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#27 Oct 15 2008 at 11:30 AM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
Dilbrt wrote:
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
I'd really like to know what rotation you use with that spec

I've gotten so used to doing it automatically, I have to actually think about what I use. Problem is, if you get too set on a rotation and an ability misses, it can mess up the whole rest of your rotation (hence why castsequence macros are crap for DKs) anyway.. I think it usually looks like this:

IT > PS > HS > HS > Oblit (out of runes, dump RP) IT > PS > HS > HS > HS > HS (out of runes, dump RP)

Yes, a second oblit probably would do more damage than the second IT/PS, but I like to think the other damage increasing talents more than make up for it.

It doesn't make up for it though. With your build IT + PS is going to be about 600 dmg (without the disease dmg, which both builds will get) while an OB will hit for 1500+ and have a much higher chance to crit. That means for a normal 9 second or so rotation the rest of those talents you take in the Unholy tree need to add up to 100 DPS. Do they?

Another advantage to my build is after my first OB when I'm dumping RP (usually with 2 DCs) my diseases are still ticking for damage. Granted I probably only get 2 ticks extra out of them but that's still probably 400-500 dmg. 400-500 dmg over an 18 second rotation is 25 DPS.

So now your extra unholy talents need to add up to 125 DPS. I really don't think they do.

Just thought of this as I was about to post this reply. If I switch up my rotation a little bit I can guarantee 100% Abom's might uptime. With only 1 OB every 2 rune cycles, you can't do that. Granted if you have an enhance shaman in your group this isn't an issue (as they won't stack), but it's something to think about for 10-mans when you may not have that enhance shaman in the group.
#28 Oct 15 2008 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
for the sake of arguement, I've switched and am gonna test out your spec (though I'm taking vamp blood instead of vendetta)
#29 Oct 15 2008 at 4:56 PM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
Dilbrt wrote:
for the sake of arguement, I've switched and am gonna test out your spec (though I'm taking vamp blood instead of vendetta)

Either one works. Neither is a DPS talent so it shouldn't effect your DPS in the long run.

I don't know if any of my talents are prevented from overkilling, so you may be able to test it on a boss level target dummy.

BTW, the boss level target dummies now start out with 733K HP so you should have no problem testing the DPS of any spec on them.

Edited, Oct 15th 2008 7:54pm by Bigdaddyjug
#30 Oct 16 2008 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
just FYI BCB apparently currently has an internal cooldown and is producing a sustained crit (over time) of around 10-15% instead of the stated 30% (30% chance for 1st proc though).

I really need to force myself to play frost for a few levels so that I can say I've spent a decent amount of time playing that spec. I think I'm gonna go something like this:
#31 Oct 16 2008 at 6:32 PM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
Yes BCB has an internal cooldown of 10 seconds right now. Lowers the actual proc rate to about 16% according to some people's tests.

Blue posts indicate it's a bug and it should be fixed with the release day patch.
#32 Oct 17 2008 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
With the change to UB (the fact it no longer is a disease and is merely an aoe damage component) I believe deathcoil is a better RP dump for unholy. As such, I'll be, in the near future, testing out the following spec:

I'm still working on my frost experiment right now so I'll test this another time.
#33 Oct 18 2008 at 3:52 AM Rating: Good
135 posts
You happened to pick the two things I am least experienced with when it comes to talent selection, being pvp talents and frost tree (I admit I need to give frost another go). However, that said, I did some research into frost pvp builds and I came up with the following (made by other people, I take no credit):

The things I'd nit-pick about your particular build is that you're passing up anticipation and you really can't go wrong with 5% extra dodge in pvp. You're also picking up runic power mastery, and your RP should never be high enough to use that extra RP space, so see if you can find a better place for those points. Other than that it looks pretty good.

That said, it seems from the research I've done into PvP builds (mind you, this is research, not experience. I don't care about PvP anymore.) it seems to be the general consensus that unholy really gives you better options in PvP than frost does. It's hard to pick up the stuff you need and still have points for things like rune tap (which is probably the best pvp talent DKs have). I've seen posters determined to make frost PvP builds work, and if it works for you, more power to you

Well, IMO, 5 talent points for only 5 % dodge, which doesn't even help against casters is a waste of talent points.
Against melees we already have : unbreakable armor, icebound fortitude, lichborne, not to mention the fact that frost death knights rape warriors and enhancement shamans/feral druids.

Even though our niche was supposed to be anti-caster, in all honesty, we are more vulnerable to caster classes and hunters, as our biggest weakness is kiting.
The first tier of unholy isn't THAT good for frost builds, but i'd rather take vicious strikes (frost still uses plague strike) and morbidity (increased DC dmg helps against kiters, with icy touch + howling blast + deathcoil frost death knights can still pump out respectable damage from range.

Also, it seems to me like runic power mastery would be must have (2 points, not 3.).
Frost strike is one of our biggest hitters, it's unblockable, can't be dodged (i think?) or parry'ed.
It can only be resisted, and goes through armor, yet still scales with weapon damage.
Because of that, I'd say froststrike will become a very powerfull skill in our ******** and one of the best on-command burst skills.

With 2 points in runic powermastery you can build up to 120 runic power, and then when the time is right, you can do 3 froststrikes in 3 seconds (as I'm gonna assume every dk in pvp will use unholy presence)
If we assume every froststrike will hit for about 2-3k (which it probably will, when we start to see more people in better gear then just the blue pvp gear)
That's 6-9k damage done in about 3 secs ( a bit longer, because of latency and all.)
And that's also assuming that none of those crit, which with km procs, deathchill or just a high crit rate isn't going to happen often.

Just explaining why I took these talents

Edit : for a pvp build I'd take On A Pale Horse over the blood talents, so this would be my new pvp build :

2nd Edit: Also, I would never ever take rune tap over hungering cold.
An aoe 10 second CC that applies frost fever, doesn't break on disease damage and only has a 1minute cooldown.
A wicked talent for arena's.
#34 Oct 19 2008 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
How does this look for a pve levelling build? I want to be able to solo faster than a prot war or pallie but tank five man instances also if possible.
#36 Oct 20 2008 at 12:10 AM Rating: Good
135 posts
Check out my ownzor spec at My armory link: Armory Link tell me what you think its badass

Just for the people who don't know, it's probably a keylogger, don't click it!
#37 Oct 20 2008 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
Perdie wrote:
How does this look for a pve levelling build? I want to be able to solo faster than a prot war or pallie but tank five man instances also if possible.

This looks like a solid tanking build, not one I'd use leveling. That is, unless you're planning on leveling by tanking instances, in which case the build is perfectly fine. If you're talking about solo/questing your way to 80, then you're going to kill things a lot slower by putting points into mitigation over dps talents. Will you be able to solo faster than a prot warrior? Eh, I dunno, prot warriors have gotten a really nice buff to their dps. Maybe? This would be a good spec to tank though.
#38 Oct 22 2008 at 12:14 AM Rating: Decent
i see your point. I am looking at an unholy ae tank levelling spec basically and i have a point I am not sure about talentwise. Would I be better off with 2/2 unholy aura and 3/3 wandering plague or 5/5 rage of rivendare or perhaps some combination thereof?
#39 Oct 22 2008 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
Perdie wrote:
i see your point. I am looking at an unholy ae tank levelling spec basically and i have a point I am not sure about talentwise. Would I be better off with 2/2 unholy aura and 3/3 wandering plague or 5/5 rage of rivendare or perhaps some combination thereof?

Unholy aura isn't bad for leveling, it will make you run faster, which will make you run from quest mob to quest mob faster, and then run back to the quest guy. Do that enough times and you will level faster, even if by a small amount. Wandedering plague is really nice when you're dpsing or tanking multiple things, and RoR is a great use of talent points no matter what you're doing, due to the straight damage increase AND the expertise.

If I were going to be leveling as a tanking unholy build I'd probably do something like this:

I purposely left 2 points out that you can put wherever you want. 2h spec, unholy command, pale horse, night of the dead, stuff like those would all be good places to put the last 2 points.
#40 Oct 24 2008 at 7:00 PM Rating: Good
Blood leveling build:

Whatchoo think?
Once I dumped everything I wanted into Blood, I had no idea what else to get...

Also looking for a good solid example of blood and unholy raiding builds. I was thinking for blood raiding that picking up the Improved Icy Talons might be a nice touch into the Ice tree instead of some of the leveling goodies.

#41 Oct 24 2008 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
I personally think that death strike is so good, that the poitns you have in imp rune tap is kinda a waste, you really won't need to self heal that much. Especially since with subbing unholy you'd nuke diseases with obliterate, and therefore would probably end up death striking more. In addition, blood is so melee-based, I really wouldn't bother with virulence, use ravenous ghoul instead. Don't pay attention to the bonuses to your ghoul (which are nice, but not important to blood), instead look at the fact it can give you strength. That would benefit blood more.

I also wouldn't bother with outbreak, as you will want to save your blood runes for heart strike, and plague strike won't be any sort of major part of blood, so don't bother buffing it.

Everything else looks ok, I'd personally put points in different places, but nothing you did was overly wrong. Even though I don't like it, I think bigdaddy was right and it really is important to go annihilation in frost tree for blood specs. I don't like having to sink that many points into frost to get it, but I think I'd still do it.

Oh and a little side note, they fixed BCB and removed its internal cooldown, so it's working fine now.
#42 Oct 28 2008 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
OK, I know pvp isn't really your thing, but I thinking of ultimately going with for 2's with a mage. I threw it together in about 3 minutes just now, so it could use some tweaking. I'd love to hear advice from someone who's actually played the class though.
#43 Oct 29 2008 at 2:33 AM Rating: Excellent
135 posts
OK, I know pvp isn't really your thing, but I thinking of ultimately going with for 2's with a mage. I threw it together in about 3 minutes just now, so it could use some tweaking. I'd love to hear advice from someone who's actually played the class though

1) take those 2 points out of necrosis and put them into epidemic. Those extra 6 seconds on your 2 diseases are huge, allows you to pull off another scourge strike before having to refresh.
2)fill out desecration. You don't want to lose a match because the healer got away because rng was not in your favor and desecration didn't proc.
You want to do as few plague strikes as possible, as they are sucking up resources for your plaguestrike.
As desecration only stays for 12 seconds, you don't want to have a chance that you will have to use an aditional plague strike in that 12 seconds.
3)Why did you take blade barrier over subversion + butchery?
As soon as people l2p against death knights, they'll learn that unless we're frost (in which case we either need to be babysitted/cc'ed or kill extremely fast as frost dk's can put quite the hurt on your healer) Your better off nuking the mage first.
I don't know the spec your mage partner is going with, im assuming its frost, but still, the chance is likely the enemy will try to kill your mage first.
Also, blade barrier only gives parry, which means that without forcefull deflection it's only going to help against melee attackers.
4) why not take 2-handed weapon specialization?
I really doubt 2 additional points in bladed armor will have a better overall benefit then 2 in weapon spez. + 3 in bladed armor.
#44 Oct 29 2008 at 10:04 AM Rating: Good
23 posts
thanks for the advice! I've made the changes similar to what you've said and Each change makes sense now that someone's spelled it out for me.

1) Yeah, I was using the two necrosis points as filler because those extra 6 seconds just didn't seem all that important at the time. Of course, if I actually had ever played a DK, that might have been more clear.

2) Haven't had much time to play around with this one yet as I haven't figured out which point I will take from to finish this one off. There are a few candidates, but I'll get to that one later.

3) Why? Because I've not yet l2p a DK myself. Seemed like some extra parry would be a good thing to have, I wasn't thinking about the actual match. I know if I went up against a dk-mage comp I'd certainly focus fire on the mage, too. The mage is frost, btw, and a well played one. In fact, that, combined with your comments about the frost spec, I may have to drop this one altogether. The mage would make a decent decoy, and considering how he plays, he can survive long enough for me to take one of the other team out. I've seen frost dish out some big crits. You think that'd be a better combo? Maybe a frost w/ blood tap?

4) I couldn't agree more. I tend to think of each talent as it's max value, so I was seeing it as 5/5 bladed armor would be better than 2/2 and 3/3 of the alternatives. 3/5 and 2/2 works for me!

One question though, does the 13% magic damage on Ebon Plaguebringer affect the mage as well? Part of me says "duh, of course it will" but if it does, that talent seems overly awesome, not that I'll complain.

#45 Oct 29 2008 at 5:43 PM Rating: Good
109 posts
Having read multiple posts about the terrible kiting problem that Death Knights face/are facing I've changed my mind to a more probable frost build. Would love to have some feedback on it.
#46 Oct 29 2008 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
I think that's a fairly solid frost pvp build, I don't see anything wrong with it really.
#47 Oct 31 2008 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
135 posts
One question though, does the 13% magic damage on Ebon Plaguebringer affect the mage as well? Part of me says "duh, of course it will" but if it does, that talent seems overly awesome, not that I'll complain.

99% sure it DOES effect other classes
#48 Oct 31 2008 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
Ok so to start off, im looking for some advice from beta testers not other theory crafters.

I made this spec mainly for PVP but will be using it for basic raiding until duel specs come out. how does it look for pvp am i missing any essential pvp talents? if so, what should i take away from to gain the essentials i am missing? also just for the sake of it what PVE essentials am i missing?

also one more question does the movement speed increase for talenting unholy aura affect the DK as well as party members or just party memebers the description is unclear.

Edited, Oct 31st 2008 5:15pm by psychor
#49 Oct 31 2008 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
If you're going unholy PvP, you really don't want to go down to the 51-point talent. Instead, dump more into blood and pick up mark of blood. I know it has been the difference between winning and getting owned in world pvp, and I hear it is for arena as well (I refuse to play arena). Use gargoyle as your main RP dump instead of UB. I believe it still does damage to them, even if they break line-of-sight on you. Plus it probably hits as hard as, if not harder, on a single target than UB does. You do lose RoR, but with as much as people spam cleanse/remove disease, it won't make much difference. Other than losing the last 2 tiers of unholy, picking up MoB, and getting gargoyle, I really don't care what you do with the points (though unholy aura might help).

Let me say one thing about what you're trying to do though. You're trying to make a spec that will be good in both PvE and PvP. If you do come up with a spec with components to do both, you will end up less dps than full on PvE specs, and less survivability/burst/etc. than pure PvP specs. Don't try to do too much with a single spec. Decide what you want to do, then gear your spec to achieve that one goal. Yes that means if you intend on raiding and doing arena, you might have to respec. Guess what? Basically every other class in the game already does that. Did you see warlocks raid SL/SL? Did you see warlocks try to arena without being SL/SL?

Yes, the dual spec will be designed for people like you (I'll be using a dps spec and a tank spec for my 2), but it's not here yet. And every indication I've seen is that it will be months away. Plan around not having it, and then just enjoy it when they do make it happen. Jack-of-all-trade specs do a little bit of everything, and suck at all of it.

EDIT: Yes, unholy aura affects the DK as well.

Edited, Oct 31st 2008 5:50pm by Dilbrt
#50 Nov 01 2008 at 7:52 PM Rating: Good
109 posts
Quick question because it might affect what spec I choose to go. Does Voodoo Shuffle stack additively or multiplicatively with Toughness?
#51 Nov 03 2008 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
SomnusSleeper wrote:
Quick question because it might affect what spec I choose to go. Does Voodoo Shuffle stack additively or multiplicatively with Toughness?

It stacks additively. Enjoy :)

In a moment of boredom I've refined my PvE frost specs I plan on currently using:


PvE Tanking

Edited, Nov 3rd 2008 7:05pm by Dilbrt
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