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#77 Oct 22 2008 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
#2. When people say PVP... they usually mean Arena because it is the MOST ACCURATE way to show how classes fair in PVP. Statistics are taken on it. It's not the case with BG's nor with world PVP. Sure there are people who think they rock in BG's and World PVP, but it's anecdotal. Hard numbers coming from Arenas show how classes fair.

Once again, I'm talking about PvP over the past ~4 years. You realize arenas haven't even been around for 2 years yet, right? Not even mentioning serious arenas; ofcourse they took ~2 months to properly balance when they were just released - Aside from the fact that they weren't exactly "unplayable by specific classes" in the first place.

#3. I don't know why you think healers are underpowered in PVP or why you think people think that they are. They are essential to so many comps. Rogue/Druid. Rogue/Priest. Shaman/Warrior. Those 3 were probably the most common DPS/Healer comp in 2's. Mage/Rogue was one of the most popular 2's comps. Holy Shock Pallies are actually AMAZING in 2's though it wasn't a very popular choice just because there are so few. Most anyone will tell you resto druids are among the most powerful pvp classes because they are virtually impossible to kill.

Same thing. That's nowadays' PvP, what it's been like for at most 6 months. The time I'm on about is if I recall correctly about 6 months before TBC. I very well recall the general idea that PvP healing sucked and priests should spec shadow for PvP. At that time I was playing a holy priest in AV and had no problems whatsoever. And heck, I wasn't even half as good a player back then as I am now.

If things were balanced, you'd see an EXACT correlation between class representation above 2k to actual class population.

No, you wouldn't. You basically pointed it out yourself. There are all sorts of classes who excell in all sorts of content. You see more of class X in bracket Y, and more of class Z in bracket A. And you see classes B and C rise in popularity after patch D. At the moment it just so happens to be so that Shamans are somewhat out of tune and have ended up appearing least of all classes.

If someone is more powerful that means someone is less powerful and thus there is imbalance.

What if the 'less powerful' character is more powerful in another field of expertise? Or against another specific class? Which in turn eats the 'more powerful' class? There can be balance without equality, as long as something makes up for the loss of a specific character's usefulness.

PVP has never been balanced and it is not currently balanced.

I said FAIRLY balanced. Ofcourse there is *SOME* imbalance. There is nearly always imbalance if you don't make every class exactly the same. It's just that over the past ~4 years, no class has been THE complete underdog of PvP. There are just a few classes who were somewhat undertuned. I'm pointing back at Warlocks and Paladins here. And they got buffed. Compare this to your other avarage MMO and WoW's balance is pretty damn good.

I'm going to end my post with your #1 so I can immediatly explain my reaction to it.

#1. I didn't rate you down. The fact you said PVP is balanced probably got you rated down because no one believes you.

Believes or understands? You for one are still missing my point.

To go back to my opening statement, I'm saying that over the past ~4 years, PvP has been fairly balanced; there have never been serious balance issues with 1 class being completely out of tune. Your reaction to that has been stating over 2 posts that in the CURRENT version of the ARENA Shamans and paladins are least represented. And claiming I think healers are underpowered in CURRENT PvP. And as the most recent example, 5 lines up you claimed I said "PvP is balanced".

Normally I couldn't care less for ratings, but do you now see why I it annoys me? People completely miss my point and therefore downrate me. You do the same and get rated up for it. People want to downrate me? Fine, but for god's sake; first at least *attempt to* find out if I'm actually wrong. Thank you.

Edited, Oct 22nd 2008 5:38pm by Mozared
#78 Oct 22 2008 at 8:39 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
I doubt people rated you down because they misunderstood you. They probably rated you down because you are posting an unfounded and outright erronious opinion as fact and using that opinion to attempt to discredit others' arguments. PvP is not now, nor has it ever been, not in the four years WoW has existed, "fairly" balanced. There have been clear-cut dominant specs and classes in every period of content. That has not changed. The positions the classes/specs occupy within this tiered model is the only thing that has.

I imagine the same is largely true of TheJadeMonkey's posts. When you have the sand to suggest that a completely hypothetic, unfounded expectation of the future derived from nothing but blind faith is equally valid, or indeed, more valid than expectations based on the factual events of the past year and a half (and actually longer, though for the purpose of this discussion we have focused expressly on TBC) up to and including the present time... I don't imagine too many people are going to be on board with that regardless of which side of the argument they sit on.

In short, not everyone is out to get you. Occasionally, people do in fact use the rating system to rate the content of posts rather than as a means to give their friends a bit of a "How's your father?" under the table.
#79 Oct 22 2008 at 10:05 AM Rating: Default
4,684 posts
I doubt people rated you down because they misunderstood you. They probably rated you down because you are posting an unfounded and outright erronious opinion as fact and using that opinion to attempt to discredit others' arguments.

Stop right there.

Unfounded; yes, perhaps, since I had not laid out arguments yet in my first post here. Because I didn't felt the need to do so as I thought the point I was trying to make would be pretty clear to anybody who has played since launch.

Erronious; no. Not until proven at least, and so far I've yet to see solid proof.

Discredit others' arguments? Maybe. JadeMonkey said he had hope that shamans would be fixed. Jiade said his hope was based on nothing but faith. I replied to that by saying "I don't know about him, but 'faith' isn't really a weak argument if you consider the following...". It's not like I was attacking him or such.

PvP is not now, nor has it ever been, not in the four years WoW has existed, "fairly" balanced. There have been clear-cut dominant specs and classes in every period of content.

Clear-cut SPECS, perhaps, not classes. There have been from time to time classes who were at 'the top', but it wasn't like they were dominating everything all the time. They were generally slightly overpowered. They could at all times be killed and were as well. That's what I've been trying to say all the time; WoW's PvP balance has actually been pretty well since launch. There has never been an all-powerful roundhouse that constantly kicked everybody's ***. The closest to this point would have been rogues just pre-TBC who could 'perfect' people. But this was one hell of a job, didn't work on a fair amount of opponents, was rarely done in your avarage PvP day, and was nerfed when resilience.

In short, not everyone is out to get you. Occasionally, people do in fact use the rating system to rate the content of posts rather than as a means to give their friends a bit of a "How's your father?" under the table.

From my experience, people do both. The rogue forums are the most obvious example. People disagreeing with Theo (or more importantly, his way of communication) ALWAYS get downrated. There have been more than enough posts in which Theo missed said poster's point, proceded to yell at him and got the person un'fair' downrates.
#80 Oct 22 2008 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Mozared wrote:
Clear-cut SPECS, perhaps, not classes. There have been from time to time classes who were at 'the top', but it wasn't like they were dominating everything all the time.

O RLY? Kind of like how Warlocks weren't dominating everything pre-TBC? Hmm...

Either way, differentiating specs for anything other than the hybrid classes (Shaman, Paladin, Druid) is pointless. When a class only does one thing, it's only natural that people are going to arrive at the best way to accomplish the task at hand and conform to it almost universally. Thus, "Subtlety Rogues" in this case are synonomous with "Rogues in general", MM Hunters with "Hunters in general", etc.

They were generally slightly overpowered. They could at all times be killed and were as well.

"Can be killed" is not a statement synonomous with "balance" and using it as such is erronious. Yeah, David can kill Goliath, given the correct circumstances (I.E. one hell of a lucky shot to the temple). It still doesn't mean that it's a fair fight, and that in 100 battles David would win 100 times based on his skill alone.
#81 Oct 22 2008 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
O RLY? Kind of like how Warlocks weren't dominating everything pre-TBC? Hmm...

Never dominated my priest or rogue. I remember the whining about them, but I really can't say I've ever had major problems with the class.

Either way, differentiating specs for anything other than the hybrid classes (Shaman, Paladin, Druid) is pointless. When a class only does one thing, it's only natural that people are going to arrive at the best way to accomplish the task at hand and conform to it almost universally. Thus, "Subtlety Rogues" in this case are synonomous with "Rogues in general", MM Hunters with "Hunters in general", etc.

Obviously... That's basic Cookie cutter "behaviour" you're on about. If I'm right, you're thinking I mean to say "Spec X on class Y always owned class Z". I'm trying to say "Spec X on class Y always owned spec Z on the same class for PvP".

"Can be killed" is not a statement synonomous with "balance" and using it as such is erronious. Yeah, David can kill Goliath, given the correct circumstances (I.E. one hell of a lucky shot to the temple). It still doesn't mean that it's a fair fight, and that in 100 battles David would win 100 times based on his skill alone.

Would you prefer "Can be killed but are generally a notch harder than a couple of other classes"? It's plainly what I've been saying all along; some classes where somewhat overpowered in some periods, making it easier for those classes to perform better in PvP content. But never was one class so badly overpowered that he could go up against any of the other 8 classes and win barely without effort. Like I said, closest to that point were rogues who could 'perfect' people.
#82 Oct 22 2008 at 1:10 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
All of your arguments are BEST countered with Arena.

Arena takes people with similar ratings and pits them up against one another and offers statistics. You are taking anecdotal evidence from your playing to support your arguments. Yes, I've killed rogues. I've had rogues kill me. The thing is... I don't expect to kill rogues because I know when I go into an arena against a rogue with roughly equal gear/skill to mine... he wins. When I kill a rogue on my shaman, I'm pretty aware that they either #1 suck or #2 are undergeared.

BG's have people in full S4 to people in quest greens all playing together. If you are in S2-S3'ish gear... you can ROFLSTOMP people in greens even if they are a "stronger" class. Not because class X owns class Y but because you outgear them to the point where they can't effectively damage you.

The irony is that you keep giving examples of how PVP isn't balanced. Then you try to say classes are balanced because they excel in different parts of PVP. Anyone can excel in BG's because IT IS RAID BASED. It's more about strategy than 1v1 or individual contribution. It's why there are 10 level range bg's. You've also provided not a SINGLE bit of evidence to show that pvp is balanced. The only numbers to show balance are found in Arenas. Arena statistics show that classes are imbalanced for pvp.

Edited, Oct 22nd 2008 5:14pm by Jiade
#83 Oct 22 2008 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Jiade wrote:
You've also provided not a SINGLE bit of evidence to show that pvp is balanced. The only numbers to show balance are found in Arenas. Arena statistics show that classes are imbalanced for pvp.

This is pretty much what we're getting at here, Mozared.

When asked to produce evidence that the PvP is currently unbalanced, we can pull up representation in the arenas. Unfortunately, most of the websites that track this don't track individual spec, but we can fudge on that a little by using conventional knowledge to suppliment (this is key, and I'll get back to it shortly) the statistical data. When people talk about Shaman in 2's, it's pretty safe to assume they're talking about Resto. 5's, either Elemental or Enhancement.

Our issue with your current argument is that your current argument is this: "Everyone knows PvP used to be fairly balanced, and because of that, I submit that it is currently more balanced than you claim it is and will be in the future as well." There are several problems with this statement.

For starters, "fairly balanced" is being subjectively defined and submitted. We don't know what "fairly balanced" means for you, and it may mean something entirely different for us. We might consider "fairly balanced" a 40-60 spread. Or maybe 30-70. You might consider, "This one time at BG camp I happened to kill class A specced B with class X specced Y." That seems to be the case, but we don't know.

Second, you are submitting conventional knowledge from over a year and a half ago not as supplimental material, but as the entire basis for your factual claim. If we're arguing only conventional knowledge then both of us might as well just give up right here. As the saying goes, "There's nothing common about common sense." I doubt the three of us could agree on accurately defined parameters for what constitutes conventional knowledge as of five minutes ago, as is made pretty clear by the fact that you apparently contend that current PvP as still "fairly balanced" whereas Jiade and I obviously do not.
#84 Oct 23 2008 at 4:47 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
All of your arguments are BEST countered with Arena.

Arena takes people with similar ratings and pits them up against one another and offers statistics. You are taking anecdotal evidence from your playing to support your arguments. Yes, I've killed rogues. I've had rogues kill me. The thing is... I don't expect to kill rogues because I know when I go into an arena against a rogue with roughly equal gear/skill to mine... he wins. When I kill a rogue on my shaman, I'm pretty aware that they either #1 suck or #2 are undergeared.

When asked to produce evidence that the PvP is currently unbalanced, we can pull up representation in the arenas. Unfortunately, most of the websites that track this don't track individual spec, but we can fudge on that a little by using conventional knowledge to suppliment (this is key, and I'll get back to it shortly) the statistical data. When people talk about Shaman in 2's, it's pretty safe to assume they're talking about Resto. 5's, either Elemental or Enhancement.

Second, you are submitting conventional knowledge from over a year and a half ago not as supplimental material, but as the entire basis for your factual claim. If we're arguing only conventional knowledge then both of us might as well just give up right here. As the saying goes, "There's nothing common about common sense." I doubt the three of us could agree on accurately defined parameters for what constitutes conventional knowledge as of five minutes ago, as is made pretty clear by the fact that you apparently contend that current PvP as still "fairly balanced" whereas Jiade and I obviously do not.

Alright, one last try. I am talking about PvP as it has been in since launch 'till about 6 months back. ***** arena, it is so young it's too small a portion of "WoW-lifetime PvP". Ofcourse I'm talking about stuff from over a year and a half ago, because that's what my entire argument is based on. You can't argue that "arena shows how unbalanced PvP is" if arena doesn't exist. All I'm saying about CURRENT PvP, or more clearly, current arena, is that it's not as bad as you make it sound.

"Fairly balanced" to me is that even while there are some classes that will generally be beaten by other classes, it's not possible for any class in the game to win against every other class without being completely on top of his game.

Even so, having said all that, I realize the entire block of text is all pre-patch talking. As it is RIGHT NOW I really wouldn't say shamans are underpowered. An enhancement shaman pretty much outhealed my damage in a skirmish match 2 days ago. Fair enough, I'd need to do more research on that, but my first impression really hasn't been one of weakness.

Edited, Oct 23rd 2008 2:49pm by Mozared
#85 Oct 23 2008 at 6:06 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
I really did not want to get involved but Mozared you do understand just because Arena is the new thing doesn't mean it is not the main focus of Competitive PvP...

If you are about hardcore PvP and collecting the best gear, and trying to be the best known PvPers in your battle Group you do arenas, BGs are easy anyone can rock in a BG players in BGs are generaly casual PvPers if you can even call them that, more realisticaly they are just trying to upgrade there fresh 70s gear by hanging out in BGs since many people seem to do it.

But lets look at the real picture, Arena is where yopu compete for top notch gear and ranking and also can get into real competitions for actual money just cause it is not that old, doesn't mean it is not one of Blizzards and Players main focus on real and competitive PvP.
#86 Oct 23 2008 at 7:06 AM Rating: Default
4,684 posts
Jmfmb... Seriously, I GET all that. What I've been trying to say for ages is that I'm on (mainly) about the time Arena DIDN'T EXIST. I'm stating PvP since launch has been fairly balanced, and all I get back at me is "You have to use arena to judge PvP balance and in current arena stuff is imbalanced".
#87 Oct 23 2008 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
Using arena statistics to judge "balance" is tricky at best, considering how much the data manipulation can potentially effect the results. Does one normalize the numbers to the total population of 70's of that class/spec or no? Does one include data from previous seasons (especially with the rampant win trading that used to occur)? Does one exclude 2v2 and 3v3 data because it is generally considered impossible to balance small scale pvp without completly homogonizing the classes? What about the effect of racial choice (human rogues especially come to mind here)? What about normalizing the team composition data, which might show some strange comps doing well (for example right now I'm looking at the sk-gaming site and they have a 2.6k rated 3x hunter rogue shammy comp shown in 5s data... unconventional comp to say the least)?

There is a plethora of statistics out there, but two people could reach two very different results based on how that data is interpreted.

I'd have to say that given the vast variety of abilities, racials, classes, types of pvp in the game and the juxtaposition of pvp/pve, it's amazing that pvp is as good as it is.
WoW can never be "balanced" in every single aspect, but I'd say that all things considered it's pretty good. Perfect no, but pretty good nontheless.
#88 Oct 23 2008 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Mozared wrote:
I'm stating PvP since launch has been fairly balanced...

Yes, and we get that. But what's your basis for this claim? How do you back it up and enforce it as anything other than personal opinion?

Edited, Oct 23rd 2008 2:05pm by Gaudion
#89 Oct 23 2008 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
The simple fact that I really can't come up with a situation where one class used to be extremely overpowered. Problems with PvP from other games (like LOTRO) still stick out for me; I remember a big problem there being the fact that the monsters in Ettermoors were ALWAYS outnumbered. In nearly 4 years of PvP there was never a class that completely rocked me; on either my priest or my rogue. The biggest imbalances that have stuck to my mind are probably the time just after 'locks got death coil and the time when paladins in the BGs were somewhat scarce.
#90 Oct 23 2008 at 1:05 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
The simple fact that I really can't come up with a situation where one class used to be extremely overpowered.

1. Locks before diminishing returns
2. Rogues with Perception
3. Resto Druids which can't be rooted, Hot themselves, and then go into a form that has as much armor as a prot warrior. Then lifebloom being dispelled instant heals them.
4. Enhancement Shamans before WF nerfs

There are classes that have HUGE advantages in pvp compared to other classes. DPS is currently imbalanced, making all healers kind of obsolete because they can out-dps a healer. The fact there is a hierarchy of healers, a hierarchy of dps in pvp... means that it is imbalanced. It may not be so grossly imbalanced that one class can never win and one can ALWAYS win, but the fact that some classes have a huge advantage to the point where you expect them to win means things are not equal.

I'm not saying it is a flaw. I think it's nearly impossible to have classes balanced without having them all have the same abilities... but isn't that what's happening with PVE at the moment? Everyone has aoe dps. Everyone has aoe heals. Everyone has single target dps the same ... everyone has single target healing the same???? (lololol). That's what they are trying to do. They know it's imbalanced and they are always trying to work on making it more balanced.

My opinion of balance is that if two equally geared and played players are dueling... the win comes down to RNG. This is not the case as it stands at the moment. There has BEEN imbalance and there IS imbalance.
#91 Oct 23 2008 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
My opinion of balance is that if two equally geared and played players are dueling... the win comes down to RNG.

I'd say that most people agree heartily with that statement in general, but there is a good arguement that can be made for the "counter class" idea (think of "rock paper scissors"), such as the classic frost mage v. warrior fight. More difficult for the warrior, but still possible to do.
#92 Oct 23 2008 at 1:38 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
I'd say that most people agree heartily with that statement in general, but there is a good arguement that can be made for the "counter class" idea (think of "rock paper scissors"), such as the classic frost mage v. warrior fight. More difficult for the warrior, but still possible to do.

Agreed, some classes have easier times with other classes. But I think the best way you could mathematically see balance is to pit common pvp specs (cause lol@pvpwithpvespec) against one another for 100 duels. So let's say for simplicity... that would result in 1000 duels (100 with 10 different specs ... just for simplicity). If a class/spec wins more than 500, it's imbalanced. Chances are some can win over 700 or 800.

Feral Druid PVP? Prot Warrior pvp before 3.0? There are some specs that are so imbalanced in a bad way that it skews the results even more. This is part of what bliz is trying to fix though. They want all specs to have viability in pvp. For instance, they buffed arcane and fire trees for mages in pvp. They buffed prot warriors for pvp. They TRIED to buff elemental shamans for pvp. They knew there was imbalance and they've been trying to fix it.

I honestly don't know how anyone could say pvp is balanced or WAS balanced. The developers even know it wasn't and isn't. It's an ongoing process.

Edited, Oct 23rd 2008 5:39pm by Jiade
#93 Oct 23 2008 at 1:53 PM Rating: Default
4,684 posts
1. Locks before diminishing returns

Locks without DR basically meant they had an advantage against 4 or 5 other classes. It wasn't an I-WIN button though. Also, DR got added very shortly after the warlock "rise" and locks dropped down a notch.

2. Rogues with Perception

Perception was awful, but not completely game breaking. Having it increased the rogues chances of winning against TWO (out of 9) other classes by a fair amount; and even then, it's not like perception was an I-WIN button

3. Resto Druids which can't be rooted, Hot themselves, and then go into a form that has as much armor as a prot warrior. Then lifebloom being dispelled instant heals them.

People dealt with them, though? To for example a rogue, a good restodruid was (and is?) harder to beat than for example a good priest, but they could still be tackled. Ánd, restodruids were only 'overpowered' in 2v2 and 3v3. Alone, they broke even 90% of the time. And in 5v5, they are far from as good as in 2v2 or 3v3.

4. Enhancement Shamans before WF nerfs

Remind me, when was that?

There are classes that have HUGE advantages in pvp compared to other classes. DPS is currently imbalanced, making all healers kind of obsolete because they can out-dps a healer. The fact there is a hierarchy of healers, a hierarchy of dps in pvp... means that it is imbalanced. It may not be so grossly imbalanced that one class can never win and one can ALWAYS win, but the fact that some classes have a huge advantage to the point where you expect them to win means things are not equal.

Perhaps. At the moment, PvP is pretty much messed up anyway. I'm not entirely sure where blizz is going, but I think they want to keep the 'uber-DPS system' and balance it out more at 80. A bit like how PvP was just before TBC, when people started to realize that healing in PvP won games. I'd be happy with a change like that, really... Current PvP is too much like Unreal Tournament and post-patch PvP was too 'boring' since 90% of the fights were cooldown/trinket longevity runs. I like to kill people when I PvP, not spend 60% of my time DPSing some target I know is going to get healed anyway but which I need to DPS regardless to run the healer OOM.

I'm not saying it is a flaw. I think it's nearly impossible to have classes balanced without having them all have the same abilities... but isn't that what's happening with PVE at the moment? Everyone has aoe dps. Everyone has aoe heals. Everyone has single target dps the same ... everyone has single target healing the same???? (lololol). That's what they are trying to do. They know it's imbalanced and they are always trying to work on making it more balanced.

PvE is easier to balance since there is less odd factors and weird RNG-play involved. But you're right here.

My opinion of balance is that if two equally geared and played players are dueling... the win comes down to RNG. This is not the case as it stands at the moment.

Yes, but it has never been terrible. Like you said, that form of balance is unobtainable without giving everybody the same abilities. Which is why I reckon a wider view of balance has a better place here; when a player is at a disadvantage against another toon, he should generally have abilities that make him stronger against other toons. It's a bit like Theo's vision of skill; he seems to think that anybody <2K rating is a bad player. Result of that kind of measurement is that he also considers 99% of the players in a BG to suck. That's all very nice, but if you ask me your methods of measure are wrong if about 90% of the players players fall into the lowest category your measurement has to offer.

There has BEEN imbalance and there IS imbalance.

Ofcourse there has been and is imbalance; I'm just saying the imbalance that has been there over the past 4 years barely affected game play; at pretty much any time you could own with any toon if you wanted to. And thát is what I praised Blizzard for in my earlier post, and why I've got faith they won't ***** over Shammies. 'Cause yeah, looking at that movie makes me feel sad for PvE ele shammies.
#94 Oct 23 2008 at 3:00 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
People dealt with them, though? To for example a rogue, a good restodruid was (and is?) harder to beat than for example a good priest, but they could still be tackled. Ánd, restodruids were only 'overpowered' in 2v2 and 3v3. Alone, they broke even 90% of the time. And in 5v5, they are far from as good as in 2v2 or 3v3.


Ofcourse there has been and is imbalance; I'm just saying the imbalance that has been there over the past 4 years barely affected game play; at pretty much any time you could own with any toon if you wanted to. And thát is what I praised Blizzard for in my earlier post, and why I've got faith they won't ***** over Shammies. 'Cause yeah, looking at that movie makes me feel sad for PvE ele shammies.

All classes have been fairly balanced in PvP over the past >3 years.

Just reread what you've written. It hasn't been fairly balanced. You admit it is imbalanced, but then you say it doesn't matter. The bold from quote two is just WRONG. You can't own on any toon. Some classes have a HUGE HUGE HUGE disadvantage in pvp. Shamans are 100% carried in arena. You aren't helping you partner or team shut down anyone. You are there for heroism.. and that's about it. Any composition with a shaman is better WITHOUT the shaman. You will obtain a higher rating without the shaman. It's sad, but it's true. If you are amazing at pvp on shaman, you'd be better on another class. I'm not saying all classes can't do well, but some classes can do better. By your own admission, pvp is imbalanced.
#95 Oct 23 2008 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Jiade wrote:

#96 Oct 24 2008 at 4:00 AM Rating: Default
4,684 posts
Just reread what you've written. It hasn't been fairly balanced. You admit it is imbalanced, but then you say it doesn't matter.

If something is not 100% balanced, it's imbalanced. No sh*t. I'm saying it 'doesn't matter' because it's not like there have been HUGE imbalances. All in all every class is fairly equal to eachother. A situation where there is (relatively?) small imbalance would make it "fairly balanced".

The bold from quote two is just WRONG. You can't own on any toon. Some classes have a HUGE HUGE HUGE disadvantage in pvp. Shamans are 100% carried in arena. You aren't helping you partner or team shut down anyone. You are there for heroism.. and that's about it. Any composition with a shaman is better WITHOUT the shaman. You will obtain a higher rating without the shaman. It's sad, but it's true.

Thát is just wrong. I know a ~2200 shaman on my server. You're saying his partner solo'd all the way to 2200. Yeah, sure. Shamans do (once again) CURRENTLY have a disadvantage in (arena) PvP, yes. But it's not like... "OMGWTF TOTALLY IMBALANCED". If it were, there would be NO shamans around at higher ratings. As it is now they are rather 'rare'.

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 2:01pm by Mozared
#97 Oct 24 2008 at 6:12 AM Rating: Decent
You are there for heroism.. and that's about it.

Err, what? Let's not exhaggerate here. In my forays into arena I know I was expected to keep WF down, weave in grounding totems between WFT, keep tremor totem down, inturrupt casters, purge the crap out of the focus target, occasionally keep poison cleasing totem down, as well as popping heroism. That's a heck of a lot of GCD's and cooldowns to keep track of.
#98 Oct 24 2008 at 8:30 AM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
Thát is just wrong. I know a ~2200 shaman on my server. You're saying his partner solo'd all the way to 2200. Yeah, sure. Shamans do (once again) CURRENTLY have a disadvantage in (arena) PvP, yes. But it's not like... "OMGWTF TOTALLY IMBALANCED". If it were, there would be NO shamans around at higher ratings. As it is now they are rather 'rare'.

They'd have reached 2300 or 2400 if he wasn't a shaman. Lots of people solo others to 2k. I know people who still sell ratings because they are one of the OP classes in Arena. The fact you can buy gladiator is so ridiculously wrong.

Edited, Oct 24th 2008 12:31pm by Jiade
#99 Oct 24 2008 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
Ecchhh... /facepalm indeed.

Mozared you're arguing that if you add together all the imbalances over the years you get roughly zero, so it has been roughly balanced. That is true in a temporal sense in that most classes have had a rise to pre-eminence at once time or another, but that means the game is not balanced properly. That's like slamming yourself against alternate sides of a rocking boat; if you are mathematically minded and take a time-average the boat is stable, but anyone with any common sense knows that boats arent supposed to do that.

To add my can of gasoline to this blazing stable, 'balanced' simply means that when two classes of equal gear and skill engage, the result is not basically a foregone conclusion. Warlocks against Rogues is a foregone conclusion; in that sitation the Warlock is toast. Same goes for Mr. Frostie vs Warrior, and recently Arcane Barrage Mages too. These are examples of horrid and crippling imbalance, because it removes the feeling that you have a fair chance. It reduces PvP to something akin to looting a boss; you hope you get the roll you want. If you get a bad roll your anticlass shows up and owns you, a good roll and you find your nubsmack and proceed to ruin his day.

That isnt balance, it is ritualised imbalance.

I hate that on my Warlock I have no chance against Rogues that don't suck; same for Shamans actually. I also hate that on my friend's Resto Druid I am more or less unkillable by the hands of Man. That sucks, and it makes the game suck. Just because you dont have one UUUUBER class doesnt mean the game is ok, and it doesnt mean Shamans will not get reamed in the future.
#100 Oct 24 2008 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
I'm just warning you rerollers:

Hunter's are fair fail in PvP, no matter what you think, if you can't master the Jump-turn-shoot you will get destroyed.

Priests kinda got the shaft in talent trees. I still enjoy mine, but its much more difficult to be a PvP pest with all the stuns/silences out there now.

Rogues are still fun, but they are easier to control and kill now. Which is a good thing.

Sadly, Warlock's are probably the only fairly balanced class in my opinion.

I'd go mage, pally, druid or warrior if you want to play something PvP and PvE dominant.

Ret pallies are just lol atm 2k+ dps in barely Kara gear in a full ZA clear.
#101 Oct 24 2008 at 11:03 AM Rating: Default
4,684 posts
Mozared you're arguing that if you add together all the imbalances over the years you get roughly zero, so it has been roughly balanced. That is true in a temporal sense in that most classes have had a rise to pre-eminence at once time or another, but that means the game is not balanced properly. That's like slamming yourself against alternate sides of a rocking boat; if you are mathematically minded and take a time-average the boat is stable, but anyone with any common sense knows that boats arent supposed to do that.

No, that's not what I'm saying. Let me 'draw' it up for you;


X = Completely balanced.
The two |'s are the borders. In between them is "balanced", everything outside is slightly to badly under/overpowered (I.E; nearly impossible to kill at all, or such insane healing/DPS that nobody stands a chance... Think current Retardins).
Basically, what I'm saying, is that over the past years, most classes have been at the position of Y. Then there was the occasional 'real imbalance'... Like Warlocks pre-DR. They were located on the position of Z. But even as they were very close to being really over/underpowered, they all got buffed/nerfed rather quickly.

To add my can of gasoline to this blazing stable, 'balanced' simply means that when two classes of equal gear and skill engage, the result is not basically a foregone conclusion. Warlocks against Rogues is a foregone conclusion; in that sitation the Warlock is toast. Same goes for Mr. Frostie vs Warrior, and recently Arcane Barrage Mages too. These are examples of horrid and crippling imbalance, because it removes the feeling that you have a fair chance. It reduces PvP to something akin to looting a boss; you hope you get the roll you want. If you get a bad roll your anticlass shows up and owns you, a good roll and you find your nubsmack and proceed to ruin his day.

That isnt balance, it is ritualised imbalance.

No, it's called the rock-paper-scissors system which for a large part I still believe in. Every class has a class they have a tough time against (except current Retardins).

I hate that on my Warlock I have no chance against Rogues that don't suck; same for Shamans actually. I also hate that on my friend's Resto Druid I am more or less unkillable by the hands of Man. That sucks, and it makes the game suck.

With that reasoning you must hate a game like stratego or risk?

They'd have reached 2300 or 2400 if he wasn't a shaman. Lots of people solo others to 2k. I know people who still sell ratings because they are one of the OP classes in Arena. The fact you can buy gladiator is so ridiculously wrong.

They might've reached 2300 or 2400 if they actually bothered, yes. And seriously... "Lots of people solo others to 2K."? So what do you do when this "uberclass" soloing to 2K gets a mirrormatch?
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