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So far Arms is amazingFollow

#1 Oct 16 2008 at 6:35 AM Rating: Decent
Just posting my experience from ZA last night after re-respecing my old Arms Warrior, to the new set up.

WWS in SSC/TK/etc I usually placed about roughly 4th-8th in DPS. Usually depending on the fight. Our Hunters would always take top spots usually 1-3(4).

Well we ran ZA as a "go for 3 chest run" last night. I could not give rage away. Bladestorm is a Godsend... seriously. Before trying it, and reading about it... I'm like big whoop, a channeled ability (no moving while using), OH not the case. Lol, I was in a duel last night and I literally LOL'ed watching my big Tauren spinning like a top after someone, taking chunks off their HP.

Anyway, back to the point.

I stayed mainly in Battle stance. Why? Imp Overpower, and Taste for Blood. I really don't need WW in my rotation anymore thanks to bladestorm, overpower, MS, slam, and YES LOLRend (it's now in the picture again).

Our raid leader said the combat log was changed and possibly messed up WWS... so exactly where I placed is a mystery. However someone was running a overall damage meter thing, I was maybe 1k under our Hunter. Just insane damage... It said I was over 1100 DPS (being use to 800'ish, my jaw dropped lol).

Now the tanks are amazing, this is not the Gyf show... the tanks held mob aggro perfectly. I died zero times. Oh and the 3 chest we were shooting for... we hit all 4. Got a caster ring from the last chest. =D

Anyway, I made this because pre-patch release I assumed Arms was moved to a PvP spec, and Titan's grip was where it's at. I have not respec'ed to try Titan's grip... but I really don't think I want to.

Any Titan's Grip/Bladestorm/or even newly super-charged Prot Warriors want to share?

Edited, Oct 16th 2008 10:39am by GYFFORD
#2 Oct 16 2008 at 6:45 AM Rating: Good
30 posts
I haven't tried my Arms spec in PVE yet so it's good to hear you did better than you expected with it. :D

As far as PVP goes I was definitely doing A LOT more damage than I was before. yay me!!

A quick question though, I think Sweeping Strikes works with Whirlwind but does it work with Bladestorm?
#3 Oct 16 2008 at 7:12 AM Rating: Good
I agree OP, Arms has been quite amazing. Stance dancing is not really required anymore unless you need an occasional pummel or disarm. I suppose time will tell how well the tree fares en route to 80, but as of right now it is amazing.

I have yet to try it in PvP though.
#4 Oct 16 2008 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
Zyven wrote:
A quick question though, I think Sweeping Strikes works with Whirlwind but does it work with Bladestorm?

Honestly, as a force of habit with WW, I used it lol. The numbers were amazing, so I honestly think it does work. However I have do not physical proof in a spreadsheet or any other number-cruncher test, except the number scrolling up on my screen seem like a lot more.

IMO since we really don't need to WW stance dance, use them together. *also on that note* for Dragonkin boss I was actually asked to assist in AoE'ing the hatchlings down. We flew the the whole side (yay Bladestorm).

The only thing I regret from not stance dancing is Recklessness is a 5 min CD now, I should get that into my rotation somehow.

Also, with Overpower being random off bleed ticks... My swing rotation is all screwy lol, I literally felt like I was just reacting to the Procs. Slam was honestly not a huge part of my rotation anymore.

Oh and being able to Execute and get 10 rage back is awesome

Edited, Oct 16th 2008 11:21am by GYFFORD
#5 Oct 16 2008 at 7:35 AM Rating: Good
170 posts
I have seen warriors wipe out whole swathes of mobs and losing very little hp while pumping out awesome damage, my mate was just laughing.

Its got to be quite fun really.

Should be nerfed really.
#6 Oct 16 2008 at 7:54 AM Rating: Good
Sadly Sam, I think the nerf is coming... prolly not just for Warriors. my guild is a end T5, beginning T6 content guild... we should on average get about 3 chest, which was what we were shooting for. We got to the 4th boss with about 5-6 minutes left... killed him in 3 minutes lol.

We're the same level 70's that walked thru there many-O-times before, and never EVER has it been that easy.

I hope they don't, but I'm sure it's in the works.
#7 Oct 16 2008 at 8:03 AM Rating: Good
30 posts
I hope they don't nerf us, we only just got improved!

Can't remember the talent but as an above poster state: 10 rage back after using Execute.
Theres another that lets you use Execute REGARDLESS of health = ftw. (Not another talent, but the same one lol)

... found it: Sudden Death. :D
With full rage, should pull in some majopr dmg, pop bloodrage, and do it again when they drop below 20%.
Should down those damn druids & shamans that keep getting me in PVP :P

Forgot to say, I'll try bladestorm + sweeping strikes ASAP and report back.

Edited, Oct 16th 2008 11:58am by Zyven

Edited, Oct 16th 2008 11:59am by Zyven

Edited, Oct 16th 2008 12:01pm by Zyven
#8 Oct 16 2008 at 8:18 AM Rating: Good
Arms is pretty good, but you're actually just as well off sitting in Berserker Stance and throwing additional Slams (and Whirlwinds) instead of Rends and OPs.

Or, at least, I am. But I'm pushing ~67% crit raidbuffed in my current gearset, which gives me ludicrous amounts of damage. Deep Wounds actually outdamaged melee attacks on a few fights, with an average tick (every second) of ~1800 and a max tick of a bit over 3000.
#9 Oct 16 2008 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah I mentoned that... I ment sudden death in what I said, but I only mentioned the rage back part lol. Yes that talent rocks so much. Yet another reason my rotation is all screwy. Between Sudden Death, Overpower, MS, and Bladestorm... I'm SUPER busy lol.
#10 Oct 16 2008 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
67% crit?

Sweet jebus zip. Brb going to the armory.
#11 Oct 16 2008 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
120 posts
I haven't tried the new Arms spec yet. I definetly plan to. Since I am the main tank for my guild though, I did spec prot. The new prot. is awesome. I DPS now! between 1k-2k revenges popping up along with Shield slam, not to metion the AOE dmg/stun every 20 sec., and devastate, I have more special attacks available than gcd will allow at times. And now that I can use charge in any stance and while in combat, I am all over the place. No rage starvation here.
Also, between charge, intercept, tauren war stomp, concussion blow, and the new aoe stun, I almost feel like a rogue keeping some things locked down.
I look forward to trying bladestorm and even titans grip just for the heck of it. Both of these bring back fond memories of playing a barbarian in diablo2.
#12 Oct 17 2008 at 12:42 AM Rating: Good
362 posts
I tried Bladestorm build for two day now. I find Bladestorm extreme fun.

It is just joy every time I use it.

Yesterday I started to test its dps on dummies in IF.
I was a bit dissapointed seing "only" 1400 dps...... today I realized I was using full PvP gear of (S2/S3/S4 mix)(it was 2 am :P). And I was using slam and HS too seldom.
I simply forgot slam changes and as my Quartz refuses to show anything I was simply afraid of gymping myself with badly timed slam.
No need to watch swing bar now.... omg what a joy....

Overall Arms tree is great.

My guild went to BT yesterday, they were disgusted after - all was way to easy... bosses died in a bit over 2 min each ... most people did almost double dps they usually did....
#13 Oct 17 2008 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
170 posts
I hope they don't nerf us, we only just got improved!

Can't remember the talent but as an above poster state: 10 rage back after using Execute.
Theres another that lets you use Execute REGARDLESS of health = ftw. (Not another talent, but the same one lol)

... found it: Sudden Death. :D
With full rage, should pull in some majopr dmg, pop bloodrage, and do it again when they drop below 20%.
Should down those damn druids & shamans that keep getting me in PVP :P

Forgot to say, I'll try bladestorm + sweeping strikes ASAP and report back.

Pallies only just got improved and got nerfed, the same thing has to happen to other classes, execute regardless of health?!? my mates execute does 5k-7k damage (pre 3.0) (I have a warrior but he is mini atm)

Warriors would run in:

*Execute* - 6k damage
*MS* - 3k damage
*cleave* - 4k damage
(maybe *execute* again = 6k damage)

= 13k damage (19k damage)

The nerfbat will make its rounds.

#14 Oct 17 2008 at 1:12 PM Rating: Good
2,580 posts
SamwiseTheBrave wrote:
I hope they don't nerf us, we only just got improved!

Can't remember the talent but as an above poster state: 10 rage back after using Execute.
Theres another that lets you use Execute REGARDLESS of health = ftw. (Not another talent, but the same one lol)

... found it: Sudden Death. :D
With full rage, should pull in some majopr dmg, pop bloodrage, and do it again when they drop below 20%.
Should down those damn druids & shamans that keep getting me in PVP :P

Forgot to say, I'll try bladestorm + sweeping strikes ASAP and report back.

Pallies only just got improved and got nerfed, the same thing has to happen to other classes, execute regardless of health?!? my mates execute does 5k-7k damage (pre 3.0) (I have a warrior but he is mini atm)

Warriors would run in:

*Execute* - 6k damage
*MS* - 3k damage
*cleave* - 4k damage
(maybe *execute* again = 6k damage)

= 13k damage (19k damage)

The nerfbat will make its rounds.

First off 5-7k executes are at full rage. Second that talent doesn't let you execute anytime you feel like it, it's a proc chance (30% chance after a crit) and once you execute you have to wait for it to proc again before you can execute again (given they are still above 20%). Third cleave doesn't do 4k dmg on a single target without being buffed to the tits with a 0 armor target.

Does it have great potential? Yes
Is it a sure thing you can depend on? No

You could not get a proc the entire fight or you could get one right off the bat. Also running around with a full rage bar in pvp rarely ever happens due to having to stance dance and use abilities before you build up that much rage. Exception would be double crit sword proc.
#15 Oct 18 2008 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent

* Rend bas damage has been slightly lowered, additional damage changed - originally took 15% of base weapon damage, now takes 50%, originally took 2.14% from weapon attack power damage, now takes 7.14%.


* Shield Bash now dazes your target.


* Sudden Death now has a 3/6/9% chance to proc on melee hits. (Old - 10/20/30% chance to proc on critical hits)
* Improved Rend now increases the bleed damage done by Rend by 10/20%. (Down from 25/50%)


* Titan's Grip now reduces your chance to hit with damage-dealing abilities that require a weapon by 12%. (Down from 15%)
* Bloodthirst cooldown has been changed to 5 seconds. (Down from 6 seconds)

WotLK - Build 9095 Undocumented Class Changes; Courtesy of MMO-Champion.
#16 Oct 19 2008 at 4:23 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Jimpadan wrote:
67% crit?

Sweet jebus zip. Brb going to the armory.

Brb going to the toilet.

Need new undies.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#17 Oct 19 2008 at 9:16 AM Rating: Good
170 posts
SamwiseTheBrave wrote:
I hope they don't nerf us, we only just got improved!

Can't remember the talent but as an above poster state: 10 rage back after using Execute.
Theres another that lets you use Execute REGARDLESS of health = ftw. (Not another talent, but the same one lol)

... found it: Sudden Death. :D
With full rage, should pull in some majopr dmg, pop bloodrage, and do it again when they drop below 20%.
Should down those damn druids & shamans that keep getting me in PVP :P

Forgot to say, I'll try bladestorm + sweeping strikes ASAP and report back.

Pallies only just got improved and got nerfed, the same thing has to happen to other classes, execute regardless of health?!? my mates execute does 5k-7k damage (pre 3.0) (I have a warrior but he is mini atm)

Warriors would run in:

*Execute* - 6k damage
*MS* - 3k damage
*cleave* - 4k damage
(maybe *execute* again = 6k damage)

= 13k damage (19k damage)

The nerfbat will make its rounds.

First off 5-7k executes are at full rage. Second that talent doesn't let you execute anytime you feel like it, it's a proc chance (30% chance after a crit) and once you execute you have to wait for it to proc again before you can execute again (given they are still above 20%). Third cleave doesn't do 4k dmg on a single target without being buffed to the tits with a 0 armor target.

Does it have great potential? Yes
Is it a sure thing you can depend on? No

You could not get a proc the entire fight or you could get one right off the bat. Also running around with a full rage bar in pvp rarely ever happens due to having to stance dance and use abilities before you build up that much rage. Exception would be double crit sword proc.

Fair nuff, my warrior is only lvl 8 and I was only going on what my mate was telling me about his warrior. I know a bit about them but not as much as experienced warriors would.

Mind you 30% chance per crit hit is pretty good, I am sure that there are plenty of warriors with 30%+ crit chance :)

#18 Oct 19 2008 at 9:46 AM Rating: Default
there is no question that WoW is more or less broken atm.. everyone is overpowered to a degree where it is hardly fun anymore.
it will all come down to how things will be when WolK comes out, im guessing at lvl 80 things will have smoothed out alot and eqealized between specs and classes. ofcause some ajustments have to be made since the leveling process will be affectet of the current powerstructure, but dont count on that this powerboost will give a just picture of how it will end up.

#19 Oct 20 2008 at 4:09 AM Rating: Decent
so, 10 of us walk into Drek's room...

"someone's gonna tank him or are we just gonna OP him?"

then it begins... charge in... and a couple of secs later... all dies and most of O is now on D...

yea... i think i'm going to just sit out and play with setting up my UI's for now...
#20 Oct 20 2008 at 5:22 AM Rating: Default
Prot's pretty hot...
#21 Oct 20 2008 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
SamwiseTheBrave wrote:
SamwiseTheBrave wrote:
I hope they don't nerf us, we only just got improved!

Can't remember the talent but as an above poster state: 10 rage back after using Execute.
Theres another that lets you use Execute REGARDLESS of health = ftw. (Not another talent, but the same one lol)

... found it: Sudden Death. :D
With full rage, should pull in some majopr dmg, pop bloodrage, and do it again when they drop below 20%.
Should down those damn druids & shamans that keep getting me in PVP :P

Forgot to say, I'll try bladestorm + sweeping strikes ASAP and report back.

Pallies only just got improved and got nerfed, the same thing has to happen to other classes, execute regardless of health?!? my mates execute does 5k-7k damage (pre 3.0) (I have a warrior but he is mini atm)

Warriors would run in:

*Execute* - 6k damage
*MS* - 3k damage
*cleave* - 4k damage
(maybe *execute* again = 6k damage)

= 13k damage (19k damage)

The nerfbat will make its rounds.

First off 5-7k executes are at full rage. Second that talent doesn't let you execute anytime you feel like it, it's a proc chance (30% chance after a crit) and once you execute you have to wait for it to proc again before you can execute again (given they are still above 20%). Third cleave doesn't do 4k dmg on a single target without being buffed to the tits with a 0 armor target.

Does it have great potential? Yes
Is it a sure thing you can depend on? No

You could not get a proc the entire fight or you could get one right off the bat. Also running around with a full rage bar in pvp rarely ever happens due to having to stance dance and use abilities before you build up that much rage. Exception would be double crit sword proc.

Fair nuff, my warrior is only lvl 8 and I was only going on what my mate was telling me about his warrior. I know a bit about them but not as much as experienced warriors would.

Mind you 30% chance per crit hit is pretty good, I am sure that there are plenty of warriors with 30%+ crit chance :)

PvP geared and specced warrior will run around 35% crit. His targets will run between 300 and 400 resilience (450ish for some casters). So we'll say 350 resilience. That gives a crit reduction of roughly 7.5%.

So now our warrior has a 27.5% crit chance. Thirty percent of crits he will proc sudden death so 8.25% of the time. Not really that much when you think about it. However with the new undocumented changes

Sudden Death now has a 3/6/9% chance to proc on melee hits. (Old - 10/20/30% chance to proc on critical hits)

Comes out to be around the same. Basically if using the old system and assumes you have 30% crit and your opponent has no resilience.

EDIT: Looking at the new sudden death, we're going to be seeing alot of DW arms warriors stacking tons of hit now.

Edited, Oct 20th 2008 1:28pm by Jimpadan
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