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WotLK BuildsFollow

#27 Oct 20 2008 at 7:05 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone know if a Wolf close is a wolf's dps compared to a cat's with his buff? (if it gets anywhere close a wolf might be better for raiding if you have a bunch of physical dmg dealers with you for dps.) just a though, i'm pretty sure the howl got a range increase to 45 yards i think, so being within range of that should be no issue for hunters anymore. (i'm no expert on raiding, but i;ve been reading the forums around here so i was just wondering)
#28 Oct 20 2008 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
After playing around in live, and having several nights of raiding, I have tweaked my build a tiny bit.

Right now, I am running around with This build. I'm thinking about taking it even one step further and doing two longevity and two cobra. Focused Aim and Mortals Shots is fairly interchangeable depending on how much hit you have. I replaced a few hit gems I have and replaced them with Agi. I also plan on switching out the Hit enchant and going back to Agi. Not having 142/9% hit unbuffed isn't as important anymore for 25-mans, since Heroic Presence is now raid-wide.

I have been using this build for my cat. I would like to have 3/3 spider's bite, but having my pet alive and at full happiness is worth taking the cut on crit rating. I tried not having Rabid one night, and it just really seemed as though my pet was going through food a lot faster than pets used to. There were several times that I got my pet up to full happiness before a fight, and mid-way through, she dropped down to the yellow face. Or, my tank ran in before I could feed my pet. Oops!

Aethien, if you haven't gotten a chance to raid with your hunter since the patch went live, Invig is HORRIBLE. If you have a ret pally, you won't don't CAN'T run out of mana. If you don't have one, Invig keeps you out of Viper for maybe 5 seconds longer than without it. Regardless of whether Longevity is any good on its own, it's much better for DPS than Invig.

Also, having those 4 extra points for your pet from having BM just really isn't worth it if you can't get 1 point into GFTT. And EJ is right, for upper-end raiding, 1 point is enough. I specc'ed 2 points into it to try it out, and my pet was stuck at 100% focus for the entire Illidan fight. It was overkill.
#29 Oct 20 2008 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
I havent played yet, since my PC is still gone to get upgraded.

And yeah, I arrived at a 50/11/0 build for now.
Though I'm not really interested in lvl 70 builds to be honest.

The idea of working up to 50/21/0 is really cool though.
Both that and 0/40/31 look pretty awesome to me.

The MM/SV hybrid is probably what I'm going to be playing with at 80 for PvE.
super massive lolcrit ftw!
+13% crit on all attacks, 17% on steady and arcane and a massive 25% on multishot.
Adding that to a (low) standard of 15% base crit you'll have 28% crit on auto's, 32% on steady/arcane and 40% on multishot...
I'm just hoping that it'll be better than chimera shot, because from what I've heard... that shot is quite insane (crits for over 7k... Smiley: eek)
#30 Oct 21 2008 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent
449 posts

@ rinkkel, ****** Superhero

"After reading the latest theory on EJ, this will be the 70 spec i will be trying."

(rinkkel, ****** Superhero's build: HERE)

Did you see the build that Dimion found?

If so, why did you not choose it? If not, what do you think of it?

@ Dimion

This is what was given out at EJ

(Dimion's build: HERE)

I like it, as I tend - for neither rhyme nor reason other than that I hate loose ends - to leave loose points lying around.

Though it bakes my brain to look at that site for too long, the elitist folk never tend to be far wrong (Elitist Jerks, for the uninitiated).

As they have gone for the point in exotic, which exotic pet did they reckon had the most damage / dps potential?

- Does it manage to keep focus, whichever pet they chose?

- How did they set up its talents?

I had been reading their forums, but I guess I started too far back and didn't catch up to that page.

Is that in the hunter theorycrafting section? Would you mind linking to the post in which you discovered that build?

@ anyone

What I would like to know is what your pet bar looks like.

Everyone has spent a lot of time discussing personal talent builds, a little less on pet talent builds but almost none on pet talent setup

(what I see as the equivalent of personal shot rotation)


- Which pet do you have (I am most interested in ferocity pets, but all info is good (as we'll all need to be levelling soon, anyway))?
- Which talents are in that bar?
- Which have you set to auto (ie which have the glittery-box border?)?

I have read that some talents in the bar seem bugged out and take effect regardless of being auto or not (that's happened with me, at least on the dummies) with prowl), but it would be nice to see what's happening.

Thanks all.

Is it me or do we hunters seem a more chilled out section of the forum / wow society than most?

I'd say it was the "nature" that we enjoy, but not all of us are herbalists.
#31 Oct 21 2008 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
With the release of the new patch i have seen the glitz and glamor of BM with the 51 pt BM tree. Is it good? Sure, ive been BM for almost 6 months after about 8 months of MM! Is it cool? Definitely- i mean a Devilsaur and Core Hound, its SWEET.

BUT - other than that , is it really so good that like 65% of hunters should respec to it? (this will draw a lot of discussion)

My answer: "Do whats suits you at the time & what your gear is best for" (BM for soloing/questing etc. etc.)
Granted i am 70 with decent gear , but by no means am i epic geared, but i do play skillfully.

*But what i hadn't seen was a lot of survival spec'd hunters and i was curious as to why? So i browsed through the tree and didnt see any major nerfs or too many useless talents to i respec'd 0/10/51 ( )

I noticed a few things 1. lock and laod is AWESOME 2. traps & wing clip became more useful 3. my pet (King banglesh lvl 70) dps actually increased & 4. my RAP, AGI, and Crit% went noticably up (over 300 more RAP , and almost 4% more crit chance)
The build is more AP based but loads you up on agility. MAJOR crits, good pet dmg (but pet becomes a little weaker - thinking of getting turtle),very mana efficient and so much CC i actually killed a decent geared warrior in arathi basin. Scatter shot - wing clip - freeze trap - wyvern sting - concussive shot - lock and load etc. etc.

I just want to point out that, with everyone respec'ing to BM, DON'T rule out Survival, they moved scattershot to this tree, expose weakness is no longer a group buff - but still it rocks. So 51 into surv and then 10 into either BM (for armor and stam & focus fire) or MM (for the dmg, crit, and + AP) i have become very versatile and not so afraid of melee classes.

Try it - discuss it - let me know!! GL & GH

#32 Oct 21 2008 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
449 posts
"is it really so good that like 65% of hunters should respec to it? (this will draw a lot of discussion)"

Perhaps it will, but as much for the numbers as the question. I doubt as few as 35% of hunters are BM.

"everyone respec'ing to BM, DON'T rule out Survival"

While some are respeccing, it's not that so many are ruling out survival. It's that they already ARE BM hunters!

The reason that there is so much talk about BM is not because of people changing to that spec but because that spec has had some of the most obvious changes made / things added to it.

Extra stable slots most benefit a BM hunter and those massive, stomping exotics are obvious signs of a BM.

Don't worry that people are abandoning one thing in favour of another. It's just that the other has always been popular and is, with some people, quite obvious.

The other two have indeed added some funky things and won't be going anywhere.

"My answer: "Do whats suits you"

I doubt that someone has ever given a better answer to his own question than you just have to yours!

Me? I was a BM hunter from day one, before it was really even a term.

I make sure to say that I think that BM hunters are the best, BUT I make sure to add the words "... FOR ME!".

If they are for someone else, cool. If not, cool. Stick to your guns, perhaps quite literally.

It will be nice to have other folk liking their specs, so that we can all fly the hunter flag!
#33 Oct 21 2008 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I just want to point out that, with everyone respec'ing to BM, DON'T rule out Survival, they moved scattershot to this tree, expose weakness is no longer a group buff - but still it rocks. So 51 into surv and then 10 into either BM (for armor and stam & focus fire) or MM (for the dmg, crit, and + AP) i have become very versatile and not so afraid of melee classes.

I went with a 0/10/51 SV build focused mainly on DPS and not trapping. I've run three raids since the respec (Gruuls, ZA, and Kara). In Gruuls we had five hunters, of which four ended up being the top four DPS including myself at #1. In ZA I was #2 and the BM hunter was #1, but it was a 20-something DPS difference and he was an entire tier higher in gear level than I. In Kara I was the only hunter and was far and away the top DPS, by some 180+ DPS.

Basically, I'm not seeing BM as the end-all-be-all-absolute-top-raiding-DPS build that it was pre-patch. At least, that's not been my experience. YMMV
#34 Oct 21 2008 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
830 posts
As has been alluded to here and discussed elsewhere, I think gear is having such a major impact that I can't even verify other 'specs' against what I'm seeing. What's working for the guy in full T5-T6 is not working for me in Kara stuff. I guess even how you gem will potentially have a significant impact and we really haven't even looked seriously at that yet.

That leads me to believe we are in a whole new trial and error territory. Changing just one talent point might take you from effcient to inefficient or vice versa. Which means I think we should petiton Blizz to make respeccing a bit simpler.

I mean, rather than 'blowing out' all my talent points, just 'unlock' me so I can move them around from my current build. I don't care if you charge me the same gold, just let me shuffle. This deletion of all the talent points is a pain. It also looses some skills and forces you to 'relearn' them. Why do that if I'm not removing the talent that gives the skill?

It would make things easier if the world is going to be like:

"I just got my Pants of Incredible Funageâ„¢ , so now I need to change those two 'fill points' points into the Funage 101 talent!"

On the surface, it looks to be a harmless change, what do you guys think?
#35 Oct 21 2008 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I think I would totally be down with a funage talent.
#36 Oct 26 2008 at 3:20 PM Rating: Default
I was fiddling around with some builds last night, mainly with The 49/12/0 that was posted by rinkkel and 5/56/0 build i made on wowhead.
I did 3 tests of each, my averages were 1261.1 Dps With the 49/12/0 and i had 1250.4 with the 5/56/0 This could be because of my gear (which is much less compared to rinkkel and the build he posted for his gear level) But i found it pretty interesting that they were so close.

Edited, Oct 26th 2008 4:22pm by tehawsomeguy
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