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Spec after 3.02Follow

#1 Oct 08 2008 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
391 posts
I haven't seen one of these threads here yet, but I was just wondering what everyone is planning on speccing once the patch goes live?

I am sure I will go with another full frost build, but I might try out arcane with some of the changes.
#2 Oct 08 2008 at 9:05 AM Rating: Default
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Poldaran just made the thread a long time ago, when the news about the 3.2 patch was just released. In other class boards threads like these have begun popping up now that we've moved closer to it.

Edited, Oct 8th 2008 6:59pm by Mozared
#3 Oct 08 2008 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
We have had some pretty significant changes since then.

Here is my current plan (barring mana issues that is):

#4 Oct 08 2008 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
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Anobix the Wise wrote:
We have had some pretty significant changes since then.


I'm looking at doing this:

With a slight rework to pick up Firestarter if we decide to go play around in Hyjal.
#5 Oct 08 2008 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
391 posts
Anobix the Wise wrote:
We have had some pretty significant changes since then.

Here is my current plan (barring mana issues that is):

Hopefully the mana issues will be resolved now since they are reducing the cost of each spell.

Since I am a frost junky I think I might try thisor something like it.
#6 Oct 08 2008 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Fair enough, as always you two are right *Chuckles*

Still going/sticking with my elementalist spec myself... Aiming for this at 80. For those who remember; yes, I've given up on the imp Scorch idea... 3 points isn't worth it, I can do more fun stuff with that. Also, I've decided to pick up Fiery Payback and a point in Pyromaniac over Empowered Fire in the end... I'll switch those points back if Payback ends up being none of my liking. Oh, and I've actually found a way to pick up Winter's Chill along with that. That ought to give my rank 1 Frostbolts a little more use.

I'm never going to make 70 before the expansion, but regardless I'll probably be aiming for the 'uncompleted' version of my 80 spec, namely this.

Edit: That makes me think... How viable would an elementalist spec be for raiding? The idea would be to keep Imp Scorch and Winter's Chill up at all time and use Frostfire Bolt as main nuke. Thoughts, Poldaran or Anobix? Or any other mages, anyway?

Edited, Oct 9th 2008 12:58am by Mozared
#7 Oct 08 2008 at 4:12 PM Rating: Good
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Mozared wrote:
Fair enough, as always you two are right *Chuckles*

Still going/sticking with my elementalist spec myself... Aiming for this at 80. For those who remember; yes, I've given up on the imp Scorch idea... 3 points isn't worth it, I can do more fun stuff with that. Also, I've decided to pick up Fiery Payback and a point in Pyromaniac over Empowered Fire in the end... I'll switch those points back if Payback ends up being none of my liking. Oh, and I've actually found a way to pick up Winter's Chill along with that. That ought to give my rank 1 Frostbolts a little more use.

I'm never going to make 70 before the expansion, but regardless I'll probably be aiming for the 'uncompleted' version of my 80 spec, namely this.

Edit: That makes me think... How viable would an elementalist spec be for raiding? The idea would be to keep Imp Scorch and Winter's Chill up at all time and use Frostfire Bolt as main nuke. Thoughts, Poldaran or Anobix? Or any other mages, anyway?

Edited, Oct 9th 2008 12:58am by Mozared

Imp Scorch and Winter's Chill don't stack. But FFB will be an excellent main nuke. Only reasons I'm not speccing elementalist(thinking some kind of 0/51/20 build) is because FFB isn't available til 75 and I expect to need the mana help of Arcane Concentration(Frost Channeling will do the same thing, but can't get it and burnout at the same time til 80).
#8 Oct 08 2008 at 8:25 PM Rating: Good
245 posts
I was almost thinking something like this It gives me most fire spells, minus the spell that charges me extra for crits, I get icy veins, and Frost Channeling. I should have Hot Streak instead of Fire Starter, but just love the idea of lots of aoe in a very short amount of time.
#9 Oct 08 2008 at 9:39 PM Rating: Good
if you want aoe talent, should pick up world in flames. Why get frost channeling? What do you plan on using (FFB)? then again at 70 it won't be helpful.
#10 Oct 09 2008 at 12:48 AM Rating: Excellent
1,180 posts
I'm leaning towards a frost/fire mix at 80 (which I posted elsewhere) so I think I'll probably go for this at 70. Has all the stuff I plan to have at 80 in frost and then I just work my way up the fire tree. I am a little worried about mana though, so I may drop some from frost and all the fire points to pick up arcane concentration.
#11 Oct 09 2008 at 1:18 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
I need a bit of clarification here regarding Living Bomb.

I think the talent is a really cool addition, specifically as it's a kind of skill we've been lacking (on demand DoT) the dot from fireball and Pyro (and ofc ignite) aside.

I just have a problem in thinking about the correct scenario for it's utilisation. Now before you all throw your hands up in the air and shout "noooob", let me explain. I'm thinking specifically in terms of soloing... I understand that LB can be worked into a DPS rotation in an instance (raid or otherwise).. and could probably even have utility in PvP (I don't do that, so I'm speaking very loosely there).

The thing is, while I intend to experience more end-game content this time around (something I didn't / couldn't do at 70), I still need to get to 80, and I would rather not waste any more points in something I don't need.

At this stage, I'm seeing this kind of spell "rotation" when fighting ordinary mobs while questing/grinding/soloing: Open with Pyro (or fireball if I would rather not wait the double time - depends on state of mind which can change at any time ;> ), follow up with a fireball. If either crit, it's usually dead mob, if not (doesn't happen too often), then a fireblast is enough to finish the job. I"m struggling to see when to fit in an LB here. Even in a rare scenario where the spells don't do enough damage to drop the mob, a dragon's breath or blast wave will finish it. WHat's the diffs here - well, DB or BW is instant high damage. LB is DoT.

So I was thinking, fit LB in early on, the problem is, putting LB in the place of the first follow up fireball (the only logical place I can see for it), will mean waiting for the whole spell to take effect, which is really quite a gimp situation, as the fight would be over so much faster if I would just nuke with a Fireball.

Ultimately, what I'm asking is - is LB really worth it for levelling, aside from the situation when you'd use it if you ran an instance .. does it really have any use in solo play. Will it be situational like DB is (I only find myself using that on the odd occasion), or is it a waste of a point.
#12 Oct 09 2008 at 3:59 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Imp Scorch and Winter's Chill don't stack. But FFB will be an excellent main nuke. Only reasons I'm not speccing elementalist(thinking some kind of 0/51/20 build) is because FFB isn't available til 75 and I expect to need the mana help of Arcane Concentration(Frost Channeling will do the same thing, but can't get it and burnout at the same time til 80).

So you'll head FFB at 80? Shame about Imp Scorch and Winter's Chill, but I suppose I could've expected that.
#13 Oct 09 2008 at 4:46 AM Rating: Good
The problem with LB is that it takes 12 seconds to go off and it does not go off if the target is killed (unlike seed of corruption)

The dot component is very very expensive (19% base mana I believe) especially if it does not end up going off.

That is why LB sucks: you can't cast it on multiple targets, it is very expensive, the dot doesn't tick for that much, and when/if it crits it does about half the damage of a normal fireball (my fireballs hit for around 2.2k, it crits for 1.3-1.5k). It's coefficient is pretty bad.
#14 Oct 09 2008 at 5:05 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
Anobix the Wise wrote:
The problem with LB is that it takes 12 seconds to go off and it does not go off if the target is killed (unlike seed of corruption)

The dot component is very very expensive (19% base mana I believe) especially if it does not end up going off.

That is why LB sucks: you can't cast it on multiple targets, it is very expensive, the dot doesn't tick for that much, and when/if it crits it does about half the damage of a normal fireball (my fireballs hit for around 2.2k, it crits for 1.3-1.5k). It's coefficient is pretty bad.

That's pretty much what I figured (not the actual numbers, although they present a compelling argument by themselves). Well, with regret then, I'll have to leave it off then .. cool, one more point to put into something decent.

Now, to create a fire levelling spec ;-D
#15 Oct 09 2008 at 5:54 AM Rating: Good
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29,527 posts
Mozared wrote:
So you'll head FFB at 80?

Yes. I like Gnome Feetbig crits.
#16 Oct 09 2008 at 9:22 AM Rating: Good
245 posts
I was going for frost channeling because I tend to have mana problems, and frost channeling is one of two talents to help with that. The extra 10% off all spell costs whould help me last longer, and it gives me a reason to go down the frost tree enough to get icy veins.
#17 Oct 09 2008 at 9:42 AM Rating: Good
mundaneboy wrote:
I was going for frost channeling because I tend to have mana problems, and frost channeling is one of two talents to help with that. The extra 10% off all spell costs whould help me last longer, and it gives me a reason to go down the frost tree enough to get icy veins.

frost channeling is used for frost spells. Are you planning on using fire or frost spells?
#18 Oct 09 2008 at 10:00 AM Rating: Excellent
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Anobix the Wise wrote:
mundaneboy wrote:
I was going for frost channeling because I tend to have mana problems, and frost channeling is one of two talents to help with that. The extra 10% off all spell costs whould help me last longer, and it gives me a reason to go down the frost tree enough to get icy veins.

frost channeling is used for frost spells. Are you planning on using fire or frost spells?

Actually, the new incarnation will work for all spells(the mana cost reduction part). I don't think it'll be effective to spec towards it at 70 since you'll have to miss out on Burnout(seriously, anyone going fire but thinking about skipping this needs to rethink it...the cost isn't all that great).
#19 Oct 09 2008 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
355 posts
I dunno. At the point that 3.0 hits, raid boss nerfs aside, I'm gonna be stacking cash and getting ready for level grinding. Generally speaking, level grinds require significant single-target damage and, hopefully, endurance. So I'm aiming for a 11/50/0 spec to max out my fireball and get Clearcasting.

Good question for the theorycrafters, though; would I be better served taking two points from Burnout and putting them into Spell Impact? The maths elude me.
#20 Oct 09 2008 at 10:07 AM Rating: Good
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29,527 posts
TheEngine wrote:
I dunno. At the point that 3.0 hits, raid boss nerfs aside, I'm gonna be stacking cash and getting ready for level grinding. Generally speaking, level grinds require significant single-target damage and, hopefully, endurance. So I'm aiming for a 11/50/0 spec to max out my fireball and get Clearcasting.

Good question for the theorycrafters, though; would I be better served taking two points from Burnout and putting them into Spell Impact? The maths elude me.

For level grinding, either should be fine.
#21 Oct 09 2008 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
This is going to hurt my brain, that's all I know. :)

Seriously, it's going to be interesting to watch what happens, since it looks like there aren't going to be many cookie cutter type specs, and I think most of the people in the game really have no idea what's coming. I'm my guild's news girl, basically, since I'm the only one who even reads about the changes coming (not that I understand anywhere near all of them).

Anyway, I have no earthly idea what I'm going to do with my specs. I would like to stick to frost, so maybe I'll end up with just a slight modification of my specs now, and then add to it as I level, with, of course, the occasional respec as I read something that makes me go OOh shiny!@ :)

But, really, all the changes are quite overwhelming to me, so I may spend the first weeks leveling professions and farming/searching for recipes, and doing the rest of the OL quests. That's a more comfy place for my brain than trying to understand new specs, since I just barely have a grasp of the old ones.
#22 Oct 09 2008 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
Cookie cutter specs will be out with in a week of the patch. We don't have them now because Blizzard hasn't made, or at least hasn't confirmed they've made, the final numbers pass for DPS. Once that pass is complete and the theory crafters have the data, the mathematically optimal specs will be identified. My guess is that, unless there are major improvements to mana consumption, most fire specs will be pretty close Poldaran's.
#23 Oct 10 2008 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
saw this on EJ today:

#24 Oct 13 2008 at 1:46 PM Rating: Good
423 posts
I'm really not sure what to do with my mage. I'm trying to think of what my leveling spec should be for wrath. I know that all of the options will be viable (within reason) but I'm wondering if it's time to change from frost. If I do stay frost, I'm unlikely to go all the way to the bottom of the tree. Instead, I was thinking that I could nip into fire and get blast wave. It seems like it could be pretty useful for leveling with the stun it has now (I'd get it at 71 if I went this route).

Fire does look pretty cool, now. And so does arcane. Eek! I'm really not sure. :)

Do you think arcane (all the way in) will be a good leveling spec? What about mana?

I'm wondering also if I would miss the level of control that frost brings. After all, my shatter combos and frostbites aren't going anywhere, and they served me well until now.

It will be interesting to see how elementalist plays out once we obtain the spell.
#25 Oct 13 2008 at 2:05 PM Rating: Good
frost is great for leveling in beta, I won't be picking up deep freeze now that it is useless though (no damage componenet).
#26 Oct 13 2008 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Well, looks like I'm throwing around a small number of points... Just check my other thread, I guess, since I'm not sure yet.
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