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WotLK Paladin FAQFollow

#27 Nov 11 2008 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
648 posts
YJMark wrote:
Healing Paladins .......

changed. ty. and yes, i'm biased towards pally healers too lol.

YJMark wrote:
Concentration Aura....

by itself this may not seem super useful, but this combined with holy's talented pushback reduction = uninterruptable heals and since most other healing classes have some sort of pushback talents too this can allow most healers to have uninterruptible heals. The Silence reduction is obviously useful too. I love it in fights like the bear form of the bear boss in ZA. for a Holy pally in a 5 man you can choose which aura makes most sense (untalented none of the auras are very imporessive - devo aura is still weak baseline, and ret aura baseline is unnecessary now since all tanks have good aoe threat already). If you are in an instance with no silence and you are confident that your tank will keep all aggro off of you you can put of whichever of the other aura's you feel best. However, this aura is useful and worth improving. Especially for 25mans where you will likely have a prot pally for the improved Devotion Aura and a ret pally or 2 for the improvements to Retribution aura. for now i'll leave it as is in the FAQ and leave it up to either the holy FAQ to extrapolate or the healers discretion what to use.

YJMark wrote:
Lay on Hands...

with a 16 min cooldown this IS still an oh #&$^ button like a warrior or prot pally's shield wall/divine protection or a rogues vanish. Yes the cooldown is short enough now that it can be used much more freely, but it is still an emergency button. for now i will leave this as it is. a 16 min cooldown isn't a normal part of your healing cycle. i might at a later point consider elaborating on it though, but i think that again belongs more in the holy FAQ. unless i am mistaken this FAQ shouldn't be telling you completely how to do your job, but to give you a general overview of the paladin class.

YJMark wrote:
A good strategy when healing is....

um, i will go back and look at this. i think for now i'll leave the longer descriptions of how to heal to the holy FAQ, but i will try to make sure what i'm writing here isn't giving bad advice. I personally do use BoL on many different people dependong on the situation. 5 mans it goes on the tank for sure. 10 mans with 2 healers i often actually put it on the other healer if they are a priest because i've seen too many of them go down fast and this way they stay topped off all the time and i am less likely to have to work overtime as the only healer. ;) 25 mans i have used it on one tank while i heal another tank that will be taking more damage. I have also used it on a rogue to make sure he stays alive for interrupts, myself so i never have to worry about me, and several other uses. I figure out when to use BoL for every fight. I don't think this FAQ is the place to give a lesson on using BoL, and it is true that most of the time you won't go wrong to have BoL on your tank (or one of your tanks). I will take another look though either way. And last thing, i don't think BoL has too high a mana cost. I barely notice when i cast it to be honest. I've cast it a few times changing targets in one fight and not had it have a huge effect on my mana pool. also you say not to put it on your main tank. I find that sometimes my main tank is so well geared he isn't taking damage and the OT (at least on trash pulls) is taking more damage so i will put BoL on the MT and keep him up easily by healing the OT.

YJMark wrote:

agreed. i'll go make this more strongly stated. it is a requirement for pallies in my guild lol.
#28 Nov 11 2008 at 1:12 PM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
Concentration Aura

by itself this may not seem super useful, but this combined with holy's talented pushback reduction = uninterruptable heals and since most other healing classes have some sort of pushback talents too this can allow most healers to have uninterruptible heals.

From my understanding, your heals are not uninterruptable. Any class can still use any interrupt (i.e. kick/pummel/etc...). You just don't get the pushback for 1 or 2 seconds. With the new mechanics, you only get a maximum of 2 pushbacks. So it's not like before when you'd be getting constantly pushed back and a heal took 15 seconds to cast, thus leaving you dead before you got it off.

I guess I was also thinking more in terms of PvE. In PvP - this is absolutely necessary.

Lay on Hands - that's cool. I understand your point. I've just seen too many people be too cautious when using it, and end up not using it at all. I was thinking more to try and break the belief from many Paladins that basically never use it. Let people know that it's alright to use it, and to use it often. Most Paladins will bubble without thinking twice, but they won't use LoH. Talented, it only has a CD about 3x that of bubble. All is good though.

Healing Strategies - yeah, that should probably go in a Holy FAQ. I wasn't thinking.

also you say not to put it on your main tank. I find that sometimes my main tank is so well geared he isn't taking damage and the OT (at least on trash pulls) is taking more damage so i will put BoL on the MT and keep him up easily by healing the OT.

I meant "main target". My bad. Basically, you put it on someone you don't need to give your undivided attention to. If your main tank is taking huge damage, you don't want to rely on Beacon for healing him. It's not reliable enough. You want to direct heal in those situations. That's all I meant. Sounds like we're saying the same thing.

And the cost of Beacon - yeah, you're probably right. It's about 1k mana (ish). Not the end of the world. The benefit of it is easily outweighed by the cost.

Thanks for responding :)

#29 Nov 11 2008 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
One thing I would want to add is that you should probably make a clear distinction in the Retribution section between DPS-ing in five-man parties and DPS-ing in raids. In five-man parties, a good Retribution Paladin will put all his tools to use: off-healing with AoW procs, shielding, Cleansing, etc. In raids, a Retribution Paladin really should be focused 110% on his DPS. Even the mana you could spend on heals from AoW procs is simply better saved for DPS while the healers are trusted to do their jobs, and shielding might do more harm than good depending on where the aggro ends up.

I realize that all of the above is really no longer true with regards to current raids after the nerf, but at 80 that will likely again be the case for progression past Naxx.
#30 Nov 11 2008 at 2:31 PM Rating: Good
970 posts
YJMark wrote:
Concentration Aura
-Reduces spell pushback while casting or channeling spells by 35%.
(Can be increased by talents as well as reduce the duration of silence
and interrupt effects while it is active and increase the effect of the aura by 15%)
-This is a great aura, which when combined with other talents can make
your heals uninterruptable by damage.

With the new spell pushback mechanics, this aura is really only useful for the 30% silence/interrupt effect reduction. If the raid/instance you are going into doesn't have a lot of silence/interrupts, then this aura is fairly useless (as are the talent points you put into it).

Well, unimproved version is baseline. If you have another source of Retribution, and either no need for resistance or a handy priest, it's either this or unimproved Devotion (even assuming no pally tank). I'm not likely to spend points improving it for the reasons you mention, but it's my default aura unless I'm resistance-dancing.

Lay on Hands
-Heals the target for the full amount of the Paladins maximum health. Later ranks also restore X amount of mana to the target. 20 minute cooldown (can be decreased to 16 minutes and increase armor for a period of time with talents).
-This is panic button number two. The long cooldown may make you apprehensive to use it, but it is far less effective if you never do. Use this when it would be extremely inconvenient for you to die, and you would much rather live through whatever encounter.

This is no longer a panic button. It is now a solid healing spell. In a group/raid, I have never used this on myself. It is a big instant free heal. It can, and should, be used on every boss fight by every Paladin.

Also, when improved and/or glyphed (especially and!) it's a nice mana return to you, the pally. Regardless of your target.

Keep Sacred Shield up on tank at all times.
Keep Judgement of Light on mob on at all times.
Cast Flash of Light to keep targets topped off.
If any target drops to around 60% health, give them a Holy Light.
If you need to move and heal, use Holy Shock. It may proc IoL, and give you a nice instant FoL. Very useful for mobile fights.
If you need to spam Holy Light, make sure to use Divine Illumination first.
If you see any poisons/disease/or magic effects, Cleanse them.
If you need to pump out an immediate HUGE heal, use Lay on Hands.
If you need to pump out a HUGE heal in the next 2.5 seconds, then case Divine Favor/Holy Light.

If you have specced IoL and need an even bigger heal in the next 3 seconds and change, then Divine Favor/Holy Shock/(GCD)/Holy Light. If I'd had this available, I could have single-healed the mage tank on the HKM fight (not now, at the appropriate gear level).

-A mod for helping with Paladin buffing. This will coordinate your buffs with other Paladins who have the mod.

Please stress the importance of this mod. It is so annoying when you have 4 Paladins in a raid, and only one has Pally Power. Now that we have less blessings, it's not as bad. But, it's still annoying. I think this is a critical "Must Have" for any Paladin who is interested in grouping.

It's still very useful because it also shows who has improved versions of each blessing and who doesn't. And when you have it, you can take all greater blessings off your actionbars/keybindings, even when soloing (along with Righteous Fury, ftm). Win all around. Just wish there was something like it for aura management...
#31 Nov 11 2008 at 6:00 PM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
If you have specced IoL and need an even bigger heal in the next 3 seconds and change, then Divine Favor/Holy Shock/(GCD)/Holy Light.

True. And if HL crits too.....woo wee. It's a biggie :) Plus, you get some instant and upfront healing. Keeps you from those times where you are having a race between your casting bar and the target's health.
#32 Nov 18 2008 at 8:42 AM Rating: Good
648 posts
ok, i beleive i have added all the new spells and abilities and have formatted all of it correctly now. if you find anything missing or any messed up links, please let me know. otherwise this should be pretty close to completed.
#33 Dec 16 2008 at 6:57 AM Rating: Good
648 posts
so, did anyone have any further ideas for this? it's been up for nearly a month and no comments and not stickied. if there's anything missing or that should be changed pls let me know.
#34 Dec 16 2008 at 10:46 AM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
I put in a request on the feedback forum to have this replace the TBC FAQ. It wouldn't hurt to post a reply, but Wordaen's pretty good about it :D
#35 Dec 16 2008 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
I have a question about leveling ret, do you use Wisdom or Might?

I leveled to 70 a while back before all the ret changes which made it awesome. And just yesterday I decided to dust off my pally and level again.

First I'll say, leveling is indeed better then it was. But I was a prot pally at 70, with a little time spent as holy. I was only 70 a few months where I tanked alot, I managed to pick up a mediocre ret set to quest to 80 with, but it's not much.

I really don't feel like I have "endless mana" as ret. I use my instants every cooldown, grind with SoB and wind up healing myself a fair bit and running low on mana every 10-15 mobs. This might not seem bad, it's better then it was before, but compared to my feral druid or enhance shaman who *never* have to drink I'm just wondering if maybe I should use wisdom instead of might.
#36 Dec 16 2008 at 12:07 PM Rating: Excellent
648 posts
ty losi :)

and to mike, i personaly used wisdom level'ing. in instances when someone else is healing the damage you take from SoB/tM you won't need wisdom much at all. You will run out of mana eventually, but w/ the healing coming in it will be very rare. Solo'ing on the other hand, you only have your own heals which you don't get mana back for and cost you mana. Some other ret pallies may disagree, but i find my solo speed isn't noticeably slower w/ wisdom and my downtime is much less. once you get to 71 definitely use Divine Plea every cooldown and play around w/ switching to BoM. in the end though while solo'ing there's no shame in using BoW even as ret.
#37 Dec 22 2008 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
Very nice start for the new FAQ.

Under key spells don't forget Avenging Wrath.

[quoet]Divine Storm
-Hits up to 4 targets around you for your melee weapon damage as physical damage and heals up to 3 people in your party or raid for a total of 25% of the total damage done. 10 second cooldown.

Divine storm is the 51 point talent in retribution.

1. Wait for your taunt to cd, if it is a vital time and you really don't want that person to die and they will if they wait for your cd, skip to 5.
2. Use your taunt and Judge your tanking seal (be it SoR or SoV)
3. Use Avenger's Shield and Hammer of Righteous (or Crusader Strike or Holy Shock if off-spec tanking)
4. Use Exorcism if it is an Undead or Demon.
5. Cast Hand of Protection on the player with aggro.
6. If all that fails, keep hitting it with everything you have until it turns or the player dies. Don't kick yourself too much if it was a dps class, they have to watch their own threat. If it was the healer, then you might want to reevaluate your tanking strategy to induce more threat, or evaluate your gear to take less of a beating, although the first reason will be it 9 times out of 10.

If demon or undead holy Wrath can be used also. Otherwise hammer of the righteous works on all targets.

An end game healing Paladin should be looking for gear with the following:

* +spellpower - increases the effectiveness of his heals
* crit rating - further increases the effectiveness of heals and helps with mana regeneration and IoL or SoL procs depending on your spec.
* Mana per 5 seconds - direct source of mana regeneration
* Intellect - increases mana pool, spell crit, +spellpower and mana regen from replenishment, JoW, and Divine Plea
* Haste - increases heal speed (less mana efficient than crit or spellpower, but has some limited use)

With Judgements of the Pure, some additional haste and at least 30% critical strike mp5 will be outclassed with mana return from illumination.
#38 Dec 22 2008 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
648 posts
ty cbadger. i'll work on those soon :)
#40 Apr 08 2009 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
Kudos to you sir.
#41 Apr 14 2009 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
648 posts
Updated for 3.1. There are some things I may have gotten wrong since I had seen different numbers at different sites that were tracking spells, so I used my best judgement. I will do my best to update these as soon as I find the right numbers. Any help on any numbers I may have gotten wrong would be great.
#42 Oct 05 2009 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
648 posts
ok, updated to 3.2.2 as best I can tell. If I missed anything or got anything wrong, please let me know.
#43 Mar 30 2010 at 3:50 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Hey guys,
I've been playing as a Disc. Priest and I'am looking at starting a Holy Paladin up for a bit of variety.
How current is the info in this guide now since 3.3?
Are the talent builds still viable?
Ret. to level and then Holy later on, say at lvl40 when I can dual spec?
Thanks for the help.
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