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#52 Oct 28 2008 at 9:48 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
Welcome to the class=4 forums! Glad to have ya and all that. Sorry if I sound like a jerk here, but...

Phenomental wrote:
I do great DPS with my Backstab build... I can open with a nice Cheap Shot and get in 2 Backstabs for 3000-3400 damage. With this Glyph I'll be critting for 1800-2040 damage, that is a HUGE increase. Who knows maybe with this Glyph we WILL start seeing a lot more Backstab builds.

These "I do awesome DPS with my build" comments are neither original, or constructive really. Do you have any concrete analysis to back up the claim that Backstab is equal to more common builds as far as damage output? Your statements above are anecdotal (at best) and have no comparative value. We can't even verify the numbers. If you have some WWS reports or even some Recount screen captures, that would help.

Honestly, until someone steps forward with exactly that kind of information and analysis, only casual players will be trying out Backstab builds. And don't get me wrong, I've spec'd for BS/Ambush once in a while for some BG action and it can be tons of fun (honey, I crit the healer!). But serious min/max raiders and arena players are not going to flip specs without some data to back up these types of claims.

#54 Oct 29 2008 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
This is where i break down your post into segments and criticize what you just posted here.

Perhaps it is my fault for not specifying, but I am only a casual player =P I'm not about to FRAPS 100 of my Backstabs just to back up my claims, all I'm really willing to do is tell y'all my info and just hope you believe me lol. I'm not looking to get into a hardcore discussion about anything, just bouncin ideas around because that's what a forum is for =)

Even casual players back up their talent statements with stats. You dont need to be an expert. Infact, you should be hung for saying something is good and not proving it. You might guide others wrong, and perpetuate incorrect builds and itemization.

You havent really told us any info. You jsut told us your opinion. opinions arent info.

I see Theo snap at people (most recently myself) for not reading sticky's or not using the search function well... A forum exists (brace yourself) for discussion.

The stickies are there for you to read. These stickies follow the same concept as FAQ's. They're frequently asked and have been discussed to DEATH. People dont have anymore to discuss about it, all the relevant info gained form discussion is all been put into the stickies. You're wasting our time and getting in the way of more utile topics.

But for those of us looking to actually conversate about a certain matter, no offense (and I'm not just saying that, I honestly am not trying to **** anyone off here.) but who are you to try and ward people away from making topics that MAY be covered in a Sticky, or MAY be duplicated on page 16. If people wanna talk, let em talk, there is absolutely zero harm being done. That's just one guy's opinion, I know Theo is pretty respected on here so I fully expect to get flamed by both him and others for saying all that, but hey, it's just one guys opinion...

Its the opinion of all the people here who like to keep this place well oiled and gleany. Actually its not even an opinion, its an unwritten rule based on common sense. Letting people converse about topics that have been discussed to death will kill this forum. Plus the spam of useless topics will be horrendous.

ward people away from making topics that MAY be covered in a Sticky, or MAY be duplicated on page 16.

All stickies have info on the first page, most on the first post. They are properly named and titled such that just reading the THAT will tell you thats where your query has been answered. Never have i seen ANYONE here point out that something was already spoken about in page 16 or #123 for that matter. the only thing ive seen close to that is people post a link to the post that was on #XX and that is to just provide the person with info through goodwill. Long guides are structured such that you can cntrl F right to the subject section easily.

You're opinion is full of fallacies.

and thats Fallacy, not phallus you people out there. You know who you are!

let me correct therion.

By casual, i assume therion meant those who dont care about max effectiveness, Cause htey play casually. There are casual players who do seek max effectiveness, but its not neccasery for them to do so.

Casual pplayers dont need max effectiveness, they can spec whatever they want and do fine.


anyway, everything i said is irrelevant. The main point is.

Your post about "doing great dps" was useless and didnt contribute in any manner or form. That in itself is harmful. Much in the way much in the way George Bush's speeches contribute to intellectual thought. Therion pointed out how it could become so.

Edited, Oct 29th 2008 4:53pm by Tenjen
#56 Oct 29 2008 at 9:25 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
I've seen one "what the best spec?" post in the last few months (the months that my sticky has been up).

The point Tenjen is trying to make (and making it very well) is that we have provided the information that people are looking for.

We've even provided links to sources outside of this forum for people that want conclusive math shown to them on why X build is better than Y build.

There would be no point to stickies if the info in it wasn't read. If that info is not read, people that have worked on it are going to get irate (see Therion getting meaner in his last few posts here; he's supposed to be the nice guy around here Smiley: frown), and probably leave the forum.

Lord knows I've seen some posts that are pointed out very obviously in the sticky; I've had the desire to leave this forum and never look back every single time.

Phenomental wrote:
but if at least one person actually thinks about and considers what I just wrote, then I'm at least a fraction closer than I used to be.

It's not a matter of considering what you wrote. I know for a fact that BS builds are sub-par DPS builds. I've done the math. Math never lies, but your stupidity and ignorance does when you start talking about your "DPS" and then just talk about your yellow hits.

I had the same problem in the RNG boards when people were talking about Hellfire +1 versus the ebow. They all said that obviously Hellfire did more damage over time than the ebow because it did higher damage with each shot; I said ebow did more damage over time because of the delay compared to the damage.

Guess what, I parsed it--and did the math--and I was right. I know, shocking that computer programs that are programmed with math are able to be taken apart and quantified so that you can min/max.
#57 Oct 29 2008 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
2,550 posts
We did, we looked at what you wrote considered it, and all the reasons that Backstab builds were bad flooded through our minds.

Than we told you you're wrong.

Backstab builds doing bad DPS is not our opinion, it is a fact that has been tested and proven extensively. By saying something to the contrary you are putting out false information that could lead someone astray. By not backing it up with data you make yourself look like an idiot.

I can certainly say, that if you had come in and said, "Well I did 1600DPS average over the course of (insert raid instance)'s boss fights with my Backstab build and I have T(X) gear," we may have given you more consideration. But this:

I do great DPS with my Backstab build... I can open with a nice Cheap Shot and get in 2 Backstabs for 3000-3400 damage. With this Glyph I'll be critting for 1800-2040 damage, that is a HUGE increase. Who knows maybe with this Glyph we WILL start seeing a lot more Backstab builds.

Shows us nothing about DPS. It shows that in the first few seconds of a fight with a stunable mob you can get big shiny numbers. this has no bearing on DPS. Really, if it was big shiny numbers that mattered we would all go Ambush spec and stack Crit or something equally as stupid.

The rogue class has had extensive DPS testing and we know as a fact what is good and what isn't overall. There is some minor discussion depending on gear, and the like but in general we know what does good DPS and what doesn't.

Yes a forum is for discussion, but putting out false information that you could have discovered was false is the sign of idiocy.

If you play a Backstab build because you find it fun and enjoy thats one thing. But dont pretend it does enough DPS to compare to Combat/Mutilate.

I hope that this experience on our forum won't stop you from coming back after having done your research some other time. But we don't tolerate false information lightly.
#59 Oct 29 2008 at 10:07 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Phenomental wrote:
Go back to my first post in this topic and just read through to right now and see if you can actually tell me why this argument had to develop in the first place. I can tell you right now that it started when I stated my opinion, followed by a smiley face, and got "Read the f*cking sticky." for a response.

Phenomental wrote:
I do great DPS with my Backstab build...

Smiley: schooled

Because no, you don't.

DPS is "damage per second" and refers to DPSing a boss. You don't DPS (using it as a verb) in solo content, because solo content provides nothing to base or compare DPS on. Burst builds win in solo content, where they fail miserably in raid content.

Backstab is too energy-heavy for the amount of combo points it gives and the damage it does. I do considerably more damage with mutilate than I do with BS. It's only when you get to the end of the sub tree that BS becomes truly viable and a worthwhile ability.

Then again, that's not a viable PvE spec.

So in the end, you're left with a mutilate spec if you want to play daggers in PvE.
#61 Oct 29 2008 at 10:27 AM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
Phenomental wrote:
Perhaps it is my fault for not specifying, but I am only a casual player =P I'm not about to FRAPS 100 of my Backstabs just to back up my claims, all I'm really willing to do is tell y'all my info and just hope you believe me lol. I'm not looking to get into a hardcore discussion about anything, just bouncin ideas around because that's what a forum is for =)

Discussion, of course. But also information. Many people come here looking for ways to be better. Whether it be arena or raiding or even just getting past Hogger. Some people come here hoping for answers to problems. That's how I first came to this site. And I hope that I can occasionally help out others doing what I did: trying to learn how to be better. Supplying false or unsupported "evidence" about a build which has been proven to be inferior for most uses is counter to this. It would have been very helpful if you had noted that you're grabbing numbers out of the air (or just had used any numbers at all) and that you're a casual player. The post said nothing about casual or min/max. Some new-to-kara player could have easily read your post and been mislead thus dooming their raid to wipe on Attumen (who's serious business :). That's why I responded in the way that I did.

Many people come to this forum for help and I, for one, would prefer the information here to be worthy of their trust.

Phenomental wrote:
But for those of us looking to actually conversate about a certain matter, no offense (and I'm not just saying that, I honestly am not trying to **** anyone off here.) but who are you to try and ward people away from making topics that MAY be covered in a Sticky, or MAY be duplicated on page 16. If people wanna talk, let em talk, there is absolutely zero harm being done. That's just one guy's opinion, I know Theo is pretty respected on here so I fully expect to get flamed by both him and others for saying all that, but hey, it's just one guys opinion...

I'm all for open, free and useful discussion. I'm not trying to censor anything, only asking for you to verify or retract your claims in the spirit of accuracy. Just because you don't care about how accurate your numbers are, doesn't change how they might be read by others. This forum has more than a few serious players and inaccurate information isn't treated well 'round these parts. ;P The discussions here may not tend to be as technical as EJ (for example), but we still strive to some semblance of precision.

Hope that clarifies my opinion on the matter. Also, I find the two bolded statements interesting.

And when the hell did I become "the nice guy"??? I nominate Moo for that position. He seems a better choice then me. ;P
#63 Oct 29 2008 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Phenomental wrote:

BS + PvE = Win.

BS + Raids = Lose.

^^Stickied in my brain^^


#64 Oct 29 2008 at 6:36 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
TherionSaysWhat wrote:
The discussions here may not tend to be as technical as EJ (for example), but we still strive to some semblance of precision.

This is actually what I've been going for ever since I started posting here (in class=4), some 6000+ posts ago. I've always liked EJ, but I have never really got a community feeling from them.

I mean, I know who Aldrianna, Vulajin, and a few other rogues who post there are, but there isn't really a core membership that post there casually, or about subjects other than Roguemathâ„¢.

I've wanted this forum to be a sort-of filter for EJ; myself and others can bring the findings of EJ here, without everyone having to do the ******** of reading I'm sure that Therion, Moo, and some others do in addition to myself.

And if people have doubts about what we're saying, they have easy-access links to EJ readily available in the sticky.

I really think that that's what I like about this forum as opposed to so many other rogue forums; the site is popular enough that we get hundreds of hits a day in this forum (my sticky is proof of that--how many hits do I have on it now?), thus we get rogues from all kinds of skill coming through. From the most casual to hardcore (though we don't have many super-hardcore, if at all), we've got all bases covered.

And that's really how/why I wrote my sticky. Most people just want an answer; if they want more than that, they can ask in the sticky, or make a new thread asking why something is so.
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