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Road to 80 - Balance or Feral?Follow

#1 Oct 15 2008 at 4:26 AM Rating: Decent
143 posts
So with the release of the patch and the free respec, I have begun to ponder the balance route. Spellpower will transfer over from my healing gear from when I was resto and I have been pooling some honor to upgrade my gear a little more. I have never worked with a Moonkin and only seen them in BGs or arena in terms of performance. They do damage, but I've never paid attention to how much.

I leveled to 70 as feral and enjoyed it and knew what I could take and do. I'd have to relearn that with balance and I can always respec to feral if I don't like balance. I read about people going boomkin and loving it and I figure I already better caster gear than feral gear, so why not give it a shot.

My questions are these - Damage wise, does balance put out similar damage compared to feral? I guess what I want to know is balance as quick in leveling as feral? I pretty much only quest to level, not much hard grinding. How do you boomkins do in BGs? Is the basic stratgey for balance root and nuke? Do you you use a full array of spells or only a few? (Like in resto you pretty much only spam rejuvenation and lifebloom, though there are other healing spells and feral dps you spam mangle...) I am sure I can and will find some of that info while looking around for balance info, but I am curious about current moonkins and how you play it.

If there are any good balance how to's a link is much appreciated. (I've read through some of the stickies and am looking at more from the druid resources thread.)
#2 Oct 15 2008 at 8:07 AM Rating: Good
I'm going Ballance Boomkin!

I got the green light from my guild to start raiding as Boomkin thanks to the killer +spell mob debuff that will last thru basically the entire fight. Having me in there will boost spell power per fight by 13%.... and the crits will be amazing. I see a mage fireball for 10k, times that by 13% = 11,300.

Insect swarm will help the tanks. Faerie Fire will help the Melee/ranged. Of course the in-combat rez, MotW.

I also think I read somewhere where you can have two talent builds for 'fast raid switching', when/if that happens we'll be able to heal if absolutely needed.

1-70 I went feral, after I got some outland gear my love for boomkin rose drastically. If you can't tell from my post, I'm going ballance no doubt about it lol. Now to just get a good build. I'm not raiding as my Druid yet (it'll be after I hit lv80), right now I'm stuck with my Arms warrior... still thinking of good build for him too.
#3 Oct 15 2008 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
1,239 posts
Damage wise, does balance put out similar damage compared to feral?

An equally geared boomkin will usually do more damage output than a feral. I have a feral set with 4 pieces of badge gear and the rest of the gear being in the top 10 you can get in the game for that particular piece. In kitty I can do around 800-850 dps with all raid buffs. My balance set only has 3 pieces of badge gear, and the rest from Kara. I have no problem pushing over 900 dps now, and have done over 1k in boss fights.

I'm not sure exactly how much will change with this patch. I know feral dps is getting all kinds of goodies to help their dps, but so is boomkin. Balance spec will most likely always be better in terms of raw dps output.

I want to know is balance as quick in leveling as feral?

Even with the new boomkin talents, I highly doubt it. While boomkins have higher dps output in raids/5-mans, they have to worry about mana while soloing. Ferals generally have more survivability and can pump out just as much damage in solo while the mob is beating on them. Boomkins, on the other hand, have casting speed reductions etc. while getting hit, and if they do need to heal, precious mana is being used.

How do you boomkins do in BGs?

Depending on spec, they can be very good in arenas and BGs. They are also super-fun. Try it out if you haven't already.

Do you you use a full array of spells or only a few?

I like to sneak up and use Starfire>Moonfire>Roots>Insect Swarm>Wrath>Cyclone>Starfire>Moonfire>Wrath

The first SF/MF hit simultaneously. By the time they realize what's going on, they're rooted. Insect swarm takes 12 seconds to pump out all of it's damage, so it won't break roots right away. The damage from Wrath will most likely break roots, so cyclone is next. Once there is 2.9 seconds left on cyclone(or 2.4 if I crit-proc), I start casting SF. The SF and the next MF hit simultaneously as they get released from cyclone.

All together, its 2 Starfires, 2 Moonfires, 2 Wraths, ~10 secs of MF ticks, and ~6 secs of IS ticks. This will most likely kill most opponents or at least bring them to fairly low health. They have 1.5 seconds after initial strike before the first SF/MF hit, and then another 4.5 secs while you cast the next wrath(GCD+W+GCD). This will usually leave them enough time to catch up to you, so have an escape plan ready :) Also remember that they may resist/trinket out of the roots and cyclone, so be prepared. This doesn't work as well on ranged. There are plenty of other stategies, and this probably isn't even close to the best one, so have fun and experiment.
#4 Oct 15 2008 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I have always been feral. At 80 I will be feral. I like tank.

That being said for now I am running feral. A week before the expansion I will go Boomkin. Gear up in some instances. Try it out for a few levels. Especially, since my friend who is leveling a warrior will be mid to high 60's by then so I still wont have to find a tank.

Will go back to feral mid 70's to start gearing up for 80 as feral. Should be fun.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#5 Oct 15 2008 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
I want to know is balance as quick in leveling as feral?
Even with the new boomkin talents, I highly doubt it. While boomkins have higher dps output in raids/5-mans, they have to worry about mana while soloing. Ferals generally have more survivability and can pump out just as much damage in solo while the mob is beating on them. Boomkins, on the other hand, have casting speed reductions etc. while getting hit, and if they do need to heal, precious mana is being used.

Just to add on... I got a few items from KZ and ZA, mostly BG stuff (my druid was my hobby toon). Running the full set of dailies in Sunwell area, I hardly ever run below 60% mana. The rare times I do (multi links), I just pop Innervate, and continue plowing thru mobs.

Sure I take my time when soloing. Here's a example of a normal fight.
Roots, Insect swarm. Wait for the 5 second mp gain, Starfire, followed by a Wrath, then wait until Wrath ball hits, and do a IC moonfire.

If Roots break I step back and do the whole thing all over until mob is dead.

After each fight I honestly have about 90% mp left, looting mob, running in position for next mob, I'm generally at 98%-100%. Granted I take my time'ish... I knock out all the dailies in less than 1 hour. My warrior is much better geared, and runs the same time. True it varies with drop rates, other people farming rates, etc... but about the same.
#6 Oct 15 2008 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
1,239 posts
Wait for the 5 second mp gain

You are much more patient than me.
#7 Oct 15 2008 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
143 posts
Cool, thanks all for the input. I was reading up on it and have a friend I group with often enough that is a Fire Mage. I think the spell damage bonus could be beneficial for that. I am going to try it and if I don't care for it (questing can't be any slower than it was as a resto) I'll spend the 20G (is what I think I am up to now) to respec. I guess I'll go ahead and grab some honor gear while I'm at it.. *off to check the gear lists*
#8 Oct 17 2008 at 1:49 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Just go boomkin, I was topping all the damage and dps charts in Hyjal.

Boomkin = Boomwin.
#9 Oct 17 2008 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
284 posts
I say go feral.

I've had the most fun playing WoW these past couple days just going in BGs and killing every warlock I see.

Now with Beserk - See a lock, Kill a lock.
#10 Oct 20 2008 at 4:54 AM Rating: Decent
143 posts
Been balance since the patch and I rather enjoy it. Kills aren't quite as fast as when I was feral, but casting is fun. I dropped some honor on a belt and bracers and got the HH caster rings and if I recall my spell power is about 580 (probably with some buffs) and I crit SF for about 3700 and wraith around 2200. I likey!

Just need to figure out if I am ready for some good heroic or raid runs... and who I can find to go with. :)

Edited, Oct 20th 2008 8:47am by SumDuud
#11 Oct 20 2008 at 7:44 PM Rating: Good
As a note :- Was reading the TKASomething forums and a few high level raiding Hunters are saying that the only classes that are beating them in DPS currently are Boomkins!

Mind you, this is in a raiding situation with a fair bit of AoE rather than leveling and is also at a high gear level, but it is good to see our feathered friends getting some fun.

#12 Oct 21 2008 at 5:42 AM Rating: Decent
Friar RareBeast wrote:
As a note :- Was reading the TKASomething forums and a few high level raiding Hunters are saying that the only classes that are beating them in DPS currently are Boomkins!

Mind you, this is in a raiding situation with a fair bit of AoE rather than leveling and is also at a high gear level, but it is good to see our feathered friends getting some fun.

Not to toot my Warrior's horn, but looking over the WWS of the last ZA run we ran, I came in during Hex and Z'J. I topped the overall damage, we had 2 of our regular raider Hunters in there. Arms Warriors got a very nice increase in DPS, I use to sit about middle of the WWS chart, now I'm in the runnings lol.

My Druid on the other hand. I really need to work on gearing him up, but we ran a guild/PUG Gruuls run, and the damage report that gets printed on screen... I was not even in the top 10 during mulgor /sigh, but I was helping tank the Kigler one (the hunter usually tank).

I'm planning on changing mains after LK comes out... but maybe I'm just not any good lol. That was my 1st actual raid as Boomkin, it was different, and being only dps druid I kept up mob Debuffs too.

Edited, Oct 21st 2008 9:36am by GYFFORD
#13 Oct 21 2008 at 7:17 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
Faerie Fire will help the Melee/ranged.

sorry i came in this thread a little late, but with the 3.0 changes imp FF actually affects spell hit by 3% AND gives you 3% more crit chance on targets affected by it. while before 3.0 i was one of the "FF haters" as i wanted to put out as much dps as possible.. now it actually helps us out and theres a possibility of getting MORE dps out of it.
#14 Oct 21 2008 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
428 posts
As you noted, the 3.0.2 change to spell power will make your resto gear convert to boomkin gear very nicely. I was debating going feral for 70-80 (am resto now at 70) as I have managed to pick up decent kitty offset, but now that my bonus spell damage = my bonus heals (903), I'm having a hard time justifying a switch to feral.

Other things being equal, the solo efficiency of feral is nearly impossible to beat (locks and bandaid rogues are up there though), but gear is gear. Sometimes a quick (time-efficient) kill is the most efficient kind in mana terms as well.
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