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Greater Blessing 'Greater DeBuff'Follow

#1 Oct 14 2008 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
I can't be the only one annoyed with this.

Situation common today:
Paly tank - Me
Paly healer - Group Healer

Situation likely to occur later:
Paly tank - Me
Paly DPS

When you cast greater blessings on someone - you always overlap the other palys. I Buff myself with Tank buff, the healer can't have Wisdom or threat reduction... I'm stuck with 10m buffs...

It really is annoying. Why do they overwrite both palys - effectively both paly's need the same buff or one gets a 10m buff....
#2 Oct 14 2008 at 8:06 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
I kinda find this annoying as well, but as of today there is NO MORE greater blessing of Salvation anyway, and not even a 10 minute blessing of salvation, so the question is moot. With the new threat generation mechanics, salvation will only be needed in extreme emergencies, which is why the new Hand of Salvation has only a 10s duration (just long enough to remove threat from a player).

The Prot Pally is now going to use kings or sanc on himself (and thus every other Pally in group) and the holy Pally or Ret Pally is going to use Might or Wisdom (or maybe Kings if they spec into it). So all Paladins in a group/raid will have one of the following combinations after the patch:


Without greater blessing of Salvation existing anymore, you don't have to worry about having that annoying 10-minute blessing anymore. Ideally, you could roll with a Paladin Tank, a Holy Paladin, and a Ret, (or some other combination of 3 Paladins) and the whole group or raid could have 3 Pally buffs.

Edited, Oct 14th 2008 12:02pm by jeromesimina
#3 Oct 14 2008 at 8:45 AM Rating: Good
370 posts
Sanc is moderately useful to ret pallys now, since they can take (amd may attract) more hits. But its obviously not ideal...ret probably wants might and kings, while prot wants sanc and might.
#4 Oct 14 2008 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
It really is annoying. Why do they overwrite both palys - effectively both paly's need the same buff or one gets a 10m buff....

you guys are cute. Greaters used to be only 15min back during 40man raids. pretty much every 5 trash pulls would require a new round of buffs. if someone died, your choice was a new Greater or a 5 min buff!

i like the current setup. i will normally choose to give myself the 10min buff since there are times i need to change buffs. as Ret sometimes i prefer a different buff on the fly. as Prot i can switch out Kings and Sanc based on the pull. pally buffs are the most efficient since they can be class/spec specific.

also note, if they increase buff duration it only makes sense they increase mana cost.

#5 Oct 14 2008 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
also note, if they increase buff duration it only makes sense they increase mana cost.

Oh - I don't mind the mana cost - I just think it is mechanically annoying. I like that you can bless multiple people with one blessing. I wish it was controlable.

For example - you can remove helpful buffs. On first glance, it might appear to be an unneeded game mechanic. (i.e. - why would I ever want to remove something that's helpful?) Then you realize it's actually very helpful when the mage buffs you with amplify magic and you don't want it. Or when you have agro problems and the stupid mage (again) pops combustion before the boss fight - so he can guarentee his opening pyro will likely crit.... (I hate when people do that).... Please remove it...

It would be nice if Ctrl+Buff was just the target and just Buff is all classes...
#6 Oct 14 2008 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
1,069 posts
The only problem I have with the Hand of salvation is that when I'm tanking I'm going to be way too busy to try to keep an eye on omen while still watching the monsters we're fighting, the monsters we're not fighting, and my cooldowns. Then I have to stop what I'm doing to target a random dps and hit him with a hand of salvation because he doesn't wanna keep a lid on things.

Something's going to give...I already miss Blessings of Salvation and the servers aren't even up yet.
#7 Oct 14 2008 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
Therenody wrote:
The only problem I have with the Hand of salvation is that when I'm tanking I'm going to be way too busy to try to keep an eye on omen while still watching the monsters we're fighting, the monsters we're not fighting, and my cooldowns. Then I have to stop what I'm doing to target a random dps and hit him with a hand of salvation because he doesn't wanna keep a lid on things.

Something's going to give...I already miss Blessings of Salvation and the servers aren't even up yet.

I don't think you are going to miss it as much as you fear... the new threat generation mechanics and the stamina ==> Spellpower conversion is going to make it A LOT tougher for that DPS to pull aggro off of you unless they are just intentionally targeting the wrong target. If they are doing THAT on purpose, they should be allowed to die and then kicked from the group for DPS that has at least half a brain.
#8 Oct 14 2008 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
The only problem I have with the Hand of salvation is that when I'm tanking I'm going to be way too busy to try to keep an eye on omen while still watching the monsters we're fighting, the monsters we're not fighting, and my cooldowns. Then I have to stop what I'm doing to target a random dps and hit him with a hand of salvation because he doesn't wanna keep a lid on things.

uh oh. watch out for the incoming flames from veteran tanks.

i'll start. you SHOULD be watching omen anyway. it shouldnt come to the point when HoSalv is needed if you are staying above on the threat list. but there will be times that this is unavoidable. thats when a nifty macro comes in: you target the boss, the boss targets your squishy, your spell saves squishy. that was the old Righteous Defense.

it would seem to me that in the new tanking scheme there will be less 'threat dropping' from the raid and more pure 'threat building' from the tank. seems Blizz realized they'd either have to give every spec and every class an aggro dump OR leave threat control up to the tanks.
#9 Oct 14 2008 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
/use [target=mouseover] Hand of Salvation
Learn to macro thernody, with that macro u wont have to switch targets, just simply mouse over and click w/e hot key you have set up for the macro. Simple and efficient.
#10 Oct 14 2008 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
65 posts
Borsuk wrote:
When you cast greater blessings on someone - you always overlap the other palys. I Buff myself with Tank buff, the healer can't have Wisdom or threat reduction... I'm stuck with 10m buffs...

It really is annoying. Why do they overwrite both palys - effectively both paly's need the same buff or one gets a 10m buff....

I often run with a ret pally friend of mine, and I don't find it annoying at all. I usually switch blessings depending on the fight ahead so I do greater Salv on him, and rebuff myself with kings or sanc according to fight. He do wisdom on me, and has to keep up might on himself.

It's not so bad with two pallys who can rebuff themselves, it's much worse when you run with a druid tank and druid healer. Then you'll have to rebuff the tank or the healer every ten minutes (usually the tank gets a small kings, as it's worse for a healer to pull aggro than to let a tank lose kings). Same problem with warriors (dps and tank).

#11 Oct 14 2008 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
I agree it is a little annoying when you have a class present that needs different buffs depending on what they are doing, but I prefer to look at it as making things a little more of a challenge: remembering to keep those buffs going for someone like me with a slippery memory is sometimes difficult :P

And whenever I get frustrated with it I just go back in time to when Blessings were 5 mins each and Greater Blessings didn't even exist. Then I don't complain anymore.
#12 Oct 23 2008 at 10:25 PM Rating: Good
678 posts
The only problem I have with the Hand of salvation is that when I'm tanking I'm going to be way too busy to try to keep an eye on omen while still watching the monsters we're fighting, the monsters we're not fighting, and my cooldowns. Then I have to stop what I'm doing to target a random dps and hit him with a hand of salvation because he doesn't wanna keep a lid on things.

Therenody, I have to disagree with you. You should keep an eye out for threat all the time. As should your dps of course, but I view aggro management as part of my tanking. Incidentally, I love Hand of Salvation, it gives a tank the ability to remove aggro from an overly enthusiastic dps in a way that we couldn't before ...
#13 Oct 23 2008 at 11:23 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Therenody wrote:
The only problem I have with the Hand of salvation is that when I'm tanking I'm going to be way too busy to try to keep an eye on omen while still watching the monsters we're fighting, the monsters we're not fighting, and my cooldowns. Then I have to stop what I'm doing to target a random dps and hit him with a hand of salvation because he doesn't wanna keep a lid on things.

Something's going to give...I already miss Blessings of Salvation and the servers aren't even up yet.

You're not going to make a good tank if you keep up that attitude. All details, everywhere, all the time, are worthy of your scrutiny. Most of the time it'll be the same guy pushing threat, so you can even macro it.

The major benefit of HoS is that ret paladins can cast it on themselves without really disrupting their rotation, so it's essentially Feint.
#14 Oct 25 2008 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
713 posts
There are ways around giving another pally a greater blessing then changing your greater blessing. It involves buffing the other pally then running around a wall (LoSing the other pally) or out of range and rebuffing yourself. IMO Shorter blessing may sound like a pain but they are the easiest way around it. Now that we have lost BoL and BoSalv our choices have somewhat become limited in blessings (4 max).

You have the choice of a:
1. tanking blessing
2. mana return blessing
3. increase in AP blessing
4. flat 10% increase in stats blessing

Blessing 4 is deep in Prot so this leaves you at 3 blessings to choose from (if your not prot). If you dont spec into Kings because your sacrificing utility for either extra heals or dps, that leaves you with blessings 2 and 3.

For raiding I think that Rets are probably the better choice for taking Kings as it will benefit them more now if there happens to be a dps warrior in the group/raid (BoM and Battle shout dont stack anymore). From what I have seen postpatch, it seems that more Holy and Prot paladins talent into it though.

I am liking the change of BoSalv to HoSalv though. Gives Ret pallies a feint type of aggro management without having to sacrifice a buff to dps! Same with HoProtection. I always found it annoying that I'd have to rebuff someone after bubbling them as the old blessing of protection would overwrite the previous blessing they had on themselves! My compliments to the devs for that one!

#15 Oct 26 2008 at 2:54 AM Rating: Decent
291 posts
Salvation? why the need to use for it? I have never lost agro whether tanking single mob or multiple mobs even if everyone uses aoe on them and go nuts. Especially post-patch, we shouldn't be using salvation. Before patch, I have to drink for mana so that I can keep hate. After patch, I never drink mana again and hold threat.
Post patch, as tank, I have about 300 spell power due to touch by the light talent, which is enough to hold hate. I would pull with avenger's shield, use consecration (reapply continuously till the mob is dead), hammer of the righteous (I use s2 sword, haven't even enchant yet, the higher main hand damage per second the better threat you get), then judgement of the wisdom with seal of righteousness, and repeat HotR and JotW, and avenger's shield if it ever comes up (sadly mobs die in 30 seconds). I also use Avenging wrath anychance I get too.
BoS gives us 2% of max mana back to us on dodge/parry/block. JotW gives us some mana back, and glyph of spiritual attunement makes it so we get 4% mana from heal. Fights always finish with more than 70% mana for me.
#16 Oct 26 2008 at 10:58 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
Salvation isn't even a blessing anymore, and the shaman's equivalent totem was removed entirely. Tanks just make that much threat.

Hand of Salvation is currently something that ret paladins use on themselves at about the same time they bubble because they attacked too early.
#17 Oct 26 2008 at 11:07 AM Rating: Excellent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts

It is a UI, get it now.

Allows pallies in raids to manage buffs, gives times, more importantly you can set 10 min buffs for hyrbid classes where you have conflicting buffage needs (resto shammy and enh shammy for example). Has timers and everything you need. As a healing officer in the top end progression guild on the server, I don't let a pally raid unless he has Pally Power because it just makes organization of something silly like pallies buffs so streamlined and easy that it becomes a non issue.

Get it, play around with it, ????, profit.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#18 Oct 28 2008 at 7:52 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
arthoriuss wrote:
There are ways around giving another pally a greater blessing then changing your greater blessing. It involves buffing the other pally then running around a wall (LoSing the other pally) or out of range and rebuffing yourself. IMO Shorter blessing may sound like a pain but they are the easiest way around it. Now that we have lost BoL and BoSalv our choices have somewhat become limited in blessings (4 max).

You have the choice of a:
1. tanking blessing
2. mana return blessing
3. increase in AP blessing
4. flat 10% increase in stats blessing

Blessing 4 is deep in Prot so this leaves you at 3 blessings to choose from (if your not prot). If you dont spec into Kings because your sacrificing utility for either extra heals or dps, that leaves you with blessings 2 and 3.

For raiding I think that Rets are probably the better choice for taking Kings as it will benefit them more now if there happens to be a dps warrior in the group/raid (BoM and Battle shout dont stack anymore). From what I have seen postpatch, it seems that more Holy and Prot paladins talent into it though.

I am liking the change of BoSalv to HoSalv though. Gives Ret pallies a feint type of aggro management without having to sacrifice a buff to dps! Same with HoProtection. I always found it annoying that I'd have to rebuff someone after bubbling them as the old blessing of protection would overwrite the previous blessing they had on themselves! My compliments to the devs for that one!

Blessing 4 is no longer deep in prot, it just takes 5 points in prot to get it (the full 10%), and most prots are ignoring it so they can better spend the now 5 points it takes for this in MUCH better places. If I am doing a heroic or raid, I basically hope the Holy Pally or the Ret Pally put 5 points into Kings, because as the tank, I don't even have this anymore. BoSanc is deep enough in Prot that only the Prot is going to take it, and it is what the tank is going to use now.

My preference in almost any group now (be it 5, 10, or 25-man) is to have myself, a Holy Pally and a Ret Pally so I can have BoSanc, BoW or BoM, and BoK on myself at all times. A Prot with 3/4 or all 4 of these blessings now is INSANE!

Edited, Oct 28th 2008 11:55am by jeromesimina
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