol, you said you have never seen a class/spec do such burst dmg...Ask ppl about the TOEP/ZHC mages. They would 1 shot ppl...evey time. 3 minute mages were only slightly less bursty against others.
#31 Oct 17 2008 at 3:37 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Professor gwynhara wrote:
Is your dam log saying that DS is doing holy damage?

Just checked and it seems they've implemented it for us over the night. It's doing considerably less damage than yesterday on the same type of mobs and it says physical damage, yeah. I'm a little let down. Divine Storm, with all the talents, only crits for around 800 on those voidwalker things outside Honor Hold now. That's pretty much 50% of the damage it did yesterday, or the amount of damage it did to a Rogue with presumably 400ish resilience.

With 3x Vengeance, I just managed to get it to crit for little over 1,000.

And that's with Righteous Vengeance not yet changed. Once they remove the bonus damage from that talent and wtfown Art of War, I can see my DPS dropping considerably. I mean, at the current state I'm still dropping those voidwalker things in six seconds flat, but I'm afraid they'll overdo it with the additional nerfs. Going from having 40% increased damage on crits to having 0% is a bit harsh. Thank god they're leaving Fanaticism alone, otherwise it would be a joke.

Edit: I've noticed that Divine Storm and Crusader Strike seem to proc Seal of Command if not every time, at least nine out of ten times. If this is a bug that will be fixed, I'll imagine my DPS will drop like a rock.

Edited, Oct 17th 2008 1:30pm by Mazra
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#32 Oct 17 2008 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
456 posts
A side benefit, divine storm now hits through Cloak Of Shadows.

Granted, not as hard.
#33 Oct 17 2008 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Cloak of Skillz just got nerfed, lylz.

Teh world is going to end.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#34 Oct 17 2008 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
Unfortunatly from what I have been able to learn, is that this nerf is only going to get worse, were gonna lose the 40% crit damage boost and get a straight 8 or so damage increase and a bleed, like deep wounds that works off of DS crits. So if they do take it that far, the class will go from 1000 dps, back down to 700 ish, that really disapoints me, I was hoping they would run with the one post, the one where CS gets made into a sundering secondary affect ontop of its damage to get our crit damage back, say like a buff we get that stacks up to 4 or so to get our 40% back, at least that way in pvp it wouldn`t be 3 second kills, and pve our damage would stay the same, Oh and I wish they could change DS back to holy damage again. I loved tanking as ret. Now I can`t hold agro.

Heres to hoping blizz doesn`t destroy us.
#35 Oct 17 2008 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
the changes were necessary, yet are mostly superficial. lets break em down:

Divine Storm -- the damage was changed from Holy to Physical. As you know, Holy damage is almost never mitigated and this talent could pack a lot into a very short time. This is a nerf to the ability's damage. This change is now active on Live.

this hurt PvE mostly(/gratz blizz). this also benefits druids and warriors the most, because Blizz is biased(see Arena S1-S4). this change had to come however. DS is pretty AOE-like, can crit, can proc, short CD. this ability will get a small buff in the future i reckon.

Repentance -- this ability now lasts for only 6 seconds in PvP (down from 10). Obviously this is also a nerf. This change is also active on Live.

oh ya, the root of all OP. make it non-dispellable and non-trinkable and we got a deal.

Art of War -- now affects all damage done by Judgements, Crusader Strike and Divine Storm (instead of critical strike damage). Net dps should be about the same but less bursty. This change will be made before Nov 13.

does this seem like a buff to anyone else? they would need to drop the bonus.
if 20%:
old -> CS 1000 reg, 2400 crit(~30% chance)
new -> CS 1200 reg, 2400 crit(~30% chance)

Righteous Vengeance -- now applies a dot affect similar to Deep Wounds (instead of critical strike damage). This ends up being a significant buff to the ability to make up for the damage lost to Divine Storm, but is also less bursty. This change will be made before Nov 13. EDIT: The dot will NOT break Repentance.

stab u with a mace? will like to see the dot dmg. this could be fun.

Glyph of Crusader Strike -- now reduces mana cost (instead of increased damage on stunned targets.) We thought paladins could stack too much damage vs. stunned targets. This change will be made before Nov 13.

bigger PvE nerf. mana cost *buff* renamed Glyph of Waste of Money.

We also fixed a bug with Seal and Judgement of Light that could sometimes result in too much healing.

was it really a bugfix or a nerf? PvP pretty unaffected.

I know Ret pallies feel a little picked on since we've made this mistake before of having them come out the gate too strong and then had to correct them.

what does 'picked on' even mean? Ret pallies are an aspect of the game, not an 8 yr old gym class reject. you modify the game based on playability, not because you feel sorry.

but 'pick on' us all you want. just stop playing see-saw with the spells and talents like you did last xpac and let us friggin L2play.

Edited, Oct 17th 2008 8:02pm by tommyguns
#36 Oct 17 2008 at 9:43 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
this hurt PvE mostly(/gratz blizz). this also benefits druids and warriors the most, because Blizz is biased(see Arena S1-S4). this change had to come however. DS is pretty AOE-like, can crit, can proc, short CD. this ability will get a small buff in the future i reckon.

How so? Warriors have what, 11k armor in PVP with 50% mitigation? I know my mage has 4k armor self buffed and ~24% damage mitigation.

So divine storm damage is dropped 24% even on me, a squishy in PVP, and up to 50% on warriors, higher on sword + board warriors, and I'm not sure what kind of armor bears are rocking these days with the new changes but it's probably even higher then sword + board.

Where in PVE (I assume you mean raiding?) bosses don't actually have a great deal of armor to begin with, then it's reduced through sunders.

It definately strikes me as a PVP nerf vs. a PVE raiding nerf. Maybe by PVE you mean grinding high armor mobs, I guess it's slight there, but overall it's not much different in PVE but quite different in PVP.

Mages in PVP gear with frost armor have ~4k+ armor, priests with their armor buff have 5000+, leather wearers (rogues) have 4500+. I guess the squishiest class would be a warlock (2500 armor with no self armor buffs that grant +armor) so you might only see a ~15% DPS loss on those targest. But against anyone else in PVP it's between 25% to 60% DPS loss on them.
#37 Oct 18 2008 at 3:14 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I like how he justifies the glyph nerf by saying that we can stack too much damage on stunned targets. Seal of Command judgement is a guaranteed crit on stunned/incapacitated targets, yes. Anything else? No?

So, more than one is too much? Smiley: rolleyes

Edit: mikerofl, Warlocks have Demon Armor which, with its changed function, now is the preferred PvP buff, I think. They took the +healing bonus from Fel Armor and gave it to Demon Armor, swapping it with the +health regen of Demon Armor. Health regen was buffed to a percentage as well, making it quite powerful.

In short:

Fel Armor - +hp5 and +spell
Demon Armor - +armor and +healing

Edited, Oct 18th 2008 1:10pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#38 Oct 18 2008 at 7:29 AM Rating: Good
3,909 posts
The only classes that really rely on their armour in PvP are warriors and druids shifting to bear form. DS screwed them over the most.

For the other classes it's really quite meh. For example, every single spell ever ignores armour totally, but I don't see warriors complaining about Ice Lance. It's just that before DS was a spell, like any other shock/bolt/dot any other caster could cast, and therefore bypassed armour. Now it's a physical move and really, kinda poopy considering that it's a 51-point talent. I mean, it hits for around 900 now.

I can't really argue because I thought it was physical damage initially, but it'd be nice if the healing % was buffed a little, to make up for the fact that it's not doing as much damage as it was probably intended to do. Still, the nerfs aren't crippling or even very significant, and I'm not having any less fun than I was before. And it certainly hasn't impacted on our PvE performance at all, seeing as I managed to out-DPS our guild's two best hunters last night in a ZA run.

I really think there's been too much immediate focus and controversy on ret, which has really clouded any analysis of the performance of the other classes. Feral druids put out just as much burst as retadins, I've seen mages take people in brutal down with two hits, and arms warriors are even scarier than they were before, even if they are afraid to go near the pally. The central issue is that every other class could take down another class in six seconds, but pallies could do it while applying a six-second stun, which gave people the false impression that they could have had a chance if they hadn't been stunned. The truth is that the massive DPS boost every class has received means that PvP is much quicker now, and six-second fights are kinda the norm. People just got the most upset with paladins and thus expressed the loudest complaints, and thus ret is the only class getting a nerf because all the others aren't showing up on the QQ radar.
#39 Oct 18 2008 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
zepoodle, they haven't implemented all the nerfs yet.

I think the changes to Righteous Vengeance is going to stomp us into the ground in PvP. Whether the DoT will help in PvE really depends on a number of things. Whether it'll roll or not. The lack of direct damage will kill us.

Resilience and armor mitigates out physical attacks (which now includes both our talented special attacks). Armor and resilience thus also indirectly mitigates our Righteous Vengeance DoT damage, because the lower the crit is, the less the DoT will hit for. And if the DoT is a magic effect, resilience will do a fast reload and shoot us in the face by mitigating the DoT damage even more.

I'm hoping it will be a bleed effect, although it would make our humiliation complete. Warriors spend three talent points in their third tier to get a similar effect. We spend five points in the tenth tier. Oh, for an additional two points in the same tier, Warriors also get +20% crit damage. We have no way to increase our crit damage.

Shaman get Stormstrike as their 31pt talent.
Warriors get Mortal Strike or Bloodthirst as their 31pt talent.
Paladins get Crusader Strike as their 41pt talent.

Warriors get Whirlwind as a core ability at level 36.
Paladins get Divine Storm as their 51pt talent, available at level 60.

Can't wait for the next expansion. I'm guessing our 61pt talent will be Intercept. Minus the stun, because...

Ghostcrawler wrote:
We thought paladins could stack too much damage vs. stunned targets.

Edited, Oct 18th 2008 7:28pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#40 Oct 18 2008 at 10:39 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
Glyph of Crusader Strike -- now reduces mana cost (instead of increased damage on stunned targets.) We thought paladins could stack too much damage vs. stunned targets. This change will be made before Nov 13.

bigger PvE nerf. mana cost *buff* renamed Glyph of Waste of Money.

Really? PvE nerf? You get to stun/incapacitate raid mobs now?

Hammer of Justice doesn't even interrupt raid mobs, much less stun..
#41 Oct 18 2008 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
It's still a pretty useless glyph due to Judgements of the Wise, though.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#42 Oct 18 2008 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
Really? PvE nerf? You get to stun/incapacitate raid mobs now?

ya, you can actually. not so much raid bosses, but everything up to.

think of the impact on 5man or 10man mobs and elites. not just your own 6s stun, but im usually excited to run with a stun happy rogue.

this will have more impact than your 1 stun every 60 secs in BGs.(2 if your a noob using CS instead of Judgement during a Repentence).
#43 Oct 19 2008 at 6:01 AM Rating: Good
170 posts
With the nerfs already done so far I think that they should leave it as it is, the further nerfs will do too much damage to us.

I have a feeling that the QQers are probably basing their moaning on T6 and S4 geared pallies rather than the 'normal' pallies, ofc there are far more normal pallies than S4/T6.

Yesterday on my (affliction) lock I dueled and spanked 2 x ret pallies who were fairly well geared, and I didn't even re hp or re mana in between.

The new (forthcoming) nerfs will probably kill the ret pally, I have enjoyed playing the pally for a long time in a kind of this is painful way and since 3.0 it has actually been fun, even with the nerfs that they have already implemented. BTW Physical Storm now can be dodged, parried, blocked which further reduces the damage done.

I think that the further planned nerfs will consign the ret pally to the bin again and for those who persevere it will change from being fun to being enjoyable but painful again.

When I get taken down by a rogue in 3 seconds flat while stunned I don't QQ I think that I'll get the little ******* back when I res. When I suddenly go from 100% hp to dead and only find out that a mage 2 shot me from the combat log, I make it a priority to eat him when I next see him (2 shotting again not withstanding).

The worst thing is that they have not only nerfed us but that they have even more nerfs planned.
#44 Oct 19 2008 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
How so? Warriors have what, 11k armor in PVP with 50% mitigation? I know my mage has 4k armor self buffed and ~24% damage mitigation.

So divine storm damage is dropped 24% even on me, a squishy in PVP, and up to 50% on warriors, higher on sword + board warriors, and I'm not sure what kind of armor bears are rocking these days with the new changes but it's probably even higher then sword + board.

If you reread what he said, he was saying that the change affected PVE the most, but PVP wise, warriors and druids benefitted the most from the change, because now that it's a physical attack, their armor negates most of the dmg, whereas the nonwarriors and druids benefitted the least, due to the low armor. You basically questioned what he said, then made a statement that was exactly what he was saying.

Edited, Oct 20th 2008 12:10am by VRTFirestarter
#45 Oct 20 2008 at 5:08 AM Rating: Good
370 posts
While I certainly don't want to go back to UD status, with the curres partial nerfs, I'm still re god damn diculous. I'm in some merc gear, rest T4/kara/badge gear equivalents. In heroics, I put out 1100 dps, far more than anyone i've run with yet. In BG's, if I have a healer on me, I can wade into groups of horde and be pretty much fine. On the flip side, the "top damage" people in the last few AV's i've played generally only include me and one other pally in the top 10, it looks pretty balanced now. So...they may want to stop the nerfing.
#46 Oct 20 2008 at 5:46 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
I can see a distinct difference in PvP performance before and after the nerf. I'd say the situation is fine right now. A ret pally can still shred most melee, but they can get kited ridiculously easily, and now that the initial burst no longer one-shots people there's that three-second gap when the pally has no abilities off cooldown for his opponent to react; in the case of melee that's an opportune time to disarm and completely emasculate their damage. That DS change really did make a massive difference.

I've noticed no impact at all on my PvE performance. Topped damage in ZA last night basically in crappy PvP gear.

Something that just occurred to me: will the new Righteous Vengeance dot be a magic effect or a bleed? Solely in relation to Cloak of Shadows.
#47 Oct 21 2008 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
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#48 Oct 21 2008 at 8:01 AM Rating: Good
370 posts
Gaud, you slightly overstate. The debuff that prevents invulnerability is now 3 minute duration; there is no way at all a pally can pop both DS and BoP on himself in the same fight. LoH is 20 min cooldown, so he has that once per BG. His standard cooldowns (Art of war/FoL, one invulnerability every 3 is minutes) give him the same survivability as a resto druid/disc priest, maybe worse, actually. And as of this week, I can waste people in greens before my hammer stun expires, but I CANNOT drop someone comparatively geared within one HoJ duration.
#49 Oct 21 2008 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Tsarducci wrote:
Gaud, you slightly overstate.

I don't, actually.

The debuff that prevents invulnerability is now 3 minute duration; there is no way at all a pally can pop both DS and BoP on himself in the same fight.

Actually, it's quite possible. It just tends to happen extremely rarely because the Paladin will likely have his opponent dead several times over in three minutes. It's quite common to see both over the course of a skirmish in BG's though.

In any case, I'm not suggesting you're going to have to deal with every cooldown the Pally has every single time you fight one. I mean, LoH isn't even usable in arenas. The instant mana + heals/instant heals, however, are a constant; the Ret Paladin doesn't even need shields or cooldowns to keep himself alive unless he's got more than one opponent to deal with. That, as I've said, is my concern, not how fast a Ret Pally can waste someone.

If you can't out-burst them and you can't outlast them, what can you possibly do one-on-one to beat them?
#50 Oct 21 2008 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
370 posts
OK, you did overstate, you even admitted it after you claimed you didn't. No one is going to fight any singly other character for three minutes, you would normally have to "kill" a ret pally twice in a single fight, not four times. You claimed four times, which is flat out false, the limit is three if he has LoH off cooldown, and again, thats once per bg and as you point out not at all in arena.

Now you say its not burst damage that bothers you, but durability. I again say that this is now exactly the same as resto druid, disc priest, holy pally, and potentially several other builds. a geared resto druid pre patch could outlast anything, and isn't likely to go oom post patch, either. Why is it a problem to you that ret pallies are now the same as any number of other specs?
#51 Oct 21 2008 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
Right now, I`m sitting on pins and needles waiting to see what blizz try`s to run with, it makes me nervous to say the least. I`m hoping blizz doesn`t take the nerfs to much further. But I fear the worst is yet to come, Its going to suck if we lose all our crit damage bonus.

I would prefer, if we do lose it all, that we get it back, some at least, through crusader strike, gives us a buff, like vengence that stacks to 4 and each stack gives us 10% crit damage bonus. that would take it back up. And we wouldn`t be bursting peoples faces off, as fun as it is, it isn`t that fair.
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