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Tab button is usefull but...Follow

#1 Oct 09 2008 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent

Hi i need to ask one more dummy question.

During Tanking i have 3 mobs on me so i suppose i have to keep them company by aggroing all of them till dps do their job.

Well i have a slight problem with that :))

i m simply not fast enough to swich targets, throw some sunders/shield slams/Thunder clap/etc to all,return to main target and jenerally do the rotation again and again .Most of times (all?) all my targets (sometimes the scull included!!) goes for the healer :(

I try to use the tab button but i cant use it very well (My hands get mixed up) cause i m right handed and usually on useles left hand i have a finger on 'A' , 'W' , 'D' and 'space bar' buttons(wich do the simple task of managing view) leaving only 1 finger free (the little one) for tab.The other hand (right)is on the mouse for more difficult tasks. Also the tab button may switche targets around me but could potentially switch to the mob already sheeped so i break the cc...

Question : Is there a hot key binded to skull ? another to X ? If there is ... please someone tell me how to bind Letters from keybord to marks :skull , X , star ,etc...

If such thing is not an option please can you tell me how do you play????

I m not and will not be a piano player!!! I play a PC game so i suppose the mouse is (?) mandatory...
#2 Oct 09 2008 at 4:58 AM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
Bind SS/Revenge/Devastate to "Q"+modifiers. Use a macro to cast SS then Devastate so you can have them in one key. Have Revenge bound to Alt+Q.

Pull mobs, and SS the skull and TC.
Then, take your ring finger off "A", and your middle finger off "W", and your pointer off "D".
Move your ring finger to "tab", and your middle finger to "Q".
Tab, Q, Tab, Q, Tab, Q (Alt + Q whenever Revenge procs, and shift + Q whenever SS CD is up)
Move your fingers back to your "comfy" position, and build threat on skull.
After a bit, repeat the Tab/Q cycle.

That's what I do, and it works pretty well.

EDIT - my left pinky is mildly retarded, so it is only used for Shift or Ctrl.

EDIT 2 - updated becuase I didn't have the correct info in there. See post below.

Edited, Oct 9th 2008 8:54am by YJMark

Edited, Oct 10th 2008 8:45am by YJMark
#3 Oct 09 2008 at 5:07 AM Rating: Default

You are my God!! awesome... Iwas thinking of giving up heroics...

That seems to be working nice.. a macro binding 3 attacks to 1 button.

Ehm... about the macro... could you post that too?? Or link the webpage wich have the macro already posted ??

I m not a macro expert.. ehm... plz, plzz, plz??

#4 Oct 09 2008 at 6:20 AM Rating: Decent
i remember mouse-over SA was great when i first discovered it...

i wonder if it is possible to have a mouse-over SS/Rev/Dev?
#5 Oct 09 2008 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent

Is this :

Three-Spells-in-One-Button Tanking macro

Use this spamable macro for space saving and easy tanking:
/castrandom [equipped:shields] Shield Slam, Revenge; Revenge
/cast [equipped:shields] Shield Block

what you are saying to do YJmark? Or something modified ?

'Mouse Over' I saw that too somewre in there but did not understand what that macro does exactly...

I found it on Wowwiki.
#6 Oct 09 2008 at 8:46 AM Rating: Good
1,039 posts
i use the mouse when tanking because usually clicking is a bit easier to use.
i also use alt for some of my abilities

Mwheelup is shield slam, mwheeldown is intervene, click is shockwave, shift click is spell reflect.
alt4 is devestate, alt 1 heroic strike alt2 cleave, alt 3 bloodrage.
basically that thumb for spacebar doesnt need to be jumping during combat, so the alt button is great to use. keep all your most used abilities either on the mouse buttons or on 1-4 and alt 1-4. look for a tab macro or on mouse hover macros for devestating side targets.

generally for me, at the start of a pull, i berserker rage -> battle stance -> charge(if safely possible) -> defensive stance -> SS on main target, tclap for all targets, devestate on main, then 1 devestate on all side targets. back to main for a shield slam and devestate. hstrike or cleave on multiple targets (cleave is awesome)

look for a good tab macro, there are several macros that will only target things within 10 game yards from you, so you wont have to worry about stuff across the room from hitting you.
also remember that if your gear isnt up to par w/the rest of the group you might have threat issues.

either way, you should be able to perform at least 5 actions actions every 6 seconds. (SS revenge 2x devestate shieldblock) and be able to quick queue up some extra heroic strikes or cleaves if you have enough rage. make getting yourself to this speed your first priority since its the only way for warrior to reliably tank groups.
good luck and have fun.

Edited, Oct 9th 2008 11:41am by EnthalpyTheBurninator
#7 Oct 09 2008 at 1:13 PM Rating: Good
629 posts
I generally open up with SS then TC and Cleave when they're off CD. And demo shout obviously(lots of peeps forget about this one). Demo shout is safe because it doesnt break cc and it can be used to pull group of mobs far from cc. I rarely have to use tab/sunder. I found out that, if DPS is organized(I ALWAYS mark targets, unless it's aoe trash) it is more than sufficient even if they use bit aoe. And it's definitely more than enough to not let them aggro healer. I'm specced for imp TC.

Of course I modify if i see that i missed mob by both TC and cleave and so on... If fight takes longer than expected it is good idea to eventually tab around but on those ocasions, when i have enough rage, i use SS. Gives me bigger window of having aggro on mob than Dev. In threat starvation sometimes i use tab/taunt when i feel im about to loose mob. Tab then taunt Tab back and SS, but it's only for emergencies(having taunt on permanent cd is risky). Remeber that when taunt wears off mob goes back to his old aggro table.

In general using tab can be tricky, it rotates mobs in very specific way, and one have to get used to that. There is no way around it. Frankly i don't understand why people insist on using tab/sunder for multimob tanking, sure it has its use, but i found out that using warriors aoe attacks(we have very few, but we do) is so much easier. And it works, i have tanked many, many heroics that way. I'm not saying its perfect(wouldnt work without modification in SH on 7 mob pull) but for vast majority of instances and raids it's sufficient.

When I'm tanking only 2 mobs(which is very, very common) due to insufficient cc or just large pull i insist that cc is used far away from me. I always pull secondary target(gives more initial threat) then change to primary, SS the TC and cleave those 2 give me threat on primary target as well(while tab sunder only on secondary), i tend to use tab more often but that's just because i can get back to primary with ease. Spamming dev rev on primary, and tabbing every other ss on secondary gives me more control. TC is used every cooldown.

Anyways that's how i do it, every tank has his own way:)

Edited, Oct 9th 2008 5:06pm by himdraug

Edited, Oct 9th 2008 5:08pm by himdraug
#8 Oct 09 2008 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent

Please someone post the mouseover macro and explain what exactly this macro does in practice

Please someone post the macro of 3 actions ( devastate or revenge or SS -which ever is not on cooldown) activate on one button

Please someone post how after we create a macro we can bind it to letter 'Q' of keyboard as YJMark sais

Any one knows a combination the 2 macros ?

If someone is taking a timeout from work for coffee plz respond :))

Thank you all for the replies.
#9 Oct 10 2008 at 4:37 AM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
OK. I need to apologize for not being clear in my previous post. I meant to say "Q with modifiers".

The macro bound to Q is:

/castsequence reset=6/shift Shield Slam, Devastate, Devastate, Devastate

Then, I keybound Revenge to Alt + Q

So you pull the mob, and hit Q for SS. Then, you can hit Q again for Devastate. Then, you tab, hit Q for another Devastate. If Revenge procs, then Alt+Q (using thumb and middle finger).

If SS CD is up before you complete the sequence, shift + Q resets the macro so you start with SS again.

There are 3 Devastates in there because after 3, SS will be off CD. There is also a 6 second auto reset in case you are using other skills (like running around after any loose mobs, etc...)

This essentially ties all those actions to one key (with shift or alt modifiers as needed)

Then, you can bind TC, Taunt, etc... to other keys around it :)

I hope that helps.

You can't have SS/Revenge/Devastate all tied to one key without modifiers. The reason is that macros will get stuck on one if it's on CD. So if you're stuck on Revenge, you can't use that macro until the Revenge CD is up.

Also, you don't want to do the castrandom since that won't give you control over which skill to use. If SS is up - you want to use SS since it has the largest threat generation.

Edited, Oct 10th 2008 8:50am by YJMark
#10 Oct 10 2008 at 7:13 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, here's some warrior macros that i've found here and there...

Much of the credit goes to all those pro's here and on the other forums... i've just compiled it here so easy for Allah folks to see.

"Battle > Zerker > Defense Stance Dance"
/cast [stance:1] Berserker Stance; [stance:3] Defensive Stance; [stance:2] Battle Stance

use: i keybind this to my mouse scroll wheel LEFT. this cycles the stances when i push the scroll wheel to the left

"Battle > Defense > Zerker Stance Dance"
/cast [stance:1] Defensive Stance; [stance:3] Battle Stance; [stance:2] Berserker Stance

use: i keybind this to my mouse scroll wheel RIGHT. combined this with the other macros, my stance is always a click away... and no mouse travel, find and click...

/cast [stance:2]Disarm; Defensive Stance

use: if in Def Stance, it'll cast Disarm, if not, change to Def Stance...

/cast [equipped:Thrown] Throw; Shoot
/S your_char_ name is PULLING %t

note: replace "your_char_name" with your character name... duh...
use: well, this is my geek macro, informs the folks near you... replace "/S" with "/P" then it says so in party chat... can get annoying at times... but when taking nubs thru instance, they appreciate it... i guess... or they are silently cussing my geekness...

"All in One Charge"
/cast [stance:1/2,combat] Berserker Stance; [stance:3,combat] Intercept; [stance:2/3,nocombat] Battle Stance; [stance:1,nocombat] Charge
/cast Battle Shout

i am used to clicking BloodRage in combat, but i forget to cast Battle Shout... anyways, you can change to your heart's content, BS or BR...

RPZip has a version of this in his Warrior FAQ:

/cast [stance:1, nocombat, nomodifier:shift] Charge; [nostance:1, nocombat, nomodifier:shift] Battle Stance; Berserker Stance
/cast [modifier:shift] Bloodrage

/cast [stance:3,combat] Intercept; [nocombat, nomodifier:shift] Battle Stance; [stance:3,modifier:shift] Intercept; Berserker Stance
/cast [modifier:shift] Bloodrage

This macro will allow you to either Charge or Intercept, or shift to the proper stance based upon the circumstances (i.e. if you're in combat, it will shift you to Berserker Stance to charge). It will also dismount you, so if you're currently mounted you can double-tap this key to get off an easier charge/intercept. Moreover, if you have the Shift button held down it will force and Intercept use and will automatically use Bloodrage, in order to give you the necessary rage to do so if you were lacking it ( i.e. put into combat from long range). You can modify the [modifier:shift] to be either alt or ctl, or even replace it with [button:2] to give it the forced actions only on right-clicks.

This macro is actually split into two parts because under the current system, the macro will display the cooldown of the first listed ability – which means that you could either display the Charge cooldown or the Intercept cooldown, but never both. I chose to split it so as to be able to see both cooldowns when I wanted to. For best results, put each on your stancebars in the same location so the movement is fluid (just keep hitting the same button). A nice side effect of how I programmed this macro is that double-tapping the macro will shift you into Berserker Stance after using Charge well before you get to your target - which should mean no rage loss and leave you ready to fear-break after your charge.

Mouseover Macros:

"Mouseover Intervene"
/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead,stance:2] [] Intervene; Defensive Stance

use: this macro will intervene to the target that you are currently mouseovering...
note that i keybind this macro to one of the closer function keys...

"MOUSEOVER Sunder Armor"
/cast [target=mouseover, exists, harm] Sunder Armor; Sunder Armor

simple, while tanking your current target, you can hit the key for this macro while you mouseover the adjacent mob.

/cast [equipped:Shields, stance:1/2] Shield Bash; [noequipped:Shields, stance:1/2] Berserker Stance; [stance: 3] Pummel

again, credit due to RPZip for this one... saved me lots of repair cost...

there are more macros here and there... but i'll need to sort them out a bit..

hope it helps...
#11 Oct 14 2008 at 3:19 AM Rating: Decent

I think this information is awesome. Thanks all for the reply. I tried most of the macros and also tried the mouse over macro. The tanking expirience has dramatically improved.

Mobs dont flee to dps/healers anymore.
I m able to hold 4+ on me with this help.
Tanking is simply shifted to another level.

Too bad i didnt know about this earlier....

Another suprising thing I ve noticed is that when I asked my guild about macros and binding macros to keyboard all said that didnt know anything about it!!!!

People i had asked were guild leader and in jenerall experienced players that had already epic warrior's that simply didnt funcy playing with em.... I wonder why...

I myself have to admid that had given up heroics or tried them only when I had 3 cc/dps : Mage + Mage + rog or hunter. Otherwise I did not bother accepting an invitation.I was beggining to accept the fact that the tank role of a new 70 player was just OT in KARA. Now i simply do heroics and dont care about cc 's... AWESOME!!!!

Thanks all for replies
#12 Oct 14 2008 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
got bartender 3?

gonna change your life...


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