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Glyphs for the Pally (especially Prot)Follow

#1 Oct 15 2008 at 4:55 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
The server which I play my one and only 70 on was inaccessible until about midnight local time for me last night, so I forced myself to stay up long enough to do my free respec and figure out how to get back above 490 defense by switching some equipment around, but that was all I had time for.

I was not in Beta, and I did not mess around on the PTR.

From what I understand, at 70, we are allowed to have 2 Greater and 3 Lesser Glyphs now. I don't need a TON of details, I know you can get them on the AH or from a Scribe (Inscriptionist, whatever you wish to call them), and I know you have to be near the Lexicon of Power to use them. What I don't know is, what glyphs are good for a Paladin, especially Prot in my case?

Do they have ones that add to defense or whatever? I know there is probably a list of all glyphs available in several places, but I am tired and feeling lazy this morning, so if some Prot Pally could just provide a list of "Here are the ones I currently use and what they do for me" it would make my life easier (and probably a lot of other Pallys out there too I hope)

#2 Oct 15 2008 at 6:06 AM Rating: Good
370 posts
glyphs for Prot are undewhelming right now. Glyph of concecrate is mildly useful, incresing radius of consecrate. Then you have RD, which makes RD more likley to work, and, umm...avengers shield, which concentrates the shield onto a single target instead of spamming 3, which is questionably useful.

Glyph of judgement is probably a good one, with its 10% judgement damage, since you'll be judging regularly this is a good bit of damage/threat.

Pally glyphs are still a bit lame, and there's nothing that increases defense or threat gen directly.
#3 Oct 15 2008 at 4:34 PM Rating: Good
2,634 posts
Yeah Im thinking the only way to go is glyph of judgement, your right consecration is pretty useless, most mobs once you aggro them are right on top of you so whats the point to extra radius?

They should have given it a slight higher spelldamage when holy shield is up or something.
#4 Oct 15 2008 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
539 posts
Not sure how up to date this is...but it gives some idea of what we have atm...

Glyph info page...
#5 Oct 15 2008 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,594 posts
I have Glyph of Exorcism, which gives Exorcism an interrupt effect, but still can only be used on undead and demons. It's great in Kara, at least.

Also Glyph of Consecration. It's not 2 extra yards, it's 2 extra seconds of both duration and CD. Averages out to a lower mana cost to keep it up, and makes managing cooldowns easier. We have a lot of buttons to tank with now.
#6 Oct 16 2008 at 6:10 AM Rating: Good
308 posts
I have a glyph that gives a bonus 2% mana from spritual attunement. A guildie gave it to me, haven't seen many others yet.
#7 Oct 16 2008 at 7:13 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
Well, I don't have any minor glyphs yet since most of them haven't been discovered by the scribes yet.

I do have the major glyph that adds 10% damage to all judgements, and the major glyph that adds 2% more mana return via spiritual attunement. Those are pretty nice for a tank.
#8 Oct 16 2008 at 8:21 AM Rating: Good
808 posts
If you tank with Seal of Blood (or the new Alliance equivalent, Seal of the Martyr), then Glyph of Seal of Blood looks pretty sweet, with its +10% to mana regenerated through Spiritual Attunement.

I'm inclined to think it's meant to be a tanking glyph since Ret pallies apparently have no mana pool issues at the moment.

There's not much else on the list that's looking very sexy at the moment.
#9 Oct 16 2008 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
343 posts
I haven't played around too much with these yet, though I know for sure I'll be using Glyph of Consecration. The added time is cool (along with the extra 2 ticks in damage), but it means that I could throw down a Consecration and then pull and worry less about it running out before all the mobs run across it :-)

My second is going to be a hard desision between Glyph of Judgement for the added damage/threat or Glyph of Avenger's Shield, which I agree with Tsarducci, "which is questionably useful". Great if you are thinking about being a MT. Not so sure I'm ready to give up the agro gain on 3 guys down to 1.
That covers the Majors.

Minors... well, they have yet to find them all from what I hear. So I'm holding out. I actually haven't applied the Majors yet either... waiting to see if there are any good combos with the minors, ya know like "They should have given it a slight higher spelldamage when holy shield is up or something"

Anyway, that's me!

#10 Oct 17 2008 at 12:42 AM Rating: Good
I don't think that Glyph of Avenger's Shield or Spiritual Attunement will be fantastic. For a start, the new BoSanc has practically eliminated any need for mana control in raid situations and I seem to be pulling ridiculous amounts of TPS with normal Avenger's Shield, negating the need for the glyph although I guess it could still be handy.

In saying that, I had double a PvE spec Ret paladin threat on Onyixa yesterday consistently. Seems like enough TPS to me.
#11 Oct 19 2008 at 5:45 PM Rating: Good
296 posts
Wait so with Glyph of avanger's sheild, can prot do respectable single target pvp damage?

I mean that can't be for AoE pulls right? You would want the bounce. What I think it should do is give the sheild another jump target (if avalable) and if there is only one enemy, give it the increase to single target damage. That makes it useful for PvP and PvE or bosses to I guess. Anyone have thoughts on that?
#12 Oct 22 2008 at 6:53 AM Rating: Good
I have been using the judgement damage increase one and consecration one, awesome. As far as minor, my friend discovered one that gives about 20% more mana for lay of hands so I use that. As a Ret spec for now (I am leveling), I seem to never run out of mana. however when I tank instances (Did ZF and ST recently :D) having the improved mana is great for throwing on my healers. Longer consecration means longer threat generation.
If you spam the consecration at 10seconds (up from 8 with glyph) 4 times in a boss fight, you just got yourself a free Consecrate :), that's how I see it. And at level 49, consecrate can eat lots of mana :(
#13 Oct 22 2008 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
Judgement Glyph is a MUST for ret and prot pallies as there is nothing much better than pure dmg. For prot, I would recommend the Consecrate Glyph only because you would otherwise have to balance Holy Shield, Judgement, and Consecrate all on 8 sec CDs.

For Holy Pallies, Holy Light and LoH Glyphs are IMO the best healing glyphs. Everything else seems to be utility. the FoL Glyph is better for Ret (with Art of War) than Holy IMO.
#14 Oct 22 2008 at 7:56 AM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
For Holy Pallies, Holy Light and LoH Glyphs are IMO the best healing glyphs. Everything else seems to be utility. the FoL Glyph is better for Ret (with Art of War) than Holy IMO.

That is also how I currently feel. However, I'm trying to see if the FoL glyph can be useful for Holy. It would require a complete spin on how we currently heal (i.e. you can't spam FoL on a single target for it to be effective). Maybe go the Holy Shock -> FoL if you need a slightly bigger heal. Otherwise, splash it around the raid. /shrug. I'm not sure yet. It just seems like there should be a way for Holy to use this effectively.
#15 Oct 22 2008 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
holynazzi wrote:
Judgement Glyph is a MUST for ret and prot pallies as there is nothing much better than pure dmg. For prot, I would recommend the Consecrate Glyph only because you would otherwise have to balance Holy Shield, Judgement, and Consecrate all on 8 sec CDs.

I agree that Judgement Glyph is a must, but I don't mind consecrate, holy shield, and judgement all being on an 8-second timer. With Hammer of Righteousness on a 6-second (I believe it is a 6-second) cooldown, I use this much more often instead of spamming consecrate unless I am in a PILE of mobs, and staggering Judgement and Holy shield so they are 1-2 seconds apart isn't bad. I suppose the extra 2 seconds of consecrate duration (and cooldown) would help even more with threat if you were spamming it a lot, but I have plenty of threat without using it on every cooldown, and HoR does more for my DPS.
#16 Oct 22 2008 at 1:47 PM Rating: Good
2,188 posts
YJMark wrote:
For Holy Pallies, Holy Light and LoH Glyphs are IMO the best healing glyphs. Everything else seems to be utility. the FoL Glyph is better for Ret (with Art of War) than Holy IMO.

That is also how I currently feel.

I too agree with this YJM. I do have some nagging questions about the HL glyph and haven't had time to test it yet. One question I had, which I believe I found an answer to, was - is the 10% an add-on or deduction? I'm fairly comfortable at this point concluding that it's an add-on (in other words, throwing a HL grants 100% to the target and 10% to the friendlies as opposed to 90/10). For me, the tooltip was ambiguous on that point.

And I've seen some intriguing posts on EJ. One indicated that the main target also gets an additional 10%. Another confirmed, saying his/her main target got the 10% when no one else was in range of the "splash." I haven't found anything further on it, but I haven't researched it extensively either. It is interesting though.

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#17 Oct 22 2008 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Tsarducci wrote:
umm...avengers shield, which concentrates the shield onto a single target instead of spamming 3, which is questionably useful.

It's incredibly useful. Certain raid mobs can't actually be tanked together, like the bears in ZA. I always had trouble with my warrior OT because he couldn't get the second target off me if I pulled with AS, it just built too much threat on multiple targets, and it is our only pulling ability.

So yeah, for specific raids and that it's a great idea.
#18 Oct 22 2008 at 9:31 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
zepoodle wrote:
Tsarducci wrote:
umm...avengers shield, which concentrates the shield onto a single target instead of spamming 3, which is questionably useful.

It's incredibly useful. Certain raid mobs can't actually be tanked together, like the bears in ZA. I always had trouble with my warrior OT because he couldn't get the second target off me if I pulled with AS, it just built too much threat on multiple targets, and it is our only pulling ability.

So yeah, for specific raids and that it's a great idea.

There is one huge problem with this though: needing to be at a Lexicon of Power in order to place a Glyph. Those bears are an extremely small part of the instance, whereas most (if not all) the rest of the instance Avenger's Shield hitting 3 targets is fantastic.

If you're having trouble with an off tank pulling a target away from you, simply do not use Avenger's Shield right off the bat. What I did was body pull and use my Judgement, and once the OT was ok I then used AS for some more threat.

I don't think the few times you would want a single target AS is worth losing out on all those times you want a 3 target AS, particularly when there are other ways around the issue.
#19 Oct 23 2008 at 3:48 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
It's not something I plan to take myself. But if someone was a dedicated off-tank it seems entirely reasonable. It's clearly what Blizzard intended you to use it for.
#20 Oct 23 2008 at 10:41 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
A guildie of mine is a scribe (inscriptionist) and he discovered:

Glyph of Greater Blessing of Wisdom
Minor Glyph
Increases the duration of your Greater Blessing of Wisdom Spell by 20 minutes when cast on yourself.

This is probably not great for 5-mans, but MIGHT be handy for questing, and probably WOULD be somewhat useful in a raid setting...

I don't see it as being particularly "special" by any means, but since he offered me one for free (and i don't have any minor glyphs yet) I guess I will use it :)
#21 Oct 24 2008 at 5:10 AM Rating: Good
145 posts
cynyck wrote:
YJMark wrote:
For Holy Pallies, Holy Light and LoH Glyphs are IMO the best healing glyphs. Everything else seems to be utility. the FoL Glyph is better for Ret (with Art of War) than Holy IMO.

That is also how I currently feel.

I too agree with this YJM. I do have some nagging questions about the HL glyph and haven't had time to test it yet. One question I had, which I believe I found an answer to, was - is the 10% an add-on or deduction? I'm fairly comfortable at this point concluding that it's an add-on (in other words, throwing a HL grants 100% to the target and 10% to the friendlies as opposed to 90/10). For me, the tooltip was ambiguous on that point.

And I've seen some intriguing posts on EJ. One indicated that the main target also gets an additional 10%. Another confirmed, saying his/her main target got the 10% when no one else was in range of the "splash." I haven't found anything further on it, but I haven't researched it extensively either. It is interesting though.

As near as I can tell the Holy splash glyph goes 100/10 on the Targets in Range. When I've cast it on myself while soloing (old habit, I'm trying to use Holy shock between mobs now) I've been hit with the splash. I haven't payed that much attention to it in groups, but I'm guessing if there are only four other palyers with in range of the target the target gets hit with the splash as well.
#22 Oct 24 2008 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
I use spiritual attunement and consecration. I hav no minor glyphs since I havent found any to my liking on teh server yet and the other majors are mildly useful (read too situational). And I rarely have mana problems.
#23 Oct 24 2008 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
1,047 posts
I use the glyphs of RD (worth its weight in gold on certain fights where taunt resists = wipe) and the Judgement glyph (very nice damage/TPS boost). I find mana to be a complete non-issue, obviating the SA glyph, and I don't usually rotate in Consecrate now except on 5+ mob pulls. No other good major glyph options until the SoV and AS glyphs (both require Northrend mats).
#24 Oct 24 2008 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts

There is one huge problem with this though: needing to be at a Lexicon of Power in order to place a Glyph. Those bears are an extremely small part of the instance, whereas most (if not all) the rest of the instance Avenger's Shield hitting 3 targets is fantastic.

If you're having trouble with an off tank pulling a target away from you, simply do not use Avenger's Shield right off the bat. What I did was body pull and use my Judgement, and once the OT was ok I then used AS for some more threat.

I don't think the few times you would want a single target AS is worth losing out on all those times you want a 3 target AS, particularly when there are other ways around the issue.

It can be incredibly useful in many situations. Lets face it, we can pull with avengers and whether it hits 1 or 3, they're all running into your consecrate pile.

I'm really thinking about this glyph, especially in the expansion when we don't overgear everything. It's meh for 5 mans, but in just about every raid theres a MT/OT and paladins are just....clumsy in either situation when trying to work with another tank.

What if you ARE the main tank, and you body pull, judgement, then have to back the thing out? DPS is unloading, and lets face it, DPS will always unload on skull no matter how many times you tell them l2omen.

Now we have hammer of righteous, consecrate, avengers shield is still slamming 3 targets. Judgement is not that much in the way of up front burst threat for either a main tanking role or an off tanking roll. I think this glyph is incredibly useful for every single multi tank pull in the game, and it doesn't matter if you're MT, OT or anything else.

Plus, lets say you're assigned 2 mobs to tank, now you can judge one and avengers the other without relying on misdirects or worrying about pulling the whole group which can 1 shot you when you don't overgear the instance.

For normal dungeons this is totally meh, but you can learn to live with it. For raiding, it seems amazing.

It's not something I plan to take myself. But if someone was a dedicated off-tank it seems entirely reasonable. It's clearly what Blizzard intended you to use it for

Really? I'd even argue it was designed for a paladin main tanking role. Picture any raid instance, 10 man with 2 tanks or 25 man with 4-5 tanks. A large pull is ahead, you are the main tank and nobody overgears the instance (progression). You can't pull the group of 5/8 yourself, you'll get destroyed. Your only 2 targets are skull and X, you must hold huge threat on those but not touch the others.

Everything we do (minus judgements and white swings) is AoE and will aggro the whole group, who will turn and 1 shot you. So you have to drag your targets away from the group then unload threat on them, but the raid has already started DPS and will probably pull.

Druids and warriors have no problems whatsoever with pulls like these, but paladins are incredibly clumsy. Sure you can blame your DPS, but you can also step your game up, get this glyph and learn to be a main tank. Take pride in the fact your DPS can unload the second you hit the mob.

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 7:30pm by mikelolol
#25 Oct 24 2008 at 4:57 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
How long have Warriors and Druids been working with single target pulling, producing minimal aggro while doing so? I think that we could do the same just fine if we tried ;)

I will not relinquish my multi-target pull just for added single target threat, especially because we'll be adding a shield bash to our rotation. If holding hate on multiple targets is an issue, and you and the other tank(s) can't figure a way around it, I'm sorry but I'm of the opinion that a Glyph will not be the save all for your situation.
#26 Oct 25 2008 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
How long have Warriors and Druids been working with single target pulling, producing minimal aggro while doing so? I think that we could do the same just fine if we tried ;)

Heh, while I definately love my pally tank, I also love my druid tank, and he most definately has no issues producing massive single target threat. And the nice thing about warriors/druids is they can do it in a crowded area with CC on their feet, pumping max TPS while not breaking anything with AoE. Paladins are at an immediate threat disadvantage in any multi tank situation because they have to drag their mobs away from the crowd while holding back on most of their real TPS abilities until the mobs in a safe spot. So currently it's what, judge + autoswing? Maybe if you have a raid that's extremely disciplined.

I will not relinquish my multi-target pull just for added single target threat, especially because we'll be adding a shield bash to our rotation. If holding hate on multiple targets is an issue, and you and the other tank(s) can't figure a way around it, I'm sorry but I'm of the opinion that a Glyph will not be the save all for your situation.

At this point I'm not even seeing the big deal with the multi target pull anyways. Generally I pull then holy shield, consecrate then hammer of righteous. Even if it were a single target shield toss, the whole pack would still come to me. They'd still walk right into my consecrate, and 3 of them would still get hit with my hammer. What do I care if my shield only hits one of them?

It's easy to figure out "solutions" to these issues as you say, but I'd rather not hold up an entire raid discussing silly workarounds for our total lack of a precision pulling mechanism. People just want tanks to stop talking and pull.

Then again I like tanking fast, I like raiding fast, I'm of the opinion there shouldn't be more then 20 seconds spent explaining any individual trash pull unless it's obscenely complicated (most aren't, though people will make them out to be).

Single target shield, I throw at skull, judge X, move to my spot good to go. Raid can max dps the whole time, don't need a round table discussion for our next trash pull, all I have to hear is "mike you got skull and X k go"

Edited, Oct 25th 2008 5:07am by mikelolol
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