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#1 Oct 15 2008 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
It was a bit of a shock for me after ownloading the new patch to find everything I had started to learn and just get to grips with had dissapeared.
Lots of spells gone, one fab back in place (Holy Nova), and all my bags finally sorted.
It will take a while I suppose for us to get used to it, but it does seem a better patch for priests so far. I had been putting my talents in shaow to level up and was going to then change to holy at level 70. I have put the talents back in Shadow but with a couple in Holy. What do others think?
I am only a level 45 so I am not as experienced yet as a lot of you.
#2 Oct 16 2008 at 12:47 AM Rating: Good
121 posts
Coping? All the bosses are now on easy mode...

Not sure I like that much, but I love the raid-wide buffs and the new circle of healing.
#3 Oct 16 2008 at 1:12 AM Rating: Good
230 posts
As a shadowpriest myself - solo its awsome, I cant give my mana away(was a frothing beserker in nagrand last night trying my best to). Dont know what its like in a party yet(steamwheedle horde sides almost deserted).
#4 Oct 16 2008 at 2:52 AM Rating: Good
Still working on getting my UI back into perfect shape (Using a modified version of Caith's UI) and adjusting to the changes my Shadow Priest is now dealing with. Still, looks to be a decent patch with few if any things broken with my class.
#5 Oct 16 2008 at 3:13 AM Rating: Good
679 posts
I'm having serious issues with mana usage at the moment. Haven't had a chance to test in raid properly as yet. But I'm going oom after about 2 minutes at sustained nuke. Luckily thats all the time thats needed to kill most bosses these days :P
#6 Oct 16 2008 at 4:06 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Got my UI back now; all add-ons finally working. I did a couple dailies and nothing about solo's really changed. But I was IDS before and I'm going full Holy now so I'll get a chance to test my shiny new CoH in BT tonight. :)
#7 Oct 16 2008 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
As a 59 Shadowpriest, I am *loving* the changes! Mobs that I may have had minor issues with before Tuesday I am just chewing through like they're nothing now. Mana hasn't been much of a concern either- I can go much longer without needing to stop and take a drink now (especially with VT/Replenishment up and Improved Spirit Tap proc'ing).

PvP is a different story- my damage numbers have gone up a lot, but with the buffs the other classes got, if I'm not in an intelligent group of people for a BG, I'm going to die in several dozen different ways over the course of one match. :<
#8 Oct 16 2008 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
im now 66, and i took the chance to start using the basis of my 80 build

went from 17-XX-5 to 44-xx-0


healed a man tombs right away at 65, and did a lot better with it as divine aegis, then i did as mostly holy

<3 new disc
#9 Oct 16 2008 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
I started a hunter because I am waiting for all the aftershocks to die down. I found I liked my hunter a lot, then a guy gave me a guild, I don't know why. Then I tamed a vampire bat (and assume I am the only person eva to do that). Then I submitted an error report about a thing other then the thing they already are working on. It is a bad time to level a new hunter code wise, but I have a cool bat. Maybe I will check on thew hunter side of the website, today.

and this one time at band camp
#10 Oct 16 2008 at 8:15 PM Rating: Decent
I am loving the new disc also.

I am able to heal very well. Penance coupled with divine aegis is quite nice. Plus the bonuses to pw:shield from talents and the glyph make shielding a LOT more useful for pve healing.

I know raids are nerfed and kara has always been easy but I did solo heal kara all the way to shade until I had to go.

Yay disc!
#11 Oct 17 2008 at 2:46 AM Rating: Good
244 posts
I usually raid heal with a CoH spec (black temple). I've not had a chance to try the new smart CoH yet but tbh I'm not that revved up about it. I never wanted it to be a smart heal, I'm not that bothered about the new holy talents either.

So I'm now Heavy Disc :D and itching to try it out tonight in ZA. Luckily i managed to bag some very nice crit DPS gear before the patch which has been swapped in for my old healing gear. I know the general feeling is the Disc is a tank heal spec, but I'm going to try raid healing with it (tank healing is boring 3) )

My UI is fixed and ready, just need to sort a few gems out, and then get used to Penance being on healbot...Argh need to sort my inner focus macros out too...
#12 Oct 17 2008 at 4:05 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Tulili wrote:
I usually raid heal with a CoH spec (black temple)

I was assigned to raid healing in BT last night and CoH was pretty much the only button I pushed. I can't believe they took the six second cooldown off this thing - it's incredibly easy now to keep the raid topped off all the time. Unless they nerf it, shaman will have nothing on priests when it comes to group-wide healing.

Granted, it's kind of hard to tell with everything on easy mode, but still. I want CoH to be my valentine.
#13 Oct 17 2008 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
I was shadow for the past two years or so (since BC came out) and with everything reitemized this patch I figured I might as well give Disc a try. Initially it was really rough, what with being a DPS class for a long time and having all my mods broken; but now that I got everything back up to speed and got some practice under my belt I'm really liking Disc. Penance is awesome, divine Aegis is awesome, all the crazy new synergistic stuff the shield is nice too. Survivability in PvP is much better, at least compared to Spriest - which is a terrible I guess I'm not sure how disc priests perform now in comparison to how they did pre-patch. Nonetheless, I'm really like Disc thus far. Haven't had a chance to try it in PvE yet, but from the way it sounds it should be fine in there too. My DPS as disc is surprisingly high too. I'm actually able to hurt stuff in addition to survivability. My only problems with it so far has been mana issues, but this problem arises from the fact that my gear pre-patch was for shadow, which isn't exactly tuned for healing (no +mana regen). I'm also lacking crit, which I'm thinking (hoping) might be able to make up for the fact that my gear has no mana-regen on it. Gonna really have to put it to the test this weekend when I try some Arena. So, I might just be retarded here and it'll turn out I'm trash. We shall see.

Edited, Oct 17th 2008 2:08pm by DRTACO
#14 Oct 17 2008 at 12:23 PM Rating: Excellent
I've always heard people brag about Disc as a tree for both leveling, group support and most importantly, PvP. Personally, I find myself having a decent understanding of the Shadow Tree. I have a... well, novice understanding of the Holy tree. Enough to avoid the worst pitfalls should I decide to specc Holy at some point.

The Disc tree? It frightens me. It confuses me in new and horrible ways. I look at it and instantly break into cold sweat, fearing the implications behind every icon. Mousing over one to read the description makes me whimper softly as the enormous group synergistic consequences looms on the horizon. I start breathing heavily and quickly alt-tab into some other safe window, hiding the c'thulhian geometry and sadistic imagery.

In short, I don't understand it. This is actually quite new to me. Any other class, any other talent tree, I can pretty much reason my way through. I can usually just sit down and play with a talent calculator, and usually end up very close to any cookie cutter provided by experienced players. But not Disc. For some reason the entire tree defies me. It's purpose eludes me.

So, would anyone with experience with both the Priest class and the Disc tree bother writing up a little guide for it? Shadow and Holy is easy. It's annihilating the mind of your enemy or patching the wounds of your allies. Disc however... it's harder to figure out.
#15 Oct 17 2008 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
Well, I don't think I'm really 'good' enough yet to write up a guide or anything, since I'm kind of in the same boat as you. Although, I wasn't quite as frightened of the talents as you from what it sounds :). But it truly is a completely different mindset between the two specs. The main purpose for disc now (at least in my opinion) is survivability. The talent spec I ended up going with is:

I just focused on the synergy with the shield talents and things that would help me live longer in a PvP situation. Although, the things that really make disc great are Penance, Rapture and Divine Aegis. As far as how to play them goes....I'd recommend taking a similar spec and just diving into BGs head first. It'll suck at first, and switching between healing and DPS will be difficult, I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around that concept. I mostly find myself running around, shielding people taking spiky damage, renewing pretty much anyone < 80% health, casting prayer of mending every time cool-down is up (in combat, of course), using penance for healing (especially big heals) when possible, flash heal to pick up the slack and doing DPS type stuff when healing isn't really needed. It's also useful (or vital) to use raid frames that'll let you know when people are in range or not.

You should give it a try. It's really not that difficult. And if it sucks and doesn't work out you can always spec back. Use this opportunity to try out different specs because that's pretty much what this patch is for - letting us experiment with the new talents before the expansion so we have an idea of what we want to do before it's released.
#16 Oct 17 2008 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
teacake wrote:
I was assigned to raid healing in BT last night and CoH was pretty much the only button I pushed.

When I see the circle of healing glyph at the AH, it will be mine....
#17 Oct 17 2008 at 2:02 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
teacake wrote:
I was assigned to raid healing in BT last night and CoH was pretty much the only button I pushed.

When I see the circle of healing glyph at the AH, it will be mine....

I second that emotion. But we'll have to wait, I think. I don't have inscription, but I hear that the CoH glyph requires whatever the ink is that needs Northrend herbs to make.
#18 Oct 17 2008 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Everybody now seems able to 2-shot everybody else. This seems to have pretty much killed healing in PvP. I had a 5K greater heal on a warrior earlier only for him to die 0,5 a second later; there were only 2 others bursting him. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the patch yet. Let me write down all my experiences/feelings in a list.

-Healing in PvP seems to have died. PvP on my rogue is fairly enjoyable thanks to my abillity to own pretty much anything.
-PvP on my priest is now horrible. Granted, I've specced holy, but still. Pretty much EVERY class 3-shots me, and healing is useless... I'm forced to use greater heal since Renew is useless (people die in 3/4/5 seconds), and the 1-2K hit points shield/flash heal adds disappear within a second after casting the spell. On a sidenote, I really like the new holy 51-pointer for PvP.
-I've got the feeling both Lightwell and Guardian Spirit COULD have been such good spells that holy priest PvP would actually have been viable if the DPS-boost hadn't occurred.
-WOUND POISON SCREWS ME OVER! I have no way to remove it, and any time my target is fighting a rogue it sticks on him like a wart plaster. I can barely outheal a rogue when left alone. With Wound Poison on my target a rogue wÃll kill my target within 5/6 seconds regardless of if I'm healing or not.
-The ONLY class so far that I haven't managed to 3-shot on my rogue was a restodruid. He actually got close to getting away; died in the end though.
-ALL forms of PvE are easy mode now, as far as I've noticed. I ran CoT:Durnholde (non-heroic) once and I'm fairly sure me and the retardin in our party could've 2-manned the place - and the retardin wasn't even 70 yet (67 iirc).

Blizzard seems to have turned PvE into kindergarten and PvP into Unreal Tournament. I *think* (though I'm not sure yet) I don't like the change in the end. I'm very glad we got rid of the extremely boring 10-minute-fights-where-you-burn-the-DPS-down-and-wait-for-the-healer-to-run-oom type of PvP. On the other hand, they've taken it too far. The game now pretty much IS Unreal Tournament, and bursting your trinket as soon as possible so you can 3-shot your enemy before he 3-shots you is the way to go. As for PvE, I'm somewhat glad that it is now easier for types like me to see more high end raid content, though I assume that will return back to the normal difficulty at 80.

So basically;
Glad to be gone of the boring everlasting healing-pwns-everything PvP style. Not glad about the fact that all 'skills' I had in that system are now worthless since it's all about 3-shotting eachother. Semi-glad that PvE was made easier.
#19 Oct 17 2008 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
-WOUND POISON SCREWS ME OVER! I have no way to remove it, ...

I did a quest in Badlands for a 30 second HoT potion that removes poisons and curses and such. My question is does that potion have any purpose at all, it sounded irresistibly useful and I got ganked twice getting it. Is it? useful?
#20 Oct 17 2008 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
If it's a pre-outlands quest there's a very big chance it has a 'chance to fail when used by characters over level 60', like half the old-world content.

On a sidenote, I'd have to hand out the potions. If a rogue jumps me I die, no questions asked, I can't live trough that. It's my healing targets on which Wound Poison is so deadly.
#21 Oct 18 2008 at 1:36 AM Rating: Decent
My account isn`t active right now so I`ll need to get on top of that pretty soon
REALLY want to try out the new priest builds
#22 Oct 18 2008 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
Blizzard seems to have turned PvE into kindergarten and PvP into Unreal Tournament. I *think* (though I'm not sure yet) I don't like the change in the end. I'm very glad we got rid of the extremely boring 10-minute-fights-where-you-burn-the-DPS-down-and-wait-for-the-healer-to-run-oom type of PvP. On the other hand, they've taken it too far. The game now pretty much IS Unreal Tournament, and bursting your trinket as soon as possible so you can 3-shot your enemy before he 3-shots you is the way to go. As for PvE, I'm somewhat glad that it is now easier for types like me to see more high end raid content, though I assume that will return back to the normal difficulty at 80.

if this is unreal tournament... my rogue is a shock rifle :D

and my disc pri is the shield gun XD

now we just need translocators... that would rock my face
#23 Oct 18 2008 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Well hey I was serious =P

I mean, everytime I sneak up to a clothie and 3-shot him the first thing that comes to my mind is "FLAK MONKEY!" *Grins*
#25 Oct 20 2008 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Never mind, post is useless now.

Edited, Oct 20th 2008 4:31pm by Mozared
#26 Oct 21 2008 at 1:03 AM Rating: Good
244 posts
I know the general feeling is the Disc is a tank heal spec, but I'm going to try raid healing with it

Quoting myself =P

I tried, and while it is possible to 25 man raid heal with a disc spec, I feel it's wasted talents. Had to see for myself tho hehe.

At the moment, with the boss nerf and the insane mana regen with raid buffs, i don't like the new CoH smart spam heal. I'm hoping it gets better at 80 and requires a little skill again. For the meantime I'm sticking with Penance and trying my hand at some tank healing for a change.

<3 Penance and enjoying pvp again!
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