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And here are the Ret changesFollow

#1 Oct 16 2008 at 8:21 AM Rating: Good
530 posts
From Blizzard:

"As I stated yesterday, we are happy with Ret's PvE damage and sustatined damage in PvP, but were concerned that the burst damage in PvP could be too high. We discussed this for literally hours yesterday, which was certainly not the first time we have discussed the issue. Thus I hope these changes are not perceived as a knee-jerk reaction, but I am sure that will depend a great deal on which class you play. :)

Divine Storm -- the damage was changed from Holy to Physical. As you know, Holy damage is almost never mitigated and this talent could pack a lot into a very short time. This is a nerf to the ability's damage. This change is now active on Live.

Repentance -- this ability now lasts for only 6 seconds in PvP (down from 10). Obviously this is also a nerf. This change is also active on Live.

Art of War -- now affects all damage done by Judgements, Crusader Strike and Divine Storm (instead of critical strike damage). Net dps should be about the same but less bursty. This change will be made before Nov 13.

Righteous Vengeance -- now applies a dot affect similar to Deep Wounds (instead of critical strike damage). This ends up being a significant buff to the ability to make up for the damage lost to Divine Storm, but is also less bursty. This change will be made before Nov 13. EDIT: The dot will NOT break Repentance.

Glyph of Crusader Strike -- now reduces mana cost (instead of increased damage on stunned targets.) We thought paladins could stack too much damage vs. stunned targets. This change will be made before Nov 13.

We also fixed a bug with Seal and Judgement of Light that could sometimes result in too much healing.

In our tests, Retribution dps remains the same over longer periods of time, but they can't do quite so much damage in the initial few seconds of a PvP encounter.

I know Ret pallies feel a little picked on since we've made this mistake before of having them come out the gate too strong and then had to correct them. For that I do apologize. It's a difficult spec to balance since part of its design is to have large crits and stuns, which have obvious PvP implications. We are pretty confident this will not nerf pallies into the ground as I facetiously promised yesterday, but if we overdid it, we'll be happy to back off some of the changes.

On the other hand, maybe we'll see fewer BGs with 20 paladins on the opposing side and can get some reasonable feedback on all the other classes in the game.

EDIT: To clairfy the new dot will not break Repentance."


Actually, I think these are very reasonable and not really a hard nerf. Ret, even with these changes, is going to continue to be a great DPS spec.
#2 Oct 16 2008 at 8:31 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Divine Storm damage counts as physical damage? The tooltip still says Holy damage. If this is the mitigated damage, I would've liked to see it before the change. Smiley: eek

I'm not saying these changes are bad, nor am I saying they're awesome. Lack of burst and increased sustained DPS will probably be good in the long run, especially later on when resilience steps in again.

I felt quite imbalanced when I soloed a Rogue in Vengeful Gladiator gear earlier today. He killed me, but he had only a sliver of life left. My Paladin was level 62, by the way.

Edit: By "live server" he means live beta server, I take it?

Edited, Oct 16th 2008 6:42pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#3 Oct 16 2008 at 8:41 AM Rating: Excellent
i would have rather them just lowered the damage of DS then change it to Physical, i like the holy for the fact that it helps my threat when im Ret tanking.

by the way, me and my two roomates 3 manned Shattered halls with 3 DPS: Ret, Shadow Priest, Demo Lock.
#4 Oct 16 2008 at 8:57 AM Rating: Excellent
1,131 posts
The RuenBahamut of Doom wrote:
i would have rather them just lowered the damage of DS then change it to Physical, i like the holy for the fact that it helps my threat when im Ret tanking.

by the way, me and my two roomates 3 manned Shattered halls with 3 DPS: Ret, Shadow Priest, Demo Lock.

I would have prefered DS to remain holy damage as well... after all, it is DIVINE storm.. not PHYSICAL storm.

3-manning SH with that group must have been a blast!
#5 Oct 16 2008 at 9:32 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm OK with these changes. I do not want to see ret paladin PvE damage to go down. I want ret to be as competitive for dps as any other class, leaving it for the player instead of the class. However I've been literally killed in 3 seconds on beta (when having 10-12k health around 70). I am OK with the burst nerf.
#6 Oct 16 2008 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
Who are you kidding Dil? You just want to say lolRet again :)
#7 Oct 16 2008 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
If they're reducing the damage done by Divine Storm, I hope they'll buff the healing done by it. It's nothing special, to be honest, and with Divine Storm damage now being mitigated by armor (which most things have), it'll be even less.

Does anyone know what the average physical damage mitigation of a level 80 mob is? We might be looking at a flat 25% damage nerf to Divine Storm, not counting in the loss of Art of War and Righteous Vengeance. Art of War will turn into a flat damage increase, but I doubt they'll keep the 20% (that would just be nuts), so it'll probably be something like 1/2/3%.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#8 Oct 16 2008 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
456 posts
Art of War was NOT majorly buffed. The damage should remain the same over time, but fewer gigantic crits. It will be something like +4 / 8% damage (instead of +10 / 20% crit), which should be the same overall assuming a crit rate of around 40%.

Righteous Vengeance was majorly buffed to make up for the Divine Storm nerf. It should end up at something like 10% of the crit damage each tick for 4 ticks of 2 seconds each (+40% and 8 sec total).

A level 70 boss usually has 7k armor i believe. With both major and minor armor debuffs up (sunder and faerie fire are the most common) I believe they have 3500 left. Basically, without any armor penetration you are looking at 20-25% damage reduction.

Personally, I would like it to be Holy damage just for the feel. And the tanking aspect; I mean really now all ret has to tank with is consecrate. I would prefer a straight 15-20% reduction in damage, but leave it able to ignore armor. Makes me actually attack boomkin, warriors, shaman, hunters, etc.

Edited, Oct 16th 2008 11:23am by Zeynothix
#9 Oct 16 2008 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I hate that they're hotfixing the nerfs, but waiting with the balancing changes for the expansion. It means that we will be grossly underpowered until the launch of the expansion when we'll hopefully be balanced out. Except, I have a feeling it won't go as intended and then it'll take a new patch before they send a fix our way.

This all reminds me of something...
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#10 Oct 16 2008 at 11:08 AM Rating: Excellent
1,599 posts
Here is a follow up post on the official beta board:

Morning GC! and ain't it a LOVELY morning

#11 Oct 16 2008 at 12:00 PM Rating: Good
530 posts
Mazra wrote:
Divine Storm damage counts as physical damage? The tooltip still says Holy damage. If this is the mitigated damage, I would've liked to see it before the change. Smiley: eek

I'm not saying these changes are bad, nor am I saying they're awesome. Lack of burst and increased sustained DPS will probably be good in the long run, especially later on when resilience steps in again.

I felt quite imbalanced when I soloed a Rogue in Vengeful Gladiator gear earlier today. He killed me, but he had only a sliver of life left. My Paladin was level 62, by the way.

Edit: By "live server" he means live beta server, I take it?

Edited, Oct 16th 2008 6:42pm by Mazra

No the changes he says are live are now on the live servers, not beta. They were hotfixed in yesterday night (people noticed the DS change almost immediately).
#12 Oct 16 2008 at 12:09 PM Rating: Excellent
370 posts
Allow me to repost something here away from theophany pissing me off :)

I'm annoyed in the SoC damage nerf, as this is a PvP fix (lowering burst damage) is affecting PvE soloing rather harshly. As most of the spading has shown, the 5 man/raid seal (sustained DPS) is likely to be martyr or possibly vengance. SoC I still saw as the prefered soloing seal, as the very thing causing its nerfing (burst damage in PvP) was the very thing I would want it for in soloing PvE..the chance to drop one mob of a pull very quickly, at least when dealing with low-hp world mobs.

Since the problem is PvP, I have to wonder why they're not targeting PvP expressly, rather than changing the ret pally's damage output. What about something like a hidden crit chance cooldown when targeting a player? Or I dunno, something like that, that actually addresses only PvP without risking ******** up PvE again.
#13 Oct 16 2008 at 12:57 PM Rating: Excellent
1,599 posts
Honestly, I believe that there will be another "hotfix" at some point in the future. Possibly before WotLK, or possibly part of WotLK.

The "hotfix" was a knee-jerk reaction from Blizz (regardless of what they say). You know it was a knee-jerk reaction because it happened within 24 hours of the patch release. If it was well-thought out, it would've happened before the patch release, and they would've released notes before the fix. Instead, they did it in silence in the middle of the night.

Knee-jerk reactions generally mean "not well thought out" reactions. Give Blizzard more time to figure out what they really want to do, and they'll implement something better.

I'm sure we will be seeing a lot of changes in the next 4 weeks leading up to WotLK. These will flip flop around. Buffs. Nerfs. Re-buffed. Re-nerfed. Etc... Get some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the roller coaster :)
#14 Oct 16 2008 at 1:06 PM Rating: Good
530 posts
YJMark wrote:
Honestly, I believe that there will be another "hotfix" at some point in the future. Possibly before WotLK, or possibly part of WotLK.

The "hotfix" was a knee-jerk reaction from Blizz (regardless of what they say). You know it was a knee-jerk reaction because it happened within 24 hours of the patch release. If it was well-thought out, it would've happened before the patch release, and they would've released notes before the fix. Instead, they did it in silence in the middle of the night.

Knee-jerk reactions generally mean "not well thought out" reactions. Give Blizzard more time to figure out what they really want to do, and they'll implement something better.

I'm sure we will be seeing a lot of changes in the next 4 weeks leading up to WotLK. These will flip flop around. Buffs. Nerfs. Re-buffed. Re-nerfed. Etc... Get some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the roller coaster :)

I'd say they should consider what exactly to do with DS after this change. I mean, after the change, it doesn't really seem like an end of tree talent -- the healing is nice, but not big, and the damage at 80 will be small, even if it can be dealt to 4 targets at once, when they all have 20k+ health. So I can understand doing this to DS now, but I have to think that this isn't the last we'll hear about the bottom tree talent for ret.
#15 Oct 16 2008 at 1:19 PM Rating: Excellent
Why do I suddenly feel like I'm playing on the PTR??? Random sudden short changes and all. Wasn't the whole point of the beta and PTR to see how this stuff works *before* they put it on the live server? Did they not see how it worked? Was it not as high of burst damage on the PTR?

Edited, Oct 16th 2008 2:13pm by digitalcraft
#16 Oct 16 2008 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
456 posts
I just did some pvp. Not a huge change, however I was hitting for HALF as much on a moonkin as I did on the mage next to him. Who do you think we are going to go after now? Used to be I would kill moonkin, hunters, warriors since they are a nuisance and no one else goes after them due to high armor and hp.
#17 Oct 16 2008 at 1:35 PM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
I hate that they're hotfixing the nerfs, but waiting with the balancing changes for the expansion. It means that we will be grossly underpowered until the launch of the expansion when we'll hopefully be balanced out. Except, I have a feeling it won't go as intended and then it'll take a new patch before they send a fix our way.

This all reminds me of something...

You said it yourself, you almost solo'd a full venge rogue at level 62. If that isn't completely out of control PVP damage, I don't know what is.
#18 Oct 16 2008 at 1:35 PM Rating: Good
530 posts
Zeynothix wrote:
I just did some pvp. Not a huge change, however I was hitting for HALF as much on a moonkin as I did on the mage next to him. Who do you think we are going to go after now? Used to be I would kill moonkin, hunters, warriors since they are a nuisance and no one else goes after them due to high armor and hp.

Smart mages can kite us, though, pretty easily, especially and for longer if they are frost spec. So I'm not sure mages are our ideal target, really. 'course if we can find one handy in melee range and they don't know how to get away from us then that's another thing.
#19 Oct 16 2008 at 1:36 PM Rating: Good
530 posts
Double post

Edited, Oct 16th 2008 5:29pm by gwynhara
#20 Oct 16 2008 at 1:53 PM Rating: Good
YJMark wrote:
Who are you kidding Dil? You just want to say lolRet again :)

HA I admit the thought had crossed my mind, but nah I really would like them to be good enough in PvE so I can bring them to raids and feel really good about it. They're one of the mana batteries now, and since I'm rerolling DK from ym survival hunter, that is one less mana battery in the raid. I don't want their damage done over time to go down, just the damage they do in, say, the first 5 seconds or so.
#21 Oct 16 2008 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,594 posts
You said it yourself, you almost solo'd a full venge rogue at level 62. If that isn't completely out of control PVP damage, I don't know what is.

It means the rogue was an idiot and an embarrassment to his class. With a level difference of 8, the spell hit chance that paladin had was already down to 52%. Hammer of Resist, Judgement or Resist... Also, the rogue would have had around 40% avoidance against that 62.

And that's not even looking at the absolutely massive difference in HP and average damage. The rogue would have nearly one shotted him. Bubble -> Vanish. Paladin heals. Rogue waits 12 seconds, dead pally.

Oh, wait, I saw a level 15 hunter melee a 70 warrior to death in the Crossroads. Nerf hunters. Right?

Edited, Oct 16th 2008 6:32pm by Ehcks
#22 Oct 16 2008 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
It means the rogue was an idiot and an embarrassment to his class. With a level difference of 8, the spell hit chance that paladin had was already down to 52%. Hammer of Resist, Judgement or Resist... Also, the rogue would have had around 40% avoidance against that 62.

And that's not even looking at the absolutely massive difference in HP and average damage. The rogue would have nearly one shotted him. Bubble -> Vanish. Paladin heals. Rogue waits 12 seconds, dead pally.

Oh, wait, I saw a level 15 hunter melee a 70 warrior to death in the Crossroads. Nerf hunters. Right?

The fact is ret is retarded right now. Fine, make mazra a 70 and he'd drop an equivalent rogue in 4 seconds flat. I have never seen a class burst people down this quickly in a stunlock, even rogues at the height of their S2 OPness.

This isn't about "ret sucking before, and now its finally OK and people are crying". This is the hilarious response I'm seeing from ret paladins. Yeah ret was sorta meh before, not a very good spec. But you can't just go turning into the most overpowered spec to ever be in the game to compensate. They went way, way too far with current ret. When you can drop 400 resil targets in like 4 seconds, something is wrong.

And lol at a 70 rogue even needing to vanish against ANY level 62.

All mazra needed was a little RNG where the hammer lands and maybe a judgement or 2. Rogue thinks level 62 lol, I'm not blowing vanish on this noob, then BAM BAM where did my damn health go?

Plus ret burst from like 35% health is massive, when you can take someone from 4400hp to DEAD (my mage, at 448 resilience) with a CS->hammer of wrath, it's absolutely retarded.

Ret is going to get nerfed, in PVP and I'm glad. Keep your less bursty solid DPS in PVE, I don't care, but I've never seen a spec this overpowered in my life. I'm probably one of the only classes who can win 75% against rets with cooldowns up (ice block) but looking at it objectively, ret is bursting people faster then I've ever seen anyone get bursted. When ****** players in blues are beating skilled players in brutal gear, theres a massive problem.
#23 Oct 16 2008 at 4:08 PM Rating: Good
530 posts
It's been nerfed, have you been reading?
#24 Oct 16 2008 at 5:19 PM Rating: Default
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Professor gwynhara wrote:
No the changes he says are live are now on the live servers, not beta. They were hotfixed in yesterday night (people noticed the DS change almost immediately).

Hmm, odd. Perhaps we (Europeans) won't get the hotfix until tonight then. My Divine Storm is still critting for crazysick damage at level 63 and the tooltip still says Holy damage.

Against the Rogue in Vengeful, it should be noted that he blew a lot of cooldowns when he took out a level 62 Rogue and Shaman. Also, the only Vengeful gear I saw on him were the shoulders. Might've been the only piece he had.

I used my Bubble to heal after he got off an unlucky Eviscerate that didn't crit. He used the Bubble time to bandage, but I interrupted him due to a lucky Holy Light crit. And yes, it was Judgement and Seal of Resist. I got a lucky Hammer of Justice which gave me a little burst, but four out of five Eye for an Eye were resisted or missed. Did get off two lucky ones that hit for 300-something each. And my Divine Storm crit him for 800-something. If I had had my PvP insignia keybound (my UI is messed up), I would've dispelled his Kidney Shot and tossed a Hammer of Wrath at him. Should've killed him if it had been a crit.

Even I thought the class needed a nerf after it, but come to think about it, his health was awful low considering the Vengeful shoulders. I wouldn't be surprised if he was in S1 gear outside of the shoulders. Still, I should've been a breeze, like the Rogue and Shaman. They fell in five seconds flat.

Edited, Oct 17th 2008 3:22am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#25 Oct 16 2008 at 5:21 PM Rating: Excellent
1,594 posts
I have never seen a class burst people down this quickly in a stunlock.

My warlock was killed yesterday by a warrior during the duration of a 4 second stun I had never seen the tooltip of before.

Rogues kill me before KS ends as a RULE.

Warlocks kill me before I become immune to fear. Or they go Demon form and I just straight out die.

I kill retadins more than they kill me. Fire mages kill me more than retadins do. I think you're just doing it wrong.
#26 Oct 16 2008 at 5:27 PM Rating: Good
530 posts
Mazra wrote:
Professor gwynhara wrote:
No the changes he says are live are now on the live servers, not beta. They were hotfixed in yesterday night (people noticed the DS change almost immediately).

Hmm, odd. Perhaps we (Europeans) won't get the hotfix until tonight then. My Divine Storm is still critting for crazysick damage at level 63 and the tooltip still says Holy damage.

The tooltip hasn't changed on NA servers, but my dam log says phys dam on DS, no holy dam. The tooltip update will lag the hotfix. normally.
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