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Patch Day, New TalentsFollow

#1 Oct 14 2008 at 3:35 AM Rating: Decent
As an Affliction lock I am curious on how others are looking to respec once the patch is completed. I am looking for ideas while I'm currently trying to figure out how I am going to respec.

So how about it, what's your talent tree going to look like?
#2 Oct 14 2008 at 6:38 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
something like 56/0/5, you need bane regardless, the rest goes in afliction. i'll do a tree later
#3 Oct 14 2008 at 8:25 AM Rating: Decent
I'd like to see the tree when you have time.

#4 Oct 14 2008 at 10:17 AM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
56/0/5 this is basically what you're looking for, the biggest problem though is that it misses a few important talents simply because you need almost ALL the talents in that tree to maximise your damage. no improved felhound means your pet can't dps fully AND be a mana battery at the same time. no improved CoA to make the most of amplify curse (though if you want you can move that 1 point to imp.CoA or suppression). malediction you're taking mainly for the increase spell power.. as your local boomkin will be better at providing the damage increasing debuff. also you're missing ISB, which does still affect dot damage, just it doesn't affect raid anymore.

#5 Oct 14 2008 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
194 posts
thank you for that tree jenova, it looks very promising and i cant wait to try it out.

I am guessing that the next 10 points from 70-80 will go to destro to compliment the affliction talents as well?

or will the end game raid spec be different than what you posted? I am very curious to find out, seeing as i wasn't lvl 70 at the begining of TBC, so i don't know how specs evolved and such.
#6 Oct 14 2008 at 4:15 PM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
i'd say the lvl.80 'endgame' raid spec would be 63/0/8, so not much different.. but the actual dps output available would be possibly 10% more due to having your felhound dpsing as well and due to your pet never running out of mana.

Edited, Oct 14th 2008 8:09pm by Jenovaomega
#7 Oct 15 2008 at 12:02 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
jehova i know u probably thought that affli spec through but...

would it be better if u specced something like 56/0/15 so u can include ruin and ISB?

something like this?

Edited, Oct 15th 2008 3:57am by Raqiel
#8 Oct 15 2008 at 12:31 AM Rating: Decent
Staying w/ destro for now

looking at (0/9/52)
#9 Oct 15 2008 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
whats the cycle we will use as a fire lock before WotLK?
#10 Oct 15 2008 at 1:59 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
At the moment Ruin is quite an important talent imo, but there simply isnt room for it. There are now sooo many Afflic talents that are required to even approach competetive DPS, Bane is essentially the only choice you can take outside Afflic. AT lvl70, sadly, Afflic is doomed to be sup-optimal.

For endgame I'd be tempted towards this build, which forgoes Improved Felhunter (you can Lifetap/Haunt to regain health) and Death's Embrace in favour of Ruin. This would form the core of a crit-heavy Afflic build that can effectively weave Shadowbolts into the rotation as well.
#11 Oct 15 2008 at 2:57 AM Rating: Decent
194 posts
i'd say the lvl.80 'endgame' raid spec would be 63/0/8, so not much different.. but the actual dps output available would be possibly 10% more due to having your felhound dpsing as well and due to your pet never running out of mana

You have no idea how happy you have made me! Finally affliction will be a dps spec! Thanks for the wonderful news.
#12 Oct 15 2008 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
i was thinking about a lvl 80 build where u have 10 extra points to spend

at 70: (looking at the spreadsheat in my other post)
a 56/0/5 haunt build pwns by 250 dps over a chaosbolt build without FB which is the strongest destruction build atm.
2nd best build is a haunt build without SE.

when i look at those numbers it seems that destruction is dead.
at lvl 80 i think affliction will still be 200 dps above any destruction build...

and destruction also requires lifetapping which isnt helping your raid

Sadly destruction has always been my favourite spec but who will take a lock which requires some healing and does less dps...
#13 Oct 15 2008 at 3:34 AM Rating: Decent
129 posts
From my point of view Death's Embrace and Malediction are just a waste of points. Together, they would increas Dps by less then 10%. Even though ISB is now rather weak, its still better (with the required crit anyway).

Fel concentration is also totally useless in a raid spec and Soul Siphon isn't particulary usefull either, unless the helears decide to leave you high and dry during an AoE.

Edited, Oct 15th 2008 11:29am by germa
#14 Oct 15 2008 at 3:34 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
I'd probably agree with you raqiel, I forgot about ruin being there for an afiction spec and to paraphrase quote blizzard "ruin is one of the closest things to a 'required' talent for any/all specs from any class.".

I can see why afliction specs now do so well (especially that ruin based one), though I'm still skeptical about it's usefulness in end-game scenarios (yeah come wotlk, we'll have to wait a good 6 months or so for the actual 'end-game' content to be released, so maybe jumping my guns a bit), simply put haste still doesn't scale as well with afliction as destro (or with pets currently) so I'd see a spec that relies the least on pets and dot damage to be the spec to rule in the end. The classic example is how up until the end of T4 content, afliction specs ruled to due talented hit and not needing as much crit to make them work, but once T5/T6 content came out; as well as the introduction of readily available haste; the infamous 0/21/40 spec came to rule. now yes crit is more beneficial for afliction specs, but still not fully (CoA/CoD/Siphon life still unaffected by crit) and with haste purely increasing the dpsc of dots and barely affecting the actual dps given by the dot, haste is still not having a full effect.


check that out for the 'official' patch notes.
NB: they don't reflect all the changes, as always there are some shadow changes which have probably been reported on through the whole testing, but never put within the official patch notes

one thing to note... emberstorm, it'd seem, has been buffed again to a 0.5 sec reduction from incinerate compared to the last known patch notes where it as 0.25, also possibly ISB has been buffed slightely from 10% to 15%. NP has been buffed to a 10 sec duration from 8 seconds. molton core though looks to have been brought back from a 12 second duration to a 6 second again .
suppression might not affect mana cost anymore either.., just the 3% hit. so umm.. yeah either these are actual changes, typos or they forgot to add in all the details.


official blizzard calculator is upto date. the suppression thing was a type, still has the mana cost reduction. also the ISB and emberstorm changes are true. they also forgot to add that backdraft now AGAIN reduces casttime AND mana cost by 30% (I hated it when they first changed that). all the other changes I listed are true too.

Edited, Oct 15th 2008 7:47am by Jenovaomega
#15 Oct 15 2008 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
I just hope none of you are planning to PvP anytime soon. It's an absolute shambles. Seriously Jenova, try it; spend a whole day in BG, and then for kicks find some random folk and make an arena team.

It's so goddamn depressing.

If anyone tells me to L2P they need a slap in the face, I've played my lock forever and I know how to PvP with it. Afflic gets bursted, Demo gets plain out-damaged (and pets get three-shotted by non-healers) and Destro (currently has the greatest chance) gets locked down and eaten alive.

There's literally no way out except for blind luck.
#16 Oct 15 2008 at 4:01 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
good to know sins :)

oh, everlasting afliction has been nerfed again. used to be that each tick gained 5% bonus +dmg (so for CoA, with 12 ticks that 60% bonus +dmg o.0, 30% for corruption etc..), now it's just a 20% across the entire spell. also nolonger is it haunt that refreshes corruption, it's SB again, which means you no longer NEED 5/5 points in that talent to make sure you refresh corruption(though it is still very advised i'd say due to the bonus +dmg). haunt has also been nerfed back to a 10second cd from 8second.

so yeah, i THINK that's everything I can see simply from the official talent calculator

or wait... chaos bolt is back down to a 1.5 second cast but is still getting a 0.5 sec reduction from probably a typo and is actually a 2.5 second cast. preferably imo due to spell coefficients it should be 2.5 second cast. also if it was 1.5 with -0.5 from talents that'd officially make haste 100% useless for the spell in a pve environent (but more useful in a pvp one)

Edited, Oct 15th 2008 7:56am by Jenovaomega
#17 Oct 15 2008 at 4:49 AM Rating: Decent
oh, everlasting afliction has been nerfed again. used to be that each tick gained 5% bonus +dmg (so for CoA, with 12 ticks that 60% bonus +dmg o.0, 30% for corruption etc..), now it's just a 20% across the entire spell. also nolonger is it haunt that refreshes corruption, it's SB again, which means you no longer NEED 5/5 points in that talent to make sure you refresh corruption(though it is still very advised i'd say due to the bonus +dmg). haunt has also been nerfed back to a 10second cd from 8second.

From in game it's

Your Corruption, Siphon Life and Unstable Affliction gain an additional 1% of your bonus spell damage effects each time they inflict damage and your Drain Life and Haunt spells have a 20% chance to reset the duration of your corruption spell on the target

or wait... chaos bolt is back down to a 1.5 second cast but is still getting a 0.5 sec reduction from probably a typo and is actually a 2.5 second cast. preferably imo due to spell coefficients it should be 2.5 second cast. also if it was 1.5 with -0.5 from talents that'd officially make haste 100% useless for the spell in a pve environent (but more useful in a pvp one)

It's a typo. It's a 2sec cast with bane. It's pretty much useless in PVE though.
#18 Oct 15 2008 at 5:45 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
chaos bolt is far from useless in pve. it does massive damage, with 0% chance to be resisted or partially resisted on a short cd, with a good +SP coefficient and it fits in perfectly with a conflagorate for backdraft rotation. so chaos bolt rocks in pve. it's something like the 3rd or 4th most powerful direct damage spell in the game, with soulfire at the top currently.

and good to know that the everlasting affliction is still the same as well as the chaos bolt being a typo.

finally updated, finally logged in, most the talents in the 'official' talent calculator are wrong, stick to the mmo-champion one imo.

Edited, Oct 15th 2008 4:50pm by Jenovaomega
#19 Oct 17 2008 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
194 posts
so, with the 56/0/5 spec, what is the rotation going to be?

i have been using soemthing like this

UA, Corr, COA(or other curse), SL, Haunt and then im not sure if i should drain in between haunts and reapping dots, or spamming shadow bolt?

or should i be using some other rotation entirely?
#20 Oct 17 2008 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
you should open with SB > haunt > dots > haunt kinda whenever off cd

simply put, you need to stack up the shadow embrace buff instantly or you won't maximise your damage. after that it's all about keep the haunt and shadow embrace debuff up perminantly, keeping your dots up constantly and getting in shadowbolts whenever you can.
#21 Oct 18 2008 at 5:38 AM Rating: Decent
194 posts
so its pretty much the same rotation as an old afflic spec, with the exception that sb opens then haunt? still have to keep the tight rotation on dots?
#22 Oct 18 2008 at 7:07 AM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
or haunt > SB if you feel you want to get haunt straight on cd so you can cast more of them during the encounter.. personnaly I haven't tested to see which is best, or to see if using haunt the moment it's off cd is preferable to using it just before it wears off so as to just 'clip' each haunt.
#23 Oct 18 2008 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
194 posts
please let us know when you have some time to figure it out. I would attempt myself, but i fails at t3h maths lol.
#24 Oct 18 2008 at 7:53 AM Rating: Decent
423 posts
Do we even have space to put in SB in new aff rotation ?
#25 Oct 18 2008 at 9:02 AM Rating: Excellent
2,754 posts
yeah, again I've yet to do the maths on it, so not sure if siphon life is worthwhile to use yet (wasn't prior to the patch.. but with recent changes and the new SL glyph it might be).. but presuming it is:

Sb > haunt > COR > Siphon life > CoA(or CoD, again, haven't tested which is better, but i'll presume CoA looking at the talents) > UA > immolate (not sure if worthwhile, was in old talents and in the new talents i believe it benefits from haunt/shadow embrace so probably worth it).

seeing as you can forget about corruption after the first cast, you're only using SB, haunt, SL, UA, Curse, immolate.

now with the CoA and UA glyphs included...

SL 30sec 1.5sec GCD
CoA 28sec 1sec GCD
UA 15sec, 1.3 sec cast
imm 15sec. 1.5 sec cast
haunt 1.5sec cast, 8 (10 currently) sec cd, 12 sec duration

the "rotation"

SB > haunt > SL > CoA > UA > Imm > SB > SB > haunt > SB > SB > SB > UA > Imm > haunt > SB > SB > SB > SL > CoA (next is haunt > UA > Imm and you've pretty much got the rotation)

with 0 haste, the 'time-line' of this would look something like (forgetting the first SB and haunt, so starting from first SL)

1.5 + 1 + 1.3 + 1.5 + 2.5 + 2.5 + 1.5 + 2.5 + 2.5 + 2.5 + 1.3 + 1.5 + 1.5 + 2.5 + 2.5 + 2.5 + 1.5 + 1 (33.3 seconds from start of SL to the end of the renewed 2nd CoA, and again perfect timing to renew haunt before it wears off and then renew UA > imm) the issue with this is that the renewed SL and CoA will have a 0.8 seconds downtime, which isn't to bad really (presuming your ability to cast spells the instant you can... which doesn't happen often) so you might end up removing 1-2 SBs from the rotation due to lag. but it's actually a very accurate rotation that would work perfectly if you can keep it up, it has less than 1second downtime with dot renews and every haunt is renewed before it wears off. so yeah, pretty accurate. I've just finished work so i can talk more about it when I get home. so yeah, enjoy :)

this actually is a fairly steady rotation.. presuming you try to only drop SBs from the rotation for whenever you have to move, everything else 'should' stay pretty regular and 'static' rotation like :)

Edited, Oct 18th 2008 1:19pm by Jenovaomega
#26 Oct 18 2008 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
423 posts
Jen you freak ,thanks :D

I'm more than happy aff can compete with destro in damage.Or it can't ?
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