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3.0 Makes Me SadFollow

#1 Oct 09 2008 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
1,970 posts
To a certain extent at least. I am quite fond of the new talents that I see in all of my druid's talent trees and I can't wait to see them all in practice. Unlimited Swipe targets, improved Mangle and other movement impairing and bleed effects, a talent for expertise and energy refunds. It all sounds awesome.

But they are essentially taking away my hybrid-ness. See it is quite possible that, at lv 80, I could put every single point of mine into feral and get all the talents I would need to improve both my dps in cat form and my tanking abilities in bear form. But this would be at the expense of some key Restoration tree talents that I have long been very fond of, namely Furor, Omen of Clarity and that 5/5 one that increases Healing Touch and damage done in all forms (I forget the name, sorry).

Ultimately, Blizzard is forcing me to make a choice. Spec as a tank and do mediocre cat dps, or spec as a dps and do mediocre bear tanking. I just can't really stomach that notion, and in a way it feels a little unfair to so drastically change what I have grown so used to. With the press of a single button (ItemRack FTW) I can go from an *** kicking cat pushing 900 dps in 10/25 mans to a bear tank in 28k armor, 20k health and 45% dodge that can tank most raid bosses.

But 3.0 is taking that away from me, and that's why I am sad. Sure it'll be nice for me to use Entangling Roots indoors, and all the better if their reliability is on par with the other standard forms of CC. As it currently stands I am seriously considering just speccing myself as a dps/cc with my 2nd spec as resto and never going back to tanking. That is, if 3.0 turns out as bad for us druids as I suspect.

Now, with the dual spec notion that I have been hearing so much about, there is the option of setting mine up in such a way as to just be able to switch between a tanking spec and a dps spec which in and of itself wouldn't be so bad. But that would probably leave me with having to shell out 50g every time I want to heal for my guild in a raid. Which, if Blizzard left my feral tree the way it was, wouldn't have been an issue because I could have just made that 2nd spec the resto spec.

What will all of you ferals do? Will you choose a role? Will you dump all your points into the Feral tree to do both still? Is losing those awesome Resto talents really worth the ability to both tank and dps without having to spend gold or alternate specs? Would we even be able to still tank or dps as effectively without those resto talents?

I'd love to hear what you all have to say.
#2 Oct 09 2008 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
man its so hard that they are makeing us on par with the other tanks or on par with the rest of the dps, depending on how we spec.


So what we are like every other class we fill one roll or back up in another. it's not the end of the world. i think it's only fair that they have it like that. i mean being able to mt raid bosses or toping damage meters all with one spec?? your asking to get nerfed back down to where we are now and not scale as well as others. i mean they are buffing bear tallents and cat tallents it's only fair and right that they would make it so you have to choose. it's just like the balance tree where you have to pick weather you wanna spend more points into aoe's or single targets or the debuffs. i'm sure all the classes are like this.
#3 Oct 09 2008 at 6:47 PM Rating: Good
1,970 posts
Well yea I do see what you mean in that they are buffing both our roles to be on par with the others at the expense of the utility of being able to switch between them so freely and easily. I personally would sort of rather stay where I am for sake of that utility. Of course, that opinion of mine exists pre-3.0 and is certainly subject to change upon personal hands on experience of the changes next week.

I guess I'm just the sort of person who wants to have his cake and eat it too :)
#4 Oct 09 2008 at 8:07 PM Rating: Good
72 posts
Yeah it bugs me that if i want to get everything in feral, I lose omen and furor and whatnot, but all the damage bosts and stuff I think will make up for some of that.
Quick question, you mentioned unlimited swipe targets?? where did you see that, cause that would be awesome.
#5 Oct 09 2008 at 8:47 PM Rating: Good
1,970 posts
I will try to find official information on it and link it. But yea, they have removed the Glyph of Swipe which was supposed to up it to 4 targets and just made it completely unlimited, any number of targets. They have done the same with Warrior's Thunderclap to essentially put us on par with a Paladin and their Consecrate.


Ok here's a link to a forum post. It's not quite an official "blue" post but I'm surely if I dug deep enough I'd find more definite confirmation. But it otherwise seems real enough to me.;jsessionid=170CFBA432A591B9CE1742061C5BA5E2.app11_05?topicId=10972028046&sid=1

Edited, Oct 10th 2008 12:45am by Tavarde
#6 Oct 09 2008 at 9:21 PM Rating: Good
3,114 posts
Tavarde wrote:
Ultimately, Blizzard is forcing me to make a choice. Spec as a tank and do mediocre cat dps, or spec as a dps and do mediocre bear tanking. I just can't really stomach that notion, and in a way it feels a little unfair to so drastically change what I have grown so used to. With the press of a single button (ItemRack FTW) I can go from an *** kicking cat pushing 900 dps in 10/25 mans to a bear tank in 28k armor, 20k health and 45% dodge that can tank most raid bosses.

See, that's the problem. A lot of guilds were only having say one Warrior or Pally tank and have the rest of any other tanks being druids because if they weren't needed they became Rogues. Which to be fair, while cool, is unfair to all other tanking classes. I know a few tanks who weren't able to raid because we already had a Main tank and the officers would rather bring in a few druids so they have the tanks when they need it and the dps when they don't. With 3.0 Druids can still do this, but they won't be doing the best tanking they could or the best cat dps they can either. While they'll still be able to tank to dps (albiet doing less damage than before, but still a significant amount) they're working at making other tanks do more damage too, so they won't be a sinkhole in fights where only 1 tank is needed.

Druids will still be hybrids, we just won't be "Jack of all trades, master of multiples at once."
#7 Oct 09 2008 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
72 posts
Thanks for that link, thats awesome, I hope its 100% true, would help alot when aoeing a bunch of stuff.
I knew about the glyph of swipe, but this is alot better, druids don't haven enough aoe stuff.
#8 Oct 10 2008 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
See, that's the problem. A lot of guilds were only having say one Warrior or Pally tank and have the rest of any other tanks being druids because if they weren't needed they became Rogues. Which to be fair, while cool, is unfair to all other tanking classes. I know a few tanks who weren't able to raid because we already had a Main tank and the officers would rather bring in a few druids so they have the tanks when they need it and the dps when they don't. With 3.0 Druids can still do this, but they won't be doing the best tanking they could or the best cat dps they can either. While they'll still be able to tank to dps (albiet doing less damage than before, but still a significant amount) they're working at making other tanks do more damage too, so they won't be a sinkhole in fights where only 1 tank is needed.

yeah my guild is sorta tank heavy so we have that problem it's one reason i made my druid cause i was prot pally. we have like 2 prot warriors and 4 prot pallies(1 is mine) that wants to go to raids not to mention like 4 feral druids. i was boomkin but went feral so ididnt help much but some people make minor changes in they're spec to help out when not needed to tank. one of the pallies has prot and some into healing instead of ret, one will log his druid on for dps when not needed to tank. one of the warriors just respecs dps for raids cause he is crazy and tops the charts 9/10 times but dies sometimes lol, he still brings prot gear though if needed on trash. we try to bring all who want to come.

But that being said you dont need to be greatly set up to tank trash i mean you can probaly do just as good of a job with what tallents you can toss your extra points or ones that share cat/bear abilities. personaly thats what i plan on doing knowing we are tank heavy and that i can normaly be in top 7 on damage. Someone in game was saying something about prot warriors and pallies being able to dps better come the expansion anyone hear anything about that??
#9 Oct 10 2008 at 6:53 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Here is the post, from GC. It's mostly about warriors, but she mentions Swipe when talking about Thunderclap.

TBC, the best we could really do was be below average DPS or off-tank. In LK, we're getting the talents to be full DPS or MT. If you enjoy our current hybrid utility, you'll still be better at it in LK than you are in TBC. With just talents, you'll be crit-immune. We'll be tanking in rogue DPS gear with Stam/Agi gems and Stam/Agi enchants, so it won't be nearly as bad for DPS as our current tanking gear.

Relative to other DPS, you'll porbably still be ahead of where we are now with a tanking spec, and we'll still be ahead of Arms, Fury, Holy, and Ret for tanking with a kitty DPS spec. I'm not sure what's going on with DKs right now, I don't think they have a single dedicated tanking tree, more like 3 Feral Combat trees with a mix of tanking talents and DPS talents. If that's the case, they'll be like everyone else, having to choose between a tanking spec and a DPS spec.
#10 Oct 10 2008 at 8:30 AM Rating: Good
nicely said there AstarintheDruid.

yeah from what i hear they have tanking tallents in all three trees. this was awhile ago so i dont know if it's changed or not.

one other note if you dont wanna be top mt or top dps you could just not max out one or the other and split your tallents between the two and be like you are now i guess. i'll have to play around with the tallent tree and see how well that could even be done.

EDIT: maybe something like this

Edited, Oct 10th 2008 12:27pm by punkspider
#11 Oct 10 2008 at 1:28 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Seriously? Sub Default for asking how the new Feral Combat tree is going to work for being able to DPS and tank with one spec?

One other thing I thought of, the points in Resto are actually good for DPS and tanking, so if you're goal is hybrid utility, you should still put 11 in Resto. Furor, Naturalist, and OoC. Master Shapeshifter is either 4% crit or 4% damage for 5 talent points, so I'd only pick it up in a dedicated tanking or dedicated DPS build.

This is probably what I'd use for a DPS/OT spec. It's missing 2 points from Rend and Tear, Improved Bash and Infected Wounds from Feral Combat, and Master Shapeshifter from Resto. I've seen some DPS specs also dip 2-3 points into Balance for Genesis (increases bleed damage).
#12 Oct 10 2008 at 2:43 PM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
I will still be my old feral self.

GhostCralwer at Blizzcon: Class Panel wrote:

4:09PM "Dual specs are coming - more flexibility." Everyone cheers. Including me.
4:09PM Respec in the middle of the raid!
4:09PM Not meant to be used in an arena.
4:10PM "If you like to tank on the weekends and PvP on the weekdays this is exactly the kind of thing that will be able to do that."


One spec full bear, one spec full cat. >;3

Now, for you it matters. How much healing do you do in a raid? How many healers does your raid have? Can you be DPS/TANK?
And occasionally respec for resto when your short a healer? Besides, as things currently stand you have to pay 50g to respec to heal for your raid anyways. Maybe in the long run that just isn't something that will really change for you, but it's up to you and your own personal priorities.

I'm sure you will find a way to adapt, after all that is what Druids do best.

Edited, Oct 10th 2008 10:47pm by GryphonStalker
#13 Oct 10 2008 at 7:11 PM Rating: Decent
1,970 posts
Wow, I got sub-defaulted? I must have fans :-P

#14 Oct 10 2008 at 10:28 PM Rating: Good
Ya, I saw you were sub-d earlier and that got fixed...and rightfully so...'cept I also see where the rate-downs came from.

With all the new, cool, exciting, fun stuff coming our way in the next 5-6 weeks, reading people ***** about it is old, silly, and lame. There's a lot more good coming our way than bad, and the negativity is just...bleh.

With a capital B.


Ya know?
#15 Oct 11 2008 at 10:57 AM Rating: Excellent
1,970 posts
I certainly appreciate the rating vindication, thank you all. And yes Aurelius I can understand entirely that it is quite redundant and annoying for people to come on and complain about things they do not fully comprehend all the details of. This is why I am extra careful in how I construct my posts here on Allakhazam as I do not desire to come off as one of those stereotypical non-premium posters who invariably always gets rated six feet under because their attitude, sentence structure and general prose lie barely two steps above the intelligence of plants.

I would go so far as to say I honestly do not feel I was outright complaining but more so merely expressing an uninformed dissatisfaction with events of the near future, events that I know I cannot change and will undoubtedly have to live with if I intend to continue playing WoW and seeing level 80 endgame. It certainly would have been nice if they could have kept the Feral tree as intertwined as it currently is without requiring us to spec for efficiency in either tanking or dps. But it would seem that if they did this, and gave us the ability to be both that uber tank or uber dps at any time after 3.0, then we would not be far off from a crippling nerf. So really, the specialization is for the best.

And to keep quiet all the QQers I plan on owning in pvp. It's good to know some things won't change :-P

#16 Oct 11 2008 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
Tavarde wrote:
I would go so far as to say I honestly do not feel I was outright complaining but more so merely expressing an uninformed dissatisfaction with events of the near future, events that I know I cannot change and will undoubtedly have to live with if I intend to continue playing WoW and seeing level 80 endgame. It certainly would have been nice if they could have kept the Feral tree as intertwined as it currently is without requiring us to spec for efficiency in either tanking or dps. But it would seem that if they did this, and gave us the ability to be both that uber tank or uber dps at any time after 3.0, then we would not be far off from a crippling nerf. So really, the specialization is for the best.

That's just it. There's no reason to complain about what's going on with the feral tree right now. If you want to MT, you can spec to MT and do it better than current ferals. If you want to dps, you can spec to dps and do it better than current ferals. If you want to be a hybrid (ie. an offtank), you can spec a hybrid feral and be an all-around mediocre tank and a mediocre dps...much like we are now...but you'll be able to do both adequately enough to get the job done.
#17 Oct 12 2008 at 2:57 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
If sentence structure has to do with rate ups... I have no idea how I got sage.

I can't say I'm dissappointed with the fact that feral now has to spec accordingly to the job they want to do. But I understand the disspointment from the feral community. I honestly wondered why blizzard didnt split the tree a little more in BC. Resto/balance was always black and white. Feral just seemed to be that token grey spot.

Perhaps now I'll finally spec into the feral tree and try my claws out for real once.
#18 Oct 12 2008 at 3:00 AM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
ArexLovesPie wrote:
I can't say I'm dissappointed with the fact that feral now has to spec accordingly to the job they want to do.

Like every other class? Though it's not that bad, just means that if you prefer tanking, you can put more tanking talents and get even better, or put more in cat talents and get even better dps.
#19 Oct 12 2008 at 5:03 AM Rating: Good
1,764 posts
Almost every other class. DK has 3 flavors of basically Feral Combat trees. Blood, Frost, and Unholy all have deep tanking and DPS talents. Unholy has Bone Shield and Magic Suppression. Frost has Unbreakable Armor and Frigid Dreadplate. Blood has Will of the Necropolis and Spell Deflection. Prot Pallies and Prot warriors still won't spec prot with different talents for DPS, but there were DPS buffs rolled into their tanking talents.

Edited, Oct 12th 2008 1:33pm by AstarintheDruid
#20 Oct 12 2008 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
You could always do something like this:

It gives you most of the good feral talents while still keeping some of the good early resto talents.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#21 Oct 12 2008 at 7:49 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
its pretty much what micros said; now druids can have their cake and eat it too, one role at a time. you want to be top dps in BC? tough cookies, youre too hybrid for that (even tho you can be good dps and a great tank at the same time). now, in LK, if you wanna be top dps, you can spec top dps, but at an according cost of losing tankability. just like every other class out there (well, classes with multiple roles anyway).

want to maintain your flexibility? you can! you just wont be top tank or top dps. but youll be a good tank and good dps, able to go from OT to dps and back again on the fly as needed.
#22 Oct 12 2008 at 9:37 PM Rating: Good
355 posts
I don't see much of a problem. Sure, you won't have all the dps talents you used to, but supposedly they will be increasing cat dps anyway, so that evens out, in my mind. Spec full bear and still put out the mediocre dps that you do now.
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