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Help me I'm lost and confused (Prot and UI questions)Follow

#1 Oct 15 2008 at 11:06 PM Rating: Good
Hello good Paladins.

I've got my protection paladin who's no longer uncritable (thanks to the transformation of 20 defense into 5% Dodge), but that could be arranged with regemming, I also intend to get the Bracers of the Green Fortress crafted for me.

My problem is... Too many seals/judgments.

Was anyone able to set up a good enough UI for all of those, while using the standard Blizzard UI, and not losing half the blessings/heals/etc to off-screen bars?

If you did, and feel like helping me out, I'd love a screenshot, maybe a small description of macros, key bindings, etc...

I used to rely on the 1 to = buttons for all my tanking, using the middle mouse button for the taunt, Shift + middle mouse button for Purify, as for blessing/heals/resurrection/DI/other useful things, those were mouse activated, but still visible onscreen.

The shortcuts were for :

( 1 ) Autoattack
( 2 ) Seal of Wisdom
( 3 ) Seal of Blood
( 4 ) Judgment
( 5 ) Seal of Light
( 6 ) Stun
( 7 ) Seal of the Crusader
( 8 ) Hammer of Justice
( 9 ) Exorcism
( 0 ) Consecration
( - ) Holy Shield
( = ) Avenger's Shield

I'm putting the new 51 point talent instead of the obsolete Seal of the Crusader, but that is not enough since I have more seals, more Judgments, etc...

I spent 2 hours last night trying stuff, and I finally admitted defeat.

Also, is there a good new tanking rotation? I used to go double Wisdom Seal/Judgment, Consecration a lot, Holy Shield up all the time, and put Judgment of the Crusader + Seal of Blood in case I am having threat issues.

Now I admit I haven't been tanking long before this patch, and I was probably wrong on many fronts, so, I'm asking the experienced tanks, HELP!

Edit: To specify the help needed in the title.
Second Edit to add my Prot build, close to 0/56/5, but I don't like Stoicism

Edited, Oct 16th 2008 9:13am by danieldakkak
#2 Oct 16 2008 at 4:55 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
I pretty much put my not-so-used stuff on an action bar right above the stuff I use most frequently. With the changes to Seal of Vengance, it is probably the highest damage seal now, and there is virtually no reason to seal wisdom or light because you can judge either wisdom or light every 10 seconds. My current setup is:

1. Autoattack
2. Seal of Vengance
3. Avenger's Shield
4. Judgement of Wisdom
5. Hammer of Wrath
6. Judgement of Light
7. Holy Shield
8. HoJ
9. Consecration
0. Exorcism

Then on the action bar I have locked right above this I have:

Judgement of Justice, Holy Wrath, Seal of Wisdom, Seal of Light, and whatever else I use less frequently. With the new talents and the nerfs to dungeons and raids, when I was in Kara last night, the trash fights were mostly me going:

2 (if the 2 minutes from the last "2" weren't up already), 3, 9, 7, 4 (wait 10 seconds), 9, 7, 4 (wait... oh... everything is dead)

The boss fights were a little more complicated because I would open with avenging wrath followed by 2,3,9,7,4,9,7,4,9,7,5 oh.. the boss is dead. Post patch and post Nerf, a group that previously had trouble on Maiden (my group) got her down in less than 1 minute, so it didn't require nearly as much thought.

I don't have a screenshot of my UI, but mainly just pick 1 seal that you like and hotkey it to 2 (in my case Vengance) and have your other things you use VERY frequently hotkeyed to 3 - 0, and the rest of the stuff just in easy locations on your bars where you can click without looking for it for more than a second at most. Once you have everything where it is comfortable for you, you won't have any problems.

Sorry for the edit-fest, but I had to mention that OF COURSE you aren't going to do exactly this every time, sometimes you won't have to consecrate as often and you will still keep threat, sometimes a mage or hunter or whatever will get 5 crits in a row and you will have to use tricks/taunts to pull threat back to yourself, etc. But in general it doesn't matter what seal you are using as long as you are judging wisdom if you need mana and light if you need health. If you have a decent healer and especially if you have a glyph of spiritual atunement, you may never need either anymore. I did the first 4 bosses in Kara last night and sat down to eat/drink because I was low on Mana ONCE during the whole thing. Still had 79 conjured mana biscuits in my bags when I was done. And this was not because I am in T6 gear or something... I am in gear appropriate for clearing Kara and MAYBE doing ZA/Gruul's/Mag's but I haven't tried anything past Kara yet.

Edited, Oct 16th 2008 8:49am by jeromesimina

Edited, Oct 16th 2008 8:50am by jeromesimina

Edited, Oct 16th 2008 8:52am by jeromesimina

Edited, Oct 16th 2008 8:58am by jeromesimina
#3 Oct 16 2008 at 6:33 AM Rating: Good
Thanks for the response.

Interesting bit about the Wisdom/Light Seals not being useful anymore. Thanks a lot for the rotation you're using.

I've been doing some research, on maintankadin and elitistjerks mostly, as well as some personal thinking (slow day at work).
Vengeance does in fact seem to be the only Seal I'll need to apply while tanking (not sure about AoE farming yet), so that's one load off my mind. Replacing the seals of Wisdom/Light by their Judgment counterparts clears up that issue as well. To clear up much needed screen space, I will apply the macro that changes Regular/Greater Blessings with a modifier (alt in this case). I could probably do the same with Judgment/Seal conversion, in case I ever feel low on mana or life and have to apply those seals instead of Vengeance.

Thanks, I'll try it out tonight and link a screenshot if it works Smiley: smile

In case I actually do need to take a button bar UI, anyone knows about an easy one to set up, that's still working after this patch?
#4 Oct 16 2008 at 6:34 AM Rating: Good
591 posts
1. Auto Attack____(Above 1st row of keys)_____Avengers Shield
2. Holy Shield_____________________________Concecrate rank 1
3. Hammer of the Righteous_________________Concecrate rank 6
4. Judgement of Wisdom____________________Righteous Defense
5. Judgement of Light______________________Righteous Fury
6. Seal of Right___________________________Hammer of Justice
7. Seal of Veng___________________________Hammer of Wrath
8. Seal of Wisdom________________________Trinket 1(spell dam on use)
9. Seal of Light___________________________Trinket 2(heal when block on use)
0. Exorcism______________________________Trinket 3(increased dodge on use)
-. Holy Wrath______________________________Trinket 4(instant 1750hp on use)
=. Healing pot_____________________________Divine Prot(50% dam reduction)

Basically rotation hasn't changed much - Seal up with Right or Veng then pull using Avengers, drop Conc as mobs get to you, pop HS and here's where it changes, smack em with new Hammer of Righteous then judge light/wisdom. Add holy wrath+exor if undead/demon. Rinse and repeat.

The changes to Blessing of Sanc means you will never run out oom while multitanking, its really quite nice atm. Add to that the glyph that increases mana from spiritual attunement and the new Judgement of wisdom and mana isn't really a concern.

Edited, Oct 16th 2008 9:44am by mahlerite
#5 Oct 16 2008 at 6:35 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
One other note... you MAY want to take 2 points OUT of the prot tree somewhere and put 2 points into improved judgements. Being able to re-judge 2 seconds faster under the new system is even nicer than it was before. I am specced very similar to you except I went 0,54,7

Edit: I keep forgetting about the new Hammer of Righteousness... to be honest, Kara was easy even though I never used it. Would have generated EVEN MORE threat though.

Today is edit-fest day for me it seems. It is important to note that while you CAN still downrank spells like consecration, the mana cost is the same regardless of rank now (if this isn't already true it will be in WOTLK), so downranking is kinda pointless. Also, seal of wisdom and seal of light are not totally useless in theory, I just never needed them because the judgements returned plenty of health or mana depending on what I needed. I need to find some tougher fights, because with spritual attunement and a glyph of spiritual attunement and 2 good healers in my Kara run I rarely needed health OR mana, but I kept using judgement of wisdom on everything to keep everyone's mana up. Seemed to work well. Only used judgement of light a few times.

AARRRGGHHH!!! one more edit... Since I was referring to my fights in Kara last night I must say that I also used Exorcism a bunch, and in fights with large numbers of undead (the dancers before you get to Moroes for example) I was using Holy Wrath every time it was off cooldown. It only has a 10-yard radius now (instead of 20), but it was hitting half of the undead trash for about 500 each and critting about half of the trash for over 1000 each, so I could handle 10 or so on me at once without really thinking much.

Edited, Oct 16th 2008 10:30am by jeromesimina

Edited, Oct 16th 2008 10:35am by jeromesimina

Edited, Oct 16th 2008 10:40am by jeromesimina
#6 Oct 16 2008 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
Downranking Consecrate (or any other spell) is no longer effective nor necessary. All ranks cost the same mana (my highest rank actually costs less). My actionbar looks something like this:

Bottom Actionbar Top Actionbar (Ctrl+<Key>)
1. Judgement of Wisdom Judgement of Light
2. Hammer of Justice Hammer of Wrath
3. Exorcism Turn Evil
4. Consecration Holy Wrath
5. Seal of Corruption Flash of Light
6. Hammer of the Righteous Holy Light
7. Divine Shield Lay on Hands
8. Hand of Protection Hand of Salvation
9. Holy Shield Avenger's Shield
0. Righteous Defense Avenging Wrath

And I have my Blessings/Bandages/Food/etc on the sidebars.

NOTE: I use a ZMerc Keyboard. But if you don't have one I suggest getting a FangPad
#7 Oct 17 2008 at 12:00 AM Rating: Good
Thanks everyone for the input.

I didn't manage to get a screenshot, although I pressed Printscreen... Either the SS folder has been moved or some of my addons are messing with it.

Still, I managed to cut down a LOT on the buttons I use, mostly by using macros.
- Greater Blessing + Alt = Regular Blessing
- Judgement + Alt = Seal
- Flying Mount + Alt = Charger

( 1 ) Autoattack
( 2 ) Judgement of Light (Alt for Seal)
( 3 ) Seal of Vengeance
( 4 ) Judgement of Wisdom (Alt for Seal)
( 5 ) Hammer of the Righteous
( 6 ) Hammer of Justice
( 7 ) Judgement of Justice (Alt for Seal)
( 8 ) Hammer of Wrath
( 9 ) Exorcism
( 0 ) Consecration
( - ) Holy Shield
( = ) Avenger's Shield

Middle mouse = Taunt.
Shift middle mouse = Purify (target or target's target, or myself if none of the above)
The button before 1 (Tilda) = my usual OH CRAP button, so in this case it's Divine Shield. As an off-tank, I found it great when the boss needed just the main tank, as it reduced damage on the entire raid.

Above my main cast bar are now all the other Seals that I'm not using frequently, Arcane torrent, Herbalism HoT, Potions/Health Stone, Hands(Protection, Salvation, Freedom,Sacrifice)

Sidebars are the Trade Skills/Trinkets/temp buffs, etc... Might have to relocate them since I now have a lot of room.

Also, I got the Bracers of the Green Fortress crafted, Justicar Handguards from Curator, Eternium Greathelm from Opera - Big Bad Wolf, Crimson Girdle of the Indomitable from Moroes, and Libram of Repentance for 15 badges. I do believe I'm currently uncritable and what used to be uncrushable Smiley: grin

I loved last night's crash Kara run... A lot of deaths caused by overpulling, but everyone was fine with it since we were taking 3 trash groups at once (not losing time on resses or rebuffs, only drinking before boss, etc...) And the best thing is I held my own, keeping aggro on my mobs and only dying when we lost the second healer and 1 man healed it... Had to stop at Aran, since 1 healer was too little there, especially when we had 2 idiots moving through flame wreath.
#8 Oct 17 2008 at 5:24 AM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
Dumb question

Can we get a screen shot of the key bindings and general set up?

Some of us lesser tanks don't know...
#9 Oct 17 2008 at 6:57 AM Rating: Good
Borsuk wrote:
Dumb question

Can we get a screen shot of the key bindings and general set up?

Some of us lesser tanks don't know...

The only dumb question is the one that isn't asked (or is already answered in the FAQ)

My screenshots aren't currently working.

I can try to explain what I did with the key bindings though. I simply assign a shortcut key (usually something with the middle mouse button (MMB) if it's an emergency action) to a specific place on one of the secondary action bars, and I put my ability in that spot.

That's how I assigned MMB and Shift+MMB, each points to a different place on my action bars. When I go fishing, I exchange the place of the MMB action with Fishing. That way I can fish with 1 hand, MMB to cast the line, and right click on the bobber to autoloot.

Depending on the situation, I also exchange the MMB and Shift+MMB options, when I'm healing, I use Purify a lot more than Taunt, so I just exchange the icons and it works.
#10 Oct 17 2008 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
1,047 posts
For one, having autoattack on your bar is unnecessary, as right clicking on the mob/player does the same thing, and Judgement also triggers it. Secondly, Seal of Corruption/Vengeance is THE tanking seal, so the other two can come off your bar. I only keep Judgement of Light and Wis on my bar, and don't have their respective seals hotkeyed at all (I find myself not needing them ever, though I also don't solo on my pally). I don't have access to my UI right now, so I can't comment further.

I don't have a precise rotation worked out yet, but in general Avenger's Shield every cooldown, HotR>Judgement>HS, and Consecration only if mana is ok. I have found threat to be a complete nonissue so far - for example, on Naj'entus the fight ended with me having twice as much threat as the closest DPS, and I hit over 4k TPS on one of the robots leading up to Illidari Council.

Are you using a physical-type weapon now instead of a caster weapon? The difference isn't huge (especially if the caster weapon is higher item level), but noticeable.

Edit - For the defense issue, don't forget to consider defense enchants to cloak, back, and chest. Also, if you're using a PvP weap or shield, factor the resil into your uncrittability.

Edited, Oct 17th 2008 2:07pm by Theophastus
#11 Oct 17 2008 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
343 posts
rum, rum, rum.... loving 3.0!!!

Well, I loved hearing that SoVeng is the tanking seal of choice. To true. Sad to hear that nobody who has responded has really aoe grinded yet, though I understand. Kara, Grulz and ect is just calling out for those who need the gear or badges! My turn is this weekend!!!

Aoe grinding is really nice too. Blessing of Sant for the mana return (and the more mobs the faster it comes back!!), I use seal of light and judge light/wiz depending on where in the fight I am. eg, was pulling the unforgiven(?) trash to get my mana things for the Shattered Sun daily. Got me five of 'em, hic.... and then said, ok let's fight. By then I was about 14% down on health (eh... /brush off sholder) turned to face them and started gaining mana like mad (about 8% of total mana per sec). Casting Seal of Light and judging the closes soon to be dead guy, (hic), with light (actually, i hadn't targeted anyone yet... the comp chose my target) Con and Holy Shield!! HoRight. rinse/repeat. When it got down to 2 guys I judged wiz to get my mana back up (those mana sucking bastards!!! why can't they just try to hit you like a normal bad guy?!?!). LOOT!!! I used HoWrath on the last 2 guys cause the returns I was getting were not out-weighing (hic!) the damage/mana loss. Yeah... so easy. Find a place to grab a BUNCH of melee mobs (like 15 or so) and watch some tv. Loot when done!

I haven't worked out the timing on the spell rotation yet, but I'll probally make a macro when I do. I don't have access to my account yet, but when I do I'll post a screenshot. I'm trying not to use a bar addon and finding it quite easy. For buffs, I just open spell book (though I have Sant and Might on the side). I really only have the spells I use EVERYTIME I log on in the bars. Even have space for about 10 more things. So anyway... I'll post screenshot later.

Note: I'm in Kara ready gear (for 2.x).
#12 Oct 17 2008 at 1:51 PM Rating: Good
1,047 posts
Something I forgot to mention is that JoLight is appearing to give obscene amounts of threat (the threat from all the heals it does going to the paladin that judged it) - so always judge light (until it's fixed anyway). If you're running low on mana, make sure you have Sanctuary up and pull more mobs.
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