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Thoughts on MutilateFollow

#1 Oct 15 2008 at 6:20 AM Rating: Default
811 posts
Not a fan ATM. Can kill druids easy, but a Brutal Lock just destroyed me, lack of mobility really hurt coming out of chain fears. Took down a fury warrior, but an arms warrior beat me to death.

My AP is down like 200 points to 1650, my crit is down to 31 from 35 (which I can't figure out why), and my damage pretty much blows. Any thoughts?
#2 Oct 15 2008 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
My AP is down like 200 points to 1650, my crit is down to 31 from 35 (which I can't figure out why), and my damage pretty much blows. Any thoughts?

crit went down from ill guess, shadow step build? you lost 15% agi... remember?

its okay, happens to the best of us

since you made a thread, ima post my thoughts on it in here too.. being new to muti myself (outside like 2 hours on beta)


glyphs: garrote and expose armor atm, working well for the purpose i had in mind for them (ive had a million situations where i wanted to blind but knew garrote had 1 more tick... now it doesnt lol)

build: 51-5-5, HFB baby!
poisons: wound mh, mind oh, deadly brew 2/2 obviously

the build is a beast in most situations, i eat openers vs other rogues all day long, and the lack of extra sap range is hurtful in some fights

HFB is making for a lot of extra damage, and me being herb, the herbalist self-heal has been acting like a better version of the battlemaster trinkets (1200 heal over 5 seconds, instant, no cost on a 3 min cd) since i can go pvp trinket/brooch :D

being aggressive with vanish (something i am not used to doing) is playing off in full every time i do it (imp ks, hfb, expose armor up, imp evis and all the fun damage talents.... you can pour out some damage thanks to overkill)

mages are troubling me a smidge, but im doing okay not getting owned by them.. the elemental's hp is way up, so i havent thought of a good plan of attack.... im averaging 1 win for 1 loss

ret pallys are suckers..... just hilarious i swear.... mutis burst can keep up with theirs almost... but we got a really bullsh*t chain that baits them out of a lot of damage

they rep or hoj -> we trinket and COS -> they wait out COS and use the remaining cc -> dismantle them right before COS runs out, your stunned... they got no weapon... lols are had.... im managing to out-dps them, but my self heal from herb was a deciding factor in some of the harder ones i dueled

rogues have been tearing me up if they get opener, so no comment.... thatll be better at 80 when i got MoD

everything else im doing pretty well against... dismantle is a lifesaver and muti pours out damage to my satisfaction :D

Edited, Oct 15th 2008 12:28pm by mongoosexcore
#3 Oct 15 2008 at 7:47 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
You can't faceroll on hemo as a mut rogue. Try playing the class and you'll be able to win. Smiley: wink
#4 Oct 15 2008 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
1,875 posts
im behind the hemo rogues ive been fighting in terms of gear, and im usually too far behind to catch up when i get out of the initial damage

still adjusting to the new energy management of muti, so hopefully ill get better at it soon

behind in gear, and not getting opener... just hard for me to recover... never been a good fight for me -_- but thanks for the almost-encouragement theo :P
#5 Oct 15 2008 at 4:52 PM Rating: Default
I played around with it a bit last night. Full stack of HFB and an lol AMbush on a MAge in AB did 4.7k then followed with un poisoned Muti for around 2k. Good thing that guy was in ZA gear or those numbers would have been lower.

Did a kara run last night. Fastest kills ever. Downed Illhoof with no chains and in 47 seconds. Maiden in 52 seconds. Running Kara now is like running a 60 instance pre patch at 70.

Only problems now is lack of stealth and sap range when you want to get an opener edge. At times, stealth kinda lacked for me. Very nubbish of me to run around un stealthed but in a BG i just baited others and let the team do some work.

Also, i havent seen so many crits in succesion since forever. Did about 5 or 6 crits in a row with a muti crit, so much energy regen.

I like this spec, ill probably get destroyed in a 2v2 with a sub rogue as an opponent but the only classes i see that give me troubles are Prot pallies, Frost mages that are good, and of course sub rogues.

Dismantle is great btw, feels like another thing to add into stun rotations.

cheapshot, muti, dismantle, rupture, muti, muti, kidney, muti, muti, HFB. Just an idea, nothing solid.
#6 Oct 15 2008 at 8:39 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Repost from my guild forums, because I'm too lazy to re-type this:

On my guild forums, I wrote:
After a night playing with Mutilate (51/5/5), a few things about rotations, managing cooldowns, etc:

  • It's best to get Hunger for Blood up to three stacks before combat (duh). While you're stealthed and waiting for the tank to build up some initial threat, top it off right before you use your opener. For most trash, refreshing won't be much of an issue, and keeping an eye on the timer is tough at first (although I was playing without any addons, which may have aided my frustration at first). Once you get the feel for the duration, it becomes much easier to keep this up at all times.

  • Keeping SnD refreshed can be somewhat of a hassle, especially when you're juggling HFB as well. The best rotation that I found was to get HFB topped off, open up with a Mutilate, and hit SnD right away. After that, build up some CPs and take stock of things. If you were lucky and got a crit (i.e. 3 CPs), you can most likely build to a 5-point Rupture. Once you hit that off, Mutilate again and use Envenom/Eviscerate to refresh your SnD. If you only have 2CPs from the first Mutilate, it's probably best to Envenom/Eviscerate to get max SnD time, then work to your Rupture.

  • With the erratic way that CPs build with Mutilate, there aren't any set cycles. Generally, the challenge comes from judging the appropriate times to refresh SnD, and when to Rupture. I found myself using a lot of 4-point Ruptures just so I could refresh SnD using Envenom/Evis (they refresh to a full 5-point max SnD, so it's advantageous to do it this way instead of actually hitting SnD). The key thing to note is that Envenom/Evis only refresh SnD, so if it isn't up already, you're boned. Once you play enough with the timing, it gets to be fairly natural.

  • In terms of poisons, I was initially hesitant to use anything but Wound because I was afraid of losing the 50% bonus to Mutilate. However, switching to Eviscerate instead of Envenom solves the problem, albeit at the cost of a bit of DPS. Because of the new AP scaling on Instant Poison, you'll definitely want this on your faster weapon (or, if you use two 1.8 daggers, your mainhand since it generally hits more often). Honestly, I'm still not quite sure on this one, but I plan to do some testing to see which yields the higher DPS. My gut instinct is to say that Deadly and Envenom will be higher, but on shorter fights where Deadly has little time to work, your Mutilate damage makes up quite a bit of your total DPS. I'll post more about this after some testing.

  • To let you know exactly how OP this spec is, I did 1900+ DPS on the bear boss in ZA tonight. Other bosses yielded anywhere from 1500 to 1700 DPS. If you can keep SnD and HFB up the entire fight and manage to get some decent Rupture uptime, you can put out some crazy stupid DPS. All it takes is some practice juggling your energy and your CPs.
    Jophiel wrote:
    I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

    #7 Oct 15 2008 at 9:45 PM Rating: Default
    How did you lose to a warlock as mutilate? They're really easy if you know how to play especially as my spec 42/5/14, I was dueling a lock just about an hour ago actually and easily beat him, 85% left
    #8 Oct 15 2008 at 11:58 PM Rating: Good
    13,048 posts
    imanohealu wrote:
    How did you lose to a warlock as mutilate? They're really easy if you know how to play especially as my spec 42/5/14, I was dueling a lock just about an hour ago actually and easily beat him, 85% left

    You...took 2/2 Blood Spatter over 2/2 Murder?

    ...How dumb are you?
    #9 Oct 16 2008 at 6:44 AM Rating: Decent
    1,875 posts
    demea, the build you have linked.... he maxed relentless strikes, instead of oppo? that doesnt seem right.... i dont troll ej or nothing though, so i have no idea

    just seems like 20% to muti would outpace a little extra energy (in terms of a boss fight anyway)
    #10 Oct 16 2008 at 7:22 AM Rating: Default
    811 posts
    Update: New spec

    I know it doesn't have HFB, and I'm still rocking people. I got destroyed by a demonology lock and a BT mage. Other than that, most classes don't stand a chance. I forgot how much fun Muti is.
    #11 Oct 16 2008 at 10:14 AM Rating: Good
    13,048 posts
    mongoosexcore wrote:
    demea, the build you have linked.... he maxed relentless strikes, instead of oppo? that doesnt seem right.... i dont troll ej or nothing though, so i have no idea

    just seems like 20% to muti would outpace a little extra energy (in terms of a boss fight anyway)

    More finishers/mutilates versus slightly more damage to your mutilates.

    It's not shocking to people that actually do math.
    #12 Oct 16 2008 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
    2,680 posts
    I'm finding that 2/2 opp is slightly ahead WITH the SnD glyph which allows more energy pooling. Without that glyph 5/5 RS was better. Tests were performed on test dummies in beta. Honestly I would prefer RS for ease (it just feels smoother), but DPS is DPS.

    Last night I ran Hyjal with 3-RS & 2-Opp, and will be able to compare actual numbers after respecing for BT tonight (5/5 RS).

    Fun side note, even with some ******** around Hyjal was under 90 min clear. =O
    #13 Oct 16 2008 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
    13,048 posts
    TherionSaysWhat wrote:
    Fun side note, even with some ******** around Hyjal was under 90 min clear. =O

    Not that shocking, all mobs have 30% less HP and hit for less as well.
    #14 Oct 16 2008 at 11:50 AM Rating: Excellent
    2,680 posts
    No, not shocking. Just really fun. The raid had to be reminded constantly to stop laughing into their mics when some of us were pushing 3k DPS single target DPS and 6k+ AOE. =P

    Checking the newest spreadsheet, I'm still showing that 2-opp is 13DPS more in my gear. Anyone getting better numbers with 5/5-RS?
    #15 Oct 17 2008 at 3:36 PM Rating: Default
    imanohealu wrote:
    How did you lose to a warlock as mutilate? They're really easy if you know how to play especially as my spec 42/5/14, I was dueling a lock just about an hour ago actually and easily beat him, 85% left

    You...took 2/2 Blood Spatter over 2/2 Murder?

    How am I dumb

    Why am I dumb? I personally prefer this talent as murders effects aren't evident unless the battle persists for around 10mins, seeing how with the new glyphs, I use garrote almost always as an opener, and then mutilate followed by a 5point rupture, and with a boomkin partner matches last for like 45seconds...


    Edited, Oct 17th 2008 7:29pm by imanohealu
    #16 Oct 17 2008 at 5:18 PM Rating: Good
    13,048 posts
    Yeah, a 30% increase to something you may not even use in an arena match is better than a 4% increase to ALL damage.

    You're a ******* ******.
    #17 Oct 17 2008 at 9:56 PM Rating: Good
    2,680 posts
    murders effects aren't evident unless the battle persists for around 10mins

    I think you're mistaken, no? Murder (rank2) 4% damage to humanoids. Players are classified as humanoids. So...
    #18 Oct 21 2008 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
    889 posts
    Is Focused Attacks decent in PvP? It seemed like it wouldn't amount to very much energy unless you were in a long fight (aka Raid Boss), especially with Resilience cutting down your crit chances.

    Was thinking of using this spec for PvP, but I haven't been able to get into BGs since 3.0 went live...

    At 80, I would probably go Mutilate/Improved Sprint/Endurance/Elusiveness (sadly only put 1 point in Serrated Blades).
    It's too bad they're changing the Sprint Glyph to increased speed / shorter duration -_-

    Edited, Oct 21st 2008 12:07pm by angryempath
    #19 Oct 21 2008 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
    4,684 posts
    Loving it myself. I ought to count the procs in an avarage battle sometime, but it's really not uncommon to have 3 popups of "+2 energy" appear within 0,5 second from eachother.
    #20 Oct 21 2008 at 12:49 PM Rating: Excellent
    2,680 posts
    So far I've done only a wee bit of PvP. But Muti is pretty fun imo. Not ideal, but fun for me. Esp. that lovely Muti 2x crit followed by a 5k Envenom. But generally speaking there are better builds for serious PvP.

    Smiley: grin
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