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Upcoming Shaman ChangesFollow

#1 Oct 06 2008 at 8:03 PM Rating: Excellent
295 posts
I posted this information on the main page, but here it is for discussion.

Blizzard poster Ghostcrawler has listed the upcoming shaman changes on the O-Boards.

Tidal Waves -- Riptide now also procs this effect.

Riptide -- We're going to increase the initial healing component.

Storm Reach -- now called “Elemental Reach” and includes Lava Burst.

Improved Fire Nova Totem - Increases the damage done by your Fire Nova Totem by 10/20%, and your Fire Nova totem has a 50/100% chance to stun all targets damaged by your Fire Nova Totem for 2 sec.

Thunderstorm -- We will probably boost the mana return to 8% of total mana. That seems more in line with similar effects. We talked a lot about buffing its damage, but decided that may not be a good idea. With its short range, it isn't a great rotational spell for a raiding Elemental shamans, and making you run up to hit a boss and run back is giving up a lot of cast time. Instead we're going to try to keep the damage and knockback more situational (in PvP it will get used a lot) and make the mana return the big PvE raiding focus.

Maelstrom Weapon -- We have a concern that the proc per minute frequency is too often. According to our numbers, it's balanced for a two-handed weapon and a bit generous for a dual-wielder. However, this would be a nerf to Enhancement dps overall that we'd have to make up elsewhere, and it seems to be a fun change shamans are enjoying. So we're going to let this ride for now. It's something to keep an eye on, but we aren't going to change it yet.

Lava Burst and Lightning Bolt -- And now for a few words on Elemental damage. One of the things we were trying to do to make Elemental dps more interesting was to have a Lava Burst + Flameshock variant. We also themed some new deep talents to support this play style. The problem is that lightning still seems to do more damage than fire, which in turn makes the new talents feel lame because they benefit fire and not lightning.

Now we think that Lava Burst is doing appropriate damage for its cost and if anything Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning are a little too good. (Remember they benefit from Curse of the Elements and similar spells now.) However, nerfing lightning would make it harder to level as well as making 3.0.2 kind of brutal for Elemental shamans, since Lava Burst is level 75. Hurting lightning would feel like a flat out nerf, and even though you'd partially make up for it at higher level, overall we think this would feel, um, yucky. So no big changes to lightning spells.

We talked a lot about just buffing Lava Burst and a deep fire-based talent or two. This will make Lava Burst too good on paper, but it might work out okay in the game itself. We'll just have to see. We aren't 100% sold on this course of action, so I'll update when we decide for sure.

Once again, these decisions were the consensus of our design team, so please don't give me the credit. In fact, if there are any changes you specifically don't like -- those I had nothing to do with. :)

Ghostcrawler also says the following later in the thread: "A lot of people really missed the stun on Fire Nova. We changed it back largely because of feedback. I think it will probably stay as described above."
#2 Oct 06 2008 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
2,079 posts
Let me translate what he/she said.

Riptide sucks, but we might boost it a little.

Enhancement still does less dps than others and even though we REALLY want to nerf them, we think it may start a revolution or one of the developers might get killed by a sniper.

Elemental... well, we don't care that your dps is terrible because in order to make your new spell worth casting, your lightning bolt has to suck more than it does. Therefore, LOL TOO BAD FOR YOU.

That's what GC really meant.

Edited, Oct 7th 2008 12:15am by Jiade
#3 Oct 06 2008 at 9:15 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
Ghostcrawler wrote:
One of the things we were trying to do to make Elemental dps more interesting was to have a Lava Burst + Flameshock variant.

This, I think, is the root of their problem, and the fact that they even managed to invent a problem like this for themselves in the first place, where initially there was none, once again boggles my mind.

Elemental Shaman don't need "variants" beyond the decision to spec for either PvP or PvE. If they want a "variant" then they can go respec Enhancement or Restoration. Elemental Shaman are not Warlocks or Mages. Warlocks and Mages do caster DPS no matter how they spec, so of course they need variants on their casts. They can have variants because they have entire talent trees dedicated to those variants. Shaman is already a hybrid class that can fill three different roles. We don't need to be further diversifying (see also: bloating) the trees.

The bottom line is this: Either Elemental Shaman should have a spell rotation or they should not. Blizzard either needs to make a Lava Burst + Flame Shock + lightning-filler spell rotation a serious reality (this might necessitate introducing Lava Burst at an earlier level and building it into the talent tree at the fundamental level) or they need to just scrap the whole spell completely and come up with something else entirely different to give Elemental. We don't need throw-away nukes that we're never going to cast.

Edited, Oct 7th 2008 3:08am by Gaudion
#4 Oct 06 2008 at 11:16 PM Rating: Excellent
947 posts
I agree that Elemental Shamans should have some kind of spell rotation; from a Warlock perspective, just spamming the '2' button for the whole fight is desperately boring. However, trying to smack a square peg into a round hole and try to force Elementals into a rotation by nerfing their existing damage is just... backwards.

Those spreadsheets they rely on must sure be scary.

I think the primary problem is that despite their statements about talents, the devs seem keen to prevent any class/spec being able to raid and PvP on the same spec. This comment about Thunder rotations is just bizarre, I don't think many distance-reliant casters were going to give up any cast time at all to run in and cast Thunder... it just doesnt make sense. Increasing the damage of Thunder would be a significant PvP buff though, as it's an instant spell you'll be using all the time. Mages are meant to be the Kings of AoE remember, so they can't allow Shamans to snatch that crown.

The comments about Maelstrom are just plain incomprehensible, I don't know what's going on to be honest. Enhance still can't PvP and it's crit-dependent, so it's a pure PvE talent. Enhance PvE damage is lagging badly behind almost everyone according to the parses from beta and PTR, so seeking ways to nerf it further is so bizarre. Since they ALSO want to nerf the Lightning Bolt it procs, they must really have a grudge.

Although they havent nerfed it, the statement of intent is still very much there. And what's really worrying is, there is still clearly a lot of entrenched resistance amongst the devs to a strong Shaman class. That's a tough hill to climb for any class.

Edited, Oct 7th 2008 3:10am by Sinstralis
#5 Oct 07 2008 at 2:43 AM Rating: Good
1,121 posts
I don't know what Blizzard thought when they made that statement but it seems to me they basically are trying to fool us that they are doing something nice for us, like a pile of dog poo on a silver plate.

I don't generally like to complain but this is just ridiculous I really wanted to hope blizzard really wanted to make solid changes for us that would be in our best interest but now I just don't know.

What I am really starting to think is Blizzard needs to stop half assing with our trees, if they want Elemental to be a PvP tree then make it a PvP tree, change Elemental Focus, Unrelenting Storm, Elemental Precision, Elemental Oath, Totem of Wrath, and Storm Earth and Fire to better reflect a PvP tree. If they want Enhancement to be a PvE tree then make it better at that and get rid of there clutter of PvP abilities.

I would rather shaman to be less versatile in there talent trees if it means they will function properly at PvE and PvP, the only tree with the exception of having both PvP and PvE aspects is resto since that is a healer and should be versatile in that aspect.

With changes like that it really is not that bad when you consider the changes done to gear, a elemental shaman for pvp can respec restoration for raids and not have to worry about gear, there gear should not be that far behind.

Originally I quit wow because my computer died, now that I have my new computer I am not so sure I want to jump back into wow and may make this vacation permanent at this point.
#6 Oct 07 2008 at 5:00 AM Rating: Good
61 posts
I understand what you guys are saying but I can't honestly say I get it. I don't see how Shaman is under powered or nerfed, etc. It seems to me everyone wants to concentrate on the downside of things. There's so much upside to this update I can't help but be excited. I looking so forward to an actual cc I can't see straight. The combining of totems so 1 can do the job of 2 ZOMG! Seriously this is exciting stuff. I could careless about Lava burst, I'm looking forward to seeing it but I can't say I'm going to make a decision based on it's usefulness.

I do PvP(not arena) as a Enhancement Shaman and PvE as Elemental or enhancment. Honestly, We may not be great but we are very good and helpful in so many cases. I'm certain whatever Blizz is trying to do is going to be in the best interest of the game as a whole not for a single class. Well there is Druid but that's a different story, they just need their own server.

All I'm saying is lighten up! This isn't the end all that is all. There well be chances to appeal after it's a confirmed waste of a spell and it has been fully tested in the open game. Beta isn't perfect.
#7 Oct 07 2008 at 5:36 AM Rating: Good
97 posts
The comments about Maelstrom are just plain incomprehensible, I don't know what's going on to be honest. Enhance still can't PvP and it's crit-dependent, so it's a pure PvE talent. Enhance PvE damage is lagging badly behind almost everyone according to the parses from beta and PTR, so seeking ways to nerf it further is so bizarre. Since they ALSO want to nerf the Lightning Bolt it procs, they must really have a grudge.

My understanding is that maelstrom was changed to a proc per minute ability based on any damage done with a melee weapon, so crits aren't necessary to trigger it. I know that it's tough to keep up with all the changes blizz has been making and undoing lately. Did I miss something ?
#8 Oct 07 2008 at 5:48 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I think the primary problem is that despite their statements about talents, the devs seem keen to prevent any class/spec being able to raid and PvP on the same spec.

Two things about that quote;

1) I'm experiencing exactly the opposite? Prot warriors' damage is being boosted as well as their mobility. Combat rogues get a 'mobility AOE'. Protadins get increased damage. Fire mages get a little more CC and generic PvP talents. So do arcane mages. Sure, they aren't making the trees equally good for raiding/PvP, but they're improving the ability to do both with one spec.

2) There is a reason why it per definition isn't posible to do top notch PvE and PvP with the same spec... It's the very simple fact that some talents are PvE orientated and some PvP. Take a rogue for example; Master of Deception, Dirty Tricks and Camouflage are all nearly completely useless for PvE. Yet if you seriously want to PvP, you'll have to at the very least pick up Dirty Tricks. It's impossible to min/max a build for both raiding and PvP, since min/maxing it for PvE is equal to 'picked some pure PvE talents over pure PvP talents'. And vice versa.

Feral/restoration druids and holy/retribution paladins are the only exception in this case (though Death Knights might become one as well). And even then, a feral/resto/holy/retrib spec can also be min/maxed specifically for PvP or PvE.
#9 Oct 07 2008 at 7:48 AM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
I think the primary problem is that despite their statements about talents, the devs seem keen to prevent any class/spec being able to raid and PvP on the same spec. This comment about Thunder rotations is just bizarre, I don't think many distance-reliant casters were going to give up any cast time at all to run in and cast Thunder... it just doesnt make sense. Increasing the damage of Thunder would be a significant PvP buff though, as it's an instant spell you'll be using all the time. Mages are meant to be the Kings of AoE remember, so they can't allow Shamans to snatch that crown.

Um, Thunderstorm has a 45 SECOND cooldown. I don't consider that spammable. LOL Here they mean Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning. Chain Lightning costs A LOT of mana to only hit 3 targets. Imagine if Blizzard from a mage could only hit 5 targets. @_@ Or Arcane explosion could only hit 4. Or Seed of Corruption could only hit 6 targets (or 4). You'd cry. No other caster dps has this issue.

The comments about Maelstrom are just plain incomprehensible, I don't know what's going on to be honest. Enhance still can't PvP and it's crit-dependent, so it's a pure PvE talent. Enhance PvE damage is lagging badly behind almost everyone according to the parses from beta and PTR, so seeking ways to nerf it further is so bizarre. Since they ALSO want to nerf the Lightning Bolt it procs, they must really have a grudge.

You're wrong. It isn't crit based. It's a constant Proc-Per-Minute now. A very HIGH PPM since the last build.

I agree that Elemental Shamans should have some kind of spell rotation; from a Warlock perspective, just spamming the '2' button for the whole fight is desperately boring. However, trying to smack a square peg into a round hole and try to force Elementals into a rotation by nerfing their existing damage is just... backwards.

LOL A warlock telling an elemental shaman about boring spell rotations? >.> At least you get to put up a curse sometimes. Lightning Bolt x29384209849238940324809238432840 is worse than Shadowbolt Spam.

I understand what you guys are saying but I can't honestly say I get it. I don't see how Shaman is under powered or nerfed, etc. It seems to me everyone wants to concentrate on the downside of things. There's so much upside to this update I can't help but be excited. I looking so forward to an actual cc I can't see straight. The combining of totems so 1 can do the job of 2 ZOMG! Seriously this is exciting stuff. I could careless about Lava burst, I'm looking forward to seeing it but I can't say I'm going to make a decision based on it's usefulness.

Unfortunately you don't know anything. Those of us on Beta and PTR and who READ about dps in those environments know you have no idea what you are talking about.

In Naxx 25, Warriors can do over 5k dps. Hunters can do almost 6k dps. Rogues are routinely doing over 4.3k dps. Warlocks are breaking 4k dps. Shamans? Are sitting around 2k dps. Shamans don't bring unique raid buffs (remember, NO ONE does anymore). If you think doing 33% of the dps of a hunter is FINE, well... enjoy never raiding. lol

Edited, Oct 7th 2008 11:45am by Jiade

Edited, Oct 7th 2008 11:49am by Jiade
#10 Oct 07 2008 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Mozared wrote:
1) I'm experiencing exactly the opposite? ...they're improving the ability to do both with one spec.

2) There is a reason why it per definition isn't posible to do top notch PvE and PvP with the same spec... It's the very simple fact that some talents are PvE orientated and some PvP. It's impossible to min/max a build for both raiding and PvP, since min/maxing it for PvE is equal to 'picked some pure PvE talents over pure PvP talents'. And vice versa.

Contradiction much?

Kingtriton wrote:
I understand what you guys are saying but I can't honestly say I get it.

Contradiction again.

I don't see how Shaman is under powered or nerfed, etc.

Then you're not paying attention.

It seems to me everyone wants to concentrate on the downside of things. There's so much upside to this update I can't help but be excited. I looking so forward to an actual cc I can't see straight. The combining of totems so 1 can do the job of 2 ZOMG!

The CC is nice, even when considering it's weaker than other class' variants. Other than that, there's really not a lot incoming that Shaman have to be thrilled about. Our buffing totems are still completely worthless in PvP; only the function totems are worth dropping. Our DPS is lagging behind other classes in PvE at a time when Blizzard is trying to homogenize buffs and make DPS the only thing that matters. The longevity of Restoration Shaman was, last I heard, horrible compared to the other healers.

It's not that we want to concentrate on the downside of things, but we're not naive enough to confuse something that might be fun with what will be effective, as you seem to be doing.

Seriously this is exciting stuff. I could careless about Lava burst, I'm looking forward to seeing it but I can't say I'm going to make a decision based on it's usefulness.

So... you're looking forward to a new nuke that you'll never use? You'll forgive me if I feel like you're hemorhaging credibility, here.

I do PvP(not arena) as a Enhancement Shaman and PvE as Elemental or enhancment. Honestly, We may not be great but we are very good and helpful in so many cases.

Why do so many people think that by completely ignoring the only form of PvP that Blizzard, the hardcore PvP-ers, and the Major League Gaming comunity cares about, that they actually have a realistic handle on class PvP? The ganking/counter-ganking that is World PvP and fusterclucks that are Battlegrounds are not experiences you can walk away from with a good grasp of class balance.

Shaman are not good and they barely qualify as "helpful". Right now Shaman have one team per bracket spread out across all three specs. You either Resto with an Arms Warrior in 2v2, Resto with an Arms Warrior and a Paladin (Holy and Ret both work) in 3v3, or Elemental/Enhanhce on a 5v5 not so you can actually DPS, but so you can be a Heroism/Bloodlust bot for the rest of your team.

Does that sound like a "very good and helpful in so many cases" class to you?

#11 Oct 07 2008 at 8:48 AM Rating: Default
4,684 posts
Contradiction much?

I knew in advance there was going to be someone to claim my post is a contradiction.

Read it again.
#12 Oct 07 2008 at 9:37 AM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
I think the BIGGEST problem with Beta and PTR at the moment is that devs are NOT saying what they want dps to be at. There is a huge spread in dps and they keep saying "you'll be balanced, you'll be balanced." But people at the high-end keep getting buffed and people at the low-end keeping getting nerfed. Then they say "we're making the game balanced" when it looks like they're trying to make it as IMBALANCED as possible.

If they said, we want everyone at 2400'ish dps when they finish 25 man Naxx, then Elemental isn't TOO far off... but the issue is there are people easily doubling that dps from other classes. If they want everyone at 4k'ish dps, then most dps are right on and elemental is doing half what it should.

But because they won't come outright and say the dps they are expecting of classes there is no way to accurately judge where we are.
#13 Oct 07 2008 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
Um, Thunderstorm has a 45 SECOND cooldown. I don't consider that spammable. LOL Here they mean Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning. Chain Lightning costs A LOT of mana to only hit 3 targets. Imagine if Blizzard from a mage could only hit 5 targets. @_@ Or Arcane explosion could only hit 4. Or Seed of Corruption could only hit 6 targets (or 4). You'd cry. No other caster dps has this issue.

Erm, what? First of all I dunno where all these comments came from as Im speaking from the perspective of a Shaman sympathiser not antagonist. I never mentioned 'spamming' Thunder, I simply said you will be using it all the time in PvP, which you will. Chain Lightning is actually a pretty unique spell in that it hits a hell of a lot harder on the primary target than any AoE (the overtuned SoC aside), Im sorry if you don't like it much, I've always found it a fun and relatively effective spell.

LOL A warlock telling an elemental shaman about boring spell rotations? >.> At least you get to put up a curse sometimes. Lightning Bolt x29384209849238940324809238432840 is worse than Shadowbolt Spam.

Er, check the attitude there pal, I'm actually defending the Shaman class here. Warlocks are mostly SB-spam and it's dull as ditchwater, and I don't want Shamans to suffer the same fate. And FYI, it's only on rare occasions you get to cast a damage curse as a Warlock.

But people at the high-end keep getting buffed and people at the low-end keeping getting nerfed. Then they say "we're making the game balanced" when it looks like they're trying to make it as IMBALANCED as possible.


Protection Warriors are a good example of a class getting an all-over body massage of buffs, Rogues continue to get buffs, Hunters arent doing so bad either. And then, Shamans, the class that are seriously lacking in every raid parse released, keep getting nerfs or nerf-related news items. It doesnt make sense.

It's bugger all to do with opinions at this stage, even theorycrafting seems to be falling short as the EJ threads on the subject are also inconclusive. In raid parses, Enhance and Ele consistently fall behind by unacceptable margins in DPS, and Resto Shamans run out of mana long before everyone else. So unless all those players sucked ***, I'm not content to keep repeating "It's ok, it's beta, it'll be fine" when the perspective of devs is to nerf Shamans futher as soon as they can think of a reasonable excuse.
#14 Oct 07 2008 at 9:31 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Mozared wrote:
Contradiction much?

I knew in advance there was going to be someone to claim my post is a contradiction.

Read it again.

Then why did you post it?

I've read it several times. Sorry, but if there's some zen in there somewhere it's completely lost on me.
#15 Oct 08 2008 at 4:37 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I knew in advance there was going to be someone to claim my post is a contradiction.

Then why did you post it?

Because it isn't a contradiction ^^ That's why I'm pulling my post apart into 2 points. On one side I'm saying that achieving the ability to both PvP and PvE well with one spec is technically impossible. On the other hand I'm saying that even while that's true, Blizzard is making us *more capable* of doing both those things with a single spec, countering Sinstralis' comment saying "the devs seem to be preventing the ability to do both PvP and PvE on one spec".
#16 Oct 08 2008 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
O... k... I guess I understand what you're saying, so... it's not a contradiction but a pointless statement? "The sky is blue and also red but mostly blue." That really doesn't counter Sinstralis' statement at all. The fact that they're giving every spec the option to be better at PvP doesn't at all change the fact that they're also making it harder for any one spec to be optimal for both PvP and PvE due to the sheer bloat of talent choices within those very trees.

Thus, what Sinstralis is saying, and these halves of your argument...

Mozared wrote:
On one side I'm saying that achieving the ability to both PvP and PvE well with one spec is technically impossible.

Sure, they aren't making the trees equally good for raiding/PvP, but they're improving the ability to do both with one spec.

There is a reason why it per definition isn't posible to do top notch PvE and PvP with the same spec... It's the very simple fact that some talents are PvE orientated and some PvP. It's impossible to min/max a build for both raiding and PvP, since min/maxing it for PvE is equal to 'picked some pure PvE talents over pure PvP talents'. And vice versa.

... ultimately remain true and without argument.
#17 Oct 08 2008 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Sin said;
the devs seem keen to prevent any class/spec being able to raid and PvP on the same spec

I delved into that and replied that A) being to raid and PvP on the same spec is generally impossible but that B) aside from that, I'm noticing exactly the opposite, since it's getting easier to do both with one spec. I don't really see what's "pointless" about it? It's a mere reply in which I'm both elaborating and disagreeing on/with Sinstralis' statement.

The fact that they're giving every spec the option to be better at PvP doesn't at all change the fact that they're also making it harder for any one spec to be optimal for both PvP and PvE due to the sheer bloat of talent choices within those very trees.

Exactly that is what I'm on about when stating this;

There is a reason why it per definition isn't posible to do top notch PvE and PvP with the same spec... It's the very simple fact that some talents are PvE orientated and some PvP. It's impossible to min/max a build for both raiding and PvP, since min/maxing it for PvE is equal to 'picked some pure PvE talents over pure PvP talents'. And vice versa.

It's impossible to create a spec optimal for both PvP and PvE, due to the fact that some talents are meant purely for PvE and some are meant purely for PvP. That Ãs the "sheer bloat" you're on about. But it's been that way since the release of WoW. The only way they could make specs optimal for PvE and PvP possible is if pure PvE talents got melted with pure PvP talents. Something like "Agression: Increases the damage of your sinister strike ability by 2/4/6/8/10% and increases your speed while stealthed by 3/6/9/12/15%".

If you're trying to say they are making Shamans specifically even more unable to build a spec that's PvP and PvE worthy, you're making a useless argument since building a PvE/PvP optimal spec is already impossible due to the sheer nature of talents. The only way you could go from here is state that unlike (for example) prot warriors who are getting a bit of a PvP buff, a Shaman will get more troubles being effective in (for example) PvP with a PvE optimized build.
But I think you can consider that argument countered due to the fact that Shamans don't need that kind of buff; if you build a resto PvE spec you'll undoubtfully be of less use in PvP than with a resto PvP spec. Regardless, both a PvP and PvE resto spec will be more useful for PvP than a prot-specced warrior.
#18 Oct 08 2008 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
You know for someone who's 'disagreeing' with me you seem to be saying almost precisely the same thing. You wax on about the impossibility of optimal PvE/PvP specs, and I have said the devs seem keen to prevent it. If the devs werent keen on preventing it they would do exactly as you suggest, consolidate PvP and PvE talents to allow the creation of a single cookie-cutter that can effectively raid and PvP.

I really don't see, at all, how we are in any disagreement.

The argument that it is becoming easier within one tree is valid, in that some trees (ours being Ele) are getting both PvP and PvE talents, but since you cannot build a decent spec by mixing the two you just end up with exactly what we've always had, annoying choices between PvP and PvE. You may argue we are 'more capable' and I might agree, but as is always the kicker for Shamans there is a wide and draughty chasm between 'capable' and 'effective'. Any Shaman who tries to spec PvP/PvE will suck at both, I say the devs want to 'prevent' a double-spec because they are not taking any clear steps towards consolidation, and instead continue to make decisions (as illustrated in the OP) that support their divisive intentions.

Edited, Oct 8th 2008 10:59am by Sinstralis
#19 Oct 08 2008 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
You know for someone who's 'disagreeing' with me you seem to be saying almost precisely the same thing. You wax on about the impossibility of optimal PvE/PvP specs, and I have said the devs seem keen to prevent it. If the devs werent keen on preventing it they would do exactly as you suggest, consolidate PvP and PvE talents to allow the creation of a single cookie-cutter that can effectively raid and PvP.

I really don't see, at all, how we are in any disagreement.

I was assuming Gaudion had the same stance as you, and from what he has posted I got the impression that he's saying "The devs are making it harder to make PvE/PvP optimal specs (whereas it used to be easy before)". Which isn't true. It simply never was possible. The opposite is somewhat true in the fact that PvE trees like prot are recieving PvP viability. Possibly vice versa there too, but I can't think of an example for the one right now.

The argument that it is becoming easier within one tree is valid, in that some trees (ours being Ele) are getting both PvP and PvE talents, but since you cannot build a decent spec by mixing the two you just end up with exactly what we've always had, annoying choices between PvP and PvE.

But what's the problem with that? Isn't that the "problem" all classes have had since vanilla wow? I'd love to pick Serrated Blades for raiding, but one of the main reasons that doing so sucks is that I háve to pick up one of the 3 talents that are completely useless for raiding. And that's where min-maxing comes in. If I'm being forced to 'waste' 3 to 5 points on PvP talents to take a (semi) PvE talent, I'm better off just going a tier higher in another tree.

You may argue we are 'more capable' and I might agree, but as is always the kicker for Shamans there is a wide and draughty chasm between 'capable' and 'effective'. Any Shaman who tries to spec PvP/PvE will suck at both, I say the devs want to 'prevent' a double-spec because they are not taking any clear steps towards consolidation, and instead continue to make decisions (as illustrated in the OP) that support their divisive intentions.

Any Shaman who tries to spec PvP/PvE will suck at both

But it's the same for neary all other classes? I've had plenty of hybrid specs on even my rogue which allowed for 'ok' damage in PvE and which were 'ok' in PvP. Which basically means I could survive BG's and help out in heroics, but nothing past that. There might be some exceptions, but with 'capable', 'effective', 'viable' and 'min/maxed for the job' in your mind, there are only 2 or 3 classes out there that can spec in such a way that they can reach a 'viable' level of use for both PvP and PvE. Frost mages and feral druids come to mind.
#20 Oct 08 2008 at 8:07 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Alright, now we've finally discovered the source of the misunderstanding.

It seems you've made some inferments of your own and used them to arrive at some incorrect assumptions about my and Sinstralis' stances on this whole issue.
#21 Oct 08 2008 at 8:47 AM Rating: Default
Seriously, you're whining and complaining about Beta parses when, as Blizz has posted numerous times, they have not done a numbers pass yet. Not to mention the constant state of flux that talents and abilities have been in, or the bugged abilities, or any unintended/"creative" use of game mechanics being exploited that will be fixed before launch, or post-launch fixes, or whatever other factors I haven't explicitly stated.

If the grass looks so much greener on the other side of the fence, I encourage you to just go over instead of whining and complaining.
#22 Oct 08 2008 at 9:03 AM Rating: Default
4,684 posts
Well, no... the 'inferments' you're on about don't really have much to do with it. They go back to the point where I thought Sinstralis agreed with you when he did not. Nów I'm confused, though.
#23 Oct 08 2008 at 9:16 AM Rating: Good
947 posts
Seriously, you're whining and complaining about Beta parses when, as Blizz has posted numerous times, they have not done a numbers pass yet.

Well, some of us lived through the last beta test when all the same 'stfu its beta' comments were heard, and still many classes went into TBC with serious problems in their trees. Ret Paladins and Resto Druids had to wait almost a year for the problems to be resolved.

Blizzard arent perfect, classes will emerge from beta and into release with problems. I'm not saying Blizzard should be perfect, but pretending like some future 'going over' will solve everything is a bit naive.

If the grass looks so much greener on the other side of the fence, I encourage you to just go over instead of whining and complaining.

Fortunately Blizzard don't share your view, and actually encourage civil discussion of class balance.

They go back to the point where I thought Sinstralis agreed with you when he did not. Nów I'm confused,

You're confused?

Edited, Oct 8th 2008 1:15pm by Sinstralis
#24 Oct 08 2008 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
TheJadeMonkey wrote:
Seriously, you're whining and complaining about Beta parses when, as Blizz has posted numerous times, they have not done a numbers pass yet. Not to mention the constant state of flux that talents and abilities have been in, or the bugged abilities, or any unintended/"creative" use of game mechanics being exploited that will be fixed before launch, or post-launch fixes, or whatever other factors I haven't explicitly stated.

If the grass looks so much greener on the other side of the fence, I encourage you to just go over instead of whining and complaining.

I did go over the other side of the fence. I'm leveling a Priest (52 ATM) with intent to permanently replace my Shaman as my healing main at 70 and, eventually, 80. The whole "It's still beta," argument holds about zero water with me because before I can even look at the fact that beta isn't done yet, I have to get past the entirety of TBC in which Shaman was the whipping boy. If they didn't balance the class after a year and a half of released expansion content, what reason do I have to believe that they're going to do so in another month of beta?

I'm rolling in the greener grass right now, and let me tell you, it feels good. I've completely washed my hands of the class personally, so I really have no more reason to fight for it other than the fact that I would really hate to see other players go through another two years of the experiences I went through in TBC. No matter which class I play I'm always going to be pro-balance. I would like to see the specs and classes that are currently underpowered/overpowered get the buffs/nerfs they need for the betterment of the game as a whole.
#25 Oct 08 2008 at 3:08 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
I'm rolling in the greener grass right now, and let me tell you, it feels good.

LOL Did the SAME THING. 66 Shadow Priest. I also have a druid and mage at 70. I'm not worried if shaman sucks because I can just move on and play something else.
#26 Oct 08 2008 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Shamans still get the best looking PvP set in TBC though ;)
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